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230 lines (162 loc) · 8.46 KB

Flipping bits to arbitrary CRC values

Nam Nguyen


This short paper describes a simple algorithm to select from several chosen bits of a message to flip in order to obtain any desired cyclic redundancy check (or CRC) value.


CRC implementation

CRC is often implemented in software with a lookup table. The usually model is given in Rocksoft Model CRC Algorithm. There are several parameters to the model:

  1. The width of the polynomial.
  2. The value of the polynomial.
  3. The initial value for the register.
  4. Whether each input byte is reflected before processing.
  5. Whether the final register value should be reflected.
  6. The value to XOR (exclusive-or) with the final register value.

Parameter 1, 2, and 4 determine the values in the lookup table.

Parameter 3 is akin to a xor-in value with the register initialized to zero. This is similar to parameter 6, a xor-out parameter.

Parameter 5 is not interesting to our discussion here.

Under the lookup table method, an input byte is combined with the current register value to lookup the corresponding pre-calculated value from the table. This value is then used to update the register. The final register value might be reversed before being XOR'd with the xor-out value.

Combining the xor-in value, the processing, and the xor-out value, the CRC of a message in terms of three components are shown below:

CRC(m) = i ^ process(m) ^ o

where i is due to the xor-in value, o the xor-out.

The interesting aspect of the processing part is its linearity. That is, given two messages m_1 and m_2 of the same length, process(m_1 ^ m_2) yields the same value as process(m_1) ^ process(m_2). This property is seen under the modulo arithmetic view of CRC functions (i.e. (a + b) mod m = ((a mod m) + (b mod m)) mod m).


CRC is affine with respect to the XOR operation, i.e. given messages m_1, m_2, and m_3 of the same length:

CRC(m_1) ^ CRC(m_2) ^ CRC(m_3) = CRC(m_1 ^ m_2 ^ m_3)

A sketch proof looks like this:

CRC(m_1) = i ^ process(m_1) ^ o
CRC(m_2) = i ^ process(m_2) ^ o
CRC(m_3) = i ^ process(m_3) ^ o

CRC(m_1) ^ CRC(m_2) ^ CRC(m_3)
    =   i ^ process(m_1) ^ o
      ^ i ^ process(m_2) ^ o
      ^ i ^ process(m_3) ^ o
    =   i ^ process(m_1) ^ process(m_2) ^ process(m_3) ^ o
    =   i ^ process(m_1 ^ m_2 ^ m_3) ^ o  # due to linearity of processing
    =   CRC(m_1 ^ m_2 ^ m_3)

CRC values of a message...

... with one bit flipped

Affinity presents a way to calculate the CRC value of the original message with one bit (or several bits) flipped. Let b the blank message of all zero bits. Let s be the same blank message with one bit set at a desired location. Both b and s are of the same length as the original message m. Due to affine transformation:

CRC(m ^ b ^ s) = CRC(m) ^ CRC(b) ^ CRC(s)

Since CRC(m) is given, and CRC(b) and CRC(s) can be calculated without access to m, the CRC value of m with one bit flipped at the same position as the set bit in s can be calculated.

... with several bits flipped

The same approach can be extended to flip multiple bits. For example, to calculate the CRC value of the original message with 3 bits flipped somewhere:

CRC(m ^ b ^ s_1 ^ b ^ s_2 ^ b ^ s_3) =
    CRC(m) ^ CRC(b) ^ CRC(s_1) ^ CRC(b) ^ CRC(s_2) ^ CRC(b) ^ CRC(s_3)

where s_1, s_2, and s_3 are blank messages with one bit set at desired locations.

Flipping bits to desired values

Formulating the problem

The previous section brings up an opportunity to flip some bits to obtain desired values.

Let t be the target value, p_1 ... p_n are the bit positions that can be flipped. The problem is to pick a subset of positions to flip in order to achieve the CRC value of t.

Each position p_i yields one value for c_i = CRC(b) ^ CRC(s_i) where s_i is the blank message with the bit in position p_i set, and c_i is the combined XOR value of the CRC values of the blank message and s_i.

