Basic knowledge in Genetics and and Computional Biology is needed to run genetic analyses and interpret results. The goal of this course is to give students insights in both areas and present them a blueprint for large-scale studies.
- March 18 - March 21 2024
- Start: March 18 10:00am - 4:30pm
- Location: Computerraum C6 (FP301200) Fritz Pregl Strasse 3, 2. UG (Basement)
- Official course information
Stefan Coassin & Sebastian Schoenherr
Institute of Genetic Epidemiology
Medical University of Innsbruck
Stefan, Sebastian:
- General / Sequencing Introduction
- NGS Technology Basics; Illumina; Iontorrent
- Library types Single, Paired, mate
- Linux Introduction
- Exercises Day 1
- Data formats: FASTQ
- Look at datasets & navigate through folders
- Data QC: FASTQC, multiQC
- Data QC: FASTQC, multiQC Exercises
- Alignment
- Exercises Mapping
- Tablet Viewer, Variant Calling + Simple Exercise
- Exercises Variant Calling
- Bash Scripting
- Introduction to Nextflow
- Exercises Day 2
- Annotation, BCFTools and VCFtools
Stefan, Sebastian: