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Ruby on rails full stack website for tours and travels

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#Project 1 of the SEI course


Things you may want to cover:

  • Ruby version -ruby 2.7.4
  • Deployment instructions


  • Nomadic is a concept e-commerce full-stack application built with Ruby on Rails and other technologies.
  • I made this full-stack CRUD app with a concept of a shopping cart for my second project of General Assembly's Software Engineering Immersive Program.
  • The project is deployed on Heroku.

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  • Nomadic is my first Ruby on Rails project.
  • It has a user model, order model, line-item model, product model, and cart model.
  • It includes a sign up/log in functionality and a shopping cart that stores items.

Overview and Features

Howie's workflow notes for building a simple Rails shopping cart. Summary features outlined below:

  • User is able to:
    • View all products
    • Add/ remove products to/ from cart
    • Checkout cart by submitting order
    • Enter order details
    • User authentication

The Design

Technologies Used

  1. Ruby on Rails
  2. PostgreSQL
  3. JavaScript and jQuery
  4. Bootstrap
  5. CSS

Installation Instructions

  1. Clone the repo from your terminal git clone
  2. Create the database: rails db:create
  3. Migrate the database: rails db:migrate
  4. Seed the database: rails db:seed
  5. Run the rails server: rails server
  6. Connect to rails server from the browser: localhost:3000

Next Steps

  1. Implement a payment function
  2. Implement an administrator function to modify and update products.
  3. Adding more models to improve the user interaction
  4. imporve functionality and front end desgin

Thanks to Rowena and Pat