Locator is needed for search the handler of handled command.
Direct binding locator is the simplest locator. You bind a specific handler to a specific command.
Example of binding:
$handler = static function (RenameArticleCommand $command): void {
// do something
// register command handler in handler locator
$locator = new DirectBindingCommandHandlerLocator();
$locator->registerHandler(RenameArticleCommand::class, $handler);
More examples of binding in the section Create handler.
Example register a subscriber as a command handler:
class ArticleCommandSubscriber implements CommandSubscriber
public static function getSubscribedCommands(): array
return [
RenameArticleCommand::class => 'handleRename',
public function handleRename(RenameArticleCommand $command): void
// do something
// register command subscriber in handler locator
$subscriber = new ArticleCommandSubscriber();
$locator = new DirectBindingCommandHandlerLocator();
The main problem with this locator is that you do not have the ability to implement a lazy load of the dependencies for this handler. The second problem is the need to explicitly register all handlers, even if you need to handle only one command at a run time.
Solve these problems will help: