Feel free to contribute in any way you like, and if you feel comfortable doing so, follow our standard instructions below and learn how to do it.
- Fork this repository;
- Create your branch from
(recommended); - Make your changes on the code;
- Commit your changes;
- Push it to your fork repository;
- Open a PR from your fork to this
To commit, you must:
- Certify if your code is valid to linters;
- Use commit rules in Gitmoji Commitlint:
- Starting with one of these emojis (Gitmoji);
NOTE 1: Don't forget to setup your IDE with eslint and prettier.
- Javascript;
- Typescript;
- Jest;
- Storybook;
- React;
- NextJS;
- Emotion.js.
- src/constants contains all the constants used around the library;
- src/lib contains all logic functions to achieve library goal;
- src/test-utils contains some helpers functions for testing;
- examples contains external usage examples of library;
- storybook contains components stories to expose;
- Try to reproduce the bug in the main branch: The bug may have already been passed in the latest version, always check before reporting the issue.
- Check to see if the issue hasn't already been reported: It could be that your issue has already been reported by someone else, make sure it is not on the list.
- Open a git issue here on Github: Explain what happened, and give as much detail as possible so we can try to reproduce the same situation.
A good bug report shouldn't leave others needing to chase you up for more.
# clear cache and run tests
yarn test
# clear cache and run all test files that contains the <term>
yarn test <term>
# generate the test coverage folder
yarn test:coverage
# generate coverage badges from coverage folder
yarn test:badges
# run local storybook
yarn storybook
# make static storybook site
yarn build:storybook