diff --git a/surreal.js b/surreal.js
index de117fe..d384a8e 100644
--- a/surreal.js
+++ b/surreal.js
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-// Welcome to Surreal 1.1.0
+// Welcome to Surreal 1.1.2
// Documentation: https://github.com/gnat/surreal
// Locality of Behavior (LoB): https://htmx.org/essays/locality-of-behaviour/
-var $ = { // You can use a different name than "$", but you must change the reference in any plugins you use!
- $: this, // Convenience for core internals.
+let surreal = (function () {
+let $ = { // Convenience for internals.
+ $: this, // Convenience for internals.
plugins: [],
// Table of contents and convenient call chaining sugar. For a familiar "jQuery like" syntax. 🙂
@@ -73,21 +74,18 @@ var $ = { // You can use a different name than "$", but you must change the refe
if ($.isNodeList(selector)) return $.sugar(Array.from(selector)) // Valid NodeList or Array.
return null // Invalid.
// Run any function on element(s)
run(e, f) {
if ($.isNodeList(e)) e.forEach(_ => { run(_, f) })
if ($.isNode(e)) { f(e); }
return e
// Remove element(s)
remove(e) {
if ($.isNodeList(e)) e.forEach(_ => { remove(_) })
if ($.isNode(e)) e.parentNode.removeChild(e)
return // Special, end of chain.
// Add class to element(s).
classAdd(e, name) {
if (e === null || e === []) return null
@@ -97,7 +95,6 @@ var $ = { // You can use a different name than "$", but you must change the refe
if ($.isNode(e)) e.classList.add(name)
return e
// Remove class from element(s).
classRemove(e, name) {
if (typeof name !== 'string') return null
@@ -106,7 +103,6 @@ var $ = { // You can use a different name than "$", but you must change the refe
if ($.isNode(e)) e.classList.remove(name)
return e
// Toggle class in element(s).
classToggle(e, name) {
if (typeof name !== 'string') return null
@@ -115,7 +111,6 @@ var $ = { // You can use a different name than "$", but you must change the refe
if ($.isNode(e)) e.classList.toggle(name)
return e
// Add inline style to element(s).
// Can use string or object formats.
// String format: "font-family: 'sans-serif'"
@@ -132,7 +127,6 @@ var $ = { // You can use a different name than "$", but you must change the refe
return e
// Add event listener to element(s).
// Match a sender: if(!event.target.matches(".selector")) return;
// 📚️ https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Event
@@ -143,34 +137,29 @@ var $ = { // You can use a different name than "$", but you must change the refe
if ($.isNode(e)) e.addEventListener(name, fn)
return e
off(e, name, fn) {
if (typeof name !== 'string') return null
if ($.isNodeList(e)) e.forEach(_ => { off(_, name, fn) })
if ($.isNode(e)) e.removeEventListener(name, fn)
return e
offAll(e) {
if ($.isNodeList(e)) e.forEach(_ => { offAll(_) })
if ($.isNode(e)) e.parentNode.replaceChild(e.cloneNode(true), e)
return e
// Easy alternative to off(). Disables click, key, submit events.
disable(e) {
if ($.isNodeList(e)) e.forEach(_ => { disable(_) })
if ($.isNode(e)) e.disabled = true
return e
// For reversing disable()
enable(e) {
if ($.isNodeList(e)) e.forEach(_ => { enable(_) })
if ($.isNode(e)) e.disabled = false
return e
// Trigger event / dispatch event.
// ✂️ Vanilla: Events Dispatch: document.querySelector(".thing").dispatchEvent(new Event('click'))
trigger(e, name) {
@@ -181,7 +170,6 @@ var $ = { // You can use a different name than "$", but you must change the refe
return e
// Halt event. Default: Stops normal event actions and event propagation.
halt(ev, keepBubbling=false, keepDefault=false) {
if (ev instanceof Event) {
@@ -190,7 +178,6 @@ var $ = { // You can use a different name than "$", but you must change the refe
return ev
// Add or remove attributes from element(s)
attribute(e, name, value=undefined) {
// Get. This one is special. Format: "name", "value"
@@ -219,7 +206,6 @@ var $ = { // You can use a different name than "$", but you must change the refe
return e
// Puts Surreal functions except for "restricted" in global scope.
globalsAdd() {
console.log(`Surreal: Adding convenience globals to window.`)
@@ -229,17 +215,14 @@ var $ = { // You can use a different name than "$", but you must change the refe
window.document[key] = value
// ⚙️ Used internally. Is this an element / node?
