diff --git a/cmd/go-quai/root.go b/cmd/go-quai/root.go
index d0cb62d52e..1bcbb2dcdc 100644
--- a/cmd/go-quai/root.go
+++ b/cmd/go-quai/root.go
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import (
- "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/common"
@@ -40,7 +39,7 @@ func rootCmdPreRun(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
viper.SetConfigFile(configDir + constants.CONFIG_FILE_NAME)
// load config from file and environment variables
- common.InitConfig()
+ utils.InitConfig()
// bind cobra flags to viper instance
err := viper.BindPFlags(cmd.Flags())
if err != nil {
@@ -57,7 +56,7 @@ func rootCmdPreRun(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
// save config file if SAVE_CONFIG_FILE flag is set to true
saveConfigFile := viper.GetBool(utils.SaveConfigFlag.Name)
if saveConfigFile {
- err := common.SaveConfig()
+ err := utils.SaveConfig()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error saving config file: %s . Skipping...", err)
} else {
diff --git a/cmd/go-quai/start.go b/cmd/go-quai/start.go
index 1c6aad5f7f..ddbefa9681 100644
--- a/cmd/go-quai/start.go
+++ b/cmd/go-quai/start.go
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import (
- "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/consensus/quai"
@@ -70,7 +69,7 @@ func runStart(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
// create instance of consensus backend
- consensus, err := quai.NewQuaiBackend()
+ consensus, err := utils.StartQuaiBackend()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error creating consensus backend: %s", err)
diff --git a/cmd/utils/cmd.go b/cmd/utils/cmd.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6642a3242a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmd/utils/cmd.go
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+package utils
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/common"
+ "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/core/vm"
+ "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/eth"
+ quai "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/eth"
+ "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/eth/ethconfig"
+ "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/internal/quaiapi"
+ "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/log"
+ "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/node"
+ "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/params"
+ "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/quaistats"
+ "github.com/spf13/viper"
+ "io"
+ "os"
+ "runtime"
+ "time"
+// Create a new instance of the QuaiBackend consensus service
+func StartQuaiBackend() (*quai.QuaiBackend, error) {
+ // Make full node
+ go func() {
+ log.Info("Starting Prime")
+ stackPrime := makeFullNode(nil)
+ defer stackPrime.Close()
+ StartNode(stackPrime)
+ stackPrime.Wait()
+ }()
+ time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
+ go func() {
+ log.Info("Starting Region")
+ stackRegion := makeFullNode(common.Location{0})
+ defer stackRegion.Close()
+ StartNode(stackRegion)
+ stackRegion.Wait()
+ }()
+ time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
+ go func() {
+ log.Info("Starting Zone")
+ stackZone := makeFullNode(common.Location{0, 0})
+ defer stackZone.Close()
+ StartNode(stackZone)
+ stackZone.Wait()
+ }()
+ return ð.QuaiBackend{}, nil
+func StartNode(stack *node.Node) {
+ if err := stack.Start(); err != nil {
+ Fatalf("Error starting protocol stack: %v", err)
+ }
+ // TODO: Stop the node if the memory pressure
+// makeConfigNode loads quai configuration and creates a blank node instance.
+func makeConfigNode(nodeLocation common.Location) (*node.Node, ethconfig.QuaiConfig) {
+ // Load defaults.
+ cfg := ethconfig.QuaiConfig{
+ Quai: ethconfig.Defaults,
+ Node: defaultNodeConfig(),
+ }
+ // Apply flags.
+ // set the node location
+ log.Info("Node", "Location", nodeLocation)
+ cfg.Node.NodeLocation = nodeLocation
+ SetNodeConfig(&cfg.Node, nodeLocation)
+ stack, err := node.New(&cfg.Node)
+ if err != nil {
+ Fatalf("Failed to create the protocol stack: %v", err)
+ }
+ SetQuaiConfig(stack, &cfg.Quai, nodeLocation)
+ // TODO: Apply stats
+ if viper.IsSet(QuaiStatsURLFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.Ethstats.URL = viper.GetString(QuaiStatsURLFlag.Name)
+ }
+ nodeCtx := nodeLocation.Context()
+ // Onlt initialize the precompile for the zone chain
+ if nodeCtx == common.ZONE_CTX {
+ vm.InitializePrecompiles(nodeLocation)
+ }
+ return stack, cfg
+func defaultNodeConfig() node.Config {
+ cfg := node.DefaultConfig
+ cfg.Name = ""
+ cfg.Version = params.VersionWithCommit("", "")
+ cfg.HTTPModules = append(cfg.HTTPModules, "eth")
+ cfg.WSModules = append(cfg.WSModules, "eth")
+ return cfg
+// makeFullNode loads quai configuration and creates the Quai backend.
+func makeFullNode(nodeLocation common.Location) *node.Node {
+ stack, cfg := makeConfigNode(nodeLocation)
+ backend, _ := RegisterQuaiService(stack, cfg.Quai, cfg.Node.NodeLocation.Context())
+ sendfullstats := viper.GetBool(SendFullStatsFlag.Name)
+ // Add the Quai Stats daemon if requested.
+ if cfg.Ethstats.URL != "" {
+ RegisterQuaiStatsService(stack, backend, cfg.Ethstats.URL, sendfullstats)
+ }
+ return stack
+// RegisterQuaiService adds a Quai client to the stack.
+// The second return value is the full node instance, which may be nil if the
+// node is running as a light client.
+func RegisterQuaiService(stack *node.Node, cfg ethconfig.Config, nodeCtx int) (quaiapi.Backend, error) {
+ backend, err := eth.New(stack, &cfg, nodeCtx)
+ if err != nil {
+ Fatalf("Failed to register the Quai service: %v", err)
+ }
+ return backend.APIBackend, nil
+// RegisterQuaiStatsService configures the Quai Stats daemon and adds it to
+// the given node.
+func RegisterQuaiStatsService(stack *node.Node, backend quaiapi.Backend, url string, sendfullstats bool) {
+ if err := quaistats.New(stack, backend, backend.Engine(), url, sendfullstats); err != nil {
+ Fatalf("Failed to register the Quai Stats service: %v", err)
+ }
+// Fatalf formats a message to standard error and exits the program.
+// The message is also printed to standard output if standard error
+// is redirected to a different file.
+func Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
+ w := io.MultiWriter(os.Stdout, os.Stderr)
+ if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
+ // The SameFile check below doesn't work on Windows.
+ // stdout is unlikely to get redirected though, so just print there.
+ w = os.Stdout
+ } else {
+ outf, _ := os.Stdout.Stat()
+ errf, _ := os.Stderr.Stat()
+ if outf != nil && errf != nil && os.SameFile(outf, errf) {
+ w = os.Stderr
+ }
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "Fatal: "+format+"\n", args...)
+ os.Exit(1)
diff --git a/cmd/utils/defaults.go b/cmd/utils/defaults.go
deleted file mode 100644
index e33a60b56f..0000000000
--- a/cmd/utils/defaults.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,550 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 The go-ethereum Authors
-// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
-// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see .
-package utils
-import (
- "database/sql/driver"
- "fmt"
- "log"
- "math/big"
- "os"
- "os/user"
- "path/filepath"
- "runtime"
- "time"
-const (
- DefaultHTTPHost = "localhost" // Default host interface for the HTTP RPC server
- DefaultHTTPPort = 8545 // Default TCP port for the HTTP RPC server
- DefaultWSHost = "localhost" // Default host interface for the websocket RPC server
- DefaultWSPort = 8546 // Default TCP port for the websocket RPC server
- Width = 16 // Width of the network ontology
-var (
- DefaultMaxPrice = big.NewInt(500 * 1e9)
- DefaultIgnorePrice = big.NewInt(2 * 1)
-// **********************************
-// ** **
-// ** Eth Config Defaults **
-// ** & Empty Structs **
-// ** **
-// **********************************
-var EthConfigDefaults = EthConfig{
- SyncMode: 0,
- Progpow: ProgpowConfig{},
- NetworkId: 1,
- TxLookupLimit: 2350000,
- DatabaseCache: 512,
- TrieCleanCache: 154,
- TrieCleanCacheJournal: "triecache",
- TrieCleanCacheRejournal: 60 * time.Minute,
- TrieDirtyCache: 256,
- TrieTimeout: 60 * time.Minute,
- SnapshotCache: 102,
- Miner: MinerConfig{
- GasCeil: 18000000,
- GasPrice: big.NewInt(1e9),
- Recommit: 3 * time.Second,
- },
- TxPool: TxPoolConfig{},
- RPCGasCap: 50000000,
- GPO: FullNodeGPOConfig,
- RPCTxFeeCap: 1, // 1 ether
- DomUrl: "ws://",
- SubUrls: []string{"ws://", "ws://", "ws://"},
-type EthConfig struct {
- // The genesis block, which is inserted if the database is empty.
- // If nil, the Quai main net block is used.
- Genesis Genesis `toml:",omitempty"`
- // Protocol options
- NetworkId uint64 // Network ID to use for selecting peers to connect to
- SyncMode SyncMode
- // This can be set to list of enrtree:// URLs which will be queried for
- // for nodes to connect to.
- EthDiscoveryURLs []string
- SnapDiscoveryURLs []string
- NoPruning bool // Whether to disable pruning and flush everything to disk
- NoPrefetch bool // Whether to disable prefetching and only load state on demand
- TxLookupLimit uint64 `toml:",omitempty"` // The maximum number of blocks from head whose tx indices are reserved.
- // Whitelist of required block number -> hash values to accept
- Whitelist map[uint64]Hash `toml:"-"`
- // Database options
- SkipBcVersionCheck bool `toml:"-"`
- DatabaseHandles int `toml:"-"`
- DatabaseCache int
- DatabaseFreezer string
- TrieCleanCache int
- TrieCleanCacheJournal string `toml:",omitempty"` // Disk journal directory for trie cache to survive node restarts
- TrieCleanCacheRejournal time.Duration `toml:",omitempty"` // Time interval to regenerate the journal for clean cache
- TrieDirtyCache int
- TrieTimeout time.Duration
- SnapshotCache int
- Preimages bool
- // Mining options
- Miner MinerConfig
- // Consensus Engine
- ConsensusEngine string
- // Progpow options
- Progpow ProgpowConfig
- // Blake3 options
- Blake3Pow Blake3PowConfig
- // Transaction pool options
- TxPool TxPoolConfig
- // Gas Price Oracle options
- GPO GasPriceConfig
- // Enables tracking of SHA3 preimages in the VM
- EnablePreimageRecording bool
- // Miscellaneous options
- DocRoot string `toml:"-"`
- // RPCGasCap is the global gas cap for eth-call variants.
- RPCGasCap uint64
- // RPCTxFeeCap is the global transaction fee(price * gaslimit) cap for
- // send-transction variants. The unit is ether.
- RPCTxFeeCap float64
- // Region location options
- Region int
- // Zone location options
- Zone int
- // Dom node websocket url
- DomUrl string
- // Sub node websocket urls
- SubUrls []string
- // Slices running on the node
- SlicesRunning []Location
-type SyncMode uint32
-const (
- FullSync SyncMode = iota // Synchronise the entire blockchain history from full blocks
-func (mode SyncMode) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
- switch mode {
- case FullSync:
- return []byte("full"), nil
- default:
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown sync mode %d", mode)
- }
-func (mode *SyncMode) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
- switch string(text) {
- case "full":
- *mode = FullSync
- default:
- return fmt.Errorf(`unknown sync mode %q, want "full", "fast" or "light"`, text)
- }
- return nil
-type Genesis struct {
-type MinerConfig struct {
- Etherbase Address `toml:",omitempty"` // Public address for block mining rewards (default = first account)
- Notify []string `toml:",omitempty"` // HTTP URL list to be notified of new work packages (only useful in ethash).
- NotifyFull bool `toml:",omitempty"` // Notify with pending block headers instead of work packages
- ExtraData Bytes `toml:",omitempty"` // Block extra data set by the miner
- GasFloor uint64 // Target gas floor for mined blocks.
- GasCeil uint64 // Target gas ceiling for mined blocks.
- GasPrice *big.Int // Minimum gas price for mining a transaction
- Recommit time.Duration // The time interval for miner to re-create mining work.
- Noverify bool // Disable remote mining solution verification(only useful in ethash).
-type Address struct {
-type AddressData interface {
- Bytes() []byte
- Hash() Hash
- Hex() string
- String() string
- checksumHex() []byte
- Format(s fmt.State, c rune)
- MarshalText() ([]byte, error)
- UnmarshalText(input []byte) error
- UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error
- Scan(src interface{}) error
- Value() (driver.Value, error)
- Location() *Location
- setBytes(b []byte)
-type Bytes []byte
-type ProgpowConfig struct {
-type Blake3PowConfig struct {
-type TxPoolConfig struct {
- Locals []InternalAddress // Addresses that should be treated by default as local
- NoLocals bool // Whether local transaction handling should be disabled
- Journal string // Journal of local transactions to survive node restarts
- Rejournal time.Duration // Time interval to regenerate the local transaction journal
- PriceLimit uint64 // Minimum gas price to enforce for acceptance into the pool
- PriceBump uint64 // Minimum price bump percentage to replace an already existing transaction (nonce)
- AccountSlots uint64 // Number of executable transaction slots guaranteed per account
- GlobalSlots uint64 // Maximum number of executable transaction slots for all accounts
- MaxSenders uint64 // Maximum number of senders in the senders cache
- SendersChBuffer uint64 // Senders cache channel buffer size
- AccountQueue uint64 // Maximum number of non-executable transaction slots permitted per account
- GlobalQueue uint64 // Maximum number of non-executable transaction slots for all accounts
- Lifetime time.Duration // Maximum amount of time non-executable transaction are queued
-// FullNodeGPO contains default gasprice oracle settings for full node.
-var FullNodeGPOConfig = GasPriceConfig{
- Blocks: 20,
- Percentile: 60,
- MaxHeaderHistory: 0,
- MaxBlockHistory: 0,
- MaxPrice: DefaultMaxPrice,
- IgnorePrice: DefaultIgnorePrice,
-type GasPriceConfig struct {
- Blocks int
- Percentile int
- MaxHeaderHistory int
- MaxBlockHistory int
- Default *big.Int `toml:",omitempty"`
- MaxPrice *big.Int `toml:",omitempty"`
- IgnorePrice *big.Int `toml:",omitempty"`
-type Location []byte
-type Hash [32]byte
-// **********************************
-// ** **
-// ** Core Config Defaults **
-// ** & Empty Structs **
-// ** **
-// **********************************
-var CoreConfigDefaults = TxPoolConfig{
- Journal: "transactions.rlp",
- Rejournal: time.Hour,
- PriceLimit: 1,
- PriceBump: 10,
- AccountSlots: 1,
- GlobalSlots: 9000 + 1024, // urgent + floating queue capacity with 4:1 ratio
- MaxSenders: 100000, // 5 MB - at least 10 blocks worth of transactions in case of reorg or high production rate
- SendersChBuffer: 1024, // at 500 TPS in zone, 2s buffer
- AccountQueue: 1,
- GlobalQueue: 2048,
- Lifetime: 3 * time.Hour,
-type InternalAddress [20]byte
-// **********************************
-// ** **
-// ** Metrics Config Defaults **
-// ** & Empty Structs **
-// ** **
-// **********************************
-var DefaultMetricsConfig = MetricsConfig{
- Enabled: false,
- EnabledExpensive: false,
- HTTP: "",
- Port: 6060,
- EnableInfluxDB: false,
- InfluxDBEndpoint: "http://localhost:8086",
- InfluxDBDatabase: "quai",
- InfluxDBUsername: "test",
- InfluxDBPassword: "test",
- InfluxDBTags: "host=localhost",
-type MetricsConfig struct {
- Enabled bool `toml:",omitempty"`
- EnabledExpensive bool `toml:",omitempty"`
- HTTP string `toml:",omitempty"`
- Port int `toml:",omitempty"`
- EnableInfluxDB bool `toml:",omitempty"`
- InfluxDBEndpoint string `toml:",omitempty"`
- InfluxDBDatabase string `toml:",omitempty"`
- InfluxDBUsername string `toml:",omitempty"`
- InfluxDBPassword string `toml:",omitempty"`
- InfluxDBTags string `toml:",omitempty"`
-// **********************************
-// ** **
-// ** Node Config Defaults **
-// ** & Empty Structs **
-// ** **
-// **********************************
-var NodeDefaultConfig = Config{
- DataDir: DefaultDataDir(),
- HTTPPort: DefaultHTTPPort,
- HTTPModules: []string{"net", "web3"},
- HTTPVirtualHosts: []string{"localhost"},
- HTTPTimeouts: DefaultHTTPTimeouts,
- WSPort: DefaultWSPort,
- WSModules: []string{"net", "web3"},
- P2P: P2PConfig{
- MaxPendingPeers: 50,
- },
- DBEngine: "",
-type Config struct {
- // Name sets the instance name of the node. It must not contain the / character and is
- // used in the devp2p node identifier. The instance name of go-quai is "go-quai". If no
- // value is specified, the basename of the current executable is used.
- Name string `toml:"-"`
- // UserIdent, if set, is used as an additional component in the devp2p node identifier.
- UserIdent string `toml:",omitempty"`
- // Version should be set to the version number of the program. It is used
- // in the devp2p node identifier.
- Version string `toml:"-"`
- // DataDir is the file system folder the node should use for any data storage
- // requirements. The configured data directory will not be directly shared with
- // registered services, instead those can use utility methods to create/access
- // databases or flat files. This enables ephemeral nodes which can fully reside
- // in memory.
- DataDir string
- // Configuration of peer-to-peer networking.
- P2P P2PConfig
- // KeyStoreDir is the file system folder that contains private keys. The directory can
- // be specified as a relative path, in which case it is resolved relative to the
- // current directory.
- //
- // If KeyStoreDir is empty, the default location is the "keystore" subdirectory of
- // DataDir. If DataDir is unspecified and KeyStoreDir is empty, an ephemeral directory
- // is created by New and destroyed when the node is stopped.
- KeyStoreDir string `toml:",omitempty"`
- // ExternalSigner specifies an external URI for a clef-type signer
- ExternalSigner string `toml:",omitempty"`
- // UseLightweightKDF lowers the memory and CPU requirements of the key store
- // scrypt KDF at the expense of security.
- UseLightweightKDF bool `toml:",omitempty"`
- // InsecureUnlockAllowed allows user to unlock accounts in unsafe http environment.
- InsecureUnlockAllowed bool `toml:",omitempty"`
- // NoUSB disables hardware wallet monitoring and connectivity.
- NoUSB bool `toml:",omitempty"`
- // USB enables hardware wallet monitoring and connectivity.
- USB bool `toml:",omitempty"`
- // HTTPHost is the host interface on which to start the HTTP RPC server. If this
- // field is empty, no HTTP API endpoint will be started.
- HTTPHost string
- // HTTPPort is the TCP port number on which to start the HTTP RPC server. The
- // default zero value is/ valid and will pick a port number randomly (useful
- // for ephemeral nodes).
- HTTPPort int `toml:",omitempty"`
- // HTTPCors is the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing header to send to requesting
- // clients. Please be aware that CORS is a browser enforced security, it's fully
- // useless for custom HTTP clients.
- HTTPCors []string `toml:",omitempty"`
- // HTTPVirtualHosts is the list of virtual hostnames which are allowed on incoming requests.
- // This is by default {'localhost'}. Using this prevents attacks like
- // DNS rebinding, which bypasses SOP by simply masquerading as being within the same
- // origin. These attacks do not utilize CORS, since they are not cross-domain.
- // By explicitly checking the Host-header, the server will not allow requests
- // made against the server with a malicious host domain.
- // Requests using ip address directly are not affected
- HTTPVirtualHosts []string `toml:",omitempty"`
- // HTTPModules is a list of API modules to expose via the HTTP RPC interface.
- // If the module list is empty, all RPC API endpoints designated public will be
- // exposed.
- HTTPModules []string
- // HTTPTimeouts allows for customization of the timeout values used by the HTTP RPC
- // interface.
- HTTPTimeouts HTTPTimeouts
- // HTTPPathPrefix specifies a path prefix on which http-rpc is to be served.
- HTTPPathPrefix string `toml:",omitempty"`
- // WSHost is the host interface on which to start the websocket RPC server. If
- // this field is empty, no websocket API endpoint will be started.
- WSHost string
- // WSPort is the TCP port number on which to start the websocket RPC server. The
- // default zero value is/ valid and will pick a port number randomly (useful for
- // ephemeral nodes).
- WSPort int `toml:",omitempty"`
- // WSPathPrefix specifies a path prefix on which ws-rpc is to be served.
- WSPathPrefix string `toml:",omitempty"`
- // WSOrigins is the list of domain to accept websocket requests from. Please be
- // aware that the server can only act upon the HTTP request the client sends and
- // cannot verify the validity of the request header.
- WSOrigins []string `toml:",omitempty"`
- // WSModules is a list of API modules to expose via the websocket RPC interface.
- // If the module list is empty, all RPC API endpoints designated public will be
- // exposed.
- WSModules []string
- // WSExposeAll exposes all API modules via the WebSocket RPC interface rather
- // than just the public ones.
- //
- // *WARNING* Only set this if the node is running in a trusted network, exposing
- // private APIs to untrusted users is a major security risk.
- WSExposeAll bool `toml:",omitempty"`
- // Logger is a custom logger to use with the p2p.Server.
- Logger *log.Logger `toml:",omitempty"`
- // AllowUnprotectedTxs allows non EIP-155 protected transactions to be send over RPC.
- AllowUnprotectedTxs bool `toml:",omitempty"`
- // JWTSecret is the path to the hex-encoded jwt secret.
- JWTSecret string `toml:",omitempty"`
- // EnablePersonal enables the deprecated personal namespace.
- EnablePersonal bool `toml:"-"`
- DBEngine string `toml:",omitempty"`
-type HTTPTimeouts struct {
- ReadTimeout time.Duration
- WriteTimeout time.Duration
- IdleTimeout time.Duration
-var DefaultHTTPTimeouts = HTTPTimeouts{
- ReadTimeout: 30 * time.Second,
- WriteTimeout: 30 * time.Second,
- IdleTimeout: 120 * time.Second,
-type P2PConfig struct {
- // MaxPendingPeers is the maximum number of peers that can be pending in the
- // handshake phase, counted separately for inbound and outbound connections.
- // Zero defaults to preset values.
- MaxPendingPeers int `toml:",omitempty"`
-// DefaultDataDir is the default data directory to use for the databases and other
-// persistence requirements.
-func DefaultDataDir() string {
- // Try to place the data folder in the user's home dir
- home := homeDir()
- if home != "" {
- switch runtime.GOOS {
- case "darwin":
- return filepath.Join(home, "Library", "Quai")
- case "windows":
- // We used to put everything in %HOME%\AppData\Roaming, but this caused
- // problems with non-typical setups. If this fallback location exists and
- // is non-empty, use it, otherwise DTRT and check %LOCALAPPDATA%.
