diff --git a/.vscode/settings.json b/.vscode/settings.json index ad4d2a8..d93391a 100644 --- a/.vscode/settings.json +++ b/.vscode/settings.json @@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ "typescript.updateImportsOnFileMove.enabled": "always", "typescript.tsserver.log": "verbose", "typescript.suggest.paths": false, - "dotnet.automaticallyUpdateGeneratedSolution": false, - "files.autoSave": "onFocusChange" + "files.autoSave": "afterDelay", + "files.autoSaveDelay": 1000 } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/EN_README.md b/EN_README.md index 0262a77..221aeee 100644 --- a/EN_README.md +++ b/EN_README.md @@ -1,72 +1,81 @@ ## Japanese Readme -[日本語の方はこちらをクリック👈](README.md) +[Click here for Japanese 👈](README.md) ## Download⬇️ ![GitHub Downloads (all assets, all releases)](https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/gamelist1990/ChestLockAddon/total?style=flat-square&logo=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fgamelist1990%2FChestLockAddon%2Fblob%2Fmain%2FAllAddon%2Fpack_icon.png%3Fraw%3Dtrue) [Download here👈](https://github.com/gamelist1990/ChestLockAddon/releases) -## Update. +## Update -**Version 0.9** This version adds new TPA commands and opens the UI with ItemUI. +**Version 1.0** Many behind-the-scenes updates have been made. Please refer to the changelog below for details. +[ChangeLog](https://github.com/gamelist1990/ChestLockAddon/compare/0.9...1.0) -**Updates**. -Added Database.ts to allow chest and Lang data to be completed in the database system. -Added Database.ts to allow chest and Lang data to be completed in the database system -Also, improved UI and reorganized other files +**Changes** +Detailed changes can be found in the ChangeLog above. +Here's a brief summary of the changes: -This GUI can be used with `!item` Or `!ui`. It just uses the `runCommand` function defined in [Handler.ts](devFolder/src/Modules/Handler.ts) (TP requests and language settings are now handled specifically I'm adding them) -![alt text](image/image.png) +- Bug fixes and feature additions. Specifically: +- Added anti-cheat to packet.ts (custom anti-cheat) +- Organized files +- Players without appropriate permissions will no longer see `Dev`/`list`/`join`/`warpgate`/`edit`/`anticheat` when using the help command +- Several new commands have been added, check the command list below for details. +![alt text](image/EN,image.png) ## Overview -This code is an addon that allows you to run commands such as `!help`. Commands such as `!chest`, `!dev`, `!lang`, and `!ui` are also added, prefixed `! ` can be changed in `handler.ts`. Multilingual support is also available. +This code is an addon that is used by executing commands like `!help`. It supports UI elements; use `!item` or `!ui` to access them. The prefix `!` can be changed in `handler.ts`. The addon also supports multiple languages. -## Commands. - -* **`!help`**: help command - displays a list of available commands. -* **`!chest`**: chest command - opens the chest command. -* **`!lang`**: Lang command - change language settings. -* **`!dev`**: developer only command - requires tag OP. -* **`!ui`**: ui command for ps4/5 -* **`!jpch`**: need tag beta also experimental for LunaChat general version -**`!item`**: you can get an item to open the UI -**`!tpa`**: you can send TP requests -**`!list`**: display player information +If you encounter any bugs or issues, please feel free to report them on Discord or by creating an issue. +## Commands +* All commands for owners require the (OP) tag, so use `/tag @s add op`. +* **`!help`**: help command - displays a list of available commands. +* **`!chest`**: chest command - opens the chest command menu. +* **`!lang`**: Language command - changes the language setting. +* **`!dev`**: Developer command - (op) +* **`!ui`**: Added a UI command for PS4/5 users. +* **`!jpch`**: A feature that replicates LunaChat (experimental). +* **`!item`**: Obtain an item that opens the UI. +* **`!tpa`**: Send a teleport request. +* **`!list`**: Display player information (op). +* **`!anticheat`**: Usage: on|off|freeze Player |unfreeze Player (op). +* **`!lore`**: lore -set apple sets the description of the item you are holding. lore -rename test can also rename the item. +* **`!join`**: This command uses the subcommand -settings to write rules. Use (-true/-false) to toggle display (op). +* **`!warpgate`**: This command creates warp gates. Usage: `!warpgate -create gate name TP destination coordinates`. To delete: `!warpgate -delete gate name`. To display the list: `-list`. +* **`!about`**: Displays an overview of this addon. -* Other commands will be added