All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Update Graphcast SDK dependency
- Update Graphcast SDK dependency
- Remove dependency on native-tls entirely
- Update README
- Fixed DB locked error
- Differentiate between offline and allocated subgraphs
- Message frequency
- Readme links
- Memory leak
- Release 1.0.1
- Update e2e tests
- Validate indexer address config variable
- Slack bot switched to using webhook instead of bot token
- Remove waku discovery enr from Radio
- Switch to sqlite instead of json for state persistence
- Effective control of event durations and timeouts
- Better message type determiniation
- Radio payload trait
- Updated a few config names
- Rename radio_infrastructure to radio_setup
- Release 1.0.0
- PeerData, localPeerData GraphQL APIs
- Update changelog
- Update test packages waku dep
- Release 0.1.9
- Remove local_ppois_to_compare, refactor diverged_subgraph
- Add divergence summary notification on a given interval
- Add waku discovery network enr to bootstrapping nodes by default
- Remove labels workflow (#82)
- Update grafana.json
- Release 0.1.8
- Add network peer logs
- Shutdown handlers and control flow struct
- Update comparison results ratios to properly reflect local attestation
- Reposition some metrics and remove redundant code
- Notification on result types
- Fix ratios
- Improve invalid message log
- Adding sh for p2pNodePort in Kubernetes (#66)
- Add network field in offchain request
- Add local attestation without matching with remote
- Use auto_upgrade for offchain sync coverage
- Improved grafana dashboard ux (#50)
- Peer count and received msgs metrics
- Persist and clean upgrade intent msg, ratelimit, and API
- Workspace shares graphcast-sdk dep
- Rename UpgradeIntentMessage, remove unnecessary fields
- Remove unnecessarily new and build for upgradeIntent
- Move msg processing to use timeouts
- Effective ctrl+c shutdown
- Indexer management client basics
- Allow read config file
- Version upgrade triggers offchain sync request to indexer
- Add labels workflow
- Update labels workflow (#37)
- Split off one-shot-cli package
- Config groupings
- Add metrics label for msg types
- Remove id verification for self in api service
- Update grafana dashboard json
- Release 0.1.2
- Id_validation and coverage defaults, remove indexer_count_by_ppoi
- Server context types
- Remove double Arc Mutex from state types
- Consistent nonce during build
- Msg comparison block available on remote
- Standarlize nonce across graphcast and radio
- Add test retries and gc msg valid check
- Update grafana config and default network subgraph endpoint
- Disable notifications for known divergences
- Add telegram notifications
- Discv5 configs
- Add e2e tests
- Serves represented indexer info query
- Add msg sender validation options
- Move e2e tests into separate files and add new scenarios
- Persist comparison results
- One-shot radio for version upgrade
- Rescope poi-radio
- Release 0.3.2
- Release 0.3.3
- Release 0.3.4
- Update sdk version
- Release 0.3.5
- Update tests
- Release 0.3.6
- Fix tests
- Grafana config and sdk-dep update
- Update sdk dep to 0.4.0
- Update dependency
- Operator struct replaces global mutex
- Update interval constants
- Remove 'v' prefix from release tag
- New ratio formatting
- Update logging level
- Update to new sdk versions
- Switch to string ref
- Comparison results query resolver
- More msg fields and checks
- Radio message decode and handle multiple types
- Fix tests
- Release v0.3.1
- Update logging level
- Ratio queries added, refactor logs
- Persist file for local attestations and remote msgs
- Add options to toggle logger format
- Update dependencies without conflicts
- Update CI workflow and add docs
- Revert CI workflow
- Remove e2e test suite from repo
- Release 0.3.0
- Split comparison and gossip of POI
- Stake query address
- Stake query address #19
- Remove boot flag from Dockerfile
- Compare attestations check all local entries
- More checks for message uniqueness
- Check for null node
- Remove api metrics path
- Return empty vec if indexer_allocations function fails
- Radio name defined in main
- Disable unsubscribe and use timeout
- Updated pull request template (#77)
- Update release process and script
- Setup integration tests
- Build binaries and images
- Self-defined radio definition
- Self-defined radio definition #12
- Add workflow to build and upload Docker images
- Waku specific node key and log level
- Waku specific node key and log level #21
- Indexing network specific poi query
- Add multichain block clock
- Use environmental variable for pubsub
- Use environmental variable for pubsub #36
- Use indexing status to query block info
- Add update to allocation topics
- Use indexing status to query block info #35
- Tweak check for comparison trigger
- Env config block duration
- Env config block duration #41
- Sdk version update + use Config, add logs
- Add notifications
- Release note auto-gen and docker semvar tagging
- Pruning local+remote after expiry, update collect window to local
- Topic levels, stake by alloc status, logs calc
- Attestation indexer sender group sort and hash
- Add basic Prometheus support
- Add (auto)metrics & logs; fix: msg id & comparison and clean logic
- Basic http service for health/metrics/graphQL queries
- Add Grafana dashboard config
- Move integration tests to main repo
- New release process and changelog script
- GraphQL for comparison results and query arg options
- Add dumb-init to Docker image
- Remove waku dep, use specific commit of sdk
- Bump graphcast-sdk version
- Bump version, publish to
- Add tag to Docker image
- Publish to
- Slim down Dockerfile
- Add ca-certificates to Dockerfile
- Bump version
- Bump SDK dep
- Rollback version number
- Tweak crates badge
- Release v0.1.1
- Release v0.1.3
- Release v0.2.0
- Improve Dockerfile
- Add tracing
- Fix release binaries workflow
- Default topics
- Update to new sdk error handling
- New graphcast registry link, rename graphcast vars
- New graphcast registry link, rename graphcast vars #31
- Remove provider for graph node query blocks
- Time based comparision
- Improve compare attestations logs
- Logging improvement
- Parallel messaging
- Update for attestation stake f32
- Add upx stage to Dockerfile
- Move config parsing to Radio
- Gossip poi refactoring and add benches