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backfill the status, route, and ref columns of the exchanges table #2779

chadwhitacre opened this issue Sep 23, 2014 · 67 comments


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Right now the exchanges.status column has NULL values. It would be great to constrain that column to non-NULL, but it would take some effort with the Balanced API to determine the proper value for previous exchanges. IRC

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Related to #2443 and #364.

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There are 37557 exchanges with NULL status values. Do all of these necessarily have to be present in Balanced? Could they also be old exchanges from Stripe or so?

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I've also noticed a few payouts with a status of 'pending' that have modified one's balance.

EDIT: My bad, I didn't realize that we deducted balance for payouts with a status of pre/pending

@Changaco Changaco changed the title backfill exchanges.status column backfill the status and route columns of the exchanges table Mar 25, 2015
@Changaco Changaco added this to the Balanced shutdown milestone Mar 25, 2015
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Added to the Balanced shutdown milestone.

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We have a user getting bitten by #3302, which we decided to fix with this ticket.

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I'm working on manually fixing this for the 1867 case, and am blocking payday (#3307) on it.

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We are expecting one of the old deposits to fail, at which time Balanced will post back so we can update exchanges.status. We'll need to insert the old exchange_route before we can connect the exchange to it. For now I'm only worrying about the most recent failure.

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I set exchanges.route for the exchange in question and clicked "Replay" on the Balanced dashboard:

It's still in the "retrying" state, and I'm not seeing the status updated on the user's History page.

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Here's the error in Sentry (cf. #3302):

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I'm not getting good visibility into the status of the webhook postback. From Sentry it looks like we haven't generated any errors since I hit "Replay," but Sentry samples (right? how?), so not every request is recorded. If the postback works then there also won't be a Sentry entry. The absence of a Sentry entry either means it worked or it didn't but Sentry isn't showing us the specific failure instance.

All we get in the Balanced dashboard is this:

screen shot 2015-04-02 at 5 08 53 pm

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Using the Chrome inspector I've found the json endpoint for callbacks, which includes this:

      "attempts_remaining": 9,
      "attempts": 1,
      "attempt_limit": 10,

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the callback will be retried up to 10 times with an initial retry delay of 10 minutes which will increase exponentially with each failure for the next 7 days.

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Weeeeeeeelllllll, I clicked Replay more than 10 minutes ago, and it's still reporting as retrying with 9 attempts left.

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So I could update the user's balance manually, but I don't see that I can cancel the callback. :-(

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If I run record_exchange_result manually and then start payday, and the callback succeeds while payday is running, then we will send the user twice as much money as we should. That'd be a mess to clean up.

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But at this point we're down to the wire on payday.

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"raise TooMany" should go to zero with #3806, and we'll handle "No route for" by creating routes on the fly while looping.

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#!/usr/bin/env python -u
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import json, os, sys, traceback
from gratipay import wireup
from decimal import Decimal as D
from pprint import pprint

db = wireup.db(wireup.env())
dirname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'transactions')
i = 0
I = float('inf')
class Done(Exception): pass

class ExchangeMismatch(Exception):
    def __str__(self):
        return "{} {} {}\n\n{}".format(*self.args)
class NoExchange(ExchangeMismatch): pass
class AmbiguousExchange(ExchangeMismatch): pass

def process_thing(cur, thing):
    print('{} -> '.format(thing['description']), end='')

    participants = cur.all( "SELECT username FROM participants "
                            "WHERE balanced_customer_href='/customers/'||%s"
                          , (thing['links']['customer'],)
    print('{} | '.format(', '.join(participants)), end='')

    route = "SELECT * FROM exchange_routes WHERE address='/cards/'||%s"
                   , (thing['links']['source'],)
    if route is None:
        if not participants:
            print("No route for {}.".format(thing['links']['source']))
            print("No route for {}.".format(thing['links']['source']))