in the future. - -## Change prefix +* More commands will be added in the future. -You can change the prefix of commands in `handler.ts`. +## Changing the Prefix -## Multilingual support +The command prefix can be changed in `handler.ts`. -This add-on supports multiple languages. Currently, the following languages are supported. +## Multilingual Support -* **`ja_JP`**: Japanese -** **en_US`**: English -* **`zh_CN`**: Chinese (Simplified) -* **`ru_RU`**: Russian -* **`ko_KR`**: Korean -**`fi_FI`**: Finnish +This addon supports multiple languages. Currently supported languages are: -**`!lang` command** can be used to change the language. +* **`ja_JP`**: Japanese (fully supported) +* **`en_US`**: English (fully supported) +* **`zh_CN`**: Chinese (Simplified) (partially supported) +* **`ru_RU`**: Russian (partially supported) +* **`ko_KR`**: Korean (partially supported) +* **`fi_FI`**: Finnish (partially supported) -## How to use +Use the **`!lang` command** to change the language. -Download the add-on from the release. 2. -Enable the `-beta` experimental feature in Minecraft. 3. -Join a world and use `!help` to see the list of commands. +## How to Use -## Misc. +1. Download the addon from the releases page. +2. Enable the `-beta` experimental feature in Minecraft. +3. Join the world and use `!help` to view the list of commands. +4. If you are the world administrator, it is recommended to add the op tag. -The language folder is in src/command/langs/list -(define your translation key in json!) +## Others -Translated with DeepL.com (free version) \ No newline at end of file +The language folders are located in src/command/langs/list. +(Define the translation keys in the JSON files). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index ecbc309..831a6b6 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -10,34 +10,45 @@ ## Update -**Version 0.9**このバージョンでは新機能TPAコマンドを追加しましたまたItemUIでUIを開けるようにしました +**Version 1.0** 裏で色々とアップデートをしていましたが変更点は以下のログ見てね +[ChangeLog](https://github.com/gamelist1990/ChestLockAddon/compare/0.9...1.0) **更新点** -チェストおよびLangデータをデータベースシステムで完了するようにする為に -Database.tsを追加しました -またUIの改善とその他ファイルの整理を行いました +詳細な変更点は☝のChangeLogを見てね +ここでは簡潔に変更点をまとめます -このGUIは`!item` Or `!ui`で使用できます 内容的にはただ[Handler.ts](devFolder/src/Modules/Handler.ts)に定義している`runCommand`関数を使用しています(TPリクエストと言語設定は専用の処理を追加しているよ) -![alt text](image/image.png) +・バグ修正と機能追加を行いました。具体的には +・packet.tsのアンチチートの追加(自作アンチチート) +・ファイル内の整理 +・helpコマンド使用時に適切な権限が無いプレイヤーは`Dev`/`list`/`join`/`warpgate`/`edit`/`anticheat`を表示しないようにしました +・新コマンドは色々追加したので↓のコマンド一覧から確認してください +![alt text](image/image.png) ## 概要 -このコードは、`!help` などのコマンドを実行できるアドオンです。`!chest`、`!dev`、`!lang`、`!ui` などのコマンドも追加されており、プレフィックス `!` は `handler.ts` で変更可能です。多言語にも対応しています。 +このコードは、`!help` などのコマンドを実行して使用するアドオンです。一応UI等にサポートしています使う場合は`!item`もしくは`!ui`を使用してください、プレフィックス `!` は `handler.ts` で変更可能です。また多言語にも対応しています。 + +バグや何か問題点があれば気軽にDiscordもしはIssuseまでお願いします ## コマンド +* オーナー向けのコマンドは全て(OP)タグが必要なので`/tag @s add op `を付けてください * **`!help`**: helpコマンド - 利用可能なコマンド一覧を表示します。 * **`!chest`**: chestコマンド - チェストコマンドを開きます * **`!lang`**: Lang コマンド - 言語設定を変更します。 -* **`!dev`**: デベロッパー専用コマンド - tag OPが必要。 +* **`!dev`**: デベロッパー専用コマンド - (op) * **`!ui`**: ps4/5用にuiコマンドを追加しました -* **`!jpch`**: タグbetaが必要ですまたLunaChat総合版の実験です +* **`!jpch`**: LunaChatを再現した機能です(実験中) * **`!item`**: UIを開くアイテムをゲットできます * **`!tpa`**: TPリクエストを送る事ができます -* **`!list`**: プレイヤーの情報を表示できます - +* **`!list`**: プレイヤーの情報を表示できます(op) +* **`!antichat`**:使用方法はon|off|freeze Player |unfreeze Player で使います(op) +* **`!lore`**: lore -set apple で手に持っているアイテムの説明を設定できますlore -rename testでアイテムの名前も変更できます +* **`!join`**: このコマンドはサブコマンドで-settingsを使用してルールを書けます(-true/-false)で表示の切り替え可能(op) +* **`!warpgate`**:このコマンドはワープゲートを作成できます使用方法は`!warpgate -create ゲート名 TP先の座標` /削除する場合は `!warpgate -delete ゲート名` /リスト表示は`-list`で可能です +* **`!about`**:このアドオンの概要を表示してくれます * その他、コマンドは今後追加予定です。 @@ -50,12 +61,12 @@ Database.tsを追加しました このアドオンは多言語に対応しています。現在対応している言語は以下の通りです。 -* **`ja_JP`**: 日本語 -* **`en_US`**: 英語 -* **`zh_CN`**: 中国語 (簡体字) -* **`ru_RU`**: ロシア語 -* **`ko_KR`**: 韓国語 -* **`fi_FI`**: フィンランド語 +* **`ja_JP`**: 日本語(完璧に対応) +* **`en_US`**: 英語(完璧に対応) +* **`zh_CN`**: 中国語 (簡体字) (一部未対応) +* **`ru_RU`**: ロシア語 (一部未対応) +* **`ko_KR`**: 韓国語 (一部未対応) +* **`fi_FI`**: フィンランド語 (一部未対応) **`!lang` コマンド** を使用して言語を変更できます。 @@ -64,6 +75,7 @@ Database.tsを追加しました 1. リリースからアドオンをダウンロードしてください。 2. マインクラフトの実験機能の `-beta` を有効にしてください。 3. ワールドに参加し、`!help` でコマンド一覧を確認してください。 +4. ワールドの管理者の場合タグopを付ける事をオススメします。 ## その他 diff --git a/devFolder/src/Modules/Util.ts b/devFolder/src/Modules/Util.ts index 79ff479..51ccf5e 100644 --- a/devFolder/src/Modules/Util.ts +++ b/devFolder/src/Modules/Util.ts @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ export const c = (): { commands: { [key: string]: CommandConfig }; admin: string }, list: { enabled: true, - adminOnly: false, + adminOnly: true, requireTag: [], }, item: { @@ -79,6 +79,11 @@ export const c = (): { commands: { [key: string]: CommandConfig }; admin: string adminOnly: false, requireTag: [], }, + about: { + enabled: true, + adminOnly: false, + requireTag: [], + }, }, diff --git a/devFolder/src/command/about.ts b/devFolder/src/command/about.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eca57b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/devFolder/src/command/about.ts @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +import { Player } from '@minecraft/server'; +import { registerCommand, verifier } from '../Modules/Handler'; +import { c } from '../Modules/Util'; +import { translate } from './langs/list/LanguageManager'; +import { ver } from '../Modules/version'; + +registerCommand({ + name: 'about', + description: 'aboutCom', + parent: false, + maxArgs: 0, + minArgs: 0, + require: (player: Player) => verifier(player, c().commands['about']), + executor: (player: Player) => { + player.sendMessage(translate(player, 'command.about')); + player.sendMessage(translate(player, 'ServerVersion', { version: `${ver}` })); + }, +}); diff --git a/devFolder/src/command/gui/ui.ts b/devFolder/src/command/gui/ui.ts index e339fdc..a460047 100644 --- a/devFolder/src/command/gui/ui.ts +++ b/devFolder/src/command/gui/ui.ts @@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ export function showBasicUI(player: Player): Promise { .button(translate(player, 'uilang'), 'textures/ui/language_glyph_color') .button(translate(player, 'uijpch'), 'textures/ui/chat_send') .button(translate(player, 'uitpa'), 'textures/items/ender_pearl') - .button(translate(player, 'uilore'), 'textures/items/name_tag') + .button(translate(player, 'ui.MainLoreButton'), 'textures/items/name_tag') .button('Exit'); return form - //@ts-ignore + //@ts-ignore .show(player) .then((response) => { if (response.canceled) { @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ function showChestMenu(player: Player): Promise { .button(translate(player, 'back')); return form - //@ts-ignore + //@ts-ignore .show(player) .then((response) => { if (response.canceled) { @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ function showLockMenu(player: Player): Promise { .button(translate(player, 'back')); return form - //@ts-ignore + //@ts-ignore .show(player) .then((response) => { if (response.canceled) { @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ function showMemberMenu(player: Player): Promise { //@ts-ignore return form - //@ts-ignore + //@ts-ignore .show(player) .then((response) => { if (response.canceled) { @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ function showAddMemberMenu(player: Player): Promise { form.button(translate(player, 'back')); return form - //@ts-ignore + //@ts-ignore .show(player) .then((response) => { if (response.canceled) { @@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ function showRemoveMemberMenu(player: Player): Promise { form.button(translate(player, 'back')); return form - //@ts-ignore + //@ts-ignore .show(player) .then((response) => { if (response.canceled) { @@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ function showLangMenu(player: Player): Promise { //@ts-ignore return form - //@ts-ignore + //@ts-ignore .show(player) .then((response) => { if (response.canceled) { @@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ function showChangeLangMenu(player: Player): Promise { //@ts-ignore return form - //@ts-ignore + //@ts-ignore .show(player) .then((response) => { if (response.canceled) { @@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ function showjpchMenu(player: Player): Promise { .button(translate(player, 'back')); return form - //@ts-ignore + //@ts-ignore .show(player) .then((response) => { if (response.canceled) { @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ function showTpaRequestsMenu(player: Player, requests: string[]): Promise form.button(translate(player, 'back')); // TPAメニューに戻るボタン - + return ( form //@ts-ignore @@ -480,10 +480,10 @@ function showloreMenu(player: Player): Promise { const form = new ActionFormData() .title('Lore Menu') - .body(translate(player, 'loreDoce')) - .button(translate(player, 'changeLore')) - .button(translate(player, 'ChangeName')) - .button(translate(player, 'ClearLore')) + .body(translate(player, 'command.loreDocs')) + .button(translate(player, 'command.Changelore')) + .button(translate(player, 'command.ChangeName')) + .button(translate(player, 