Most kids
- love buttons
- love toys that make sound
- love LEDs
This project combines these features in one box. This allows us to test if our kid is part of "most kids".
The main hardware parts are:
- Adafruit Feather 32u4 Basic Proto
- ADS1015 Breakout Board (4 analog inputs)
- Adafrui GPIO Expander Bonnet (16 digital I/O)
- Music Maker FeatherWing
- PowerBoost 500 Basic 5V to create a 5V supply for the LED in the buttons. Some of them can't run at 3.3V
- Stereo Speakers
- USB Type-C Connector for charging, programming and debugging
- A bag full of buttons, switches, sliders, potentiometers and LEDs
- A wooden box
- Lots of wires and solder
IDE used for coding is PlatformIO. Software is written in C++, using the following libraries:
- Adafruit ADS1X15
- Adafruit MCP23017 Arduino Library
- Thread