- fallback := filepath.Join(home, "AppData", "Roaming", "Quai")
- appdata := windowsAppData()
- if appdata == "" || isNonEmptyDir(fallback) {
- return fallback
- }
- return filepath.Join(appdata, "Quai")
- default:
- return filepath.Join(home, ".quai")
- }
- }
- // As we cannot guess a stable location, return empty and handle later
- return ""
-func windowsAppData() string {
- v := os.Getenv("LOCALAPPDATA")
- if v == "" {
- // Windows XP and below don't have LocalAppData. Crash here because
- // we don't support Windows XP and undefining the variable will cause
- // other issues.
- panic("environment variable LocalAppData is undefined")
- }
- return v
-func isNonEmptyDir(dir string) bool {
- f, err := os.Open(dir)
- if err != nil {
- return false
- }
- names, _ := f.Readdir(1)
- f.Close()
- return len(names) > 0
-func homeDir() string {
- if home := os.Getenv("HOME"); home != "" {
- return home
- }
- if usr, err := user.Current(); err == nil {
- return usr.HomeDir
- }
- return ""
diff --git a/cmd/utils/flags.go b/cmd/utils/flags.go
index 637fdc750a..d91426c1b9 100644
--- a/cmd/utils/flags.go
+++ b/cmd/utils/flags.go
@@ -1,23 +1,37 @@
package utils
import (
+ "errors"
+ "math"
+ "math/big"
+ "path/filepath"
+ godebug "runtime/debug"
+ "strconv"
+ "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/common"
+ "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/common/fdlimit"
+ "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/core"
+ "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/core/rawdb"
+ "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/eth/ethconfig"
+ "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/eth/gasprice"
+ "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/ethdb"
+ "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/node"
+ "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/params"
+ gopsutil "github.com/shirou/gopsutil/mem"
-var GlobalFlags = []Flag{
- ConfigDirFlag,
- DataDirFlag,
+var GlobalFlags = []Flag{ConfigDirFlag, DataDirFlag,
@@ -101,6 +115,7 @@ var RPCFlags = []Flag{
+ RPCGlobalTxFeeCapFlag,
@@ -309,6 +324,7 @@ var (
TxLookupLimitFlag = Flag{
Name: "txlookuplimit",
+ Value: ethconfig.Defaults.TxLookupLimit,
Usage: "Number of recent blocks to maintain transactions index for (default = about one year, 0 = entire chain)" + generateEnvDoc("txlookuplimit"),
@@ -336,38 +352,47 @@ var (
TxPoolJournalFlag = Flag{
Name: "txpool.journal",
+ Value: core.DefaultTxPoolConfig.Journal,
Usage: "Disk journal for local transaction to survive node restarts" + generateEnvDoc("txpool.journal"),
TxPoolRejournalFlag = Flag{
Name: "txpool.rejournal",
+ Value: core.DefaultTxPoolConfig.Rejournal,
Usage: "Time interval to regenerate the local transaction journal" + generateEnvDoc("txpool.rejournal"),
TxPoolPriceLimitFlag = Flag{
Name: "txpool.pricelimit",
+ Value: ethconfig.Defaults.TxPool.PriceLimit,
Usage: "Minimum gas price limit to enforce for acceptance into the pool" + generateEnvDoc("txpool.pricelimit"),
TxPoolPriceBumpFlag = Flag{
Name: "txpool.pricebump",
+ Value: ethconfig.Defaults.TxPool.PriceBump,
Usage: "Price bump percentage to replace an already existing transaction" + generateEnvDoc("txpool.pricebump"),
TxPoolAccountSlotsFlag = Flag{
Name: "txpool.accountslots",
+ Value: ethconfig.Defaults.TxPool.AccountSlots,
Usage: "Minimum number of executable transaction slots guaranteed per account" + generateEnvDoc("txpool.accountslots"),
TxPoolGlobalSlotsFlag = Flag{
Name: "txpool.globalslots",
+ Value: ethconfig.Defaults.TxPool.GlobalSlots,
Usage: "Maximum number of executable transaction slots for all accounts" + generateEnvDoc("txpool.globalslots"),
TxPoolAccountQueueFlag = Flag{
Name: "txpool.accountqueue",
+ Value: ethconfig.Defaults.TxPool.AccountQueue,
Usage: "Maximum number of non-executable transaction slots permitted per account" + generateEnvDoc("txpool.accountqueue"),
TxPoolGlobalQueueFlag = Flag{
Name: "txpool.globalqueue",
+ Value: ethconfig.Defaults.TxPool.GlobalQueue,
Usage: "Maximum number of non-executable transaction slots for all accounts" + generateEnvDoc("txpool.globalqueue"),
TxPoolLifetimeFlag = Flag{
Name: "txpool.lifetime",
+ Value: ethconfig.Defaults.TxPool.Lifetime,
Usage: "Maximum amount of time non-executable transaction are queued" + generateEnvDoc("txpool.lifetime"),
CacheFlag = Flag{
@@ -387,10 +412,12 @@ var (
CacheTrieJournalFlag = Flag{
Name: "cache.trie.journal",
+ Value: ethconfig.Defaults.TrieCleanCacheJournal,
Usage: "Disk journal directory for trie cache to survive node restarts" + generateEnvDoc("cache.trie.journal"),
CacheTrieRejournalFlag = Flag{
Name: "cache.trie.rejournal",
+ Value: ethconfig.Defaults.TrieCleanCacheRejournal,
Usage: "Time interval to regenerate the trie cache journal" + generateEnvDoc("cache.trie.rejournal"),
CacheGCFlag = Flag{
@@ -422,6 +449,7 @@ var (
// Miner settings
MinerGasPriceFlag = Flag{
Name: "miner.gasprice",
+ Value: newBigIntValue(ethconfig.Defaults.Miner.GasPrice),
Usage: "Minimum gas price for mining a transaction" + generateEnvDoc("miner.gasprice"),
// Account settings
@@ -437,6 +465,11 @@ var (
Usage: "Password file to use for non-interactive password input" + generateEnvDoc("password"),
+ KeyStoreDirFlag = Flag{
+ Name: "keystore",
+ Value: "",
+ Usage: "Directory for the keystore (default = inside the datadir)",
+ }
ExternalSignerFlag = Flag{
Name: "signer",
Value: "",
@@ -459,6 +492,7 @@ var (
RPCGlobalGasCapFlag = Flag{
Name: "rpc.gascap",
+ Value: ethconfig.Defaults.RPCGasCap,
Usage: "Sets a cap on gas that can be used in eth_call/estimateGas (0=infinite)" + generateEnvDoc("vmdebug"),
QuaiStatsURLFlag = Flag{
@@ -479,6 +513,7 @@ var (
HTTPListenAddrFlag = Flag{
Name: "http.addr",
+ Value: node.DefaultHTTPHost,
Usage: "HTTP-RPC server listening interface" + generateEnvDoc("http.addr"),
HTTPCORSDomainFlag = Flag{
@@ -488,6 +523,7 @@ var (
HTTPVirtualHostsFlag = Flag{
Name: "http.vhosts",
+ Value: strings.Join(node.DefaultConfig.HTTPVirtualHosts, ","),
Usage: "Comma separated list of virtual hostnames from which to accept requests (server enforced). Accepts '*' wildcard." + generateEnvDoc("http"),
HTTPApiFlag = Flag{
@@ -508,6 +544,7 @@ var (
WSListenAddrFlag = Flag{
Name: "ws.addr",
+ Value: node.DefaultWSHost,
Usage: "WS-RPC server listening interface" + generateEnvDoc("ws"),
WSApiFlag = Flag{
@@ -533,27 +570,33 @@ var (
// Gas price oracle settings
GpoBlocksFlag = Flag{
Name: "gpo.blocks",
+ Value: ethconfig.Defaults.GPO.Blocks,
Usage: "Number of recent blocks to check for gas prices" + generateEnvDoc("gpo.blocks"),
GpoPercentileFlag = Flag{
Name: "gpo.percentile",
+ Value: ethconfig.Defaults.GPO.Percentile,
Usage: "Suggested gas price is the given percentile of a set of recent transaction gas prices" + generateEnvDoc("gpo.percentile"),
GpoMaxGasPriceFlag = Flag{
Name: "gpo.maxprice",
+ Value: ethconfig.Defaults.GPO.MaxPrice.Int64(),
Usage: "Maximum gas price will be recommended by gpo" + generateEnvDoc("gpo.maxprice"),
GpoIgnoreGasPriceFlag = Flag{
Name: "gpo.ignoreprice",
+ Value: ethconfig.Defaults.GPO.IgnorePrice.Int64(),
Usage: "Gas price below which gpo will ignore transactions" + generateEnvDoc("gpo.ignoreprice"),
DomUrl = Flag{
Name: "dom.url",
+ Value: ethconfig.Defaults.DomUrl,
Usage: "Dominant chain websocket url" + generateEnvDoc("dom.url"),
SubUrls = Flag{
Name: "sub.urls",
+ Value: ethconfig.Defaults.DomUrl,
Usage: "Subordinate chain websocket urls" + generateEnvDoc("sub.urls"),
CoinbaseAddressFlag = Flag{
@@ -603,29 +646,6 @@ func ParseCoinbaseAddresses() (map[string]string, error) {
Coinbases: make(map[string]string),
-// setBootstrapNodes creates a list of bootstrap nodes from the pre-configured
-// ones if none have been specified.
-func setBootstrapNodes(ctx *cli.Context, cfg *p2p.Config, nodeLocation common.Location) {
- urls := params.ColosseumBootnodes[nodeLocation.Name()]
- //TODO: fix bootnode parsing for other networks
- cfg.BootstrapNodes = make([]*enode.Node, 0, len(urls))
- for _, url := range urls {
- if url != "" {
- node, err := enode.Parse(enode.ValidSchemes, url+cfg.ListenAddr)
- if err != nil {
- log.Fatal("Bootstrap URL invalid", "enode", url, "err", err)
- continue
- }
- cfg.BootstrapNodes = append(cfg.BootstrapNodes, node)
- }
- }
- }
- }
// Scenario 1: User specifies a file path
if _, err := os.Stat(coinbaseInput); err == nil {
@@ -718,14 +738,151 @@ func CreateAndBindFlag(flag Flag, cmd *cobra.Command) {
viper.BindPFlag(flag.GetName(), cmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup(flag.GetName()))
+// helper function that given a cobra flag name, returns the corresponding
+// help legend for the equivalent environment variable
+func generateEnvDoc(flag string) string {
+ envVar := constants.ENV_PREFIX + "_" + strings.ReplaceAll(strings.ToUpper(flag), "-", "_")
+ return fmt.Sprintf(" [%s]", envVar)
+// setNodeUserIdent creates the user identifier from CLI flags.
+func setNodeUserIdent(cfg *node.Config) {
+ if identity := viper.GetString(IdentityFlag.Name); len(identity) > 0 {
+ cfg.UserIdent = identity
+ }
+// SplitAndTrim splits input separated by a comma
+// and trims excessive white space from the substrings.
+func SplitAndTrim(input string) (ret []string) {
+ l := strings.Split(input, ",")
+ for _, r := range l {
+ if r = strings.TrimSpace(r); r != "" {
+ ret = append(ret, r)
+ }
+ }
+ return ret
+// setHTTP creates the HTTP RPC listener interface string from the set
+// command line flags, returning empty if the HTTP endpoint is disabled.
+func setHTTP(cfg *node.Config, nodeLocation common.Location) {
+ if viper.GetBool(HTTPEnabledFlag.Name) && cfg.HTTPHost == "" {
+ cfg.HTTPHost = ""
+ if viper.IsSet(HTTPListenAddrFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.HTTPHost = viper.GetString(HTTPListenAddrFlag.Name)
+ }
+ }
+ if nodeLocation == nil {
+ cfg.HTTPPort = 9001
+ } else if len(nodeLocation) == 1 {
+ cfg.HTTPPort = 9002
+ } else if len(nodeLocation) == 2 {
+ cfg.HTTPPort = 9003
+ }
+ if viper.IsSet(HTTPCORSDomainFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.HTTPCors = SplitAndTrim(viper.GetString(HTTPCORSDomainFlag.Name))
+ }
+ if viper.IsSet(HTTPApiFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.HTTPModules = SplitAndTrim(viper.GetString(HTTPApiFlag.Name))
+ }
+ if viper.IsSet(HTTPVirtualHostsFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.HTTPVirtualHosts = SplitAndTrim(viper.GetString(HTTPVirtualHostsFlag.Name))
+ }
+ if viper.IsSet(HTTPPathPrefixFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.HTTPPathPrefix = viper.GetString(HTTPPathPrefixFlag.Name)
+ }
+// setWS creates the WebSocket RPC listener interface string from the set
+// command line flags, returning empty if the HTTP endpoint is disabled.
+func setWS(cfg *node.Config, nodeLocation common.Location) {
+ if viper.GetBool(WSEnabledFlag.Name) && cfg.WSHost == "" {
+ cfg.WSHost = ""
+ if viper.IsSet(WSListenAddrFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.WSHost = viper.GetString(WSListenAddrFlag.Name)
+ }
+ }
+ if nodeLocation == nil {
+ cfg.WSPort = 8001
+ } else if len(nodeLocation) == 1 {
+ cfg.WSPort = 8002
+ } else if len(nodeLocation) == 2 {
+ cfg.WSPort = 8003
+ }
+ if viper.IsSet(WSAllowedOriginsFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.WSOrigins = SplitAndTrim(viper.GetString(WSAllowedOriginsFlag.Name))
+ }
+ if viper.IsSet(WSApiFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.WSModules = SplitAndTrim(viper.GetString(WSApiFlag.Name))
+ }
+ if viper.IsSet(WSPathPrefixFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.WSPathPrefix = viper.GetString(WSPathPrefixFlag.Name)
+ }
+// setDomUrl sets the dominant chain websocket url.
+func setDomUrl(cfg *ethconfig.Config, nodeLocation common.Location) {
+ // only set the dom url if the node is not prime
+ if nodeLocation != nil {
+ if len(nodeLocation) == 1 {
+ cfg.DomUrl = "ws://"
+ } else if len(nodeLocation) == 2 {
+ cfg.DomUrl = "ws://"
+ }
+ }
+ log.Info("Node", "Location", nodeLocation, "domurl", cfg.DomUrl)
+// setSubUrls sets the subordinate chain urls
+func setSubUrls(cfg *ethconfig.Config, nodeLocation common.Location) {
+ // only set the sub urls if its not the zone
+ if len(nodeLocation) != 2 {
+ if nodeLocation == nil {
+ cfg.SubUrls = []string{"ws://"}
+ } else if len(nodeLocation) == 1 {
+ cfg.SubUrls = []string{"ws://"}
+ }
+ }
+// setGasLimitCeil sets the gas limit ceils based on the network that is
+// running
+func setGasLimitCeil(cfg *ethconfig.Config) {
+ switch {
+ case viper.GetBool(ColosseumFlag.Name):
+ cfg.Miner.GasCeil = params.ColosseumGasCeil
+ case viper.GetBool(GardenFlag.Name):
+ cfg.Miner.GasCeil = params.GardenGasCeil
+ case viper.GetBool(OrchardFlag.Name):
+ cfg.Miner.GasCeil = params.OrchardGasCeil
+ case viper.GetBool(LighthouseFlag.Name):
+ cfg.Miner.GasCeil = params.LighthouseGasCeil
+ case viper.GetBool(LocalFlag.Name):
+ cfg.Miner.GasCeil = params.LocalGasCeil
+ case viper.GetBool(DeveloperFlag.Name):
+ cfg.Miner.GasCeil = params.LocalGasCeil
+ default:
+ cfg.Miner.GasCeil = params.ColosseumGasCeil
+ }
// makeSubUrls returns the subordinate chain urls
-func makeSubUrls(ctx *cli.Context) []string {
- return strings.Split(ctx.GlobalString(SubUrls.Name), ",")
+func makeSubUrls() []string {
+ return strings.Split(viper.GetString(SubUrls.Name), ",")
// setSlicesRunning sets the slices running flag
-func setSlicesRunning(ctx *cli.Context, cfg *ethconfig.Config) {
- slices := strings.Split(ctx.GlobalString(SlicesRunningFlag.Name), ",")
+func setSlicesRunning(cfg *ethconfig.Config) {
+ slices := strings.Split(viper.GetString(SlicesRunningFlag.Name), ",")
// Sanity checks
if len(slices) == 0 {
@@ -767,12 +924,13 @@ func HexAddress(account string, nodeLocation common.Location) (common.Address, e
// setEtherbase retrieves the etherbase either from the directly specified
// command line flags or from the keystore if CLI indexed.
-func setEtherbase(ctx *cli.Context, cfg *ethconfig.Config) {
- // Extract the current etherbase
- var etherbase string
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(MinerEtherbaseFlag.Name) {
- etherbase = ctx.GlobalString(MinerEtherbaseFlag.Name)
+func setEtherbase(cfg *ethconfig.Config) {
+ coinbaseMap, err := ParseCoinbaseAddresses()
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("error parsing coinbase addresses: %s", err)
+ // TODO: Have to handle more shards in the future
+ etherbase := coinbaseMap["00"]
// Convert the etherbase into an address and configure it
if etherbase != "" {
account, err := HexAddress(etherbase, cfg.NodeLocation)
@@ -784,12 +942,12 @@ func setEtherbase(ctx *cli.Context, cfg *ethconfig.Config) {
// MakePasswordList reads password lines from the file specified by the global --password flag.
-func MakePasswordList(ctx *cli.Context) []string {
- path := ctx.GlobalString(PasswordFileFlag.Name)
+func MakePasswordList() []string {
+ path := viper.GetString(PasswordFileFlag.Name)
if path == "" {
return nil
- text, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
+ text, err := os.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
Fatalf("Failed to read password file: %v", err)
@@ -801,81 +959,28 @@ func MakePasswordList(ctx *cli.Context) []string {
return lines
-func SetP2PConfig(ctx *cli.Context, cfg *p2p.Config, nodeLocation common.Location) {
- setNodeKey(ctx, cfg, nodeLocation)
- setNAT(ctx, cfg)
- setListenAddress(ctx, cfg)
- setBootstrapNodes(ctx, cfg, nodeLocation)
- setBootstrapNodesV5(ctx, cfg)
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(MaxPeersFlag.Name) {
- cfg.MaxPeers = ctx.GlobalInt(MaxPeersFlag.Name)
- }
- ethPeers := cfg.MaxPeers
- log.Info("Maximum peer count", "ETH", ethPeers, "total", cfg.MaxPeers)
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(MaxPendingPeersFlag.Name) {
- cfg.MaxPendingPeers = ctx.GlobalInt(MaxPendingPeersFlag.Name)
- }
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(NoDiscoverFlag.Name) {
- cfg.NoDiscovery = true
- }
- // if we're running a light client or server, force enable the v5 peer discovery
- // unless it is explicitly disabled with --nodiscover note that explicitly specifying
- // --v5disc overrides --nodiscover, in which case the later only disables v4 discovery
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(DiscoveryV5Flag.Name) {
- cfg.DiscoveryV5 = ctx.GlobalBool(DiscoveryV5Flag.Name)
- }
- if netrestrict := ctx.GlobalString(NetrestrictFlag.Name); netrestrict != "" {
- list, err := netutil.ParseNetlist(netrestrict)
- if err != nil {
- Fatalf("Option %q: %v", NetrestrictFlag.Name, err)
- }
- cfg.NetRestrict = list
- }
- if ctx.GlobalBool(DeveloperFlag.Name) {
- // --dev mode can't use p2p networking.
- cfg.MaxPeers = 0
- cfg.ListenAddr = ""
- cfg.NoDial = true
- cfg.NoDiscovery = true
- cfg.DiscoveryV5 = false
- }
// SetNodeConfig applies node-related command line flags to the config.
-func SetNodeConfig(ctx *cli.Context, cfg *node.Config) {
- SetP2PConfig(ctx, &cfg.P2P, cfg.NodeLocation)
- setHTTP(ctx, cfg)
- setWS(ctx, cfg)
- setNodeUserIdent(ctx, cfg)
- setDataDir(ctx, cfg)
+func SetNodeConfig(cfg *node.Config, nodeLocation common.Location) {
+ setHTTP(cfg, nodeLocation)
+ setWS(cfg, nodeLocation)
+ setNodeUserIdent(cfg)
+ setDataDir(cfg)
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(ExternalSignerFlag.Name) {
- cfg.ExternalSigner = ctx.GlobalString(ExternalSignerFlag.Name)
+ if viper.IsSet(ExternalSignerFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.ExternalSigner = viper.GetString(ExternalSignerFlag.Name)
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(KeyStoreDirFlag.Name) {
- cfg.KeyStoreDir = ctx.GlobalString(KeyStoreDirFlag.Name)
+ if viper.IsSet(KeyStoreDirFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.KeyStoreDir = viper.GetString(KeyStoreDirFlag.Name)
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(DeveloperFlag.Name) {
+ if viper.IsSet(DeveloperFlag.Name) {
cfg.UseLightweightKDF = true
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(NoUSBFlag.Name) || cfg.NoUSB {
- log.Warn("Option nousb is deprecated and USB is deactivated by default. Use --usb to enable")
- }
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(USBFlag.Name) {
- cfg.USB = ctx.GlobalBool(USBFlag.Name)
+ if viper.IsSet(InsecureUnlockAllowedFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.InsecureUnlockAllowed = viper.GetBool(InsecureUnlockAllowedFlag.Name)
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(InsecureUnlockAllowedFlag.Name) {
- cfg.InsecureUnlockAllowed = ctx.GlobalBool(InsecureUnlockAllowedFlag.Name)
- }
- if ctx.IsSet(DBEngineFlag.Name) {
- dbEngine := ctx.String(DBEngineFlag.Name)
+ if viper.IsSet(DBEngineFlag.Name) {
+ dbEngine := viper.GetString(DBEngineFlag.Name)
if dbEngine != "leveldb" && dbEngine != "pebble" {
Fatalf("Invalid choice for db.engine '%s', allowed 'leveldb' or 'pebble'", dbEngine)
@@ -884,19 +989,19 @@ func SetNodeConfig(ctx *cli.Context, cfg *node.Config) {
-func setDataDir(ctx *cli.Context, cfg *node.Config) {
+func setDataDir(cfg *node.Config) {
switch {
- case ctx.GlobalIsSet(DataDirFlag.Name):
- cfg.DataDir = ctx.GlobalString(DataDirFlag.Name)
- case ctx.GlobalBool(DeveloperFlag.Name):
+ case viper.IsSet(DataDirFlag.Name):
+ cfg.DataDir = viper.GetString(DataDirFlag.Name)
+ case viper.GetBool(DeveloperFlag.Name):
cfg.DataDir = "" // unless explicitly requested, use memory databases
- case ctx.GlobalBool(GardenFlag.Name) && cfg.DataDir == node.DefaultDataDir():
+ case viper.GetBool(GardenFlag.Name) && cfg.DataDir == node.DefaultDataDir():
cfg.DataDir = filepath.Join(node.DefaultDataDir(), "garden")
- case ctx.GlobalBool(OrchardFlag.Name) && cfg.DataDir == node.DefaultDataDir():
+ case viper.GetBool(OrchardFlag.Name) && cfg.DataDir == node.DefaultDataDir():
cfg.DataDir = filepath.Join(node.DefaultDataDir(), "orchard")
- case ctx.GlobalBool(LighthouseFlag.Name) && cfg.DataDir == node.DefaultDataDir():
+ case viper.GetBool(LighthouseFlag.Name) && cfg.DataDir == node.DefaultDataDir():
cfg.DataDir = filepath.Join(node.DefaultDataDir(), "lighthouse")
- case ctx.GlobalBool(LocalFlag.Name) && cfg.DataDir == node.DefaultDataDir():
+ case viper.GetBool(LocalFlag.Name) && cfg.DataDir == node.DefaultDataDir():
cfg.DataDir = filepath.Join(node.DefaultDataDir(), "local")
// Set specific directory for node location within the hierarchy
@@ -913,29 +1018,24 @@ func setDataDir(ctx *cli.Context, cfg *node.Config) {
-func setGPO(ctx *cli.Context, cfg *gasprice.Config, light bool) {
- // If we are running the light client, apply another group
- // settings for gas oracle.