'command.ClearLore')) .button(translate(player, 'back')); return ( @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ function showloreMenu(player: Player): Promise { } else if (response.selection === 1) { showChangeName(player); } else if (response.selection === 2) { - Clearlore(player); + ClearLore(player); } } }) @@ -512,12 +512,12 @@ function showloreMenu(player: Player): Promise { function showChangelore(player: Player): void { const form = new ModalFormData() .title('Change Lore') - .textField(translate(player,"Newlore"), 'New lore'); + .textField(translate(player, "command.NewLore"), 'New lore'); //@ts-ignore form.show(player).then((response) => { if (!response.canceled && response.formValues) { - const newLore = response.formValues[0] as string; - runCommand(player.name, 'lore', ['-slot','0','-set', newLore]); + const NewLore = response.formValues[0] as string; + runCommand(player.name, 'lore', ['-slot', '0', '-set', NewLore]); } }); } @@ -525,16 +525,16 @@ function showChangelore(player: Player): void { function showChangeName(player: Player): void { const form = new ModalFormData() .title('Change Name') - .textField(translate(player,"Newname"),'New name'); - //@ts-ignore + .textField(translate(player, "command.NewName"), 'New name'); + //@ts-ignore form.show(player).then((response) => { if (!response.canceled && response.formValues) { - const newName = response.formValues[0] as string; - runCommand(player.name, 'lore', ['-slot', '0', '-rename', newName]); + const NewName = response.formValues[0] as string; + runCommand(player.name, 'lore', ['-slot', '0', '-rename', NewName]); } }); } -function Clearlore(player: Player): void { - runCommand(player.name, 'lore', ['-slot', '0', '-clearlore']); +function ClearLore(player: Player): void { + runCommand(player.name, 'lore', ['-slot', '0', '-command.ClearLore']); } diff --git a/devFolder/src/command/import.ts b/devFolder/src/command/import.ts index 3537fbe..d5310b0 100644 --- a/devFolder/src/command/import.ts +++ b/devFolder/src/command/import.ts @@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ import './utility/import'; //plugin import './plugin/import'; //OtherCommand -import './plugin/packet'; import './itemUI'; +import './about'; diff --git a/devFolder/src/command/langs/lang.ts b/devFolder/src/command/langs/lang.ts index 741e460..4e31fa4 100644 --- a/devFolder/src/command/langs/lang.ts +++ b/devFolder/src/command/langs/lang.ts @@ -21,8 +21,7 @@ registerCommand({ } else if (args[0] === 'change' && args[1]) { const success = changeLanguage(player, args[1]); if (success) { - player.sendMessage(translate(player, 'lang_change')); - player.sendMessage(`§a${args[1]}`); + player.sendMessage(translate(player, 'lang_change', { language:`${args[1]}`})); } else { player.sendMessage(translate(player, 'lang_failed')); player.sendMessage(`§c${args[1]}`); diff --git a/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/en_US.json b/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/en_US.json index 277ff73..0f4a645 100644 --- a/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/en_US.json +++ b/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/en_US.json @@ -1,170 +1,213 @@ { - "loreDoce": { - "msgid": "Change the name/lore of the item.", + "command.about": { + "msgid": [ + "§a== About ChestLockAddon ==", + "", + "ChestLockAddon is a useful utility addon for Minecraft version 1.21.22 that provides chest protection and more.", + "", + "§b== Main Features ==", + "• Chest Protection: Protect your chests from other players.", + "• Multilingual Support: Change the language setting with the lang command.", + "• Teleport Request: Send a teleport request to another player with the tpa command.", + "• And more: More useful commands will be added in the future.", + "", + "§b== Links ==", + "• GitHub: https://github.com/gamelist1990/ChestLockAddon", + "• YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn", + "• Discord: https://discord.gg/GJyqBm7Pyd", + "", + "§c== Notes ==", + "This addon is under development and may contain unexpected bugs. If you find any bugs, please report them on GitHub or Discord.", + "", + "§a== Message from the Developer ==", + "We welcome your feedback to make ChestLockAddon a better addon." + ], + "msgstr": "" + }, + "command.Undone":{ + "msgid":"§f>>§aReverted to one previous change", + "msgstr":"" + }, + "aboutCom": { + "msgid": "View an overview of this add-on", + "msgstr": "" + }, + "command.NothingToUndo": { + "msgid": "§f>>§cThere were no changes that could be reverted.", + "msgstr": "" + }, + "ServerVersion": { + "msgid": [ + "§bThis ChestLockAddon is running