Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Name | string | Options contract name | [optional] |
Tag | string | tag | [optional] |
CreateTime | float64 | Creation time | [optional] |
ExpirationTime | float64 | Expiration time | [optional] |
IsCall | bool | `true` means call options, while `false` is put options | [optional] |
Multiplier | string | Multiplier used in converting from invoicing to settlement currency | [optional] |
Underlying | string | Underlying | [optional] |
UnderlyingPrice | string | Underlying price (quote currency) | [optional] |
LastPrice | string | Last trading price | [optional] |
MarkPrice | string | Current mark price (quote currency) | [optional] |
IndexPrice | string | Current index price (quote currency) | [optional] |
MakerFeeRate | string | Maker fee rate, where negative means rebate | [optional] |
TakerFeeRate | string | Taker fee rate | [optional] |
OrderPriceRound | string | Minimum order price increment | [optional] |
MarkPriceRound | string | Minimum mark price increment | [optional] |
OrderSizeMin | int64 | Minimum order size the contract allowed | [optional] |
OrderSizeMax | int64 | Maximum order size the contract allowed | [optional] |
OrderPriceDeviate | string | The positive and negative offset allowed between the order price and the current mark price, that is, the order price `order_price` must meet the following conditions: order_price is within the range of mark_price +/- order_price_deviate * underlying_price and does not distinguish between buy and sell orders | [optional] |
RefDiscountRate | string | Referral fee rate discount | [optional] |
RefRebateRate | string | Referrer commission rate | [optional] |
OrderbookId | int64 | Current orderbook ID | [optional] |
TradeId | int64 | Current trade ID | [optional] |
TradeSize | int64 | Historical accumulated trade size | [optional] |
PositionSize | int64 | Current total long position size | [optional] |
OrdersLimit | int32 | Maximum number of open orders | [optional] |