- if light {
- *cfg = ethconfig.LightClientGPO
- }
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(GpoBlocksFlag.Name) {
- cfg.Blocks = ctx.GlobalInt(GpoBlocksFlag.Name)
+func setGPO(cfg *gasprice.Config) {
+ if viper.IsSet(GpoBlocksFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.Blocks = viper.GetInt(GpoBlocksFlag.Name)
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(GpoPercentileFlag.Name) {
- cfg.Percentile = ctx.GlobalInt(GpoPercentileFlag.Name)
+ if viper.IsSet(GpoPercentileFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.Percentile = viper.GetInt(GpoPercentileFlag.Name)
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(GpoMaxGasPriceFlag.Name) {
- cfg.MaxPrice = big.NewInt(ctx.GlobalInt64(GpoMaxGasPriceFlag.Name))
+ if viper.IsSet(GpoMaxGasPriceFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.MaxPrice = big.NewInt(viper.GetInt64(GpoMaxGasPriceFlag.Name))
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(GpoIgnoreGasPriceFlag.Name) {
- cfg.IgnorePrice = big.NewInt(ctx.GlobalInt64(GpoIgnoreGasPriceFlag.Name))
+ if viper.IsSet(GpoIgnoreGasPriceFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.IgnorePrice = big.NewInt(viper.GetInt64(GpoIgnoreGasPriceFlag.Name))
-func setTxPool(ctx *cli.Context, cfg *core.TxPoolConfig, nodeLocation common.Location) {
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(TxPoolLocalsFlag.Name) {
- locals := strings.Split(ctx.GlobalString(TxPoolLocalsFlag.Name), ",")
+func setTxPool(cfg *core.TxPoolConfig, nodeLocation common.Location) {
+ if viper.IsSet(TxPoolLocalsFlag.Name) {
+ locals := strings.Split(viper.GetString(TxPoolLocalsFlag.Name), ",")
for _, account := range locals {
if trimmed := strings.TrimSpace(account); !common.IsHexAddress(trimmed) {
Fatalf("Invalid account in --txpool.locals: %s", trimmed)
@@ -948,63 +1048,63 @@ func setTxPool(ctx *cli.Context, cfg *core.TxPoolConfig, nodeLocation common.Loc
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(TxPoolNoLocalsFlag.Name) {
- cfg.NoLocals = ctx.GlobalBool(TxPoolNoLocalsFlag.Name)
+ if viper.IsSet(TxPoolNoLocalsFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.NoLocals = viper.GetBool(TxPoolNoLocalsFlag.Name)
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(TxPoolJournalFlag.Name) {
- cfg.Journal = ctx.GlobalString(TxPoolJournalFlag.Name)
+ if viper.IsSet(TxPoolJournalFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.Journal = viper.GetString(TxPoolJournalFlag.Name)
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(TxPoolRejournalFlag.Name) {
- cfg.Rejournal = ctx.GlobalDuration(TxPoolRejournalFlag.Name)
+ if viper.IsSet(TxPoolRejournalFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.Rejournal = viper.GetDuration(TxPoolRejournalFlag.Name)
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(TxPoolPriceLimitFlag.Name) {
- cfg.PriceLimit = ctx.GlobalUint64(TxPoolPriceLimitFlag.Name)
+ if viper.IsSet(TxPoolPriceLimitFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.PriceLimit = viper.GetUint64(TxPoolPriceLimitFlag.Name)
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(TxPoolPriceBumpFlag.Name) {
- cfg.PriceBump = ctx.GlobalUint64(TxPoolPriceBumpFlag.Name)
+ if viper.IsSet(TxPoolPriceBumpFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.PriceBump = viper.GetUint64(TxPoolPriceBumpFlag.Name)
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(TxPoolAccountSlotsFlag.Name) {
- cfg.AccountSlots = ctx.GlobalUint64(TxPoolAccountSlotsFlag.Name)
+ if viper.IsSet(TxPoolAccountSlotsFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.AccountSlots = viper.GetUint64(TxPoolAccountSlotsFlag.Name)
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(TxPoolGlobalSlotsFlag.Name) {
- cfg.GlobalSlots = ctx.GlobalUint64(TxPoolGlobalSlotsFlag.Name)
+ if viper.IsSet(TxPoolGlobalSlotsFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.GlobalSlots = viper.GetUint64(TxPoolGlobalSlotsFlag.Name)
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(TxPoolAccountQueueFlag.Name) {
- cfg.AccountQueue = ctx.GlobalUint64(TxPoolAccountQueueFlag.Name)
+ if viper.IsSet(TxPoolAccountQueueFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.AccountQueue = viper.GetUint64(TxPoolAccountQueueFlag.Name)
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(TxPoolGlobalQueueFlag.Name) {
- cfg.GlobalQueue = ctx.GlobalUint64(TxPoolGlobalQueueFlag.Name)
+ if viper.IsSet(TxPoolGlobalQueueFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.GlobalQueue = viper.GetUint64(TxPoolGlobalQueueFlag.Name)
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(TxPoolLifetimeFlag.Name) {
- cfg.Lifetime = ctx.GlobalDuration(TxPoolLifetimeFlag.Name)
+ if viper.IsSet(TxPoolLifetimeFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.Lifetime = viper.GetDuration(TxPoolLifetimeFlag.Name)
-func setConsensusEngineConfig(ctx *cli.Context, cfg *ethconfig.Config) {
+func setConsensusEngineConfig(cfg *ethconfig.Config) {
if cfg.ConsensusEngine == "blake3" {
// Override any default configs for hard coded networks.
switch {
- case ctx.GlobalBool(ColosseumFlag.Name):
+ case viper.GetBool(ColosseumFlag.Name):
cfg.Blake3Pow.DurationLimit = params.DurationLimit
cfg.Blake3Pow.GasCeil = params.ColosseumGasCeil
cfg.Blake3Pow.MinDifficulty = new(big.Int).Div(core.DefaultColosseumGenesisBlock(cfg.ConsensusEngine).Difficulty, common.Big2)
- case ctx.GlobalBool(GardenFlag.Name):
+ case viper.GetBool(GardenFlag.Name):
cfg.Blake3Pow.DurationLimit = params.GardenDurationLimit
cfg.Blake3Pow.GasCeil = params.GardenGasCeil
cfg.Blake3Pow.MinDifficulty = new(big.Int).Div(core.DefaultGardenGenesisBlock(cfg.ConsensusEngine).Difficulty, common.Big2)
- case ctx.GlobalBool(OrchardFlag.Name):
+ case viper.GetBool(OrchardFlag.Name):
cfg.Blake3Pow.DurationLimit = params.OrchardDurationLimit
cfg.Blake3Pow.GasCeil = params.OrchardGasCeil
cfg.Blake3Pow.MinDifficulty = new(big.Int).Div(core.DefaultOrchardGenesisBlock(cfg.ConsensusEngine).Difficulty, common.Big2)
- case ctx.GlobalBool(LighthouseFlag.Name):
+ case viper.GetBool(LighthouseFlag.Name):
cfg.Blake3Pow.DurationLimit = params.LighthouseDurationLimit
cfg.Blake3Pow.GasCeil = params.LighthouseGasCeil
cfg.Blake3Pow.MinDifficulty = new(big.Int).Div(core.DefaultLighthouseGenesisBlock(cfg.ConsensusEngine).Difficulty, common.Big2)
- case ctx.GlobalBool(LocalFlag.Name):
+ case viper.GetBool(LocalFlag.Name):
cfg.Blake3Pow.DurationLimit = params.LocalDurationLimit
cfg.Blake3Pow.GasCeil = params.LocalGasCeil
cfg.Blake3Pow.MinDifficulty = new(big.Int).Div(core.DefaultLocalGenesisBlock(cfg.ConsensusEngine).Difficulty, common.Big2)
- case ctx.GlobalBool(DeveloperFlag.Name):
+ case viper.GetBool(DeveloperFlag.Name):
cfg.Blake3Pow.DurationLimit = params.DurationLimit
cfg.Blake3Pow.GasCeil = params.LocalGasCeil
cfg.Blake3Pow.MinDifficulty = new(big.Int).Div(core.DefaultLocalGenesisBlock(cfg.ConsensusEngine).Difficulty, common.Big2)
@@ -1017,28 +1117,28 @@ func setConsensusEngineConfig(ctx *cli.Context, cfg *ethconfig.Config) {
} else {
// Override any default configs for hard coded networks.
switch {
- case ctx.GlobalBool(ColosseumFlag.Name):
+ case viper.GetBool(ColosseumFlag.Name):
cfg.Progpow.DurationLimit = params.DurationLimit
cfg.Progpow.GasCeil = params.ColosseumGasCeil
cfg.Progpow.MinDifficulty = new(big.Int).Div(core.DefaultColosseumGenesisBlock(cfg.ConsensusEngine).Difficulty, common.Big2)
- case ctx.GlobalBool(GardenFlag.Name):
+ case viper.GetBool(GardenFlag.Name):
cfg.Progpow.DurationLimit = params.GardenDurationLimit
cfg.Progpow.GasCeil = params.GardenGasCeil
cfg.Progpow.MinDifficulty = new(big.Int).Div(core.DefaultGardenGenesisBlock(cfg.ConsensusEngine).Difficulty, common.Big2)
- case ctx.GlobalBool(OrchardFlag.Name):
+ case viper.GetBool(OrchardFlag.Name):
cfg.Progpow.DurationLimit = params.OrchardDurationLimit
cfg.Progpow.GasCeil = params.OrchardGasCeil
cfg.Progpow.GasCeil = params.ColosseumGasCeil
cfg.Progpow.MinDifficulty = new(big.Int).Div(core.DefaultOrchardGenesisBlock(cfg.ConsensusEngine).Difficulty, common.Big2)
- case ctx.GlobalBool(LighthouseFlag.Name):
+ case viper.GetBool(LighthouseFlag.Name):
cfg.Progpow.DurationLimit = params.LighthouseDurationLimit
cfg.Progpow.GasCeil = params.LighthouseGasCeil
cfg.Progpow.MinDifficulty = new(big.Int).Div(core.DefaultLighthouseGenesisBlock(cfg.ConsensusEngine).Difficulty, common.Big2)
- case ctx.GlobalBool(LocalFlag.Name):
+ case viper.GetBool(LocalFlag.Name):
cfg.Progpow.DurationLimit = params.LocalDurationLimit
cfg.Progpow.GasCeil = params.LocalGasCeil
cfg.Progpow.MinDifficulty = new(big.Int).Div(core.DefaultLocalGenesisBlock(cfg.ConsensusEngine).Difficulty, common.Big2)
- case ctx.GlobalBool(DeveloperFlag.Name):
+ case viper.GetBool(DeveloperFlag.Name):
cfg.Progpow.DurationLimit = params.DurationLimit
cfg.Progpow.GasCeil = params.LocalGasCeil
cfg.Progpow.MinDifficulty = new(big.Int).Div(core.DefaultLocalGenesisBlock(cfg.ConsensusEngine).Difficulty, common.Big2)
@@ -1051,8 +1151,8 @@ func setConsensusEngineConfig(ctx *cli.Context, cfg *ethconfig.Config) {
-func setWhitelist(ctx *cli.Context, cfg *ethconfig.Config) {
- whitelist := ctx.GlobalString(WhitelistFlag.Name)
+func setWhitelist(cfg *ethconfig.Config) {
+ whitelist := viper.GetString(WhitelistFlag.Name)
if whitelist == "" {
@@ -1077,101 +1177,83 @@ func setWhitelist(ctx *cli.Context, cfg *ethconfig.Config) {
// CheckExclusive verifies that only a single instance of the provided flags was
// set by the user. Each flag might optionally be followed by a string type to
// specialize it further.
-func CheckExclusive(ctx *cli.Context, args ...interface{}) {
+func CheckExclusive(args ...interface{}) {
set := make([]string, 0, 1)
for i := 0; i < len(args); i++ {
- // Make sure the next argument is a flag and skip if not set
- flag, ok := args[i].(cli.Flag)
+ // Ensure the argument is a string (flag name)
+ flag, ok := args[i].(Flag)
if !ok {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid argument, not cli.Flag type: %T", args[i]))
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid argument, not string type: %T", args[i]))
- // Check if next arg extends current and expand its name if so
- name := flag.GetName()
+ // Check if the next arg extends the current flag
if i+1 < len(args) {
- switch option := args[i+1].(type) {
+ switch extension := args[i+1].(type) {
case string:
- // Extended flag check, make sure value set doesn't conflict with passed in option
- if ctx.GlobalString(flag.GetName()) == option {
- name += "=" + option
- set = append(set, "--"+name)
+ // Extended flag check
+ if viper.GetString(flag.Name) == extension {
+ set = append(set, "--"+flag.Name+"="+extension)
- // shift arguments and continue
- i++
+ i++ // skip the next argument as it's processed
- case cli.Flag:
+ case Flag:
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid argument, not cli.Flag or string extension: %T", args[i+1]))
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid argument, not string extension: %T", args[i+1]))
- // Mark the flag if it's set
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(flag.GetName()) {
- set = append(set, "--"+name)
+ // Check if the flag is set
+ if viper.IsSet(flag.Name) {
+ set = append(set, "--"+flag.Name)
if len(set) > 1 {
Fatalf("Flags %v can't be used at the same time", strings.Join(set, ", "))
-func GetNodeLocation(ctx *cli.Context) common.Location {
- // Configure global NodeLocation
- if !ctx.GlobalIsSet(RegionFlag.Name) && ctx.GlobalIsSet(ZoneFlag.Name) {
- log.Fatal("zone idx given, but missing region idx!")
- }
- nodeLocation := common.Location{}
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(RegionFlag.Name) {
- region := ctx.GlobalInt(RegionFlag.Name)
- nodeLocation = append(nodeLocation, byte(region))
- }
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(ZoneFlag.Name) {
- zone := ctx.GlobalInt(ZoneFlag.Name)
- nodeLocation = append(nodeLocation, byte(zone))
- }
- return nodeLocation
-// SetEthConfig applies eth-related command line flags to the config.
-func SetEthConfig(ctx *cli.Context, stack *node.Node, cfg *ethconfig.Config, nodeLocation common.Location) {
+// SetQuaiConfig applies eth-related command line flags to the config.
+func SetQuaiConfig(stack *node.Node, cfg *ethconfig.Config, nodeLocation common.Location) {
// Avoid conflicting network flags
- CheckExclusive(ctx, ColosseumFlag, DeveloperFlag, GardenFlag, OrchardFlag, LocalFlag, LighthouseFlag)
- CheckExclusive(ctx, DeveloperFlag, ExternalSignerFlag) // Can't use both ephemeral unlocked and external signer
+ CheckExclusive(ColosseumFlag, DeveloperFlag, GardenFlag, OrchardFlag, LocalFlag, LighthouseFlag)
+ CheckExclusive(DeveloperFlag, ExternalSignerFlag) // Can't use both ephemeral unlocked and external signer
- if ctx.GlobalString(GCModeFlag.Name) == "archive" && ctx.GlobalUint64(TxLookupLimitFlag.Name) != 0 {
- ctx.GlobalSet(TxLookupLimitFlag.Name, "0")
+ if viper.GetString(GCModeFlag.Name) == "archive" && viper.GetUint64(TxLookupLimitFlag.Name) != 0 {
+ // TODO: see what this is supposed to do
+ viper.IsSet(TxLookupLimitFlag.Name)
log.Warn("Disable transaction unindexing for archive node")
cfg.NodeLocation = nodeLocation
// only set etherbase if its a zone chain
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(RegionFlag.Name) && ctx.GlobalIsSet(ZoneFlag.Name) {
- setEtherbase(ctx, cfg)
+ if len(nodeLocation) == 2 {
+ setEtherbase(cfg)
- setGPO(ctx, &cfg.GPO, ctx.GlobalString(SyncModeFlag.Name) == "light")
- setTxPool(ctx, &cfg.TxPool, nodeLocation)
+ setGPO(&cfg.GPO)
+ setTxPool(&cfg.TxPool, nodeLocation)
// If blake3 consensus engine is specifically asked use the blake3 engine
- if ctx.GlobalString(ConsensusEngineFlag.Name) == "blake3" {
+ if viper.GetString(ConsensusEngineFlag.Name) == "blake3" {
cfg.ConsensusEngine = "blake3"
} else {
cfg.ConsensusEngine = "progpow"
- setConsensusEngineConfig(ctx, cfg)
+ setConsensusEngineConfig(cfg)
- setWhitelist(ctx, cfg)
+ setWhitelist(cfg)
// set the dominant chain websocket url
- setDomUrl(ctx, cfg)
+ setDomUrl(cfg, nodeLocation)
// set the subordinate chain websocket urls
- setSubUrls(ctx, cfg)
+ setSubUrls(cfg, nodeLocation)
// set the gas limit ceil
- setGasLimitCeil(ctx, cfg)
+ setGasLimitCeil(cfg)
// set the slices that the node is running
- setSlicesRunning(ctx, cfg)
+ setSlicesRunning(cfg)
// Cap the cache allowance and tune the garbage collector
mem, err := gopsutil.VirtualMemory()
@@ -1181,238 +1263,137 @@ func SetEthConfig(ctx *cli.Context, stack *node.Node, cfg *ethconfig.Config, nod
mem.Total = 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
allowance := int(mem.Total / 1024 / 1024 / 3)
- if cache := ctx.GlobalInt(CacheFlag.Name); cache > allowance {
+ if cache := viper.GetInt(CacheFlag.Name); cache > allowance {
log.Warn("Sanitizing cache to Go's GC limits", "provided", cache, "updated", allowance)
- ctx.GlobalSet(CacheFlag.Name, strconv.Itoa(allowance))
+ viper.GetViper().Set(CacheFlag.Name, strconv.Itoa(allowance))
// Ensure Go's GC ignores the database cache for trigger percentage
- cache := ctx.GlobalInt(CacheFlag.Name)
+ cache := viper.GetInt(CacheFlag.Name)
gogc := math.Max(20, math.Min(100, 100/(float64(cache)/1024)))
log.Debug("Sanitizing Go's GC trigger", "percent", int(gogc))
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(SyncModeFlag.Name) {
- cfg.SyncMode = *GlobalTextMarshaler(ctx, SyncModeFlag.Name).(*downloader.SyncMode)
- }
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(NetworkIdFlag.Name) {
- cfg.NetworkId = ctx.GlobalUint64(NetworkIdFlag.Name)
+ if viper.IsSet(NetworkIdFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.NetworkId = viper.GetUint64(NetworkIdFlag.Name)
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(CacheFlag.Name) || ctx.GlobalIsSet(CacheDatabaseFlag.Name) {
- cfg.DatabaseCache = ctx.GlobalInt(CacheFlag.Name) * ctx.GlobalInt(CacheDatabaseFlag.Name) / 100
+ if viper.IsSet(CacheFlag.Name) || viper.IsSet(CacheDatabaseFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.DatabaseCache = viper.GetInt(CacheFlag.Name) * viper.GetInt(CacheDatabaseFlag.Name) / 100
cfg.DatabaseHandles = MakeDatabaseHandles()
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(AncientFlag.Name) {
- cfg.DatabaseFreezer = ctx.GlobalString(AncientFlag.Name)
+ if viper.IsSet(AncientDirFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.DatabaseFreezer = viper.GetString(AncientDirFlag.Name)
- if gcmode := ctx.GlobalString(GCModeFlag.Name); gcmode != "full" && gcmode != "archive" {
+ if gcmode := viper.GetString(GCModeFlag.Name); gcmode != "full" && gcmode != "archive" {
Fatalf("--%s must be either 'full' or 'archive'", GCModeFlag.Name)
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(GCModeFlag.Name) {
- cfg.NoPruning = ctx.GlobalString(GCModeFlag.Name) == "archive"
+ if viper.IsSet(GCModeFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.NoPruning = viper.GetString(GCModeFlag.Name) == "archive"
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(CacheNoPrefetchFlag.Name) {
- cfg.NoPrefetch = ctx.GlobalBool(CacheNoPrefetchFlag.Name)
+ if viper.IsSet(CacheNoPrefetchFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.NoPrefetch = viper.GetBool(CacheNoPrefetchFlag.Name)
// Read the value from the flag no matter if it's set or not.