version {version}" + ], + "msgstr": "" + }, + "command.loreDocs": { + "msgid": "§2Change the item's name/lore (Place the item in the first slot of your hotbar)", "msgstr": "" }, - "changeLore": { - "msgid": "Item Change Lore", + "command.Changelore": { + "msgid": "§0Change Item Lore", "msgstr": "" }, - "ChangeName": { - "msgid": "Item Change Name", + "command.ChangeName": { + "msgid": "§0Change Item Name", "msgstr": "" }, - "ClearLore": { - "msgid": "Item Clear Lore", + "command.ClearLore": { + "msgid": "§0Clear Item Lore", "msgstr": "" }, - "Newlore": { + "command.NewLore": { "msgid": "Enter new lore:", "msgstr": "" }, - "Newname": { + "command.NewName": { "msgid": "Enter new name:", "msgstr": "" }, - "Usagelore": { - "msgid": "Usage: {prefix}lore -set or {prefix}lore -remove or {prefix}lore -rename or {prefix}lore -clearlore", + "command.UsageLore": { + "msgid": "§3Usage: {prefix}lore -set \"\" or {prefix}lore -remove \"\" or {prefix}lore -rename \"\" or {prefix}lore -command.ClearLore", "msgstr": "" }, - "ADDLore": { - "msgid": "Added lore, please check", + "command.AddLore": { + "msgid": "§aLore added, please check.", "msgstr": "" }, - "TakeItem": { - "msgid": "Please take the item.", + "command.takeItem": { + "msgid": "§cPlease hold the item.", "msgstr": "" }, - "LoreNotFound": { - "msgid": "Lore not found", + "command.NotFoundLore": { + "msgid": "§cLore not found.", "msgstr": "" }, - "RemoveLore": { - "msgid": "Lore has been deleted. Please check.", + "command.RemoveLore": { + "msgid": "§aLore deleted. Please check.", "msgstr": "" }, - "ChangeNames": { - "msgid": "Renamed the item", + "command.ChangeNames": { + "msgid": "§aItem renamed.", "msgstr": "" }, - "uilore": { - "msgid": "Custom Item Name/Lore", + "ui.MainLoreButton": { + "msgid": "§0Custom Item Name/Lore", "msgstr": "" }, - "FirstPointSet": { - "msgid": ">> First point set.", + "command.FirstPointSet": { + "msgid": "§f>>§a First point set.", "msgstr": "" }, "editCom": { - "msgid": "WorldEdit Command", + "msgid": "WorldEdit Commands", "msgstr": "" }, "loreCom": { "msgid": "Change Item Lore", "msgstr": "" }, - "SecondPointSet": { - "msgid": ">> Second point set.", + "command.SecondPointSet": { + "msgid": "§f>>§6 Second point set.", "msgstr": "" }, - "SelectionCompleted": { - "msgid": ">> Selection completed.", + "command.SelectionCompleted": { + "msgid": "§f>>§a Selection completed.", "msgstr": "" }, - "PointSet": { - "msgid": ">> Point set.", + "command.PointSet": { + "msgid": "§f>> §aPoint set.", "msgstr": "" }, - "WallsCreated": { - "msgid": ">> Walls created.", + "command.WallsCreated": { + "msgid": "§f>>§a Walls created.", "msgstr": "" }, - "InvalidBlockId": { - "msgid": ">> Invalid block ID.", + "command.InvalidBlockId": { + "msgid": "§f>>§c Invalid block ID.", "msgstr": "" }, - "OutlineCreated": { - "msgid": ">> Outline created.", + "command.OutlineCreated": { + "msgid": "§f>>§a Outline created.", "msgstr": "" }, "FilledCircleCreated": { - "msgid": ">> Filled circle created.", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Filled circle created.", "msgstr": "" }, "RangeSet": { - "msgid": ">> Range set with the specified block ({blockId}).", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Range set with the specified block ({blockId}).", "msgstr": "" }, "RangeCleared": { - "msgid": ">> Range cleared.", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Range cleared.", "msgstr": "" }, "WallsToolSelected": { - "msgid": ">> Walls tool selected. (Block ID: {blockId})", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Walls tool selected. (Block ID: {blockId})", "msgstr": "" }, "OutlineToolSelected": { - "msgid": ">> Outline tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Outline tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", "msgstr": "" }, "FilledCircleToolSelected": { - "msgid": ">> Filled circle tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Filled circle tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", "msgstr": "" }, "ToolExited": { - "msgid": ">> Tool exited.", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Tool exited.", "msgstr": "" }, "ToolOptions": { - "msgid": ">> Tool options: -wall , -outline , -filledCircle , -exit", + "msgid": "§f>> §3Tool options: -wall , -outline , -filledCircle , -exit", "msgstr": "" }, "StartRangeSelection2": { - "msgid": ">> Range selection started. Please break two blocks.", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Range selection started. Please break two blocks.", "msgstr": "" }, "StartRangeSelection": { - "msgid": ">> Range selection started. Hold a wooden hoe and break a