$ ansible-playbook site.yml -i inventory/vagrant/inventory.yml
Your inventory must include at least one initial_controller
and one worker
node. To get a highly available control plane more controller
nodes can be added. The first initial controller creates tokens that get written to the nodes when the playbook is executed.
Since vagrant adds a NAT interface to your VMs by default, we have to use a custom k0s.config so that the right network interface is used for k0s, for that we have defined k0s_use_custom_config: true
in group_vars/all.yml
$ ansible-playbook reset.yml -i inventory/vagrant/inventory.yml
Deletes k0s all its files, directories and services from all hosts.
For the quick creation of virtual machines, there's a Vagrantfile included
By default it creates 5 VMs, to override this , edit the file and define your desired number of VMs at the top of the file (look for VMS
Examine the
and make sure the network prefix assigned to the private_network is what you expect. -
Make sure you have the plugin
installed:vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
Create instances with vagrant
$ vagrant up
Edit the inventory file and check if the information is correct
Test the ssh connection to all instances in your
$ ansible -i inventory/vagrant/inventory.yml -m ping all
k0s-4 | SUCCESS => {
"ansible_facts": {
"discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"
k0s-1 | SUCCESS => {
Create your cluster:
$ ansible-playbook site.yml -i inventory/vagrant/inventory.yml
TASK [k0s/initial_controller : print kubeconfig command] *******************************************************
Friday 22 January 2021 15:32:44 +0100 (0:00:00.247) 0:04:25.177 ********
ok: [k0s-1] => {
"msg": "To use Cluster: export KUBECONFIG=/Users/dev/k0s-ansible/inventory/vagrant/artifacts/k0s-kubeconfig.yml"
PLAY RECAP *****************************************************************************************************
Friday 22 January 2021 15:32:58 +0100 (0:00:00.575) 0:04:39.234 ********
download : Download k0s binary k0s-v0.10.0-beta1-amd64 ------------------------------------------------ 225.86s
prereq : Install apt packages -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17.30s
k0s/initial_controller : Wait for k8s apiserver -------------------------------------------------------- 15.34s
k0s/controller : Wait for k8s apiserver ----------------------------------------------------------------- 3.36s
Gathering Facts ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.35s
prereq : Create k0s Directories ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.86s
Gathering Facts ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.84s
k0s/worker : Create k0s worker service with install command --------------------------------------------- 0.80s
Gathering Facts ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.79s
k0s/initial_controller : Create k0s initial controller service with install command ------------------------- 0.76s
k0s/initial_controller : Enable and check k0s service --------------------------------------------------- 0.74s
k0s/controller : Create k0s controller service with install command ----------------------------------------- 0.72s
prereq : Write the k0s config file ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.69s
Gathering Facts ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.68s
Gathering Facts ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.65s
k0s/worker : Enable and check k0s service --------------------------------------------------------------- 0.58s
k0s/controller : Enable and check k0s service ----------------------------------------------------------- 0.53s
k0s/worker : Write the k0s token file on worker --------------------------------------------------------- 0.48s
k0s/controller : Write the k0s token file on controller ------------------------------------------------- 0.44s
k0s/initial_controller : Set controller IP in kubeconfig ------------------------------------------------ 0.32s
Connect to your new Kubernetes cluster. The config is ready to use in the inventory/artifacts
$ export KUBECONFIG=/Users/dev/k0s-ansible/inventory/vagrant/artifacts/k0s-kubeconfig.yml
$ kubectl get nodes -o wide
k0s-4 Ready <none> 17m v1.20.2-k0s1 <none> Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS 5.4.0-62-generic containerd://1.4.3
k0s-5 Ready <none> 17m v1.20.2-k0s1 <none> Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS 5.4.0-62-generic containerd://1.4.3
$ kubectl run hello-k0s --rm -it --restart=Never --command -- sh -c "echo hello k0s"
hello k0s
pod "hello-k0s" deleted
$ vagrant destroy -f