    # Use the username that is current as of this db transaction.
    username = "SELECT username FROM participants WHERE id=%s"
                      , (route.participant,)

    params = dict( status   = thing['status']
                 , amount   = D(thing['amount']) / 100
                 , ts       = thing['created_at']
                 , route_id =
                 , username = username

    nalready ="""\
        SELECT count(*) FROM exchanges
         WHERE status = %(status)s
           AND route = %(route)s
           AND participant = %(username)s
           AND amount + fee = %(amount)s
           AND ((   (%(ts)s::timestamptz - "timestamp") < interval '0'
                AND (%(ts)s::timestamptz - "timestamp") > interval '-15m'
                ) OR (
                    (%(ts)s::timestamptz - "timestamp") > interval '0'
                AND (%(ts)s::timestamptz - "timestamp") < interval '15m'
    """, dict(params,
    if nalready == 1:
        print("Already linked!")

    mogrified = cur.mogrify("""\
    WITH rows AS (
        UPDATE exchanges
           SET status = %(status)s
             , route = %(route_id)s
         WHERE (status is NULL or status = %(status)s)
           AND route is NULL
           AND participant = %(username)s
           AND amount + fee = %(amount)s
           AND ((   (%(ts)s::timestamptz - "timestamp") < interval '0'
                AND (%(ts)s::timestamptz - "timestamp") > interval '-15m'
                ) OR (
                    (%(ts)s::timestamptz - "timestamp") > interval '0'
                AND (%(ts)s::timestamptz - "timestamp") < interval '15m'
     RETURNING 1 AS count
    ) SELECT * FROM rows;
    """, params)
    print("Updating exchanges for {}: ".format(username), end='')
    nupdated =, default=0)
    Error = None
    if nupdated == 0:
        Error = NoExchange
    elif nupdated > 1:
        Error = AmbiguousExchange
    if Error:
        raise Error(params['username'], params['amount'], params['ts'], mogrified)

with db.get_cursor() as cur:
        for filename in reversed(sorted(os.listdir(dirname))):
            data = json.load(open(os.path.join(dirname, filename)))

            for key in data:
                if key in ('links', 'meta'): continue
                things = reversed(data[key])

                if key == 'card_holds':
                    continue  # We don't track these.

                if key != 'debits':
                    continue  # Let's start with credit card charges.

                for thing in things:
                    print("{} | ".format(thing['created_at']), end='')

                        process_thing(cur, thing)
                    except KeyboardInterrupt:
                        print("Exception! Thing:")

                    if i > I: raise Done()
                    i += 1
    except Done:
    raise Exception  # trigger rollback

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Once this is done we can drop column exchanges.participant, since we'll have a reference through exchange_routes. That'll knock one out for #835.

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Alright, so after some poking on #3806, I'm now thinking that we should pick one of the duplicates rather than deduplicating.

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Working on this at Blue Canary with @kaguillera. Caught him up to speed, and now diving back in. We just discovered that later transactions in Balanced have an exchange_id and a participant_id. Looks like it starts around August, 2014. Let's see how much ambiguity that removes ...

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We just verified that every transaction with a exchange_id also has a participant_id.

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GitHub comments as version control. 🐱

#!/usr/bin/env python -u
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import json, os, sys, traceback
from gratipay import wireup
from decimal import Decimal as D
from pprint import pprint
from gratipay.models.exchange_route import ExchangeRoute
from gratipay.models.participant import Participant

db = wireup.db(wireup.env())
dirname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'transactions')
i = 0
I = float('inf')
class Done(Exception): pass

class ExchangeMismatch(Exception):
    def __str__(self):
        return "{} {} {}\n\n{}".format(*self.args)
class NoExchange(ExchangeMismatch): pass
class AmbiguousExchange(ExchangeMismatch): pass

def get_participant(cur, customer_id, old_username):
    participant ="SELECT participants.*::participants FROM participants "
                          "WHERE balanced_customer_href='/customers/'||%s", (customer_id,))
    if participant is None:
        participant ="SELECT participants.*::participants FROM participants "
                              "WHERE username=%s", (old_username,))
        #XXX Check for username changes!
    if participant is None:
        raise Exception("Unable to get a participant.")
    return participant

def create_route(cur, thing):
    participant = get_participant(cur, thing['links']['customer'], thing['description'])
    route = ExchangeRoute.insert(participant, 'balanced-cc', '/cards/'+thing['links']['source'])
    return route

def pick_route(cur, routes, thing):
    import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    route = None
    return route

def process_thing(cur, thing):
    print(thing['description'], end='')
    route, participant = None, None