block.", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Range selection started. Hold a wooden hoe and break a block.", "msgstr": "" }, "InvalidCommandUsage": { - "msgid": ">> Invalid command usage: /{prefix}edit -set | /{prefix}edit -clear | /{prefix}edit tool | /{prefix}edit start", + "msgid": "§f>>§3 Invalid command usage: /{prefix}edit -set | /{prefix}edit -clear | /{prefix}edit tool | /{prefix}edit start", "msgstr": "" }, "PlayerNotFound": { - "msgid": "§cPlayerNotFound!! Make sure you're really there", + "msgid": "§cPlayer not found! Make sure you're in a valid location.", "msgstr": "" }, "TheFirestBlock": { - "msgid": "§a1 The first block has been recorded. Destroy the block again.", + "msgid": "§a1. First block recorded. Destroy the block again.", "msgstr": "" }, "TheSecond": { - "msgid": "§a2 second block has been recorded. Warp gate has been set.", + "msgid": "§a2. Second block recorded. Warp gate has been set.", "msgstr": "" }, "WarpUsage": { - "msgid": "§c usage: warpgate -create ", "msgstr": "" }, "AlreadyWarp": { - "msgid": "§cA warp gate of that name already exists.", + "msgid": "§c A warp gate with that name already exists.", "msgstr": "" }, "CreateGate": { - "msgid": "§aCreate a warp gate {gatename} \n §aNext, destroy the two blocks to specify the extent of the gate.", + "msgid": "§a Creating warp gate: {gatename} \n §a Next, destroy two blocks to define the gate's boundaries.", "msgstr": "" }, "NotWarp": { - "msgid": "§cThe gate with the specified name does not exist", + "msgid": "§c The specified warp gate does not exist.", "msgstr": "" }, "deleteWarp": { - "msgid": "§a gate removed: {gatename}", + "msgid": "§a Gate removed: {gatename}", "msgstr": "" }, "NotWarpSetting": { - "msgid": "§cNo warp gate is set.", + "msgid": "§c No warp gate is set.", "msgstr": "" }, "listGate": { @@ -172,39 +215,39 @@ "msgstr": "" }, "warpgateCom": { - "msgid": "Warp gate can be set", + "msgid": "Set Warp Gate", "msgstr": "" }, "UsageGate": { - "msgid": "§c invalid subcommand usage {prefix}warpgate <-create/delete/list> [name] |\n§c create command Only -create [name] [x,y,z]", + "msgid": "§c Invalid subcommand usage: {prefix}warpgate <-create/delete/list> [name] |\n§c Create command only: -create [name] [x,y,z]", "msgstr": "" }, "TPGATE": { - "msgid": "§a Teleported to warp gate {gate}.", + "msgid": "§a Teleported to warp gate: {gate}.", "msgstr": "" }, "Joincommand": { - "msgid": "Displays a message when joining a world", + "msgid": "Displays a message when joining a world.", "msgstr": "" }, "Joinenabled": { - "msgid": "§aEnabled messages when joining worlds", + "msgid": "§a Enabled join messages.", "msgstr": "" }, "Joindisabled": { - "msgid": "§cDisabled messages when joining worlds.", + "msgid": "§c Disabled join messages.", "msgstr": "" }, "Invalid": { - "msgid": "§cInvalid argument.", + "msgid": "§c Invalid argument.", "msgstr": "" }, "UsageJoin": { - "msgid": "§cUsage is join <-ture/-false/-settings>", + "msgid": "§c Usage: join <-true/-false/-settings>", "msgstr": "" }, "welcome": { - "msgid": "§7 Welcome! My Server", + "msgid": "§7 Welcome to My Server!", "msgstr": "" }, "Rulejoin": { @@ -212,319 +255,319 @@ "msgstr": "" }, "RulesNumber": { - "msgid": "§bNumber of Rules", + "msgid": "§b Number of Rules:", "msgstr": "" }, "RulesEnter": { - "msgid": "§0Enter the number of rules", + "msgid": "§0 Enter the number of rules:", "msgstr": "" }, "RuleSettings": { - "msgid": "§6Rule Settings", + "msgid": "§6 Rule Settings", "msgstr": "" }, "Rules": { - "msgid": "§bRule {i}", + "msgid": "§b Rule {i}:", "msgstr": "" }, "RuleEnter2": { - "msgid": "§0Enter rule {i}", + "msgid": "§0 Enter rule {i}:", "msgstr": "" }, "RuleUpdate": { - "msgid": "§aRules updated!", + "msgid": "§a Rules updated!", "msgstr": "" }, "joinSettings": { - "msgid": "§6Join Log Settings", + "msgid": "§6 Join Log Settings", "msgstr": "" }, "TpaRequesMenu": { - "msgid": "§2Welcome to tpa MenuCurrent requests:{requestList} people", + "msgid": "§2 Welcome to the TPA Menu! Current requests: {requestList} people", "msgstr": "" }, "SendTpa": { - "msgid": "§0Send a TPARequest", + "msgid": "§0 Send a TPA Request", "msgstr": "" }, "ShowTpaRequests": { - "msgid": "§0Confirm TP request addressed to me", + "msgid": "§0 Confirm TP requests addressed to me", "msgstr": "" }, "NoTpaRequests": { - "msgid": "§cNo TP request has been sent to you", + "msgid": "§c You have no TP requests.", "msgstr": "" }, "SelectTpaRequest": { - "msgid": "§2TPRequest has arrived, please select the player you accept", + "msgid": "§2 You have received a TPA request. Please select the player you want to accept.", "msgstr": "" }, "SendTpaSelect": { - "msgid": "§2Select