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kbraak edited this page Feb 10, 2016 · 122 revisions

How to publish biodiversity data through

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GBIF supports publication, discovery and use of four classes of data. At the simplest, GBIF enables institutions to share information describing a biodiversity data resource – even when no further digital information is currently available from the resource. Other data classes support increasingly rich sharing of information on species, their distributions and abundance.

Resource metadata   —>   Checklist Data   —>   Occurrence Data   —>   Sample Event Data

Data publishers are strongly encouraged to share their data using the richest appropriate data class. This maximizes the usefulness of the data for users.


  1. You require an account on a GBIF Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT) to publish your data. It is highly recommended that you save yourself time and money by requesting an account on a data hosting centre IPT that is located in your country. Otherwise if your organisation has the technical capacity you can setup your own IPT instance. If no data hosting centre exists in your country, and your organisation doesn't have the technical capacity to host an IPT, you can contact the GBIF Helpdesk [email protected] for assistance.
  2. Assuming that you would like to register your dataset with GBIF and make it globally discoverable via, you must ensure your organisation is registered with GBIF by completing this online questionnaire. The registration process can take days, so in parallel you can proceed to publish your data.


To publish your data, follow the 7 steps below.

  1. Select the class of biodiversity data you have: Resource metadata, Checklist Data, Occurrence Data, Sample Event Data
  2. Transform your data into a table structure, using Darwin Core (DwC) terms as column names
  3. Try using an Excel template to structure your data, and understand what DwC terms are required and recommended
  4. It is possible to use data stored in a supported database
  5. Upload your data to the IPT
  6. Refer to the IPT User Manual for additional guidance
  7. Map the data (e.g. Checklist Data gets mapped to the Taxon Core, Occurrence Data gets mapped to the Occurrence Core, Sample Event Data gets mapped to the Event Core.
  8. Fill in resource metadata using the IPT's metadata editor
  9. Publish the dataset (make it freely and openly available worldwide)
  10. Register the dataset with GBIF. Note: your organisation must be registered with GBIF and added to your IPT by the IPT administrator. Otherwise, the organisation will not be available to choose from in the IPT.
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