- and
For M = N = K = 4096, 4070Ti SUPER, compile with -O3 --use_fast_math
Kernel name | Duration (ms) | % of CuBLAS | Bandwidth (GB/s) |
CuBLAS (via PyTorch) cutlass_80_simt_sgemm_256x128_8x4_nn_align1 |
4.77 | 100.00% | 104.25 |
v1 (naive 1 row dot 1 column) | 56.21 | 8.49% | 195.98 |
v2 (2D block-tiling with shared memory cache) | 48.14 | 9.91% | 179.61 |
v3 (thread coarsening) | 39.03 | 12.22% | 38.49 |
v4 (2D thread-tiling with register cache) | 8.92 | 53.48% | 76.43 |
v5 (2D warp-tiling with register cache) | 8.75 | 54.51% | 141.89 |
v6a (remove bounds check. vectorized global memory access) | 5.72 | 83.39% | 195.41 |
v6b (transpose A in shared memory) | 5.16 | 92.44% | 130.28 |
Lessons learned:
- Hierarchical tiling: block-level (shared memory cache), warp-level, and thread-level (register cache).
- Vectorized memory access: not sure why it helps as we already use 128-byte memory transaction. Perhaps it reduces number of instructions and thus better pipelining?
- Reduce memory address computations: increment memory address after each iteration instead of calculating from the base address every time.
- Avoid bank conflicts:
- Padding shared memory (TODO).
- Swizzled layout (TODO).
- Double buffering: use double amount of shared memory, but don't need to
after computation code -> better data loading and computation interleaving (TODO).
ncu output of an ideal kernel
NOTE: block_size=256, memory throughput ~40% (compute bound).
void cutlass::Kernel<cutlass_80_simt_sgemm_256x128_8x4_nn_align1>(T1::Params) (256, 2, 1)x(256, 1, 1), Context 1, Stream 7, Device 0, CC 8.9
Section: GPU Speed Of Light Throughput
----------------------- ------------- -------------
Metric Name Metric Unit Metric Value
----------------------- ------------- -------------
DRAM Frequency cycle/nsecond 10.24
SM Frequency cycle/nsecond 2.34
Elapsed Cycles cycle 11,161,801
Memory Throughput % 42.78
DRAM Throughput % 15.44
Duration msecond 4.77
L1/TEX Cache Throughput % 44.29
L2 Cache Throughput % 22.56
SM Active Cycles cycle 10,781,032.98
Compute (SM) Throughput % 80.97
----------------------- ------------- -------------
INF The kernel is utilizing greater than 80.0% of the available compute or memory performance of the device. To
further improve performance, work will likely need to be shifted from the most utilized to another unit.
Start by analyzing workloads in the Compute Workload Analysis section.
Section: GPU Speed Of Light Roofline Chart
INF The ratio of peak float (fp32) to double (fp64) performance on this device is 64:1. The kernel achieved 73%
of this device's fp32 peak performance and 0% of its fp64 peak performance. See the Kernel Profiling Guide
( for more details on roofline
Section: PM Sampling
------------------------- ----------- ------------
Metric Name Metric Unit Metric Value
------------------------- ----------- ------------
Maximum Buffer Size Mbyte 2.62
Dropped Samples sample 0
Maximum Sampling Interval msecond 1.02
# Pass Groups 2
------------------------- ----------- ------------
Section: Compute Workload Analysis
-------------------- ----------- ------------
Metric Name Metric Unit Metric Value
-------------------- ----------- ------------
Executed Ipc Active inst/cycle 3.35
Executed Ipc Elapsed inst/cycle 3.24
Issue Slots Busy % 83.83
Issued Ipc Active inst/cycle 3.35
SM Busy % 83.83
-------------------- ----------- ------------
OPT FMA is the highest-utilized pipeline (75.9%) based on active cycles, taking into account the rates of its
different instructions. It executes 32-bit floating point (FADD, FMUL, FMAD, ...) and integer (IMUL, IMAD)
operations. The pipeline is well-utilized, but might become a bottleneck if more work is added. Based on the
number of executed instructions, the highest utilized pipeline (75.7%) is FMA. It executes 32-bit floating
point (FADD, FMUL, FMAD, ...) and integer (IMUL, IMAD) operations. Comparing the two, the overall pipeline
utilization appears to be caused by frequent, low-latency instructions. See the Kernel Profiling Guide
( or hover over the
pipeline name to understand the workloads handled by each pipeline. The Instruction Statistics section shows
the mix of executed instructions in this kernel.
