This feature allows users read/obtain nodes or attributes.
We can see zoom as a function that traverse the xml and select one or more elements.
This feature core is written with tagless final and all methods
returns an output value wrapped in F[_]
import advxml.implicits.*
import advxml.transform.*
import advxml.transform.XmlZoom.{$, root}
Zoom has two types, we can have XmlZoom
(unbinded) or BindedXmlZoom
The differences between Unbinded and Binded is that Unbinded doesn't know the target
and contains only the list of action to do, while Binded contains both actions and target.
It is possible to convert an XmlZoom
(Unbinded) to BindedXmlZoom
and vice-versa using
and unbind
idempotent methods.
val zoom: XmlZoom = XmlZoom.root //unbinded
// zoom: XmlZoom = Unbinded(List()) //unbinded
val binded: BindedXmlZoom = zoom.bind(<foo/>) //binded
// binded: BindedXmlZoom = Binded(<foo/>,List()) //binded
val unbinded: XmlZoom = zoom.unbind() //unbinded again
// unbinded: XmlZoom = Unbinded(List())
apply(actions: List[ZoomAction])
= Create an unbinded instance with specified actions.empty
= Create an unbinded instance with empty actionsroot
= Alias toempty
, no zooming actions means the pointer is on the root.$
= Alias toempty
, useful when to define a new zoom that doesn't start from the root.
= The binded version on unbindedroot
= The binded version on unbinded$
Once created we can append actions using the following methods:
= Find the first node with specified name, syntax alias is/
= Filters nodes that match the specified predicate, syntax alias is|
= Find the first node that match the specified predicate.head
= Get the first node.last
= Get the last node.atIndex(Int)
= Get the node at specified index.
and BindedXmlZoom
both extends Dynamic
so you can use dot notation instead of immediateChild
thanks to selectDynamic
. We can even combine immediateChild
and atIndex
using applyDynamic
//this equals to root.down("foo").down("bar").down("text")
//this equals to root / "foo" / "bar" / "text"
val selectDynamicZoom: XmlZoom =
// selectDynamicZoom: XmlZoom = Unbinded(
// actions = List(Down(value = "foo"), Down(value = "bar"), Down(value = "test"))
// )
//this equals to root.down("foo").down("bar").down("text").atIndex(1)
//this equals to root / "foo" / "bar" / "text" atIndex(1)
val applyDynamicZoom: XmlZoom =
// applyDynamicZoom: XmlZoom = Unbinded(
// actions = List(
// Down(value = "foo"),
// Down(value = "bar"),
// Down(value = "test"),
// AtIndex(idx = 1)
// )
// )
To run a zoom we need to have a "target", a NodeSeq
So if we have an unbinded XmlZoom
conceptually we have to pass a NodeSeq
instance as target when we invoke the zoom,
while BindedXmlZoom
already has this information so is not necessary specify the zoom target when you need to run it.
To run a zoom we can use two method, run
and detailed
return aF[NodeSeq]
as result of the zooming action.detailed
return aF[XmlZoomResult]
as result of the zooming action that contains also the path information step by step.
import scala.util.Try
import scala.xml.NodeSeq
val unbinded: XmlZoom = XmlZoom.root
// unbinded: XmlZoom = Unbinded(List())
val unbindedRun: Try[NodeSeq] =[Try](<foo/>)
// unbindedRun: Try[NodeSeq] = Success(<foo/>)
val unbindedDetailed: Try[XmlZoomResult] = unbinded.detailed[Try](<foo/>)
// unbindedDetailed: Try[XmlZoomResult] = Success(Result(<foo/>,List()))
val binded: BindedXmlZoom = unbinded.bind(<foo/>)
// binded: BindedXmlZoom = Binded(<foo/>,List())
val bindedRun: Try[NodeSeq] =[Try]
// bindedRun: Try[NodeSeq] = Success(<foo/>)
val bindedsDetailed: Try[XmlZoomResult] = binded.detailed[Try]
// bindedsDetailed: Try[XmlZoomResult] = Success(Result(<foo/>,List()))
Advxml also provides an XmlContetZoom
to read attributes and text from a NodeSeq instance.
syntax is added to NodeSeq
, F[NodeSeq]
, XmlZoom
and BindedXmlZoom
using implicit class.
