#Project 1 of the SEI course
Things you may want to cover:
- Ruby version -ruby 2.7.4
- Deployment instructions
- Nomadic is a concept e-commerce full-stack application built with Ruby on Rails and other technologies.
- I made this full-stack CRUD app with a concept of a shopping cart for my second project of General Assembly's Software Engineering Immersive Program.
- The project is deployed on Heroku.
Visit here: https://projectshop1.herokuapp.com/
- Nomadic is my first Ruby on Rails project.
- It has a user model, order model, line-item model, product model, and cart model.
- It includes a sign up/log in functionality and a shopping cart that stores items.
Howie's workflow notes for building a simple Rails shopping cart. Summary features outlined below:
- User is able to:
- View all products
- Add/ remove products to/ from cart
- Checkout cart by submitting order
- Enter order details
- User authentication
- Ruby on Rails
- PostgreSQL
- JavaScript and jQuery
- Bootstrap
- Clone the repo from your terminal
git clone https://github.com/gouthamgo/project-1.git
- Create the database:
rails db:create
- Migrate the database:
rails db:migrate
- Seed the database:
rails db:seed
- Run the rails server:
rails server
- Connect to rails server from the browser:
- Implement a payment function
- Implement an administrator function to modify and update products.
- Adding more models to improve the user interaction
- imporve functionality and front end desgin