When you call getMinFees()
before connect()
has been done, then the getMinFees()
This is not obvious for first time Plug
- Create a
and callgetMinFees()
I would expect a return value and if that is not possible a meaningful revert error.
Revert without additional information.
Here is the relevant code with some comments. SocketSrc.sol#L128-L173:
function getMinFees(
uint256 msgGasLimit_,
uint32 remoteChainSlug_,
address plug_
) external view override returns (uint256 totalFees) {
PlugConfig storage plugConfig = _plugConfigs[plug_][remoteChainSlug_]; // all 0s if no connect has been done
uint256 transmissionFees,
uint256 switchboardFees,
uint256 executionFee
) = _getMinFees(
plugConfig.outboundSwitchboard__ // is address(0) if no connect has been done
function _getMinFees(..., ISwitchboard switchboard__) ... {
(switchboardFees, verificationFee) = switchboard__.getMinFees(remoteChainSlug_); // reverts if no connect has been done