diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/.github/workflows/ci.yml index 529fb4d..b9820f6 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/ci.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yml @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ jobs: name: Julia ${{ matrix.version }} - ${{ matrix.os }} - ${{ matrix.arch }} - ${{ github.event_name }} runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} env: - P4EST_ROOT_DIR: "/opt/p4est/2.2/" + P4EST_ROOT_DIR: "/opt/p4est/2.3.6/" strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: @@ -43,10 +43,10 @@ jobs: - name: Install p4est if: steps.cache-p4est.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' run: | - # Install p4est 2.2 from sources + # Install p4est 2.3.6 from sources CURR_DIR=$(pwd) PACKAGE=p4est - VERSION=2.2 + VERSION=2.3.6 INSTALL_ROOT=/opt P4EST_INSTALL=$INSTALL_ROOT/$PACKAGE/$VERSION TAR_FILE=$PACKAGE-$VERSION.tar.gz diff --git a/Manifest.toml b/Manifest.toml index 7f24f5b..7b6cc06 100644 --- a/Manifest.toml +++ b/Manifest.toml @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ julia_version = "1.9.1" manifest_format = "2.0" -project_hash = "7e46d237c9708d86f11c75163102834814e76bba" +project_hash = "3211ef80fdc2a2f6884783f8a902eccdd0433758" [[deps.AbstractFFTs]] deps = ["LinearAlgebra"] @@ -19,15 +19,15 @@ version = "1.5.0" Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40" [[deps.AbstractTrees]] -git-tree-sha1 = "faa260e4cb5aba097a73fab382dd4b5819d8ec8c" +git-tree-sha1 = "2d9c9a55f9c93e8887ad391fbae72f8ef55e1177" uuid = "1520ce14-60c1-5f80-bbc7-55ef81b5835c" -version = "0.4.4" +version = "0.4.5" [[deps.Adapt]] deps = ["LinearAlgebra", "Requires"] -git-tree-sha1 = "cde29ddf7e5726c9fb511f340244ea3481267608" +git-tree-sha1 = "6a55b747d1812e699320963ffde36f1ebdda4099" uuid = "79e6a3ab-5dfb-504d-930d-738a2a938a0e" -version = "3.7.2" +version = "4.0.4" weakdeps = ["StaticArrays"] [deps.Adapt.extensions] @@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ version = "2.3.0" [[deps.ArgParse]] deps = ["Logging", "TextWrap"] -git-tree-sha1 = "3102bce13da501c9104df33549f511cd25264d7d" +git-tree-sha1 = "d4eccacaa3a632e8717556479d45502af44b4c17" uuid = "c7e460c6-2fb9-53a9-8c5b-16f535851c63" -version = "1.1.4" 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"2208958832d6e1b59e49f53697483a84ca8d664e" +git-tree-sha1 = "4c3e506685c527ac6a54ccc0c8c76fd6f91b42fb" uuid = "fbb218c0-5317-5bc6-957e-2ee96dd4b1f0" -version = "0.3.7" +version = "0.3.9" [[deps.Base64]] uuid = "2a0f44e3-6c83-55bd-87e4-b1978d98bd5f" [[deps.BlockArrays]] deps = ["ArrayLayouts", "FillArrays", "LinearAlgebra"] -git-tree-sha1 = "fc69cbdb4277042f72c6e59cbc7024fbe3034b89" +git-tree-sha1 = "9a9610fbe5779636f75229e423e367124034af41" uuid = "8e7c35d0-a365-5155-bbbb-fb81a777f24e" -version = "0.16.39" +version = "0.16.43" [[deps.CEnum]] git-tree-sha1 = "eb4cb44a499229b3b8426dcfb5dd85333951ff90" @@ -110,15 +110,15 @@ version = "0.4.2" [[deps.CircularArrays]] deps = ["OffsetArrays"] -git-tree-sha1 = "3f7b8a37359ae592cfa7aca7f811da045deff222" +git-tree-sha1 = "e24a6f390e5563583bb4315c73035b5b3f3e7ab4" uuid = "7a955b69-7140-5f4e-a0ed-f168c5e2e749" -version = "1.3.3" +version = "1.4.0" [[deps.CodecZlib]] deps = ["TranscodingStreams", "Zlib_jll"] -git-tree-sha1 = "cd67fc487743b2f0fd4380d4cbd3a24660d0eec8" +git-tree-sha1 = "59939d8a997469ee05c4b4944560a820f9ba0d73" uuid = "944b1d66-785c-5afd-91f1-9de20f533193" -version = "0.7.3" +version = "0.7.4" [[deps.Combinatorics]] git-tree-sha1 = "08c8b6831dc00bfea825826be0bc8336fc369860" @@ -132,10 +132,10 @@ uuid = "bbf7d656-a473-5ed7-a52c-81e309532950" version = "0.3.0" [[deps.Compat]] -deps = ["UUIDs"] -git-tree-sha1 = "886826d76ea9e72b35fcd000e535588f7b60f21d" +deps = ["TOML", "UUIDs"] +git-tree-sha1 = "c955881e3c981181362ae4088b35995446298b80" uuid = "34da2185-b29b-5c13-b0c7-acf172513d20" -version = "4.10.1" +version = "4.14.0" weakdeps = ["Dates", "LinearAlgebra"] [deps.Compat.extensions] @@ -148,9 +148,9 @@ version = "1.0.2+0" [[deps.ConstructionBase]] deps = ["LinearAlgebra"] -git-tree-sha1 = "c53fc348ca4d40d7b371e71fd52251839080cbc9" +git-tree-sha1 = "260fd2400ed2dab602a7c15cf10c1933c59930a2" uuid = "187b0558-2788-49d3-abe0-74a17ed4e7c9" -version = "1.5.4" +version = "1.5.5" [deps.ConstructionBase.extensions] ConstructionBaseIntervalSetsExt = "IntervalSets" @@ -162,9 +162,9 @@ version = "1.5.4" [[deps.DataStructures]] deps = ["Compat", "InteractiveUtils", "OrderedCollections"] -git-tree-sha1 = "3dbd312d370723b6bb43ba9d02fc36abade4518d" +git-tree-sha1 = "1d0a14036acb104d9e89698bd408f63ab58cdc82" uuid = "864edb3b-99cc-5e75-8d2d-829cb0a9cfe8" -version = "0.18.15" +version = "0.18.20" [[deps.Dates]] deps = ["Printf"] @@ -213,9 +213,9 @@ version = "1.6.0" [[deps.FFTW]] deps = ["AbstractFFTs", "FFTW_jll", "LinearAlgebra", "MKL_jll", "Preferences", "Reexport"] -git-tree-sha1 = "ec22cbbcd01cba8f41eecd7d44aac1f23ee985e3" +git-tree-sha1 = "4820348781ae578893311153d69049a93d05f39d" uuid = "7a1cc6ca-52ef-59f5-83cd-3a7055c09341" -version = "1.7.2" +version = "1.8.0" [[deps.FFTW_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl", "Pkg"] @@ -225,24 +225,24 @@ version = "3.3.10+0" [[deps.FastGaussQuadrature]] deps = ["LinearAlgebra", "SpecialFunctions", "StaticArrays"] 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"Setfield", "SparseArrays"] -git-tree-sha1 = "c6e4a1fbe73b31a3dea94b1da449503b8830c306" +git-tree-sha1 = "73d1214fec245096717847c62d389a5d2ac86504" uuid = "6a86dc24-6348-571c-b903-95158fe2bd41" -version = "2.21.1" +version = "2.22.0" [deps.FiniteDiff.extensions] FiniteDiffBandedMatricesExt = "BandedMatrices" @@ -285,24 +285,30 @@ deps = ["Random"] uuid = "9fa8497b-333b-5362-9e8d-4d0656e87820" [[deps.Gridap]] -deps = ["AbstractTrees", "BSON", "BlockArrays", "Combinatorics", "DataStructures", "DocStringExtensions", "FastGaussQuadrature", "FileIO", "FillArrays", "ForwardDiff", "JLD2", "JSON", "LineSearches", "LinearAlgebra", "NLsolve", "NearestNeighbors", "PolynomialBases", "QuadGK", "Random", "SparseArrays", "SparseMatricesCSR", "StaticArrays", "Test", "WriteVTK"] -git-tree-sha1 = "fe79997f0439dc89f29ac47308db2f5159b352e7" +deps = ["AbstractTrees", "BSON", "BlockArrays", "Combinatorics", "DataStructures", "DocStringExtensions", "FastGaussQuadrature", "FileIO", "FillArrays", "ForwardDiff", "JLD2", "JSON", "LineSearches", "LinearAlgebra", "NLsolve", "NearestNeighbors", "PolynomialBases", "QuadGK", "Random", "SparseArrays", "SparseMatricesCSR", "StaticArrays", "Statistics", "Test", "WriteVTK"] +git-tree-sha1 = "8061628fd79c97ec1977b9a6b09204cb55edd8ae" repo-rev = "facet_integration_non_conforming_meshes" repo-url = "https://github.com/gridap/Gridap.jl" uuid = "56d4f2e9-7ea1-5844-9cf6-b9c51ca7ce8e" -version = "0.17.21" +version = "0.18.1" [[deps.GridapDistributed]] deps = ["BlockArrays", "FillArrays", "Gridap", "LinearAlgebra", "MPI", "PartitionedArrays", "SparseArrays", "SparseMatricesCSR", "WriteVTK"] -git-tree-sha1 = "cb4599aab10d4c11d9545aa4e9f322b015e529b7" +git-tree-sha1 = "53c27134cd80fabb3a845cbc588486444a2f0571" uuid = "f9701e48-63b3-45aa-9a63-9bc6c271f355" -version = "0.3.5" +version = "0.4.0" + +[[deps.Hwloc_jll]] +deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl"] +git-tree-sha1 = "ca0f6bf568b4bfc807e7537f081c81e35ceca114" +uuid = "e33a78d0-f292-5ffc-b300-72abe9b543c8" +version = "2.10.0+0" [[deps.IntelOpenMP_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl"] -git-tree-sha1 = "31d6adb719886d4e32e38197aae466e98881320b" +git-tree-sha1 = "5fdf2fe6724d8caabf43b557b84ce53f3b7e2f6b" uuid = "1d5cc7b8-4909-519e-a0f8-d0f5ad9712d0" -version = "2024.0.0+0" +version = "2024.0.2+0" [[deps.InteractiveUtils]] deps = ["Markdown"] @@ -315,15 +321,15 @@ version = "0.2.2" [[deps.IterativeSolvers]] deps = ["LinearAlgebra", "Printf", "Random", "RecipesBase", "SparseArrays"] -git-tree-sha1 = "b435d190ef8369cf4d79cc9dd5fba88ba0165307" +git-tree-sha1 = "59545b0a2b27208b0650df0a46b8e3019f85055b" uuid = "42fd0dbc-a981-5370-80f2-aaf504508153" -version = "0.9.3" +version = "0.9.4" [[deps.JLD2]] deps = ["FileIO", "MacroTools", "Mmap", "OrderedCollections", "Pkg", "PrecompileTools", "Printf", "Reexport", "Requires", "TranscodingStreams", "UUIDs"] -git-tree-sha1 = "9bbb5130d3b4fa52846546bca4791ecbdfb52730" +git-tree-sha1 = "5ea6acdd53a51d897672edb694e3cc2912f3f8a7" uuid = "033835bb-8acc-5ee8-8aae-3f567f8a3819" -version = "0.4.38" +version = "0.4.46" [[deps.JLLWrappers]] deps = ["Artifacts", "Preferences"] @@ -387,9 +393,9 @@ uuid = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e" [[deps.LogExpFunctions]] deps = ["DocStringExtensions", "IrrationalConstants", "LinearAlgebra"] -git-tree-sha1 = "7d6dd4e9212aebaeed356de34ccf262a3cd415aa" +git-tree-sha1 = "18144f3e9cbe9b15b070288eef858f71b291ce37" uuid = "2ab3a3ac-af41-5b50-aa03-7779005ae688" -version = "0.3.26" +version = "0.3.27" [deps.LogExpFunctions.extensions] LogExpFunctionsChainRulesCoreExt = "ChainRulesCore" @@ -425,10 +431,10 @@ version = "0.20.19" CUDA = "052768ef-5323-5732-b1bb-66c8b64840ba" [[deps.MPICH_jll]] -deps = ["Artifacts", "CompilerSupportLibraries_jll", "JLLWrappers", "LazyArtifacts", "Libdl", "MPIPreferences", "TOML"] -git-tree-sha1 = "2ee75365ca243c1a39d467e35ffd3d4d32eef11e" +deps = ["Artifacts", "CompilerSupportLibraries_jll", "Hwloc_jll", "JLLWrappers", "LazyArtifacts", "Libdl", "MPIPreferences", "TOML"] +git-tree-sha1 = "656036b9ed6f942d35e536e249600bc31d0f9df8" uuid = "7cb0a576-ebde-5e09-9194-50597f1243b4" -version = "4.1.2+1" +version = "4.2.0+0" [[deps.MPIPreferences]] deps = ["Libdl", "Preferences"] @@ -437,16 +443,16 @@ uuid = "3da0fdf6-3ccc-4f1b-acd9-58baa6c99267" version = "0.1.10" [[deps.MPItrampoline_jll]] -deps = ["Artifacts", "CompilerSupportLibraries_jll", "JLLWrappers", "LazyArtifacts", "Libdl", "MPIPreferences", "TOML"] -git-tree-sha1 = "6979eccb6a9edbbb62681e158443e79ecc0d056a" +deps = ["Artifacts", "CompilerSupportLibraries_jll", "Hwloc_jll", "JLLWrappers", "LazyArtifacts", "Libdl", "MPIPreferences", "TOML"] +git-tree-sha1 = "77c3bd69fdb024d75af38713e883d0f249ce19c2" uuid = "f1f71cc9-e9ae-5b93-9b94-4fe0e1ad3748" -version = "5.3.1+0" +version = "5.3.2+0" [[deps.MacroTools]] deps = ["Markdown", "Random"] -git-tree-sha1 = "9ee1618cbf5240e6d4e0371d6f24065083f60c48" +git-tree-sha1 = "2fa9ee3e63fd3a4f7a9a4f4744a52f4856de82df" uuid = "1914dd2f-81c6-5fcd-8719-6d5c9610ff09" -version = "0.5.11" +version = "0.5.13" [[deps.Markdown]] deps = ["Base64"] @@ -459,9 +465,9 @@ version = "2.28.2+0" [[deps.MicrosoftMPI_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl", "Pkg"] -git-tree-sha1 = "b01beb91d20b0d1312a9471a36017b5b339d26de" +git-tree-sha1 = "f12a29c4400ba812841c6ace3f4efbb6dbb3ba01" uuid = "9237b28f-5490-5468-be7b-bb81f5f5e6cf" -version = "10.1.4+1" +version = "10.1.4+2" [[deps.Mmap]] uuid = "a63ad114-7e13-5084-954f-fe012c677804" @@ -490,19 +496,22 @@ version = "1.0.2" [[deps.NearestNeighbors]] deps = ["Distances", "StaticArrays"] -git-tree-sha1 = "3ef8ff4f011295fd938a521cb605099cecf084ca" +git-tree-sha1 = "ded64ff6d4fdd1cb68dfcbb818c69e144a5b2e4c" uuid = "b8a86587-4115-5ab1-83bc-aa920d37bbce" -version = "0.4.15" +version = "0.4.16" [[deps.NetworkOptions]] uuid = "ca575930-c2e3-43a9-ace4-1e988b2c1908" version = "1.2.0" [[deps.OffsetArrays]] -deps = ["Adapt"] 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"69de0a69-1ddd-5017-9359-2bf0b02dc9f0" -version = "2.8.0" +version = "2.8.1" [[deps.PartitionedArrays]] deps = ["CircularArrays", "Distances", "FillArrays", "IterativeSolvers", "LinearAlgebra", "MPI", "Printf", "Random", "SparseArrays", "SparseMatricesCSR"] @@ -580,15 +589,15 @@ version = "0.4.21" [[deps.PrecompileTools]] deps = ["Preferences"] -git-tree-sha1 = "03b4c25b43cb84cee5c90aa9b5ea0a78fd848d2f" +git-tree-sha1 = "5aa36f7049a63a1528fe8f7c3f2113413ffd4e1f" uuid = "aea7be01-6a6a-4083-8856-8a6e6704d82a" -version = "1.2.0" +version = "1.2.1" [[deps.Preferences]] deps = ["TOML"] -git-tree-sha1 = "00805cd429dcb4870060ff49ef443486c262e38e" +git-tree-sha1 = "9306f6085165d270f7e3db02af26a400d580f5c6" uuid = "21216c6a-2e73-6563-6e65-726566657250" -version = "1.4.1" +version = "1.4.3" [[deps.Printf]] deps = ["Unicode"] @@ -596,9 +605,9 @@ uuid = "de0858da-6303-5e67-8744-51eddeeeb8d7" [[deps.QuadGK]] deps = ["DataStructures", "LinearAlgebra"] -git-tree-sha1 = "9ebcd48c498668c7fa0e97a9cae873fbee7bfee1" +git-tree-sha1 = "9b23c31e76e333e6fb4c1595ae6afa74966a729e" uuid = "1fd47b50-473d-5c70-9696-f719f8f3bcdc" -version = "2.9.1" +version = "2.9.4" [[deps.REPL]] deps = ["InteractiveUtils", "Markdown", "Sockets", "Unicode"] @@ -670,9 +679,9 @@ version = "2.3.1" [[deps.StaticArrays]] deps = ["LinearAlgebra", "PrecompileTools", "Random", "StaticArraysCore"] -git-tree-sha1 = "fba11dbe2562eecdfcac49a05246af09ee64d055" +git-tree-sha1 = "bf074c045d3d5ffd956fa0a461da38a44685d6b2" uuid = "90137ffa-7385-5640-81b9-e52037218182" -version = "1.8.1" +version = "1.9.3" [deps.StaticArrays.extensions] StaticArraysChainRulesCoreExt = "ChainRulesCore" @@ -727,10 +736,13 @@ uuid = "b718987f-49a8-5099-9789-dcd902bef87d" version = "1.0.1" [[deps.TranscodingStreams]] -deps = ["Random", "Test"] -git-tree-sha1 = "9a6ae7ed916312b41236fcef7e0af564ef934769" +git-tree-sha1 = "71509f04d045ec714c4748c785a59045c3736349" uuid = "3bb67fe8-82b1-5028-8e26-92a6c54297fa" -version = "0.9.13" +version = "0.10.7" +weakdeps = ["Random", "Test"] + + [deps.TranscodingStreams.extensions] + TestExt = ["Test", "Random"] [[deps.UUIDs]] deps = ["Random", "SHA"] @@ -751,15 +763,15 @@ version = "1.0.1" [[deps.WriteVTK]] deps = ["Base64", "CodecZlib", "FillArrays", "LightXML", "TranscodingStreams", "VTKBase"] -git-tree-sha1 = "41f0dc2a8f6fd860c266b91fd5cdf4fead65ae69" +git-tree-sha1 = "48b9e8e9c83865e99e57f027d4edfa94e0acddae" uuid = "64499a7a-5c06-52f2-abe2-ccb03c286192" -version = "1.18.1" +version = "1.19.1" [[deps.XML2_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl", "Libiconv_jll", "Zlib_jll"] -git-tree-sha1 = "801cbe47eae69adc50f36c3caec4758d2650741b" +git-tree-sha1 = "532e22cf7be8462035d092ff21fada7527e2c488" uuid = "02c8fc9c-b97f-50b9-bbe4-9be30ff0a78a" -version = "2.12.2+0" +version = "2.12.6+0" [[deps.Zlib_jll]] deps = ["Libdl"] diff --git a/Project.toml b/Project.toml index 08108fe..edf8d4a 100644 --- a/Project.toml +++ b/Project.toml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ name = "GridapP4est" uuid = "c2c8e14b-f5fd-423d-9666-1dd9ad120af9" authors = ["Alberto F. Martin "] -version = "0.3.5" +version = "0.3.6" [deps] ArgParse = "c7e460c6-2fb9-53a9-8c5b-16f535851c63" @@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40" [compat] ArgParse = "1" FillArrays = "0.8.4, 0.9, 0.10, 0.11, 0.12, 1" -Gridap = "0.17.22" -GridapDistributed = "0.3.1" +Gridap = "0.17.22, 0.18" +GridapDistributed = "0.3.1, 0.4" MPI = "0.20" -P4est_wrapper = "0.2.0" +P4est_wrapper = "0.2.2" PartitionedArrays = "0.3.3" julia = "1.5,1.6,1.7,1.8,1.9" diff --git a/src/AnisotropicallyAdapted3DDistributedDiscreteModels.jl b/src/AnisotropicallyAdapted3DDistributedDiscreteModels.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ec7d689 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/AnisotropicallyAdapted3DDistributedDiscreteModels.jl @@ -0,0 +1,756 @@ +function AnisotropicallyAdapted3DDistributedDiscreteModel( + parts::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, + coarse_model::DiscreteModel{2,2}, + num_horizontal_uniform_refinements, + num_vertical_uniform_refinements; + extrusion_vector::Vector{Float64}=[0.0,0.0,1.0]) + + pXest_type=P6estType() + ptr_pXest_connectivity=setup_pXest_connectivity(pXest_type,coarse_model,extrusion_vector) + ptr_pXest=setup_pXest(pXest_type, + parts.comm, + ptr_pXest_connectivity, + num_horizontal_uniform_refinements, + num_vertical_uniform_refinements) + + + ptr_pXest_ghost=setup_pXest_ghost(pXest_type,ptr_pXest) + ptr_pXest_lnodes=setup_pXest_lnodes_nonconforming(pXest_type, ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost) + + dmodel,non_conforming_glue = setup_non_conforming_distributed_discrete_model(pXest_type, + PXestHorizontalRefinementRuleType(), + parts, + coarse_model, + ptr_pXest_connectivity, + ptr_pXest, + ptr_pXest_ghost, + ptr_pXest_lnodes) + + pXest_lnodes_destroy(pXest_type,ptr_pXest_lnodes) + pXest_ghost_destroy(pXest_type,ptr_pXest_ghost) + + return OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel(3, + 3, + parts, + dmodel, + non_conforming_glue, + coarse_model, + ptr_pXest_connectivity, + ptr_pXest, + pXest_type, + PXestHorizontalRefinementRuleType(), + true, + nothing) +end + +function _vertically_refine_coarsen_balance!(model::OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel{Dc,Dp}, + refinement_and_coarsening_flags::MPIArray{<:Vector}) where {Dc,Dp} + + pXest_type = model.pXest_type + init_fn_callback_c = p6est_vertically_adapt_reset_callbacks() + coarsen_fn_callback_c = p6est_vertically_coarsen_callbacks() + refine_callback_c,refine_replace_callback_c = p6est_vertically_refine_callbacks() + + map(model.dmodel.models,refinement_and_coarsening_flags) do lmodel, flags + # The length of the local flags array has to match the number of + # cells in the model. This includes both owned and ghost cells. + # Only the flags for owned cells are actually taken into account. + @assert num_cells(lmodel)==length(flags) + pXest_reset_data!(pXest_type, model.ptr_pXest, Cint(sizeof(Cint)), init_fn_callback_c, pointer(flags)) + end + + # # Copy input p4est, refine and balance + ptr_new_pXest = pXest_copy(pXest_type, model.ptr_pXest) + p6est_vertically_refine!(ptr_new_pXest, + refine_callback_c, + refine_replace_callback_c) + p6est_vertically_coarsen!(ptr_new_pXest, coarsen_fn_callback_c) + pXest_balance!(pXest_type, ptr_new_pXest) + p6est_vertically_adapt_update_flags!(model.ptr_pXest,ptr_new_pXest) + ptr_new_pXest +end + +function vertically_adapt(model::OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel{3,3}, + refinement_and_coarsening_flags::MPIArray{<:Vector{<:Integer}}; + parts=nothing) + + Gridap.Helpers.@notimplementedif parts!=nothing + + _refinement_and_coarsening_flags = map(refinement_and_coarsening_flags) do flags + convert(Vector{Cint},flags) + end + + ptr_new_pXest = _vertically_refine_coarsen_balance!(model, _refinement_and_coarsening_flags) + + # Extract ghost and lnodes + ptr_pXest_ghost = setup_pXest_ghost(model.pXest_type, ptr_new_pXest) + ptr_pXest_lnodes = setup_pXest_lnodes_nonconforming(model.pXest_type, ptr_new_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost) + + # Build fine-grid mesh + fmodel,non_conforming_glue = setup_non_conforming_distributed_discrete_model(model.pXest_type, + model.pXest_refinement_rule_type, + model.parts, + model.coarse_model, + model.ptr_pXest_connectivity, + ptr_new_pXest, + ptr_pXest_ghost, + ptr_pXest_lnodes) + + pXest_ghost_destroy(model.pXest_type,ptr_pXest_ghost) + pXest_lnodes_destroy(model.pXest_type,ptr_pXest_lnodes) + pXest_refinement_rule_type = PXestVerticalRefinementRuleType() + stride = pXest_stride_among_children(model.pXest_type,pXest_refinement_rule_type,model.ptr_pXest) + adaptivity_glue = _compute_fine_to_coarse_model_glue(model.pXest_type, + pXest_refinement_rule_type, + model.parts, + model.dmodel, + fmodel, + _refinement_and_coarsening_flags, + stride) + adaptive_models = map(local_views(model), + local_views(fmodel), + adaptivity_glue) do model, fmodel, glue + Gridap.Adaptivity.AdaptedDiscreteModel(fmodel,model,glue) + end + fmodel = GridapDistributed.GenericDistributedDiscreteModel(adaptive_models,get_cell_gids(fmodel)) + ref_model = OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel(3,3, + model.parts, + fmodel, + non_conforming_glue, + model.coarse_model, + model.ptr_pXest_connectivity, + ptr_new_pXest, + model.pXest_type, + pXest_refinement_rule_type, + false, + model) + return ref_model, adaptivity_glue +end + +function _vertically_uniformly_refine!(model::OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel{Dc,Dp}) where {Dc,Dp} + pXest_type = model.pXest_type + function refine_layer_callback(p6est::Ptr{p6est_t}, + which_tree::p4est_topidx_t, + column::Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}, + layer::Ptr{p2est_quadrant_t}) + Cint(1) + end + + refine_layer_fn_callback_c = @cfunction($refine_layer_callback, Cint, + (Ptr{p6est_t}, p4est_topidx_t, Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}, Ptr{p2est_quadrant_t})) + + # # Copy input p4est, refine and balance + ptr_new_pXest = pXest_copy(pXest_type, model.ptr_pXest) + p6est_vertically_refine!(ptr_new_pXest, + refine_layer_fn_callback_c, + C_NULL) + ptr_new_pXest +end + +function vertically_uniformly_refine(model::OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel) + ptr_new_pXest = _vertically_uniformly_refine!(model) + + # Extract ghost and lnodes + ptr_pXest_ghost = setup_pXest_ghost(model.pXest_type, ptr_new_pXest) + ptr_pXest_lnodes = setup_pXest_lnodes_nonconforming(model.pXest_type, ptr_new_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost) + + # Build fine-grid mesh + fmodel,non_conforming_glue = setup_non_conforming_distributed_discrete_model(model.pXest_type, + model.pXest_refinement_rule_type, + model.parts, + model.coarse_model, + model.ptr_pXest_connectivity, + ptr_new_pXest, + ptr_pXest_ghost, + ptr_pXest_lnodes) + + pXest_ghost_destroy(model.pXest_type,ptr_pXest_ghost) + pXest_lnodes_destroy(model.pXest_type,ptr_pXest_lnodes) + + pXest_refinement_rule_type = PXestVerticalRefinementRuleType() + _refinement_and_coarsening_flags = map(partition(get_cell_gids(model))) do indices + flags = Vector{Cint}(undef,length(local_to_global(indices))) + flags .= refine_flag + end + + stride = pXest_stride_among_children(model.pXest_type,pXest_refinement_rule_type,model.ptr_pXest) + adaptivity_glue = _compute_fine_to_coarse_model_glue(model.pXest_type, + pXest_refinement_rule_type, + model.parts, + model.dmodel, + fmodel, + _refinement_and_coarsening_flags, + stride) + adaptive_models = map(local_views(model), + local_views(fmodel), + adaptivity_glue) do model, fmodel, glue + Gridap.Adaptivity.AdaptedDiscreteModel(fmodel,model,glue) + end + fmodel = GridapDistributed.GenericDistributedDiscreteModel(adaptive_models,get_cell_gids(fmodel)) + ref_model = OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel(3,3, + model.parts, + fmodel, + non_conforming_glue, + model.coarse_model, + model.ptr_pXest_connectivity, + ptr_new_pXest, + model.pXest_type, + model.pXest_refinement_rule_type, + false, + model) + return ref_model, adaptivity_glue +end + + + +function setup_non_conforming_distributed_discrete_model(pXest_type::P6estType, + pXest_refinement_rule_type::PXestRefinementRuleType, + parts, + coarse_discrete_model, + ptr_pXest_connectivity, + ptr_pXest, + ptr_pXest_ghost, + ptr_pXest_lnodes) + + Dc=num_cell_dims(pXest_type) + + cell_prange = setup_cell_prange(pXest_type, parts, ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost) + + gridap_cell_faces, + non_conforming_glue= + generate_cell_faces_and_non_conforming_glue(pXest_type,pXest_refinement_rule_type,ptr_pXest_lnodes, cell_prange) + + + nlvertices = map(non_conforming_glue) do ncglue + ncglue.num_regular_faces[1]+ncglue.num_hanging_faces[1] + end + + node_coordinates=generate_node_coordinates(pXest_type, + gridap_cell_faces[1], + nlvertices, + ptr_pXest_connectivity, + ptr_pXest, + ptr_pXest_ghost) + + grid,topology=generate_grid_and_topology(pXest_type, + gridap_cell_faces[1], + nlvertices, + node_coordinates) + + map(topology,gridap_cell_faces[Dc]) do topology,cell_faces + cell_faces_gridap = Gridap.Arrays.Table(cell_faces.data,cell_faces.ptrs) + topology.n_m_to_nface_to_mfaces[Dc+1,Dc] = cell_faces_gridap + topology.n_m_to_nface_to_mfaces[Dc,Dc+1] = Gridap.Geometry.generate_cells_around(cell_faces_gridap) + end + + if (Dc==3) + map(topology,gridap_cell_faces[Dc-1]) do topology,cell_edges + cell_edges_gridap = Gridap.Arrays.Table(cell_edges.data,cell_edges.ptrs) + topology.n_m_to_nface_to_mfaces[Dc+1,Dc-1] = cell_edges_gridap + topology.n_m_to_nface_to_mfaces[Dc-1,Dc+1] = Gridap.Geometry.generate_cells_around(cell_edges_gridap) + end + end + + face_labeling=generate_face_labeling(pXest_type, + parts, + cell_prange, + coarse_discrete_model, + topology, + ptr_pXest, + ptr_pXest_ghost) + + # _set_hanging_labels!(face_labeling,non_conforming_glue) + + discretemodel=map(grid,topology,face_labeling) do grid, topology, face_labeling + Gridap.Geometry.UnstructuredDiscreteModel(grid,topology,face_labeling) + end + GridapDistributed.DistributedDiscreteModel(discretemodel,cell_prange), non_conforming_glue +end + + +# Extrude entity Ids: +# 1. Extrude corners to edges and corners +const corner_to_extruded_corner=[2,4,6,8] +const corner_to_extruded_edge=[1,2,3,4] +# 2. Extrude edges to faces and edges +const edge_to_extruded_edge=[6,8,10,12] +const edge_to_extruded_face=[1,2,3,4] +# 3. Extrude interior to upper face +const cell_to_extruded_cell=[1] +const cell_to_extruded_face=[6] + +function get_bottom_to_extruded_face_lids(Db,De) + if (Db==0 && De==0) + corner_to_extruded_corner + elseif (Db==0 && De==1) + corner_to_extruded_edge + elseif (Db==1 && De==1) + edge_to_extruded_edge + elseif (Db==1 && De==2) + edge_to_extruded_face + elseif (Db==2 && De==2) + cell_to_extruded_face + elseif (Db==2 && De==3) + cell_to_extruded_cell + else + @assert false + end +end + +const corner_to_corner = [1,3,5,7] +const edge_to_edge = [5,7,9,11] +const cell_to_face = [5] +function get_bottom_to_overlapping_face_lids(D) + if (D==0) + corner_to_corner + elseif (D==1) + edge_to_edge + elseif (D==2) + cell_to_face + else + @assert false + end +end + +function transfer_entity_ids!(target_entity_ids, + scell_faces, + tcell_faces, + source_to_target_lid, + source_entity_ids, + offset) + for (blid,bgid) in enumerate(scell_faces) + sentity_id=source_entity_ids[bgid] + egid=tcell_faces[source_to_target_lid[blid]] + target_entity_ids[egid]=sentity_id+offset + end +end + +function generate_face_labeling(pXest_type::P6estType, + parts, + cell_prange, + coarse_discrete_model::DiscreteModel{2,2}, + topology, + ptr_pXest, + ptr_pXest_ghost) + + Dc=3 + + pXest = ptr_pXest[] + pXest_ghost = ptr_pXest_ghost[] + + p4est_type=P4estType() + ptr_p4est_connectivity = pXest.connectivity[].conn4 + ptr_p4est = pXest.columns + ptr_p4est_ghost = setup_pXest_ghost(p4est_type,ptr_p4est) + ptr_p4est_lnodes = setup_pXest_lnodes_nonconforming(p4est_type, ptr_p4est, ptr_p4est_ghost) + + bottom_boundary_model,_=setup_non_conforming_distributed_discrete_model(p4est_type, + PXestUniformRefinementRuleType(), + parts, + coarse_discrete_model, + ptr_p4est_connectivity, + ptr_p4est, + ptr_p4est_ghost, + ptr_p4est_lnodes) + + pXest_ghost_destroy(p4est_type, ptr_p4est_ghost) + pXest_lnodes_destroy(p4est_type, ptr_p4est_lnodes) + + bottom_boundary_model_topology = map(local_views(bottom_boundary_model)) do model + Gridap.Geometry.get_grid_topology(model) + end + + bottom_boundary_model_labeling = map(local_views(bottom_boundary_model)) do model + Gridap.Geometry.get_face_labeling(model) + end + + coarse_face_labeling = get_face_labeling(coarse_discrete_model) + max_entity_id = _compute_max_entity_id(coarse_face_labeling) + + offset_intermediate_entities = max_entity_id + offset_top_entities = 2*max_entity_id + + faces_to_entity=map(topology, + bottom_boundary_model_topology, + bottom_boundary_model_labeling) do topology, btopology, blabeling + + bcell_faces = [Gridap.Geometry.get_faces(btopology,2,i) for i in 0:1] + bcell_caches = [array_cache(bcell_faces[i]) for i=1:length(bcell_faces)] + cell_faces = [Gridap.Geometry.get_faces(topology,Dc,i) for i in 0:2] + cell_caches = [array_cache(cell_faces[i]) for i=1:length(cell_faces)] + bface_entity = [Gridap.Geometry.get_face_entity(blabeling,i) for i=0:2] + + num_vertices=Gridap.Geometry.num_faces(topology,0) + vertex_to_entity=zeros(Int,num_vertices) + + num_edgets=Gridap.Geometry.num_faces(topology,1) + edget_to_entity=zeros(Int,num_edgets) + + num_faces=Gridap.Geometry.num_faces(topology,Dc-1) + facet_to_entity=zeros(Int,num_faces) + + num_cells=Gridap.Geometry.num_faces(topology,Dc) + cell_to_entity=zeros(Int,num_cells) + + eface_entity = [vertex_to_entity,edget_to_entity,facet_to_entity,cell_to_entity] + + gcell=1 + qcell=1 + + num_trees = Cint(pXest.columns[].connectivity[].num_trees) + + # Go over trees + for itree = 0:num_trees-1 + tree = pXest_tree_array_index(pXest_type,pXest,itree)[] + num_quads = Cint(tree.quadrants.elem_count) + + # Go over columns of current tree + for iquad=0:num_quads-1 + + current_bcell_faces = [getindex!(bcell_caches[i],bcell_faces[i],qcell) for i=1:length(bcell_caches)] + current_cell_faces = [getindex!(cell_caches[i],cell_faces[i],gcell) for i=1:length(cell_caches)] + + # Transfer entity IDs from the bottom 2D cell to the + # bottom of first 3D cell in the column + for d=0:1 + b2oflids=get_bottom_to_overlapping_face_lids(d) + transfer_entity_ids!(eface_entity[d+1], + current_bcell_faces[d+1], + current_cell_faces[d+1], + b2oflids, + bface_entity[d+1], + 0) + end + b2oflids=get_bottom_to_overlapping_face_lids(2) + transfer_entity_ids!(eface_entity[3], + [qcell], + current_cell_faces[3], + b2oflids, + bface_entity[2], + 0) + + q = pXest_quadrant_array_index(pXest_type,tree,iquad) + f,l=P6EST_COLUMN_GET_RANGE(q[]) + + # Loop over layers within current column + for layer=f:l-1 + current_cell_faces = [getindex!(cell_caches[i],cell_faces[i],gcell) for i=1:length(cell_caches)] + + + # Transfer entity IDs from the bottom of 3D cell to the rest of the cell by extrusion + for db=0:2 + for de=db:db+1 + b2oflids=get_bottom_to_extruded_face_lids(db,de) + if (layer==l-1 && db==de ) + offset=offset_top_entities + else + offset=offset_intermediate_entities + end + if (db==2 && de==3) + transfer_entity_ids!(eface_entity[de+1], + [qcell], + [gcell], + b2oflids, + bface_entity[db+1], + offset) + elseif (db==2) + transfer_entity_ids!(eface_entity[de+1], + [qcell], + current_cell_faces[de+1], + b2oflids, + bface_entity[db+1], + offset) + else + @debug "[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))] qcell=$(qcell) gcell=$(gcell) de=$(de) db=$(db) current_bcell_faces[db+1]=$(current_bcell_faces[db+1]) current_cell_faces[de+1]=$(current_cell_faces[de+1]) b2oflids=$(b2oflids) bface_entity[db+1]=$(bface_entity[db+1]) eface_entity[de+1]=$(eface_entity[de+1])" + transfer_entity_ids!