Assuming that a subset {i, j, ...} is found, then:

CRC(m ^ b ^ s_i ^ b ^ s_j ...) =
    CRC(m) ^ CRC(b) ^ CRC(s_i) ^ CRC(b) ^ CRC(s_j) ... = t


c_i ^ c_j ... = t ^ CRC(m) = d

In other words, the subset is one whose combined XOR value is t ^ CRC(m). Hence the problem can be stated simply: given a desired value d, and a list of values, pick a subset of that list so that their combined XOR value is d.

Solving the problem with linear algebra

Assuming that there are n numbers c_1, c_2, ... c_n. Each number is w-bit long, where c_i1 is the least significant bit (LSB), and c_iw is the most significant bit (MSB) of c_i. Similarly, d_1 is the LSB and d_w the MSB of d.

Let x_i be 0 if c_i is not in the selected set, and 1 if c_i is. Put differently, if x_i is set, the bit at position p_i is flipped. The selected set will have to satisfy:

c_1 * x_1 XOR c_2 * x_2 XOR ... XOR c_n * x_n = d

At individual bit level, that equation is equivalent to a system of equations:

c_11 AND x_1 XOR c_21 AND x_2 XOR ... XOR c_n1 AND x_n = d_1
c_12 AND x_1 XOR c_22 AND x_2 XOR ... XOR c_n2 AND x_n = d_2
c_1w AND x_1 XOR c_2w AND x_2 XOR ... XOR c_nw AND x_n = d_w

Under the Galois Field GF(2), where multiplication is bitwise AND, and addition is bitwise XOR, the above system is algebraically familiar:

c_11 * x_1 + c_21 * x_2 + ... + c_n1 * x_n = d_1
c_12 * x_1 + c_22 * x_2 + ... + c_n2 * x_n = d_2
c_1w * x_1 + c_2w * x_2 + ... + c_nw * x_n = d_w

Let A be a matrix formed by horizontally stacking c_1, ..., c_n, and d be the binary column vector representing its own value. Then the problem is to solve for a binary column vector x such that Ax = d. This can be solved with regular linear algebra (e.g. Gaussian elimination and back solving) under GF(2). Below is a bad ASCII art of the setup with 7 5-bit c values, i.e. 7 bits can be flipped and the CRC width is 5 bits:

                                         [ x_1
[ c_11 c_21 c_31 c_41 c_51 c_61 c_71 ]     x_2     [ d_1
[ c_12 c_22 c_32 c_42 c_52 c_62 c_72 ]     x_3       d_2
[ c_13 c_23 c_33 c_43 c_53 c_63 c_73 ] @   x_4   =   d_3
[ c_14 c_24 c_34 c_44 c_54 c_64 c_74 ]     x_5       d_4
[ c_15 c_25 c_35 c_45 c_55 c_65 c_75 ]     x_6       d_5 ]
                                           x_7 ]


Finally, the algorithm is as followed:


  1. The exact CRC function
  2. The width w of that CRC function
  3. CRC(m)
  4. Length of m in bits
  5. A set of n positions p_1 ... p_n of flippable bits
  6. t the target CRC value


  1. Prepare a blank message b of the same length as m, and calculate CRC(b).
  2. For each bit position p_i:
    1. Construct s_i, a blank message with one bit at position p_i set.
    2. Calculate c_i = CRC(b) ^ CRC(s_i).
  3. Form bit matrix A with w rows and n columns by horizontally stacking all c_is.
  4. Form w-element bit vector d from CRC(m) ^ t.
  5. Solve for n-element bit vector x such that Ax = d.


  1. For each element x_i in vector x, if x_i is set, the bit at position p_i is picked to flip.

Matching multiple CRC functions simultaneously

The same algorithm can be easily extended to match multiple CRC values from various CRC functions all at once. Two simple changes are noted here.

  1. A wrapping function that produces a longer checksum value by concatenating all values from all CRC functions. This function is used in place of the original CRC function in the algorithm above.
  2. The same bit concatenation is applied to multiple ts to produce d.

It goes without saying that w is now extended to be the sum of all CRC width parameters.


Exploiting affinity of CRCs gives a simple method to select a set of bits to flip so that the resulting message has the desired CRC value.