Simple libcurl wrapper to access HDFS via REST API.
- C++11
- libcurl (
- jsoncpp (
- boost (for demo application)
To build static lib and demo application (webhdfs-client) run next commands:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
#include <iostream>
#include "WebHdfsClient.h"
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// print remote file to stdout
WebHDFS::Client client("hd0-dev",
client.readFile("/tmp/test.txt", std::cout);
return 0;
Copy local file to hdfs:
./webhdfs-client cp /tmp/test.txt hdfs://hd0-dev/tmp/test.txt
Copy file from hdfs:
./webhdfs-client cp hdfs://hd0-dev/tmp/test.txt /tmp/test-copy.txt
List hdfs dir:
./webhdfs-client ls hdfs://hd0-dev/
Print hdfs file to stdout:
./webhdfs-client cat hdfs://hd0-dev/tmp/test.txt