(eface_entity[de+1], + current_bcell_faces[db+1], + current_cell_faces[de+1], + b2oflids, + bface_entity[db+1], + offset) + @debug "[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))] eface_entity[de+1]=$(eface_entity[de+1])" + end + end + end + gcell=gcell+1 + end + qcell=qcell+1 + end + end + vertex_to_entity, edget_to_entity, facet_to_entity, cell_to_entity + end + + vertex_to_entity = map(x->x[1] , faces_to_entity) + edget_to_entity = map(x->x[2] , faces_to_entity) + facet_to_entity = map(x->x[Dc] , faces_to_entity) + cell_to_entity = map(x->x[Dc+1], faces_to_entity) + + polytope = HEX + + + + update_face_to_entity_with_ghost_data!(vertex_to_entity, + cell_prange, + num_faces(polytope,0), + cell_to_faces(topology,Dc,0)) + + + update_face_to_entity_with_ghost_data!(edget_to_entity, + cell_prange, + num_faces(polytope,1), + cell_to_faces(topology,Dc,1)) + + update_face_to_entity_with_ghost_data!(facet_to_entity, + cell_prange, + num_faces(polytope,Dc-1), + cell_to_faces(topology,Dc,Dc-1)) + + + update_face_to_entity_with_ghost_data!(cell_to_entity, + cell_prange, + num_faces(polytope,Dc), + cell_to_faces(topology,Dc,Dc)) + + +faces_to_entity=[vertex_to_entity,edget_to_entity,facet_to_entity,cell_to_entity] + +face_labeling = + map(bottom_boundary_model_labeling,faces_to_entity...) do blabeling, faces_to_entity... + d_to_dface_to_entity = Vector{Vector{Int}}(undef,Dc+1) + d_to_dface_to_entity[1] = faces_to_entity[1] + d_to_dface_to_entity[2] = faces_to_entity[2] + + d_to_dface_to_entity[Dc] = faces_to_entity[Dc] + d_to_dface_to_entity[Dc+1] = faces_to_entity[Dc+1] + + bottom_interior_tag=findfirst(x->x=="interior",coarse_discrete_model.face_labeling.tag_to_name) + @assert bottom_interior_tag != nothing + bottom_interior_entities = coarse_discrete_model.face_labeling.tag_to_entities[bottom_interior_tag] + + intermediate_interior_entities = [e+offset_intermediate_entities for e in bottom_interior_entities] + + boundary_intermediate_entities_set=setdiff( + Set(collect(Int32(offset_intermediate_entities+1):Int32(offset_top_entities))), + Set(intermediate_interior_entities)) + + boundary_intermediate_entities=[e for e in boundary_intermediate_entities_set] + + intermediate_interior_entities_set=setdiff(Set(collect(offset_intermediate_entities+1:offset_top_entities)), + boundary_intermediate_entities_set) + + # Tags: bottom-boundary (1), intermediate boundary (2), top boundary (3), interior (4) + tag_to_entities = Vector{Vector{Int32}}(undef,4) + tag_to_entities[1] = collect(1:max_entity_id) + + # All the intermediate entities except those which have been extruded from the interior of the bottom model + tag_to_entities[2] = boundary_intermediate_entities + + tag_to_entities[3] = collect(offset_top_entities+1:3*max_entity_id) + + # All the intermediate entities except boundary_intermediate_entities + tag_to_entities[4] = [e for e in intermediate_interior_entities_set] + tag_to_name = ["bottom_boundary", "intermediate_boundary", "top_boundary", "interior"] + + face_labeling=Gridap.Geometry.FaceLabeling(d_to_dface_to_entity, + tag_to_entities, + tag_to_name) + + add_tag_from_tags!(face_labeling, + "boundary", + ["bottom_boundary", "intermediate_boundary", "top_boundary"]) + + face_labeling + end + + # map(partition(cell_prange)) do indices + # println("[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))] l2g=$(local_to_global(indices))") + # println("[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))] l2o=$(local_to_own(indices))") + # println("[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))] l2p=$(local_to_owner(indices))") + + + # cache=PartitionedArrays.assembly_cache(indices) + + # println("[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))] ns=$(cache.neighbors_snd[])") + # println("[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))] nr=$(cache.neighbors_rcv[])") + # println("[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))] li_snd=$(cache.local_indices_snd[])") + # println("[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))] li_rcv=$(cache.local_indices_rcv[])") + # end + + face_labeling +end + +function num_locally_owned_columns(octree_model) + @assert octree_model.pXest_type==P6estType() + map(octree_model.parts) do _ + pXest=octree_model.ptr_pXest[] + pXest.columns[].local_num_quadrants + end +end + + +function _horizontally_refine_coarsen_balance!(model::OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel{Dc,Dp}, + refinement_and_coarsening_flags::MPIArray{<:Vector}) where {Dc,Dp} + + pXest_type = model.pXest_type + init_fn_callback_c = p6est_horizontally_adapt_reset_callbacks() + coarsen_fn_callback_c = p6est_horizontally_coarsen_callbacks() + refine_callback_c,refine_replace_callback_c = p6est_horizontally_refine_callbacks() + + num_cols = num_locally_owned_columns(model) + + map(refinement_and_coarsening_flags,num_cols) do flags, num_cols + # The length of the local flags array has to match the number of locally owned columns in the model + @assert num_cols==length(flags) + pXest_reset_data!(pXest_type, model.ptr_pXest, Cint(sizeof(Cint)), init_fn_callback_c, pointer(flags)) + end + + + # # Copy input p4est, refine and balance + ptr_new_pXest = pXest_copy(pXest_type, model.ptr_pXest) + + p6est_horizontally_refine!(ptr_new_pXest, + refine_callback_c, + refine_replace_callback_c) + + p6est_horizontally_coarsen!(ptr_new_pXest, coarsen_fn_callback_c) + + pXest_balance!(pXest_type, ptr_new_pXest) + + p6est_horizontally_adapt_update_flags!(model.ptr_pXest,ptr_new_pXest) + + ptr_new_pXest +end + + +function horizontally_adapt(model::OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel{Dc,Dp}, + refinement_and_coarsening_flags::MPIArray{<:Vector{<:Integer}}; + parts=nothing) where {Dc,Dp} + + Gridap.Helpers.@notimplementedif parts!=nothing + + _refinement_and_coarsening_flags = map(refinement_and_coarsening_flags) do flags + @debug "[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))] horizontally_adapt_flags=$(flags)" + println(flags) + convert(Vector{Cint},flags) + end + + ptr_new_pXest = _horizontally_refine_coarsen_balance!(model, _refinement_and_coarsening_flags) + + # Extract ghost and lnodes + ptr_pXest_ghost = setup_pXest_ghost(model.pXest_type, ptr_new_pXest) + ptr_pXest_lnodes = setup_pXest_lnodes_nonconforming(model.pXest_type, ptr_new_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost) + + # Build fine-grid mesh + fmodel,non_conforming_glue = setup_non_conforming_distributed_discrete_model(model.pXest_type, + model.pXest_refinement_rule_type, + model.parts, + model.coarse_model, + model.ptr_pXest_connectivity, + ptr_new_pXest, + ptr_pXest_ghost, + ptr_pXest_lnodes) + + pXest_ghost_destroy(model.pXest_type,ptr_pXest_ghost) + pXest_lnodes_destroy(model.pXest_type,ptr_pXest_lnodes) + pXest_refinement_rule_type = PXestHorizontalRefinementRuleType() + + + extruded_ref_coarsen_flags=map(partition(get_cell_gids(model)),_refinement_and_coarsening_flags) do indices, flags + similar(flags, length(local_to_global(indices))) + end + + + + _extrude_refinement_and_coarsening_flags!(extruded_ref_coarsen_flags, + _refinement_and_coarsening_flags, + model.ptr_pXest, + ptr_new_pXest) + + + + stride = pXest_stride_among_children(model.pXest_type,pXest_refinement_rule_type,model.ptr_pXest) + + adaptivity_glue = _compute_fine_to_coarse_model_glue(model.pXest_type, + pXest_refinement_rule_type, + model.parts, + model.dmodel, + fmodel, + extruded_ref_coarsen_flags, + stride) + adaptive_models = map(local_views(model), + local_views(fmodel), + adaptivity_glue) do model, fmodel, glue + Gridap.Adaptivity.AdaptedDiscreteModel(fmodel,model,glue) + end + fmodel = GridapDistributed.GenericDistributedDiscreteModel(adaptive_models,get_cell_gids(fmodel)) + ref_model = OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel(Dc,Dp, + model.parts, + fmodel, + non_conforming_glue, + model.coarse_model, + model.ptr_pXest_connectivity, + ptr_new_pXest, + model.pXest_type, + pXest_refinement_rule_type, + false, + model) + return ref_model, adaptivity_glue +end + +function _extrude_refinement_and_coarsening_flags!( + extruded_flags::MPIArray{<:Vector{<:Integer}}, + flags::MPIArray{<:Vector{<:Integer}}, + ptr_pXest_old, + ptr_pXest_new) + + pXest_old = ptr_pXest_old[] + pXest_new = ptr_pXest_new[] + pXest_type = P6estType() + + num_trees = Cint(pXest_old.columns[].connectivity[].num_trees) + @assert num_trees == Cint(pXest_new.columns[].connectivity[].num_trees) + + map(flags,extruded_flags) do flags,extruded_flags + current_old_quad=1 + current_cell_old=1 + + # Go over trees + for itree=0:num_trees-1 + tree = pXest_tree_array_index(pXest_type,pXest_old,itree)[] + num_quads = Cint(tree.quadrants.elem_count) + iquad=0 + # Go over columns of current tree + while iquad0) + max_negative_minus_one = -maximum(-U_cell_dof_ids.data) - 1 + else + max_negative_minus_one = 0 + end # max_negative_minus_one can only be zero whenever there are no # negative values in U_cell_dof_ids.data (i.e., no Dirichlet DoFs) if (max_negative_minus_one==0) @@ -679,7 +846,7 @@ function _is_conforming(model::OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel) reduction(&,is_local_conforming,init=true,destination=:all).item_ref[] end -function _add_constraints(model::GridapDistributed.DistributedDiscreteModel{Dc}, +function _add_constraints(model::OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel{Dc}, reffe, spaces_wo_constraints; conformity=nothing, @@ -690,12 +857,15 @@ function _add_constraints(model::GridapDistributed.DistributedDiscreteModel{Dc}, local_cell_dof_ids=map(get_cell_dof_ids,spaces_w_constraints) else @assert conformity==nothing || conformity!=:L2 - ref_constraints = _build_constraint_coefficients_matrix_in_ref_space(Dc, reffe) + ref_constraints = _build_constraint_coefficients_matrix_in_ref_space(model.pXest_refinement_rule_type, + Dc, + reffe) face_subface_ldof_to_cell_ldof = Vector{Vector{Vector{Vector{Int32}}}}(undef, Dc-1) - face_subface_ldof_to_cell_ldof[Dc-1] = _generate_face_subface_ldof_to_cell_ldof(Dc-1, Dc, reffe) + face_subface_ldof_to_cell_ldof[Dc-1] = + _generate_face_subface_ldof_to_cell_ldof(model.pXest_refinement_rule_type, Dc-1, Dc, reffe) if (Dc == 3) face_subface_ldof_to_cell_ldof[1] = - _generate_face_subface_ldof_to_cell_ldof(1, Dc, reffe) + _generate_face_subface_ldof_to_cell_ldof(model.pXest_refinement_rule_type, 1, Dc, reffe) end sDOF_to_dof, sDOF_to_dofs, sDOF_to_coeffs = generate_constraints(model, spaces_wo_constraints, reffe, ref_constraints, face_subface_ldof_to_cell_ldof) @@ -718,9 +888,10 @@ function _add_constraints(model::GridapDistributed.DistributedDiscreteModel{Dc}, map(partition(gids)) do indices @debug "[$(part_id(indices))]: l2g_cell_gids=$(local_to_global(indices))" @debug "[$(part_id(indices))]: l2o_owner=$(local_to_owner(indices))" - end + end + trian = GridapDistributed.DistributedTriangulation(map(get_triangulation,spaces_w_constraints),model) vector_type = GridapDistributed._find_vector_type(spaces_w_constraints,gids) - GridapDistributed.DistributedSingleFieldFESpace(spaces_w_constraints,gids,vector_type) + GridapDistributed.DistributedSingleFieldFESpace(spaces_w_constraints,gids,trian,vector_type) end # Generates a new DistributedSingleFieldFESpace composed diff --git a/src/GridapP4est.jl b/src/GridapP4est.jl index 5b790e0..ae52258 100644 --- a/src/GridapP4est.jl +++ b/src/GridapP4est.jl @@ -13,9 +13,11 @@ module GridapP4est const PArrays = PartitionedArrays include("Environment.jl") + include("PXestTypeMethods.jl") include("UniformlyRefinedForestOfOctreesDiscreteModels.jl") include("OctreeDistributedDiscreteModels.jl") include("Geometry.jl") + include("AnisotropicallyAdapted3DDistributedDiscreteModels.jl") include("GridapFixes.jl") include("FESpaces.jl") include("AdaptivityFlagsMarkingStrategies.jl") @@ -23,10 +25,10 @@ module GridapP4est export UniformlyRefinedForestOfOctreesDiscreteModel export OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel - export adapt - export refine - export coarsen - export redistribute + export AnisotropicallyAdapted3DDistributedDiscreteModel + export vertically_adapt + export horizontally_adapt + export vertically_uniformly_refine export nothing_flag, refine_flag, coarsen_flag export FixedFractionAdaptiveFlagsMarkingStrategy export update_adaptivity_flags! diff --git a/src/OctreeDistributedDiscreteModels.jl b/src/OctreeDistributedDiscreteModels.jl index 8bcfdb4..d46c9fb 100644 --- a/src/OctreeDistributedDiscreteModels.jl +++ b/src/OctreeDistributedDiscreteModels.jl @@ -58,6 +58,28 @@ function _compute_owner_faces_lids(Df,Dc,num_hanging_faces,hanging_faces_glue,ce owner_faces_lids end +function _subface_to_face_corners(::PXestUniformRefinementRuleType, subface) + (subface,) +end + +function _subface_to_face_corners(::PXestHorizontalRefinementRuleType, subface) + @assert subface==1 || subface==2 + if (subface==1) + (1,2) + else + (3,4) + end +end + +function _subface_to_face_corners(::PXestVerticalRefinementRuleType, subface) + @assert subface==1 || subface==2 + if (subface==1) + (1,3) + else + (2,4) + end +end + # count how many different owner faces # for each owner face @@ -65,6 +87,7 @@ end # for each owner face # compute permutation id function _compute_owner_faces_pindex_and_lids(Dc, + pXest_refinement_rule, num_hanging_faces, hanging_faces_glue, hanging_faces_to_cell, @@ -75,7 +98,9 @@ function _compute_owner_faces_pindex_and_lids(Dc, pindex_to_cfvertex_to_fvertex) owner_faces_lids =_compute_owner_faces_lids(Dc-1,Dc, - num_hanging_faces,hanging_faces_glue,cell_faces) + num_hanging_faces, + hanging_faces_glue, + cell_faces) @debug "owner_faces_lids [Df=$(Dc-1) Dc=$(Dc)]: $(owner_faces_lids)" @@ -93,14 +118,16 @@ function _compute_owner_faces_pindex_and_lids(Dc, if (oface_dim == Dc-1) cell = hanging_faces_to_cell[fid_hanging] lface = hanging_faces_to_lface[fid_hanging] - cvertex = lface_to_cvertices[lface][subface] - vertex = cell_vertices[cell][cvertex] ocell_lface_within_dim = face_lid_within_dim(Val{Dc}, ocell_lface) owner_face = cell_faces[ocell][ocell_lface_within_dim] owner_face_lid, _ = owner_faces_lids[owner_face] - @debug "[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))]: cell=$(cell) lface=$(lface) cvertex=$(cvertex) vertex=$(vertex) owner_face=$(owner_face) owner_face_lid=$(owner_face_lid)" - @debug "[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))]: owner_face_vertex_ids[$((owner_face_lid-1)*num_face_vertices+subface)] = $(vertex)" - owner_face_vertex_ids[(owner_face_lid-1)*num_face_vertices+subface] = vertex + for fcorner in _subface_to_face_corners(pXest_refinement_rule, subface) + cvertex = lface_to_cvertices[lface][fcorner] + vertex = cell_vertices[cell][cvertex] + @debug "[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))]: cell=$(cell) lface=$(lface) cvertex=$(cvertex) vertex=$(vertex) owner_face=$(owner_face) owner_face_lid=$(owner_face_lid)" + @debug "[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))]: owner_face_vertex_ids[$((owner_face_lid-1)*num_face_vertices+fcorner)] = $(vertex)" + owner_face_vertex_ids[(owner_face_lid-1)*num_face_vertices+fcorner] = vertex + end end end end @@ -143,6 +170,7 @@ function _compute_owner_faces_pindex_and_lids(Dc, end + function _compute_owner_edges_pindex_and_lids( num_hanging_edges, hanging_edges_glue, @@ -248,6 +276,8 @@ mutable struct OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel{Dc,Dp,A,B,C,D,E,F} <: GridapDistri coarse_model :: D ptr_pXest_connectivity :: E ptr_pXest :: F + pXest_type :: PXestType + pXest_refinement_rule_type :: Union{Nothing,PXestRefinementRuleType} # The model for which this variable is true, is the one # ultimately responsible for deallocating the pXest_connectivity @@ -266,6 +296,8 @@ mutable struct OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel{Dc,Dp,A,B,C,D,E,F} <: GridapDistri coarse_model, ptr_pXest_connectivity, ptr_pXest, + pXest_type::PXestType, + pXest_refinement_rule_type::Union{Nothing,PXestRefinementRuleType}, owns_ptr_pXest_connectivity::Bool, gc_ref) @@ -286,6 +318,8 @@ mutable struct OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel{Dc,Dp,A,B,C,D,E,F} <: GridapDistri coarse_model, ptr_pXest_connectivity, ptr_pXest, + pXest_type, + pXest_refinement_rule_type, owns_ptr_pXest_connectivity, gc_ref) Init(model) @@ -300,6 +334,8 @@ function OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel( coarse_model, ptr_pXest_connectivity, ptr_pXest, + pXest_type, + pXest_refinement_rule_type, owns_ptr_pXest_connectivity, gc_ref) where {Dc,Dp} @@ -311,32 +347,41 @@ function OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel( coarse_model, ptr_pXest_connectivity, ptr_pXest, + pXest_type, + pXest_refinement_rule_type, owns_ptr_pXest_connectivity, gc_ref) end +function _dim_to_pXest_type(Dc) + Dc==2 ? P4estType() : P8estType() +end + function OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel(parts::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, coarse_model::DiscreteModel{Dc,Dp}, num_uniform_refinements) where {Dc,Dp} comm = parts.comm if GridapDistributed.i_am_in(comm) + + pXest_type = _dim_to_pXest_type(Dc) + ptr_pXest_connectivity, ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost, - ptr_pXest_lnodes = setup_ptr_pXest_objects(Val{Dc}, - comm, - coarse_model, - num_uniform_refinements) - dmodel = setup_distributed_discrete_model(Val{Dc}, + ptr_pXest_lnodes = setup_ptr_pXest_objects(pXest_type, + comm, + coarse_model, + num_uniform_refinements) + dmodel = setup_distributed_discrete_model(pXest_type, parts, coarse_model, ptr_pXest_connectivity, ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost, ptr_pXest_lnodes) - pXest_lnodes_destroy(Val{Dc},ptr_pXest_lnodes) - pXest_ghost_destroy(Val{Dc},ptr_pXest_ghost) + pXest_lnodes_destroy(pXest_type,ptr_pXest_lnodes) + pXest_ghost_destroy(pXest_type,ptr_pXest_ghost) non_conforming_glue = _create_conforming_model_non_conforming_glue(dmodel) @@ -348,6 +393,8 @@ function OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel(parts::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, coarse_model, ptr_pXest_connectivity, ptr_pXest, + pXest_type, + PXestUniformRefinementRuleType(), true, nothing) else @@ -378,6 +425,8 @@ function VoidOctreeDistributedDiscreteModel(coarse_model::DiscreteModel{Dc,Dp},p coarse_model, ptr_pXest_connectivity, nothing, + _dim_to_pXest_type(Dc), + nothing, true, nothing) end @@ -391,6 +440,8 @@ function VoidOctreeDistributedDiscreteModel(model::OctreeDistributedDiscreteMode model.coarse_model, model.ptr_pXest_connectivity, nothing, + _dim_to_pXest_type(Dc), + nothing, false, model) end @@ -406,17 +457,17 @@ GridapDistributed.get_face_gids(model::OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel,dim::Integ function octree_distributed_discrete_model_free!(model::VoidOctreeDistributedDiscreteModel{Dc}) where Dc if (model.owns_ptr_pXest_connectivity) - pXest_connectivity_destroy(Val{Dc},model.ptr_pXest_connectivity) + pXest_connectivity_destroy(model.pXest_type,model.ptr_pXest_connectivity) end return nothing end function octree_distributed_discrete_model_free!(model::OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel{Dc}) where Dc if !isa(model.ptr_pXest,Nothing) - pXest_destroy(Val{Dc},model.ptr_pXest) + pXest_destroy(model.pXest_type,model.ptr_pXest) end if (model.owns_ptr_pXest_connectivity) - pXest_connectivity_destroy(Val{Dc},model.ptr_pXest_connectivity) + pXest_connectivity_destroy(model.pXest_type,model.ptr_pXest_connectivity) end return nothing end @@ -433,157 +484,88 @@ end ################################################################### # Private methods -function pXest_copy(::Type{Val{Dc}}, ptr_pXest) where Dc - if (Dc==2) - p4est_copy(ptr_pXest, Cint(0)) - else - p8est_copy(ptr_pXest, Cint(0)) - end -end - -function pXest_partition!(::Type{Val{Dc}}, ptr_pXest) where Dc - if (Dc==2) - # The 1 here is required to avoid that the children of the - # same parent are assigned to different partitions - p4est_partition(ptr_pXest, 0, C_NULL) - else - p8est_partition(ptr_pXest, 0, C_NULL) - end -end - -function pXest_balance!(::Type{Val{Dc}}, ptr_pXest; k_2_1_balance=0) where Dc - if (Dc==2) - if (k_2_1_balance==0) - p4est_balance(ptr_pXest, P4est_wrapper.P4EST_CONNECT_FULL, C_NULL) - else - p4est_balance(ptr_pXest, P4est_wrapper.P4EST_CONNECT_FACE, C_NULL) - end - else - if (k_2_1_balance==0) - p8est_balance(ptr_pXest, P4est_wrapper.P8EST_CONNECT_FULL, C_NULL) - elseif (k_2_1_balance==1) - p8est_balance(ptr_pXest, P4est_wrapper.P8EST_CONNECT_EDGE, C_NULL) - else - @assert k_2_1_balance==2 - p8est_balance(ptr_pXest, P4est_wrapper.P8EST_CONNECT_FACE, C_NULL) - end - end +function get_num_children(::P4estType,::PXestUniformRefinementRuleType) + 4 end -function pXest_partition_given!(::Type{Val{Dc}}, ptr_pXest, new_num_cells_per_part) where Dc - if (Dc==2) - p4est_partition_given(ptr_pXest, new_num_cells_per_part) - else - p8est_partition_given(ptr_pXest, new_num_cells_per_part) - end +function get_num_children(::P8estType,::PXestUniformRefinementRuleType) + 8 end -function pXest_uniformly_refine!(::Type{Val{Dc}}, ptr_pXest) where Dc - # Refine callbacks - function refine_fn_2d(::Ptr{p4est_t},which_tree::p4est_topidx_t,quadrant::Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}) - return Cint(1) - end - function refine_fn_3d(::Ptr{p8est_t},which_tree::p4est_topidx_t,quadrant::Ptr{p8est_quadrant_t}) - return Cint(1) - end - if (Dc==2) - # C-callable refine callback 2D - refine_fn_c = @cfunction($refine_fn_2d,Cint,(Ptr{p4est_t}, p4est_topidx_t, Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t})) - p4est_refine(ptr_pXest, Cint(0), refine_fn_c, C_NULL) - else - # C-callable refine callback 3D - refine_fn_c = @cfunction($refine_fn_3d,Cint,(Ptr{p8est_t}, p4est_topidx_t, Ptr{p8est_quadrant_t})) - p8est_refine(ptr_pXest, Cint(0), refine_fn_c, C_NULL) - end +function get_num_children(::P6estType,::PXestVerticalRefinementRuleType) + 2 end -function pXest_refine!(::Type{Val{Dc}}, ptr_pXest, refine_fn_c, refine_replace_fn_c; init_fn_c=C_NULL) where Dc - if (Dc==2) - p4est_refine_ext(ptr_pXest, Cint(0), Cint(-1), refine_fn_c, init_fn_c, refine_replace_fn_c) - else - p8est_refine_ext(ptr_pXest, Cint(0), Cint(-1), refine_fn_c, init_fn_c, refine_replace_fn_c) - end -end - -function pXest_uniformly_coarsen!(::Type{Val{Dc}}, ptr_pXest) where Dc - # Coarsen callbacks - function coarsen_fn_2d(::Ptr{p4est_t},::p4est_topidx_t,::Ptr{Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}}) - return Cint(1) - end - function coarsen_fn_3d(::Ptr{p8est_t},::p4est_topidx_t,::Ptr{Ptr{p8est_quadrant_t}}) - return Cint(1) - end - if (Dc==2) - # C-callable coasen callback - coarsen_fn_c=@cfunction($coarsen_fn_2d,Cint,(Ptr{p4est_t}, p4est_topidx_t, Ptr{Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}})) - p4est_coarsen(ptr_pXest, Cint(0), coarsen_fn_c, C_NULL) - else - coarsen_fn_c=@cfunction($coarsen_fn_3d,Cint,(Ptr{p8est_t}, p4est_topidx_t, Ptr{Ptr{p8est_quadrant_t}})) - p8est_coarsen(ptr_pXest, Cint(0), coarsen_fn_c, C_NULL) - end +function get_num_children(::P6estType,::PXestHorizontalRefinementRuleType) + 4 end function get_num_children(::Type{Val{Dc}}) where Dc 2^Dc end -function pXest_coarsen!(::Type{Val{Dc}}, ptr_pXest, coarsen_fn_c) where Dc - if (Dc==2) - p4est_coarsen(ptr_pXest, Cint(0), coarsen_fn_c, C_NULL) - else - p8est_coarsen(ptr_pXest, Cint(0), coarsen_fn_c, C_NULL) - end -end +function get_refinement_rule(::P4estType,::PXestUniformRefinementRuleType) + reffe = LagrangianRefFE(Float64,QUAD,1) + Gridap.Adaptivity.RefinementRule(reffe,2) +end +function get_refinement_rule(::P8estType,::PXestUniformRefinementRuleType) + reffe = LagrangianRefFE(Float64,HEX,1) + Gridap.Adaptivity.RefinementRule(reffe,2) +end -function pXest_reset_data!(::Type{Val{Dc}}, ptr_pXest, data_size, init_fn_c, user_pointer) where Dc - if (Dc==2) - p4est_reset_data(ptr_pXest, data_size, init_fn_c, user_pointer) - else - p8est_reset_data(ptr_pXest, data_size, init_fn_c, user_pointer) - end -end +function get_refinement_rule(::P6estType,::PXestVerticalRefinementRuleType) + reffe = LagrangianRefFE(Float64,HEX,1) + Gridap.Adaptivity.RefinementRule(reffe,(2,1,1)) +end + +function get_refinement_rule(::P6estType,::PXestHorizontalRefinementRuleType) + reffe = LagrangianRefFE(Float64,HEX,1) + Gridap.Adaptivity.RefinementRule(reffe,(1,2,2)) +end -function pXest_update_flags!(::Type{Val{Dc}}, ptr_pXest_old, ptr_pXest_new) where Dc +function pXest_update_flags!(pXest_type::P4P8estType, ptr_pXest_old, ptr_pXest_new) pXest_old = ptr_pXest_old[] - pXest_new = ptr_pXest_new[] flags=unsafe_wrap(Array, Ptr{Cint}(pXest_old.user_pointer), pXest_old.local_num_quadrants) + pXest_update_flags!(pXest_type, flags, ptr_pXest_old, ptr_pXest_new) +end + +function pXest_update_flags!(pXest_type::P4P8estType, flags, ptr_pXest_old, ptr_pXest_new) + pXest_old = ptr_pXest_old[] + pXest_new = ptr_pXest_new[] num_trees = Cint(pXest_old.connectivity[].num_trees) @assert num_trees == Cint(pXest_new.connectivity[].num_trees) - num_children = get_num_children(Val{Dc}) - global_iquad_new = 0 + Dc=num_cell_dims(pXest_type) + num_children = get_num_children(pXest_type, PXestUniformRefinementRuleType()) global_iquad_old = 0 for itree = 0:num_trees-1 - tree_old = _pXest_tree_array_index(Val{Dc},pXest_old.trees,itree)[] - tree_new = _pXest_tree_array_index(Val{Dc},pXest_new.trees,itree)[] + tree_old = pXest_tree_array_index(pXest_type,pXest_old,itree)[] + tree_new = pXest_tree_array_index(pXest_type,pXest_new,itree)[] num_quads_old = Cint(tree_old.quadrants.elem_count) local_iquad_old=0 local_iquad_new=0 while local_iquad_old < num_quads_old - q_old = _pXest_quadrant_array_index(Val{Dc},tree_old.quadrants,local_iquad_old) - q_new = _pXest_quadrant_array_index(Val{Dc},tree_new.quadrants,local_iquad_new) - if (_pXest_quadrant_compare(Val{Dc},q_old,q_new) == 0) # q_old was not refined nor coarsened + q_old = pXest_quadrant_array_index(pXest_type,tree_old,local_iquad_old) + q_new = pXest_quadrant_array_index(pXest_type,tree_new,local_iquad_new) + if (pXest_quadrant_is_equal(pXest_type,q_old,q_new)) # q_old was not refined nor coarsened flags[global_iquad_old+1] = nothing_flag - global_iquad_new += 1 global_iquad_old += 1 local_iquad_new += 1 local_iquad_old += 1 - elseif (_pXest_quadrant_is_parent(Val{Dc},q_old,q_new)!=0) # q_old was refined + elseif (pXest_quadrant_is_parent(pXest_type,q_old,q_new)) # q_old was refined flags[global_iquad_old+1] = refine_flag - global_iquad_new += num_children global_iquad_old += 1 local_iquad_new += num_children local_iquad_old += 1 - elseif (_pXest_quadrant_is_parent(Val{Dc},q_new,q_old)!=0) # q_old and its siblings were coarsened + elseif (pXest_quadrant_is_parent(pXest_type,q_new,q_old)) # q_old and its siblings were coarsened for i=0:num_children-1 flags[global_iquad_old+i+1] = coarsen_flag end global_iquad_old += num_children - global_iquad_new += 1 local_iquad_old += num_children local_iquad_new += 1 else @@ -593,6 +575,76 @@ function pXest_update_flags!(::Type{Val{Dc}}, ptr_pXest_old, ptr_pXest_new) wher end end +function p6est_horizontally_adapt_update_flags!(ptr_pXest_old, ptr_pXest_new) + pXest_old = ptr_pXest_old[] + pXest_new = ptr_pXest_new[] + ptr_p4est_old = pXest_old.columns + ptr_p4est_new = pXest_new.columns + flags=unsafe_wrap(Array, + Ptr{Cint}(pXest_old.user_pointer), + pXest_old.columns[].local_num_quadrants) + pXest_update_flags!(P4estType(), flags, ptr_p4est_old, ptr_p4est_new) +end + +function p6est_vertically_adapt_update_flags!(ptr_pXest_old, ptr_pXest_new) + pXest_old = ptr_pXest_old[] + pXest_new = ptr_pXest_new[] + flags=unsafe_wrap(Array, + Ptr{Cint}(pXest_old.user_pointer), + pXest_old.layers[].elem_count) + + num_trees = Cint(pXest_old.columns[].connectivity[].num_trees) + @assert num_trees == Cint(pXest_new.columns[].connectivity[].num_trees) + + pXest_type=P6estType() + num_children = get_num_children(pXest_type, PXestVerticalRefinementRuleType()) + global_icell_old = 0 + for itree = 0:num_trees-1 + tree_old = pXest_tree_array_index(pXest_type,pXest_old,itree)[] + tree_new = pXest_tree_array_index(pXest_type,pXest_new,itree)[] + num_quads = Cint(tree_old.quadrants.elem_count) + num_quads_new = Cint(tree_new.quadrants.elem_count) + @assert num_quads == num_quads_new + + local_iquad=0 + # Loop over quadrants + for local_iquad=0:num_quads-1 + q_old = pXest_quadrant_array_index(pXest_type,tree_old,local_iquad) + q_new = pXest_quadrant_array_index(pXest_type,tree_new,local_iquad) + + f_old,l_old=P6EST_COLUMN_GET_RANGE(q_old[]) + f_new,l_new=P6EST_COLUMN_GET_RANGE(q_new[]) + i_old=f_old + i_new=f_new + # Loop over layers within current column + while i_old tuple_of_arrays @@ -1178,9 +1249,7 @@ function _compute_fine_to_coarse_model_glue( ref_grid = UnstructuredGrid(compute_reference_grid(polytope,partition)) rrule_nothing_flag = Gridap.Adaptivity.RefinementRule(Gridap.Adaptivity.WithoutRefinement(),polytope,ref_grid) - - reffe = LagrangianRefFE(Float64,polytope,1) - rrule_refinement_flag = Gridap.Adaptivity.RefinementRule(reffe,2) + rrule_refinement_flag = get_refinement_rule(pXest_type,pXest_refinement_rule_type) coarse_cell_to_rrule = map(x -> (x==nothing_flag) ? 1 : 2,flags) rrules = Gridap.Arrays.CompressedArray([rrule_nothing_flag,rrule_refinement_flag],coarse_cell_to_rrule) @debug "[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))] fine_to_coarse_faces_map[end]: $(fine_to_coarse_faces_map[end])" @@ -1192,91 +1261,114 @@ function _compute_fine_to_coarse_model_glue( return glue end -function _process_owned_cells_fine_to_coarse_model_glue(cmodel::DiscreteModel{Dc}, +function _process_owned_cells_fine_to_coarse_model_glue(pXest_type, + pXest_refinement_rule_type, + cmodel::DiscreteModel{Dc}, fmodel::DiscreteModel{Dc}, cpartition, fpartition, flags, - coarsen) where Dc + coarsen, + stride) where Dc - function _setup_fine_to_coarse_faces_map_table(Dc,flags,num_o_c_cells,num_f_cells) - num_children = get_num_children(Val{Dc}) + function _setup_fine_to_coarse_faces_map_table(pXest_type, + pXest_refinement_rule_type, + flags, + num_o_c_cells, + num_f_cells, + stride) + num_children = get_num_children(pXest_type, pXest_refinement_rule_type) # Count cell children: fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs = Vector{Int}(undef,num_f_cells+1) fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[1] = 1 - cell = 1 - c = 1 - while cell <= num_o_c_cells # For each coarse cell - if (flags[cell]==nothing_flag) # Cell not touched - fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[c+1] = fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[c]+1 - cell = cell+1 - c = c+1 - elseif (flags[cell]==refine_flag) # Cell is refined + old_cell = 1 + new_cell = 1 + while old_cell <= num_o_c_cells # For each coarse cell + if (flags[old_cell]==nothing_flag) # Cell not touched + fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[new_cell+1] = fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[new_cell]+1 + old_cell += 1 + new_cell += 1 + elseif (flags[old_cell]==refine_flag) # Cell is refined for child = 1:num_children - fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[c+1] = fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[c]+1 - c = c+1 + for j=1:stride + fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[new_cell+1] = fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[new_cell]+1 + new_cell+=1 + end end - cell = cell+1 + old_cell=old_cell+stride else # Cell is coarsened - @assert flags[cell]==coarsen_flag - cell_fwd,coarsen = _move_fwd_and_check_if_all_children_coarsened(flags,num_o_c_cells,cell,num_children) + @assert flags[old_cell]==coarsen_flag + cell_fwd,coarsen = _move_fwd_and_check_if_all_children_coarsened(flags,num_o_c_cells,old_cell,num_children,stride) if coarsen - @assert cell_fwd-cell==num_children - fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[c+1] = fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[c]+num_children - cell = cell+num_children - c = c+1 - else - for j = c:c+(cell_fwd-cell+1) - fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[j+1] = fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[j]+1 - c = c+1 - end - cell = cell_fwd - c = c+cell_fwd-cell + @assert (cell_fwd-old_cell)==(num_children*stride) + for j=1:stride + fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[new_cell+1] = fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[new_cell]+num_children + old_cell = old_cell+num_children + new_cell = new_cell+1 + end + else + Gridap.Helpers.@unreachable + # for j = new_cell:new_cell+(cell_fwd-old_cell+1) + # fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[j+1] = fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[j]+1 + # new_cell = new_cell+1 + # end + # old_cell = cell_fwd + # new_cell = new_cell+cell_fwd-old_cell end end end # Counts to pointers: - for j = c:num_f_cells + for j = new_cell:num_f_cells fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[j+1] = fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[j] end # Fill children data: fine_to_coarse_faces_map_data = Vector{Int}(undef,fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[end]-1) fcell_to_child_id_data = Vector{Int}(undef,fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[end]-1) - cell = 1 - c = 1 - while cell <= num_o_c_cells - if (flags[cell]==refine_flag) # Cell is refined + fcell_to_child_id_data .= -1 + old_cell = 1 + new_cell = 1 + while old_cell <= num_o_c_cells + if (flags[old_cell]==refine_flag) # Cell is refined for child = 1:num_children - fine_to_coarse_faces_map_data[fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[c]+child-1] = cell - fcell_to_child_id_data[fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[c]+child-1] = child - end - c = c + num_children - cell = cell+1 - elseif (flags[cell]==nothing_flag) # Cell is not touched - fine_to_coarse_faces_map_data[fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[c]]=cell - fcell_to_child_id_data[fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[c]]=1 - c = c+1 - cell = cell+1 + current_cell=old_cell + for j=1:stride + fine_to_coarse_faces_map_data[fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[new_cell]] = current_cell + fcell_to_child_id_data[fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[new_cell]] = child + new_cell+=1 + current_cell+=1 + end + end + old_cell=old_cell+stride + elseif (flags[old_cell]==nothing_flag) # Cell is not touched + fine_to_coarse_faces_map_data[fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[new_cell]]=old_cell + fcell_to_child_id_data[fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[new_cell]]=1 + new_cell+=1 + old_cell+=1 else # Cell is coarsened - @assert flags[cell]==coarsen_flag - cell_fwd,coarsen=_move_fwd_and_check_if_all_children_coarsened(flags,num_o_c_cells,cell,num_children) + @assert flags[old_cell]==coarsen_flag + cell_fwd,coarsen=_move_fwd_and_check_if_all_children_coarsened(flags,num_o_c_cells,old_cell,num_children,stride) if coarsen for child = 1:num_children - fcell_to_child_id_data[fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[c]+child-1] = child - fine_to_coarse_faces_map_data[fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[c]+child-1] = cell - cell=cell+1 + current_cell=new_cell + for j=1:stride + fine_to_coarse_faces_map_data[fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[current_cell]+child-1] = old_cell + fcell_to_child_id_data[fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[current_cell]+child-1] = child + old_cell+=1 + current_cell+=1 + end end - c = c+1 + new_cell=new_cell+stride else - for j = cell:cell_fwd-1 - fine_to_coarse_faces_map_data[fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[c]]=j - fcell_to_child_id_data[fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[c]]=1 - c = c+1 - cell = cell+1 - end + Gridap.Helpers.@unreachable + # for j = cell:cell_fwd-1 + # fine_to_coarse_faces_map_data[fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[c]]=j + # fcell_to_child_id_data[fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs[c]]=1 + # c = c+1 + # cell = cell+1 + # end end end end @@ -1284,21 +1376,45 @@ function _process_owned_cells_fine_to_coarse_model_glue(cmodel::DiscreteModel{Dc Gridap.Arrays.Table(fcell_to_child_id_data, fine_to_coarse_faces_map_ptrs) end - function _setup_fine_to_coarse_faces_map_vector!(fine_to_coarse_faces_map,fcell_to_child_id,Dc,flags,num_o_c_cells) + function _setup_fine_to_coarse_faces_map_vector!(pXest_type, + pXest_refinement_rule_type, + fine_to_coarse_faces_map, + fcell_to_child_id, + flags, + num_o_c_cells, + stride) + + @debug "[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))] num_o_c_cells: $(num_o_c_cells)" + @debug "[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))] flags: $(flags)" + @debug "[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))] len(fcell_to_child_id): $(length(fcell_to_child_id))" + @debug "[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))] stride: $(stride)" + + # Go over all cells of coarse grid portion - num_children = get_num_children(Val{Dc}) + num_children = get_num_children(pXest_type,pXest_refinement_rule_type) c = 1 - for cell = 1:num_o_c_cells + cell=1 + while cell<=num_o_c_cells if flags[cell]==refine_flag for child = 1:num_children - fine_to_coarse_faces_map[c+child-1] = cell - fcell_to_child_id[c+child-1] = child + current_cell=cell + for j=1:stride + fine_to_coarse_faces_map[c] = current_cell + fcell_to_child_id[c] = child + @debug "[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))] fcell_to_child_id[$(c)]: $(child)" + c+=1 + current_cell+=1 + end end - c = c + num_children + cell=cell+stride elseif (flags[cell]==nothing_flag) fine_to_coarse_faces_map[c] = cell fcell_to_child_id[c] = 1 - c=c+1 + @debug "[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))] fcell_to_child_id[$(c)]: 1" + c+=1 + cell+=1 + elseif (flags[cell]==coarsen_flag) + Gridap.Helpers.@notimplemented else @assert flags[cell]!=coarsen_flag error("Unknown AMR flag") @@ -1308,10 +1424,16 @@ function _process_owned_cells_fine_to_coarse_model_glue(cmodel::DiscreteModel{Dc num_f_cells = num_cells(fmodel) # Number of fine cells (owned+ghost) num_o_c_cells = own_length(cpartition) # Number of coarse cells (owned) + @debug "[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))] own_length(fpartition): $(own_length(fpartition))" ftopology = Gridap.Geometry.get_grid_topology(fmodel) if coarsen fine_to_coarse_faces_map = Vector{Gridap.Arrays.Table{Int,Vector{Int},Vector{Int}}}(undef,Dc+1) - a,b = _setup_fine_to_coarse_faces_map_table(Dc,flags,num_o_c_cells,num_f_cells) + a,b = _setup_fine_to_coarse_faces_map_table(pXest_type, + pXest_refinement_rule_type, + flags, + num_o_c_cells, + num_f_cells, + stride) fine_to_coarse_faces_map[Dc+1] = a fcell_to_child_id = b # In the future we should also have here the code to also setup @@ -1320,7 +1442,13 @@ function _process_owned_cells_fine_to_coarse_model_glue(cmodel::DiscreteModel{Dc fine_to_coarse_faces_map = Vector{Vector{Int}}(undef,Dc+1) fine_to_coarse_faces_map[Dc+1] = Vector{Int}(undef,num_f_cells) fcell_to_child_id = Vector{Int}(undef,num_f_cells) - _setup_fine_to_coarse_faces_map_vector!(fine_to_coarse_faces_map[Dc+1],fcell_to_child_id,Dc,flags,num_o_c_cells) + fcell_to_child_id .= -1 + _setup_fine_to_coarse_faces_map_vector!(pXest_type, + pXest_refinement_rule_type, + fine_to_coarse_faces_map[Dc+1], + fcell_to_child_id,flags, + num_o_c_cells, + stride) for d=1:Dc fine_to_coarse_faces_map[d] = Vector{Int}(undef,Gridap.Geometry.num_faces(ftopology,d-1)) end @@ -1376,33 +1504,35 @@ function Gridap.Adaptivity.refine(model::OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel{Dc,Dp}; old_comm = model.parts.comm if (GridapDistributed.i_am_in(old_comm)) # Copy and refine input p4est - ptr_new_pXest = pXest_copy(Val{Dc}, model.ptr_pXest) - pXest_uniformly_refine!(Val{Dc}, ptr_new_pXest) + ptr_new_pXest = pXest_copy(model.pXest_type, model.ptr_pXest) + pXest_uniformly_refine!(model.pXest_type, ptr_new_pXest) else ptr_new_pXest = nothing end new_comm = isa(parts,Nothing) ? old_comm : parts.comm if GridapDistributed.i_am_in(new_comm) + pXest_type = _dim_to_pXest_type(Dc) + if !isa(parts,Nothing) aux = ptr_new_pXest - ptr_new_pXest = _pXest_to_new_comm(Val{Dc}, + ptr_new_pXest = _pXest_to_new_comm(pXest_type, ptr_new_pXest, model.ptr_pXest_connectivity, model.parts.comm, parts.comm) if GridapDistributed.i_am_in(old_comm) - pXest_destroy(Val{Dc},aux) + pXest_destroy(pXest_type,aux) end end # Extract ghost and lnodes - ptr_pXest_ghost = setup_pXest_ghost(Val{Dc}, ptr_new_pXest) - ptr_pXest_lnodes = setup_pXest_lnodes(Val{Dc}, ptr_new_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost) + ptr_pXest_ghost = setup_pXest_ghost(pXest_type, ptr_new_pXest) + ptr_pXest_lnodes = setup_pXest_lnodes(pXest_type, ptr_new_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost) # Build fine-grid mesh new_parts = isa(parts,Nothing) ? model.parts : parts - fmodel = setup_distributed_discrete_model(Val{Dc}, + fmodel = setup_distributed_discrete_model(pXest_type, new_parts, model.coarse_model, model.ptr_pXest_connectivity, @@ -1410,8 +1540,8 @@ function Gridap.Adaptivity.refine(model::OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel{Dc,Dp}; ptr_pXest_ghost, ptr_pXest_lnodes) - pXest_lnodes_destroy(Val{Dc},ptr_pXest_lnodes) - pXest_ghost_destroy(Val{Dc},ptr_pXest_ghost) + pXest_lnodes_destroy(pXest_type,ptr_pXest_lnodes) + pXest_ghost_destroy(pXest_type,ptr_pXest_ghost) dglue = _compute_fine_to_coarse_model_glue(model.parts, model.dmodel, @@ -1427,6 +1557,8 @@ function Gridap.Adaptivity.refine(model::OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel{Dc,Dp}; model.coarse_model, model.ptr_pXest_connectivity, ptr_new_pXest, + pXest_type, + PXestUniformRefinementRuleType(), false, model) @@ -1441,200 +1573,28 @@ end function _refine_coarsen_balance!(model::OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel{Dc,Dp}, refinement_and_coarsening_flags::MPIArray{<:Vector}) where {Dc,Dp} - # Variables which are updated accross calls to init_fn_callback_2d - current_quadrant_index_within_tree = Cint(0) - current_quadrant_index_among_trees = Cint(0) - - # This C callback function is called once per quadtree quadrant. Here we are assuming - # that p4est->user_pointer has been set prior to the first call to this call - # back function to an array of ints with as many entries as forest quadrants. This call back function - # initializes the quadrant->p.user_data void * pointer of all quadrants such that it - # points to the corresponding entry in the global array mentioned in the previous sentence. - if (Dc==2) - function init_fn_callback_2d(forest_ptr::Ptr{p4est_t}, - which_tree::p4est_topidx_t, - quadrant_ptr::Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}) - # Extract a reference to the tree which_tree - forest = forest_ptr[] - tree = p4est_tree_array_index(forest.trees, which_tree)[] - quadrant = quadrant_ptr[] - q = P4est_wrapper.p4est_quadrant_array_index(tree.quadrants, current_quadrant_index_within_tree) - @assert p4est_quadrant_compare(q, quadrant_ptr) == 0 - user_data = unsafe_wrap(Array, - Ptr{Cint}(forest.user_pointer), - current_quadrant_index_among_trees+1)[current_quadrant_index_among_trees+1] - unsafe_store!(Ptr{Cint}(quadrant.p.user_data), user_data, 1) - current_quadrant_index_within_tree = (current_quadrant_index_within_tree + 1) % (tree.quadrants.elem_count) - current_quadrant_index_among_trees = current_quadrant_index_among_trees+1 - return nothing - end - init_fn_callback_2d_c = @cfunction($init_fn_callback_2d, - Cvoid, (Ptr{p4est_t}, p4est_topidx_t, Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t})) - init_fn_callback_c = init_fn_callback_2d_c - - - function coarsen_callback_2d(forest_ptr::Ptr{p4est_t}, - which_tree::p4est_topidx_t, - quadrant_ptr::Ptr{Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}}) - - num_children=get_num_children(Val{2}) - quadrants=unsafe_wrap(Array, quadrant_ptr, num_children) - coarsen=Cint(1) - for quadrant_index=1:num_children - quadrant = quadrants[quadrant_index][] - # I have noticed that new quadrants created as by-product - # of the refininement process have quadrant.p.user_data == C_NULL - # Not sure why ... The following if-end takes care of this. - if (quadrant.p.user_data) == C_NULL - return Cint(0) - end - is_coarsen_flag=(unsafe_wrap(Array,Ptr{Cint}(quadrant.p.user_data),1)[])==coarsen_flag - if (!is_coarsen_flag) - return Cint(0) - end - end - return coarsen - end - coarsen_fn_callback_2d_c = @cfunction($coarsen_callback_2d, - Cint, (Ptr{p4est_t}, p4est_topidx_t, Ptr{Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}})) - coarsen_fn_callback_c = coarsen_fn_callback_2d_c - - - function refine_replace_callback_2d(::Ptr{p4est_t}, - which_tree::p4est_topidx_t, - num_outgoing::Cint, - outgoing_ptr::Ptr{Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}}, - num_incoming::Cint, - incoming_ptr::Ptr{Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}}) - num_children=get_num_children(Val{2}) - @assert num_outgoing==1 - @assert num_incoming==num_children - outgoing=unsafe_wrap(Array, outgoing_ptr, 1) - quadrant = outgoing[1][] - incoming=unsafe_wrap(Array, incoming_ptr, num_children) - for quadrant_index=1:num_children - quadrant = incoming[quadrant_index][] - if (quadrant.p.user_data) != C_NULL - unsafe_store!(Ptr{Cint}(quadrant.p.user_data), nothing_flag, 1) - end - end - end - - refine_replace_callback_2d_c = - @cfunction($refine_replace_callback_2d, Cvoid, (Ptr{p4est_t}, - p4est_topidx_t, - Cint, - Ptr{Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}}, - Cint, - Ptr{Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}})) - refine_replace_callback_c = refine_replace_callback_2d_c - - else - @assert Dc==3 - function init_fn_callback_3d(forest_ptr::Ptr{p8est_t}, - which_tree::p4est_topidx_t, - quadrant_ptr::Ptr{p8est_quadrant_t}) - # Extract a reference to the tree which_tree - forest = forest_ptr[] - tree = p8est_tree_array_index(forest.trees, which_tree)[] - quadrant = quadrant_ptr[] - q = P4est_wrapper.p8est_quadrant_array_index(tree.quadrants, current_quadrant_index_within_tree) - @assert p8est_quadrant_compare(q, quadrant_ptr) == 0 - user_data = unsafe_wrap(Array, - Ptr{Cint}(forest.user_pointer), - current_quadrant_index_among_trees+1)[current_quadrant_index_among_trees+1] - unsafe_store!(Ptr{Cint}(quadrant.p.user_data), user_data, 1) - current_quadrant_index_within_tree = (current_quadrant_index_within_tree + 1) % (tree.quadrants.elem_count) - current_quadrant_index_among_trees = current_quadrant_index_among_trees+1 - return nothing - end - init_fn_callback_3d_c = @cfunction($init_fn_callback_3d, - Cvoid, (Ptr{p8est_t}, p4est_topidx_t, Ptr{p8est_quadrant_t})) - init_fn_callback_c = init_fn_callback_3d_c - - - function coarsen_callback_3d(forest_ptr::Ptr{p8est_t}, - which_tree::p4est_topidx_t, - quadrant_ptr::Ptr{Ptr{p8est_quadrant_t}}) - - num_children=get_num_children(Val{3}) - quadrants=unsafe_wrap(Array, quadrant_ptr, num_children) - coarsen=Cint(1) - for quadrant_index=1:num_children - quadrant = quadrants[quadrant_index][] - # I have noticed that new quadrants created as by-product - # of the refininement process have quadrant.p.user_data == C_NULL - # Not sure why ... The following if-end takes care of this. - if (quadrant.p.user_data) == C_NULL - return Cint(0) - end - is_coarsen_flag=(unsafe_wrap(Array,Ptr{Cint}(quadrant.p.user_data),1)[])==coarsen_flag - if (!is_coarsen_flag) - return Cint(0) - end - end - return coarsen - end - coarsen_fn_callback_3d_c = @cfunction($coarsen_callback_3d, - Cint, (Ptr{p8est_t}, p4est_topidx_t, Ptr{Ptr{p8est_quadrant_t}})) - coarsen_fn_callback_c = coarsen_fn_callback_3d_c - - function refine_replace_callback_3d(::Ptr{p8est_t}, - which_tree::p4est_topidx_t, - num_outgoing::Cint, - outgoing_ptr::Ptr{Ptr{p8est_quadrant_t}}, - num_incoming::Cint, - incoming_ptr::Ptr{Ptr{p8est_quadrant_t}}) - num_children=get_num_children(Val{3}) - @assert num_outgoing==1 - @assert num_incoming==num_children - outgoing=unsafe_wrap(Array, outgoing_ptr, 1) - quadrant = outgoing[1][] - incoming=unsafe_wrap(Array, incoming_ptr, num_children) - for quadrant_index=1:num_children - quadrant = incoming[quadrant_index][] - if (quadrant.p.user_data) != C_NULL - unsafe_store!(Ptr{Cint}(quadrant.p.user_data), nothing_flag, 1) - end - end - end - - refine_replace_callback_3d_c = - @cfunction($refine_replace_callback_3d, Cvoid, (Ptr{p8est_t}, - p4est_topidx_t, - Cint, - Ptr{Ptr{p8est_quadrant_t}}, - Cint, - Ptr{Ptr{p8est_quadrant_t}})) - - refine_replace_callback_c = refine_replace_callback_3d_c - end # callback if + pXest_type = model.pXest_type + init_fn_callback_c = pXest_reset_callbacks(pXest_type) + coarsen_fn_callback_c = pXest_coarsen_callbacks(pXest_type) + refine_callback_c,refine_replace_callback_c = pXest_refine_callbacks(pXest_type) map(model.dmodel.models,refinement_and_coarsening_flags) do lmodel, flags # The length of the local flags array has to match the number of # cells in the model. This includes both owned and ghost cells. # Only the flags for owned cells are actually taken into account. @assert num_cells(lmodel)==length(flags) - pXest_reset_data!(Val{Dc}, model.ptr_pXest, Cint(sizeof(Cint)), init_fn_callback_c, pointer(flags)) + pXest_reset_data!(pXest_type, model.ptr_pXest, Cint(sizeof(Cint)), init_fn_callback_c, pointer(flags)) end - - function refine_callback_2d(::Ptr{p4est_t}, - which_tree::p4est_topidx_t, - quadrant_ptr::Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}) - quadrant = quadrant_ptr[] - return Cint(unsafe_wrap(Array, Ptr{Cint}(quadrant.p.user_data), 1)[] == refine_flag) - end - refine_callback_2d_c = @cfunction($refine_callback_2d, Cint, (Ptr{p4est_t}, p4est_topidx_t, Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t})) # Copy input p4est, refine and balance - ptr_new_pXest = pXest_copy(Val{Dc}, model.ptr_pXest) - pXest_refine!(Val{Dc}, ptr_new_pXest, - refine_callback_2d_c, + ptr_new_pXest = pXest_copy(pXest_type, model.ptr_pXest) + pXest_refine!(pXest_type, ptr_new_pXest, + refine_callback_c, refine_replace_callback_c) - pXest_coarsen!(Val{Dc}, ptr_new_pXest, coarsen_fn_callback_c) - pXest_balance!(Val{Dc}, ptr_new_pXest) - pXest_update_flags!(Val{Dc},model.ptr_pXest,ptr_new_pXest) + pXest_coarsen!(pXest_type, ptr_new_pXest, coarsen_fn_callback_c) + pXest_balance!(pXest_type, ptr_new_pXest) + pXest_update_flags!(pXest_type,model.ptr_pXest,ptr_new_pXest) ptr_new_pXest end @@ -1651,11 +1611,12 @@ function Gridap.Adaptivity.adapt(model::OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel{Dc,Dp}, ptr_new_pXest = _refine_coarsen_balance!(model, _refinement_and_coarsening_flags) # Extract ghost and lnodes - ptr_pXest_ghost = setup_pXest_ghost(Val{Dc}, ptr_new_pXest) - ptr_pXest_lnodes = setup_pXest_lnodes_nonconforming(Val{Dc}, ptr_new_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost) + ptr_pXest_ghost = setup_pXest_ghost(model.pXest_type, ptr_new_pXest) + ptr_pXest_lnodes = setup_pXest_lnodes_nonconforming(model.pXest_type, ptr_new_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost) # Build fine-grid mesh - fmodel,non_conforming_glue = setup_non_conforming_distributed_discrete_model(Val{Dc}, + fmodel,non_conforming_glue = setup_non_conforming_distributed_discrete_model(model.pXest_type, + model.pXest_refinement_rule_type, model.parts, model.coarse_model, model.ptr_pXest_connectivity, @@ -1663,12 +1624,17 @@ function Gridap.Adaptivity.adapt(model::OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel{Dc,Dp}, ptr_pXest_ghost, ptr_pXest_lnodes) - pXest_ghost_destroy(Val{Dc},ptr_pXest_ghost) - pXest_lnodes_destroy(Val{Dc},ptr_pXest_lnodes) - adaptivity_glue = _compute_fine_to_coarse_model_glue(model.parts, - model.dmodel, - fmodel, - _refinement_and_coarsening_flags) + pXest_ghost_destroy(model.pXest_type,ptr_pXest_ghost) + pXest_lnodes_destroy(model.pXest_type,ptr_pXest_lnodes) + pXest_refinement_rule_type = PXestUniformRefinementRuleType() + stride = pXest_stride_among_children(model.pXest_type,pXest_refinement_rule_type,model.ptr_pXest) + adaptivity_glue = _compute_fine_to_coarse_model_glue(model.pXest_type, + pXest_refinement_rule_type, + model.parts, + model.dmodel, + fmodel, + _refinement_and_coarsening_flags, + stride) adaptive_models = map(local_views(model), local_views(fmodel), adaptivity_glue) do model, fmodel, glue @@ -1682,6 +1648,8 @@ function Gridap.Adaptivity.adapt(model::OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel{Dc,Dp}, model.coarse_model, model.ptr_pXest_connectivity, ptr_new_pXest, + model.pXest_type, + pXest_refinement_rule_type, false, model) return ref_model, adaptivity_glue @@ -1690,20 +1658,20 @@ end function Gridap.Adaptivity.coarsen(model::OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel{Dc,Dp}) where {Dc,Dp} comm = model.parts.comm if (GridapDistributed.i_am_in(comm)) - # Copy and refine input p4est - ptr_new_pXest = pXest_copy(Val{Dc}, model.ptr_pXest) - pXest_uniformly_coarsen!(Val{Dc}, ptr_new_pXest) + # Copy and coarsen input p4est + ptr_new_pXest = pXest_copy(model.pXest_type, model.ptr_pXest) + pXest_uniformly_coarsen!(model.pXest_type, ptr_new_pXest) else ptr_new_pXest=nothing end if (GridapDistributed.i_am_in(comm)) # Extract ghost and lnodes - ptr_pXest_ghost = setup_pXest_ghost(Val{Dc}, ptr_new_pXest) - ptr_pXest_lnodes = setup_pXest_lnodes(Val{Dc}, ptr_new_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost) + ptr_pXest_ghost = setup_pXest_ghost(model.pXest_type, ptr_new_pXest) + ptr_pXest_lnodes = setup_pXest_lnodes(model.pXest_type, ptr_new_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost) # Build coarse-grid mesh - cmodel = setup_distributed_discrete_model(Val{Dc}, + cmodel = setup_distributed_discrete_model(model.pXest_type, model.parts, model.coarse_model, model.ptr_pXest_connectivity, @@ -1711,8 +1679,8 @@ function Gridap.Adaptivity.coarsen(model::OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel{Dc,Dp}) ptr_pXest_ghost, ptr_pXest_lnodes) - pXest_lnodes_destroy(Val{Dc},ptr_pXest_lnodes) - pXest_ghost_destroy(Val{Dc},ptr_pXest_ghost) + pXest_lnodes_destroy(model.pXest_type,ptr_pXest_lnodes) + pXest_ghost_destroy(model.pXest_type,ptr_pXest_ghost) dglue = _compute_fine_to_coarse_model_glue(model.parts, cmodel, @@ -1720,6 +1688,8 @@ function Gridap.Adaptivity.coarsen(model::OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel{Dc,Dp}) nc_glue=_create_conforming_model_non_conforming_glue(cmodel) + pXest_type = _dim_to_pXest_type(Dc) + c_octree_model = OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel(Dc,Dp, model.parts, cmodel, @@ -1727,6 +1697,8 @@ function Gridap.Adaptivity.coarsen(model::OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel{Dc,Dp}) model.coarse_model, model.ptr_pXest_connectivity, ptr_new_pXest, + pXest_type, + PXestUniformRefinementRuleType(), false, model) return c_octree_model, dglue @@ -1735,63 +1707,22 @@ function Gridap.Adaptivity.coarsen(model::OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel{Dc,Dp}) end end -function pXest_deflate_quadrants(::Type{Val{Dc}},ptr_pXest,data) where Dc - if Dc ==2 - P4est_wrapper.p4est_deflate_quadrants(ptr_pXest,data) - else - P4est_wrapper.p8est_deflate_quadrants(ptr_pXest,data) - end -end -function pXest_comm_count_pertree(::Type{Val{Dc}},ptr_pXest,pertree) where Dc - if Dc == 2 - p4est_comm_count_pertree(ptr_pXest,pertree) - else - p8est_comm_count_pertree(ptr_pXest,pertree) - end -end - -function pXest_inflate(::Type{Val{Dc}}, - comm, - ptr_pXest_conn, - global_first_quadrant, - pertree, - quadrants, - data, - user_pointer) where Dc - if Dc == 2 - P4est_wrapper.p4est_inflate(comm, - ptr_pXest_conn, - global_first_quadrant, - pertree, - quadrants, - data, - user_pointer) - else - P4est_wrapper.p8est_inflate(comm, - ptr_pXest_conn, - global_first_quadrant, - pertree, - quadrants, - data, - user_pointer) - end -end # We have a p4est distributed among P processors. This function # instantiates the same among Q processors. -function _pXest_to_new_comm(::Type{Val{Dc}},ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_conn, old_comm, new_comm) where Dc +function _pXest_to_new_comm(pXest_type,ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_conn, old_comm, new_comm) A = is_included(old_comm,new_comm) # old \subset new (smaller to larger nparts) B = is_included(new_comm,old_comm) # old \supset new (larger to smaller nparts) @assert xor(A,B) if (A) - _pXest_to_new_comm_old_subset_new(Val{Dc},ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_conn, old_comm, new_comm) + _pXest_to_new_comm_old_subset_new(pXest_type,ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_conn, old_comm, new_comm) else - _pXest_to_new_comm_old_supset_new(Val{Dc},ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_conn, old_comm, new_comm) + _pXest_to_new_comm_old_supset_new(pXest_type,ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_conn, old_comm, new_comm) end end -function _pXest_to_new_comm_old_subset_new(::Type{Val{Dc}},ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_conn, old_comm, new_comm) where Dc +function _pXest_to_new_comm_old_subset_new(pXest_type,ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_conn, old_comm, new_comm) if (GridapDistributed.i_am_in(new_comm)) new_comm_num_parts = GridapDistributed.num_parts(new_comm) global_first_quadrant = Vector{P4est_wrapper.p4est_gloidx_t}(undef,new_comm_num_parts+1) @@ -1812,15 +1743,15 @@ function _pXest_to_new_comm_old_subset_new(::Type{Val{Dc}},ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_ global_first_quadrant[i] = old_global_first_quadrant[end] end MPI.Bcast!(global_first_quadrant,0,new_comm) - quadrants = pXest_deflate_quadrants(Val{Dc},ptr_pXest,C_NULL) - pXest_comm_count_pertree(Val{Dc},ptr_pXest,pertree) + quadrants = pXest_deflate_quadrants(pXest_type,ptr_pXest,C_NULL) + pXest_comm_count_pertree(pXest_type,ptr_pXest,pertree) MPI.Bcast!(pertree,0,new_comm) else MPI.Bcast!(global_first_quadrant,0,new_comm) quadrants = sc_array_new_count(sizeof(p4est_quadrant_t), 0) MPI.Bcast!(pertree,0,new_comm) end - return pXest_inflate(Val{Dc}, + return pXest_inflate(pXest_type, new_comm, ptr_pXest_conn, global_first_quadrant, @@ -1833,13 +1764,13 @@ function _pXest_to_new_comm_old_subset_new(::Type{Val{Dc}},ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_ end end -function _pXest_to_new_comm_old_supset_new(::Type{Val{Dc}},ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_conn, old_comm, new_comm) where Dc +function _pXest_to_new_comm_old_supset_new(pXest_type,ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_conn, old_comm, new_comm) @assert GridapDistributed.i_am_in(old_comm) pXest = ptr_pXest[] pXest_conn = ptr_pXest_conn[] pertree = Vector{P4est_wrapper.p4est_gloidx_t}(undef,pXest_conn.num_trees+1) - pXest_comm_count_pertree(Val{Dc},ptr_pXest,pertree) + pXest_comm_count_pertree(pXest_type,ptr_pXest,pertree) if (GridapDistributed.i_am_in(new_comm)) new_comm_num_parts = GridapDistributed.num_parts(new_comm) @@ -1856,9 +1787,9 @@ function _pXest_to_new_comm_old_supset_new(::Type{Val{Dc}},ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_ for i = 1:length(new_global_first_quadrant) global_first_quadrant[i] = old_global_first_quadrant[i] end - quadrants = pXest_deflate_quadrants(Val{Dc},ptr_pXest,C_NULL) + quadrants = pXest_deflate_quadrants(pXest_type,ptr_pXest,C_NULL) - return pXest_inflate(Val{Dc}, + return pXest_inflate(pXest_type, new_comm, ptr_pXest_conn, global_first_quadrant, @@ -1872,116 +1803,6 @@ function _pXest_to_new_comm_old_supset_new(::Type{Val{Dc}},ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_ end -function _pXest_tree_array_index(::Type{Val{Dc}},trees,itree) where Dc - if (Dc==2) - return p4est_tree_array_index(trees,itree) - elseif (Dc==3) - return p8est_tree_array_index(trees,itree) - end -end - -function _pXest_comm_find_owner(::Type{Val{Dc}},ptr_pXest,itree,quad,guess) where Dc - if (Dc==2) - return p4est_comm_find_owner(ptr_pXest,itree,quad,guess) - elseif (Dc==3) - return p8est_comm_find_owner(ptr_pXest,itree,quad,guess) - end -end - -function _pXest_quadrant_array_index(::Type{Val{Dc}}, quadrants, iquad) where Dc - if (Dc==2) - return p4est_quadrant_array_index(quadrants, iquad) - elseif (Dc==3) - return p8est_quadrant_array_index(quadrants, iquad) - end -end - - -function _pXest_quadrant_is_equal(::Type{Val{Dc}}, q1, q2) where Dc - if (Dc==2) - return p4est_quadrant_is_equal(q1,q2) - elseif (Dc==3) - return p8est_quadrant_is_equal(q1, q2) - end -end - -function _pXest_quadrant_is_parent(::Type{Val{Dc}}, q1, q2) where Dc - if (Dc==2) - return p4est_quadrant_is_parent(q1,q2) - elseif (Dc==3) - return p8est_quadrant_is_parent(q1,q2) - end -end - -function _pXest_quadrant_compare(::Type{Val{Dc}}, q1, q2) where Dc - if (Dc==2) - return p4est_quadrant_compare(q1,q2) - elseif (Dc==3) - return p8est_quadrant_compare(q1,q2) - end -end - -function _p4est_compute_migration_control_data(::Type{Val{Dc}},ptr_pXest_old,ptr_pXest_new) where Dc - pXest_old = ptr_pXest_old[] - pXest_new = ptr_pXest_new[] - num_trees = Cint(pXest_old.connectivity[].num_trees) - my_rank = pXest_old.mpirank - ranks_count = Dict{Int,Int}() - lst_ranks = Int[] - old2new = Vector{Int}(undef,pXest_old.local_num_quadrants) - current_old_quad_index = 1 - - for itree = 0:num_trees-1 - tree = _pXest_tree_array_index(Val{Dc},pXest_old.trees,itree)[] - num_quads = Cint(tree.quadrants.elem_count) - - for iquad = 0:num_quads-1 - q = _pXest_quadrant_array_index(Val{Dc},tree.quadrants, iquad) - new_rank = _pXest_comm_find_owner(Val{Dc},ptr_pXest_new,itree,q,0) - if (new_rank != my_rank) - if (!