the player to whom you would like to send a request", + "msgid": "§2 Select the player you want to send a request to:", "msgstr": "" }, "uihelp": { - "msgid": "§0HelpMenu", + "msgid": "§0 Help Menu", "msgstr": "" }, "uichest": { - "msgid": "§0ChestMenu(BETA)", + "msgid": "§0 Chest Menu (BETA)", "msgstr": "" }, "uilang": { - "msgid": "§0LangMenu", + "msgid": "§0 Language Menu", "msgstr": "" }, "uijpch": { - "msgid": "§0jpchMenu(BETA)", + "msgid": "§0 JPCH Menu (BETA)", "msgstr": "" }, "uitpa": { - "msgid": "§0Tpa Menu(BETA)", + "msgid": "§0 TPA Menu (BETA)", "msgstr": "" }, "closeChat": { - "msgid": "§a==Close The Chat Panel==", + "msgid": "§a == Close The Chat Panel ==", "msgstr": "" }, "Tpcommand": { - "msgid": "You can send a request and TP it", + "msgid": "Send a request and teleport.", "msgstr": "" }, "tpaRequestSent": { - "msgid": "§aTPA request sent to {playerName}", + "msgid": "§a TPA request sent to§b {playerName}.", "msgstr": "" }, "tpaRequestAlreadySent": { - "msgid": "§cThe cTPA request has already been sent to {playerName}!", + "msgid": "§c You have already sent a TPA request to§6 {playerName}!", "msgstr": "" }, "tpaRequestReceived": { - "msgid": "§2Received a TPA request from {playerName}.", + "msgid": "§2 Received a TPA request from §b{playerName}.", "msgstr": "" }, "noPendingTpaRequests": { - "msgid": "§3You have no pending TPA requests.", + "msgid": "§3 You have no pending TPA requests.", "msgstr": "" }, "invalidTpaRequest": { - "msgid": "§cInvalid TPA request", + "msgid": "§c Invalid TPA request.", "msgstr": "" }, "requesterNotFound": { - "msgid": "§cRequester not found", + "msgid": "§c Requester not found.", "msgstr": "" }, "teleportedToPlayer": { - "msgid": "§aTeleported to {playerName}", + "msgid": "§a Teleported to §b{playerName}.", "msgstr": "" }, "tpaRequestAccepted": { - "msgid": "§a{playerName} has accepted your TPA request", + "msgid": "§a §b{playerName} §ahas accepted your TPA request.", "msgstr": "" }, "tpaRequestAcceptes": { - "msgid": "§aTPA request from {playerName} accepted!", + "msgid": "§a TPA request from §b{playerName}§a accepted!", "msgstr": "" }, "cannotTpaToSelf": { - "msgid": "§cYou cannot send a TPA request to yourself", + "msgid": "§c You cannot send a TPA request to yourself.", "msgstr": "" }, "invalidTpaCommandUsage": { - "msgid": "§3Invalid usage. Use tpa -r to send a request, or tpa -a to accept", + "msgid": "§3 Invalid usage. Use {prefix}tpa -r to send a request, or {prefix}tpa -a to accept.", "msgstr": "" }, "tpaRequestTimedOut": { - "msgid": "§3TPA request from {playerName} has timed out", + "msgid": "§3 TPA request from §6{playerName}§3 has timed out.", "msgstr": "" }, "jpchCom": { - "msgid": "§2Functions like LunaChat", + "msgid": "§2 Functions like LunaChat.", "msgstr": "" }, "jpenable": { - "msgid": "§aEnable Function", + "msgid": "§a Function enabled.", "msgstr": "" }, "jpdisable": { - "msgid": "§cDisable function", + "msgid": "§c Function disabled.", "msgstr": "" }, "AccesItemUI": { - "msgid": "itemUI command (accesses Chest Lock UI)", + "msgid": "Item UI Command (Accesses Chest Lock UI)", "msgstr": "" }, "FullInv": { - "msgid": "§cYour inventory is full and items cannot be granted", + "msgid": "§c Your inventory is full. Items cannot be granted.", "msgstr": "" }, "AlreadyInv": { - "msgid": "§cUIitem already exists in your inventory", + "msgid": "§c That UI item already exists in your inventory.", "msgstr": "" }, "AddInv": { - "msgid": "§aYou have added an item to your inventory! (please check)", + "msgid": "§a Item added to your inventory! (Please check)", "msgstr": "" }, "Displayplayerinformation": { - "msgid": "List command (displays player information)", + "msgid": "List command (Displays player information)", "msgstr": "" }, "commands.list.usage": { - "msgid": "§aUsage: list show Or list all", + "msgid": "§a Usage: {prefix}list show or {prefix}list all", "msgstr": "" }, "commands.list.playerInfo": { - "msgid": "§6==== Player Info =====\n §2Name: §f{TragetName},\n §2ID: §f{TargetID},\n §2Location: §f({TargetX}, {TargetY}, {TargetZ}),\n §2Health: §f{health},\n §2Game Mode:§f {GameMode},\n §2Ping: {ping}\n §6===========", + "msgid": "§6 ==== Player Info =====\n §2Name: §f{TragetName},\n §2ID: §f{TargetID},\n §2Location: §f({TargetX}, {TargetY}, {TargetZ}),\n §2Health: §f{health},\n §2Game Mode:§f {GameMode},\n §2Ping: {ping}\n §6 ===========", "msgstr": "" }, "commands.list.playerNotFound": { - "msgid": "§cPlayer not found: {tragetplayer}", + "msgid": "§c Player not found: §6{tragetplayer}", "msgstr": "" }, "jpch_command_description": { - "msgid": "jpch command (experimental