    # Try to pick a route.
    routes = cur.all( "SELECT * FROM exchange_routes "
                      "WHERE network='balanced-cc' and address='/cards/'||%s"
                    , (thing['links']['source'],)
    if not routes:
        print("No route for {}.".format(thing['links']['source']), end='')
        route = create_route(cur, thing)
    elif len(routes) > 1:
        print("{} routes for {}.".format(len(routes), thing['links']['source'], end=''))
        route = pick_route(cur, routes, thing)
        route = routes[0]

    # Ack.
    if type(route.participant) is long:

    # Bail if we don't have a route.
    if not route:

    # Use the username that is current as of this db transaction.
    username = "SELECT username FROM participants WHERE id=%s"
                      , (route.participant,)

    params = dict( status   = thing['status']
                 , amount   = D(thing['amount']) / 100
                 , ts       = thing['created_at']
                 , route_id =
                 , username = username

    nalready ="""\
        SELECT id FROM exchanges
         WHERE status = %(status)s
           AND route = %(route)s
           AND participant = %(username)s
           AND amount + fee = %(amount)s
           AND ((   (%(ts)s::timestamptz - "timestamp") < interval '0'
                AND (%(ts)s::timestamptz - "timestamp") > interval '-15m'
                ) OR (
                    (%(ts)s::timestamptz - "timestamp") > interval '0'
                AND (%(ts)s::timestamptz - "timestamp") < interval '15m'
    """, dict(params,
    if nalready == 1:
        print("Already linked!")

    mogrified = cur.mogrify("""\
    WITH rows AS (
        UPDATE exchanges
           SET status = %(status)s
             , route = %(route_id)s
         WHERE (status is NULL or status = %(status)s)
           AND route is NULL
           AND participant = %(username)s
           AND amount + fee = %(amount)s
           AND ((   (%(ts)s::timestamptz - "timestamp") < interval '0'
                AND (%(ts)s::timestamptz - "timestamp") > interval '-15m'
                ) OR (
                    (%(ts)s::timestamptz - "timestamp") > interval '0'
                AND (%(ts)s::timestamptz - "timestamp") < interval '15m'
     RETURNING 1 AS count
    ) SELECT * FROM rows;
    """, params)
    print("Updating exchanges for {}: ".format(username), end='')
    nupdated =, default=0)
    Error = None
    if nupdated == 0:
        Error = NoExchange
    elif nupdated > 1:
        Error = AmbiguousExchange
    if Error:
        raise Error(params['username'], params['amount'], params['ts'], mogrified)

with db.get_cursor() as cur:
        for filename in reversed(sorted(os.listdir(dirname))):
            data = json.load(open(os.path.join(dirname, filename)))

            for key in data:
                if key in ('links', 'meta'): continue
                things = reversed(data[key])

                if key == 'card_holds':
                    continue  # We don't track these.

                if key != 'debits':
                    continue  # Let's start with credit card charges.

                for thing in things:
                    print("{} | ".format(thing['created_at']), end='')

                        process_thing(cur, thing)
                    except KeyboardInterrupt:
                        print("Exception! Thing:")

                    if i > I: raise Done()
                    i += 1
    except Done:
    raise Exception  # trigger rollback

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@whit537 - 😛

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Yeah, yeah. :P

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@rohitpaulk et al. Moving to a PR, #3807.

chadwhitacre added a commit that referenced this issue Oct 16, 2015
Transferwise is needed for #3828.
Both are needed for #2779.
@chadwhitacre chadwhitacre changed the title backfill the status and route columns of the exchanges table backfill the status, route, and ref columns of the exchanges table Oct 21, 2015
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Got this far enough for the Balanced Shutdown, taking off that milestone now.

@chadwhitacre chadwhitacre removed this from the Balanced Shutdown milestone Oct 21, 2015
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Done for the three TransferWise exchanges to date.

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Moving to a new PR for the remaining exchanges: #3912.

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3 participants