(new_rank+1 in keys(ranks_count))) - push!(lst_ranks,new_rank+1) - ranks_count[new_rank+1] = 0 - end - ranks_count[new_rank+1] += 1 - old2new[current_old_quad_index] = 0 - else - current_new_quad_index = 1 - new_tree = _pXest_tree_array_index(Val{Dc},pXest_new.trees,pXest_new.first_local_tree)[] - for t = pXest_new.first_local_tree:pXest_new.last_local_tree - new_tree = _pXest_tree_array_index(Val{Dc},pXest_new.trees,t)[] - if t == itree - break - end - current_new_quad_index += Cint(new_tree.quadrants.elem_count) - end - found = false - num_quads_new = Cint(new_tree.quadrants.elem_count) - for iquad_new = 0:num_quads_new-1 - q_new = _pXest_quadrant_array_index(Val{Dc},new_tree.quadrants, iquad_new) - found = _pXest_quadrant_is_equal(Val{Dc},q,q_new)!=0 - if found - break - end - current_new_quad_index += 1 - end - Gridap.Helpers.@check found - old2new[current_old_quad_index] = current_new_quad_index - end - current_old_quad_index += 1 - end - end - - local_ids = [i for i=1:length(old2new) if old2new[i]==0] - ptr_ranks = Vector{Int32}(undef,length(ranks_count)+1) - ptr_ranks[1] = 1 - for (i,rank) in enumerate(lst_ranks) - ptr_ranks[i+1]=ptr_ranks[i]+ranks_count[rank] - end - - lst_ranks,PartitionedArrays.JaggedArray(local_ids,ptr_ranks),old2new -end - function is_included(partsA,partsB) @assert GridapDistributed.i_am_in(partsA.comm) || GridapDistributed.i_am_in(partsB.comm) is_included(partsA.comm,partsB.comm) @@ -2040,18 +1861,18 @@ function _redistribute_parts_subseteq_parts_redistributed(model::OctreeDistribut if (parts_redistributed_model === model.parts) ptr_pXest_old = model.ptr_pXest else - ptr_pXest_old = _pXest_to_new_comm(Val{Dc}, + ptr_pXest_old = _pXest_to_new_comm(model.pXest_type, model.ptr_pXest, model.ptr_pXest_connectivity, model.parts.comm, parts.comm) end - ptr_pXest_new = pXest_copy(Val{Dc}, ptr_pXest_old) - pXest_partition!(Val{Dc}, ptr_pXest_new) + ptr_pXest_new = pXest_copy(model.pXest_type, ptr_pXest_old) + pXest_partition!(model.pXest_type, ptr_pXest_new) # Compute RedistributeGlue - parts_snd, lids_snd, old2new = _p4est_compute_migration_control_data(Val{Dc},ptr_pXest_old,ptr_pXest_new) - parts_rcv, lids_rcv, new2old = _p4est_compute_migration_control_data(Val{Dc},ptr_pXest_new,ptr_pXest_old) + parts_snd, lids_snd, old2new = pXest_compute_migration_control_data(model.pXest_type,ptr_pXest_old,ptr_pXest_new) + parts_rcv, lids_rcv, new2old = pXest_compute_migration_control_data(model.pXest_type,ptr_pXest_new,ptr_pXest_old) lids_rcv, parts_rcv, lids_snd, parts_snd, old2new, new2old = _to_pdata(parts, lids_rcv, parts_rcv, lids_snd, parts_snd, old2new, new2old) @@ -2059,11 +1880,12 @@ function _redistribute_parts_subseteq_parts_redistributed(model::OctreeDistribut glue = GridapDistributed.RedistributeGlue(parts,model.parts,parts_rcv,parts_snd,lids_rcv,lids_snd,old2new,new2old) # Extract ghost and lnodes - ptr_pXest_ghost = setup_pXest_ghost(Val{Dc}, ptr_pXest_new) - ptr_pXest_lnodes = setup_pXest_lnodes_nonconforming(Val{Dc}, ptr_pXest_new, ptr_pXest_ghost) + ptr_pXest_ghost = setup_pXest_ghost(model.pXest_type, ptr_pXest_new) + ptr_pXest_lnodes = setup_pXest_lnodes_nonconforming(model.pXest_type, ptr_pXest_new, ptr_pXest_ghost) # Build fine-grid mesh - fmodel, non_conforming_glue = setup_non_conforming_distributed_discrete_model(Val{Dc}, + fmodel, non_conforming_glue = setup_non_conforming_distributed_discrete_model(model.pXest_type, + model.pXest_refinement_rule_type, parts, model.coarse_model, model.ptr_pXest_connectivity, @@ -2071,8 +1893,8 @@ function _redistribute_parts_subseteq_parts_redistributed(model::OctreeDistribut ptr_pXest_ghost, ptr_pXest_lnodes) - pXest_lnodes_destroy(Val{Dc},ptr_pXest_lnodes) - pXest_ghost_destroy(Val{Dc},ptr_pXest_ghost) + pXest_lnodes_destroy(model.pXest_type,ptr_pXest_lnodes) + pXest_ghost_destroy(model.pXest_type,ptr_pXest_ghost) red_model = OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel(Dc,Dp, parts, @@ -2081,6 +1903,8 @@ function _redistribute_parts_subseteq_parts_redistributed(model::OctreeDistribut model.coarse_model, model.ptr_pXest_connectivity, ptr_pXest_new, + model.pXest_type, + model.pXest_refinement_rule_type, false, model) return red_model, glue @@ -2099,7 +1923,7 @@ function _redistribute_parts_supset_parts_redistributed( # "p4est_partition_cut_gloidx" function in the p4est library psub=PArrays.getany(parts_redistributed_model) Psub=GridapDistributed.num_parts(subset_comm) - first_global_quadrant=Int64((Float64(N)*Float64(psub-1))/(Float64(Psub))) + first_global_quadrant=Int64(floor((Float64(N)*Float64(psub-1))/(Float64(Psub)))) @assert first_global_quadrant>=0 && first_global_quadrant= 0 - if (face_code != 0) - c = face_code & 0x03 - work = face_code >> 2 - hanging_face .= -1 - for i = 0:1 - f = p4est_corner_faces[c+1, i+1] - hanging_face[f+1] = (work & 0x01) != 0 ? p4est_corner_face_corners[c+1, f+1] : -1 - work >>= 1 - end - return 1 - else - return 0 - end -end - -const p8est_corner_faces = [0 2 4; 1 2 4; 0 3 4; 1 3 4; 0 2 5; 1 2 5; 0 3 5; 1 3 5] - -const p8est_face_edges = [ 4 6 8 10; 5 7 9 11; 0 2 8 9; 1 3 10 11; 0 1 4 5; 2 3 6 7] - -const p8est_corner_face_corners = [0 -1 0 -1 0 -1; -1 0 1 -1 1 -1 ; 1 -1 -1 0 2 -1 ; -1 1 -1 1 3 -1 ; - 2 -1 2 -1 -1 0; -1 2 3 -1 -1 1 ; 3 -1 -1 2 -1 2 ; -1 3 -1 3 -1 3 ] - -const p8est_corner_edges = [ 0 4 8; 0 5 9; 1 4 10; 1 5 11; 2 6 8; 2 7 9; 3 6 10; 3 7 11 ] - -# To add to p8est_wrapper.jl library -# I just translated this function to Julia from its p4est counterpart -# We cannot call it directly because it is declared as static within p4est, -# and thus it does not belong to the ABI of the dynamic library object. -function p8est_lnodes_decode(face_code, - hanging_face, - hanging_edge) - @assert face_code >= 0 - if (face_code!=0) - c = face_code & 0x0007 - work = face_code >> 3 - hanging_face .= -1 - hanging_edge .= -1 - cwork = c - for i=0:2 - if ((work & 0x0001)!=0) - f = p8est_corner_faces[c+1,i+1] - hanging_face[f+1] = p8est_corner_face_corners[c+1,f+1] - for j=0:3 - e = p8est_face_edges[f+1,j+1] - hanging_edge[e+1] = 4 - end - end - work >>= 1 - end - for i=0:3 - if ((work & 0x0001)!=0) - e = p8est_corner_edges[c+1,i+1] - hanging_edge[e+1] = (hanging_edge[e+1] == -1) ? 0 : 2 - hanging_edge[e+1] += (cwork & 0x0001) - end - cwork >>= 1 - work >>= 1 - end - return 1 - else - return 0 - end -end - -function setup_non_conforming_distributed_discrete_model(::Type{Val{Dc}}, +function setup_non_conforming_distributed_discrete_model(pXest_type::PXestType, + pXest_refinement_rule_type::PXestRefinementRuleType, parts, coarse_discrete_model, ptr_pXest_connectivity, ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost, - ptr_pXest_lnodes) where Dc + ptr_pXest_lnodes) + + Dc=num_cell_dims(pXest_type) - cell_prange = setup_cell_prange(Val{Dc}, parts, ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost) + cell_prange = setup_cell_prange(pXest_type, parts, ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost) gridap_cell_faces, non_conforming_glue= - generate_cell_faces_and_non_conforming_glue(Val{Dc},ptr_pXest_lnodes, cell_prange) + generate_cell_faces_and_non_conforming_glue(pXest_type,pXest_refinement_rule_type,ptr_pXest_lnodes, cell_prange) cell_corner_lids = map(gridap_cell_faces[1]) do cell_lids Gridap.Arrays.Table(cell_lids.data,cell_lids.ptrs) # JaggedArray -> Table end + cell_vertex_coordinates = generate_cell_vertex_coordinates( - Val{Dc}, + pXest_type, cell_corner_lids, ptr_pXest_connectivity, ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost ) grid, topology = generate_grid_and_topology( - Val{Dc},cell_corner_lids,cell_vertex_coordinates + pXest_type,cell_corner_lids,cell_vertex_coordinates ) map(topology,gridap_cell_faces[Dc]) do topology,cell_faces @@ -2398,14 +2163,17 @@ function setup_non_conforming_distributed_discrete_model(::Type{Val{Dc}}, end end - face_labeling=generate_face_labeling(parts, + face_labeling=generate_face_labeling(pXest_type, + parts, cell_prange, coarse_discrete_model, topology, ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost) - _set_hanging_labels!(face_labeling,non_conforming_glue) + coarse_face_labeling = get_face_labeling(coarse_discrete_model) + + _set_hanging_labels!(face_labeling,non_conforming_glue,coarse_face_labeling) discretemodel=map(grid,topology,face_labeling) do grid, topology, face_labeling Gridap.Geometry.UnstructuredDiscreteModel(grid,topology,face_labeling) @@ -2413,23 +2181,27 @@ function setup_non_conforming_distributed_discrete_model(::Type{Val{Dc}}, GridapDistributed.DistributedDiscreteModel(discretemodel,cell_prange), non_conforming_glue end -function _set_hanging_labels!(face_labeling,non_conforming_glue) - max_entity_ids = map(face_labeling) do face_labeling - max_entity_id = typemin(eltype(first(face_labeling.d_to_dface_to_entity))) - for i=1:length(face_labeling.d_to_dface_to_entity) - max_entity_id=max(maximum(face_labeling.d_to_dface_to_entity[i]),max_entity_id) - end - max_entity_id +function _compute_max_entity_id(face_labeling) + max_entity_id = typemin(eltype(first(face_labeling.d_to_dface_to_entity))) + for i=1:length(face_labeling.d_to_dface_to_entity) + max_entity_id=max(maximum(face_labeling.d_to_dface_to_entity[i]),max_entity_id) end - max_entity_id = reduction(max, - max_entity_ids, - destination=:all, - init=zero(eltype(max_entity_ids))) - + max_entity_id +end + +function _compute_min_entity_id(face_labeling) + min_entity_id = typemin(eltype(first(face_labeling.d_to_dface_to_entity))) + for i=1:length(face_labeling.d_to_dface_to_entity) + min_entity_id=min(minimum(face_labeling.d_to_dface_to_entity[i]),min_entity_id) + end + min_entity_id +end + +function _set_hanging_labels!(face_labeling,non_conforming_glue,coarse_face_labeling) + max_entity_id = _compute_max_entity_id(coarse_face_labeling) hanging_entitity_ids = Dict{Int,Bool}() - map(max_entity_id, - face_labeling, - non_conforming_glue) do max_entity_id,face_labeling,ncglue + map(face_labeling, + non_conforming_glue) do face_labeling,ncglue for i=1:length(ncglue.num_hanging_faces) num_regular_faces_i = ncglue.num_regular_faces[i] num_hanging_faces_i = ncglue.num_hanging_faces[i] @@ -2446,764 +2218,4 @@ function _set_hanging_labels!(face_labeling,non_conforming_glue) end end -function _build_map_from_faces_to_cell_lface(vnodes, element_nodes, face_code) - n_cell_faces = num_cell_faces(Val{2}) - hanging_face = Vector{Cint}(undef, n_cell_faces) - - # Build a map from faces to (cell,lface) - p4est_gface_to_gcell_p4est_lface = Dict{Int,Tuple{Int,Int}}() - for cell = 1:length(face_code) - start = (cell - 1) * vnodes + 1 - p4est_cell_faces = view(element_nodes, start:start+n_cell_faces-1) - has_hanging = p4est_lnodes_decode(face_code[cell], hanging_face) - if (has_hanging==0) - for (lface, gface) in enumerate(p4est_cell_faces) - p4est_gface_to_gcell_p4est_lface[gface] = (cell, lface) - end - else - for (lface, half) in enumerate(hanging_face) - # Current face is NOT hanging - if (half == -1) - gface = p4est_cell_faces[lface] - p4est_gface_to_gcell_p4est_lface[gface] = (cell, lface) - end - end - end - end - p4est_gface_to_gcell_p4est_lface -end - -function _build_map_from_faces_edges_to_cell_lface_ledge(vnodes, element_nodes, face_code) - n_cell_faces = num_cell_faces(Val{3}) - n_cell_edges = num_cell_edges(Val{3}) - - hanging_face = Vector{Cint}(undef, n_cell_faces) - hanging_edge = Vector{Cint}(undef, n_cell_edges) - - # Build a map from faces to (cell,lface) - p4est_gface_to_gcell_p4est_lface = Dict{Int,Tuple{Int,Int}}() - p4est_gedge_to_gcell_p4est_ledge = Dict{Int,Tuple{Int,Int}}() - for cell = 1:length(face_code) - start = (cell - 1) * vnodes + 1 - p4est_cell_faces = view(element_nodes, start:start+n_cell_faces-1) - p4est_cell_edges = view(element_nodes, start+n_cell_faces:start+n_cell_faces+n_cell_edges-1) - - - has_hanging = p8est_lnodes_decode(face_code[cell], hanging_face, hanging_edge) - if (has_hanging==0) - for (lface, gface) in enumerate(p4est_cell_faces) - p4est_gface_to_gcell_p4est_lface[gface] = (cell, lface) - end - for (ledge, gedge) in enumerate(p4est_cell_edges) - p4est_gedge_to_gcell_p4est_ledge[gedge] = (cell, ledge) - end - else - for (lface, half) in enumerate(hanging_face) - # Current face is NOT hanging - if (half == -1) - gface = p4est_cell_faces[lface] - p4est_gface_to_gcell_p4est_lface[gface] = (cell, lface) - end - end - for (ledge, half) in enumerate(hanging_edge) - # Current edge is NOT hanging - if (half == -1) - gedge = p4est_cell_edges[ledge] - p4est_gedge_to_gcell_p4est_ledge[gedge] = (cell, ledge) - end - end - end - end - p4est_gface_to_gcell_p4est_lface, p4est_gedge_to_gcell_p4est_ledge -end - -function pXest_2_gridap_vertex(::Type{Val{Dc}}) where Dc - Gridap.Arrays.IdentityVector(num_cell_vertices(Val{Dc})) -end - -function p8est_2_gridap_edge() - Gridap.Arrays.IdentityVector(num_cell_edges(Val{3})) -end - -function pXest_2_gridap_facet(::Type{Val{Dc}}) where Dc - if (Dc==2) - GridapP4est.P4EST_2_GRIDAP_FACET_2D - else - @assert Dc==3 - GridapP4est.P4EST_2_GRIDAP_FACET_3D - end -end - -function hanging_lvertex_within_face_2d(half) - half == 0 ? 1 : 0 -end - -function hanging_lvertex_within_face_3d(half) - if (half==0) - return 3 - elseif (half==1) - return 2 - elseif (half==2) - return 1 - elseif (half==3) - return 0 - end -end - -function hanging_lvertex_within_edge(half) - if (half==0 || half==2) - return 1 - elseif (half==1 || half==3) - return 0 - end - @assert false -end - -function regular_lvertex_within_face(half) - return half -end - -function regular_lvertex_within_edge(half) - if (half==0 || half==2) - return 0 - elseif (half==1 || half==3) - return 1 - end - @assert false -end - - -function generate_cell_faces_and_non_conforming_glue(::Type{Val{Dc}}, - ptr_pXest_lnodes, - cell_prange) where Dc - - n_cell_vertices = num_cell_vertices(Val{Dc}) - n_cell_edges = num_cell_edges(Val{Dc}) - n_cell_faces = num_cell_faces(Val{Dc}) - - lnodes = ptr_pXest_lnodes[] - element_nodes = unsafe_wrap(Array, lnodes.element_nodes, lnodes.vnodes * lnodes.num_local_elements) - face_code = unsafe_wrap(Array, lnodes.face_code, lnodes.num_local_elements) - hanging_face = Vector{Cint}(undef, n_cell_faces) - face_code_with_ghosts = map(partition(cell_prange)) do indices - @assert length(face_code)==own_length(indices) - @assert own_length(indices)==lnodes.num_local_elements - face_code_with_ghosts=similar(face_code, local_length(indices)) - face_code_with_ghosts[1:own_length(indices)] .= face_code - face_code_with_ghosts - end - - cache_face_code=fetch_vector_ghost_values_cache(face_code_with_ghosts, partition(cell_prange)) - fetch_vector_ghost_values!(face_code_with_ghosts, cache_face_code) |> wait - - element_nodes_with_ghosts = map(partition(cell_prange)) do indices - nonlocal_nodes = unsafe_wrap(Array, lnodes.nonlocal_nodes, lnodes.num_local_nodes-lnodes.owned_count) - element_nodes_with_ghosts_data=similar(element_nodes, local_length(indices)*lnodes.vnodes) - for (i,node) in enumerate(element_nodes) - if (node wait - - map(element_nodes_with_ghosts,face_code_with_ghosts,partition(cell_prange)) do element_nodes_with_ghosts, face_code_with_ghosts, indices - @debug "ENDES[$(part_id(indices))]: $(element_nodes_with_ghosts.data)" - @debug "FCODS[$(part_id(indices))]: $(face_code_with_ghosts)" - end - - if (Dc==2) - hanging_lvertex_within_face=hanging_lvertex_within_face_2d - pXest_face_corners = p4est_face_corners - else - hanging_lvertex_within_face=hanging_lvertex_within_face_3d - pXest_face_corners = p8est_face_corners - end - - if (Dc==3) - hanging_edge = Vector{Cint}(undef, n_cell_edges) - end - - num_regular_faces, - num_hanging_faces, - gridap_cell_faces, - hanging_faces_glue, - hanging_faces_to_cell, - hanging_faces_to_lface, - owner_faces_pindex, - owner_faces_lids = - map(partition(cell_prange), - element_nodes_with_ghosts, - face_code_with_ghosts) do indices, - element_nodes_with_ghosts, - face_code_with_ghosts - @assert local_length(indices)==length(face_code_with_ghosts) - - num_local_elements = local_length(indices) - num_regular_faces = Vector{Int}(undef, Dc) - num_hanging_faces = Vector{Int}(undef, Dc) - - # Count regular vertices - num_regular_faces[1] = 0 - regular_vertices_p4est_to_gridap = Dict{Int,Int}() - - num_regular_faces[Dc] = 0 - regular_faces_p4est_to_gridap = Dict{Int,Int}() - - if (Dc==2) - p4est_gface_to_gcell_p4est_lface = - _build_map_from_faces_to_cell_lface(lnodes.vnodes, element_nodes_with_ghosts.data, face_code_with_ghosts) - else - p4est_gface_to_gcell_p4est_lface, - p4est_gedge_to_gcell_p4est_ledge = - _build_map_from_faces_edges_to_cell_lface_ledge(lnodes.vnodes, - element_nodes_with_ghosts.data, - face_code_with_ghosts) - end - - PXEST_2_GRIDAP_VERTEX = pXest_2_gridap_vertex(Val{Dc}) - PXEST_2_GRIDAP_FACE = pXest_2_gridap_facet(Val{Dc}) - PXEST_2_GRIDAP_EDGE = p8est_2_gridap_edge() - - n = local_length(indices) - gridap_cell_vertices_ptrs = Vector{Int32}(undef,n+1) - gridap_cell_faces_ptrs = Vector{Int32}(undef,n+1) - gridap_cell_vertices_ptrs[1]=1 - gridap_cell_faces_ptrs[1]=1 - - hanging_vertices_pairs_to_owner_face = Dict{Tuple{Int,Int},Int}() - hanging_faces_pairs_to_owner_face = Dict{Tuple{Int,Int},Tuple{Int,Int}}() - - for i=1:n - gridap_cell_vertices_ptrs[i+1]=gridap_cell_vertices_ptrs[i]+n_cell_vertices - gridap_cell_faces_ptrs[i+1]=gridap_cell_faces_ptrs[i]+n_cell_faces - end - - gridap_cell_vertices_data = Vector{Int}(undef, num_local_elements * n_cell_vertices) - gridap_cell_vertices_data .= -1 - - gridap_cell_faces_data = Vector{Int}(undef, num_local_elements * n_cell_faces) - gridap_cell_faces_data .= -1 - - if (Dc==3) - num_regular_faces[2] = 0 - - gridap_cell_edges_ptrs = Vector{Int32}(undef,n+1) - gridap_cell_edges_ptrs[1]=1 - for i=1:n - gridap_cell_edges_ptrs[i+1]=gridap_cell_edges_ptrs[i]+n_cell_edges - end - gridap_cell_edges_data = Vector{Int}(undef, num_local_elements * n_cell_edges) - gridap_cell_edges_data .= -1 - hanging_edges_cell_ledge_to_owner_face_half = Dict{Tuple{Int,Int},Tuple{Int,Int}}() - owner_edge_subedge_to_cell_ledge = Dict{Tuple{Int,Int},Tuple{Int,Int}}() - hanging_vertices_pairs_to_owner_edge = Dict{Tuple{Int,Int},Int}() - regular_edges_p4est_to_gridap = Dict{Int,Int}() - end - - for cell = 1:num_local_elements - start = (cell - 1) * lnodes.vnodes + 1 - start_gridap_vertices = (cell - 1) * n_cell_vertices - start_gridap_faces = (cell - 1) * n_cell_faces - - p4est_cell_faces = view(element_nodes_with_ghosts.data, start:start+n_cell_faces-1) - p4est_cell_vertices = view(element_nodes_with_ghosts.data, - start+n_cell_faces+n_cell_edges:start+n_cell_faces+n_cell_edges+n_cell_vertices-1) - - gridap_cell_vertices = view(gridap_cell_vertices_data, - start_gridap_vertices+1:start_gridap_vertices+n_cell_vertices) - gridap_cell_faces = view(gridap_cell_faces_data, - start_gridap_faces+1:start_gridap_faces+n_cell_faces) - - if (Dc==2) - has_hanging = p4est_lnodes_decode(face_code_with_ghosts[cell], hanging_face) - else - has_hanging = p8est_lnodes_decode(face_code_with_ghosts[cell], hanging_face, hanging_edge) - start_gridap_edges = (cell-1)*n_cell_edges - gridap_cell_edges = view(gridap_cell_edges_data, start_gridap_edges+1:start_gridap_edges+n_cell_edges) - p4est_cell_edges = view(element_nodes_with_ghosts.data, - start+n_cell_faces:start+n_cell_faces+n_cell_edges-1) - end - if has_hanging == 0 - # All vertices/edges/faces of the current cell are regular - # Process vertices - for (p4est_lvertex, p4est_gvertex) in enumerate(p4est_cell_vertices) - num_regular_faces[1] = - process_current_face!(gridap_cell_vertices, - regular_vertices_p4est_to_gridap, - num_regular_faces[1], - p4est_cell_vertices, - p4est_lvertex, - p4est_gvertex, - PXEST_2_GRIDAP_VERTEX) - end - - if (Dc==3) - for (p4est_ledge, p4est_gedge) in enumerate(p4est_cell_edges) - num_regular_faces[2] = - process_current_face!(gridap_cell_edges, - regular_edges_p4est_to_gridap, - num_regular_faces[2], - p4est_cell_edges, - p4est_ledge, - p4est_gedge, - PXEST_2_GRIDAP_EDGE) - end - end - - # Process faces - for (p4est_lface, p4est_gface) in enumerate(p4est_cell_faces) - num_regular_faces[Dc] = - process_current_face!(gridap_cell_faces, - regular_faces_p4est_to_gridap, - num_regular_faces[Dc], - p4est_cell_faces, - p4est_lface, - p4est_gface, - PXEST_2_GRIDAP_FACE) - end - else - # "Touch" hanging vertices before processing current cell - # This is required as we dont have any means to detect - # a hanging vertex from a non-hanging face - for (p4est_lface, half) in enumerate(hanging_face) - if (half != -1) - hanging_vertex_lvertex_within_face = hanging_lvertex_within_face(half) - p4est_lvertex = pXest_face_corners[p4est_lface, - hanging_vertex_lvertex_within_face+1] - gridap_cell_vertices[PXEST_2_GRIDAP_VERTEX[p4est_lvertex+1]] = hanging_vertex_code - end - end - - if (Dc==3) - for (p4est_ledge, half) in enumerate(hanging_edge) - if (half != -1 && half !=4) - hanging_vertex_lvertex_within_edge = hanging_lvertex_within_edge(half) - p4est_lvertex = p8est_edge_corners[p4est_ledge, - hanging_vertex_lvertex_within_edge+1] - gridap_cell_vertices[PXEST_2_GRIDAP_VERTEX[p4est_lvertex+1]] = hanging_vertex_code - end - end - end - - # Current cell has at least one hanging face - for (p4est_lface, half) in enumerate(hanging_face) - # Current face is NOT hanging - if (half == -1) - # Process vertices on the boundary of p4est_lface - for p4est_lvertex in pXest_face_corners[p4est_lface, :] - p4est_gvertex = p4est_cell_vertices[p4est_lvertex+1] - if (gridap_cell_vertices[p4est_lvertex+1] != hanging_vertex_code) - num_regular_faces[1] = - process_current_face!(gridap_cell_vertices, - regular_vertices_p4est_to_gridap, - num_regular_faces[1], - p4est_cell_vertices, - p4est_lvertex + 1, - p4est_gvertex, - PXEST_2_GRIDAP_VERTEX) - end - end - # Process non-hanging face - p4est_gface = p4est_cell_faces[p4est_lface] - num_regular_faces[Dc] = - process_current_face!(gridap_cell_faces, - regular_faces_p4est_to_gridap, - num_regular_faces[Dc], - p4est_cell_faces, - p4est_lface, - p4est_gface, - PXEST_2_GRIDAP_FACE) - else # Current face is hanging - # Identify regular vertex and hanging vertex - # Repeat code above for regular vertex - # Special treatment for hanging vertex - regular_vertex_lvertex_within_face = regular_lvertex_within_face(half) - hanging_vertex_lvertex_within_face = hanging_lvertex_within_face(half) - - # Process regular vertex - p4est_regular_lvertex = pXest_face_corners[p4est_lface, regular_vertex_lvertex_within_face+1] - p4est_gvertex = p4est_cell_vertices[p4est_regular_lvertex+1] - num_regular_faces[1] = - process_current_face!(gridap_cell_vertices, - regular_vertices_p4est_to_gridap, - num_regular_faces[1], - p4est_cell_vertices, - p4est_regular_lvertex + 1, - p4est_gvertex, - PXEST_2_GRIDAP_VERTEX) - - # Process hanging vertex - p4est_hanging_lvertex = pXest_face_corners[p4est_lface, hanging_vertex_lvertex_within_face+1] - owner_face = p4est_cell_faces[p4est_lface] - hanging_vertices_pairs_to_owner_face[(cell, PXEST_2_GRIDAP_VERTEX[p4est_hanging_lvertex+1])] = owner_face - - # Process hanging face - hanging_faces_pairs_to_owner_face[(cell, PXEST_2_GRIDAP_FACE[p4est_lface])] = (owner_face,half+1) - - if (Dc==3) - for (i,ledge_within_face) in enumerate(p8est_subface_to_hanging_edges_within_subface[half+1,:]) - p4est_ledge=p8est_face_edges[p4est_lface,ledge_within_face+1] - gridap_ledge = PXEST_2_GRIDAP_EDGE[p4est_ledge+1] - # Identify the two edges which are hanging within the face - hanging_edges_cell_ledge_to_owner_face_half[(cell, gridap_ledge)] = - (owner_face,-p8est_subface_to_hanging_edges_within_face[half+1,i]) - gridap_cell_edges[gridap_ledge] = hanging_edge_from_face_code - end - end - - end - end - - - if (Dc==3) - for (p4est_ledge, half) in enumerate(hanging_edge) - # Current edge is NOT hanging - if (half == -1) - # Process vertices on the boundary of p4est_ledge - for p4est_lvertex in p8est_edge_corners[p4est_ledge, :] - p4est_gvertex = p4est_cell_vertices[p4est_lvertex+1] - if (gridap_cell_vertices[p4est_lvertex+1] != hanging_vertex_code) - num_regular_faces[1] = - process_current_face!(gridap_cell_vertices, - regular_vertices_p4est_to_gridap, - num_regular_faces[1], - p4est_cell_vertices, - p4est_lvertex + 1, - p4est_gvertex, - PXEST_2_GRIDAP_VERTEX) - end - end - # Process non-hanging edge - p4est_gedge = p4est_cell_edges[p4est_ledge] - num_regular_faces[2] = - process_current_face!(gridap_cell_edges, - regular_edges_p4est_to_gridap, - num_regular_faces[2], - p4est_cell_edges, - p4est_ledge, - p4est_gedge, - PXEST_2_GRIDAP_EDGE) - else # Current edge is hanging - if ( gridap_cell_edges[PXEST_2_GRIDAP_EDGE[p4est_ledge]] != hanging_edge_from_face_code ) - # The present hanging edge cannot be within a coarser face - @assert half != 4 - - # # Identify regular vertex and hanging vertex - # # Repeat code above for regular vertex - # # Special treatment for hanging vertex - regular_vertex_lvertex_within_edge = regular_lvertex_within_edge(half) - hanging_vertex_lvertex_within_edge = hanging_lvertex_within_edge(half) - - # # Process regular vertex - p4est_regular_lvertex = p8est_edge_corners[p4est_ledge, regular_vertex_lvertex_within_edge+1] - p4est_gvertex = p4est_cell_vertices[p4est_regular_lvertex+1] - - num_regular_faces[1] = - process_current_face!(gridap_cell_vertices, - regular_vertices_p4est_to_gridap, - num_regular_faces[1], - p4est_cell_vertices, - p4est_regular_lvertex + 1, - p4est_gvertex, - PXEST_2_GRIDAP_VERTEX) - - # Process hanging vertex - p4est_hanging_lvertex = p8est_edge_corners[p4est_ledge, hanging_vertex_lvertex_within_edge+1] - p4est_owner_edge = p4est_cell_edges[p4est_ledge] - hanging_vertices_pairs_to_owner_edge[(cell, - PXEST_2_GRIDAP_VERTEX[p4est_hanging_lvertex+1])] = p4est_owner_edge - - # Process hanging edge - subedge = regular_vertex_lvertex_within_edge+1 - owner_edge_subedge_pair=(p4est_owner_edge,subedge) - gridap_ledge=PXEST_2_GRIDAP_EDGE[p4est_ledge] - hanging_edges_cell_ledge_to_owner_face_half[(cell, gridap_ledge)] = owner_edge_subedge_pair - if (!haskey(owner_edge_subedge_to_cell_ledge,owner_edge_subedge_pair)) - owner_edge_subedge_to_cell_ledge[owner_edge_subedge_pair] = (cell,gridap_ledge) - end - end - end - end - end - end - end - - function is_ghost(cell) - cell>own_length(indices) - end - - # Go over all touched hanging faces and start - # assigning IDs from the last num_regular_faces ID - # For each hanging face, keep track of (owner_cell,lface) - # Go over all hanging faces - # Detect if the owner face is in a ghost cell. - # If not in a ghost cell or touched - # Else - # The current face becomes a regular face - # end - hanging_faces_owner_cell_and_lface = - Vector{Tuple{Int,Int,Int}}(undef, length(keys(hanging_faces_pairs_to_owner_face))) - num_hanging_faces[Dc] = 0 - for key in keys(hanging_faces_pairs_to_owner_face) - (cell, lface) = key - (owner_p4est_gface, half) = hanging_faces_pairs_to_owner_face[key] - num_hanging_faces[Dc] += 1 - start_gridap_faces = (cell - 1) * n_cell_faces - gridap_cell_faces_data[start_gridap_faces+lface] = num_regular_faces[Dc] + num_hanging_faces[Dc] - if (!(is_ghost(cell)) || haskey(regular_faces_p4est_to_gridap,owner_p4est_gface)) - @assert haskey(regular_faces_p4est_to_gridap,owner_p4est_gface) - (owner_cell, p4est_lface) = p4est_gface_to_gcell_p4est_lface[owner_p4est_gface] - hanging_faces_owner_cell_and_lface[num_hanging_faces[Dc]] = - (owner_cell, n_cell_vertices+n_cell_edges+PXEST_2_GRIDAP_FACE[p4est_lface], half) - else - # Glue info cannot be computed for this hanging face - hanging_faces_owner_cell_and_lface[num_hanging_faces[Dc]] = (-1,-1,-1) - end - end - - @debug "[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))] gridap_cell_faces_data: $(gridap_cell_faces_data)" - - - # Go over all touched hanging vertices and start - # assigning IDs from the last num_regular_vertices ID - # For each hanging vertex, keep track of (owner_cell,lface) - num_hanging_faces[1] = 0 - hanging_vertices_owner_cell_and_lface = Tuple{Int,Int,Int}[] - half=1 - owner_p4est_gface_to_hanging_vertex = Dict{Int,Int}() - for key in keys(hanging_vertices_pairs_to_owner_face) - (cell, lvertex) = key - owner_p4est_gface = hanging_vertices_pairs_to_owner_face[key] - if !(haskey(owner_p4est_gface_to_hanging_vertex, owner_p4est_gface)) - num_hanging_faces[1] += 1 - owner_p4est_gface_to_hanging_vertex[owner_p4est_gface] = num_hanging_faces[1] - if (!is_ghost(cell) || (haskey(regular_faces_p4est_to_gridap,owner_p4est_gface))) - (owner_cell, p4est_lface) = p4est_gface_to_gcell_p4est_lface[owner_p4est_gface] - push!(hanging_vertices_owner_cell_and_lface, - (owner_cell, n_cell_vertices+n_cell_edges+PXEST_2_GRIDAP_FACE[p4est_lface],half)) - else - push!(hanging_vertices_owner_cell_and_lface,(-1, -1,-1)) - end - end - start_gridap_vertices = (cell - 1) * n_cell_vertices - gridap_cell_vertices_data[start_gridap_vertices+lvertex] = num_regular_faces[1] + - owner_p4est_gface_to_hanging_vertex[owner_p4est_gface] - end - - @debug "[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))] gridap_cell_vertices_data: $(gridap_cell_vertices_data)" - - if (Dc==3) - half=1 - owner_p4est_gedge_to_hanging_vertex = Dict{Int,Int}() - for key in keys(hanging_vertices_pairs_to_owner_edge) - (cell, lvertex) = key - owner_p4est_gedge = hanging_vertices_pairs_to_owner_edge[key] - if !