- cfg.Preimages = ctx.GlobalBool(CachePreimagesFlag.Name)
+ cfg.Preimages = viper.GetBool(CachePreimagesFlag.Name)
if cfg.NoPruning && !cfg.Preimages {
cfg.Preimages = true
log.Info("Enabling recording of key preimages since archive mode is used")
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(TxLookupLimitFlag.Name) {
- cfg.TxLookupLimit = ctx.GlobalUint64(TxLookupLimitFlag.Name)
+ if viper.IsSet(TxLookupLimitFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.TxLookupLimit = viper.GetUint64(TxLookupLimitFlag.Name)
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(CacheFlag.Name) || ctx.GlobalIsSet(CacheTrieFlag.Name) {
- cfg.TrieCleanCache = ctx.GlobalInt(CacheFlag.Name) * ctx.GlobalInt(CacheTrieFlag.Name) / 100
+ if viper.IsSet(CacheFlag.Name) || viper.IsSet(CacheTrieFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.TrieCleanCache = viper.GetInt(CacheFlag.Name) * viper.GetInt(CacheTrieFlag.Name) / 100
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(CacheTrieJournalFlag.Name) {
- cfg.TrieCleanCacheJournal = ctx.GlobalString(CacheTrieJournalFlag.Name)
+ if viper.IsSet(CacheTrieJournalFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.TrieCleanCacheJournal = viper.GetString(CacheTrieJournalFlag.Name)
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(CacheTrieRejournalFlag.Name) {
- cfg.TrieCleanCacheRejournal = ctx.GlobalDuration(CacheTrieRejournalFlag.Name)
+ if viper.IsSet(CacheTrieRejournalFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.TrieCleanCacheRejournal = viper.GetDuration(CacheTrieRejournalFlag.Name)
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(CacheFlag.Name) || ctx.GlobalIsSet(CacheGCFlag.Name) {
- cfg.TrieDirtyCache = ctx.GlobalInt(CacheFlag.Name) * ctx.GlobalInt(CacheGCFlag.Name) / 100
+ if viper.IsSet(CacheFlag.Name) || viper.IsSet(CacheGCFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.TrieDirtyCache = viper.GetInt(CacheFlag.Name) * viper.GetInt(CacheGCFlag.Name) / 100
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(CacheFlag.Name) || ctx.GlobalIsSet(CacheSnapshotFlag.Name) {
- cfg.SnapshotCache = ctx.GlobalInt(CacheFlag.Name) * ctx.GlobalInt(CacheSnapshotFlag.Name) / 100
+ if viper.IsSet(CacheFlag.Name) || viper.IsSet(CacheSnapshotFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.SnapshotCache = viper.GetInt(CacheFlag.Name) * viper.GetInt(CacheSnapshotFlag.Name) / 100
- if !ctx.GlobalBool(SnapshotFlag.Name) {
+ if !viper.GetBool(SnapshotFlag.Name) {
cfg.TrieCleanCache += cfg.SnapshotCache
cfg.SnapshotCache = 0 // Disabled
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(DocRootFlag.Name) {
- cfg.DocRoot = ctx.GlobalString(DocRootFlag.Name)
+ if viper.IsSet(DocRootFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.DocRoot = viper.GetString(DocRootFlag.Name)
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(VMEnableDebugFlag.Name) {
+ if viper.IsSet(VMEnableDebugFlag.Name) {
// TODO(fjl): force-enable this in --dev mode
- cfg.EnablePreimageRecording = ctx.GlobalBool(VMEnableDebugFlag.Name)
+ cfg.EnablePreimageRecording = viper.GetBool(VMEnableDebugFlag.Name)
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(RPCGlobalGasCapFlag.Name) {
- cfg.RPCGasCap = ctx.GlobalUint64(RPCGlobalGasCapFlag.Name)
+ if viper.IsSet(RPCGlobalGasCapFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.RPCGasCap = viper.GetUint64(RPCGlobalGasCapFlag.Name)
if cfg.RPCGasCap != 0 {
log.Info("Set global gas cap", "cap", cfg.RPCGasCap)
} else {
log.Info("Global gas cap disabled")
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(RPCGlobalTxFeeCapFlag.Name) {
- cfg.RPCTxFeeCap = ctx.GlobalFloat64(RPCGlobalTxFeeCapFlag.Name)
- }
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(NoDiscoverFlag.Name) {
- cfg.EthDiscoveryURLs, cfg.SnapDiscoveryURLs = []string{}, []string{}
- } else if ctx.GlobalIsSet(DNSDiscoveryFlag.Name) {
- urls := ctx.GlobalString(DNSDiscoveryFlag.Name)
- if urls == "" {
- cfg.EthDiscoveryURLs = []string{}
- } else {
- cfg.EthDiscoveryURLs = SplitAndTrim(urls)
- }
+ if viper.IsSet(RPCGlobalTxFeeCapFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.RPCTxFeeCap = viper.GetFloat64(RPCGlobalTxFeeCapFlag.Name)
// Override any default configs for hard coded networks.
switch {
- case ctx.GlobalBool(ColosseumFlag.Name):
- if !ctx.GlobalIsSet(NetworkIdFlag.Name) {
+ case viper.GetBool(ColosseumFlag.Name):
+ if !viper.IsSet(NetworkIdFlag.Name) {
cfg.NetworkId = 1
cfg.Genesis = core.DefaultColosseumGenesisBlock(cfg.ConsensusEngine)
- if cfg.ConsensusEngine == "blake3" {
- SetDNSDiscoveryDefaults(cfg, params.Blake3PowColosseumGenesisHash)
- } else {
- SetDNSDiscoveryDefaults(cfg, params.ProgpowColosseumGenesisHash)
- }
- case ctx.GlobalBool(GardenFlag.Name):
- if !ctx.GlobalIsSet(NetworkIdFlag.Name) {
+ case viper.GetBool(GardenFlag.Name):
+ if !viper.IsSet(NetworkIdFlag.Name) {
cfg.NetworkId = 2
cfg.Genesis = core.DefaultGardenGenesisBlock(cfg.ConsensusEngine)
- if cfg.ConsensusEngine == "blake3" {
- SetDNSDiscoveryDefaults(cfg, params.Blake3PowGardenGenesisHash)
- } else {
- SetDNSDiscoveryDefaults(cfg, params.ProgpowGardenGenesisHash)
- }
- case ctx.GlobalBool(OrchardFlag.Name):
- if !ctx.GlobalIsSet(NetworkIdFlag.Name) {
+ case viper.GetBool(OrchardFlag.Name):
+ if !viper.IsSet(NetworkIdFlag.Name) {
cfg.NetworkId = 3
cfg.Genesis = core.DefaultOrchardGenesisBlock(cfg.ConsensusEngine)
- if cfg.ConsensusEngine == "blake3" {
- SetDNSDiscoveryDefaults(cfg, params.Blake3PowOrchardGenesisHash)
- } else {
- SetDNSDiscoveryDefaults(cfg, params.ProgpowOrchardGenesisHash)
- }
- case ctx.GlobalBool(LocalFlag.Name):
- if !ctx.GlobalIsSet(NetworkIdFlag.Name) {
+ case viper.GetBool(LocalFlag.Name):
+ if !viper.IsSet(NetworkIdFlag.Name) {
cfg.NetworkId = 4
cfg.Genesis = core.DefaultLocalGenesisBlock(cfg.ConsensusEngine)
- if cfg.ConsensusEngine == "blake3" {
- SetDNSDiscoveryDefaults(cfg, params.Blake3PowLocalGenesisHash)
- } else {
- SetDNSDiscoveryDefaults(cfg, params.ProgpowLocalGenesisHash)
- }
- case ctx.GlobalBool(LighthouseFlag.Name):
- if !ctx.GlobalIsSet(NetworkIdFlag.Name) {
+ case viper.GetBool(LighthouseFlag.Name):
+ if !viper.IsSet(NetworkIdFlag.Name) {
cfg.NetworkId = 5
cfg.Genesis = core.DefaultLighthouseGenesisBlock(cfg.ConsensusEngine)
- if cfg.ConsensusEngine == "blake3" {
- SetDNSDiscoveryDefaults(cfg, params.Blake3PowLighthouseGenesisHash)
- } else {
- SetDNSDiscoveryDefaults(cfg, params.ProgpowLighthouseGenesisHash)
- }
- case ctx.GlobalBool(DeveloperFlag.Name):
- if !ctx.GlobalIsSet(NetworkIdFlag.Name) {
+ case viper.GetBool(DeveloperFlag.Name):
+ if !viper.IsSet(NetworkIdFlag.Name) {
cfg.NetworkId = 1337
- cfg.SyncMode = downloader.FullSync
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(DataDirFlag.Name) {
+ if viper.IsSet(DataDirFlag.Name) {
// Check if we have an already initialized chain and fall back to
// that if so. Otherwise we need to generate a new genesis spec.
- chaindb := MakeChainDatabase(ctx, stack, false) // TODO (MariusVanDerWijden) make this read only
+ chaindb := MakeChainDatabase(stack, false) // TODO (MariusVanDerWijden) make this read only
if rawdb.ReadCanonicalHash(chaindb, 0) != (common.Hash{}) {
cfg.Genesis = nil // fallback to db content
- if !ctx.GlobalIsSet(MinerGasPriceFlag.Name) {
+ if !viper.IsSet(MinerGasPriceFlag.Name) {
cfg.Miner.GasPrice = big.NewInt(1)
- default:
- if cfg.NetworkId == 1 {
- SetDNSDiscoveryDefaults(cfg, params.ProgpowColosseumGenesisHash)
- }
- }
- if !ctx.GlobalBool(LocalFlag.Name) {
- cfg.Genesis.Nonce = ctx.GlobalUint64(GenesisNonceFlag.Name)
- cfg.Genesis.Config.SetLocation(cfg.NodeLocation)
-// SetDNSDiscoveryDefaults configures DNS discovery with the given URL if
-// no URLs are set.
-func SetDNSDiscoveryDefaults(cfg *ethconfig.Config, genesis common.Hash) {
- if cfg.EthDiscoveryURLs != nil && len(cfg.EthDiscoveryURLs) > 0 {
- return // already set through flags/config
+ if !viper.GetBool(LocalFlag.Name) {
+ cfg.Genesis.Nonce = viper.GetUint64(GenesisNonceFlag.Name)
- protocol := "all"
- if url := params.KnownDNSNetwork(genesis, protocol, cfg.NodeLocation); url != "" {
- cfg.EthDiscoveryURLs = []string{url}
- cfg.SnapDiscoveryURLs = cfg.EthDiscoveryURLs
- }
-// RegisterEthService adds a Quai client to the stack.
-// The second return value is the full node instance, which may be nil if the
-// node is running as a light client.
-func RegisterEthService(stack *node.Node, cfg *ethconfig.Config, nodeCtx int) (quaiapi.Backend, *eth.Quai) {
- backend, err := eth.New(stack, cfg, nodeCtx)
- if err != nil {
- Fatalf("Failed to register the Quai service: %v", err)
- }
- return backend.APIBackend, backend
-// RegisterQuaiStatsService configures the Quai Stats daemon and adds it to
-// the given node.
-func RegisterQuaiStatsService(stack *node.Node, backend quaiapi.Backend, url string, sendfullstats bool) {
- if err := quaistats.New(stack, backend, backend.Engine(), url, sendfullstats); err != nil {
- Fatalf("Failed to register the Quai Stats service: %v", err)
- }
-func SetupMetrics(ctx *cli.Context) {
- if metrics.Enabled {
- log.Info("Enabling metrics collection")
- var (
- enableExport = ctx.GlobalBool(MetricsEnableInfluxDBFlag.Name)
- endpoint = ctx.GlobalString(MetricsInfluxDBEndpointFlag.Name)
- database = ctx.GlobalString(MetricsInfluxDBDatabaseFlag.Name)
- username = ctx.GlobalString(MetricsInfluxDBUsernameFlag.Name)
- password = ctx.GlobalString(MetricsInfluxDBPasswordFlag.Name)
- )
- if enableExport {
- tagsMap := SplitTagsFlag(ctx.GlobalString(MetricsInfluxDBTagsFlag.Name))
- log.Info("Enabling metrics export to InfluxDB")
- go influxdb.InfluxDBWithTags(metrics.DefaultRegistry, 10*time.Second, endpoint, database, username, password, "quai.", tagsMap)
- }
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(MetricsHTTPFlag.Name) {
- address := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", ctx.GlobalString(MetricsHTTPFlag.Name), ctx.GlobalInt(MetricsPortFlag.Name))
- log.Info("Enabling stand-alone metrics HTTP endpoint", "address", address)
- exp.Setup(address)
- }
- }
+ log.Info("Setting genesis Location", "node", nodeLocation)
+ cfg.Genesis.Config.Location = nodeLocation
+ log.Info("Location after setting", "genesis", cfg.Genesis.Config.Location)
func SplitTagsFlag(tagsFlag string) map[string]string {
@@ -1433,134 +1414,53 @@ func SplitTagsFlag(tagsFlag string) map[string]string {
// MakeChainDatabase open an LevelDB using the flags passed to the client and will hard crash if it fails.
-func MakeChainDatabase(ctx *cli.Context, stack *node.Node, readonly bool) ethdb.Database {
+func MakeChainDatabase(stack *node.Node, readonly bool) ethdb.Database {
var (
- cache = ctx.GlobalInt(CacheFlag.Name) * ctx.GlobalInt(CacheDatabaseFlag.Name) / 100
+ cache = viper.GetInt(CacheFlag.Name) * viper.GetInt(CacheDatabaseFlag.Name) / 100
handles = MakeDatabaseHandles()
err error
chainDb ethdb.Database
name := "chaindata"
- chainDb, err = stack.OpenDatabaseWithFreezer(name, cache, handles, ctx.GlobalString(AncientFlag.Name), "", readonly)
+ chainDb, err = stack.OpenDatabaseWithFreezer(name, cache, handles, viper.GetString(AncientDirFlag.Name), "", readonly)
if err != nil {
Fatalf("Could not open database: %v", err)
return chainDb
-func MakeGenesis(ctx *cli.Context) *core.Genesis {
+func MakeGenesis() *core.Genesis {
var genesis *core.Genesis
switch {
- case ctx.GlobalBool(ColosseumFlag.Name):
- genesis = core.DefaultColosseumGenesisBlock(ctx.GlobalString(ConsensusEngineFlag.Name))
- case ctx.GlobalBool(GardenFlag.Name):
- genesis = core.DefaultGardenGenesisBlock(ctx.GlobalString(ConsensusEngineFlag.Name))
- case ctx.GlobalBool(OrchardFlag.Name):
- genesis = core.DefaultOrchardGenesisBlock(ctx.GlobalString(ConsensusEngineFlag.Name))
- case ctx.GlobalBool(LighthouseFlag.Name):
- genesis = core.DefaultLighthouseGenesisBlock(ctx.GlobalString(ConsensusEngineFlag.Name))
- case ctx.GlobalBool(LocalFlag.Name):
- genesis = core.DefaultLocalGenesisBlock(ctx.GlobalString(ConsensusEngineFlag.Name))
- case ctx.GlobalBool(DeveloperFlag.Name):
+ case viper.GetBool(ColosseumFlag.Name):
+ genesis = core.DefaultColosseumGenesisBlock(viper.GetString(ConsensusEngineFlag.Name))
+ case viper.GetBool(GardenFlag.Name):
+ genesis = core.DefaultGardenGenesisBlock(viper.GetString(ConsensusEngineFlag.Name))
+ case viper.GetBool(OrchardFlag.Name):
+ genesis = core.DefaultOrchardGenesisBlock(viper.GetString(ConsensusEngineFlag.Name))
+ case viper.GetBool(LighthouseFlag.Name):
+ genesis = core.DefaultLighthouseGenesisBlock(viper.GetString(ConsensusEngineFlag.Name))
+ case viper.GetBool(LocalFlag.Name):
+ genesis = core.DefaultLocalGenesisBlock(viper.GetString(ConsensusEngineFlag.Name))
+ case viper.GetBool(DeveloperFlag.Name):
Fatalf("Developer chains are ephemeral")
return genesis
-// MakeChain creates a chain manager from set command line flags.
-func MakeChain(ctx *cli.Context, stack *node.Node) (*core.Core, ethdb.Database) {
- var err error
- chainDb := MakeChainDatabase(ctx, stack, false) // TODO(rjl493456442) support read-only database
- config, _, err := core.SetupGenesisBlock(chainDb, MakeGenesis(ctx), stack.Config().NodeLocation)
- if err != nil {
- Fatalf("%v", err)
- }
- var engine consensus.Engine
- engine = progpow.NewFaker()
- if !ctx.GlobalBool(FakePoWFlag.Name) {
- engine = progpow.New(progpow.Config{}, nil, false)
- }
- // If blake3 consensus engine is selected use the blake3 engine
- if ctx.GlobalString(ConsensusEngineFlag.Name) == "blake3" {
- engine = blake3pow.New(blake3pow.Config{}, nil, false)
- }
- if gcmode := ctx.GlobalString(GCModeFlag.Name); gcmode != "full" && gcmode != "archive" {
- Fatalf("--%s must be either 'full' or 'archive'", GCModeFlag.Name)
- }
- cache := &core.CacheConfig{
- TrieCleanLimit: ethconfig.Defaults.TrieCleanCache,
- TrieCleanNoPrefetch: ctx.GlobalBool(CacheNoPrefetchFlag.Name),
- TrieDirtyLimit: ethconfig.Defaults.TrieDirtyCache,
- TrieDirtyDisabled: ctx.GlobalString(GCModeFlag.Name) == "archive",
- TrieTimeLimit: ethconfig.Defaults.TrieTimeout,
- SnapshotLimit: ethconfig.Defaults.SnapshotCache,
- Preimages: ctx.GlobalBool(CachePreimagesFlag.Name),
- }
- if cache.TrieDirtyDisabled && !cache.Preimages {
- cache.Preimages = true
- log.Info("Enabling recording of key preimages since archive mode is used")
- }
- if !ctx.GlobalBool(SnapshotFlag.Name) {
- cache.SnapshotLimit = 0 // Disabled
- }
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(CacheFlag.Name) || ctx.GlobalIsSet(CacheTrieFlag.Name) {
- cache.TrieCleanLimit = ctx.GlobalInt(CacheFlag.Name) * ctx.GlobalInt(CacheTrieFlag.Name) / 100
- }
- if ctx.GlobalIsSet(CacheFlag.Name) || ctx.GlobalIsSet(CacheGCFlag.Name) {
- cache.TrieDirtyLimit = ctx.GlobalInt(CacheFlag.Name) * ctx.GlobalInt(CacheGCFlag.Name) / 100
- }
- vmcfg := vm.Config{EnablePreimageRecording: ctx.GlobalBool(VMEnableDebugFlag.Name)}
- // TODO(rjl493456442) disable snapshot generation/wiping if the chain is read only.
- // Disable transaction indexing/unindexing by default.
- protocol, err := core.NewCore(chainDb, nil, nil, nil, nil, config, nil, ctx.GlobalString(DomUrl.Name), makeSubUrls(ctx), engine, cache, vmcfg, &core.Genesis{})
- if err != nil {
- Fatalf("Can't create BlockChain: %v", err)
- }
- return protocol, chainDb
// MakeConsolePreloads retrieves the absolute paths for the console JavaScript
// scripts to preload before starting.
-func MakeConsolePreloads(ctx *cli.Context) []string {
+func MakeConsolePreloads() []string {
// Skip preloading if there's nothing to preload
- if ctx.GlobalString(PreloadJSFlag.Name) == "" {
+ if viper.GetString(PreloadJSFlag.Name) == "" {
return nil
// Otherwise resolve absolute paths and return them
var preloads []string
- for _, file := range strings.Split(ctx.GlobalString(PreloadJSFlag.Name), ",") {
+ for _, file := range strings.Split(viper.GetString(PreloadJSFlag.Name), ",") {
preloads = append(preloads, strings.TrimSpace(file))
return preloads
-// MigrateFlags sets the global flag from a local flag when it's set.
-// This is a temporary function used for migrating old command/flags to the
-// new format.
-// e.g. quai account new --keystore /tmp/mykeystore --lightkdf
-// is equivalent after calling this method with:
-// quai --keystore /tmp/mykeystore --lightkdf account new
-// This allows the use of the existing configuration functionality.
-// When all flags are migrated this function can be removed and the existing
-// configuration functionality must be changed that is uses local flags
-func MigrateFlags(action func(ctx *cli.Context) error) func(*cli.Context) error {
- return func(ctx *cli.Context) error {
- for _, name := range ctx.FlagNames() {
- if ctx.IsSet(name) {
- ctx.GlobalSet(name, ctx.String(name))
- }
- }
- return action(ctx)
- }
->>>>>>> 88c428a1 (Removing NodeLocation from common)
diff --git a/common/utils.go b/cmd/utils/utils.go
similarity index 95%
rename from common/utils.go
rename to cmd/utils/utils.go
index e2bcbf9777..1dc0540e66 100644
--- a/common/utils.go
+++ b/cmd/utils/utils.go
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
-package common
+package utils
import (
- "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/cmd/utils"
@@ -56,7 +55,7 @@ func SaveConfig() error {
} else if os.IsNotExist(err) {
// config file does not exist, create directory if it does not exist
if _, err := os.Stat(configFile); os.IsNotExist(err) {
- configDir := viper.GetString(utils.ConfigDirFlag.Name)
+ configDir := viper.GetString(ConfigDirFlag.Name)
if err := os.MkdirAll(configDir, 0755); err != nil {
return err
diff --git a/common/utils_test.go b/cmd/utils/utils_test.go
similarity index 80%
rename from common/utils_test.go
rename to cmd/utils/utils_test.go
index 5e1fcec913..ec98f198c3 100644
--- a/common/utils_test.go
+++ b/cmd/utils/utils_test.go
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
-package common
+package utils
import (
- "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/cmd/utils"
@@ -20,7 +19,7 @@ func TestSaveConfig(t *testing.T) {
defer tempFile.Close()
defer os.RemoveAll(mockConfigPath)
// write LOG_LEVEL config to mock config.yaml file
- _, err := tempFile.WriteString(utils.LogLevelFlag.Name + " : " + "debug\n")
+ _, err := tempFile.WriteString(LogLevelFlag.Name + " : " + "debug\n")
require.NoError(t, err)
// Clear viper instance to simulate a fresh start
@@ -39,7 +38,7 @@ func TestSaveConfig(t *testing.T) {
// Load config from mock file into viper and assert that the new config parameters were saved
err = viper.ReadInConfig()
require.NoError(t, err)
- assert.Equal(t, "8080", viper.GetString(utils.P2PPortFlag.Name))
+ assert.Equal(t, "8080", viper.GetString(P2PPortFlag.Name))
// Assert a .bak config file was created
backupFile, err := os.Stat(mockConfigPath + constants.CONFIG_FILE_NAME + ".bak")
assert.False(t, os.IsNotExist(err))
@@ -57,7 +56,7 @@ func testXDGConfigLoading(t *testing.T) {
defer os.RemoveAll(mockConfigPath)
// write 'LOG_LEVEL=debug' config to mock config.yaml file
- _, err := tempFile.WriteString(utils.LogLevelFlag.Name + " : " + "debug\n")
+ _, err := tempFile.WriteString(LogLevelFlag.Name + " : " + "debug\n")
require.NoError(t, err)
// Set config path to the temporary config directory
@@ -66,7 +65,7 @@ func testXDGConfigLoading(t *testing.T) {
// Assert log level is set to "debug" as per the mock config file
- assert.Equal(t, "debug", viper.GetString(utils.LogLevelFlag.Name))
+ assert.Equal(t, "debug", viper.GetString(LogLevelFlag.Name))
// TestCobraFlagConfigLoading tests the loading of the config file from the XDG config home,
@@ -79,21 +78,21 @@ func TestCobraFlagConfigLoading(t *testing.T) {
// Test loading config from XDG config home
- assert.Equal(t, "debug", viper.GetString(utils.LogLevelFlag.Name))
+ assert.Equal(t, "debug", viper.GetString(LogLevelFlag.Name))
// Test loading config from environment variable
err := os.Setenv(constants.ENV_PREFIX+"_"+"LOG-LEVEL", "error")
defer os.Unsetenv(constants.ENV_PREFIX + "_" + "LOG-LEVEL")
require.NoError(t, err)
- assert.Equal(t, "error", viper.GetString(utils.LogLevelFlag.Name))
+ assert.Equal(t, "error", viper.GetString(LogLevelFlag.Name))
// Test loading config from cobra flag
rootCmd := &cobra.Command{}
- rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringP(utils.LogLevelFlag.Name, "l", "warn", "log level (trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic")
- err = rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Set(utils.LogLevelFlag.Name, "trace")
+ rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringP(LogLevelFlag.Name, "l", "warn", "log level (trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic")
+ err = rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Set(LogLevelFlag.Name, "trace")
require.NoError(t, err)
- assert.Equal(t, "trace", viper.GetString(utils.LogLevelFlag.Name))
+ assert.Equal(t, "trace", viper.GetString(LogLevelFlag.Name))
diff --git a/consensus/blake3pow/api.go b/consensus/blake3pow/api.go
index 7e553afac1..cd532072d7 100644
--- a/consensus/blake3pow/api.go
+++ b/consensus/blake3pow/api.go
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ import (
- "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/common/hexutil"
diff --git a/consensus/blake3pow/blake3pow.go b/consensus/blake3pow/blake3pow.go
index 3b2cda32fc..4b6643b775 100644
--- a/consensus/blake3pow/blake3pow.go
+++ b/consensus/blake3pow/blake3pow.go
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import (
- "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/common/hexutil"
@@ -78,9 +77,6 @@ type Blake3pow struct {
// remote mining, also optionally notifying a batch of remote services of new work
// packages.
