- Base
- Circle
- CoordinateSystem
- Hierarchy
- Matrix
- Path
- Point
- RasterRenderer
- rectangle
- bezier curve
- Shape
- TerminalRenderer
Kind: global class
set the absolute rotation
Kind: instance property of Base
Param |
angle |
Kind: instance property of Base
Param | Type | Description |
p | Point |
position passed to Point |
base.position β Point
Kind: instance property of Base
TODO to be replaced by super._changed() when the super implementations performance is better
Kind: instance property of Base
TODO to be replaced by super._parentChanged() when the super implementations performance is better
Kind: instance property of Base
Kind: instance property of Base
Param | Type |
m | Matrix |
base.matrix β Matrix
Kind: instance property of Base
Kind: instance method of Base
Param | Type | Description |
[levels] | Number |
how many levels to travel up the hierarchy |
base.getMatrix$([levels]) β Matrix
Kind: instance method of Base
Param | Type |
[levels] | Number |
Param | Type | Description |
position | Array | Object |
Point |
radius | Number |
_radius |
Kind: global class
- Hierarchy
- .children β
- .parent
- .parent β
- .addChildren(children) β
- .hasChildren() β
- .hasParent() β
- .setParent(p) β
- .removeChild(child)
- .removeChildren(children)
- .children β
hierarchy.children β Array.<Hierarchy>
Kind: instance property of Hierarchy
Kind: instance property of Hierarchy
Param | Type |
p | Hierarchy |
hierarchy.parent β Hierarchy
Kind: instance property of Hierarchy
hierarchy.addChildren(children) β Hierarchy
Kind: instance method of Hierarchy
Param | Type |
children | Hierarchy |
Kind: instance method of Hierarchy
Kind: instance method of Hierarchy
hierarchy.setParent(p) β Hierarchy
Kind: instance method of Hierarchy
Param |
p |
Kind: instance method of Hierarchy
Param | Type |
child | Hierarchy |
Kind: instance method of Hierarchy
Param | Type |
children | Array.<Hierarchy> |
Kind: global class
- Matrix
- .a β
- .b β
- .c β
- .d β
- .tx β
- .ty β
- .multiply(m)
- .multiplySelf(m)
- .multiplySelf_(m)
- .scale(sx, [sy])
- .inverse() β
- .determinant() β
- .isInvertible() β
- .a β
Kind: instance property of Matrix
Returns: Number
- - a
Kind: instance property of Matrix
Returns: Number
- - b
Kind: instance property of Matrix
Returns: Number
- - c
Kind: instance property of Matrix
Returns: Number
- - d
Kind: instance property of Matrix
Returns: Number
- - tx
Kind: instance property of Matrix
Returns: Number
- - ty
Kind: instance method of Matrix
Param | Type | Description |
m | Matrix |
[ a b tx ] [ a b tx ] [ c d ty ] [ c d ty ] [ 0 0 1 ] [ 0 0 1 ] |
post this * m
Kind: instance method of Matrix
Param | Type | Description |
m | Matrix |
[ a b tx ] [ a b tx ] [ c d ty ] [ c d ty ] [ 0 0 1 ] [ 0 0 1 ] |
pre m * this
Kind: instance method of Matrix
Param | Type | Description |
m | Matrix |
[ a b tx ] [ a b tx ] [ c d ty ] [ c d ty ] [ 0 0 1 ] [ 0 0 1 ] |
Kind: instance method of Matrix
Param | Type | Default | Description |
sx | Number |
scaling in x, y or only x if no sy given | |
[sy] | Number |
sx |
scaling in y direction |
matrix.inverse() β Matrix
Kind: instance method of Matrix
Kind: instance method of Matrix
Returns true if matrix is invertible
Kind: instance method of Matrix
Kind: global class
- Path
- new Path([arg0])
- instance
- static
Param | Type |
[arg0] | Array | number |
new Path([Segment0, Segment1])
new Path([[3, 5], [3, 6]])
new Path([3, 5])
new Path()
add a segment to the path
Kind: instance method of Path
Param |
segment |
Kind: instance method of Path
Param | Type | Description |
p0 | Number |
start Point |
h0o | Number |
start Point handle out, relative to p0 |
h1i | Number |
end Point handle in, relative to p1 |
p1 | Number |
end Point |
t | Number |
value between {0-1} => 0%-100% of the length |
Kind: static class of Path
Param | Type |
position | Point |
[handleIn] | Point |
[handleOut] | Point |
Kind: instance method of Segment
Kind: global class
- Point
- .constructor
- .set β
- .set$ β
- .coordinateSystem
- .position$ β
- .absoluteX β
- .absoluteY β
- .relativeX β
- .relativeY β
- .x β
- .x
- .x$ β
- .x$
- .y$ β
- .y$
- .y β
- .y
- .position
- .length
- .length β
- .add β
- .addSelf β
- .add β
- .distance β
- .distance$ β
- .lerp β
- .lerpSelf β
- ._parsePositionArgs β
- .transform(matrix) β
- .clone() β
- .transformSelf(m) β
- .multiplySelf(arg0, arg1) β
Creates a Point object with the given x and y coordinates.