(haskey(owner_p4est_gedge_to_hanging_vertex, owner_p4est_gedge)) - num_hanging_faces[1] += 1 - owner_p4est_gedge_to_hanging_vertex[owner_p4est_gedge] = num_hanging_faces[1] - if (!is_ghost(cell) || (haskey(regular_edges_p4est_to_gridap,owner_p4est_gedge))) - (owner_cell, p4est_ledge) = p4est_gedge_to_gcell_p4est_ledge[owner_p4est_gedge] - push!(hanging_vertices_owner_cell_and_lface, - (owner_cell, n_cell_vertices+PXEST_2_GRIDAP_EDGE[p4est_ledge],half)) - else - push!(hanging_vertices_owner_cell_and_lface,(-1, -1,-1)) - end - end - start_gridap_vertices = (cell - 1) * n_cell_vertices - gridap_cell_vertices_data[start_gridap_vertices+lvertex] = num_regular_faces[1] + - owner_p4est_gedge_to_hanging_vertex[owner_p4est_gedge] - end - - - # Go over all touched hanging edges and start - # assigning IDs from the last num_regular_edge ID - # For each hanging edge, keep track of (owner_cell,lface/ledge) - hanging_edges_owner_cell_and_lface = Tuple{Int,Int,Int}[] - owner_p4est_gface_half_to_hanging_edge = Dict{Tuple{Int,Int},Int}() - owner_p4est_gedge_subedge_to_hanging_edge = Dict{Tuple{Int,Int},Int}() - num_hanging_faces[2] = 0 - ledge_to_cvertices = Gridap.ReferenceFEs.get_faces(HEX, 1, 0) - # The following loop needs (1) the pairs to be traversed in increased order by cell ID; - # (2) gridap cell vertices to be already completed - for key in sort(collect(keys(hanging_edges_cell_ledge_to_owner_face_half))) - (cell, ledge) = key - (owner_p4est_gface_or_gedge, half) = hanging_edges_cell_ledge_to_owner_face_half[key] - @debug "[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))] own_length=$(own_length(indices)) cell=$(cell) ledge=$(ledge) owner_p4est_gface_or_gedge=$(owner_p4est_gface_or_gedge) half=$(half)" - if (half<0) # hanging edge is within a coarser face - owner_p4est_gface = owner_p4est_gface_or_gedge - if !(haskey(owner_p4est_gface_half_to_hanging_edge, (owner_p4est_gface,half))) - num_hanging_faces[2] += 1 - owner_p4est_gface_half_to_hanging_edge[(owner_p4est_gface,half)] = num_hanging_faces[2] - if (!is_ghost(cell) || (haskey(regular_faces_p4est_to_gridap,owner_p4est_gface))) - (owner_cell, p4est_lface) = p4est_gface_to_gcell_p4est_lface[owner_p4est_gface] - push!(hanging_edges_owner_cell_and_lface, - (owner_cell, n_cell_vertices+n_cell_edges+PXEST_2_GRIDAP_FACE[p4est_lface],half)) - else - push!(hanging_edges_owner_cell_and_lface,(-1, -1, -1)) - end - end - start_gridap_edges = (cell - 1) * n_cell_edges - gridap_cell_edges_data[start_gridap_edges+ledge] = num_regular_faces[2] + - owner_p4est_gface_half_to_hanging_edge[(owner_p4est_gface,half)] - - else # hanging edge is within a coarser edge - @assert half==1 || half==2 - owner_p4est_gedge = owner_p4est_gface_or_gedge - owner_gedge_pair = (owner_p4est_gedge,half) - if (haskey(owner_edge_subedge_to_cell_ledge,owner_gedge_pair)) - (owner_cell, owner_cell_ledge) = owner_edge_subedge_to_cell_ledge[owner_gedge_pair] - if (owner_cell==cell) - @assert owner_cell_ledge == ledge - num_hanging_faces[2] += 1 - owner_p4est_gedge_subedge_to_hanging_edge[(owner_p4est_gedge,half)] = num_hanging_faces[2] - if (!is_ghost(cell) || (haskey(regular_edges_p4est_to_gridap,owner_p4est_gedge))) - (owner_cell, p4est_ledge) = p4est_gedge_to_gcell_p4est_ledge[owner_p4est_gedge] - push!(hanging_edges_owner_cell_and_lface, - (owner_cell, n_cell_vertices+PXEST_2_GRIDAP_EDGE[p4est_ledge],half)) - else - push!(hanging_edges_owner_cell_and_lface,(-1, -1, -1)) - end - start_gridap_edges = (cell - 1) * n_cell_edges - gridap_cell_edges_data[start_gridap_edges+ledge] = num_regular_faces[2] + num_hanging_faces[2] - else - haskey_first_subedge = haskey(owner_p4est_gedge_subedge_to_hanging_edge,(owner_p4est_gedge,1)) - haskey_second_subedge = haskey(owner_p4est_gedge_subedge_to_hanging_edge,(owner_p4est_gedge,2)) - if (!(is_ghost(cell))) - @assert haskey_first_subedge && haskey_second_subedge - else - @assert haskey_first_subedge || haskey_second_subedge - end - if (haskey_first_subedge && haskey_second_subedge) - # The following code is required as we may have edges - # with different orientations at the inter-octree boundaries - match=true - start_gridap_vertices_cell = (cell - 1) * n_cell_vertices - start_gridap_vertices_cell_owner = (owner_cell - 1) * n_cell_vertices - for lvertex_cell in ledge_to_cvertices[ledge] - vertex_cell=gridap_cell_vertices_data[start_gridap_vertices_cell+lvertex_cell] - found=false - # Go over vertices of owner_cell_ledge in owner_cell - for lvertex_owner_cell in ledge_to_cvertices[owner_cell_ledge] - vertex_owner_cell=gridap_cell_vertices_data[start_gridap_vertices_cell_owner+lvertex_owner_cell] - if (vertex_owner_cell==vertex_cell) - found=true - break - end - end - if (!found) - match=false - break - end - end - if (match) - owner_half=half - else - owner_half=half==1 ? 2 : 1 - end - elseif (haskey_first_subedge) - owner_half=1 - elseif (haskey_second_subedge) - owner_half=2 - end - @debug "[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))] cell=$(cell) ledge=$(ledge) owner_p4est_gface_or_gedge=$(owner_p4est_gface_or_gedge) half=$(half) owner_half=$(owner_half)" - start_gridap_edges = (cell - 1) * n_cell_edges - gridap_cell_edges_data[start_gridap_edges+ledge] = - num_regular_faces[2] + owner_p4est_gedge_subedge_to_hanging_edge[(owner_p4est_gedge,owner_half)] - end - end - end - end - @debug "[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))] gridap_cell_edges_data: $(gridap_cell_edges_data)" - end - - - gridap_cell_faces = Vector{JaggedArray}(undef,Dc) - gridap_cell_faces[1] = JaggedArray(gridap_cell_vertices_data,gridap_cell_vertices_ptrs) - if (Dc==3) - gridap_cell_faces[2] = JaggedArray(gridap_cell_edges_data,gridap_cell_edges_ptrs) - end - gridap_cell_faces[Dc] = JaggedArray(gridap_cell_faces_data,gridap_cell_faces_ptrs) - - hanging_faces_glue = Vector{Vector{Tuple}}(undef,Dc) - hanging_faces_glue[1] = hanging_vertices_owner_cell_and_lface - if (Dc==3) - hanging_faces_glue[2] = hanging_edges_owner_cell_and_lface - end - hanging_faces_glue[Dc] = hanging_faces_owner_cell_and_lface - - hanging_faces_to_cell = Vector{Vector{Int}}(undef, Dc) - hanging_faces_to_lface = Vector{Vector{Int}}(undef, Dc) - for i=1:Dc - # Locate for each hanging facet a cell to which it belongs - # and local position within that cell - hanging_faces_to_cell[i], - hanging_faces_to_lface[i] = - _generate_hanging_faces_to_cell_and_lface(num_regular_faces[i], - num_hanging_faces[i], - gridap_cell_faces[i]) - end - - owner_faces_pindex = Vector{Vector{Int}}(undef, Dc - 1) - owner_faces_lids = Vector{Dict{Int,Tuple{Int,Int,Int}}}(undef, Dc - 1) - - lface_to_cvertices = Gridap.ReferenceFEs.get_faces(Dc == 2 ? QUAD : HEX, Dc - 1, 0) - pindex_to_cfvertex_to_fvertex = Gridap.ReferenceFEs.get_vertex_permutations(Dc == 2 ? SEGMENT : QUAD) - - owner_faces_pindex[Dc-1], owner_faces_lids[Dc-1] = _compute_owner_faces_pindex_and_lids(Dc, - num_hanging_faces[Dc], - hanging_faces_glue[Dc], - hanging_faces_to_cell[Dc], - hanging_faces_to_lface[Dc], - gridap_cell_faces[1], - gridap_cell_faces[Dc], - lface_to_cvertices, - pindex_to_cfvertex_to_fvertex) - - if (Dc == 3) - owner_faces_pindex[1], owner_faces_lids[1]= - _compute_owner_edges_pindex_and_lids( - num_hanging_faces[2], - hanging_faces_glue[2], - hanging_faces_to_cell[2], - hanging_faces_to_lface[2], - gridap_cell_faces[1], - gridap_cell_faces[2]) - end - - return num_regular_faces, - num_hanging_faces, - gridap_cell_faces, - hanging_faces_glue, - hanging_faces_to_cell, - hanging_faces_to_lface, - owner_faces_pindex, - owner_faces_lids - - end |> tuple_of_arrays - - - gridap_cell_faces_out = Vector{MPIArray}(undef,Dc) - for i=1:Dc - gridap_cell_faces_out[i] = map(gridap_cell_faces) do gridap_cell_faces - gridap_cell_faces[i] - end - end - non_conforming_glue=map(num_regular_faces, - num_hanging_faces, - hanging_faces_glue, - hanging_faces_to_cell, - hanging_faces_to_lface, - owner_faces_pindex, - owner_faces_lids) do nrf, nhf, hfg, hfc, hfl, ofp,ofl - NonConformingGlue(nrf, nhf, hfg, hfc, hfl, ofp, ofl) - end - gridap_cell_faces_out,non_conforming_glue - end - diff --git a/src/PXestTypeMethods.jl b/src/PXestTypeMethods.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e228c6f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/PXestTypeMethods.jl @@ -0,0 +1,2521 @@ +abstract type PXestType end; +struct P4estType <: PXestType end ; +struct P6estType <: PXestType end; +struct P8estType <: PXestType end; +const P4P8estType = Union{P4estType,P8estType} +const P6P8estType = Union{P6estType,P8estType} + +abstract type PXestRefinementRuleType end; +struct PXestUniformRefinementRuleType <: PXestRefinementRuleType end; +struct PXestVerticalRefinementRuleType <: PXestRefinementRuleType end; +struct PXestHorizontalRefinementRuleType <: PXestRefinementRuleType end; + +function pXest_destroy(pXest_type::P4estType, ptr_pXest) + p4est_destroy(ptr_pXest) +end + +function pXest_destroy(pXest_type::P6estType, ptr_pXest) + p6est_destroy(ptr_pXest) +end + +function pXest_destroy(pXest_type::P8estType, ptr_pXest) + p8est_destroy(ptr_pXest) +end + + +function pXest_lnodes_destroy(pXest_type::P4estType, ptr_pXest_lnodes) + p4est_lnodes_destroy(ptr_pXest_lnodes) +end + +function pXest_lnodes_destroy(pXest_type::P6P8estType, ptr_pXest_lnodes) + p8est_lnodes_destroy(ptr_pXest_lnodes) +end + +function pXest_ghost_destroy(pXest_type::P4estType,ptr_pXest_ghost) + p4est_ghost_destroy(ptr_pXest_ghost) +end + +function pXest_ghost_destroy(pXest_type::P6estType,ptr_pXest_ghost) + p6est_ghost_destroy(ptr_pXest_ghost) +end + +function pXest_ghost_destroy(pXest_type::P8estType,ptr_pXest_ghost) + p8est_ghost_destroy(ptr_pXest_ghost) +end + +function pXest_connectivity_destroy(pXest_type::P4estType, ptr_pXest_connectivity) + p4est_connectivity_destroy(ptr_pXest_connectivity) +end + +function pXest_connectivity_destroy(pXest_type::P6estType, ptr_pXest_connectivity) + p6est_connectivity_destroy(ptr_pXest_connectivity) +end + +function pXest_connectivity_destroy(pXest_type::P8estType, ptr_pXest_connectivity) + p8est_connectivity_destroy(ptr_pXest_connectivity) +end + +function setup_pXest(pXest_type::P4estType, comm, connectivity, num_uniform_refinements) + p4est_new_ext(comm, + connectivity, + Cint(0), + Cint(num_uniform_refinements), + Cint(1), + Cint(0), + C_NULL, + C_NULL) +end + +function setup_pXest(pXest_type::P6estType, comm, connectivity, num_uniform_refinements) + p6est_new_ext(comm, + connectivity, + Cint(0), + Cint(num_uniform_refinements), # min_level + Cint(num_uniform_refinements), # min_zlevel + Cint(1), # num_zroot + Cint(0), # fill_uniform + Cint(1), # data_size + C_NULL, # init_fn + C_NULL) # user_pointer +end + +function setup_pXest(pXest_type::P6estType, + comm, connectivity, + num_horizontal_uniform_refinements, + num_vertical_uniform_refinements) + p6est_new_ext(comm, + connectivity, + Cint(0), + Cint(num_horizontal_uniform_refinements), # min_level + Cint(num_vertical_uniform_refinements), # min_zlevel + Cint(1), # num_zroot + Cint(0), # fill_uniform + Cint(1), # data_size + C_NULL, # init_fn + C_NULL) # user_pointer +end + +function setup_pXest(pXest_type::P8estType, comm, connectivity, num_uniform_refinements) + p8est_new_ext(comm, + connectivity, + Cint(0), Cint(num_uniform_refinements), Cint(1), Cint(0), + C_NULL, C_NULL) +end + +function setup_pXest_ghost(pXest_type::P4estType, ptr_pXest) + p4est_ghost_new(ptr_pXest,P4est_wrapper.P4EST_CONNECT_FULL) +end + +function setup_pXest_ghost(pXest_type::P6estType, ptr_pXest) + p6est_ghost_new(ptr_pXest,P4est_wrapper.P4EST_CONNECT_FULL) +end + +function setup_pXest_ghost(pXest_type::P8estType, ptr_pXest) + p8est_ghost_new(ptr_pXest,P4est_wrapper.P8EST_CONNECT_FULL) +end + +function setup_pXest_lnodes(pXest_type::P4estType, ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost) + p4est_lnodes_new(ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost, Cint(1)) +end + +function setup_pXest_lnodes(pXest_type::P8estType, ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost) + p8est_lnodes_new(ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost, Cint(1)) +end + +function setup_pXest_lnodes_nonconforming(pXest_type::P4estType, ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost) + p4est_lnodes_new(ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost, Cint(-2)) +end + +function setup_pXest_lnodes_nonconforming(pXest_type::P6estType, ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost) + p6est_lnodes_new(ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost, Cint(2)) +end + +function setup_pXest_lnodes_nonconforming(pXest_type::P8estType, ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost) + p8est_lnodes_new(ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost, Cint(-3)) +end + +function fill_tree_to_vertex!(conn,trian::Triangulation{D,D}) where D + cell_nodes_ids=Gridap.Geometry.get_cell_node_ids(trian) + tree_to_vertex=unsafe_wrap(Array, conn.tree_to_vertex, length(cell_nodes_ids)*(2^D)) + c=Gridap.Arrays.array_cache(cell_nodes_ids) + current=1 + for j=1:length(cell_nodes_ids) + ids=Gridap.Arrays.getindex!(c,cell_nodes_ids,j) + for id in ids + tree_to_vertex[current]=p4est_topidx_t(id-1) + current=current+1 + end + end +end + +function fill_coordinates!(conn,trian::Triangulation{D,D}) where D + node_coordinates=Gridap.Geometry.get_node_coordinates(trian) + vertices=unsafe_wrap(Array, conn.vertices, length(node_coordinates)*3) + current=1 + for i=1:length(node_coordinates) + p=node_coordinates[i] + for j=1:D + vertices[current]=Cdouble(p[j]) + current=current+1 + end + if (D==2) + vertices[current]=Cdouble(0.0) # Z coordinate always to 0.0 in 2D + current=current+1 + end + end +end + +function fill_tree_to_tree_and_to_face!(conn,trian::Triangulation{D,D}) where D + # /* + # * Fill tree_to_tree and tree_to_face to make sure we have a valid + # * connectivity. + # */ + PXEST_FACES=2*D + tree_to_tree=unsafe_wrap(Array, conn.tree_to_tree, conn.num_trees*PXEST_FACES ) + tree_to_face=unsafe_wrap(Array, conn.tree_to_face, conn.num_trees*PXEST_FACES ) + for tree=1:conn.num_trees + for face=1:PXEST_FACES + tree_to_tree[PXEST_FACES * (tree-1) + face] = tree-1 + tree_to_face[PXEST_FACES * (tree-1) + face] = face-1 + end + end +end + +function setup_pXest_connectivity(pXest_type::P4estType, coarse_discrete_model::DiscreteModel{2,2}) + trian=Triangulation(coarse_discrete_model) + pconn=p4est_connectivity_new( + p4est_topidx_t(num_nodes(trian)), # num_vertices + p4est_topidx_t(num_cells(coarse_discrete_model)), # num_trees + p4est_topidx_t(0), + p4est_topidx_t(0)) + conn=pconn[] + fill_tree_to_vertex!(conn, trian) + fill_coordinates!(conn, trian) + fill_tree_to_tree_and_to_face!(conn, trian) + p4est_connectivity_complete(pconn) + @assert Bool(p4est_connectivity_is_valid(pconn)) + pconn +end + +function setup_pXest_connectivity(pXest_type::P6estType, + coarse_discrete_model::DiscreteModel{2,2}, + extrusion_vector::Vector{Float64}) + @assert length(extrusion_vector)==3 + pconn4=setup_pXest_connectivity(P4estType(), coarse_discrete_model) + p6est_connectivity_new(pconn4,C_NULL,extrusion_vector) +end + +function setup_pXest_connectivity(pXest_type::P8estType, coarse_discrete_model::DiscreteModel{3,3}) + trian=Triangulation(coarse_discrete_model) + pconn=p8est_connectivity_new( + p4est_topidx_t(length(node_coordinates)), # num_vertices + p4est_topidx_t(num_cells(coarse_discrete_model)), # num_trees + p4est_topidx_t(0), + p4est_topidx_t(0), + p4est_topidx_t(0), + p4est_topidx_t(0)) + conn=pconn[] + fill_tree_to_vertex!(conn, trian) + fill_coordinates!(conn, trian) + fill_tree_to_tree_and_to_face!(conn, trian) + p8est_connectivity_complete(pconn) + @assert Bool(p8est_connectivity_is_valid(pconn)) + pconn +end + +function pXest_reset_data!(::P4estType, ptr_pXest, data_size, init_fn_c, user_pointer) + p4est_reset_data(ptr_pXest, data_size, init_fn_c, user_pointer) +end + +function pXest_reset_data!(::P6estType, ptr_pXest, data_size, init_fn_c, user_pointer) + p6est_reset_data(ptr_pXest, data_size, init_fn_c, user_pointer) +end + +function pXest_reset_data!(::P8estType, ptr_pXest, data_size, init_fn_c, user_pointer) + p8est_reset_data(ptr_pXest, data_size, init_fn_c, user_pointer) +end + + +function pXest_refine!(::P4estType, ptr_pXest, refine_fn_c, refine_replace_fn_c; init_fn_c=C_NULL) + p4est_refine_ext(ptr_pXest, Cint(0), Cint(-1), refine_fn_c, init_fn_c, refine_replace_fn_c) +end + +function pXest_refine!(::P8estType, ptr_pXest, refine_fn_c, refine_replace_fn_c; init_fn_c=C_NULL) + p8est_refine_ext(ptr_pXest, Cint(0), Cint(-1), refine_fn_c, init_fn_c, refine_replace_fn_c) +end + +function p6est_vertically_refine!(ptr_pXest, refine_fn_c, refine_replace_fn_c; init_fn_c=C_NULL) + p6est_refine_layers_ext(ptr_pXest, Cint(0), Cint(-1), refine_fn_c, init_fn_c, refine_replace_fn_c) +end + +function p6est_horizontally_refine!(ptr_pXest, refine_fn_c, refine_replace_fn_c; init_fn_c=C_NULL) + p6est_refine_columns_ext(ptr_pXest, Cint(0), Cint(-1), refine_fn_c, init_fn_c, refine_replace_fn_c) +end + +function p6est_vertically_coarsen!(ptr_pXest, coarsen_fn_c) + p6est_coarsen_layers(ptr_pXest, Cint(0), coarsen_fn_c, C_NULL) +end + +function p6est_horizontally_coarsen!(ptr_pXest, coarsen_fn_c) + p6est_coarsen_columns(ptr_pXest, Cint(0), coarsen_fn_c, C_NULL) +end + +function pXest_coarsen!(::P4estType, ptr_pXest, coarsen_fn_c) + p4est_coarsen(ptr_pXest, Cint(0), coarsen_fn_c, C_NULL) +end + +function pXest_coarsen!(::P8estType, ptr_pXest, coarsen_fn_c) + p8est_coarsen(ptr_pXest, Cint(0), coarsen_fn_c, C_NULL) +end + +function pXest_copy(::P4estType, ptr_pXest) + p4est_copy(ptr_pXest, Cint(1)) +end + +function pXest_copy(::P6estType, ptr_pXest) + p6est_copy(ptr_pXest, Cint(1)) +end + +function pXest_copy(::P8estType, ptr_pXest) + p8est_copy(ptr_pXest, Cint(1)) +end + +function pXest_balance!(::P4estType, ptr_pXest; k_2_1_balance=0) + if (k_2_1_balance==0) + p4est_balance(ptr_pXest, P4est_wrapper.P4EST_CONNECT_FULL, C_NULL) + else + @assert k_2_1_balance==1 + p4est_balance(ptr_pXest, P4est_wrapper.P4EST_CONNECT_FACE, C_NULL) + end +end + +function pXest_balance!(::P6estType, ptr_pXest; k_2_1_balance=0) + @assert k_2_1_balance==0 or k_2_1_balance==2 + if (k_2_1_balance==0) + p6est_balance(ptr_pXest, P4est_wrapper.P8EST_CONNECT_FULL, C_NULL) + elseif (k_2_1_balance==2) + p6est_balance(ptr_pXest, P4est_wrapper.P8EST_CONNECT_FACE, C_NULL) + end +end + +function pXest_balance!(::P8estType, ptr_pXest; k_2_1_balance=0) + if (k_2_1_balance==0) + p8est_balance(ptr_pXest, P4est_wrapper.P8EST_CONNECT_FULL, C_NULL) + elseif (k_2_1_balance==1) + p8est_balance(ptr_pXest, P4est_wrapper.P8EST_CONNECT_EDGE, C_NULL) + else + @assert k_2_1_balance==2 + p8est_balance(ptr_pXest, P4est_wrapper.P8EST_CONNECT_FACE, C_NULL) + end +end + +function pXest_partition!(::P4estType, ptr_pXest) + p4est_partition(ptr_pXest, 0, C_NULL) +end + +function pXest_partition!(::P6estType, ptr_pXest) + p6est_partition(ptr_pXest, C_NULL) +end + +function pXest_partition!(::P8estType, ptr_pXest) + p8est_partition(ptr_pXest, 0, C_NULL) +end + + +function pXest_reset_callbacks(::P4estType) + # Variables which are updated accross calls to init_fn_callback + current_quadrant_index_within_tree = Cint(0) + current_quadrant_index_among_trees = Cint(0) + + # This C callback function is called once per quadtree quadrant. Here we are assuming + # that p4est->user_pointer has been set prior to the first call to this call + # back function to an array of ints with as many entries as forest quadrants. This call back function + # initializes the quadrant->p.user_data void * pointer of all quadrants such that it + # points to the corresponding entry in the global array mentioned in the previous sentence + function init_fn_callback(forest_ptr::Ptr{p4est_t}, + which_tree::p4est_topidx_t, + quadrant_ptr::Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}) + # Extract a reference to the tree which_tree + forest = forest_ptr[] + tree = p4est_tree_array_index(forest.trees, which_tree)[] + quadrant = quadrant_ptr[] + q = P4est_wrapper.p4est_quadrant_array_index(tree.quadrants, current_quadrant_index_within_tree) + @assert p4est_quadrant_compare(q, quadrant_ptr) == 0 + user_data = unsafe_wrap(Array, + Ptr{Cint}(forest.user_pointer), + current_quadrant_index_among_trees+1)[current_quadrant_index_among_trees+1] + unsafe_store!(Ptr{Cint}(quadrant.p.user_data), user_data, 1) + current_quadrant_index_within_tree = (current_quadrant_index_within_tree + 1) % (tree.quadrants.elem_count) + current_quadrant_index_among_trees = current_quadrant_index_among_trees+1 + return nothing + end + @cfunction($init_fn_callback, + Cvoid, (Ptr{p4est_t}, p4est_topidx_t, Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t})) +end + +function pXest_reset_callbacks(::P8estType) + # Variables which are updated accross calls to init_fn_callback + current_quadrant_index_within_tree = Cint(0) + current_quadrant_index_among_trees = Cint(0) + + function init_fn_callback(forest_ptr::Ptr{p8est_t}, + which_tree::p4est_topidx_t, + quadrant_ptr::Ptr{p8est_quadrant_t}) + # Extract a reference to the tree which_tree + forest = forest_ptr[] + tree = p8est_tree_array_index(forest.trees, which_tree)[] + quadrant = quadrant_ptr[] + q = P4est_wrapper.p8est_quadrant_array_index(tree.quadrants, current_quadrant_index_within_tree) + @assert p8est_quadrant_compare(q, quadrant_ptr) == 0 + user_data = unsafe_wrap(Array, + Ptr{Cint}(forest.user_pointer), + current_quadrant_index_among_trees+1)[current_quadrant_index_among_trees+1] + unsafe_store!(Ptr{Cint}(quadrant.p.user_data), user_data, 1) + current_quadrant_index_within_tree = (current_quadrant_index_within_tree + 1) % (tree.quadrants.elem_count) + current_quadrant_index_among_trees = current_quadrant_index_among_trees+1 + return nothing + end + init_fn_callback_c = @cfunction($init_fn_callback, + Cvoid, (Ptr{p8est_t}, p4est_topidx_t, Ptr{p8est_quadrant_t})) +end + + +function p2est_quadrant_is_equal(a,b) + a[].z==b[].z && a[].level==b[].level +end + +function P4EST_QUADRANT_LEN(l) + p4est_qcoord_t(1) << (P4est_wrapper.P4EST_MAXLEVEL-l) +end + +function p2est_quadrant_is_ancestor(a,b) + if (a[].level>=b[].level) + return false + end + return (b[].z >= a[].z && + b[].z < a[].z + P4EST_QUADRANT_LEN(a[].level)) +end + +function p6est_vertically_adapt_reset_callbacks() + current_quadrant_index_among_trees = Cint(-1) + current_quadrant_index_within_tree = Cint(0) + current_layer_within_column = Cint(0) + current_layer = Cint(0) + previous_quadrant = Ref{p4est_quadrant_t}() + + + function init_fn_callback(forest_ptr::Ptr{p6est_t}, + which_tree::p4est_topidx_t, + column_ptr::Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}, + layer_ptr::Ptr{p2est_quadrant_t}) + + forest = forest_ptr[] + columns = forest.columns[] + tree = p4est_tree_array_index(columns.trees, which_tree)[] + quadrant = column_ptr[] + layer = layer_ptr[] + + if (current_quadrant_index_among_trees==-1 || + p4est_quadrant_compare(previous_quadrant,column_ptr) != 0) + + previous_quadrant = column_ptr + current_quadrant_index_among_trees = current_quadrant_index_among_trees+1 + current_quadrant_index_within_tree = (current_quadrant_index_within_tree + 1) % (tree.quadrants.elem_count) + q = p4est_quadrant_array_index(tree.quadrants, current_quadrant_index_within_tree) + #@assert p4est_quadrant_compare(q,column_ptr) == 0 + current_layer_within_column = 0 + end + + q = p4est_quadrant_array_index(tree.quadrants, current_quadrant_index_within_tree) + #@assert p4est_quadrant_compare(q,column_ptr) == 0 + + + user_data = unsafe_wrap(Array, Ptr{Cint}(forest.user_pointer), current_layer+1)[current_layer+1] + + + f,l=P6EST_COLUMN_GET_RANGE(column_ptr[]) + q2_ptr=p2est_quadrant_array_index(forest.layers[], f+current_layer_within_column) + @assert p2est_quadrant_is_equal(q2_ptr,layer_ptr) + + unsafe_store!(Ptr{Cint}(q2_ptr[].p.user_data), user_data, 1) + + + current_layer_within_column=current_layer_within_column+1 + current_layer=current_layer+1 + + if ((which_tree+1)==columns.connectivity[].num_trees && + current_quadrant_index_within_tree==tree.quadrants.elem_count && + current_layer_within_column==l-f) + current_quadrant_index_among_trees = Cint(-1) + current_layer=Cint(0) + end + + return nothing + end + + @cfunction($init_fn_callback, Cvoid, + (Ptr{p6est_t}, p4est_topidx_t, Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t},Ptr{p2est_quadrant_t})) + +end + + +function p6est_horizontally_adapt_reset_callbacks() + current_quadrant_index_among_trees = Cint(-1) + current_quadrant_index_within_tree = Cint(0) + current_layer_within_column = Cint(0) + current_layer = Cint(0) + previous_quadrant = Ref{p4est_quadrant_t}() + + + function init_fn_callback(forest_ptr::Ptr{p6est_t}, + which_tree::p4est_topidx_t, + column_ptr::Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}, + layer_ptr::Ptr{p2est_quadrant_t}) + + forest = forest_ptr[] + columns = forest.columns[] + tree = p4est_tree_array_index(columns.trees, which_tree)[] + quadrant = column_ptr[] + layer = layer_ptr[] + + if (current_quadrant_index_among_trees==-1 || + p4est_quadrant_compare(previous_quadrant,column_ptr) != 0) + + previous_quadrant = column_ptr + current_quadrant_index_among_trees = current_quadrant_index_among_trees+1 + current_quadrant_index_within_tree = (current_quadrant_index_within_tree + 1) % (tree.quadrants.elem_count) + q = p4est_quadrant_array_index(tree.quadrants, current_quadrant_index_within_tree) + current_layer_within_column = 0 + end + + f,l=P6EST_COLUMN_GET_RANGE(column_ptr[]) + if (current_layer_within_column==0) + user_data = + unsafe_wrap(Array, Ptr{Cint}(forest.user_pointer), + current_quadrant_index_among_trees+1)[current_quadrant_index_among_trees+1] + # We will use the first layer of the first column + # to decide whether we refine the column or not + q2_ptr=p2est_quadrant_array_index(forest.layers[], f) + @assert p2est_quadrant_is_equal(q2_ptr,layer_ptr) + + unsafe_store!(Ptr{Cint}(q2_ptr[].p.user_data), user_data, 1) + end + + current_layer_within_column=current_layer_within_column+1 + current_layer=current_layer+1 + + if ((which_tree+1)==columns.connectivity[].num_trees && + current_quadrant_index_within_tree==tree.quadrants.elem_count && + current_layer_within_column==l-f) + current_quadrant_index_among_trees = Cint(-1) + current_layer=Cint(0) + current_quadrant_index_within_tree = Cint(0) + end + return nothing + end + @cfunction($init_fn_callback, Cvoid, + (Ptr{p6est_t}, p4est_topidx_t, Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t},Ptr{p2est_quadrant_t})) +end + + +function p6est_vertically_refine_callbacks() + function refine_layer_callback(p6est::Ptr{p6est_t}, + which_tree::p4est_topidx_t, + column::Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}, + layer::Ptr{p2est_quadrant_t}) + Cint(unsafe_wrap(Array, Ptr{Cint}(layer[].p.user_data), 1)[] == refine_flag) + end + + refine_layer_fn_callback_c = @cfunction($refine_layer_callback, Cint, + (Ptr{p6est_t}, p4est_topidx_t, Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}, Ptr{p2est_quadrant_t})) + + function refine_layer_replace_callback(p6est::Ptr{p6est_t}, + which_tree::p4est_topidx_t, + num_outcolumns::Cint, + num_outlayers::Cint, + outcolumns::Ptr{Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}}, + outlayers::Ptr{Ptr{p2est_quadrant_t}}, + num_incolumns::Cint, + num_inlayers::Cint, + incolumns::Ptr{Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}}, + inlayers::Ptr{Ptr{p2est_quadrant_t}}) + + @assert num_outcolumns==1 + @assert num_outlayers==1 + @assert num_incolumns==1 + @assert num_inlayers==2 + + inlayers_array=unsafe_wrap(Array, inlayers, num_inlayers) + for i=1:num_inlayers + quadrant = inlayers_array[i][] + if (quadrant.p.user_data) != C_NULL + unsafe_store!(Ptr{Cint}(quadrant.p.user_data), nothing_flag, 1) + end + end + end + + refine_layer_replace_callback_c = @cfunction($refine_layer_replace_callback, Cvoid, + (Ptr{p6est_t}, p4est_topidx_t, Cint, Cint, + Ptr{Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}}, Ptr{Ptr{p2est_quadrant_t}}, Cint, Cint, + Ptr{Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}}, Ptr{Ptr{p2est_quadrant_t}})) + + refine_layer_fn_callback_c, refine_layer_replace_callback_c +end + +function p6est_horizontally_refine_callbacks() + function refine_column_callback(p6est::Ptr{p6est_t}, + which_tree::p4est_topidx_t, + column::Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}) + forest=p6est[] + f,l=P6EST_COLUMN_GET_RANGE(column[]) + q2_ptr=p2est_quadrant_array_index(forest.layers[], f) + Cint(unsafe_wrap(Array, Ptr{Cint}(q2_ptr[].p.user_data), 1)[] == refine_flag) + end + + refine_column_fn_callback_c = @cfunction($refine_column_callback, Cint, + (Ptr{p6est_t}, p4est_topidx_t, Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t})) + + function refine_column_replace_callback(p6est::Ptr{p6est_t}, + which_tree::p4est_topidx_t, + num_outcolumns::Cint, + num_outlayers::Cint, + outcolumns::Ptr{Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}}, + outlayers::Ptr{Ptr{p2est_quadrant_t}}, + num_incolumns::Cint, + num_inlayers::Cint, + incolumns::Ptr{Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}}, + inlayers::Ptr{Ptr{p2est_quadrant_t}}) + + @assert num_outcolumns==1 + @assert num_incolumns==4 + + inlayers_array=unsafe_wrap(Array, inlayers, num_inlayers) + for i=1:num_inlayers + quadrant = inlayers_array[i][] + if (quadrant.p.user_data) != C_NULL + unsafe_store!