func New(config Config, notify []string, noverify bool) *Blake3pow {
- if config.Log == nil {
- config.Log = &log.Log
- }
blake3pow := &Blake3pow{
config: config,
update: make(chan struct{}),
@@ -105,7 +101,6 @@ func NewFaker() *Blake3pow {
return &Blake3pow{
config: Config{
PowMode: ModeFake,
- Log: &log.Log,
@@ -117,7 +112,6 @@ func NewFakeFailer(fail uint64) *Blake3pow {
return &Blake3pow{
config: Config{
PowMode: ModeFake,
- Log: &log.Log,
fakeFail: fail,
@@ -130,7 +124,6 @@ func NewFakeDelayer(delay time.Duration) *Blake3pow {
return &Blake3pow{
config: Config{
PowMode: ModeFake,
- Log: &log.Log,
fakeDelay: delay,
@@ -142,7 +135,6 @@ func NewFullFaker() *Blake3pow {
return &Blake3pow{
config: Config{
PowMode: ModeFullFake,
- Log: &log.Log,
diff --git a/consensus/blake3pow/sealer.go b/consensus/blake3pow/sealer.go
index c0423bb9bb..1f876d98df 100644
--- a/consensus/blake3pow/sealer.go
+++ b/consensus/blake3pow/sealer.go
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ func (blake3pow *Blake3pow) Seal(header *types.Header, results chan<- *types.Hea
select {
case results <- header:
- blake3pow.config.Log.Warn("Sealing result is not read by miner", "mode", "fake", "sealhash", header.SealHash())
+ log.Warn("Sealing result is not read by miner", "mode", "fake", "sealhash", header.SealHash())
return nil
@@ -68,10 +68,6 @@ func (blake3pow *Blake3pow) Seal(header *types.Header, results chan<- *types.Hea
if threads < 0 {
threads = 0 // Allows disabling local mining without extra logic around local/remote
- // Push new work to remote sealer
- if blake3pow.remote != nil {
- blake3pow.remote.workCh <- &sealTask{header: header, results: results}
- }
var (
pend sync.WaitGroup
locals = make(chan *types.Header)
@@ -95,14 +91,14 @@ func (blake3pow *Blake3pow) Seal(header *types.Header, results chan<- *types.Hea
select {
case results <- result:
- blake3pow.config.Log.Warn("Sealing result is not read by miner", "mode", "local", "sealhash", header.SealHash())
+ log.Warn("Sealing result is not read by miner", "mode", "local", "sealhash", header.SealHash())
case <-blake3pow.update:
// Thread count was changed on user request, restart
if err := blake3pow.Seal(header, results, stop); err != nil {
- blake3pow.config.Log.Error("Failed to restart sealing after update", "err", err)
+ log.Error("Failed to restart sealing after update", "err", err)
// Wait for all miners to terminate and return the block
@@ -124,14 +120,13 @@ func (blake3pow *Blake3pow) mine(header *types.Header, id int, seed uint64, abor
nonce = seed
powBuffer = new(big.Int)
- logger := log.Log
- logger.Trace("Started blake3pow search for new nonces", "seed", seed)
+ log.Trace("Started blake3pow search for new nonces", "seed", seed)
for {
select {
case <-abort:
// Mining terminated, update stats and abort
- logger.Trace("Blake3pow nonce search aborted", "attempts", nonce-seed)
+ log.Trace("Blake3pow nonce search aborted", "attempts", nonce-seed)
break search
@@ -150,9 +145,9 @@ search:
// Seal and return a block (if still needed)
select {
case found <- header:
- logger.Trace("Blake3pow nonce found and reported", "attempts", nonce-seed, "nonce", nonce)
+ log.Trace("Blake3pow nonce found and reported", "attempts", nonce-seed, "nonce", nonce)
case <-abort:
- logger.Trace("Blake3pow nonce found but discarded", "attempts", nonce-seed, "nonce", nonce)
+ log.Trace("Blake3pow nonce found but discarded", "attempts", nonce-seed, "nonce", nonce)
break search
@@ -239,7 +234,7 @@ func startRemoteSealer(blake3pow *Blake3pow, urls []string, noverify bool) *remo
func (s *remoteSealer) loop() {
defer func() {
- s.blake3pow.config.Log.Trace("Blake3pow remote sealer is exiting")
+ log.Trace("Blake3pow remote sealer is exiting")
@@ -355,7 +350,7 @@ func (s *remoteSealer) sendNotification(ctx context.Context, url string, json []
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", url, bytes.NewReader(json))
if err != nil {
- s.blake3pow.config.Log.Warn("Can't create remote miner notification", "err", err)
+ log.Warn("Can't create remote miner notification", "err", err)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, remoteSealerTimeout)
@@ -365,9 +360,9 @@ func (s *remoteSealer) sendNotification(ctx context.Context, url string, json []
resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
- s.blake3pow.config.Log.Warn("Failed to notify remote miner", "err", err)
+ log.Warn("Failed to notify remote miner", "err", err)
} else {
- s.blake3pow.config.Log.Trace("Notified remote miner", "miner", url, "hash", work[0], "target", work[2])
+ log.Trace("Notified remote miner", "miner", url, "hash", work[0], "target", work[2])
@@ -377,14 +372,14 @@ func (s *remoteSealer) sendNotification(ctx context.Context, url string, json []
// any other error, like no pending work or stale mining result).
func (s *remoteSealer) submitWork(nonce types.BlockNonce, sealhash common.Hash) bool {
if s.currentHeader == nil {
- s.blake3pow.config.Log.Error("Pending work without block", "sealhash", sealhash)
+ log.Error("Pending work without block", "sealhash", sealhash)
return false
nodeCtx := s.blake3pow.config.NodeLocation.Context()
// Make sure the work submitted is present
header := s.works[sealhash]
if header == nil {
- s.blake3pow.config.Log.Warn("Work submitted but none pending", "sealhash", sealhash, "curnumber", s.currentHeader.NumberU64(nodeCtx))
+ log.Warn("Work submitted but none pending", "sealhash", sealhash, "curnumber", s.currentHeader.NumberU64(nodeCtx))
return false
// Verify the correctness of submitted result.
@@ -393,10 +388,10 @@ func (s *remoteSealer) submitWork(nonce types.BlockNonce, sealhash common.Hash)
start := time.Now()
// Make sure the result channel is assigned.
if s.results == nil {
- s.blake3pow.config.Log.Warn("Blake3pow result channel is empty, submitted mining result is rejected")
+ log.Warn("Blake3pow result channel is empty, submitted mining result is rejected")
return false
- s.blake3pow.config.Log.Trace("Verified correct proof-of-work", "sealhash", sealhash, "elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)))
+ log.Trace("Verified correct proof-of-work", "sealhash", sealhash, "elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)))
// Solutions seems to be valid, return to the miner and notify acceptance.
solution := header
@@ -405,14 +400,14 @@ func (s *remoteSealer) submitWork(nonce types.BlockNonce, sealhash common.Hash)
if solution.NumberU64(nodeCtx)+staleThreshold > s.currentHeader.NumberU64(nodeCtx) {
select {
case s.results <- solution:
- s.blake3pow.config.Log.Debug("Work submitted is acceptable", "number", solution.NumberU64(nodeCtx), "sealhash", sealhash, "hash", solution.Hash())
+ log.Debug("Work submitted is acceptable", "number", solution.NumberU64(nodeCtx), "sealhash", sealhash, "hash", solution.Hash())
return true
- s.blake3pow.config.Log.Warn("Sealing result is not read by miner", "mode", "remote", "sealhash", sealhash)
+ log.Warn("Sealing result is not read by miner", "mode", "remote", "sealhash", sealhash)
return false
// The submitted block is too old to accept, drop it.
- s.blake3pow.config.Log.Warn("Work submitted is too old", "number", solution.NumberU64(nodeCtx), "sealhash", sealhash, "hash", solution.Hash())
+ log.Warn("Work submitted is too old", "number", solution.NumberU64(nodeCtx), "sealhash", sealhash, "hash", solution.Hash())
return false
diff --git a/consensus/progpow/algorithm.go b/consensus/progpow/algorithm.go
index 6048c0f6cb..44856bc95b 100644
--- a/consensus/progpow/algorithm.go
+++ b/consensus/progpow/algorithm.go
@@ -144,15 +144,14 @@ func SeedHash(block uint64) []byte {
// This method places the result into dest in machine byte order.
func generateCache(dest []uint32, epoch uint64, seed []byte) {
// Print some debug logs to allow analysis on low end devices
- logger := log.New("epoch")
start := time.Now()
defer func() {
elapsed := time.Since(start)
- logFn := logger.Debug
+ logFn := log.Debug
if elapsed > 3*time.Second {
- logFn = logger.Info
+ logFn = log.Info
logFn("Generated ethash verification cache", "elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(elapsed))
@@ -178,7 +177,7 @@ func generateCache(dest []uint32, epoch uint64, seed []byte) {
case <-done:
case <-time.After(3 * time.Second):
- logger.Info("Generating ethash verification cache", "percentage", atomic.LoadUint32(&progress)*100/uint32(rows)/4, "elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)))
+ log.Info("Generating ethash verification cache", "percentage", atomic.LoadUint32(&progress)*100/uint32(rows)/4, "elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)))
@@ -292,16 +291,13 @@ func generateDatasetItem(cache []uint32, index uint32, keccak512 hasher) []byte
// generateDataset generates the entire ethash dataset for mining.
// This method places the result into dest in machine byte order.
func generateDataset(dest []uint32, epoch uint64, cache []uint32) {
- // Print some debug logs to allow analysis on low end devices
- logger := log.New("epoch")
start := time.Now()
defer func() {
elapsed := time.Since(start)
- logFn := logger.Debug
+ logFn := log.Debug
if elapsed > 3*time.Second {
- logFn = logger.Info
+ logFn = log.Info
logFn("Generated ethash verification cache", "elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(elapsed))
@@ -347,7 +343,7 @@ func generateDataset(dest []uint32, epoch uint64, cache []uint32) {
copy(dataset[index*hashBytes:], item)
if status := atomic.AddUint32(&progress, 1); status%percent == 0 {
- logger.Info("Generating DAG in progress", "percentage", uint64(status*100)/(size/hashBytes), "elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)))
+ log.Info("Generating DAG in progress", "percentage", uint64(status*100)/(size/hashBytes), "elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)))
diff --git a/consensus/progpow/api.go b/consensus/progpow/api.go
index 522bd70d97..471eee247a 100644
--- a/consensus/progpow/api.go
+++ b/consensus/progpow/api.go
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ import (
- "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/common/hexutil"
diff --git a/consensus/progpow/progpow.go b/consensus/progpow/progpow.go
index 73aeb8e540..f7bb469eb8 100644
--- a/consensus/progpow/progpow.go
+++ b/consensus/progpow/progpow.go
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ import (
- "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/common/hexutil"
@@ -193,15 +192,12 @@ type Progpow struct {
// remote mining, also optionally notifying a batch of remote services of new work
// packages.
func New(config Config, notify []string, noverify bool) *Progpow {
- if config.Log == nil {
- config.Log = &log.Log
- }
if config.CachesInMem <= 0 {
- config.Log.Warn("One ethash cache must always be in memory", "requested", config.CachesInMem)
+ log.Warn("One ethash cache must always be in memory", "requested", config.CachesInMem)
config.CachesInMem = 1
if config.CacheDir != "" && config.CachesOnDisk > 0 {
- config.Log.Info("Disk storage enabled for ethash caches", "dir", config.CacheDir, "count", config.CachesOnDisk)
+ log.Info("Disk storage enabled for ethash caches", "dir", config.CacheDir, "count", config.CachesOnDisk)
progpow := &Progpow{
config: config,
@@ -228,7 +224,6 @@ func NewFaker() *Progpow {
return &Progpow{
config: Config{
PowMode: ModeFake,
- Log: &log.Log,
@@ -240,7 +235,6 @@ func NewFakeFailer(fail uint64) *Progpow {
return &Progpow{
config: Config{
PowMode: ModeFake,
- Log: &log.Log,
fakeFail: fail,
@@ -253,7 +247,6 @@ func NewFakeDelayer(delay time.Duration) *Progpow {
return &Progpow{
config: Config{
PowMode: ModeFake,
- Log: &log.Log,
fakeDelay: delay,
@@ -265,7 +258,6 @@ func NewFullFaker() *Progpow {
return &Progpow{
config: Config{
PowMode: ModeFullFake,
- Log: &log.Log,
@@ -379,7 +371,6 @@ func (c *cache) generate(dir string, limit int, lock bool, test bool) {
endian = ".be"
path := filepath.Join(dir, fmt.Sprintf("cache-R%d-%x%s", algorithmRevision, seed[:8], endian))
- logger := log.New("epoch")
// We're about to mmap the file, ensure that the mapping is cleaned up when the
// cache becomes unused.
@@ -389,17 +380,17 @@ func (c *cache) generate(dir string, limit int, lock bool, test bool) {
var err error
c.dump, c.mmap, c.cache, err = memoryMap(path, lock)
if err == nil {
- logger.Debug("Loaded old ethash cache from disk")
+ log.Debug("Loaded old ethash cache from disk")
c.cDag = make([]uint32, progpowCacheWords)
generateCDag(c.cDag, c.cache, c.epoch)
- logger.Debug("Failed to load old ethash cache", "err", err)
+ log.Debug("Failed to load old ethash cache", "err", err)
// No previous cache available, create a new cache file to fill
c.dump, c.mmap, c.cache, err = memoryMapAndGenerate(path, size, lock, func(buffer []uint32) { generateCache(buffer, c.epoch, seed) })
if err != nil {
- logger.Error("Failed to generate mapped ethash cache", "err", err)
+ log.Error("Failed to generate mapped ethash cache", "err", err)
c.cache = make([]uint32, size/4)
generateCache(c.cache, c.epoch, seed)
diff --git a/consensus/progpow/sealer.go b/consensus/progpow/sealer.go
index bedf2b1be6..24c36fd99c 100644
--- a/consensus/progpow/sealer.go
+++ b/consensus/progpow/sealer.go
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import (
+ "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/log"
const (
@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ func (progpow *Progpow) Seal(header *types.Header, results chan<- *types.Header,
select {
case results <- header:
- progpow.config.Log.Warn("Sealing result is not read by miner", "mode", "fake", "sealhash", header.SealHash())
+ log.Warn("Sealing result is not read by miner", "mode", "fake", "sealhash", header.SealHash())
return nil
@@ -67,10 +68,6 @@ func (progpow *Progpow) Seal(header *types.Header, results chan<- *types.Header,
if threads < 0 {
threads = 0 // Allows disabling local mining without extra logic around local/remote
- // Push new work to remote sealer
- if progpow.remote != nil {
- progpow.remote.workCh <- &sealTask{header: header, results: results}
- }
var (
pend sync.WaitGroup
locals = make(chan *types.Header)
@@ -94,14 +91,14 @@ func (progpow *Progpow) Seal(header *types.Header, results chan<- *types.Header,
select {
case results <- result:
- progpow.config.Log.Warn("Sealing result is not read by miner", "mode", "local", "sealhash", header.SealHash())
+ log.Warn("Sealing result is not read by miner", "mode", "local", "sealhash", header.SealHash())
case <-progpow.update:
// Thread count was changed on user request, restart
if err := progpow.Seal(header, results, stop); err != nil {
- progpow.config.Log.Error("Failed to restart sealing after update", "err", err)
+ log.Error("Failed to restart sealing after update", "err", err)
// Wait for all miners to terminate and return the block
@@ -241,7 +238,7 @@ func startRemoteSealer(progpow *Progpow, urls []string, noverify bool) *remoteSe
func (s *remoteSealer) loop() {
defer func() {
- s.progpow.config.Log.Trace("Progpow remote sealer is exiting")
+ log.Trace("Progpow remote sealer is exiting")
@@ -358,7 +355,7 @@ func (s *remoteSealer) sendNotification(ctx context.Context, url string, json []
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", url, bytes.NewReader(json))
if err != nil {
- s.progpow.config.Log.Warn("Can't create remote miner notification", "err", err)
+ log.Warn("Can't create remote miner notification", "err", err)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, remoteSealerTimeout)
@@ -368,9 +365,9 @@ func (s *remoteSealer) sendNotification(ctx context.Context, url string, json []
resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
- s.progpow.config.Log.Warn("Failed to notify remote miner", "err", err)
+ log.Warn("Failed to notify remote miner", "err", err)
} else {
- s.progpow.config.Log.Trace("Notified remote miner", "miner", url, "hash", work[0], "target", work[2])
+ log.Trace("Notified remote miner", "miner", url, "hash", work[0], "target", work[2])
@@ -380,14 +377,14 @@ func (s *remoteSealer) sendNotification(ctx context.Context, url string, json []
// any other error, like no pending work or stale mining result).
func (s *remoteSealer) submitWork(nonce types.BlockNonce, sealhash common.Hash) bool {
if s.currentHeader == nil {
- s.progpow.config.Log.Error("Pending work without block", "sealhash", sealhash)
+ log.Error("Pending work without block", "sealhash", sealhash)
return false
nodeCtx := s.progpow.config.NodeLocation.Context()
// Make sure the work submitted is present
header := s.works[sealhash]
if header == nil {
- s.progpow.config.Log.Warn("Work submitted but none pending", "sealhash", sealhash, "curnumber", s.currentHeader.NumberU64(nodeCtx))
+ log.Warn("Work submitted but none pending", "sealhash", sealhash, "curnumber", s.currentHeader.NumberU64(nodeCtx))
return false
// Verify the correctness of submitted result.
@@ -399,10 +396,10 @@ func (s *remoteSealer) submitWork(nonce types.BlockNonce, sealhash common.Hash)
// Make sure the result channel is assigned.
if s.results == nil {
- s.progpow.config.Log.Warn("Progpow result channel is empty, submitted mining result is rejected")
+ log.Warn("Progpow result channel is empty, submitted mining result is rejected")
return false
- s.progpow.config.Log.Trace("Verified correct proof-of-work", "sealhash", sealhash, "elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)))
+ log.Trace("Verified correct proof-of-work", "sealhash", sealhash, "elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)))
// Solutions seems to be valid, return to the miner and notify acceptance.
solution := header
@@ -411,14 +408,14 @@ func (s *remoteSealer) submitWork(nonce types.BlockNonce, sealhash common.Hash)
if solution.NumberU64(nodeCtx)+staleThreshold > s.currentHeader.NumberU64(nodeCtx) {
select {
case s.results <- solution:
- s.progpow.config.Log.Debug("Work submitted is acceptable", "number", solution.NumberU64(nodeCtx), "sealhash", sealhash, "hash", solution.Hash())
+ log.Debug("Work submitted is acceptable", "number", solution.NumberU64(nodeCtx), "sealhash", sealhash, "hash", solution.Hash())
return true
- s.progpow.config.Log.Warn("Sealing result is not read by miner", "mode", "remote", "sealhash", sealhash)
+ log.Warn("Sealing result is not read by miner", "mode", "remote", "sealhash", sealhash)
return false
// The submitted block is too old to accept, drop it.
- s.progpow.config.Log.Warn("Work submitted is too old", "number", solution.NumberU64(nodeCtx), "sealhash", sealhash, "hash", solution.Hash())
+ log.Warn("Work submitted is too old", "number", solution.NumberU64(nodeCtx), "sealhash", sealhash, "hash", solution.Hash())
return false
diff --git a/consensus/types/block.go b/consensus/types/block.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 435808c51b..0000000000
--- a/consensus/types/block.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-package types
-type Block struct {
- Hash Hash
-type Slice struct {
- SliceID SliceID
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/consensus/types/transaction.go b/consensus/types/transaction.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 113911cf77..0000000000
--- a/consensus/types/transaction.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-package types
-type Transaction struct{}
diff --git a/core/chain_indexer.go b/core/chain_indexer.go
index 30d78ee741..2dedf58c01 100644
--- a/core/chain_indexer.go
+++ b/core/chain_indexer.go
@@ -110,7 +110,6 @@ func NewChainIndexer(chainDb ethdb.Database, indexDb ethdb.Database, backend Cha
sectionSize: section,
confirmsReq: confirm,
throttling: throttling,
- log: log.Log,
// Initialize database dependent fields and start the updater
diff --git a/core/core.go b/core/core.go
index 1ce5649146..ffbcc266b2 100644
--- a/core/core.go
+++ b/core/core.go
@@ -459,9 +459,7 @@ func (c *Core) printStats() {
for _, hash := range c.appendQueue.Keys()[:math.Min(len(c.appendQueue.Keys()), c_appendQueuePrintSize)] {
if value, exist := c.appendQueue.Peek(hash); exist {
hashNumber := types.HashAndNumber{Hash: hash.(common.Hash), Number: value.(blockNumberAndRetryCounter).number}
- log.Lazy(func() string {
- return "AppendQueue entry. Number: " + strconv.FormatUint(hashNumber.Number, 10) + ". Hash: " + hashNumber.Hash.String()
- }, "debug")
+ log.Debug("AppendQueue entry. Number: " + strconv.FormatUint(hashNumber.Number, 10) + ". Hash: " + hashNumber.Hash.String())
diff --git a/core/rawdb/freezer.go b/core/rawdb/freezer.go
index 6acb6d45d1..4442c4bed3 100644
--- a/core/rawdb/freezer.go
+++ b/core/rawdb/freezer.go
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ func (f *freezer) freeze(db ethdb.KeyValueStore, nodeCtx int) {
if n := len(ancients); n > 0 {
context = append(context, []interface{}{"hash", ancients[n-1]}...)
- log.Info("Deep froze chain segment", context...)
+ log.Info("Deep froze chain segment", context)
// Avoid database thrashing with tiny writes
if f.frozen-first < freezerBatchLimit {
diff --git a/core/rawdb/freezer_table.go b/core/rawdb/freezer_table.go
index 93b811a60e..66255c26a5 100644
--- a/core/rawdb/freezer_table.go
+++ b/core/rawdb/freezer_table.go
@@ -95,8 +95,7 @@ type freezerTable struct {
headBytes uint32 // Number of bytes written to the head file
- logger log.Logger // Logger with database path and table name ambedded
- lock sync.RWMutex // Mutex protecting the data file descriptors
+ lock sync.RWMutex // Mutex protecting the data file descriptors
// NewFreezerTable opens the given path as a freezer table.