isNode(e) {
return (e instanceof HTMLElement || e instanceof SVGElement) ? true : false
// ⚙️ Used internally by DOM functions. Is this a list of elements / nodes?
isNodeList(e) {
return (e instanceof NodeList || Array.isArray(e)) ? true : false
// ⚙️ Used internally by DOM functions. Warning when selector is invalid. Likely missing a "#" or "."
isSelector(selector="", start=document, all=false, warning=true) {
if (all && start.querySelectorAll(selector) == null) {
@@ -253,6 +236,11 @@ var $ = { // You can use a different name than "$", but you must change the refe
return true // Valid.
+// Finish up...
+$.globalsAdd() // Full convenience.
+console.log("Surreal: Loaded.")
+return $
+})() // End of Surreal 🏁
// 📦 Plugin: Effects
function pluginEffects(e) {
@@ -260,31 +248,31 @@ function pluginEffects(e) {
// Equivalent to jQuery fadeOut(), but actually removes the element!
function fadeOut(e, fn=false, ms=1000, remove=true) {
let thing = e
- if ($.isNodeList(e)) e.forEach(_ => { fadeOut(_, fn, ms) })
- if ($.isNode(e)) {
+ if (surreal.isNodeList(e)) e.forEach(_ => { fadeOut(_, fn, ms) })
+ if (surreal.isNode(e)) {
(async() => {
- $.styles(e, {transform: 'scale(1)', transition: `all ${ms}ms ease-out`, overflow: 'hidden'})
+ surreal.styles(e, {transform: 'scale(1)', transition: `all ${ms}ms ease-out`, overflow: 'hidden'})
await tick()
- $.styles(e, {transform: 'scale(0.9)', opacity: '0'})
+ surreal.styles(e, {transform: 'scale(0.9)', opacity: '0'})
await sleep(ms, e)
if (fn === 'function') fn(thing) // Run custom callback?
- if (remove) $.remove(thing) // Remove element after animation is completed?
+ if (remove) surreal.remove(thing) // Remove element after animation is completed?
// Fade in an element that has opacity under 1
function fadeIn(e, fn=false, ms=1000) {
let thing = e
- if($.isNodeList(e)) e.forEach(_ => { fadeIn(_, fn, ms) })
- if($.isNode(e)) {
+ if(surreal.isNodeList(e)) e.forEach(_ => { fadeIn(_, fn, ms) })
+ if(surreal.isNode(e)) {
(async() => {
let save = e.style // Store original style.
- $.styles(e, {transition: `all ${ms}ms ease-in`, overflow: 'hidden'})
+ surreal.styles(e, {transition: `all ${ms}ms ease-in`, overflow: 'hidden'})
await tick()
- $.styles(e, {opacity: '1'})
+ surreal.styles(e, {opacity: '1'})
await sleep(ms, e)
e.style = save // Revert back to original style.
- $.styles(e, {opacity: '1'}) // Ensure we're visible after reverting to original style.
+ surreal.styles(e, {opacity: '1'}) // Ensure we're visible after reverting to original style.
if (fn === 'function') fn(thing) // Run custom callback?
@@ -296,26 +284,26 @@ function pluginEffects(e) {
e.fade_in = e.fadeIn
-// Add plugins...
-$.globalsAdd() // Full convenience.
+// Add plugins here!
+console.log("Surreal: Loaded plugins.")
-console.log("Surreal: Loaded.")
-// 🌐 Optional global helpers.
+// DOM helpers.
const createElement = document.createElement.bind(document)
const create_element = createElement
+// Animation helpers.
const rAF = typeof requestAnimationFrame !== 'undefined' && requestAnimationFrame
const rIC = typeof requestIdleCallback !== 'undefined' && requestIdleCallback
-// Sleep without async!
-function sleep(ms, e) {
- return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => { resolve(e) }, ms))
// Wait for next animation frame.
async function tick() {
await new Promise(resolve => { requestAnimationFrame(resolve) })
-// Loading helper. Why? So you don't overwrite window.onload. And predictable sequential loading!
+// Sleep without async.
+function sleep(ms, e) {
+ return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => { resolve(e) }, ms))
+// Loading helpers.
+// Why? So you don't overwrite window.onload. And predictable sequential loading!
function onloadAdd(f) {