(Ptr{Cint}(quadrant.p.user_data), nothing_flag, 1) + end + end + end + + refine_column_replace_callback_c = @cfunction($refine_column_replace_callback, Cvoid, + (Ptr{p6est_t}, p4est_topidx_t, Cint, Cint, + Ptr{Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}}, Ptr{Ptr{p2est_quadrant_t}}, Cint, Cint, + Ptr{Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}}, Ptr{Ptr{p2est_quadrant_t}})) + + refine_column_fn_callback_c, refine_column_replace_callback_c +end + + +function p6est_vertically_coarsen_callbacks() + function coarsen_layer_callback(p6est::Ptr{p6est_t}, + which_tree::p4est_topidx_t, + column::Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}, + layer::Ptr{Ptr{p2est_quadrant_t}}) + + num_children=2 + layers=unsafe_wrap(Array, layer, num_children) + + coarsen=Cint(1) + for quadrant_index=1:num_children + quadrant = layers[quadrant_index][] + # I have noticed that new quadrants created as by-product + # of the refininement process have quadrant.p.user_data == C_NULL + # Not sure why ... The following if-end takes care of this. + if (quadrant.p.user_data) == C_NULL + return Cint(0) + end + is_coarsen_flag=(unsafe_wrap(Array,Ptr{Cint}(quadrant.p.user_data),1)[])==coarsen_flag + if (!is_coarsen_flag) + return Cint(0) + end + end + return coarsen + end + coarsen_fn_callback_c = @cfunction($coarsen_layer_callback, + Cint, + (Ptr{p6est_t}, p4est_topidx_t, Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}, Ptr{Ptr{p2est_quadrant_t}})) + + return coarsen_fn_callback_c +end + + +function p6est_horizontally_coarsen_callbacks() + function coarsen_column_callback(p6est::Ptr{p6est_t}, + which_tree::p4est_topidx_t, + columns::Ptr{Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}}) + + forest=p6est[] + num_children=4 + columns_array=unsafe_wrap(Array, columns, num_children) + + coarsen=Cint(1) + for quadrant_index=1:num_children + column = columns_array[quadrant_index][] + f,l = P6EST_COLUMN_GET_RANGE(column) + q2_ptr = p2est_quadrant_array_index(forest.layers[], f) + if (q2_ptr[].p.user_data) == C_NULL + return Cint(0) + end + is_coarsen_flag = (unsafe_wrap(Array,Ptr{Cint}(q2_ptr[].p.user_data),1)[])==coarsen_flag + if (!is_coarsen_flag) + return Cint(0) + end + end + return coarsen + end + coarsen_fn_callback_c = @cfunction($coarsen_column_callback, + Cint, + (Ptr{p6est_t}, p4est_topidx_t, Ptr{Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}})) + + return coarsen_fn_callback_c +end + + +function pXest_coarsen_callbacks(::P4estType) + function coarsen_callback(forest_ptr::Ptr{p4est_t}, + which_tree::p4est_topidx_t, + quadrant_ptr::Ptr{Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}}) + + num_children=get_num_children(Val{2}) + quadrants=unsafe_wrap(Array, quadrant_ptr, num_children) + coarsen=Cint(1) + for quadrant_index=1:num_children + quadrant = quadrants[quadrant_index][] + # I have noticed that new quadrants created as by-product + # of the refininement process have quadrant.p.user_data == C_NULL + # Not sure why ... The following if-end takes care of this. + if (quadrant.p.user_data) == C_NULL + return Cint(0) + end + is_coarsen_flag=(unsafe_wrap(Array,Ptr{Cint}(quadrant.p.user_data),1)[])==coarsen_flag + if (!is_coarsen_flag) + return Cint(0) + end + end + return coarsen + end + coarsen_fn_callback_c = @cfunction($coarsen_callback, + Cint, (Ptr{p4est_t}, p4est_topidx_t, Ptr{Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}})) +end + +function pXest_coarsen_callbacks(::P8estType) + function coarsen_callback(forest_ptr::Ptr{p8est_t}, + which_tree::p4est_topidx_t, + quadrant_ptr::Ptr{Ptr{p8est_quadrant_t}}) + + num_children=get_num_children(Val{3}) + quadrants=unsafe_wrap(Array, quadrant_ptr, num_children) + coarsen=Cint(1) + for quadrant_index=1:num_children + quadrant = quadrants[quadrant_index][] + # I have noticed that new quadrants created as by-product + # of the refininement process have quadrant.p.user_data == C_NULL + # Not sure why ... The following if-end takes care of this. + if (quadrant.p.user_data) == C_NULL + return Cint(0) + end + is_coarsen_flag=(unsafe_wrap(Array,Ptr{Cint}(quadrant.p.user_data),1)[])==coarsen_flag + if (!is_coarsen_flag) + return Cint(0) + end + end + return coarsen + end + coarsen_fn_callback_c = @cfunction($coarsen_callback, + Cint, (Ptr{p8est_t}, p4est_topidx_t, Ptr{Ptr{p8est_quadrant_t}})) +end + + +function pXest_refine_callbacks(::P4estType) + function refine_callback(::Ptr{p4est_t}, + which_tree::p4est_topidx_t, + quadrant_ptr::Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}) + quadrant = quadrant_ptr[] + return Cint(unsafe_wrap(Array, Ptr{Cint}(quadrant.p.user_data), 1)[] == refine_flag) + end + refine_callback_c = @cfunction($refine_callback, Cint, (Ptr{p4est_t}, p4est_topidx_t, Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t})) + + function refine_replace_callback(::Ptr{p4est_t}, + which_tree::p4est_topidx_t, + num_outgoing::Cint, + outgoing_ptr::Ptr{Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}}, + num_incoming::Cint, + incoming_ptr::Ptr{Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}}) + num_children=get_num_children(Val{2}) + @assert num_outgoing==1 + @assert num_incoming==num_children + outgoing=unsafe_wrap(Array, outgoing_ptr, 1) + quadrant = outgoing[1][] + incoming=unsafe_wrap(Array, incoming_ptr, num_children) + for quadrant_index=1:num_children + quadrant = incoming[quadrant_index][] + if (quadrant.p.user_data) != C_NULL + unsafe_store!(Ptr{Cint}(quadrant.p.user_data), nothing_flag, 1) + end + end + end + refine_replace_callback_c = + @cfunction($refine_replace_callback, Cvoid, (Ptr{p4est_t}, + p4est_topidx_t, + Cint, + Ptr{Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}}, + Cint, + Ptr{Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}})) + refine_callback_c, refine_replace_callback_c +end + +function pXest_refine_callbacks(::P8estType) + function refine_callback(::Ptr{p8est_t}, + which_tree::p4est_topidx_t, + quadrant_ptr::Ptr{p8est_quadrant_t}) + quadrant = quadrant_ptr[] + return Cint(unsafe_wrap(Array, Ptr{Cint}(quadrant.p.user_data), 1)[] == refine_flag) + end + refine_callback_c = @cfunction($refine_callback, Cint, (Ptr{p8est_t}, p4est_topidx_t, Ptr{p8est_quadrant_t})) + + function refine_replace_callback(::Ptr{p8est_t}, + which_tree::p4est_topidx_t, + num_outgoing::Cint, + outgoing_ptr::Ptr{Ptr{p8est_quadrant_t}}, + num_incoming::Cint, + incoming_ptr::Ptr{Ptr{p8est_quadrant_t}}) + num_children=get_num_children(Val{3}) + @assert num_outgoing==1 + @assert num_incoming==num_children + outgoing=unsafe_wrap(Array, outgoing_ptr, 1) + quadrant = outgoing[1][] + incoming=unsafe_wrap(Array, incoming_ptr, num_children) + for quadrant_index=1:num_children + quadrant = incoming[quadrant_index][] + if (quadrant.p.user_data) != C_NULL + unsafe_store!(Ptr{Cint}(quadrant.p.user_data), nothing_flag, 1) + end + end + end + + refine_replace_callback_c = + @cfunction($refine_replace_callback, Cvoid, (Ptr{p8est_t}, + p4est_topidx_t, + Cint, + Ptr{Ptr{p8est_quadrant_t}}, + Cint, + Ptr{Ptr{p8est_quadrant_t}})) + + refine_callback_c, refine_replace_callback_c +end + +function _unwrap_ghost_quadrants(::P4estType, pXest_ghost) + Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}(pXest_ghost.ghosts.array) +end + +function _unwrap_ghost_quadrants(::P6estType, pXest_ghost) + Ptr{p2est_quadrant_t}(pXest_ghost.ghosts.array) +end + +function _unwrap_ghost_quadrants(::P8estType, pXest_ghost) + Ptr{p8est_quadrant_t}(pXest_ghost.ghosts.array) +end + +function _unwrap_global_first_quadrant(::P4P8estType, pXest) + unsafe_wrap(Array, + pXest.global_first_quadrant, + pXest.mpisize+1) +end + +function _unwrap_global_first_quadrant(::P6estType, pXest) + unsafe_wrap(Array, + pXest.global_first_layer, + pXest.mpisize+1) +end + + +function setup_cell_prange(pXest_type::PXestType, + parts::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, + ptr_pXest, + ptr_pXest_ghost) + comm = parts.comm + + pXest_ghost = ptr_pXest_ghost[] + pXest = ptr_pXest[] + + # Obtain ghost quadrants + ptr_ghost_quadrants = _unwrap_ghost_quadrants(pXest_type,pXest_ghost) + proc_offsets = unsafe_wrap(Array, pXest_ghost.proc_offsets, pXest_ghost.mpisize+1) + + global_first_quadrant = _unwrap_global_first_quadrant(pXest_type,pXest) + + noids,firstgid,gho_to_glo,gho_to_own=map(parts) do part + gho_to_glo = Vector{Int}(undef, pXest_ghost.ghosts.elem_count) + gho_to_own = Vector{Int32}(undef, pXest_ghost.ghosts.elem_count) + k=1 + for i=1:pXest_ghost.mpisize + for j=proc_offsets[i]:proc_offsets[i+1]-1 + quadrant = ptr_ghost_quadrants[j+1] + piggy3 = quadrant.p.piggy3 + gho_to_glo[k] = global_first_quadrant[i]+piggy3.local_num+1 + gho_to_own[k] = Int32(i) + k=k+1 + end + end + global_first_quadrant[part+1]-global_first_quadrant[part],global_first_quadrant[part]+1,gho_to_glo,gho_to_own + end |> tuple_of_arrays + ngids = global_first_quadrant[end] + + partition=map(parts,noids,firstgid,gho_to_glo,gho_to_own) do part, noids, firstgid, gho_to_glo, gho_to_own + owner = part + own_indices=OwnIndices(ngids,owner,(collect(firstgid:firstgid+noids-1))) + ghost_indices=GhostIndices(ngids,gho_to_glo,gho_to_own) + OwnAndGhostIndices(own_indices,ghost_indices) + end + # This is required to provide the hint that the communication + # pattern underlying partition is symmetric, so that we do not have + # to execute the algorithm the reconstructs the reciprocal in the + # communication graph + assembly_neighbors(partition;symmetric=true) + PRange(partition) +end + + +# To add to P4est_wrapper.jl library +# I just translated this function to Julia from its p4est counterpart +# We cannot call it directly because it is declared as static within p4est, +# and thus it does not belong to the ABI of the dynamic library object. + +# /** Decode the face_code into hanging face information. +# * +# * This is mostly for demonstration purposes. Applications probably will +# * integrate it into their own loop over the face for performance reasons. +# * +# * \param[in] face_code as in the p4est_lnodes_t structure. +# * \param[out] hanging face: if there are hanging faces, +# * hanging_face = -1 if the face is not hanging, +# * = 0 if the face is the first half, +# * = 1 if the face is the second half. +# * note: not touched if there are no hanging faces. +# * \return true if any face is hanging, false otherwise. +# */ + +const p4est_corner_faces = [0 2; 1 2; 0 3; 1 3] +const p4est_corner_face_corners = [0 -1 0 -1; -1 0 1 -1; 1 -1 -1 0; -1 1 -1 1] +function p4est_lnodes_decode(face_code, hanging_face) + @assert face_code >= 0 + if (face_code != 0) + c = face_code & 0x03 + work = face_code >> 2 + hanging_face .= -1 + for i = 0:1 + f = p4est_corner_faces[c+1, i+1] + hanging_face[f+1] = (work & 0x01) != 0 ? p4est_corner_face_corners[c+1, f+1] : -1 + work >>= 1 + end + return 1 + else + return 0 + end +end + +const p8est_corner_faces = [0 2 4; 1 2 4; 0 3 4; 1 3 4; 0 2 5; 1 2 5; 0 3 5; 1 3 5] +const p8est_face_edges = [ 4 6 8 10; 5 7 9 11; 0 2 8 9; 1 3 10 11; 0 1 4 5; 2 3 6 7] +const p8est_corner_face_corners = [0 -1 0 -1 0 -1; -1 0 1 -1 1 -1 ; 1 -1 -1 0 2 -1 ; -1 1 -1 1 3 -1 ; + 2 -1 2 -1 -1 0; -1 2 3 -1 -1 1 ; 3 -1 -1 2 -1 2 ; -1 3 -1 3 -1 3 ] +const p8est_corner_edges = [ 0 4 8; 0 5 9; 1 4 10; 1 5 11; 2 6 8; 2 7 9; 3 6 10; 3 7 11 ] + +# To add to p8est_wrapper.jl library +# I just translated this function to Julia from its p4est counterpart +# We cannot call it directly because it is declared as static within p4est, +# and thus it does not belong to the ABI of the dynamic library object. +function p8est_lnodes_decode(face_code, + hanging_face, + hanging_edge) + @assert face_code >= 0 + if (face_code!=0) + c = face_code & 0x0007 + work = face_code >> 3 + hanging_face .= -1 + hanging_edge .= -1 + cwork = c + for i=0:2 + if ((work & 0x0001)!=0) + f = p8est_corner_faces[c+1,i+1] + hanging_face[f+1] = p8est_corner_face_corners[c+1,f+1] + for j=0:3 + e = p8est_face_edges[f+1,j+1] + hanging_edge[e+1] = 4 + end + end + work >>= 1 + end + for i=0:3 + if ((work & 0x0001)!=0) + e = p8est_corner_edges[c+1,i+1] + hanging_edge[e+1] = (hanging_edge[e+1] == -1) ? 0 : 2 + hanging_edge[e+1] += (cwork & 0x0001) + end + cwork >>= 1 + work >>= 1 + end + return 1 + else + return 0 + end +end + +function p6est_lnodes_decode(face_code, + hanging_face, + hanging_edge) + @assert face_code >= 0 + if (face_code != 0) + fc4 = face_code & 0x000f + h = Int16((face_code & 0x0010) >> 4) + work = Int16(face_code >> 5) + hanging_face .= -1 + hanging_edge .= -1 + p4est_lnodes_decode(fc4, view(hanging_face,3:length(hanging_face))) + for f=0:3 + hf = hanging_face[f + 3] + w = work & 0x0001 + if (hf >= 0) + hanging_edge[p8est_face_edges[f+3,3]+1] = 2 + hf + hanging_edge[p8est_face_edges[f+3,4]+1] = 2 + hf + hanging_edge[p8est_face_edges[f+3,1⊻hf+1]+1] = 4 + if (w!=0) + hanging_edge[p8est_face_edges[f+3,3⊻h+1]+1] = 4 + hanging_edge[p8est_face_edges[f+3,1⊻hf+1]+1] = 4 + hanging_edge[p8est_face_edges[f+3,hf+1]+1] = 2+h + hanging_face[f + 3] = (hf << 1) | h + else + hanging_face[f + 3] = 4 + hf + end + elseif (w!=0) + hanging_edge[p8est_face_edges[f+3,3⊻h+1]+1] = 4; + hanging_edge[p8est_face_edges[f+3,1]+1] = + max(hanging_edge[p8est_face_edges[f+3,1]+1], 2+h); + hanging_edge[p8est_face_edges[f+3,2]+1] = + max(hanging_edge[p8est_face_edges[f+3,2]+1], 2+h); + hanging_face[f + 3] = 6 + h; + end + work >>= 1; + end + + for e=0:3 + if ((work & 0x0001)!=0) + if (hanging_edge[e+1] < 0) + hanging_edge[e+1] = h + else + @assert (hanging_edge[e+1] == 2 + h || hanging_edge[e+1] == 4) + end + end + work >>= 1; + end + return 1 + else + return 0 + end +end + +function pXest_lnodes_decode(::P6estType,face_code, hanging_face, hanging_edge) + p6est_lnodes_decode(face_code, hanging_face, hanging_edge) +end + +function pXest_lnodes_decode(::P8estType,face_code, hanging_face, hanging_edge) + p8est_lnodes_decode(face_code, hanging_face, hanging_edge) +end + +function Gridap.Geometry.num_cell_dims(::P4estType) + 2 +end + +function Gridap.Geometry.num_cell_dims(::P6P8estType) + 3 +end + +function _faces_to_cell_element_nodes(pXest_type::P4P8estType) + Dc = num_cell_dims(pXest_type) + nf = num_cell_faces(Val{Dc}) + collect(1:nf) +end + +function _faces_to_cell_element_nodes(pXest_type::P6estType) + [13,15, 11,17, 5,23] +end + +function _edges_to_cell_element_nodes(pXest_type::P8estType) + Dc = num_cell_dims(pXest_type) + nf = num_cell_faces(Val{Dc}) + ne = num_cell_edges(Val{Dc}) + collect(nf+1:nf+ne) +end + +function _edges_to_cell_element_nodes(pXest_type::P6estType) + [2,8,20,26, 4,6,22,24, 10,12,16,18] +end + +function _vertices_to_cell_element_nodes(pXest_type::P4P8estType) + Dc = num_cell_dims(pXest_type) + nf = num_cell_faces(Val{Dc}) + ne = num_cell_edges(Val{Dc}) + nv = num_cell_vertices(Val{Dc}) + collect(nf+ne+1:nf+ne+nv) +end + +function _vertices_to_cell_element_nodes(pXest_type::P6estType) + [1,3,7,9, 19,21,25,27] +end + +function _build_map_from_faces_to_cell_lface(vnodes, element_nodes, face_code) + n_cell_faces = num_cell_faces(Val{2}) + hanging_face = Vector{Cint}(undef, n_cell_faces) + + # Build a map from faces to (cell,lface) + p4est_gface_to_gcell_p4est_lface = Dict{Int,Tuple{Int,Int}}() + for cell = 1:length(face_code) + start = (cell - 1) * vnodes + 1 + p4est_cell_faces = view(element_nodes, start:start+n_cell_faces-1) + has_hanging = p4est_lnodes_decode(face_code[cell], hanging_face) + if (has_hanging==0) + for (lface, gface) in enumerate(p4est_cell_faces) + p4est_gface_to_gcell_p4est_lface[gface] = (cell, lface) + end + else + for (lface, half) in enumerate(hanging_face) + # Current face is NOT hanging + if (half == -1) + gface = p4est_cell_faces[lface] + p4est_gface_to_gcell_p4est_lface[gface] = (cell, lface) + end + end + end + end + p4est_gface_to_gcell_p4est_lface +end + + +function _build_map_from_faces_edges_to_cell_lface_ledge(pXest_type, vnodes, element_nodes, face_code) + + faces_to_cell_element_nodes = _faces_to_cell_element_nodes(pXest_type) + edges_to_cell_element_nodes = _edges_to_cell_element_nodes(pXest_type) + + + n_cell_faces = num_cell_faces(Val{3}) + n_cell_edges = num_cell_edges(Val{3}) + + hanging_face = Vector{Cint}(undef, n_cell_faces) + hanging_edge = Vector{Cint}(undef, n_cell_edges) + + # Build a map from faces to (cell,lface) + p4est_gface_to_gcell_p4est_lface = Dict{Int,Tuple{Int,Int}}() + p4est_gedge_to_gcell_p4est_ledge = Dict{Int,Tuple{Int,Int}}() + for cell = 1:length(face_code) + s = (cell - 1) * vnodes + 1 + e = cell * vnodes + p4est_cell_nodes = view(element_nodes, s:e) + p4est_cell_faces = view(p4est_cell_nodes,faces_to_cell_element_nodes) + p4est_cell_edges = view(p4est_cell_nodes,edges_to_cell_element_nodes) + + + has_hanging = pXest_lnodes_decode(pXest_type, face_code[cell], hanging_face, hanging_edge) + if (has_hanging==0) + for (lface, gface) in enumerate(p4est_cell_faces) + p4est_gface_to_gcell_p4est_lface[gface] = (cell, lface) + end + for (ledge, gedge) in enumerate(p4est_cell_edges) + p4est_gedge_to_gcell_p4est_ledge[gedge] = (cell, ledge) + end + else + for (lface, half) in enumerate(hanging_face) + # Current face is NOT hanging + if (half == -1) + gface = p4est_cell_faces[lface] + p4est_gface_to_gcell_p4est_lface[gface] = (cell, lface) + end + end + for (ledge, half) in enumerate(hanging_edge) + # Current edge is NOT hanging + if (half == -1) + gedge = p4est_cell_edges[ledge] + p4est_gedge_to_gcell_p4est_ledge[gedge] = (cell, ledge) + end + end + end + end + p4est_gface_to_gcell_p4est_lface, p4est_gedge_to_gcell_p4est_ledge +end + +function pXest_2_gridap_vertex(::Type{Val{Dc}}) where Dc + Gridap.Arrays.IdentityVector(num_cell_vertices(Val{Dc})) +end + +function p8est_2_gridap_edge() + Gridap.Arrays.IdentityVector(num_cell_edges(Val{3})) +end + +function pXest_2_gridap_facet(::Type{Val{Dc}}) where Dc + if (Dc==2) + GridapP4est.P4EST_2_GRIDAP_FACET_2D + else + @assert Dc==3 + GridapP4est.P4EST_2_GRIDAP_FACET_3D + end +end + +function hanging_lvertex_within_face_2d(half) + half == 0 ? 1 : 0 +end + +function hanging_lvertex_within_face_3d(half) + if (half==0) + return 3 + elseif (half==1) + return 2 + elseif (half==2) + return 1 + elseif (half==3) + return 0 + end +end + +function hanging_lvertex_within_edge(half) + if (half==0 || half==2) + return 1 + elseif (half==1 || half==3) + return 0 + end + @assert false +end + +function regular_lvertex_within_face(half) + return half +end + +function regular_lvertex_within_edge(half) + if (half==0 || half==2) + return 0 + elseif (half==1 || half==3) + return 1 + end + @assert false +end + + +function subface_to_hanging_edges_within_subface(::P6estType) + p6est_subface_to_hanging_edges_within_subface +end + +function subface_to_hanging_edges_within_subface(::P8estType) + p8est_subface_to_hanging_edges_within_subface +end + +function subface_to_hanging_edges_within_face(::P6estType) + p6est_subface_to_hanging_edges_within_face +end + +function subface_to_hanging_edges_within_face(::P8estType) + p8est_subface_to_hanging_edges_within_face +end + +const p6est_half_to_regular_vertices = [ 0 1; 2 3; 0 2; 1 3] + +function generate_cell_faces_and_non_conforming_glue(pXest_type::PXestType, + pXest_refinement_rule::PXestRefinementRuleType, + ptr_pXest_lnodes, + cell_prange) + + Dc = num_cell_dims(pXest_type) + n_cell_vertices = num_cell_vertices(Val{Dc}) + n_cell_edges = num_cell_edges(Val{Dc}) + n_cell_faces = num_cell_faces(Val{Dc}) + + lnodes = ptr_pXest_lnodes[] + element_nodes = unsafe_wrap(Array, lnodes.element_nodes, lnodes.vnodes * lnodes.num_local_elements) + face_code = unsafe_wrap(Array, lnodes.face_code, lnodes.num_local_elements) + hanging_face = Vector{Cint}(undef, n_cell_faces) + face_code_with_ghosts = map(partition(cell_prange)) do indices + @assert length(face_code)==own_length(indices) + @assert own_length(indices)==lnodes.num_local_elements + face_code_with_ghosts=similar(face_code, local_length(indices)) + face_code_with_ghosts[1:own_length(indices)] .= face_code + face_code_with_ghosts + end + + cache_face_code=fetch_vector_ghost_values_cache(face_code_with_ghosts, partition(cell_prange)) + fetch_vector_ghost_values!(face_code_with_ghosts, cache_face_code) |> wait + + element_nodes_with_ghosts = map(partition(cell_prange)) do indices + nonlocal_nodes = unsafe_wrap(Array, lnodes.nonlocal_nodes, lnodes.num_local_nodes-lnodes.owned_count) + element_nodes_with_ghosts_data=similar(element_nodes, local_length(indices)*lnodes.vnodes) + for (i,node) in enumerate(element_nodes) + if (node wait + + map(element_nodes_with_ghosts,face_code_with_ghosts,partition(cell_prange)) do element_nodes_with_ghosts, face_code_with_ghosts, indices + @debug "ENDES_WO_GHOSTS[$(part_id(indices))]: $(element_nodes)" + @debug "ENDES_WITH_GHOSTS[$(part_id(indices))]: $(element_nodes_with_ghosts.data)" + @debug "FCODS_WO_GHOSTS[$(part_id(indices))]: $(face_code)" + @debug "FCODS_WITH_GHOSTS[$(part_id(indices))]: $(face_code_with_ghosts)" + end + + if (Dc==2) + hanging_lvertex_within_face=hanging_lvertex_within_face_2d + pXest_face_corners = p4est_face_corners + else + hanging_lvertex_within_face=hanging_lvertex_within_face_3d + pXest_face_corners = p8est_face_corners + end + + if (Dc==3) + hanging_edge = Vector{Cint}(undef, n_cell_edges) + end + + num_regular_faces, + num_hanging_faces, + gridap_cell_faces, + hanging_faces_glue, + hanging_faces_to_cell, + hanging_faces_to_lface, + owner_faces_pindex, + owner_faces_lids = + map(partition(cell_prange), + element_nodes_with_ghosts, + face_code_with_ghosts) do indices, + element_nodes_with_ghosts, + face_code_with_ghosts + @assert local_length(indices)==length(face_code_with_ghosts) + + num_local_elements = local_length(indices) + num_regular_faces = Vector{Int}(undef, Dc) + num_hanging_faces = Vector{Int}(undef, Dc) + + # Count regular vertices + num_regular_faces[1] = 0 + regular_vertices_p4est_to_gridap = Dict{Int,Int}() + + num_regular_faces[Dc] = 0 + regular_faces_p4est_to_gridap = Dict{Int,Int}() + + if (Dc==2) + p4est_gface_to_gcell_p4est_lface = + _build_map_from_faces_to_cell_lface(lnodes.vnodes, element_nodes_with_ghosts.data, face_code_with_ghosts) + else + p4est_gface_to_gcell_p4est_lface, + p4est_gedge_to_gcell_p4est_ledge = + _build_map_from_faces_edges_to_cell_lface_ledge(pXest_type, + lnodes.vnodes, + element_nodes_with_ghosts.data, + face_code_with_ghosts) + end + + PXEST_2_GRIDAP_VERTEX = pXest_2_gridap_vertex(Val{Dc}) + PXEST_2_GRIDAP_FACE = pXest_2_gridap_facet(Val{Dc}) + PXEST_2_GRIDAP_EDGE = p8est_2_gridap_edge() + + n = local_length(indices) + gridap_cell_vertices_ptrs = Vector{Int32}(undef,n+1) + gridap_cell_faces_ptrs = Vector{Int32}(undef,n+1) + gridap_cell_vertices_ptrs[1]=1 + gridap_cell_faces_ptrs[1]=1 + + hanging_vertices_pairs_to_owner_face = Dict{Tuple{Int,Int},Int}() + hanging_faces_pairs_to_owner_face = Dict{Tuple{Int,Int},Tuple{Int,Int}}() + for i=1:n + gridap_cell_vertices_ptrs[i+1]=gridap_cell_vertices_ptrs[i]+n_cell_vertices + gridap_cell_faces_ptrs[i+1]=gridap_cell_faces_ptrs[i]+n_cell_faces + end + + gridap_cell_vertices_data = Vector{Int}(undef, num_local_elements * n_cell_vertices) + gridap_cell_vertices_data .= -1 + + gridap_cell_faces_data = Vector{Int}(undef, num_local_elements * n_cell_faces) + gridap_cell_faces_data .= -1 + + if (Dc==3) + num_regular_faces[2] = 0 + gridap_cell_edges_ptrs = Vector{Int32}(undef,n+1) + gridap_cell_edges_ptrs[1]=1 + for i=1:n + gridap_cell_edges_ptrs[i+1]=gridap_cell_edges_ptrs[i]+n_cell_edges + end + gridap_cell_edges_data = Vector{Int}(undef, num_local_elements * n_cell_edges) + gridap_cell_edges_data .= -1 + hanging_edges_cell_ledge_to_owner_face_half = Dict{Tuple{Int,Int},Tuple{Int,Int}}() + owner_edge_subedge_to_cell_ledge = Dict{Tuple{Int,Int},Tuple{Int,Int}}() + hanging_vertices_pairs_to_owner_edge = Dict{Tuple{Int,Int},Int}() + regular_edges_p4est_to_gridap = Dict{Int,Int}() + end + + faces_to_cell_element_nodes = _faces_to_cell_element_nodes(pXest_type) + if (Dc==3) + edges_to_cell_element_nodes = _edges_to_cell_element_nodes(pXest_type) + end + + vertices_to_cell_element_nodes = _vertices_to_cell_element_nodes(pXest_type) + + for cell = 1:num_local_elements + start_gridap_vertices = (cell - 1) * n_cell_vertices + start_gridap_faces = (cell - 1) * n_cell_faces + + s = (cell-1)*lnodes.vnodes + 1 + e = cell*lnodes.vnodes + p4est_cell_nodes = view(element_nodes_with_ghosts.data, s:e) + + p4est_cell_faces = view(p4est_cell_nodes,faces_to_cell_element_nodes) + p4est_cell_vertices = view(p4est_cell_nodes,vertices_to_cell_element_nodes) + + gridap_cell_vertices = view(gridap_cell_vertices_data, + start_gridap_vertices+1:start_gridap_vertices+n_cell_vertices) + gridap_cell_faces = view(gridap_cell_faces_data, + start_gridap_faces+1:start_gridap_faces+n_cell_faces) + + if (Dc==2) + has_hanging = p4est_lnodes_decode(face_code_with_ghosts[cell], hanging_face) + else + has_hanging = pXest_lnodes_decode(pXest_type, face_code_with_ghosts[cell], hanging_face, hanging_edge) + start_gridap_edges = (cell-1)*n_cell_edges + gridap_cell_edges = view(gridap_cell_edges_data, start_gridap_edges+1:start_gridap_edges+n_cell_edges) + p4est_cell_edges = view(p4est_cell_nodes,edges_to_cell_element_nodes) + end + if has_hanging == 0 + # All vertices/edges/faces of the current cell are regular + # Process vertices + for (p4est_lvertex, p4est_gvertex) in enumerate(p4est_cell_vertices) + num_regular_faces[1] = + process_current_face!(gridap_cell_vertices, + regular_vertices_p4est_to_gridap, + num_regular_faces[1], + p4est_cell_vertices, + p4est_lvertex, + p4est_gvertex, + PXEST_2_GRIDAP_VERTEX) + end + + if (Dc==3) + for (p4est_ledge, p4est_gedge) in enumerate(p4est_cell_edges) + num_regular_faces[2] = + process_current_face!(gridap_cell_edges, + regular_edges_p4est_to_gridap, + num_regular_faces[2], + p4est_cell_edges, + p4est_ledge, + p4est_gedge, + PXEST_2_GRIDAP_EDGE) + end + end + + # Process faces + for (p4est_lface, p4est_gface) in enumerate(p4est_cell_faces) + num_regular_faces[Dc] = + process_current_face!(gridap_cell_faces, + regular_faces_p4est_to_gridap, + num_regular_faces[Dc], + p4est_cell_faces, + p4est_lface, + p4est_gface, + PXEST_2_GRIDAP_FACE) + end + else + if (isa(pXest_type,P4P8estType)) + # "Touch" hanging vertices before processing current cell + # This is required as we dont have any means to detect + # a hanging vertex from a non-hanging face + for (p4est_lface, half) in enumerate(hanging_face) + if (half != -1) + hanging_vertex_lvertex_within_face = hanging_lvertex_within_face(half) + p4est_lvertex = pXest_face_corners[p4est_lface, + hanging_vertex_lvertex_within_face+1] + gridap_cell_vertices[PXEST_2_GRIDAP_VERTEX[p4est_lvertex+1]] = hanging_vertex_code + end + end + end + + if (Dc==3) + for (p4est_ledge, half) in enumerate(hanging_edge) + if (half != -1 && half !=4) + hanging_vertex_lvertex_within_edge = hanging_lvertex_within_edge(half) + p4est_lvertex = p8est_edge_corners[p4est_ledge, + hanging_vertex_lvertex_within_edge+1] + gridap_cell_vertices[PXEST_2_GRIDAP_VERTEX[p4est_lvertex+1]] = hanging_vertex_code + + @debug "[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))] cell=$(cell) hanging p4est_ledge=$(p4est_ledge) half=$(half) hanging p4est_lvertex=$(PXEST_2_GRIDAP_VERTEX[p4est_lvertex+1])" + end + end + end + + # Current cell has at least one hanging face + for (p4est_lface, half) in enumerate(hanging_face) + # Current face is NOT hanging + if (half == -1) + # Process vertices on the boundary of p4est_lface + for p4est_lvertex in pXest_face_corners[p4est_lface, :] + p4est_gvertex = p4est_cell_vertices[p4est_lvertex+1] + if (gridap_cell_vertices[p4est_lvertex+1] != hanging_vertex_code) + num_regular_faces[1] = + process_current_face!(gridap_cell_vertices, + regular_vertices_p4est_to_gridap, + num_regular_faces[1], + p4est_cell_vertices, + p4est_lvertex + 1, + p4est_gvertex, + PXEST_2_GRIDAP_VERTEX) + end + end + # Process non-hanging face + p4est_gface = p4est_cell_faces[p4est_lface] + num_regular_faces[Dc] = + process_current_face!(gridap_cell_faces, + regular_faces_p4est_to_gridap, + num_regular_faces[Dc], + p4est_cell_faces, + p4est_lface, + p4est_gface, + PXEST_2_GRIDAP_FACE) + else # Current face is hanging + owner_face = p4est_cell_faces[p4est_lface] + + if half in 0:3 + # Identify regular vertex and hanging vertex + # Repeat code above for regular vertex + # Special treatment for hanging vertex + regular_vertex_lvertex_within_face = regular_lvertex_within_face(half) + hanging_vertex_lvertex_within_face = hanging_lvertex_within_face(half) + + # Process regular vertex + p4est_regular_lvertex = pXest_face_corners[p4est_lface, regular_vertex_lvertex_within_face+1] + p4est_gvertex = p4est_cell_vertices[p4est_regular_lvertex+1] + num_regular_faces[1] = + process_current_face!(gridap_cell_vertices, + regular_vertices_p4est_to_gridap, + num_regular_faces[1], + p4est_cell_vertices, + p4est_regular_lvertex + 1, + p4est_gvertex, + PXEST_2_GRIDAP_VERTEX) + + # Process hanging vertex + p4est_hanging_lvertex = pXest_face_corners[p4est_lface, hanging_vertex_lvertex_within_face+1] + hanging_vertices_pairs_to_owner_face[(cell, PXEST_2_GRIDAP_VERTEX[p4est_hanging_lvertex+1])] = owner_face + + # Process hanging face + hanging_faces_pairs_to_owner_face[(cell, PXEST_2_GRIDAP_FACE[p4est_lface])] = (owner_face,half+1) + else + # Anisotropic refinement + @assert half in 4:7 + for regular_vertex_lvertex_within_face in p6est_half_to_regular_vertices[mod(half,4)+1,:] + # Process regular vertex + p4est_regular_lvertex = pXest_face_corners[p4est_lface, regular_vertex_lvertex_within_face+1] + p4est_gvertex = p4est_cell_vertices[p4est_regular_lvertex+1] + num_regular_faces[1] = + process_current_face!(gridap_cell_vertices, + regular_vertices_p4est_to_gridap, + num_regular_faces[1], + p4est_cell_vertices, + p4est_regular_lvertex + 1, + p4est_gvertex, + PXEST_2_GRIDAP_VERTEX) + end + subface = mod(half,2)+1 + + # Process hanging face + hanging_faces_pairs_to_owner_face[(cell, PXEST_2_GRIDAP_FACE[p4est_lface])] = (owner_face,subface) + end + + if (Dc==3) + _subface_to_hanging_edges_within_subface = subface_to_hanging_edges_within_subface(pXest_type) + _subface_to_hanging_edges_within_face = subface_to_hanging_edges_within_face(pXest_type) + + for (i,ledge_within_face) in enumerate(_subface_to_hanging_edges_within_subface[mod(half,4)+1,:]) + p4est_ledge=p8est_face_edges[p4est_lface,ledge_within_face+1] + + @debug "[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))] cell=$(cell) p4est_lface=$(p4est_lface) half=$(half) index=$(mod(half,4)+1) p4est_ledge=$(p4est_ledge) ledge_within_face=$(ledge_within_face) " + + gridap_ledge = PXEST_2_GRIDAP_EDGE[p4est_ledge+1] + # Identify the two edges which are hanging within the face + hanging_edges_cell_ledge_to_owner_face_half[(cell, gridap_ledge)] = + (owner_face,-_subface_to_hanging_edges_within_face[mod(half,4)+1,i]) + gridap_cell_edges[gridap_ledge] = hanging_edge_from_face_code + end + end + + end + end + + + if (Dc==3) + for (p4est_ledge, half) in enumerate(hanging_edge) + # Current edge is NOT hanging + if (half == -1) + # Process vertices on the boundary of p4est_ledge + for p4est_lvertex in p8est_edge_corners[p4est_ledge, :] + p4est_gvertex = p4est_cell_vertices[p4est_lvertex+1] + if (gridap_cell_vertices[p4est_lvertex+1] != hanging_vertex_code) + num_regular_faces[1] = + process_current_face!