@@ -173,7 +172,6 @@ func newCustomTable(path string, name string, maxFilesize uint32, noCompression
files: make(map[uint32]*os.File),
name: name,
path: path,
- logger: log.Log,
noCompression: noCompression,
maxFileSize: maxFilesize,
@@ -243,7 +241,7 @@ func (t *freezerTable) repair() error {
for contentExp != contentSize {
// Truncate the head file to the last offset pointer
if contentExp < contentSize {
- t.logger.Warn("Truncating dangling head", "indexed", common.StorageSize(contentExp), "stored", common.StorageSize(contentSize))
+ log.Warn("Truncating dangling head", "indexed", common.StorageSize(contentExp), "stored", common.StorageSize(contentSize))
if err := truncateFreezerFile(t.head, contentExp); err != nil {
return err
@@ -251,7 +249,7 @@ func (t *freezerTable) repair() error {
// Truncate the index to point within the head file
if contentExp > contentSize {
- t.logger.Warn("Truncating dangling indexes", "indexed", common.StorageSize(contentExp), "stored", common.StorageSize(contentSize))
+ log.Warn("Truncating dangling indexes", "indexed", common.StorageSize(contentExp), "stored", common.StorageSize(contentSize))
if err := truncateFreezerFile(t.index, offsetsSize-indexEntrySize); err != nil {
return err
@@ -293,7 +291,7 @@ func (t *freezerTable) repair() error {
if err := t.preopen(); err != nil {
return err
- t.logger.Debug("Chain freezer table opened", "items", t.items, "size", common.StorageSize(t.headBytes))
+ log.Debug("Chain freezer table opened", "items", t.items, "size", common.StorageSize(t.headBytes))
return nil
@@ -326,11 +324,11 @@ func (t *freezerTable) truncate(items uint64) error {
return nil
// Something's out of sync, truncate the table's offset index
- log := t.logger.Debug
+ logger := log.Debug
if existing > items+1 {
- log = t.logger.Warn // Only loud warn if we delete multiple items
+ logger = log.Warn // Only loud warn if we delete multiple items
- log("Truncating freezer table", "items", existing, "limit", items)
+ logger("Truncating freezer table", "items", existing, "limit", items)
if err := truncateFreezerFile(t.index, int64(items+1)*indexEntrySize); err != nil {
return err
diff --git a/core/slice.go b/core/slice.go
index 0a86c9ec28..1972708d17 100644
--- a/core/slice.go
+++ b/core/slice.go
@@ -118,7 +118,9 @@ func NewSlice(db ethdb.Database, config *Config, txConfig *TxPoolConfig, txLooku
// only set the subClients if the chain is not Zone
sl.subClients = make([]*quaiclient.Client, 3)
if nodeCtx != common.ZONE_CTX {
- sl.subClients = makeSubClients(subClientUrls)
+ go func() {
+ sl.subClients = makeSubClients(subClientUrls)
+ }()
// only set domClient if the chain is not Prime.
@@ -1179,6 +1181,11 @@ func (sl *Slice) combinePendingHeader(header *types.Header, slPendingHeader *typ
// NewGenesisPendingHeader creates a pending header on the genesis block
func (sl *Slice) NewGenesisPendingHeader(domPendingHeader *types.Header) {
nodeCtx := sl.NodeLocation().Context()
+ if nodeCtx == common.PRIME_CTX {
+ time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
+ }
genesisHash := sl.config.GenesisHash
// Upate the local pending header
localPendingHeader, err := sl.miner.worker.GeneratePendingHeader(sl.hc.GetBlockByHash(genesisHash), false)
diff --git a/core/state/snapshot/conversion.go b/core/state/snapshot/conversion.go
index 084c18bfe5..4d67924a8a 100644
--- a/core/state/snapshot/conversion.go
+++ b/core/state/snapshot/conversion.go
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ func (stat *generateStats) report() {
- log.Info("Iterating state snapshot", ctx...)
+ log.Info("Iterating state snapshot", ctx)
// reportDone prints the last log when the whole generation is finished.
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ func (stat *generateStats) reportDone() {
ctx = append(ctx, []interface{}{"slots", stat.slots}...)
ctx = append(ctx, []interface{}{"elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(stat.start))}...)
- log.Info("Iterated snapshot", ctx...)
+ log.Info("Iterated snapshot", ctx)
// runReport periodically prints the progress information.
diff --git a/core/state/snapshot/generate.go b/core/state/snapshot/generate.go
index 2a80b134df..2cf298e85e 100644
--- a/core/state/snapshot/generate.go
+++ b/core/state/snapshot/generate.go
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ func (gs *generatorStats) Log(msg string, root common.Hash, marker []byte) {
- log.Info(msg, ctx...)
+ log.Info(msg, ctx)
// generateSnapshot regenerates a brand new snapshot based on an existing state
@@ -347,11 +347,10 @@ func (dl *diskLayer) generateRange(root common.Hash, prefix []byte, kind string,
if len(origin) > 0 {
logCtx = append(logCtx, "origin", hexutil.Encode(origin))
- logger := log.Log
// The range prover says the range is correct, skip trie iteration
if result.valid() {
- logger.Trace("Proved state range", "last", hexutil.Encode(last))
+ log.Trace("Proved state range", "last", hexutil.Encode(last))
// The verification is passed, process each state with the given
// callback function. If this state represents a contract, the
@@ -362,7 +361,7 @@ func (dl *diskLayer) generateRange(root common.Hash, prefix []byte, kind string,
// Only abort the iteration when both database and trie are exhausted
return !result.diskMore && !result.trieMore, last, nil
- logger.Trace("Detected outdated state range", "last", hexutil.Encode(last), "err", result.proofErr)
+ log.Trace("Detected outdated state range", "last", hexutil.Encode(last), "err", result.proofErr)
// We use the snap data to build up a cache which can be used by the
// main account trie as a primary lookup when resolving hashes
@@ -455,7 +454,7 @@ func (dl *diskLayer) generateRange(root common.Hash, prefix []byte, kind string,
internal += time.Since(istart)
- logger.Debug("Regenerated state range", "root", root, "last", hexutil.Encode(last),
+ log.Debug("Regenerated state range", "root", root, "last", hexutil.Encode(last),
"count", count, "created", created, "updated", updated, "untouched", untouched, "deleted", deleted)
// If there are either more trie items, or there are more snap items
diff --git a/consensus/types/types.go b/core/types/slice.go
similarity index 71%
rename from consensus/types/types.go
rename to core/types/slice.go
index aa126bcb22..5e94cb8f1a 100644
--- a/consensus/types/types.go
+++ b/core/types/slice.go
@@ -4,21 +4,22 @@ import (
+ "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/common"
// Hash represents a 256 bit hash
type Hash [32]byte
-func NewHashFromString(s string) (Hash, error) {
+func NewHashFromString(s string) (common.Hash, error) {
if len(s) != 64 { // 2 hex chars per byte
- return Hash{}, errors.New("invalid string length for hash")
+ return common.Hash{}, errors.New("invalid string length for hash")
hashSlice, err := hex.DecodeString(s)
if err != nil {
- return Hash{}, err
+ return common.Hash{}, err
- var hash Hash
+ var hash common.Hash
copy(hash[:], hashSlice)
return hash, nil
@@ -34,6 +35,10 @@ var (
ZONE_CTX = Context{"zone", 2}
+type Slice struct {
+ SliceID SliceID
type SliceID struct {
Context Context
Region uint32
diff --git a/eth/api_backend.go b/eth/api_backend.go
index bcc11f7e80..f22c6b811f 100644
--- a/eth/api_backend.go
+++ b/eth/api_backend.go
@@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ import (
- quai "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai"
@@ -31,7 +29,6 @@ import (
- "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/eth/downloader"
@@ -373,10 +370,6 @@ func (b *QuaiAPIBackend) SubscribeNewTxsEvent(ch chan<- core.NewTxsEvent) event.
return b.eth.core.SubscribeNewTxsEvent(ch)
-func (b *QuaiAPIBackend) Downloader() *downloader.Downloader {
- return b.eth.Downloader()
func (b *QuaiAPIBackend) SuggestGasTipCap(ctx context.Context) (*big.Int, error) {
nodeCtx := b.eth.core.NodeCtx()
if nodeCtx != common.ZONE_CTX {
@@ -452,10 +445,6 @@ func (b *QuaiAPIBackend) StateAtTransaction(ctx context.Context, block *types.Bl
return b.eth.core.StateAtTransaction(block, txIndex, reexec)
-func (b *QuaiAPIBackend) SyncProgress() quai.SyncProgress {
- return b.eth.Downloader().Progress()
func (b *QuaiAPIBackend) Append(header *types.Header, manifest types.BlockManifest, domPendingHeader *types.Header, domTerminus common.Hash, domOrigin bool, newInboundEtxs types.Transactions) (types.Transactions, bool, bool, error) {
return b.eth.core.Append(header, manifest, domPendingHeader, domTerminus, domOrigin, newInboundEtxs)
diff --git a/eth/backend.go b/eth/backend.go
index 45b4e72072..1fb6d52589 100644
--- a/eth/backend.go
+++ b/eth/backend.go
@@ -14,14 +14,13 @@
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see .
-// Package eth implements the Quai protocol.
+// Package quai implements the Quai protocol.
package eth
import (
- "sync/atomic"
@@ -32,19 +31,14 @@ import (
- "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/eth/downloader"
- "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/eth/protocols/eth"
- "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/p2p"
- "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/p2p/dnsdisc"
- "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/p2p/enode"
@@ -58,10 +52,7 @@ type Quai struct {
config *ethconfig.Config
// Handlers
- core *core.Core
- handler *handler
- ethDialCandidates enode.Iterator
- snapDialCandidates enode.Iterator
+ core *core.Core
// DB interfaces
chainDb ethdb.Database // Block chain database
@@ -78,11 +69,6 @@ type Quai struct {
gasPrice *big.Int
etherbase common.Address
- networkID uint64
- netRPCService *quaiapi.PublicNetAPI
- p2pServer *p2p.Server
lock sync.RWMutex // Protects the variadic fields (e.g. gas price and etherbase)
@@ -90,9 +76,6 @@ type Quai struct {
// initialisation of the common Quai object)
func New(stack *node.Node, config *ethconfig.Config, nodeCtx int) (*Quai, error) {
// Ensure configuration values are compatible and sane
- if !config.SyncMode.IsValid() {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid sync mode %d", config.SyncMode)
- }
if config.Miner.GasPrice == nil || config.Miner.GasPrice.Cmp(common.Big0) <= 0 {
log.Warn("Sanitizing invalid miner gas price", "provided", config.Miner.GasPrice, "updated", ethconfig.Defaults.Miner.GasPrice)
config.Miner.GasPrice = new(big.Int).Set(ethconfig.Defaults.Miner.GasPrice)
@@ -118,32 +101,46 @@ func New(stack *node.Node, config *ethconfig.Config, nodeCtx int) (*Quai, error)
return nil, genesisErr
+ log.Warn("Memory location of chainConfig", "location", &chainConfig)
if err := pruner.RecoverPruning(stack.ResolvePath(""), chainDb, stack.ResolvePath(config.TrieCleanCacheJournal)); err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to recover state", "error", err)
- eth := &Quai{
+ quai := &Quai{
config: config,
chainDb: chainDb,
eventMux: stack.EventMux(),
closeBloomHandler: make(chan struct{}),
- networkID: config.NetworkId,
gasPrice: config.Miner.GasPrice,
etherbase: config.Miner.Etherbase,
bloomRequests: make(chan chan *bloombits.Retrieval),
- p2pServer: stack.Server(),
+ // Copy the chainConfig
+ newChainConfig := params.ChainConfig{
+ ChainID: chainConfig.ChainID,
+ ConsensusEngine: chainConfig.ConsensusEngine,
+ Blake3Pow: chainConfig.Blake3Pow,
+ Progpow: chainConfig.Progpow,
+ GenesisHash: chainConfig.GenesisHash,
+ Location: chainConfig.Location,
+ }
+ chainConfig = &newChainConfig
+ log.Info("Chain Config", config.NodeLocation)
+ chainConfig.Location = config.NodeLocation // TODO: See why this is necessary
+ log.Info("Node", "Ctx", nodeCtx, "NodeLocation", config.NodeLocation, "genesis location", config.Genesis.Config.Location, "chain config", chainConfig.Location)
if config.ConsensusEngine == "blake3" {
blake3Config := config.Blake3Pow
blake3Config.NotifyFull = config.Miner.NotifyFull
- blake3Config.NodeLocation = chainConfig.Location
- eth.engine = ethconfig.CreateBlake3ConsensusEngine(stack, chainConfig, &blake3Config, config.Miner.Notify, config.Miner.Noverify, chainDb)
+ blake3Config.NodeLocation = config.NodeLocation
+ quai.engine = ethconfig.CreateBlake3ConsensusEngine(stack, config.NodeLocation, &blake3Config, config.Miner.Notify, config.Miner.Noverify, chainDb)
} else {
// Transfer mining-related config to the progpow config.
progpowConfig := config.Progpow
- progpowConfig.NodeLocation = chainConfig.Location
+ progpowConfig.NodeLocation = config.NodeLocation
progpowConfig.NotifyFull = config.Miner.NotifyFull
- eth.engine = ethconfig.CreateProgpowConsensusEngine(stack, chainConfig, &progpowConfig, config.Miner.Notify, config.Miner.Noverify, chainDb)
+ quai.engine = ethconfig.CreateProgpowConsensusEngine(stack, config.NodeLocation, &progpowConfig, config.Miner.Notify, config.Miner.Noverify, chainDb)
log.Info("Initialised chain configuration", "config", chainConfig)
@@ -185,57 +182,31 @@ func New(stack *node.Node, config *ethconfig.Config, nodeCtx int) (*Quai, error)
config.TxPool.Journal = stack.ResolvePath(config.TxPool.Journal)
- eth.core, err = core.NewCore(chainDb, &config.Miner, eth.isLocalBlock, &config.TxPool, &config.TxLookupLimit, chainConfig, eth.config.SlicesRunning, eth.config.DomUrl, eth.config.SubUrls, eth.engine, cacheConfig, vmConfig, config.Genesis)
+ log.Info("Dom clietn", "url", quai.config.DomUrl)
+ quai.core, err = core.NewCore(chainDb, &config.Miner, quai.isLocalBlock, &config.TxPool, &config.TxLookupLimit, chainConfig, quai.config.SlicesRunning, quai.config.DomUrl, quai.config.SubUrls, quai.engine, cacheConfig, vmConfig, config.Genesis)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Only index bloom if processing state
- if eth.core.ProcessingState() && nodeCtx == common.ZONE_CTX {
- eth.bloomIndexer = core.NewBloomIndexer(chainDb, params.BloomBitsBlocks, params.BloomConfirms, chainConfig.Location.Context())
- eth.bloomIndexer.Start(eth.Core().Slice().HeaderChain())
+ if quai.core.ProcessingState() && nodeCtx == common.ZONE_CTX {
+ quai.bloomIndexer = core.NewBloomIndexer(chainDb, params.BloomBitsBlocks, params.BloomConfirms, chainConfig.Location.Context())
+ quai.bloomIndexer.Start(quai.Core().Slice().HeaderChain())
- // Permit the downloader to use the trie cache allowance during fast sync
- cacheLimit := cacheConfig.TrieCleanLimit + cacheConfig.TrieDirtyLimit + cacheConfig.SnapshotLimit
- if eth.handler, err = newHandler(&handlerConfig{
- Database: chainDb,
- Core: eth.core,
- TxPool: eth.core.TxPool(),
- Network: config.NetworkId,
- Sync: config.SyncMode,
- BloomCache: uint64(cacheLimit),
- EventMux: eth.eventMux,
- Whitelist: config.Whitelist,
- SlicesRunning: config.SlicesRunning,
- }); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- eth.APIBackend = &QuaiAPIBackend{stack.Config().ExtRPCEnabled(), eth, nil}
+ quai.APIBackend = &QuaiAPIBackend{stack.Config().ExtRPCEnabled(), quai, nil}
// Gasprice oracle is only initiated in zone chains
- if nodeCtx == common.ZONE_CTX && eth.core.ProcessingState() {
+ if nodeCtx == common.ZONE_CTX && quai.core.ProcessingState() {
gpoParams := config.GPO
if gpoParams.Default == nil {
gpoParams.Default = config.Miner.GasPrice
- eth.APIBackend.gpo = gasprice.NewOracle(eth.APIBackend, gpoParams)
- }
- // Setup DNS discovery iterators.
- dnsclient := dnsdisc.NewClient(dnsdisc.Config{})
- eth.ethDialCandidates, err = dnsclient.NewIterator(eth.config.EthDiscoveryURLs...)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
+ quai.APIBackend.gpo = gasprice.NewOracle(quai.APIBackend, gpoParams)
- // Start the RPC service
- eth.netRPCService = quaiapi.NewPublicNetAPI(eth.p2pServer, config.NetworkId)
// Register the backend on the node
- stack.RegisterAPIs(eth.APIs())
- stack.RegisterProtocols(eth.Protocols())
- stack.RegisterLifecycle(eth)
+ stack.RegisterAPIs(quai.APIs())
+ stack.RegisterLifecycle(quai)
// Check for unclean shutdown
if uncleanShutdowns, discards, err := rawdb.PushUncleanShutdownMarker(chainDb); err != nil {
log.Error("Could not update unclean-shutdown-marker list", "error", err)
@@ -249,7 +220,7 @@ func New(stack *node.Node, config *ethconfig.Config, nodeCtx int) (*Quai, error)
"age", common.PrettyAge(t))
- return eth, nil
+ return quai, nil
// APIs return the collection of RPC services the go-quai package offers.
@@ -272,11 +243,6 @@ func (s *Quai) APIs() []rpc.API {
Version: "1.0",
Service: NewPublicMinerAPI(s),
Public: true,
- }, {
- Namespace: "eth",
- Version: "1.0",
- Service: downloader.NewPublicDownloaderAPI(s.handler.downloader, s.eventMux),
- Public: true,
}, {
Namespace: "miner",
Version: "1.0",
@@ -300,11 +266,6 @@ func (s *Quai) APIs() []rpc.API {
Namespace: "debug",
Version: "1.0",
Service: NewPrivateDebugAPI(s),
- }, {
- Namespace: "net",
- Version: "1.0",
- Service: s.netRPCService,
- Public: true,
@@ -360,46 +321,29 @@ func (s *Quai) shouldPreserve(block *types.Block) bool {
return s.isLocalBlock(block.Header())
-func (s *Quai) Core() *core.Core { return s.core }
-func (s *Quai) EventMux() *event.TypeMux { return s.eventMux }
-func (s *Quai) Engine() consensus.Engine { return s.engine }
-func (s *Quai) ChainDb() ethdb.Database { return s.chainDb }
-func (s *Quai) IsListening() bool { return true } // Always listening
-func (s *Quai) Downloader() *downloader.Downloader { return s.handler.downloader }
-func (s *Quai) Synced() bool { return atomic.LoadUint32(&s.handler.acceptTxs) == 1 }
-func (s *Quai) ArchiveMode() bool { return s.config.NoPruning }
-func (s *Quai) BloomIndexer() *core.ChainIndexer { return s.bloomIndexer }
-// Protocols returns all the currently configured
-// network protocols to start.
-func (s *Quai) Protocols() []p2p.Protocol {
- protos := eth.MakeProtocols((*ethHandler)(s.handler), s.networkID, s.ethDialCandidates)
- return protos
+func (s *Quai) Core() *core.Core { return s.core }
+func (s *Quai) EventMux() *event.TypeMux { return s.eventMux }
+func (s *Quai) Engine() consensus.Engine { return s.engine }
+func (s *Quai) ChainDb() ethdb.Database { return s.chainDb }
+func (s *Quai) IsListening() bool { return true } // Always listening
+func (s *Quai) ArchiveMode() bool { return s.config.NoPruning }
+func (s *Quai) BloomIndexer() *core.ChainIndexer { return s.bloomIndexer }
// Start implements node.Lifecycle, starting all internal goroutines needed by the
// Quai protocol implementation.
func (s *Quai) Start() error {
- eth.StartENRUpdater(s.core, s.p2pServer.LocalNode())
if s.core.ProcessingState() && s.core.NodeCtx() == common.ZONE_CTX {
// Start the bloom bits servicing goroutines
- // Figure out a max peers count based on the server limits
- maxPeers := s.p2pServer.MaxPeers
- // Start the networking layer
- s.handler.Start(maxPeers)
return nil
// Stop implements node.Lifecycle, terminating all internal goroutines used by the
// Quai protocol.
func (s *Quai) Stop() error {
- // Stop all the peer-related stuff first.
- s.ethDialCandidates.Close()
- s.handler.Stop()
if s.core.ProcessingState() && s.core.NodeCtx() == common.ZONE_CTX {
// Then stop everything else.
diff --git a/eth/ethconfig/config.go b/eth/ethconfig/config.go
index 176bcd2899..fc7f95353d 100644
--- a/eth/ethconfig/config.go
+++ b/eth/ethconfig/config.go
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ import (
- "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/eth/downloader"
@@ -34,6 +33,16 @@ import (
+type QuaistatsConfig struct {
+ URL string `toml:",omitempty"`
+type QuaiConfig struct {
+ Quai Config
+ Node node.Config
+ Ethstats QuaistatsConfig
// FullNodeGPO contains default gasprice oracle settings for full node.
var FullNodeGPO = gasprice.Config{
Blocks: 20,
@@ -56,7 +65,6 @@ var LightClientGPO = gasprice.Config{
// Defaults contains default settings for use on the Quai main net.
var Defaults = Config{
- SyncMode: downloader.FullSync,
Progpow: progpow.Config{},
NetworkId: 1,
TxLookupLimit: 2350000,
@@ -90,7 +98,6 @@ type Config struct {
// Protocol options
NetworkId uint64 // Network ID to use for selecting peers to connect to
- SyncMode downloader.SyncMode
// This can be set to list of enrtree:// URLs which will be queried for
// for nodes to connect to.
@@ -170,7 +177,7 @@ type Config struct {
// CreateProgpowConsensusEngine creates a progpow consensus engine for the given chain configuration.
-func CreateProgpowConsensusEngine(stack *node.Node, chainConfig *params.ChainConfig, config *progpow.Config, notify []string, noverify bool, db ethdb.Database) consensus.Engine {
+func CreateProgpowConsensusEngine(stack *node.Node, nodeLocation common.Location, config *progpow.Config, notify []string, noverify bool, db ethdb.Database) consensus.Engine {
// Otherwise assume proof-of-work
switch config.PowMode {
case progpow.ModeFake:
@@ -184,7 +191,7 @@ func CreateProgpowConsensusEngine(stack *node.Node, chainConfig *params.ChainCon
PowMode: config.PowMode,
NotifyFull: config.NotifyFull,
DurationLimit: config.DurationLimit,
- NodeLocation: chainConfig.Location,
+ NodeLocation: nodeLocation,
GasCeil: config.GasCeil,
MinDifficulty: config.MinDifficulty,
}, notify, noverify)
@@ -193,7 +200,7 @@ func CreateProgpowConsensusEngine(stack *node.Node, chainConfig *params.ChainCon
// CreateBlake3ConsensusEngine creates a progpow consensus engine for the given chain configuration.