We can use attr
to get an attribute value or content
to get the node content.
import advxml.transform.XmlZoom.root
import cats.instances.try_.*
import scala.util.Try
import scala.xml.Elem
val doc: Elem = <foo T1='1'>TEXT</foo>
// doc: Elem = <foo T1="1">TEXT</foo>
val zoom: XmlZoom = XmlZoom.root
// zoom: XmlZoom = Unbinded(List())
val bindedZoom: BindedXmlZoom = XmlZoom.root(<foo T1='1'>TEXT</foo>)
// bindedZoom: BindedXmlZoom = Binded(<foo T1="1">TEXT</foo>,List())
val docAttr: Try[String] = doc.attr("T1").extract[Try] //Success("1")
// docAttr: Try[String] = Success(1) //Success("1")
val docMissingAttr: Try[String] = doc.attr("MISSING").extract[Try] //Failure(ValidationRule.Error)
// docMissingAttr: Try[String] = Failure(java.lang.RuntimeException:
// # Value: foo /@ MISSING => ""
// [ ] NonEmpty: Empty value.
// -------------------------------------
// ) //Failure(ValidationRule.Error)
val docText: Try[String] = doc.content.extract[Try] //Success("TEXT")
// docText: Try[String] = Success(TEXT) //Success("TEXT")
val zoomAttr: Try[String] = zoom.attr(<foo T1='1'>TEXT</foo>, "T1").extract[Try] //Success("1")
// zoomAttr: Try[String] = Success(1) //Success("1")
val zoomText: Try[String] = zoom.content(<foo T1='1'>TEXT</foo>).extract[Try] //Success("TEXT")
// zoomText: Try[String] = Success(TEXT) //Success("TEXT")
val bindedZoomAttr: Try[String] = bindedZoom.attr("T1").extract[Try] //Success("1")
// bindedZoomAttr: Try[String] = Success(1) //Success("1")
val bindedZoomText: Try[String] = bindedZoom.content.extract[Try] //Success("TEXT")
// bindedZoomText: Try[String] = Success(TEXT)
This feature combined to converter feature allows we to convert attributes data from String
to another type.
import advxml.transform.XmlZoom.root
import cats.instances.try_.*
import scala.util.Try
import scala.xml.Elem
val doc: Elem = <foo T1='1'>100</foo>
// doc: Elem = <foo T1="1">100</foo>
val docAttr: Try[Int] = doc.attr("T1").as[Try[Int]] //Success(1)
// docAttr: Try[Int] = Success(1) //Success(1)
val docText: Try[Int] =[Try[Int]] //Success(100)
// docText: Try[Int] = Success(100)
import advxml.transform.XmlZoom.{$, root}
import advxml.implicits.*
import scala.xml.*
import scala.util.Try
import cats.instances.try_.*
import cats.instances.option.*
val doc: Elem =
<Person Name="Mimmo">
<Car Brand="Fiat">
// doc: Elem = <Persons>
// <Person Name="Mimmo">
// <Cars>
// <Car Brand="Fiat">
// <Price>10000€</Price>
// </Car>
// </Cars>
// </Person>
// </Persons>
//Immediate Child with XmlZoom - Binded
val mandatoryNode: Try[NodeSeq] = $(doc)[Try]
// mandatoryNode: Try[NodeSeq] = Success(<Cars>
// <Car Brand="Fiat">
// <Price>10000€</Price>
// </Car>
// </Cars>)
val optionalNode: Option[NodeSeq] = $(doc)[Option]
// optionalNode: Option[NodeSeq] = Some(<Cars>
// <Car Brand="Fiat">
// <Price>10000€</Price>
// </Car>
// </Cars>)
//Immediate Child with XmlZoom - Unbinded
val mandatoryNodeB: Try[NodeSeq] =[Try](doc)
// mandatoryNodeB: Try[NodeSeq] = Success(<Cars>
// <Car Brand="Fiat">
// <Price>10000€</Price>
// </Car>
// </Cars>)
val optionalNodeB: Option[NodeSeq] =[Option](doc)
// optionalNodeB: Option[NodeSeq] = Some(<Cars>
// <Car Brand="Fiat">
// <Price>10000€</Price>
// </Car>
// </Cars>)
val mandatoryAttr: Try[String] = $(doc).Person.Cars.attr("Brand").as[Try[String]]
// mandatoryAttr: Try[String] = Failure(java.lang.RuntimeException:
// # Value: /@ Brand => ""
// [ ] NonEmpty: Empty value.
// -------------------------------------
// )
val optionalAttr: Option[String] = $(doc).Person.Cars.attr("Brand").as[Option[String]]
// optionalAttr: Option[String] = None
val mandatoryText: Try[String] = $(doc)[Try[String]]
// mandatoryText: Try[String] = Success(
// 10000€
// )
val optionalText: Option[String] = $(doc)[Option[String]]
// optionalText: Option[String] = Some(
// 10000€
// )