It works just like the Memory queue, but it only allows storing unique commands. All duplicates will be ignored.
A queue of unique commands is needed when you need to perform an action once after a domain event. But since there can be many domain events, and the action must be performed only once, you need to remove all duplicate actions from the queue.
- Action: Update a block of popular articles
- Event: View article
Views come regularly, and the block needs to be updated no more often than 10 minutes. If there are no views, then there is no need to update the block.
use GpsLab\Component\Command\Bus\HandlerLocatedCommandBus;
use GpsLab\Component\Command\Handler\Locator\DirectBindingCommandHandlerLocator;
use GpsLab\Component\Command\Queue\Pull\MemoryUniquePullCommandQueue;
$locator = new DirectBindingCommandHandlerLocator();
$bus = new HandlerLocatedCommandBus($locator);
$queue = new MemoryUniquePullCommandQueue();
$command = new RenameArticleCommand();
$command->new_name = $new_name;
In latter
while ($command = $queue->pull()) {