-func CreateBlake3ConsensusEngine(stack *node.Node, chainConfig *params.ChainConfig, config *blake3pow.Config, notify []string, noverify bool, db ethdb.Database) consensus.Engine {
+func CreateBlake3ConsensusEngine(stack *node.Node, nodeLocation common.Location, config *blake3pow.Config, notify []string, noverify bool, db ethdb.Database) consensus.Engine {
// Otherwise assume proof-of-work
switch config.PowMode {
case blake3pow.ModeFake:
@@ -207,7 +214,7 @@ func CreateBlake3ConsensusEngine(stack *node.Node, chainConfig *params.ChainConf
PowMode: config.PowMode,
NotifyFull: config.NotifyFull,
DurationLimit: config.DurationLimit,
- NodeLocation: chainConfig.Location,
+ NodeLocation: nodeLocation,
GasCeil: config.GasCeil,
MinDifficulty: config.MinDifficulty,
}, notify, noverify)
diff --git a/eth/ethconfig/gen_config.go b/eth/ethconfig/gen_config.go
index a1f2b62008..0f47affa63 100644
--- a/eth/ethconfig/gen_config.go
+++ b/eth/ethconfig/gen_config.go
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import (
- "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/eth/downloader"
@@ -17,9 +16,6 @@ func (c Config) MarshalTOML() (interface{}, error) {
type Config struct {
Genesis *core.Genesis `toml:",omitempty"`
NetworkId uint64
- SyncMode downloader.SyncMode
- EthDiscoveryURLs []string
- SnapDiscoveryURLs []string
NoPruning bool
NoPrefetch bool
TxLookupLimit uint64 `toml:",omitempty"`
@@ -47,9 +43,6 @@ func (c Config) MarshalTOML() (interface{}, error) {
var enc Config
enc.Genesis = c.Genesis
enc.NetworkId = c.NetworkId
- enc.SyncMode = c.SyncMode
- enc.EthDiscoveryURLs = c.EthDiscoveryURLs
- enc.SnapDiscoveryURLs = c.SnapDiscoveryURLs
enc.NoPruning = c.NoPruning
enc.NoPrefetch = c.NoPrefetch
enc.TxLookupLimit = c.TxLookupLimit
@@ -81,9 +74,6 @@ func (c *Config) UnmarshalTOML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
type Config struct {
Genesis *core.Genesis `toml:",omitempty"`
NetworkId *uint64
- SyncMode *downloader.SyncMode
- EthDiscoveryURLs []string
- SnapDiscoveryURLs []string
NoPruning *bool
NoPrefetch *bool
TxLookupLimit *uint64 `toml:",omitempty"`
@@ -127,15 +117,6 @@ func (c *Config) UnmarshalTOML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
if dec.NetworkId != nil {
c.NetworkId = *dec.NetworkId
- if dec.SyncMode != nil {
- c.SyncMode = *dec.SyncMode
- }
- if dec.EthDiscoveryURLs != nil {
- c.EthDiscoveryURLs = dec.EthDiscoveryURLs
- }
- if dec.SnapDiscoveryURLs != nil {
- c.SnapDiscoveryURLs = dec.SnapDiscoveryURLs
- }
if dec.NoPruning != nil {
c.NoPruning = *dec.NoPruning
diff --git a/common/interface.go b/eth/interface.go
similarity index 83%
rename from common/interface.go
rename to eth/interface.go
index 10fc5587e5..b0d03ea084 100644
--- a/common/interface.go
+++ b/eth/interface.go
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-package common
+package eth
import (
- "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/consensus/types"
+ "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/common"
+ "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/core/types"
@@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ type ConsensusAPI interface {
// Asks the consensus backend to lookup a block by hash and sliceID.
// If the block is found, it should be returned. Otherwise, nil should be returned.
- LookupBlock(hash types.Hash, loc types.SliceID) *types.Block
+ LookupBlock(hash common.Hash, loc types.SliceID) *types.Block
// The networking backend will implement the following interface to enable consensus to communicate with other nodes.
@@ -41,8 +42,8 @@ type NetworkingAPI interface {
// Methods to lookup specific data from the network. Each request method
// returns a result channel. If the result is found, it will be put into the
// channel. If the result is not found, the channel will be closed.
- RequestBlock(hash types.Hash, loc types.SliceID) chan *types.Block
- RequestTransaction(hash types.Hash, loc types.SliceID) chan *types.Transaction
+ RequestBlock(hash common.Hash, loc types.SliceID) chan *types.Block
+ RequestTransaction(hash common.Hash, loc types.SliceID) chan *types.Transaction
// Method to report a peer to the P2PClient as behaving maliciously
ReportBadPeer(peer core.PeerID)
diff --git a/consensus/quai/core.go b/eth/p2p_backend.go
similarity index 85%
rename from consensus/quai/core.go
rename to eth/p2p_backend.go
index dd6ff2a12c..a757ad58fc 100644
--- a/consensus/quai/core.go
+++ b/eth/p2p_backend.go
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-package quai
+package eth
import (
- "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/consensus/types"
+ "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/core/types"
// QuaiBackend implements the quai consensus protocol
type QuaiBackend struct {
- p2p common.NetworkingAPI
+ p2p NetworkingAPI
runningSlices map[types.SliceID]*types.Slice
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ func NewQuaiBackend() (*QuaiBackend, error) {
// Assign the p2p client interface to use for interacting with the p2p network
-func (qbe *QuaiBackend) SetP2PNode(api common.NetworkingAPI) {
+func (qbe *QuaiBackend) SetP2PNode(api NetworkingAPI) {
qbe.p2p = api
@@ -59,6 +59,6 @@ func (qbe *QuaiBackend) SetRunningSlices(slices []types.Slice) {
-func (qbe *QuaiBackend) LookupBlock(hash types.Hash, slice types.SliceID) *types.Block {
+func (qbe *QuaiBackend) LookupBlock(hash common.Hash, slice types.SliceID) *types.Block {
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ethdb/leveldb/leveldb.go b/ethdb/leveldb/leveldb.go
index e96ee12a53..7cd14e33c2 100644
--- a/ethdb/leveldb/leveldb.go
+++ b/ethdb/leveldb/leveldb.go
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ func NewCustom(file string, namespace string, customize func(options *opt.Option
if options.ReadOnly {
logCtx = append(logCtx, "readonly", "true")
- log.Info("Allocated cache and file handles", logCtx...)
+ log.Info("Allocated cache and file handles")
// Open the db and recover any potential corruptions
db, err := leveldb.OpenFile(file, options)
@@ -109,7 +109,6 @@ func NewCustom(file string, namespace string, customize func(options *opt.Option
ldb := &Database{
fn: file,
db: db,
- log: log.Log,
quitChan: make(chan chan error),
@@ -120,8 +119,7 @@ func NewCustom(file string, namespace string, customize func(options *opt.Option
func configureOptions(customizeFn func(*opt.Options)) *opt.Options {
// Set default options
options := &opt.Options{
- Filter: filter.NewBloomFilter(10),
- DisableSeeksCompaction: true,
+ Filter: filter.NewBloomFilter(10),
// Allow caller to make custom modifications to the options
if customizeFn != nil {
diff --git a/ethdb/pebble/pebble.go b/ethdb/pebble/pebble.go
index 73ff5230ad..fe685c43ad 100644
--- a/ethdb/pebble/pebble.go
+++ b/ethdb/pebble/pebble.go
@@ -123,7 +123,6 @@ func New(file string, cache int, handles int, namespace string, readonly bool) (
db := &Database{
fn: file,
- log: log.Log,
quitChan: make(chan chan error),
opt := &pebble.Options{
diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod
index 6865d933ca..57b4383128 100644
--- a/go.mod
+++ b/go.mod
@@ -3,24 +3,53 @@ module github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai
go 1.21.1
require (
+ github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fastcache v1.12.2
github.com/adrg/xdg v0.4.0
+ github.com/cockroachdb/pebble v1.0.0
+ github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.2-0.20180830191138-d8f796af33cc
+ github.com/deckarep/golang-set v1.8.0
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+ github.com/edsrzf/mmap-go v1.1.0
github.com/golang/mock v1.6.0
+ github.com/golang/snappy v0.0.4
+ github.com/gorilla/websocket v1.5.0
+ github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru v0.5.4
+ github.com/hnlq715/golang-lru v0.4.0
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+ github.com/holiman/uint256 v1.2.4
+ github.com/ledgerwatch/secp256k1 v1.0.0
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github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-pubsub v0.10.0
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github.com/sirupsen/logrus v1.9.3
github.com/stretchr/testify v1.8.4
+ github.com/syndtr/goleveldb v1.0.0
+ github.com/wk8/go-ordered-map/v2 v2.1.8
+ golang.org/x/crypto v0.14.0
google.golang.org/protobuf v1.31.0
+ lukechampine.com/blake3 v1.2.1
+ modernc.org/mathutil v1.6.0
require (
+ github.com/DataDog/zstd v1.4.5 // indirect
github.com/Jorropo/jsync v1.0.1 // indirect
+ github.com/bahlo/generic-list-go v0.2.0 // indirect
github.com/benbjohnson/clock v1.3.5 // indirect
github.com/beorn7/perks v1.0.1 // indirect
+ github.com/buger/jsonparser v1.1.1 // indirect
github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2 v2.2.0 // indirect
+ github.com/cockroachdb/errors v1.8.1 // indirect
+ github.com/cockroachdb/logtags v0.0.0-20190617123548-eb05cc24525f // indirect
+ github.com/cockroachdb/redact v1.0.8 // indirect
+ github.com/cockroachdb/sentry-go v0.6.1-cockroachdb.2 // indirect
github.com/containerd/cgroups v1.1.0 // indirect
github.com/coreos/go-systemd/v22 v22.5.0 // indirect
- github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.2-0.20180830191138-d8f796af33cc // indirect
github.com/davidlazar/go-crypto v0.0.0-20200604182044-b73af7476f6c // indirect
github.com/decred/dcrd/dcrec/secp256k1/v4 v4.2.0 // indirect
github.com/docker/go-units v0.5.0 // indirect
@@ -30,6 +59,7 @@ require (
github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify v1.6.0 // indirect
github.com/go-logr/logr v1.2.4 // indirect
github.com/go-logr/stdr v1.2.2 // indirect
+ github.com/go-ole/go-ole v1.2.6 // indirect
github.com/go-task/slim-sprig v0.0.0-20230315185526-52ccab3ef572 // indirect
github.com/godbus/dbus/v5 v5.1.0 // indirect
github.com/gogo/protobuf v1.3.2 // indirect
@@ -37,10 +67,8 @@ require (
github.com/google/gopacket v1.1.19 // indirect
github.com/google/pprof v0.0.0-20231023181126-ff6d637d2a7b // indirect
github.com/google/uuid v1.3.0 // indirect
- github.com/gorilla/websocket v1.5.0 // indirect
github.com/hashicorp/errwrap v1.1.0 // indirect
github.com/hashicorp/go-multierror v1.1.1 // indirect
- github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru v0.5.4 // indirect
github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/v2 v2.0.5 // indirect
github.com/hashicorp/hcl v1.0.0 // indirect
github.com/huin/goupnp v1.3.0 // indirect
@@ -56,6 +84,8 @@ require (
github.com/klauspost/compress v1.17.2 // indirect
github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2 v2.2.5 // indirect
github.com/koron/go-ssdp v0.0.4 // indirect
+ github.com/kr/pretty v0.3.1 // indirect
+ github.com/kr/text v0.2.0 // indirect
github.com/libp2p/go-buffer-pool v0.1.0 // indirect
github.com/libp2p/go-cidranger v1.1.0 // indirect
github.com/libp2p/go-flow-metrics v0.1.0 // indirect
@@ -69,8 +99,10 @@ require (
github.com/libp2p/go-reuseport v0.4.0 // indirect
github.com/libp2p/go-yamux/v4 v4.0.1 // indirect
github.com/magiconair/properties v1.8.7 // indirect
+ github.com/mailru/easyjson v0.7.7 // indirect
github.com/marten-seemann/tcp v0.0.0-20210406111302-dfbc87cc63fd // indirect
github.com/mattn/go-isatty v0.0.20 // indirect
+ github.com/mattn/go-runewidth v0.0.9 // indirect
github.com/matttproud/golang_protobuf_extensions v1.0.4 // indirect
github.com/miekg/dns v1.1.56 // indirect
github.com/mikioh/tcpinfo v0.0.0-20190314235526-30a79bb1804b // indirect
@@ -104,6 +136,7 @@ require (
github.com/quic-go/webtransport-go v0.6.0 // indirect
github.com/raulk/go-watchdog v1.3.0 // indirect
github.com/remyoudompheng/bigfft v0.0.0-20230129092748-24d4a6f8daec // indirect
+ github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal v1.10.0 // indirect
github.com/sagikazarmark/locafero v0.3.0 // indirect
github.com/sagikazarmark/slog-shim v0.1.0 // indirect
github.com/sourcegraph/conc v0.3.0 // indirect
@@ -111,7 +144,10 @@ require (
github.com/spf13/afero v1.10.0 // indirect
github.com/spf13/cast v1.5.1 // indirect
github.com/subosito/gotenv v1.6.0 // indirect
+ github.com/tklauser/go-sysconf v0.3.13 // indirect
+ github.com/tklauser/numcpus v0.7.0 // indirect
github.com/whyrusleeping/go-keyspace v0.0.0-20160322163242-5b898ac5add1 // indirect
+ github.com/yusufpapurcu/wmi v1.2.3 // indirect
go.opencensus.io v0.24.0 // indirect
go.opentelemetry.io/otel v1.16.0 // indirect
go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric v1.16.0 // indirect
@@ -121,7 +157,6 @@ require (
go.uber.org/mock v0.3.0 // indirect
go.uber.org/multierr v1.11.0 // indirect
go.uber.org/zap v1.26.0 // indirect
- golang.org/x/crypto v0.14.0 // indirect
golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20231006140011-7918f672742d // indirect
golang.org/x/mod v0.13.0 // indirect
golang.org/x/net v0.17.0 // indirect
@@ -132,8 +167,6 @@ require (
gopkg.in/ini.v1 v1.67.0 // indirect
gopkg.in/natefinch/lumberjack.v2 v2.2.1 // indirect
gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.1 // indirect
- lukechampine.com/blake3 v1.2.1 // indirect
- modernc.org/mathutil v1.6.0 // indirect
require (
@@ -144,5 +177,5 @@ require (
github.com/spf13/cobra v1.7.0
github.com/spf13/pflag v1.0.5 // indirect
github.com/spf13/viper v1.17.0
- golang.org/x/sys v0.13.0 // indirect
+ golang.org/x/sys v0.15.0
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index 1214072e5e..c0f7b9714e 100644
--- a/go.sum
+++ b/go.sum
@@ -43,24 +43,47 @@ dmitri.shuralyov.com/html/belt v0.0.0-20180602232347-f7d459c86be0/go.mod h1:JLBr
dmitri.shuralyov.com/service/change v0.0.0-20181023043359-a85b471d5412/go.mod h1:a1inKt/atXimZ4Mv927x+r7UpyzRUf4emIoiiSC2TN4=
dmitri.shuralyov.com/state v0.0.0-20180228185332-28bcc343414c/go.mod h1:0PRwlb0D6DFvNNtx+9ybjezNCa8XF0xaYcETyp6rHWU=
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+github.com/AndreasBriese/bbloom v0.0.0-20190306092124-e2d15f34fcf9/go.mod h1:bOvUY6CB00SOBii9/FifXqc0awNKxLFCL/+pkDPuyl8=
github.com/BurntSushi/toml v0.3.1 h1:WXkYYl6Yr3qBf1K79EBnL4mak0OimBfB0XUf9Vl28OQ=
github.com/BurntSushi/toml v0.3.1/go.mod h1:xHWCNGjB5oqiDr8zfno3MHue2Ht5sIBksp03qcyfWMU=
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+github.com/CloudyKit/fastprinter v0.0.0-20170127035650-74b38d55f37a/go.mod h1:EFZQ978U7x8IRnstaskI3IysnWY5Ao3QgZUKOXlsAdw=
+github.com/CloudyKit/jet v2.1.3-0.20180809161101-62edd43e4f88+incompatible/go.mod h1:HPYO+50pSWkPoj9Q/eq0aRGByCL6ScRlUmiEX5Zgm+w=
+github.com/DataDog/zstd v1.4.5 h1:EndNeuB0l9syBZhut0wns3gV1hL8zX8LIu6ZiVHWLIQ=
+github.com/DataDog/zstd v1.4.5/go.mod h1:1jcaCB/ufaK+sKp1NBhlGmpz41jOoPQ35bpF36t7BBo=
+github.com/Joker/hpp v1.0.0/go.mod h1:8x5n+M1Hp5hC0g8okX3sR3vFQwynaX/UgSOM9MeBKzY=
+github.com/Joker/jade v1.0.1-0.20190614124447-d475f43051e7/go.mod h1:6E6s8o2AE4KhCrqr6GRJjdC/gNfTdxkIXvuGZZda2VM=
github.com/Jorropo/jsync v1.0.1 h1:6HgRolFZnsdfzRUj+ImB9og1JYOxQoReSywkHOGSaUU=
github.com/Jorropo/jsync v1.0.1/go.mod h1:jCOZj3vrBCri3bSU3ErUYvevKlnbssrXeCivybS5ABQ=
+github.com/OneOfOne/xxhash v1.2.2/go.mod h1:HSdplMjZKSmBqAxg5vPj2TmRDmfkzw+cTzAElWljhcU=
+github.com/Shopify/goreferrer v0.0.0-20181106222321-ec9c9a553398/go.mod h1:a1uqRtAwp2Xwc6WNPJEufxJ7fx3npB4UV/JOLmbu5I0=
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gopkg.in/ini.v1 v1.67.0 h1:Dgnx+6+nfE+IfzjUEISNeydPJh9AXNNsWbGP9KzCsOA=
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+gopkg.in/mgo.v2 v2.0.0-20180705113604-9856a29383ce/go.mod h1:yeKp02qBN3iKW1OzL3MGk2IdtZzaj7SFntXj72NppTA=
gopkg.in/natefinch/lumberjack.v2 v2.2.1 h1:bBRl1b0OH9s/DuPhuXpNl+VtCaJXFZ5/uEFST95x9zc=
gopkg.in/natefinch/lumberjack.v2 v2.2.1/go.mod h1:YD8tP3GAjkrDg1eZH7EGmyESg/lsYskCTPBJVb9jqSc=
+gopkg.in/tomb.v1 v1.0.0-20141024135613-dd632973f1e7/go.mod h1:dt/ZhP58zS4L8KSrWDmTeBkI65Dw0HsyUHuEVlX15mw=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.1/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=
+gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.4/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.8/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=
+gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.3.0/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.4.0 h1:D8xgwECY7CYvx+Y2n4sBz93Jn9JRvxdiyyo8CTfuKaY=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.4.0/go.mod h1:RDklbk79AGWmwhnvt/jBztapEOGDOx6ZbXqjP6csGnQ=
gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.0-20200313102051-9f266ea9e77c/go.mod h1:K4uyk7z7BCEPqu6E+C64Yfv1cQ7kz7rIZviUmN+EgEM=
diff --git a/internal/quaiapi/api.go b/internal/quaiapi/api.go
index 80326138e6..c3a99e1300 100644
--- a/internal/quaiapi/api.go
+++ b/internal/quaiapi/api.go
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ import (
- "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/p2p"
@@ -109,30 +108,6 @@ func (s *PublicQuaiAPI_Deprecated) FeeHistory(ctx context.Context, blockCount rp
return results, nil
-// Syncing returns false in case the node is currently not syncing with the network. It can be up to date or has not
-// yet received the latest block headers from its pears. In case it is synchronizing:
-// - startingBlock: block number this node started to synchronise from
-// - currentBlock: block number this node is currently importing
-// - highestBlock: block number of the highest block header this node has received from peers
-// - pulledStates: number of state entries processed until now
-// - knownStates: number of known state entries that still need to be pulled
-func (s *PublicQuaiAPI_Deprecated) Syncing() (interface{}, error) {
- progress := s.b.Downloader().Progress()
- // Return not syncing if the synchronisation already completed
- if progress.CurrentBlock >= progress.HighestBlock {
- return false, nil
- }
- // Otherwise gather the block sync stats
- return map[string]interface{}{
- "startingBlock": hexutil.Uint64(progress.StartingBlock),
- "currentBlock": hexutil.Uint64(progress.CurrentBlock),
- "highestBlock": hexutil.Uint64(progress.HighestBlock),
- "pulledStates": hexutil.Uint64(progress.PulledStates),
- "knownStates": hexutil.Uint64(progress.KnownStates),
- }, nil
// PublicTxPoolAPI offers and API for the transaction pool. It only operates on data that is non confidential.
type PublicTxPoolAPI struct {
b Backend
@@ -1555,25 +1530,14 @@ func (api *PrivateDebugAPI) ChaindbCompact() error {
// PublicNetAPI offers network related RPC methods
type PublicNetAPI struct {
- net *p2p.Server
networkVersion uint64
-// NewPublicNetAPI creates a new net API instance.
-func NewPublicNetAPI(net *p2p.Server, networkVersion uint64) *PublicNetAPI {
- return &PublicNetAPI{net, networkVersion}
// Listening returns an indication if the node is listening for network connections.
func (s *PublicNetAPI) Listening() bool {
return true // always listening
-// PeerCount returns the number of connected peers
-func (s *PublicNetAPI) PeerCount() hexutil.Uint {
- return hexutil.Uint(s.net.PeerCount())
// Version returns the current Quai protocol version.
func (s *PublicNetAPI) Version() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", s.networkVersion)
diff --git a/internal/quaiapi/backend.go b/internal/quaiapi/backend.go
index 07401ae19a..95f80db99c 100644
--- a/internal/quaiapi/backend.go
+++ b/internal/quaiapi/backend.go
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ import (
- quai "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai"
@@ -29,7 +28,6 @@ import (
- "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/eth/downloader"
@@ -40,11 +38,9 @@ import (
// both full and light clients) with access to necessary functions.
type Backend interface {
// General Quai API
- SyncProgress() quai.SyncProgress
EventMux() *event.TypeMux
// General Quai API
- Downloader() *downloader.Downloader
SuggestGasTipCap(ctx context.Context) (*big.Int, error)
FeeHistory(ctx context.Context, blockCount int, lastBlock rpc.BlockNumber, rewardPercentiles []float64) (*big.Int, [][]*big.Int, []*big.Int, []float64, error)
ChainDb() ethdb.Database
diff --git a/internal/quaiapi/quai_api.go b/internal/quaiapi/quai_api.go
index e303dd96b1..cb8d82a6ad 100644
--- a/internal/quaiapi/quai_api.go
+++ b/internal/quaiapi/quai_api.go
@@ -92,30 +92,6 @@ func (s *PublicQuaiAPI) FeeHistory(ctx context.Context, blockCount rpc.DecimalOr
return results, nil
-// Syncing returns false in case the node is currently not syncing with the network. It can be up to date or has not
-// yet received the latest block headers from its pears. In case it is synchronizing:
-// - startingBlock: block number this node started to synchronise from
-// - currentBlock: block number this node is currently importing
-// - highestBlock: block number of the highest block header this node has received from peers
-// - pulledStates: number of state entries processed until now
-// - knownStates: number of known state entries that still need to be pulled
-func (s *PublicQuaiAPI) Syncing() (interface{}, error) {
- progress := s.b.SyncProgress()
- // Return not syncing if the synchronisation already completed
- if progress.CurrentBlock >= progress.HighestBlock {
- return false, nil
- }
- // Otherwise gather the block sync stats
- return map[string]interface{}{
- "startingBlock": hexutil.Uint64(progress.StartingBlock),
- "currentBlock": hexutil.Uint64(progress.CurrentBlock),
- "highestBlock": hexutil.Uint64(progress.HighestBlock),
- "pulledStates": hexutil.Uint64(progress.PulledStates),
- "knownStates": hexutil.Uint64(progress.KnownStates),
- }, nil
// PublicBlockChainQuaiAPI provides an API to access the Quai blockchain.