(gridap_cell_vertices, + regular_vertices_p4est_to_gridap, + num_regular_faces[1], + p4est_cell_vertices, + p4est_lvertex + 1, + p4est_gvertex, + PXEST_2_GRIDAP_VERTEX) + end + end + # Process non-hanging edge + p4est_gedge = p4est_cell_edges[p4est_ledge] + num_regular_faces[2] = + process_current_face!(gridap_cell_edges, + regular_edges_p4est_to_gridap, + num_regular_faces[2], + p4est_cell_edges, + p4est_ledge, + p4est_gedge, + PXEST_2_GRIDAP_EDGE) + else # Current edge is hanging + @debug "[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))] cell=$(cell) hanging_edge=$(hanging_edge) p4est_ledge=$(p4est_ledge) gridap_cell_edges[PXEST_2_GRIDAP_EDGE[p4est_ledge]]: $(gridap_cell_edges[PXEST_2_GRIDAP_EDGE[p4est_ledge]]) half=$(half)" + + if ( gridap_cell_edges[PXEST_2_GRIDAP_EDGE[p4est_ledge]] != hanging_edge_from_face_code ) + # The present hanging edge cannot be within a coarser face + @assert half != 4 + + # # Identify regular vertex and hanging vertex + # # Repeat code above for regular vertex + # # Special treatment for hanging vertex + regular_vertex_lvertex_within_edge = regular_lvertex_within_edge(half) + hanging_vertex_lvertex_within_edge = hanging_lvertex_within_edge(half) + + # # Process regular vertex + p4est_regular_lvertex = p8est_edge_corners[p4est_ledge, regular_vertex_lvertex_within_edge+1] + p4est_gvertex = p4est_cell_vertices[p4est_regular_lvertex+1] + + num_regular_faces[1] = + process_current_face!(gridap_cell_vertices, + regular_vertices_p4est_to_gridap, + num_regular_faces[1], + p4est_cell_vertices, + p4est_regular_lvertex + 1, + p4est_gvertex, + PXEST_2_GRIDAP_VERTEX) + + # Process hanging vertex + p4est_hanging_lvertex = p8est_edge_corners[p4est_ledge, hanging_vertex_lvertex_within_edge+1] + p4est_owner_edge = p4est_cell_edges[p4est_ledge] + hanging_vertices_pairs_to_owner_edge[(cell, + PXEST_2_GRIDAP_VERTEX[p4est_hanging_lvertex+1])] = p4est_owner_edge + + # Process hanging edge + subedge = regular_vertex_lvertex_within_edge+1 + owner_edge_subedge_pair=(p4est_owner_edge,subedge) + + @debug "[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))] cell=$(cell) hanging_edge=$(hanging_edge) p4est_ledge=$(p4est_ledge) gridap_cell_edges[PXEST_2_GRIDAP_EDGE[p4est_ledge]]: $(gridap_cell_edges[PXEST_2_GRIDAP_EDGE[p4est_ledge]]) half=$(half) owner_edge_subedge_pair=$(owner_edge_subedge_pair)" + + gridap_ledge=PXEST_2_GRIDAP_EDGE[p4est_ledge] + hanging_edges_cell_ledge_to_owner_face_half[(cell, gridap_ledge)] = owner_edge_subedge_pair + if (!haskey(owner_edge_subedge_to_cell_ledge,owner_edge_subedge_pair)) + owner_edge_subedge_to_cell_ledge[owner_edge_subedge_pair] = (cell,gridap_ledge) + end + end + end + end + end + end + end + + function is_ghost(cell) + cell>own_length(indices) + end + + # Go over all touched hanging faces and start + # assigning IDs from the last num_regular_faces ID + # For each hanging face, keep track of (owner_cell,lface) + # Go over all hanging faces + # Detect if the owner face is in a ghost cell. + # If not in a ghost cell or touched + # Else + # The current face becomes a regular face + # end + hanging_faces_owner_cell_and_lface = + Vector{Tuple{Int,Int,Int}}(undef, length(keys(hanging_faces_pairs_to_owner_face))) + num_hanging_faces[Dc] = 0 + for key in keys(hanging_faces_pairs_to_owner_face) + (cell, lface) = key + (owner_p4est_gface, half) = hanging_faces_pairs_to_owner_face[key] + num_hanging_faces[Dc] += 1 + start_gridap_faces = (cell - 1) * n_cell_faces + gridap_cell_faces_data[start_gridap_faces+lface] = num_regular_faces[Dc] + num_hanging_faces[Dc] + if (!(is_ghost(cell)) || haskey(regular_faces_p4est_to_gridap,owner_p4est_gface)) + @assert haskey(regular_faces_p4est_to_gridap,owner_p4est_gface) + (owner_cell, p4est_lface) = p4est_gface_to_gcell_p4est_lface[owner_p4est_gface] + hanging_faces_owner_cell_and_lface[num_hanging_faces[Dc]] = + (owner_cell, n_cell_vertices+n_cell_edges+PXEST_2_GRIDAP_FACE[p4est_lface], half) + else + # Glue info cannot be computed for this hanging face + hanging_faces_owner_cell_and_lface[num_hanging_faces[Dc]] = (-1,-1,-1) + end + end + + @debug "[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))] gridap_cell_faces_data: $(gridap_cell_faces_data)" + + + # Go over all touched hanging vertices and start + # assigning IDs from the last num_regular_vertices ID + # For each hanging vertex, keep track of (owner_cell,lface) + num_hanging_faces[1] = 0 + hanging_vertices_owner_cell_and_lface = Tuple{Int,Int,Int}[] + half=1 + owner_p4est_gface_to_hanging_vertex = Dict{Int,Int}() + for key in keys(hanging_vertices_pairs_to_owner_face) + (cell, lvertex) = key + owner_p4est_gface = hanging_vertices_pairs_to_owner_face[key] + if !(haskey(owner_p4est_gface_to_hanging_vertex, owner_p4est_gface)) + num_hanging_faces[1] += 1 + owner_p4est_gface_to_hanging_vertex[owner_p4est_gface] = num_hanging_faces[1] + if (!is_ghost(cell) || (haskey(regular_faces_p4est_to_gridap,owner_p4est_gface))) + (owner_cell, p4est_lface) = p4est_gface_to_gcell_p4est_lface[owner_p4est_gface] + push!(hanging_vertices_owner_cell_and_lface, + (owner_cell, n_cell_vertices+n_cell_edges+PXEST_2_GRIDAP_FACE[p4est_lface],half)) + else + push!(hanging_vertices_owner_cell_and_lface,(-1, -1,-1)) + end + end + start_gridap_vertices = (cell - 1) * n_cell_vertices + gridap_cell_vertices_data[start_gridap_vertices+lvertex] = num_regular_faces[1] + + owner_p4est_gface_to_hanging_vertex[owner_p4est_gface] + end + + @debug "[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))] gridap_cell_vertices_data: $(gridap_cell_vertices_data)" + + if (Dc==3) + half=1 + owner_p4est_gedge_to_hanging_vertex = Dict{Int,Int}() + for key in keys(hanging_vertices_pairs_to_owner_edge) + (cell, lvertex) = key + owner_p4est_gedge = hanging_vertices_pairs_to_owner_edge[key] + if !(haskey(owner_p4est_gedge_to_hanging_vertex, owner_p4est_gedge)) + num_hanging_faces[1] += 1 + owner_p4est_gedge_to_hanging_vertex[owner_p4est_gedge] = num_hanging_faces[1] + if (!is_ghost(cell) || (haskey(regular_edges_p4est_to_gridap,owner_p4est_gedge))) + (owner_cell, p4est_ledge) = p4est_gedge_to_gcell_p4est_ledge[owner_p4est_gedge] + push!(hanging_vertices_owner_cell_and_lface, + (owner_cell, n_cell_vertices+PXEST_2_GRIDAP_EDGE[p4est_ledge],half)) + else + push!(hanging_vertices_owner_cell_and_lface,(-1, -1,-1)) + end + end + start_gridap_vertices = (cell - 1) * n_cell_vertices + gridap_cell_vertices_data[start_gridap_vertices+lvertex] = num_regular_faces[1] + + owner_p4est_gedge_to_hanging_vertex[owner_p4est_gedge] + end + + # Go over all touched hanging edges and start + # assigning IDs from the last num_regular_edge ID + # For each hanging edge, keep track of (owner_cell,lface/ledge) + hanging_edges_owner_cell_and_lface = Tuple{Int,Int,Int}[] + owner_p4est_gface_half_to_hanging_edge = Dict{Tuple{Int,Int},Int}() + owner_p4est_gedge_subedge_to_hanging_edge = Dict{Tuple{Int,Int},Int}() + num_hanging_faces[2] = 0 + ledge_to_cvertices = Gridap.ReferenceFEs.get_faces(HEX, 1, 0) + # The following loop needs gridap cell vertices to be already completed + for key in keys(hanging_edges_cell_ledge_to_owner_face_half) + (cell, ledge) = key + (owner_p4est_gface_or_gedge, half) = hanging_edges_cell_ledge_to_owner_face_half[key] + if (half<0) # hanging edge is within a coarser face + owner_p4est_gface = owner_p4est_gface_or_gedge + if !(haskey(owner_p4est_gface_half_to_hanging_edge, (owner_p4est_gface,half))) + num_hanging_faces[2] += 1 + owner_p4est_gface_half_to_hanging_edge[(owner_p4est_gface,half)] = num_hanging_faces[2] + if (!is_ghost(cell) || (haskey(regular_faces_p4est_to_gridap,owner_p4est_gface))) + (owner_cell, p4est_lface) = p4est_gface_to_gcell_p4est_lface[owner_p4est_gface] + push!(hanging_edges_owner_cell_and_lface, + (owner_cell, n_cell_vertices+n_cell_edges+PXEST_2_GRIDAP_FACE[p4est_lface],half)) + else + push!(hanging_edges_owner_cell_and_lface,(-1, -1, -1)) + end + end + start_gridap_edges = (cell - 1) * n_cell_edges + gridap_cell_edges_data[start_gridap_edges+ledge] = num_regular_faces[2] + + owner_p4est_gface_half_to_hanging_edge[(owner_p4est_gface,half)] + else # hanging edge is within a coarser edge + @assert half==1 || half==2 + owner_p4est_gedge = owner_p4est_gface_or_gedge + owner_gedge_pair = (owner_p4est_gedge,half) + if (haskey(owner_edge_subedge_to_cell_ledge,owner_gedge_pair)) + (owner_cell, owner_cell_ledge) = owner_edge_subedge_to_cell_ledge[owner_gedge_pair] + if (owner_cell==cell) + @assert owner_cell_ledge == ledge + num_hanging_faces[2] += 1 + owner_p4est_gedge_subedge_to_hanging_edge[(owner_p4est_gedge,half)] = num_hanging_faces[2] + if (!is_ghost(cell) || (haskey(regular_edges_p4est_to_gridap,owner_p4est_gedge))) + (owner_cell, p4est_ledge) = p4est_gedge_to_gcell_p4est_ledge[owner_p4est_gedge] + push!(hanging_edges_owner_cell_and_lface, + (owner_cell, n_cell_vertices+PXEST_2_GRIDAP_EDGE[p4est_ledge],half)) + else + push!(hanging_edges_owner_cell_and_lface,(-1, -1, -1)) + end + start_gridap_edges = (cell - 1) * n_cell_edges + gridap_cell_edges_data[start_gridap_edges+ledge] = num_regular_faces[2] + num_hanging_faces[2] + end + end + end + end + @debug "[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))] gridap_cell_edges_data: $(gridap_cell_edges_data)" + + for key in keys(hanging_edges_cell_ledge_to_owner_face_half) + (cell, ledge) = key + (owner_p4est_gface_or_gedge, half) = hanging_edges_cell_ledge_to_owner_face_half[key] + @debug "[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))] own_length=$(own_length(indices)) cell=$(cell) ledge=$(ledge) owner_p4est_gface_or_gedge=$(owner_p4est_gface_or_gedge) half=$(half)" + if (half>0) # hanging edge is within a coarser face + @assert half==1 || half==2 + owner_p4est_gedge = owner_p4est_gface_or_gedge + owner_gedge_pair = (owner_p4est_gedge,half) + if (haskey(owner_edge_subedge_to_cell_ledge,owner_gedge_pair)) + (owner_cell, owner_cell_ledge) = owner_edge_subedge_to_cell_ledge[owner_gedge_pair] + if (owner_cell!=cell) + haskey_first_subedge = haskey(owner_p4est_gedge_subedge_to_hanging_edge,(owner_p4est_gedge,1)) + haskey_second_subedge = haskey(owner_p4est_gedge_subedge_to_hanging_edge,(owner_p4est_gedge,2)) + if (!(is_ghost(cell))) + @assert haskey_first_subedge && haskey_second_subedge + else + @assert haskey_first_subedge || haskey_second_subedge + end + if (haskey_first_subedge && haskey_second_subedge) + # The following code is required as we may have edges + # with different orientations at the inter-octree boundaries + match=true + start_gridap_vertices_cell = (cell - 1) * n_cell_vertices + start_gridap_vertices_cell_owner = (owner_cell - 1) * n_cell_vertices + for lvertex_cell in ledge_to_cvertices[ledge] + vertex_cell=gridap_cell_vertices_data[start_gridap_vertices_cell+lvertex_cell] + found=false + # Go over vertices of owner_cell_ledge in owner_cell + for lvertex_owner_cell in ledge_to_cvertices[owner_cell_ledge] + vertex_owner_cell=gridap_cell_vertices_data[start_gridap_vertices_cell_owner+lvertex_owner_cell] + if (vertex_owner_cell==vertex_cell) + found=true + break + end + end + if (!found) + match=false + break + end + end + if (match) + owner_half=half + else + owner_half=half==1 ? 2 : 1 + end + elseif (haskey_first_subedge) + owner_half=1 + elseif (haskey_second_subedge) + owner_half=2 + end + @debug "[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))] cell=$(cell) ledge=$(ledge) owner_p4est_gface_or_gedge=$(owner_p4est_gface_or_gedge) half=$(half) owner_half=$(owner_half)" + start_gridap_edges = (cell - 1) * n_cell_edges + gridap_cell_edges_data[start_gridap_edges+ledge] = + num_regular_faces[2] + owner_p4est_gedge_subedge_to_hanging_edge[(owner_p4est_gedge,owner_half)] + end + end + end + end + @debug "[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))] gridap_cell_edges_data: $(gridap_cell_edges_data)" + end + + gridap_cell_faces = Vector{JaggedArray}(undef,Dc) + gridap_cell_faces[1] = JaggedArray(gridap_cell_vertices_data,gridap_cell_vertices_ptrs) + if (Dc==3) + gridap_cell_faces[2] = JaggedArray(gridap_cell_edges_data,gridap_cell_edges_ptrs) + end + gridap_cell_faces[Dc] = JaggedArray(gridap_cell_faces_data,gridap_cell_faces_ptrs) + + hanging_faces_glue = Vector{Vector{Tuple}}(undef,Dc) + hanging_faces_glue[1] = hanging_vertices_owner_cell_and_lface + if (Dc==3) + hanging_faces_glue[2] = hanging_edges_owner_cell_and_lface + end + hanging_faces_glue[Dc] = hanging_faces_owner_cell_and_lface + + hanging_faces_to_cell = Vector{Vector{Int}}(undef, Dc) + hanging_faces_to_lface = Vector{Vector{Int}}(undef, Dc) + for i=1:Dc + # Locate for each hanging facet a cell to which it belongs + # and local position within that cell + hanging_faces_to_cell[i], + hanging_faces_to_lface[i] = + _generate_hanging_faces_to_cell_and_lface(num_regular_faces[i], + num_hanging_faces[i], + gridap_cell_faces[i]) + end + + owner_faces_pindex = Vector{Vector{Int}}(undef, Dc - 1) + owner_faces_lids = Vector{Dict{Int,Tuple{Int,Int,Int}}}(undef, Dc - 1) + + lface_to_cvertices = Gridap.ReferenceFEs.get_faces(Dc == 2 ? QUAD : HEX, Dc - 1, 0) + pindex_to_cfvertex_to_fvertex = Gridap.ReferenceFEs.get_vertex_permutations(Dc == 2 ? SEGMENT : QUAD) + + owner_faces_pindex[Dc-1], owner_faces_lids[Dc-1] = _compute_owner_faces_pindex_and_lids(Dc, + pXest_refinement_rule, + num_hanging_faces[Dc], + hanging_faces_glue[Dc], + hanging_faces_to_cell[Dc], + hanging_faces_to_lface[Dc], + gridap_cell_faces[1], + gridap_cell_faces[Dc], + lface_to_cvertices, + pindex_to_cfvertex_to_fvertex) + + if (Dc == 3) + owner_faces_pindex[1], owner_faces_lids[1]= + _compute_owner_edges_pindex_and_lids( + num_hanging_faces[2], + hanging_faces_glue[2], + hanging_faces_to_cell[2], + hanging_faces_to_lface[2], + gridap_cell_faces[1], + gridap_cell_faces[2]) + end + + return num_regular_faces, + num_hanging_faces, + gridap_cell_faces, + hanging_faces_glue, + hanging_faces_to_cell, + hanging_faces_to_lface, + owner_faces_pindex, + owner_faces_lids + + end |> tuple_of_arrays + + + gridap_cell_faces_out = Vector{MPIArray}(undef,Dc) + for i=1:Dc + gridap_cell_faces_out[i] = map(gridap_cell_faces) do gridap_cell_faces + gridap_cell_faces[i] + end + end + non_conforming_glue=map(num_regular_faces, + num_hanging_faces, + hanging_faces_glue, + hanging_faces_to_cell, + hanging_faces_to_lface, + owner_faces_pindex, + owner_faces_lids) do nrf, nhf, hfg, hfc, hfl, ofp,ofl + NonConformingGlue(nrf, nhf, hfg, hfc, hfl, ofp, ofl) + end + gridap_cell_faces_out,non_conforming_glue + end + + function pXest_tree_array_index(::P4estType, pXest, i) + p4est_tree_array_index(pXest.trees, i) +end + +function pXest_tree_array_index(::P8estType, pXest, i) + p8est_tree_array_index(pXest.trees, i) +end + +function pXest_tree_array_index(::P6estType, pXest, i) + p4est_tree_array_index(pXest.columns[].trees, i) +end + +function pXest_quadrant_array_index(::P4estType, tree, i) + p4est_quadrant_array_index(tree.quadrants, i) +end + +function pXest_quadrant_array_index(::P6estType, tree, i) + p4est_quadrant_array_index(tree.quadrants, i) +end + +function pXest_quadrant_array_index(::P8estType, tree, i) + p8est_quadrant_array_index(tree.quadrants, i) +end + +function pXest_quadrant_is_parent(::P4estType, q1, q2) + p4est_quadrant_is_parent(q1,q2)!=0 +end + +function pXest_quadrant_is_parent(::P8estType, q1, q2) + p8est_quadrant_is_parent(q1,q2)!=0 +end + +function pXest_quadrant_is_equal(::P4estType, q1, q2) + p4est_quadrant_is_equal(q1, q2)!=0 +end + +function pXest_quadrant_is_equal(::P6estType, q1, q2) + Gridap.Helpers.@notimplemented +end + +function pXest_quadrant_is_equal(::P8estType, q1, q2) + p8est_quadrant_is_equal(q1, q2)!=0 +end + +function pXest_cell_coords(::P4estType, q, l) + (q.x,q.y) +end + +function pXest_cell_coords(::P8estType, q, l) + (q.x,q.y,q.z) +end + +function pXest_cell_coords(::P6estType, q, l) + (q.x,q.y,l.z) +end + +function pXest_num_quadrant_layers(::P4P8estType,q) + 1 +end + +function P6EST_COLUMN_GET_RANGE(q) + f=q.p.piggy3.local_num + l=f+q.p.piggy3.which_tree + (f,l) +end + +function pXest_num_quadrant_layers(::P6estType,q) + f,l=P6EST_COLUMN_GET_RANGE(q) + l-f +end + +function pXest_get_layer(::P4P8estType,q,pXest,i) + q +end + +function p2est_quadrant_array_index(sc_array_object::sc_array_t, it) + @assert sc_array_object.elem_size == sizeof(p2est_quadrant_t) + @assert it in 0:sc_array_object.elem_count + return Ptr{p2est_quadrant_t}(sc_array_object.array + sc_array_object.elem_size*it) +end + +function pXest_get_layer(::P6estType,q,pXest,i) + f,_=P6EST_COLUMN_GET_RANGE(q) + p2est_quadrant_array_index(pXest.layers[], f+i)[] +end + +function pXest_get_quadrant_and_layer_levels(::P4P8estType,q,l) + (q.level,) +end + +function pXest_get_quadrant_and_layer_levels(::P6estType,q,l) + (q.level,l.level) +end + +function pXest_get_quadrant_vertex_coordinates(::P4estType, + connectivity::Ptr{p4est_connectivity_t}, + treeid::p4est_topidx_t, + coords, + levels, + corner::Cint, + pvxy::Ptr{Cdouble}) + x,y=coords + level,=levels + p4est_get_quadrant_vertex_coordinates(connectivity, + treeid, + x, + y, + level, + corner, + pvxy) +end + +function pXest_get_quadrant_vertex_coordinates(::P6estType, + connectivity::Ptr{p6est_connectivity_t}, + treeid::p4est_topidx_t, + coords, + levels, + corner::Cint, + pvxy::Ptr{Cdouble}) + x,y,z=coords + qlevel,zlevel=levels + p6est_get_quadrant_vertex_coordinates(connectivity, + treeid, + x, + y, + z, + qlevel, + zlevel, + corner, + pvxy) +end + +function pXest_get_quadrant_vertex_coordinates(::P8estType, + connectivity::Ptr{p8est_connectivity_t}, + treeid::p4est_topidx_t, + coords, + levels, + corner::Cint, + pvxy::Ptr{Cdouble}) + x,y,z=coords + level,=levels + p8est_get_quadrant_vertex_coordinates(connectivity, + treeid, + x, + y, + z, + level, + corner, + pvxy) +end + + + function _fill_ghost_cells_node_coordinates!(pXest_type::P6estType, + PXEST_CORNERS, + vxy, + pvxy, + node_coordinates, + current, + cell_lids, + ptr_pXest_connectivity, + pXest_ghost) + + + function sc_array_p4est_locidx_t_index(sc_array_object::sc_array_t, it) + @assert sc_array_object.elem_size == sizeof(p4est_locidx_t) + @assert it in 0:sc_array_object.elem_count + ptr=Ptr{p4est_locidx_t}(sc_array_object.array + sc_array_object.elem_size*it) + return unsafe_wrap(Array, ptr, 1)[] + end + + Dc = num_cell_dims(pXest_type) + + column_ghost = pXest_ghost.column_ghost[] + ptr_p2est_ghost_quadrants = _unwrap_ghost_quadrants(pXest_type, pXest_ghost) + ptr_p4est_ghost_quadrants = _unwrap_ghost_quadrants(P4estType(), column_ghost) + + tree_offsets = unsafe_wrap(Array, column_ghost.tree_offsets, pXest_ghost.num_trees+1) + + current_ghost_column=0 + + # Go over ghost cells + for i=1:pXest_ghost.num_trees + for j=tree_offsets[i]:tree_offsets[i+1]-1 + p4est_quadrant = ptr_p4est_ghost_quadrants[j+1] + k = sc_array_p4est_locidx_t_index(pXest_ghost.column_layer_offsets[],current_ghost_column) + l = sc_array_p4est_locidx_t_index(pXest_ghost.column_layer_offsets[],current_ghost_column+1) + for m=k:l-1 + p2est_quadrant = ptr_p2est_ghost_quadrants[m+1] + coords=pXest_cell_coords(pXest_type,p4est_quadrant,p2est_quadrant) + levels=pXest_get_quadrant_and_layer_levels(pXest_type,p4est_quadrant,p2est_quadrant) + for vertex=1:PXEST_CORNERS + pXest_get_quadrant_vertex_coordinates(pXest_type, + ptr_pXest_connectivity, + p4est_topidx_t(i-1), + coords, + levels, + Cint(vertex-1), + pvxy) + node_coordinates[cell_lids[current]]=Point{Dc,Float64}(vxy...) + current=current+1 + end + end + current_ghost_column=current_ghost_column+1 + end + end + end + +function _fill_ghost_cells_node_coordinates!(pXest_type::P4P8estType, + PXEST_CORNERS, + vxy, + pvxy, + node_coordinates, + current, + cell_lids, + ptr_pXest_connectivity, + pXest_ghost) + + Dc = num_cell_dims(pXest_type) + + tree_offsets = unsafe_wrap(Array, pXest_ghost.tree_offsets, pXest_ghost.num_trees+1) + ptr_ghost_quadrants = _unwrap_ghost_quadrants(pXest_type, pXest_ghost) + + # Go over ghost cells + for i=1:pXest_ghost.num_trees + for j=tree_offsets[i]:tree_offsets[i+1]-1 + quadrant = ptr_ghost_quadrants[j+1] + coords=pXest_cell_coords(pXest_type,quadrant,0) + levels=pXest_get_quadrant_and_layer_levels(pXest_type,quadrant,0) + for vertex=1:PXEST_CORNERS + pXest_get_quadrant_vertex_coordinates(pXest_type, + ptr_pXest_connectivity, + p4est_topidx_t(i-1), + coords, + levels, + Cint(vertex-1), + pvxy) + node_coordinates[cell_lids[current]]=Point{Dc,Float64}(vxy...) + current=current+1 + end + end + end +end + + +function generate_node_coordinates(pXest_type::PXestType, + cell_vertex_lids, + nlvertices, + ptr_pXest_connectivity, + ptr_pXest, + ptr_pXest_ghost) + + Dc = num_cell_dims(pXest_type) + + PXEST_CORNERS=2^Dc + pXest_ghost = ptr_pXest_ghost[] + pXest = ptr_pXest[] + + dnode_coordinates=map(cell_vertex_lids,nlvertices) do cell_vertex_lids, nl + node_coordinates=Vector{Point{Dc,Float64}}(undef,nl) + current=1 + vxy=Vector{Cdouble}(undef,Dc) + pvxy=pointer(vxy,1) + cell_lids=cell_vertex_lids.data + for itree=1:pXest_ghost.num_trees + tree = pXest_tree_array_index(pXest_type, pXest, itree-1)[] + # Loop over quadrants/columns in the current tree + for cell=1:tree.quadrants.elem_count + quadrant=pXest_quadrant_array_index(pXest_type,tree,cell-1)[] + # Loop over layers in the current column + for l=1:pXest_num_quadrant_layers(pXest_type,quadrant) + layer=pXest_get_layer(pXest_type, quadrant, pXest, l-1) + coords=pXest_cell_coords(pXest_type,quadrant,layer) + levels=pXest_get_quadrant_and_layer_levels(pXest_type,quadrant,layer) + + for vertex=1:PXEST_CORNERS + pXest_get_quadrant_vertex_coordinates(pXest_type, + ptr_pXest_connectivity, + p4est_topidx_t(itree-1), + coords, + levels, + Cint(vertex-1), + pvxy) + + + @debug "[$(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))] quadrant=$(cell) layer=$(l) coords=$(coords) levels=$(levels) pvxy=$(unsafe_wrap(Array, pvxy, 3)) cell_lids=$(cell_lids[current])" + + node_coordinates[cell_lids[current]]=Point{Dc,Float64}(vxy...) + current=current+1 + end + end + end + end + _fill_ghost_cells_node_coordinates!(pXest_type, + PXEST_CORNERS, + vxy, + pvxy, + node_coordinates, + current, + cell_lids, + ptr_pXest_connectivity, + pXest_ghost) + + node_coordinates + end +end + +function generate_grid_and_topology(pXest_type::P6estType, + cell_vertex_lids, + nlvertices, + node_coordinates) + Dc=num_cell_dims(pXest_type) + grid,topology= + map(cell_vertex_lids,nlvertices,node_coordinates) do cell_vertex_lids, nl, node_coordinates + polytope= Dc==2 ? QUAD : HEX + scalar_reffe=Gridap.ReferenceFEs.ReferenceFE(polytope,Gridap.ReferenceFEs.lagrangian,Float64,1) + cell_types=collect(Fill(1,length(cell_vertex_lids))) + cell_reffes=[scalar_reffe] + cell_vertex_lids_gridap=Gridap.Arrays.Table(cell_vertex_lids.data,cell_vertex_lids.ptrs) + grid = Gridap.Geometry.UnstructuredGrid(node_coordinates, + cell_vertex_lids_gridap, + cell_reffes, + cell_types, + Gridap.Geometry.NonOriented()) + + topology = Gridap.Geometry.UnstructuredGridTopology(node_coordinates, + cell_vertex_lids_gridap, + cell_types, + map(Gridap.ReferenceFEs.get_polytope, cell_reffes), + Gridap.Geometry.NonOriented()) + grid,topology + end |> tuple_of_arrays + grid,topology +end + +function pXest_comm_find_owner(::P4estType,ptr_pXest,itree,quad,guess) + return p4est_comm_find_owner(ptr_pXest,itree,quad,guess) +end + +function pXest_comm_find_owner(::P8estType,ptr_pXest,itree,quad,guess) + return p8est_comm_find_owner(ptr_pXest,itree,quad,guess) +end + +function pXest_compute_migration_control_data(pXest_type::P4P8estType,ptr_pXest_old,ptr_pXest_new) + pXest_old = ptr_pXest_old[] + pXest_new = ptr_pXest_new[] + num_trees = Cint(pXest_old.connectivity[].num_trees) + my_rank = pXest_old.mpirank + ranks_count = Dict{Int,Int}() + lst_ranks = Int[] + old2new = Vector{Int}(undef,pXest_old.local_num_quadrants) + current_old_quad_index = 1 + + for itree = 0:num_trees-1 + tree = pXest_tree_array_index(pXest_type,pXest_old,itree)[] + num_quads = Cint(tree.quadrants.elem_count) + + for iquad = 0:num_quads-1 + q = pXest_quadrant_array_index(pXest_type, tree, iquad) + new_rank = pXest_comm_find_owner(pXest_type,ptr_pXest_new,itree,q,0) + if (new_rank != my_rank) + if (!(new_rank+1 in keys(ranks_count))) + push!(lst_ranks,new_rank+1) + ranks_count[new_rank+1] = 0 + end + ranks_count[new_rank+1] += 1 + old2new[current_old_quad_index] = 0 + else + current_new_quad_index = 1 + new_tree = pXest_tree_array_index(pXest_type,pXest_new,pXest_new.first_local_tree)[] + for t = pXest_new.first_local_tree:pXest_new.last_local_tree + new_tree = pXest_tree_array_index(pXest_type,pXest_new,t)[] + if t == itree + break + end + current_new_quad_index += Cint(new_tree.quadrants.elem_count) + end + found = false + num_quads_new = Cint(new_tree.quadrants.elem_count) + for iquad_new = 0:num_quads_new-1 + q_new = pXest_quadrant_array_index(pXest_type, new_tree, iquad_new) + found = pXest_quadrant_is_equal(pXest_type,q,q_new) + if found + break + end + current_new_quad_index += 1 + end + Gridap.Helpers.@check found + old2new[current_old_quad_index] = current_new_quad_index + end + current_old_quad_index += 1 + end + end + + local_ids = [i for i=1:length(old2new) if old2new[i]==0] + ptr_ranks = Vector{Int32}(undef,length(ranks_count)+1) + ptr_ranks[1] = 1 + for (i,rank) in enumerate(lst_ranks) + ptr_ranks[i+1]=ptr_ranks[i]+ranks_count[rank] + end + + lst_ranks,PartitionedArrays.JaggedArray(local_ids,ptr_ranks),old2new +end + +function pXest_compute_migration_control_data(pXest_type::P6estType,ptr_pXest_old,ptr_pXest_new) + + pXest_old = ptr_pXest_old[] + pXest_new = ptr_pXest_new[] + + lst_ranks, columns_snd_lids, columns_old2new= + pXest_compute_migration_control_data(P4estType(), + pXest_old.columns, + pXest_new.columns) + + ptrs=Vector{Int32}(undef,length(columns_snd_lids.ptrs)) + ptrs.=0 + + lids=Int32[] + old2new=Int32[] + + current_col = 1 + current_old_cell = 1 + current_new_cell = 1 + current_rank = 1 + + num_trees = Cint(pXest_old.columns[].connectivity[].num_trees) + @assert num_trees == Cint(pXest_new.columns[].connectivity[].num_trees) + + # Go over trees + for itree = 0:num_trees-1 + tree = pXest_tree_array_index(pXest_type,pXest_old,itree)[] + num_quads = Cint(tree.quadrants.elem_count) + + # Go over columns of current tree + for iquad=0:num_quads-1 + q = pXest_quadrant_array_index(pXest_type,tree,iquad) + f,l=P6EST_COLUMN_GET_RANGE(q[]) + num_quads_in_column=l-f + current_new_col=columns_old2new[current_col] + if (current_new_col==0) + if ((current_rank+1)!=length(columns_snd_lids.ptrs)) + if (current_col==columns_snd_lids.data[columns_snd_lids.ptrs[current_rank+1]]) + current_rank=current_rank+1 + end + end + ptrs[current_rank+1]+=num_quads_in_column + for i=0:num_quads_in_column-1 + push!(lids,current_old_cell+i) + push!(old2new,0) + end + else + # Count how many quads are in previous columns! + current_new_cell=1 + col=1 + found=false + # Go over trees + for jtree = 0:num_trees-1 + tree_new = pXest_tree_array_index(pXest_type,pXest_new,jtree)[] + num_quads_new = Cint(tree_new.quadrants.elem_count) + # Go over columns of current tree + for jquad=0:num_quads_new-1 + if (col==current_new_col) + found=true + break + end + q = pXest_quadrant_array_index(pXest_type,tree_new,jquad) + f,l=P6EST_COLUMN_GET_RANGE(q[]) + col+=1 + current_new_cell+=l-f + end + if (found) + break + end + end + @assert found + for i=1:num_quads_in_column + push!(old2new,current_new_cell) + current_new_cell+=1 + end + end + current_old_cell+=num_quads_in_column + current_col+=1 + end + end + Gridap.Arrays.length_to_ptrs!(ptrs) + lst_ranks,PartitionedArrays.JaggedArray(lids,ptrs),old2new +end + +function pXest_deflate_quadrants(::P4estType,ptr_pXest,data) + P4est_wrapper.p4est_deflate_quadrants(ptr_pXest,data) +end + +function pXest_deflate_quadrants(::P8estType,ptr_pXest,data) + P4est_wrapper.p8est_deflate_quadrants(ptr_pXest,data) +end + +function pXest_comm_count_pertree(::P4estType,ptr_pXest,pertree) + p4est_comm_count_pertree(ptr_pXest,pertree) +end + +function pXest_comm_count_pertree(::P8estType,ptr_pXest,pertree) + p8est_comm_count_pertree(ptr_pXest,pertree) +end + +function pXest_inflate(::P4estType, + comm, + ptr_pXest_conn, + global_first_quadrant, + pertree, + quadrants, + data, + user_pointer) + P4est_wrapper.p4est_inflate(comm, + ptr_pXest_conn, + global_first_quadrant, + pertree, + quadrants, + data, + user_pointer) +end + +function pXest_inflate(::P8estType, + comm, + ptr_pXest_conn, + global_first_quadrant, + pertree, + quadrants, + data, + user_pointer) + P4est_wrapper.p8est_inflate(comm, + ptr_pXest_conn, + global_first_quadrant, + pertree, + quadrants, + data, + user_pointer) +end + +function pXest_stride_among_children(::P4P8estType, + ::PXestUniformRefinementRuleType, + ptr_pXest) + return 1 +end + +function pXest_stride_among_children(::P6estType, + ::PXestVerticalRefinementRuleType, + ptr_pXest) + return 1 +end + +function pXest_stride_among_children(pXest_type::P6estType, + ::PXestHorizontalRefinementRuleType, + ptr_pXest) + # Here we are assuming: + # (1) Each processor has at least one column. + # (2) The number of layers in each column is the same within and accross processors. + num_trees = ptr_pXest[].columns[].connectivity[].num_trees + for itree = 0:num_trees-1 + tree = pXest_tree_array_index(pXest_type, ptr_pXest[], itree)[] + if tree.quadrants.elem_count>0 + q = pXest_quadrant_array_index(pXest_type, tree, 0) + f,l=P6EST_COLUMN_GET_RANGE(q[]) + return l-f + end + end + return 0 +end + +function pXest_uniformly_refine!(::P4estType, ptr_pXest) + # Refine callbacks + function refine_fn_2d(::Ptr{p4est_t},which_tree::p4est_topidx_t,quadrant::Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}) + return Cint(1) + end + refine_fn_c = @cfunction($refine_fn_2d,Cint,(Ptr{p4est_t}, p4est_topidx_t, Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t})) + p4est_refine(ptr_pXest, Cint(0), refine_fn_c, C_NULL) +end + +function pXest_uniformly_refine!(::P8estType, ptr_pXest) + # Refine callbacks + function refine_fn_3d(::Ptr{p8est_t},which_tree::p4est_topidx_t,quadrant::Ptr{p8est_quadrant_t}) + return Cint(1) + end + # C-callable refine callback 3D + refine_fn_c = @cfunction($refine_fn_3d,Cint,(Ptr{p8est_t}, p4est_topidx_t, Ptr{p8est_quadrant_t})) + p8est_refine(ptr_pXest, Cint(0), refine_fn_c, C_NULL) +end + +function pXest_uniformly_coarsen!