Section: Memory Workload Analysis
--------------------------- ------------ ------------
Metric Name Metric Unit Metric Value
--------------------------- ------------ ------------
Memory Throughput Gbyte/second 101.21
Mem Busy % 42.78
Max Bandwidth % 35.22
L1/TEX Hit Rate % 0
L2 Compression Success Rate % 0
L2 Compression Ratio 0
L2 Hit Rate % 90.47
Mem Pipes Busy % 35.22
--------------------------- ------------ ------------
Section: Scheduler Statistics
---------------------------- ----------- ------------
Metric Name Metric Unit Metric Value
---------------------------- ----------- ------------
One or More Eligible % 83.79
Issued Warp Per Scheduler 0.84
No Eligible % 16.21
Active Warps Per Scheduler warp 2.00
Eligible Warps Per Scheduler warp 1.50
---------------------------- ----------- ------------
Section: Warp State Statistics
---------------------------------------- ----------- ------------
Metric Name Metric Unit Metric Value
---------------------------------------- ----------- ------------
Warp Cycles Per Issued Instruction cycle 2.39
Warp Cycles Per Executed Instruction cycle 2.39
Avg. Active Threads Per Warp 32
Avg. Not Predicated Off Threads Per Warp 31.90
---------------------------------------- ----------- ------------
Section: Instruction Statistics
---------------------------------------- ----------- -------------
Metric Name Metric Unit Metric Value
---------------------------------------- ----------- -------------
Avg. Executed Instructions Per Scheduler inst 9,037,312
Executed Instructions inst 2,385,850,368
Avg. Issued Instructions Per Scheduler inst 9,037,358
Issued Instructions inst 2,385,862,512
---------------------------------------- ----------- -------------
NOTE: Used 49KB of shared memory, 216 registers.
Section: Launch Statistics
-------------------------------- --------------- ---------------
Metric Name Metric Unit Metric Value
-------------------------------- --------------- ---------------
Block Size 256
Function Cache Configuration CachePreferNone
Grid Size 512
Registers Per Thread register/thread 216
Shared Memory Configuration Size Kbyte 65.54
Driver Shared Memory Per Block Kbyte/block 1.02
Dynamic Shared Memory Per Block Kbyte/block 49.15
Static Shared Memory Per Block byte/block 0
# SMs SM 66
Threads thread 131,072
Uses Green Context 0
Waves Per SM 7.76
-------------------------------- --------------- ---------------
Section: Occupancy
------------------------------- ----------- ------------
Metric Name Metric Unit Metric Value
------------------------------- ----------- ------------
Block Limit SM block 24
Block Limit Registers block 1
Block Limit Shared Mem block 1
Block Limit Warps block 6
Theoretical Active Warps per SM warp 8
Theoretical Occupancy % 16.67
Achieved Occupancy % 16.66
Achieved Active Warps Per SM warp 8.00
------------------------------- ----------- ------------
OPT Est. Local Speedup: 83.33%
The 2.00 theoretical warps per scheduler this kernel can issue according to its occupancy are below the
hardware maximum of 12. This kernel's theoretical occupancy (16.7%) is limited by the number of required
registers. This kernel's theoretical occupancy (16.7%) is limited by the required amount of shared memory.
Section: GPU and Memory Workload Distribution
-------------------------- ----------- -------------
Metric Name Metric Unit Metric Value
-------------------------- ----------- -------------
Average DRAM Active Cycles cycle 7,544,548
Total DRAM Elapsed Cycles cycle 390,899,712
Average L1 Active Cycles cycle 10,781,032.98
Total L1 Elapsed Cycles cycle 736,652,446
Average L2 Active Cycles cycle 9,381,469.83
Total L2 Elapsed Cycles cycle 228,416,256
Average SM Active Cycles cycle 10,781,032.98
Total SM Elapsed Cycles cycle 736,652,446
Average SMSP Active Cycles cycle 10,785,407.96
Total SMSP Elapsed Cycles cycle 2,946,609,784
-------------------------- ----------- -------------
Section: Source Counters
------------------------- ----------- ------------
Metric Name Metric Unit Metric Value
------------------------- ----------- ------------
Branch Instructions Ratio % 0.00
Branch Instructions inst 2,134,016
Branch Efficiency % 100
Avg. Divergent Branches 0
------------------------- ----------- ------------
OPT Est. Speedup: 26.01%
This kernel has uncoalesced shared accesses resulting in a total of 83886080 excessive wavefronts (27% of the
total 311476253 wavefronts). Check the L1 Wavefronts Shared Excessive table for the primary source
locations. The CUDA Best Practices Guide
-ab) has an example on optimizing shared memory accesses.