// It offers only methods that operate on public data that is freely available to anyone.
type PublicBlockChainQuaiAPI struct {
diff --git a/node/config.go b/node/config.go
index db43f35c89..fa3bb1cf84 100644
--- a/node/config.go
+++ b/node/config.go
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
package node
import (
- "crypto/ecdsa"
@@ -26,10 +25,7 @@ import (
- "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/crypto"
- "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/log"
- "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/p2p"
- "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/p2p/enode"
+ log "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/log"
@@ -64,9 +60,6 @@ type Config struct {
// in memory.
DataDir string
- // Configuration of peer-to-peer networking.
- P2P p2p.Config
// KeyStoreDir is the file system folder that contains private keys. The directory can
// be specified as a relative path, in which case it is resolved relative to the
// current directory.
@@ -274,88 +267,6 @@ func (c *Config) instanceDir() string {
return filepath.Join(c.DataDir, c.name())
-// NodeKey retrieves the currently configured private key of the node, checking
-// first any manually set key, falling back to the one found in the configured
-// data folder. If no key can be found, a new one is generated.
-func (c *Config) NodeKey() *ecdsa.PrivateKey {
- // Use any specifically configured key.
- if c.P2P.PrivateKey != nil {
- return c.P2P.PrivateKey
- }
- // Generate ephemeral key if no datadir is being used.
- if c.DataDir == "" {
- key, err := crypto.GenerateKey()
- if err != nil {
- log.Fatal(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to generate ephemeral node key: %v", err))
- }
- return key
- }
- keyfile := c.ResolvePath(datadirPrivateKey)
- if key, err := crypto.LoadECDSA(keyfile); err == nil {
- return key
- }
- // No persistent key found, generate and store a new one.
- key, err := crypto.GenerateKey()
- if err != nil {
- log.Fatal(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to generate node key: %v", err))
- }
- instanceDir := filepath.Join(c.DataDir, c.name())
- if err := os.MkdirAll(instanceDir, 0700); err != nil {
- log.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to persist node key: %v", err))
- return key
- }
- keyfile = filepath.Join(instanceDir, datadirPrivateKey)
- if err := crypto.SaveECDSA(keyfile, key); err != nil {
- log.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to persist node key: %v", err))
- }
- return key
-// StaticNodes returns a list of node enode URLs configured as static nodes.
-func (c *Config) StaticNodes() []*enode.Node {
- return c.parsePersistentNodes(&c.staticNodesWarning, c.ResolvePath(datadirStaticNodes))
-// TrustedNodes returns a list of node enode URLs configured as trusted nodes.
-func (c *Config) TrustedNodes() []*enode.Node {
- return c.parsePersistentNodes(&c.trustedNodesWarning, c.ResolvePath(datadirTrustedNodes))
-// parsePersistentNodes parses a list of discovery node URLs loaded from a .json
-// file from within the data directory.
-func (c *Config) parsePersistentNodes(w *bool, path string) []*enode.Node {
- // Short circuit if no node config is present
- if c.DataDir == "" {
- return nil
- }
- if _, err := os.Stat(path); err != nil {
- return nil
- }
- c.warnOnce(w, "Found deprecated node list file %s, please use the TOML config file instead.", path)
- // Load the nodes from the config file.
- var nodelist []string
- if err := common.LoadJSON(path, &nodelist); err != nil {
- log.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Can't load node list file: %v", err))
- return nil
- }
- // Interpret the list as a discovery node array
- var nodes []*enode.Node
- for _, url := range nodelist {
- if url == "" {
- continue
- }
- node, err := enode.Parse(enode.ValidSchemes, url)
- if err != nil {
- log.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Node URL %s: %v\n", url, err))
- continue
- }
- nodes = append(nodes, node)
- }
- return nodes
var warnLock sync.Mutex
func (c *Config) warnOnce(w *bool, format string, args ...interface{}) {
@@ -365,10 +276,6 @@ func (c *Config) warnOnce(w *bool, format string, args ...interface{}) {
if *w {
- l := c.Logger
- if l == nil {
- l = &log.Log
- }
- l.Warn(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
+ log.Warn(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
*w = true
diff --git a/node/defaults.go b/node/defaults.go
index 17944cab0a..729e1c7542 100644
--- a/node/defaults.go
+++ b/node/defaults.go
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ import (
- "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/p2p"
@@ -42,11 +41,7 @@ var DefaultConfig = Config{
HTTPTimeouts: rpc.DefaultHTTPTimeouts,
WSPort: DefaultWSPort,
WSModules: []string{"net", "web3"},
- P2P: p2p.Config{
- ListenAddr: ":30303",
- MaxPeers: 50,
- },
- DBEngine: "",
+ DBEngine: "",
// DefaultDataDir is the default data directory to use for the databases and other
diff --git a/node/node.go b/node/node.go
index b82df9837e..5c51543426 100644
--- a/node/node.go
+++ b/node/node.go
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ import (
- "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/p2p"
@@ -42,7 +41,6 @@ type Node struct {
log log.Logger
dirLock fileutil.Releaser // prevents concurrent use of instance directory
stop chan struct{} // Channel to wait for termination notifications
- server *p2p.Server // Currently running P2P networking layer
startStopLock sync.Mutex // Start/Stop are protected by an additional lock
state int // Tracks state of node lifecycle
@@ -75,9 +73,6 @@ func New(conf *Config) (*Node, error) {
conf.DataDir = absdatadir
- if conf.Logger == nil {
- conf.Logger = &log.Log
- }
// Ensure that the instance name doesn't cause weird conflicts with
// other files in the data directory.
@@ -92,34 +87,15 @@ func New(conf *Config) (*Node, error) {
config: conf,
inprocHandler: rpc.NewServer(),
eventmux: new(event.TypeMux),
- log: *conf.Logger,
stop: make(chan struct{}),
- server: &p2p.Server{Config: conf.P2P},
databases: make(map[*closeTrackingDB]struct{}),
- // Register built-in APIs.
- node.rpcAPIs = append(node.rpcAPIs, node.apis()...)
// Acquire the instance directory lock.
if err := node.openDataDir(); err != nil {
return nil, err
- // Initialize the p2p server. This creates the node key and discovery databases.
- node.server.Config.PrivateKey = node.config.NodeKey()
- node.server.Config.Name = node.config.NodeName()
- node.server.Config.Logger = &node.log
- if node.server.Config.StaticNodes == nil {
- node.server.Config.StaticNodes = node.config.StaticNodes()
- }
- if node.server.Config.TrustedNodes == nil {
- node.server.Config.TrustedNodes = node.config.TrustedNodes()
- }
- if node.server.Config.NodeDatabase == "" {
- node.server.Config.NodeDatabase = node.config.NodeDB()
- }
// Check HTTP/WS prefixes are valid.
if err := validatePrefix("HTTP", conf.HTTPPathPrefix); err != nil {
return nil, err
@@ -233,16 +209,10 @@ func (n *Node) doClose(errs []error) error {
// openEndpoints starts all network and RPC endpoints.
func (n *Node) openEndpoints() error {
- // start networking endpoints
- n.log.Info("Starting peer-to-peer node", "instance", n.server.Name)
- if err := n.server.Start(); err != nil {
- return convertFileLockError(err)
- }
// start RPC endpoints
err := n.startRPC()
if err != nil {
- n.server.Stop()
return err
@@ -270,9 +240,6 @@ func (n *Node) stopServices(running []Lifecycle) error {
- // Stop p2p networking.
- n.server.Stop()
if len(failure.Services) > 0 {
return failure
@@ -401,17 +368,6 @@ func (n *Node) RegisterLifecycle(lifecycle Lifecycle) {
n.lifecycles = append(n.lifecycles, lifecycle)
-// RegisterProtocols adds backend's protocols to the node's p2p server.
-func (n *Node) RegisterProtocols(protocols []p2p.Protocol) {
- n.lock.Lock()
- defer n.lock.Unlock()
- if n.state != initializingState {
- panic("can't register protocols on running/stopped node")
- }
- n.server.Protocols = append(n.server.Protocols, protocols...)
// RegisterAPIs registers the APIs a service provides on the node.
func (n *Node) RegisterAPIs(apis []rpc.API) {
@@ -460,16 +416,6 @@ func (n *Node) Config() *Config {
return n.config
-// Server retrieves the currently running P2P network layer. This method is meant
-// only to inspect fields of the currently running server. Callers should not
-// start or stop the returned server.
-func (n *Node) Server() *p2p.Server {
- n.lock.Lock()
- defer n.lock.Unlock()
- return n.server
// DataDir retrieves the current datadir used by the protocol stack.
// Deprecated: No files should be stored in this directory, use InstanceDir instead.
func (n *Node) DataDir() string {
diff --git a/node/rpcstack.go b/node/rpcstack.go
index a06d950e6d..a7cc958194 100644
--- a/node/rpcstack.go
+++ b/node/rpcstack.go
@@ -149,14 +149,14 @@ func (h *httpServer) start() error {
if h.wsConfig.prefix != "" {
url += h.wsConfig.prefix
- h.log.Info("WebSocket enabled", "url", url)
+ log.Info("WebSocket enabled", "url", url)
// if server is websocket only, return after logging
if !h.rpcAllowed() {
return nil
// Log http endpoint.
- h.log.Info("HTTP server started",
+ log.Info("HTTP server started",
"endpoint", listener.Addr(),
"prefix", h.httpConfig.prefix,
"cors", strings.Join(h.httpConfig.CorsAllowedOrigins, ","),
diff --git a/p2p/node/api.go b/p2p/node/api.go
index 2db54f48c0..3dd5157afe 100644
--- a/p2p/node/api.go
+++ b/p2p/node/api.go
@@ -8,12 +8,13 @@ import (
- "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/common"
- "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/consensus/types"
+ "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/core/types"
+ "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/eth"
quaiprotocol "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/p2p/protocol"
+ "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/common"
pubsub "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-pubsub"
@@ -93,7 +94,7 @@ func (p *P2PNode) Stop() error {
-func (p *P2PNode) SetConsensusBackend(be common.ConsensusAPI) {
+func (p *P2PNode) SetConsensusBackend(be eth.ConsensusAPI) {
p.consensus = be
@@ -106,7 +107,7 @@ func (p *P2PNode) BroadcastTransaction(tx types.Transaction) error {
// Request a block from the network for the specified slice
-func (p *P2PNode) RequestBlock(hash types.Hash, slice types.SliceID) chan *types.Block {
+func (p *P2PNode) RequestBlock(hash common.Hash, slice types.SliceID) chan *types.Block {
resultChan := make(chan *types.Block, 1)
go func() {
defer close(resultChan)
@@ -163,7 +164,7 @@ func (p *P2PNode) RequestBlock(hash types.Hash, slice types.SliceID) chan *types
return resultChan
-func (p *P2PNode) RequestTransaction(hash types.Hash, loc types.SliceID) chan *types.Transaction {
+func (p *P2PNode) RequestTransaction(hash common.Hash, loc types.SliceID) chan *types.Transaction {
@@ -212,7 +213,7 @@ func (p *P2PNode) StartGossipSub(ctx context.Context) error {
// Search for a block in the node's cache, or query the consensus backend if it's not found in cache.
// Returns nil if the block is not found.
-func (p *P2PNode) GetBlock(hash types.Hash, slice types.SliceID) *types.Block {
+func (p *P2PNode) GetBlock(hash common.Hash, slice types.SliceID) *types.Block {
block, ok := p.blockCache.Get(hash)
if ok {
return block
diff --git a/p2p/node/node.go b/p2p/node/node.go
index e76c7a8cb7..e7aaac2338 100644
--- a/p2p/node/node.go
+++ b/p2p/node/node.go
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ import (
- "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/consensus/types"
+ "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/core/types"
+ "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/eth"
@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ type P2PNode struct {
// Backend for handling consensus data
- consensus common.ConsensusAPI
+ consensus eth.ConsensusAPI
// List of peers to introduce us to the network
bootpeers []peer.AddrInfo
@@ -53,9 +54,9 @@ type P2PNode struct {
topics map[types.SliceID]map[string]*pubsub.Topic
// cache of received blocks
- blockCache *lru.Cache[types.Hash, *types.Block]
+ blockCache *lru.Cache[common.Hash, *types.Block]
// cache of received transactions
- txCache *lru.Cache[types.Hash, *types.Transaction]
+ txCache *lru.Cache[common.Hash, *types.Transaction]
// runtime context
ctx context.Context
@@ -177,12 +178,12 @@ func NewNode(ctx context.Context) (*P2PNode, error) {
// Create a new LRU cache for blocks and transactions
const cacheSize = 10
- blockCache, err := lru.New[types.Hash, *types.Block](cacheSize)
+ blockCache, err := lru.New[common.Hash, *types.Block](cacheSize)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
- txCache, err := lru.New[types.Hash, *types.Transaction](cacheSize)
+ txCache, err := lru.New[common.Hash, *types.Transaction](cacheSize)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
diff --git a/p2p/node/p2p_services.go b/p2p/node/p2p_services.go
index e1e7783084..02b8bd0e24 100644
--- a/p2p/node/p2p_services.go
+++ b/p2p/node/p2p_services.go
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import (
- "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/consensus/types"
+ "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/core/types"
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import (
// Opens a stream to the given peer and requests a block for the given hash and slice.
// If a block is not found, an error is returned
-func (p *P2PNode) requestBlockFromPeer(hash types.Hash, slice types.SliceID, peerID peer.ID) (*types.Block, error) {
+func (p *P2PNode) requestBlockFromPeer(hash common.Hash, slice types.SliceID, peerID peer.ID) (*types.Block, error) {
// Open a stream to the peer using a specific protocol for block requests
stream, err := p.NewStream(peerID, protocol.ProtocolVersion)
if err != nil {
diff --git a/p2p/node/pubsub_services.go b/p2p/node/pubsub_services.go
index 6b123822ec..441d55a4d0 100644
--- a/p2p/node/pubsub_services.go
+++ b/p2p/node/pubsub_services.go
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ func (p *P2PNode) handleBlocksSubscription(sub *pubsub.Subscription) {
// store the block in the cache
- evicted := p.blockCache.Add(block.Hash, block)
+ evicted := p.blockCache.Add(block.Hash(), block)
if evicted {
// TODO: handle eviction
log.Warnf("block cache eviction occurred")
diff --git a/p2p/pb/proto_services.go b/p2p/pb/proto_services.go
index 8d9479e40b..0b0377beb7 100644
--- a/p2p/pb/proto_services.go
+++ b/p2p/pb/proto_services.go
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ package pb
import (
- "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/consensus/types"
+ "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/common"
+ "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/core/types"
@@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ func MarshalProtoMessage(pbMsg proto.Message) ([]byte, error) {
// converts a custom go Block type (types.Block) to a protocol buffer Block type (pb.Block)
func ConvertToProtoBlock(block types.Block) *Block {
return &Block{
- Hash: hex.EncodeToString(block.Hash[:]),
+ Hash: hex.EncodeToString(block.Hash().Bytes()),
// ... map other fields
@@ -35,11 +36,10 @@ func ConvertToProtoBlock(block types.Block) *Block {
// converts a protocol buffer Block type (pb.Block) to a custom go Block type (types.Block)
func ConvertFromProtoBlock(pbBlock *Block) types.Block {
- var hash types.Hash
+ var hash common.Hash
copy(hash[:], pbBlock.Hash)
// ... map other fields
return types.Block{
- Hash: hash,
// ... map other fields
@@ -70,21 +70,21 @@ func MarshalBlock(block *types.Block) ([]byte, error) {
func convertToProtoSlice(slice types.SliceID) *SliceID {
sliceContext := &Context{
Location: slice.Context.Location,
- Level: slice.Context.Level,
+ Level: slice.Context.Level,
return &SliceID{
Context: sliceContext,
Region: slice.Region,
Zone: slice.Zone,
// Converts a protocol buffer SliceID type (pb.SliceID) to a custom go SliceID type (types.SliceID)
func ConvertFromProtoSlice(pbSlice *SliceID) types.SliceID {
sliceContext := types.Context{
Location: pbSlice.Context.Location,
- Level: pbSlice.Context.Level,
+ Level: pbSlice.Context.Level,
return types.SliceID{
Context: sliceContext,
@@ -94,10 +94,10 @@ func ConvertFromProtoSlice(pbSlice *SliceID) types.SliceID {
// Creates a BlockRequest protocol buffer message
-func CreateProtoBlockRequest(hash types.Hash, slice types.SliceID) *BlockRequest {
+func CreateProtoBlockRequest(hash common.Hash, slice types.SliceID) *BlockRequest {
pbSlice := convertToProtoSlice(slice)
return &BlockRequest{
- Hash: hex.EncodeToString(hash[:]),
+ Hash: hex.EncodeToString(hash[:]),
SliceId: pbSlice,
diff --git a/p2p/protocol/handler.go b/p2p/protocol/handler.go
index c2c5c1c5fc..bbcab98d79 100644
--- a/p2p/protocol/handler.go
+++ b/p2p/protocol/handler.go
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package protocol
import (
- "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/consensus/types"
+ "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/core/types"
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ func QuaiProtocolHandler(stream network.Stream, node QuaiP2PNode) {
// get the sliceID from the block request
protoSlice := blockReq.SliceId
slice := pb.ConvertFromProtoSlice(protoSlice)
// check if we have the block in our cache
block := node.GetBlock(hash, slice)
if block == nil {
diff --git a/p2p/protocol/interface.go b/p2p/protocol/interface.go
index db84ad99fc..22cd75a896 100644
--- a/p2p/protocol/interface.go
+++ b/p2p/protocol/interface.go
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ package protocol
import (
- "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/consensus/types"
+ "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/common"
+ "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/core/types"
@@ -16,5 +17,5 @@ type QuaiP2PNode interface {
Network() network.Network
// Search for a block in the node's cache, or query the consensus backend if it's not found in cache.
// Returns nil if the block is not found.
- GetBlock(hash types.Hash, slice types.SliceID) *types.Block
+ GetBlock(hash common.Hash, slice types.SliceID) *types.Block
diff --git a/p2p/pubsubManager/gossipsub.go b/p2p/pubsubManager/gossipsub.go
index 38b8e96734..8f5ada176c 100644
--- a/p2p/pubsubManager/gossipsub.go
+++ b/p2p/pubsubManager/gossipsub.go
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package pubsubManager
import (
- "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/consensus/types"
+ "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/core/types"
pubsub "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-pubsub"
diff --git a/quaistats/quaistats.go b/quaistats/quaistats.go
index b679e85103..308b18d2a7 100644
--- a/quaistats/quaistats.go
+++ b/quaistats/quaistats.go
@@ -48,12 +48,9 @@ import (
- "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/eth/downloader"
- ethproto "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/eth/protocols/eth"
- "github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai/p2p"
@@ -99,7 +96,6 @@ type backend interface {
TotalLogS(header *types.Header) *big.Int
HeaderByNumber(ctx context.Context, number rpc.BlockNumber) (*types.Header, error)
Stats() (pending int, queued int)
- Downloader() *downloader.Downloader
ChainConfig() *params.ChainConfig
ProcessingState() bool
NodeCtx() int
@@ -118,7 +114,6 @@ type fullNodeBackend interface {
// Service implements an Quai netstats reporting daemon that pushes local
// chain statistics up to a monitoring server.
type Service struct {
- server *p2p.Server // Peer-to-peer server to retrieve networking infos
backend backend
engine consensus.Engine // Consensus engine to retrieve variadic block fields
@@ -285,7 +280,6 @@ func New(node *node.Node, backend backend, engine consensus.Engine, url string,
quaistats := &Service{
backend: backend,
engine: engine,
- server: node.Server(),
node: parts[0],
pass: parts[1],
host: parts[2],
@@ -876,17 +870,6 @@ type AuthResponse struct {
func (s *Service) login2(url string) (string, error) {
// Substitute with your actual service address and port
- infos := s.server.NodeInfo()
- var protocols []string
- for _, proto := range s.server.Protocols {
- protocols = append(protocols, fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d", proto.Name, proto.Version))
- }
- var network string
- if info := infos.Protocols["eth"]; info != nil {
- network = fmt.Sprintf("%d", info.(*ethproto.NodeInfo).Network)
- }
var secretUser string
if s.sendfullstats {
secretUser = "admin"
@@ -897,18 +880,14 @@ func (s *Service) login2(url string) (string, error) {
auth := &authMsg{
ID: s.node,
Info: nodeInfo{
- Name: s.node,
- Node: infos.Name,
- Port: infos.Ports.Listener,
- Network: network,
- Protocol: strings.Join(protocols, ", "),
- API: "No",
- Os: runtime.GOOS,
- OsVer: runtime.GOARCH,
- Client: "0.1.1",
- History: true,
- Chain: s.backend.NodeLocation().Name(),
- ChainID: s.chainID.Uint64(),
+ Name: s.node,
+ API: "No",
+ Os: runtime.GOOS,
+ OsVer: runtime.GOARCH,
+ Client: "0.1.1",
+ History: true,
+ Chain: s.backend.NodeLocation().Name(),
+ ChainID: s.chainID.Uint64(),
Secret: loginSecret{
Name: secretUser,
diff --git a/rpc/handler.go b/rpc/handler.go
index ab8508a60b..8e6bd0a27f 100644
--- a/rpc/handler.go
+++ b/rpc/handler.go
@@ -34,21 +34,20 @@ import (
// The entry points for incoming messages are:
-// h.handleMsg(message)
-// h.handleBatch(message)
+// h.handleMsg(message)
+// h.handleBatch(message)
// Outgoing calls use the requestOp struct. Register the request before sending it
// on the connection:
-// op := &requestOp{ids: ...}
-// h.addRequestOp(op)
+// op := &requestOp{ids: ...}
+// h.addRequestOp(op)
// Now send the request, then wait for the reply to be delivered through handleMsg:
-// if err := op.wait(...); err != nil {
-// h.removeRequestOp(op) // timeout, etc.
-// }
+// if err := op.wait(...); err != nil {
+// h.removeRequestOp(op) // timeout, etc.
+// }
type handler struct {
reg *serviceRegistry
unsubscribeCb *callback
@@ -83,10 +82,6 @@ func newHandler(connCtx context.Context, conn jsonWriter, idgen func() ID, reg *
cancelRoot: cancelRoot,
allowSubscribe: true,
serverSubs: make(map[ID]*Subscription),
- log: log.Log,
- }
- if conn.remoteAddr() != "" {
- h.log = log.New("conn: " + conn.remoteAddr())
h.unsubscribeCb = newCallback(reflect.Value{}, reflect.ValueOf(h.unsubscribe))
return h
@@ -303,9 +298,9 @@ func (h *handler) handleCallMsg(ctx *callProc, msg *jsonrpcMessage) *jsonrpcMess
if resp.Error.Data != nil {
ctx = append(ctx, "errdata", resp.Error.Data)
- log.Warn("Served "+msg.Method, ctx...)
+ log.Warn("Served " + msg.Method)
} else {
- log.Debug("Served "+msg.Method, ctx...)
+ log.Debug("Served " + msg.Method)
return resp
case msg.hasValidID():