(::P4estType, ptr_pXest) + function coarsen_fn_2d(::Ptr{p4est_t},::p4est_topidx_t,::Ptr{Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}}) + return Cint(1) + end + coarsen_fn_c=@cfunction($coarsen_fn_2d,Cint,(Ptr{p4est_t}, p4est_topidx_t, Ptr{Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}})) + p4est_coarsen(ptr_pXest, Cint(0), coarsen_fn_c, C_NULL) +end + +function pXest_uniformly_coarsen!(::P8estType, ptr_pXest) + function coarsen_fn_3d(::Ptr{p8est_t},::p4est_topidx_t,::Ptr{Ptr{p8est_quadrant_t}}) + return Cint(1) + end + coarsen_fn_c=@cfunction($coarsen_fn_3d,Cint,(Ptr{p8est_t}, p4est_topidx_t, Ptr{Ptr{p8est_quadrant_t}})) + p8est_coarsen(ptr_pXest, Cint(0), coarsen_fn_c, C_NULL) +end + +function pXest_partition_given!(::P4estType, ptr_pXest, new_num_cells_per_part) + p4est_partition_given(ptr_pXest, new_num_cells_per_part) +end + +function pXest_partition_given!(::P8estType, ptr_pXest, new_num_cells_per_part) + p8est_partition_given(ptr_pXest, new_num_cells_per_part) +end diff --git a/src/UniformlyRefinedForestOfOctreesDiscreteModels.jl b/src/UniformlyRefinedForestOfOctreesDiscreteModels.jl index e29d120..8d0660a 100644 --- a/src/UniformlyRefinedForestOfOctreesDiscreteModels.jl +++ b/src/UniformlyRefinedForestOfOctreesDiscreteModels.jl @@ -1,36 +1,3 @@ - -function pXest_lnodes_destroy(::Type{Val{Dc}}, ptr_pXest_lnodes) where Dc - if (Dc==2) - p4est_lnodes_destroy(ptr_pXest_lnodes) - else - p8est_lnodes_destroy(ptr_pXest_lnodes) - end -end - -function pXest_ghost_destroy(::Type{Val{Dc}}, ptr_pXest_ghost) where Dc - if (Dc==2) - p4est_ghost_destroy(ptr_pXest_ghost) - else - p8est_ghost_destroy(ptr_pXest_ghost) - end -end - -function pXest_destroy(::Type{Val{Dc}}, ptr_pXest) where Dc - if (Dc==2) - p4est_destroy(ptr_pXest) - else - p8est_destroy(ptr_pXest) - end -end - -function pXest_connectivity_destroy(::Type{Val{Dc}}, ptr_pXest_connectivity) where Dc - if (Dc==2) - p4est_connectivity_destroy(ptr_pXest_connectivity) - else - p8est_connectivity_destroy(ptr_pXest_connectivity) - end -end - const P4EST_2_GRIDAP_FACET_2D = [ 3, 4, 1, 2 ] const GRIDAP_2_P4EST_FACET_2D = [ 3, 4, 1, 2 ] @@ -67,6 +34,49 @@ function p4est_get_quadrant_vertex_coordinates(connectivity::Ptr{p4est_connectiv vxy) end +function p6est_get_quadrant_vertex_coordinates(connectivity::Ptr{p6est_connectivity_t}, + treeid::p4est_topidx_t, + x::p4est_qcoord_t, + y::p4est_qcoord_t, + z::p4est_qcoord_t, + xylevel::Int8, + zlevel::Int8, + corner::Cint, + pvxyz::Ptr{Cdouble}) + + function p6est_corner_to_p4est_corner(p6est_corner::Cint) + div(p6est_corner,Cint(2)) + end + + function zquadrant_to_zcorner(z, zlevel_quadrant, p6est_corner) + if p6est_corner in (0,2,4,6) + z + elseif p6est_corner in (1,3,5,7) + z + P4EST_QUADRANT_LEN(zlevel) + end + end + + p6est_qcoord_to_vertex(connectivity, + treeid, + x, + y, + zquadrant_to_zcorner(z,zlevel,corner), + pvxyz) + + vxyz=unsafe_wrap(Array, pvxyz, 3) + zcoord=vxyz[3] + + # Always sets the z-coordinate to 0.0! + p4est_get_quadrant_vertex_coordinates(connectivity[].conn4, + treeid, + x, + y, + xylevel, + p6est_corner_to_p4est_corner(corner), + pvxyz) + vxyz[3]=zcoord +end + function p8est_get_quadrant_vertex_coordinates(connectivity::Ptr{p8est_connectivity_t}, treeid::p4est_topidx_t, x::p4est_qcoord_t, @@ -385,96 +395,6 @@ function setup_pXest_connectivity_with_topology(cmodel::DiscreteModel{Dc,Dp}) wh return pconn end -function setup_pXest(::Type{Val{Dc}}, comm, connectivity, num_uniform_refinements) where Dc - if (Dc==2) - p4est_new_ext(comm, - connectivity, - Cint(0), Cint(num_uniform_refinements), Cint(1), Cint(0), - C_NULL, C_NULL) - else - p8est_new_ext(comm, - connectivity, - Cint(0), Cint(num_uniform_refinements), Cint(1), Cint(0), - C_NULL, C_NULL) - end -end - -function setup_pXest_ghost(::Type{Val{Dc}}, ptr_pXest) where Dc - if (Dc==2) - p4est_ghost_new(ptr_pXest,P4est_wrapper.P4EST_CONNECT_FULL) - else - p8est_ghost_new(ptr_pXest,P4est_wrapper.P8EST_CONNECT_FULL) - end -end - -function setup_cell_prange(::Type{Val{Dc}}, - parts::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, - ptr_pXest, - ptr_pXest_ghost) where Dc - comm = parts.comm - - pXest_ghost = ptr_pXest_ghost[] - pXest = ptr_pXest[] - - # Obtain ghost quadrants - if (Dc==2) - ptr_ghost_quadrants = Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}(pXest_ghost.ghosts.array) - else - ptr_ghost_quadrants = Ptr{p8est_quadrant_t}(pXest_ghost.ghosts.array) - end - proc_offsets = unsafe_wrap(Array, pXest_ghost.proc_offsets, pXest_ghost.mpisize+1) - - global_first_quadrant = unsafe_wrap(Array, - pXest.global_first_quadrant, - pXest.mpisize+1) - - noids,firstgid,gho_to_glo,gho_to_own=map(parts) do part - gho_to_glo = Vector{Int}(undef, pXest_ghost.ghosts.elem_count) - gho_to_own = Vector{Int32}(undef, pXest_ghost.ghosts.elem_count) - k=1 - for i=1:pXest_ghost.mpisize - for j=proc_offsets[i]:proc_offsets[i+1]-1 - quadrant = ptr_ghost_quadrants[j+1] - piggy3 = quadrant.p.piggy3 - gho_to_glo[k] = global_first_quadrant[i]+piggy3.local_num+1 - gho_to_own[k] = Int32(i) - k=k+1 - end - end - pXest.local_num_quadrants,global_first_quadrant[part]+1,gho_to_glo,gho_to_own - end |> tuple_of_arrays - ngids = pXest.global_num_quadrants - - partition = map(parts,noids,firstgid,gho_to_glo,gho_to_own) do part, noids, firstgid, gho_to_glo, gho_to_own - owner = part - own_indices=OwnIndices(ngids,owner,(collect(firstgid:firstgid+noids-1))) - ghost_indices=GhostIndices(ngids,gho_to_glo,gho_to_own) - OwnAndGhostIndices(own_indices,ghost_indices) - end - # This is required to provide the hint that the communication - # pattern underlying partition is symmetric, so that we do not have - # to execute the algorithm the reconstructs the reciprocal in the - # communication graph - assembly_neighbors(partition;symmetric=true) - return PRange(partition) -end - -function setup_pXest_lnodes(::Type{Val{Dc}}, ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost) where Dc - if (Dc==2) - p4est_lnodes_new(ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost, Cint(1)) - else - p8est_lnodes_new(ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost, Cint(1)) - end -end - -function setup_pXest_lnodes_nonconforming(::Type{Val{Dc}}, ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost) where Dc - if (Dc==2) - p4est_lnodes_new(ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost, Cint(-2)) - else - p8est_lnodes_new(ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost, Cint(-3)) - end -end - function fetch_vector_ghost_values_cache(vector_partition,partition) cache = PArrays.p_vector_cache(vector_partition,partition) map(reverse,cache) @@ -550,92 +470,68 @@ end """ Generate the geometrical cellwise vertex coordinates. """ -function generate_cell_vertex_coordinates(::Type{Val{Dc}}, +function generate_cell_vertex_coordinates(pXest_type::PXestType, cell_vertex_lids, ptr_pXest_connectivity, ptr_pXest, - ptr_pXest_ghost) where Dc + ptr_pXest_ghost) + + Dc = num_cell_dims(pXest_type) PXEST_CORNERS = 2^Dc pXest_ghost = ptr_pXest_ghost[] pXest = ptr_pXest[] - # Obtain ghost quadrants - if (Dc==2) - ptr_ghost_quadrants = Ptr{p4est_quadrant_t}(pXest_ghost.ghosts.array) - else - ptr_ghost_quadrants = Ptr{p8est_quadrant_t}(pXest_ghost.ghosts.array) - end - - tree_offsets = unsafe_wrap(Array, pXest_ghost.tree_offsets, pXest_ghost.num_trees+1) cell_vertex_coordinates = map(cell_vertex_lids) do cell_vertex_lids data = Vector{Point{Dc,Float64}}(undef,length(cell_vertex_lids.data)) current = 1 vxy = Vector{Cdouble}(undef,Dc) pvxy = pointer(vxy,1) for itree = 1:pXest_ghost.num_trees - if (Dc==2) - tree = p4est_tree_array_index(pXest.trees, itree-1)[] - else - tree = p8est_tree_array_index(pXest.trees, itree-1)[] - end - for cell = 1:tree.quadrants.elem_count - if (Dc==2) - quadrant = p4est_quadrant_array_index(tree.quadrants, cell-1)[] - else - quadrant = p8est_quadrant_array_index(tree.quadrants, cell-1)[] - end - for vertex = 1:PXEST_CORNERS - if (Dc==2) - p4est_get_quadrant_vertex_coordinates(ptr_pXest_connectivity, - p4est_topidx_t(itree-1), - quadrant.x, - quadrant.y, - quadrant.level, - Cint(vertex-1), - pvxy) - else - p8est_get_quadrant_vertex_coordinates(ptr_pXest_connectivity, - p4est_topidx_t(itree-1), - quadrant.x, - quadrant.y, - quadrant.z, - quadrant.level, - Cint(vertex-1), - pvxy) - end - data[current] = Point{Dc,Float64}(vxy...) - current = current + 1 - end + tree = pXest_tree_array_index(pXest_type, pXest, itree-1)[] + for cell=1:tree.quadrants.elem_count + quadrant=pXest_quadrant_array_index(pXest_type,tree,cell-1)[] + # Loop over layers in the current column + for l=1:pXest_num_quadrant_layers(pXest_type,quadrant) + layer=pXest_get_layer(pXest_type, quadrant, pXest, l-1) + coords=pXest_cell_coords(pXest_type,quadrant,layer) + levels=pXest_get_quadrant_and_layer_levels(pXest_type,quadrant,layer) + + for vertex=1:PXEST_CORNERS + pXest_get_quadrant_vertex_coordinates(pXest_type, + ptr_pXest_connectivity, + p4est_topidx_t(itree-1), + coords, + levels, + Cint(vertex-1), + pvxy) + data[current] = Point{Dc,Float64}(vxy...) + current=current+1 + end + end end end + tree_offsets = unsafe_wrap(Array, pXest_ghost.tree_offsets, pXest_ghost.num_trees+1) + ptr_ghost_quadrants = _unwrap_ghost_quadrants(pXest_type, pXest_ghost) + # Go over ghost cells - for i = 1:pXest_ghost.num_trees - for j = tree_offsets[i]:tree_offsets[i+1]-1 - quadrant = ptr_ghost_quadrants[j+1] - for vertex=1:PXEST_CORNERS - if (Dc==2) - p4est_get_quadrant_vertex_coordinates(ptr_pXest_connectivity, - p4est_topidx_t(i-1), - quadrant.x, - quadrant.y, - quadrant.level, - Cint(vertex-1), - pvxy) - else - p8est_get_quadrant_vertex_coordinates(ptr_pXest_connectivity, + for i=1:pXest_ghost.num_trees + for j=tree_offsets[i]:tree_offsets[i+1]-1 + quadrant = ptr_ghost_quadrants[j+1] + coords=pXest_cell_coords(pXest_type,quadrant,0) + levels=pXest_get_quadrant_and_layer_levels(pXest_type,quadrant,0) + for vertex=1:PXEST_CORNERS + pXest_get_quadrant_vertex_coordinates(pXest_type, + ptr_pXest_connectivity, p4est_topidx_t(i-1), - quadrant.x, - quadrant.y, - quadrant.z, - quadrant.level, + coords, + levels, Cint(vertex-1), pvxy) - end - data[current] = Point{Dc,Float64}(vxy...) - current = current+1 - end + data[current]=Point{Dc,Float64}(vxy...) + current=current+1 + end end end ptrs = copy(cell_vertex_lids.ptrs) @@ -696,9 +592,12 @@ end - the cellwise corner ids (topology) - the cellwise vertex coordinates (geometry) """ -function generate_grid_and_topology(::Type{Val{Dc}}, +function generate_grid_and_topology(pXest_type::P4P8estType, cell_corner_lids, - cell_vertex_coordinates) where {Dc} + cell_vertex_coordinates) + + Dc = num_cell_dims(pXest_type) + map(cell_corner_lids, cell_vertex_coordinates) do cell_corner_lids, cell_vertex_coordinates cell_vertex_lids, vertex_coords, corner_coords = generate_coords( @@ -722,7 +621,8 @@ end const ITERATOR_RESTRICT_TO_BOUNDARY=Cint(100) const ITERATOR_RESTRICT_TO_INTERIOR=Cint(101) -function generate_face_labeling(parts, +function generate_face_labeling(pXest_type::P4P8estType, + parts, cell_prange, coarse_discrete_model::DiscreteModel{Dc,Dp}, topology, @@ -1024,32 +924,23 @@ function generate_face_labeling(parts, facet_to_entity = map(x->x[Dc] , faces_to_entity) cell_to_entity = map(x->x[Dc+1], faces_to_entity) - function cell_to_faces(topology,cell_dim,face_dim) - map(topology) do topology - Gridap.Geometry.get_faces(topology,cell_dim,face_dim) - end - end polytope = Dc==2 ? QUAD : HEX update_face_to_entity_with_ghost_data!(vertex_to_entity, cell_prange, num_faces(polytope,0), cell_to_faces(topology,Dc,0)) - if Dc==3 update_face_to_entity_with_ghost_data!(edget_to_entity, cell_prange, num_faces(polytope,1), - cell_to_faces(topology,Dc,1)) - # map(edget_to_entity) do edget_to_entity - # @assert all(edget_to_entity .!= 0) - # end + cell_to_faces(topology,Dc,1)) end update_face_to_entity_with_ghost_data!(facet_to_entity, - cell_prange, - num_faces(polytope,Dc-1), - cell_to_faces(topology,Dc,Dc-1)) + cell_prange, + num_faces(polytope,Dc-1), + cell_to_faces(topology,Dc,Dc-1)) update_face_to_entity_with_ghost_data!(cell_to_entity, cell_prange, @@ -1083,6 +974,12 @@ function generate_face_labeling(parts, face_labeling end +function cell_to_faces(topology,cell_dim,face_dim) + map(topology) do topology + Gridap.Geometry.get_faces(topology,cell_dim,face_dim) + end +end + function _fill_data!(data,entry::Integer,k) data[k]=entry k=k+1 @@ -1128,7 +1025,6 @@ end function update_face_to_entity_with_ghost_data!( face_to_entity,cell_prange,num_faces_x_cell,cell_to_faces) - part_to_cell_to_entity = map(init_cell_to_face_entity, map(x->num_faces_x_cell,partition(cell_prange)), cell_to_faces, @@ -1142,46 +1038,52 @@ function update_face_to_entity_with_ghost_data!( part_to_cell_to_entity) end -function setup_ptr_pXest_objects(::Type{Val{Dc}}, +function setup_ptr_pXest_objects(pXest_type::PXestType, comm, coarse_discrete_model, - num_uniform_refinements) where Dc + num_uniform_refinements) ptr_pXest_connectivity=setup_pXest_connectivity(coarse_discrete_model) # Create a new forest - ptr_pXest = setup_pXest(Val{Dc},comm,ptr_pXest_connectivity,num_uniform_refinements) + ptr_pXest = setup_pXest(pXest_type,comm,ptr_pXest_connectivity,num_uniform_refinements) # Build the ghost layer - ptr_pXest_ghost=setup_pXest_ghost(Val{Dc},ptr_pXest) - ptr_pXest_lnodes=setup_pXest_lnodes(Val{Dc}, ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost) + ptr_pXest_ghost=setup_pXest_ghost(pXest_type,ptr_pXest) + ptr_pXest_lnodes=setup_pXest_lnodes(pXest_type, ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost) ptr_pXest_connectivity, ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost, ptr_pXest_lnodes end -function setup_distributed_discrete_model(::Type{Val{Dc}}, +function setup_distributed_discrete_model(pXest_type::PXestType, parts, coarse_discrete_model, ptr_pXest_connectivity, ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost, - ptr_pXest_lnodes) where Dc - cell_prange = setup_cell_prange(Val{Dc},parts,ptr_pXest,ptr_pXest_ghost) - cell_vertex_gids = generate_cell_vertex_gids(ptr_pXest_lnodes,cell_prange) - cell_corner_lids = generate_cell_corner_lids(cell_vertex_gids) - cell_vertex_coordinates = generate_cell_vertex_coordinates(Val{Dc}, + ptr_pXest_lnodes) + + cell_prange = setup_cell_prange(pXest_type,parts,ptr_pXest,ptr_pXest_ghost) + cell_vertex_gids=generate_cell_vertex_gids(ptr_pXest_lnodes,cell_prange) + cell_corner_lids = generate_cell_corner_lids(cell_vertex_gids) + cell_vertex_coordinates = generate_cell_vertex_coordinates(pXest_type, cell_corner_lids, ptr_pXest_connectivity, ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost) - grid,topology = generate_grid_and_topology( - Val{Dc},cell_corner_lids,cell_vertex_coordinates - ) - face_labeling = generate_face_labeling( - parts,cell_prange,coarse_discrete_model,topology,ptr_pXest,ptr_pXest_ghost - ) + grid,topology = generate_grid_and_topology(pXest_type, + cell_corner_lids, + cell_vertex_coordinates) - local_models = map(grid,topology,face_labeling) do grid, topology, face_labeling + face_labeling = generate_face_labeling(pXest_type, + parts, + cell_prange, + coarse_discrete_model, + topology, + ptr_pXest, + ptr_pXest_ghost) + + local_models = map(grid,topology,face_labeling) do grid, topology, face_labeling Gridap.Geometry.UnstructuredDiscreteModel(grid,topology,face_labeling) - end - return GridapDistributed.DistributedDiscreteModel(local_models,cell_prange) + end + return GridapDistributed.DistributedDiscreteModel(local_models,cell_prange) end @@ -1194,17 +1096,20 @@ function UniformlyRefinedForestOfOctreesDiscreteModel( ) where {Dc,Dp} comm = parts.comm + + pXest_type = _dim_to_pXest_type(Dc) + ptr_pXest_connectivity, ptr_pXest, ptr_pXest_ghost, - ptr_pXest_lnodes = setup_ptr_pXest_objects(Val{Dc}, + ptr_pXest_lnodes = setup_ptr_pXest_objects(pXest_type, comm, coarse_discrete_model, num_uniform_refinements) # Write forest to VTK file # p4est_vtk_write_file(unitsquare_forest, C_NULL, "my_step") - dmodel = setup_distributed_discrete_model(Val{Dc}, + dmodel=setup_distributed_discrete_model(pXest_type, parts, coarse_discrete_model, ptr_pXest_connectivity, @@ -1212,9 +1117,9 @@ function UniformlyRefinedForestOfOctreesDiscreteModel( ptr_pXest_ghost, ptr_pXest_lnodes) - pXest_lnodes_destroy(Val{Dc},ptr_pXest_lnodes) - pXest_ghost_destroy(Val{Dc},ptr_pXest_ghost) - pXest_destroy(Val{Dc},ptr_pXest) - pXest_connectivity_destroy(Val{Dc},ptr_pXest_connectivity) + pXest_lnodes_destroy(pXest_type,ptr_pXest_lnodes) + pXest_ghost_destroy(pXest_type,ptr_pXest_ghost) + pXest_destroy(pXest_type,ptr_pXest) + pXest_connectivity_destroy(pXest_type,ptr_pXest_connectivity) dmodel end diff --git a/test/AdaptivityFlagsMarkingStrategiesTests.jl b/test/AdaptivityFlagsMarkingStrategiesTests.jl index f317603..a6ffbf9 100644 --- a/test/AdaptivityFlagsMarkingStrategiesTests.jl +++ b/test/AdaptivityFlagsMarkingStrategiesTests.jl @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ module AdaptivityFlagsMarkingStrategiesTests error_indicators; verbose=true) - model,glue=adapt(dmodel,ref_coarse_flags); + model,glue=Gridap.Adaptivity.adapt(dmodel,ref_coarse_flags); # Define manufactured functions u(x) = x[1]+x[2]^order diff --git a/test/DarcyNonConformingOctreeModelsTests.jl b/test/DarcyNonConformingOctreeModelsTests.jl index bfe0c94..2d513cf 100644 --- a/test/DarcyNonConformingOctreeModelsTests.jl +++ b/test/DarcyNonConformingOctreeModelsTests.jl @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ module DarcyNonConformingOctreeModelsTests end flags end - fmodel,glue=adapt(dmodel,ref_coarse_flags); + fmodel,glue=Gridap.Adaptivity.adapt(dmodel,ref_coarse_flags); # Solve coarse xH,XH=solve_darcy(dmodel,order) @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ module DarcyNonConformingOctreeModelsTests end flags end - fmodel,glue=adapt(dmodel,ref_coarse_flags); + fmodel,glue=Gridap.Adaptivity.adapt(dmodel,ref_coarse_flags); # Solve coarse xH,XH=solve_darcy(dmodel,order) @@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ module DarcyNonConformingOctreeModelsTests flags[own_length(indices)]=refine_flag flags end - fmodel,glue=adapt(model,ref_coarse_flags) + fmodel,glue=Gridap.Adaptivity.adapt(model,ref_coarse_flags) xh,Xh = solve_darcy(fmodel,order) check_error_darcy(fmodel,order,xh) end diff --git a/test/OctreeDistributedDiscreteModelsTests.jl b/test/OctreeDistributedDiscreteModelsTests.jl index c0eaaa3..c6446dd 100644 --- a/test/OctreeDistributedDiscreteModelsTests.jl +++ b/test/OctreeDistributedDiscreteModelsTests.jl @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ module OctreeDistributedDiscreteModelsTests f_model_tasks_L2_back, dglueL1toL2 = redistribute(fmodel_tasks_L1,level_parts[2]) # Coarsening - model_back, glue = coarsen(f_model_tasks_L2_back) + model_back, glue = Gridap.Adaptivity.coarsen(f_model_tasks_L2_back) if GridapDistributed.i_am_in(level_parts[2]) @test num_cells(model_back)==num_cells(model) @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ module OctreeDistributedDiscreteModelsTests model = OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel(level_parts[1],coarse_model,3) imodel = model for i=1:3 - omodel, glue = coarsen(imodel) + omodel, glue = Gridap.Adaptivity.coarsen(imodel) imodel = omodel end @test num_cells(imodel) == prod(nc) diff --git a/test/PoissonAnisotropicOctreeModelsTests.jl b/test/PoissonAnisotropicOctreeModelsTests.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a9bdd89 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/PoissonAnisotropicOctreeModelsTests.jl @@ -0,0 +1,276 @@ +module PoissonAnisotropicOctreeModelsTests + using P4est_wrapper + using GridapP4est + using Gridap + using PartitionedArrays + using GridapDistributed + using MPI + using Gridap.FESpaces + using FillArrays + using Logging + using LinearAlgebra + + include("CoarseDiscreteModelsTools.jl") + + function generate_analytical_problem_functions(T::Type{Float64},order) + # Define manufactured functions + u(x) = x[1]+x[2]^order + f(x) = -Δ(u)(x) + u,f + end + + function generate_analytical_problem_functions(T::Type{VectorValue{3,Float64}},order) + # Define manufactured functions + u(x) = VectorValue(x[1]+x[2]^order+x[3],x[1]^order+x[2]+x[3],x[1]+x[2]+x[3]^order) + f(x) = -Δ(u)(x) + u,f + end + + function test_transfer_ops_and_redistribute(ranks,dmodel,order,T::Type) + # Define manufactured functions + u,f = generate_analytical_problem_functions(T,order) + degree = 2*order+1 + reffe=ReferenceFE(lagrangian,T,order) + VH=FESpace(dmodel,reffe;dirichlet_tags="boundary") + UH=TrialFESpace(VH,u) + num_local_cols=GridapP4est.num_locally_owned_columns(dmodel) + ref_coarse_flags=map(ranks,num_local_cols) do rank,num_local_cols + flags=zeros(Cint,num_local_cols) + flags.=nothing_flag + flags[1]=refine_flag + flags[end]=refine_flag + # To create some unbalance + if (rank%2==0) + flags[div(num_local_cols,2)]=refine_flag + end + flags + end + fmodel,glue=GridapP4est.horizontally_adapt(dmodel,ref_coarse_flags); + + Vh=FESpace(fmodel,reffe,conformity=:H1;dirichlet_tags="boundary") + Uh=TrialFESpace(Vh,u) + + ΩH = Triangulation(dmodel) + dΩH = Measure(ΩH,degree) + + aH(u,v) = ∫( ∇(v)⊙∇(u) )*dΩH + bH(v) = ∫(v⋅f)*dΩH + + op = AffineFEOperator(aH,bH,UH,VH) + uH = solve(op) + e = u - uH + + # # Compute errors + el2 = sqrt(sum( ∫( e⋅e )*dΩH )) + eh1 = sqrt(sum( ∫( e⋅e + ∇(e)⊙∇(e) )*dΩH )) + + tol=1e-5 + println("[SOLVE COARSE] el2 < tol: $(el2) < $(tol)") + println("[SOLVE COARSE] eh1 < tol: $(eh1) < $(tol)") + @assert el2 < tol + @assert eh1 < tol + + Ωh = Triangulation(fmodel) + dΩh = Measure(Ωh,degree) + + ah(u,v) = ∫( ∇(v)⊙∇(u) )*dΩh + bh(v) = ∫(v⋅f)*dΩh + + op = AffineFEOperator(ah,bh,Uh,Vh) + uh = solve(op) + + uh2dofs=get_free_dof_values(interpolate(u, Uh)) + + # println(op.op.matrix.matrix_partition.item_ref[]*uh2dofs.vector_partition.item_ref[]- + # op.op.vector.vector_partition.item_ref[]) + # writevtk(ΩH, "ctrian", cellfields=["uH"=>uH]) + # writevtk(Ωh, "ftrian", cellfields=["uh"=>uh]) + + # # Compute errors + e = u - uh + el2 = sqrt(sum( ∫( e⋅e )*dΩh )) + eh1 = sqrt(sum( ∫( e⋅e + ∇(e)⊙∇(e) )*dΩh )) + println("[SOLVE FINE] el2 < tol: $(el2) < $(tol)") + println("[SOLVE FINE] eh1 < tol: $(eh1) < $(tol)") + @assert el2 < tol + @assert eh1 < tol + + # prolongation via interpolation + uHh=interpolate(uH,Uh) + e = uh - uHh + el2 = sqrt(sum( ∫( e⋅e )*dΩh )) + println("[INTERPOLATION] el2 < tol: $(el2) < $(tol)") + @assert el2 < tol + + # prolongation via L2-projection + # Coarse FEFunction -> Fine FEFunction, by projection + ahp(u,v) = ∫(v⋅u)*dΩh + lhp(v) = ∫(v⋅uH)*dΩh + oph = AffineFEOperator(ahp,lhp,Uh,Vh) + uHh = solve(oph) + e = uh - uHh + el2 = sqrt(sum( ∫( e⋅e )*dΩh )) + println("[L2 PROJECTION] el2 < tol: $(el2) < $(tol)") + @assert el2 < tol + + # restriction via interpolation + uhH=interpolate(uh,UH) + e = uH - uhH + el2 = sqrt(sum( ∫( e⋅e )*dΩh )) + println("[INTERPOLATION] el2 < tol: $(el2) < $(tol)") + @assert el2 < tol + + # restriction via L2-projection + dΩhH = Measure(ΩH,Ωh,2*order) + aHp(u,v) = ∫(v⋅u)*dΩH + lHp(v) = ∫(v⋅uh)*dΩhH + oph = AffineFEOperator(aHp,lHp,UH,VH) + uhH = solve(oph) + e = uH - uhH + el2 = sqrt(sum( ∫( e⋅e )*dΩH )) + + fmodel_red, red_glue=GridapDistributed.redistribute(fmodel); + Vhred=FESpace(fmodel_red,reffe,conformity=:H1;dirichlet_tags="boundary") + Uhred=TrialFESpace(Vhred,u) + + Ωhred = Triangulation(fmodel_red) + dΩhred = Measure(Ωhred,degree) + + ahred(u,v) = ∫( ∇(v)⊙∇(u) )*dΩhred + bhred(v) = ∫(v⋅f)*dΩhred + + op = AffineFEOperator(ahred,bhred,Uhred,Vhred) + uhred = solve(op) + e = u - uhred + el2 = sqrt(sum( ∫( e⋅e )*dΩhred )) + println("[SOLVE FINE REDISTRIBUTED] el2 < tol: $(el2) < $(tol)") + @assert el2 < tol + + uhred2 = GridapDistributed.redistribute_fe_function(uh,Vhred,fmodel_red,red_glue) + e = u - uhred2 + + el2 = sqrt(sum( ∫( e⋅e )*dΩhred )) + println("[REDISTRIBUTE SOLUTION] el2 < tol: $(el2) < $(tol)") + @assert el2 < tol + + fmodel_red + end + + function test_refine_and_coarsen_at_once(ranks, + dmodel::OctreeDistributedDiscreteModel{Dc}, + order, + T::Type) where Dc + + # Define manufactured functions + u,f = generate_analytical_problem_functions(T,order) + + num_local_cols=GridapP4est.num_locally_owned_columns(dmodel) + + degree = 2*order+1 + ref_coarse_flags=map(ranks,num_local_cols) do rank,num_local_cols + flags=zeros(Int,num_local_cols) + flags.=nothing_flag + if (rank==1) + flags[1:4].=coarsen_flag + end + flags[end]=refine_flag + flags + end + fmodel,glue=GridapP4est.horizontally_adapt(dmodel,ref_coarse_flags); + + reffe=ReferenceFE(lagrangian,T,order) + VH=FESpace(dmodel,reffe,conformity=:H1;dirichlet_tags="boundary") + UH=TrialFESpace(VH,u) + + Vh=FESpace(fmodel,reffe,conformity=:H1;dirichlet_tags="boundary") + Uh=TrialFESpace(Vh,u) + ΩH = Triangulation(dmodel) + dΩH = Measure(ΩH,degree) + + aH(u,v) = ∫( ∇(v)⊙∇(u) )*dΩH + bH(v) = ∫(v⋅f)*dΩH + + op = AffineFEOperator(aH,bH,UH,VH) + uH = solve(op) + e = u - uH + + # # Compute errors + el2 = sqrt(sum( ∫( e⋅e )*dΩH )) + eh1 = sqrt(sum( ∫( e⋅e + ∇(e)⊙∇(e) )*dΩH )) + + tol=1e-5 + println("[SOLVE INITIAL MESH] el2 < tol: $(el2) < $(tol)") + println("[SOLVE INITIAL MESH] eh1 < tol: $(eh1) < $(tol)") + @assert el2 < tol + @assert eh1 < tol + + Ωh = Triangulation(fmodel) + dΩh = Measure(Ωh,degree) + + ah(u,v) = ∫( ∇(v)⊙∇(u) )*dΩh + bh(v) = ∫(v⋅f)*dΩh + + op = AffineFEOperator(ah,bh,Uh,Vh) + uh = solve(op) + e = u - uh + + # # Compute errors + el2 = sqrt(sum( ∫( e⋅e )*dΩh )) + eh1 = sqrt(sum( ∫( e⋅e + ∇(e)⊙∇(e) )*dΩh )) + println("[SOLVE ADAPTED MESH] el2 < tol: $(el2) < $(tol)") + println("[SOLVE ADAPTED MESH] eh1 < tol: $(eh1) < $(tol)") + @assert el2 < tol + @assert eh1 < tol + + # prolongation via interpolation + uHh=interpolate(uH,Uh) + e = uh - uHh + el2 = sqrt(sum( ∫( e⋅e )*dΩh )) + println("[INTERPOLATION INITIAL-ADAPTED MESH] el2 < tol: $(el2) < $(tol)") + @assert el2 < tol + end + + function test_3d(ranks,order,T::Type;num_amr_steps=5) + coarse_model=CartesianDiscreteModel((0,1,0,1),(1,1)) + dmodel=AnisotropicallyAdapted3DDistributedDiscreteModel(ranks, coarse_model, 2, 2) + #writevtk(dmodel.dmodel,"model") + test_refine_and_coarsen_at_once(ranks,dmodel,order,T) + rdmodel=dmodel + for i=1:num_amr_steps + rdmodel=test_transfer_ops_and_redistribute(ranks,rdmodel,order,T) + if i==1 + rdmodel,_=vertically_uniformly_refine(dmodel) + end + end + end + + function test(ranks,perm, order,T::Type) + coarse_model = setup_model(Val{2},perm) + model = AnisotropicallyAdapted3DDistributedDiscreteModel(ranks, coarse_model, 1, 1) + test_transfer_ops_and_redistribute(ranks,model,order,T) + end + + function _field_type(::Val{Dc}, scalar_or_vector::Symbol) where Dc + if scalar_or_vector==:scalar + Float64 + else + @assert scalar_or_vector==:vector + VectorValue{Dc,Float64} + end + end + function run(distribute) + # debug_logger = ConsoleLogger(stderr, Logging.Debug) + # global_logger(debug_logger); # Enable the debug logger globally + ranks = distribute(LinearIndices((MPI.Comm_size(MPI.COMM_WORLD),))) + for perm=1:4, order=1:4, scalar_or_vector in (:scalar,) + test(ranks,perm,order,_field_type(Val{3}(),scalar_or_vector)) + end + for perm in (1,2), order in (1,4), scalar_or_vector in (:vector,) + test(ranks,perm,order,_field_type(Val{3}(),scalar_or_vector)) + end + for order=1:1, scalar_or_vector in (:scalar,) # (:scalar,:vector) + test_3d(ranks,order,_field_type(Val{3}(),scalar_or_vector), num_amr_steps=4) + end + end +end + diff --git a/test/PoissonNonConformingOctreeModelsTests.jl b/test/PoissonNonConformingOctreeModelsTests.jl index c8fcab1..844b706 100644 --- a/test/PoissonNonConformingOctreeModelsTests.jl +++ b/test/PoissonNonConformingOctreeModelsTests.jl @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ module PoissonNonConformingOctreeModelsTests end flags end - fmodel,glue=adapt(dmodel,ref_coarse_flags); + fmodel,glue=Gridap.Adaptivity.adapt(dmodel,ref_coarse_flags); # map(ranks,glue) do rank, glue # if rank==2 # print(glue.n2o_faces_map[end]); print("\n") @@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ module PoissonNonConformingOctreeModelsTests end flags end - fmodel,glue=adapt(dmodel,ref_coarse_flags); + fmodel,glue=Gridap.Adaptivity.adapt(dmodel,ref_coarse_flags); conformity=cg_or_dg==:cg ? :H1 : :L2 @@ -442,12 +442,9 @@ module PoissonNonConformingOctreeModelsTests end function run(distribute) - # debug_logger = ConsoleLgger(stderr, Logging.Debug) - # global_logger(debug_logger); # Enable the debug logger globally + #debug_logger = ConsoleLogger(stderr, Logging.Debug) + #global_logger(debug_logger); # Enable the debug logger globally ranks = distribute(LinearIndices((MPI.Comm_size(MPI.COMM_WORLD),))) - # for Dc=2:3, perm=1:4, order=1:4, scalar_or_vector in (:scalar,) - # test(ranks,Val{Dc},perm,order,:cg,_field_type(Val{Dc}(),scalar_or_vector)) - # end for Dc=2:3, perm in (1,2,4), order=(1,2), scalar_or_vector in (:scalar,) test(ranks,Val{Dc},perm,order,:dg,_field_type(Val{Dc}(),scalar_or_vector)) end @@ -463,4 +460,4 @@ module PoissonNonConformingOctreeModelsTests # test_3d(ranks,order,:cg,_field_type(Val{3}(),scalar_or_vector), num_amr_steps=4) # end end -end \ No newline at end of file +end diff --git a/test/mpi/PoissonAnisotropicOctreeModelsTests.jl b/test/mpi/PoissonAnisotropicOctreeModelsTests.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..042a93e --- /dev/null +++ b/test/mpi/PoissonAnisotropicOctreeModelsTests.jl @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ + +using MPI +using PartitionedArrays + +include("../PoissonAnisotropicOctreeModelsTests.jl") +import .PoissonAnisotropicOctreeModelsTests as TestModule + +if !MPI.Initialized() + MPI.Init() +end + +with_mpi() do distribute + TestModule.run(distribute) +end + +MPI.Finalize() + diff --git a/test/runtests.jl b/test/runtests.jl index 0ab5e93..28168c1 100644 --- a/test/runtests.jl +++ b/test/runtests.jl @@ -47,6 +47,9 @@ function run_tests(testdir) elseif f in ["PoissonNonConformingOctreeModelsTests.jl"] np = [1,2,4] extra_args = "" + elseif f in ["PoissonAnisotropicOctreeModelsTests.jl"] + np = [1,4] + extra_args = "" elseif f in ["PeriodicModels.jl"] np = [1] extra_args = ""