Roles are a way for us to describe a Made Tech employee's primary purpose and value they are expected to bring to the business. A role is a job title that comes with a set of clear expectations. We also use them to indicate next steps for staff who have mastered their current role and are looking for more responsibilities.
- Academy Software Engineer (SFIA Level 1)
- Software Engineer 1 (SFIA Level 2)
- Software Engineer 2 (SFIA Level 3)
- Senior Software Engineer (SFIA Level 4)
- Lead Software Engineer (SFIA Level 5)
- Principal Technologist (SFIA Level 6)
You may have also seen that we have people in Tech Lead and Tech Architect roles. These are hats worn by Senior and Lead Engineers.
Roles within Made Tech are created to explicitly define how everyone can provide value to the business and help us achieve our mission. A role must be defined before hiring someone as it is important to be clear about the expectations we have before, during and after hiring someone.
Expectations are measurable requirements defined for each role. We expect someone in a particular role to be meeting these requirements or be actively working towards them.
Defining expectations is a useful practice so that potential recruits know what will be expected of them when they join. We also use expectations to build skills within our teams, they outline what we are looking for and we can create career development plans to help the team meet them.
The expectations define the bar for the role, but what about going above and beyond? We would love everyone in the company to go above and beyond these expectations! In fact we pretty much expect everyone in the company to be meeting them and then asking us what more they can do to help the company.
When we see people pushing the limits of their current role, and when we see people already fulfilling other roles we will jump on this as soon as we notice to offer up extra activities or even a new role.
We want to foster a culture where everybody feels empowered to do their role and as they feel comfortable and ready push in any direction they wish.