Kind: instance property of Point
Param | Type | Default |
[arg0] | Number | Array | Object |
0 |
[arg1] | Number |
new Point(5, 7);
new Point([5, 7]);
new Point({x:5, y:7});
new Point(new Point(5, 7));
sets the coordinates
Kind: instance property of Point
Returns: Object
- Point
Param | Type | Description |
arg0 | Number | Array | Object |
x |
[arg1] | Number |
y |
point.add(5, 7);
point.add([5, 7]);
point.add({x:5, y:7});
point.add(new Point(5, 7));
sets the absolute coordinates
Kind: instance property of Point
Returns: Object
- Point
Param | Type | Description |
arg0 | Number | Array | Object |
x |
[arg1] | Number |
y |
point.add(5, 7);
point.add([5, 7]);
point.add({x:5, y:7});
point.add(new Point(5, 7));
Kind: instance property of Point
Param |
cos |
point.position$ β Point
Kind: instance property of Point
Kind: instance property of Point
Kind: instance property of Point
todo relative coordinates with capital chars
Kind: instance property of Point
Kind: instance property of Point
Kind: instance property of Point
Kind: instance property of Point
Param | Type |
x | Number |
Kind: instance property of Point
Kind: instance property of Point
Param | Type |
x$ | Number |
Kind: instance property of Point
Kind: instance property of Point
Param | Type |
y$ | Number |
Kind: instance property of Point
Kind: instance property of Point
Param | Type |
y | Number |
Kind: instance property of Point
Param | Type |
pos | Number | Array | Object |
Point.position = [5, 7];
Point.position = {x:5, y:7};
Point.position = new Point(5, 7);
The the vector to given length
Kind: instance property of Point
Param | Type | Description |
l | Number |
target length of the vector |
returns the current length
Kind: instance property of Point
adds and returns a new point
Kind: instance property of Point
Returns: Object
- Point
Param | Type |
arg0 | Number |
arg1 | Number |
point.add(5, 7);
adds to the current point
Kind: instance property of Point
Returns: Object
- Point
Param | Type |
arg0 | Number | Array | Object |
[arg1] | Number |
point.add(5, 7);
point.add([5, 7]);
point.add({x:5, y:7});
point.add(new Point(5, 7));
Kind: instance property of Point
Returns: Object
- Point
Param | Type |
arg0 | Number |
arg1 | Number |
point.add(5, 7);
point.distance β Point
returns the distance between the absolute coordinates and a given point
Kind: instance property of Point
Param | Type |
arg0 | Number | Array | Object |
[arg1] | Number |
Point.distance(5, 7);
Point.distance([5, 7]);
Point.distance({x:5, y:7});
Point.distance(new Point(5, 7)); //relative x,y of Point
Point.distance((new Point(5, 7)).position$); //absolute x,y of Point
point.distance$ β Point
returns the distance between the absolute coordinates and a given point
Kind: instance property of Point
Param | Type |
arg0$ | Number | Array | Object |
[arg1$] | Number |
Point.distance$(5, 7);
Point.distance$([5, 7]);
Point.distance$({x:5, y:7});
Point.distance$(new Point(5, 7)); //relative x,y of Point
Point.distance$((new Point(5, 7)).position$); //absolute x,y of Point
point.lerp β Point
Kind: instance property of Point
Param | Type |
arg0 | Number | Array | Object |
[arg1] | Number |
p |
Point.lerp(5, 7);
Point.lerp([5, 7]);
Point.lerp({x:5, y:7});
Point.lerp(new Point(5, 7));
point.lerpSelf β Point
Kind: instance property of Point
Param | Type |
arg0 | Number | Array | Object |
[arg1] | Number |
p |
Point.lerpSelf(5, 7);
Point.lerpSelf([5, 7]);
Point.lerpSelf({x:5, y:7});
Point.lerpSelf(new Point(5, 7));
parses the input args and returns a point object with x and y coordinates
Kind: instance property of Point
Param | Type |
arg0 | Number | Array | Object |
[arg1] | Number |
_parsePositionArgs(5, 7);
_parsePositionArgs([5, 7]);
_parsePositionArgs({x:5, y:7});
_parsePositionArgs(new Point(5, 7));
point.transform(matrix) β Point
returns a new transformed Point
Kind: instance method of Point
Param |
matrix |
point.clone() β Point
returns a copy of the point
Kind: instance method of Point
point.transformSelf(m) β Point
returns a new transformed Point
Kind: instance method of Point
Returns: Point
- [a b tx] [ x ]
[c d ty] [ y ]
[0 0 1 ] [ 1 ]
Param |
m |
point.multiplySelf(arg0, arg1) β Point
Kind: instance method of Point
Param | Description |
arg0 | x |
arg1 | y |
- rectangle
- bezier curve
Kind: global class
renders all attached items or just the one given
Kind: instance method of RasterRenderer
Param | Type |
[Item] | Object |
Kind: instance method of RasterRenderer
Param | Type | Description |
Item | Object |
Geometry Item |
[data] | Object |
e.g Array [R, G, B] colors range 0-255 |
Kind: global class
Param | Type | Description |
width | Number |
Width of the canvas |
height | Number |
Height of the canvas |
scale | Number |
Scale of the canvas |
Kind: instance property of TerminalRenderer
Param | Type |
debug | Boolean |
Kind: instance property of TerminalRenderer