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A configuration-based project assembly tool
- Racinet, lead developer
Talk on https://github.com/gracinet/opendays-2014
- Started three years ago (OpenERP 6)
- Homepage: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/anybox.recipe.openerp
- Documentation for all versions: http://docs.anybox.fr/anybox.recipe.openerp
- Active community
- Good quality: unit and integration tests, continuous integration, static analysis (pep8, pyflakes)
- Developer documentation
- Motivation: integrator challenges
- Quick tour and demos
- Advanced features
In a big project, one may need
- several specific modules :
- community addons (e.g, from OCA)
- in-house mutualized modules (e.g, anybox_download_package)
- final customer module(s)
- external Python libraries
- interconnection (prestapyt, SOAPPy)
- specific versions of usual libraries (lxml, psycopg2…).
- bugfix
- recent features (JSON for pyscopg2 >= 2.5)
- components from outside of the Odoo world, or even Python !
What is configuration anyway ?
- configuration is a relative concept
- needs to be split, e.g, shared vs local
- controlling versions for everything
- reliable reproduction
- uniformity
- across our projects
- across OpenERP versions
- Involving a new developer
- regular one
- punctual help, escalation
- Because of imprecise reproduction
- test > staging > production
- bug reproduction
- designed from the ground up with all of these expectations for a world as rich and complex as OpenERP/Odoo
- very mature, lots of features (extensions and recipes)
- very generic design, can install anything, but
- natural bias towards python distributions
- There is a whole Linux distribution based on buildout: SlapOS
.. literalinclude:: demo/7_with_addons.cfg :language: ini
The first time:
python bootstrap.py
bin/buildout -c my_config.cfg
(demo and description of the outcome)
Same project on latest 7.0 bzr branches
.. literalinclude:: demo/7_with_addons_bzr.cfg :language: ini
Sorry, now it's on github !
.. literalinclude:: demo/7_with_addons_github.cfg :language: ini
On OpenERP Community Branch with my development version of the recipe
.. literalinclude:: demo/7_with_addons_ocb.cfg :language: ini
Does the project work on Odoo ?
.. literalinclude:: demo/on_odoo.cfg :language: ini
.. literalinclude:: examples/mlf.cfg :language: ini
See later for generation
.. literalinclude:: examples/mlf_revs.cfg :language: ini
On the testing server :
.. literalinclude:: examples/mercure2.cfg :language: ini
- works already on Odoo, but Odoo still changes much
- will be a fresh start (drop legacy support)
- will be on github
- in about 2 weeks
- Scripts
- written for OpenERP, e.g, batch jobs
- test runners
- instance upgrade & install
- Freeze and extraction
- Merges brand new feature by S. Rijnhart (Therp)
demo: interpreter and session
in my.script/my/script/main.py
def run(session): session.open() # DB name taken from etc/openerp.cfg admin = session.registry('res.users').browse(session.cr, session.uid, 1) print(admin.password)
in my.script/setup.py
entry_points=""" [console_scripts] my_script = my.script.main:run """
in buildout config:
[my_project] (...) eggs = my.script openerp_scripts = my_script arguments=session
It works with any script provided by a Python distribution, but some require database preloading. Main use-case: test runners:
[my_project] (...) eggs = nose coverage nose-cprof openerp_scripts = nosetests command-line-options=-d
Then run:
bin/nosetests_myproject -d mydb -- [NOSE REGULAR OPTIONS & ARGUMENTS]
Now you can replay failed tests, stop with pdb on error, get profiling and coverage info
A special script with one argument for uniformity across projects
bin/upgrade_my_project -d mydb
You have total control of what it does:
def run_upgrade(session, logger): db_version = session.db_version # state after latest upgrade if db_version < '1.0': session.update_modules(['account_account']) else: logger.warn("Not upgrading account_account, as we know it " "to be currently a problem with our setup. ") session.update_modules(['crm', 'sales'])
Also can take care initial installations (part of the Session
Release or pass what you have right now !
Get an extending buildout configuration that freezes everything:
bin/buildout --offline my_project:freeze-to=frozen.cfg
Designed to be safe by rejecting local modifications
There are so many things that can go wrong or be too slow while installing
A production server should not
- require access to your private VCS
- rely on launchpad or github availability
Command similar to freeze, produces a directory with
- the extracted VCS sources
- the
(Example on our buildbot)
Make a derivative distribution and automerge it:
[openerp] recipe = anybox.recipe.openerp[bzr]:server version = bzr lp:~anybox/ocb-server/7.0-anybox openerp last:1 addons = bzr lp:~anybox/ocb-addons/7.0-anybox addons/ocb-addons last:1 bzr lp:~anybox/ocb-web/7.0-anybox addons/ocb-web last:1 subdir=addons merges = bzr lp:ocb-server/7.0 parts/openerp last:1 bzr lp:ocb-addons/7.0 addons/ocb-addons last:1 bzr lp:ocb-web/7.0 addons/ocb-web last:1 with_autocommit = true vcs-revert = on-merge
Commit/push is in a separate command:
Our buildbot commits and pushes iff the tests pass.
- Presentation made with Gawel's integration of impress.js in Sphinx: http://gawel.github.io/impress/
- Authors: C Combelles, G. Racinet
- External contributors:
- Mignon, S. Bidoul (Acsone)
- Rinjhart (Therp)
- Vaucher, G. Baconnier (Camp2camp)
- Pistone (AgileBG at the time)
- J.-E. Baudoux (Bcim)