Passwordstate is a PowerShell module used to interface with ClickStudio's PasswordState application via the REST API.
This module supports creating, retrieving, and updating PasswordState entries using simple PowerShell cmdlets that you can integrate into your existing processes.
You start off by running Initialize-PasswordStateRepository
, which will initialize some base variables used in the PasswordState PowerShell module. It takes 2 parameters: -APIEndpoint is the URL to where your current PasswordState installation resides, and the -CredentialRepository is where you can store "Credentials" or API keys in this case.
If you do not specify -CredentialRepository it will be created under your %UserProfile%
Then you want to store some "credentials" on disk (Not really credentials, but API keys, PowerShell credential objects are used as a method of storing credentials in a secure way)
First you create a credential object using PowerShells Get-Credential
cmdlet. You will be prompted to input a username/password, in username put in the name you want to call the credential file (Usually something that refers to, what the actual API key is giving you access to, a password list for instance), and in the password field enter your APIkey. If you do not specify a location, the credentials will be stored in the location you specified when you ran Initialize-PasswordStateRepository
$Initialize-PasswordStateRepository -ApiEndpoint 'https://passwordstate.local/api' -CredentialRepository 'C:\PasswordStateCreds'
$Cred = Get-Credential
Export-PasswordStateApiKey -ApiKey $cred
Lets say you entered "ADUserList" as Username and "52e7c9d84hb7fa33f6b123dac823e956" as password, this will result in a file called ADUserList.cred under the directory C:\PasswordStateCreds
If you at a later time want to use that credential you just call: Import-PasswordStateApiKey
$ADUserListCred = Import-PasswordStateApiKey -Name 'ADUserList'
Now you can use that credential object (API key) to connect to PasswordState
In the below example, the API key is read from the $ADUserListCred variable, and URL to PasswordState is read from the URL you typed in when you ran Initialize-PasswordStateRepository
Get-PasswordStateListPasswords -ApiKey $ADUserListCred -PasswordListId 42
Initialize-PasswordStateRepository -ApiEndpoint 'https://passwordstate.local/api' -CredentialRepository 'C:\PasswordStateCreds'
$Cred = Get-Credential Export-PasswordStateApiKey -ApiKey $cred -Repository c:\users\joe\data\.customrepo
Get-PasswordStateApiKey -Name 'system' -Repository c:\users\joe\data\.customrepo
$cred = Import-PasswordStateApiKey -Name personal -Repository c:\users\joe\data\.customrepo
$allPasswords = Get-PasswordStateAllPasswords -SystemApiKey $sysKey -Endpoint 'https://passwordstate.local'
$lists = Get-PasswordStateList -SystemApiKey $sysKey -Endpoint 'https://passwordstate.local'
$allPasswords = Get-PasswordStateAllPasswords -SystemApiKey $sysKey -Endpoint 'https://passwordstate.local'
$lists = Get-PasswordStateList -SystemApiKey $sysKey -Endpoint 'https://passwordstate.local'
$passwords = Get-PasswordStateListPasswords -ApiKey $key -PasswordListId 1234 -Endpoint 'https://passwordstate.local'
$history = Get-PasswordStatePasswordHistory -ApiKey $key -PasswordId 1234 -Endpoint 'https://passwordstate.local'
New-PasswordStatePassword -ApiKey $key -PasswordListId 1 -Title 'testPassword' -Username 'testPassword' -Description 'this is a test' -GeneratePassword
New-PasswordStatePassword -ApiKey $key -PasswordListId 1 -Title "TestDocument" -Username "testDoc" -GeneratePassword -DocumentPath "C:\temp\SecureDoc.txt" -DocumentName SecureDoc.txt -DocumentDescription 'My Very Secure Document'
New-PasswordStateRandomPassword -Quantity 10 -WordPhrases $false -MinLength 20
Set-PasswordStatePassword -ApiKey $key -PasswordId 1234 -Username 'mypassword'
Set-PasswordStateDocument (On PasswordList)
Set-PasswordStateDocument -ApiKey $key -PasswordListId 1 -DocumentPath "C:\temp\Secure.txt" -DocumentName SecureDoc.txt -DocumentDescription 'My Very Secure Document'
Set-PasswordStateDocument (On Password)
Set-PasswordStateDocument -ApiKey $key -PasswordId 4242 -DocumentPath "C:\temp\Secure.txt" -DocumentName SecureDoc.txt -DocumentDescription 'My Very Secure Document'
For more information, see