feature)", + "msgid": "JPCH command (Experimental feature)", "msgstr": "" }, "ui_command_description": { - "msgid": "ui command (this command displays a GUI with ActionForm)", + "msgid": "UI command (This command displays a GUI with ActionForm)", "msgstr": "" }, "ChooseCom": { - "msgid": "§2Select the command:", + "msgid": "§2 Select a command:", "msgstr": "" }, "ChestCom": { - "msgid": "§2Select the chest:", + "msgid": "§2 Select a chest:", "msgstr": "" }, "Chestinfo": { - "msgid": "§0See nearby chests", + "msgid": "§0 See nearby chests", "msgstr": "" }, "Chestlock": { - "msgid": "§0lock system", + "msgid": "§0 Lock System", "msgstr": "" }, "ChestMember": { - "msgid": "§0Member system", + "msgid": "§0 Member System", "msgstr": "" }, "back": { - "msgid": "§2back", + "msgid": "§2 Back", "msgstr": "" }, "lockinfo": { - "msgid": "§2Select the type of lock:", + "msgid": "§2 Select the lock type:", "msgstr": "" }, "locking": { - "msgid": "§alocking!", + "msgid": "§a Locking!", "msgstr": "" }, "unlocking": { - "msgid": "§cunlocking!", + "msgid": "§c Unlocking!", "msgstr": "" }, "ProtectChest": { - "msgid": "§0Protection Chest Status", + "msgid": "§0 Chest Protection Status", "msgstr": "" }, "MemberChoose": { - "msgid": "§2Choose your member's:", + "msgid": "§2 Choose your members:", "msgstr": "" }, "MemberAdd": { - "msgid": "§0Member Add", + "msgid": "§0 Add Member", "msgstr": "" }, "MemberRemove": { - "msgid": "§0Member Remove", + "msgid": "§0 Remove Member", "msgstr": "" }, "Memberall": { - "msgid": "§0Member list", + "msgid": "§0 Member List", "msgstr": "" }, "AddMemberSelect": { - "msgid": "§2Select the member you wish to add:", + "msgid": "§2 Select the member you want to add:", "msgstr": "" }, "RemoveMemberSelect": { - "msgid": "§2Select the member you wish to Remove:", + "msgid": "§2 Select the member you want to remove:", "msgstr": "" }, "SelectLang": { - "msgid": "§2Select an operation from the language menu:", + "msgid": "§2 Select an operation from the language menu:", "msgstr": "" }, "langList": { - "msgid": "§0lang List", + "msgid": "§0 Language List", "msgstr": "" }, "langChange": { - "msgid": "§0lang Change", + "msgid": "§0 Change Language", "msgstr": "" }, "langChange1": { - "msgid": "§2Please select the language you wish to change:", + "msgid": "§2 Please select the language you want to change to:", "msgstr": "" }, "FromError": { - "msgid": "§cAn error occurred while displaying the form:", + "msgid": "§c An error occurred while displaying the form:", "msgstr": "" }, "desabledCom": { - "msgid": "§cUnregistered or disabled command", + "msgid": "§c Unregistered or disabled command.", "msgstr": "" }, "desableComSuggest": { - "msgid": "§6Invalid command. Is it possibly the {possibleCommands} command? If so, answer {prefix}yes", + "msgid": "§6 Invalid command. Did you mean: {possibleCommands}? If so, answer {prefix}yes", "msgstr": "" }, "AllowTagCom": { - "msgid": "§cOnly players with an authorized tag can use it", + "msgid": "§c Only players with an authorized tag can use this command.", "msgstr": "" }, "invalidCom": { - "msgid": "§6invalid command. Please make sure it is correct Commands used:{commandName}", + "msgid": "§6 Invalid command. Please make sure it is correct. Commands used: {commandName}", "msgstr": "" }, "Developer commands": { - "msgid": "dev command (this command provides developers and administrators with the ability to reset and verify dynamic properties)", + "msgid": "Dev command (This command allows developers and administrators to reset and verify dynamic properties)", "msgstr": "" }, "available_commands": { - "msgid": "§6Current available commands", + "msgid": "§6 Currently available commands:", "msgstr": "" }, "help_command_description": { - "msgid": "help command (this command displays help as you can see)", + "msgid": "Help command (This command displays help information)", "msgstr": "" }, "lang_removeData": { - "msgid": "Language data deletion complete", + "msgid": "Language data deletion complete.", "msgstr": "" }, "lang_docs": { - "msgid": "lang command (this command switches the language)", + "msgid": "Lang command (This command switches the language)", "msgstr": "" }, "lang_list": { - "msgid": "§aAvailable Languages:\n", + "msgid": "§a Available Languages:\n", "msgstr": "" }, "lang_change": { - "msgid": "§aLanguage changed to", + "msgid": "§a Language changed to: {language}", "msgstr": "" }, "lang_failed": { - "msgid": "§cFailed to change language to", + "msgid": "§c Failed to change language to: {language}", "msgstr": "" }, "lang_invalid": { - "msgid": "§cInvalid command usage. Use lang list or lang change ", + "msgid": "§c Invalid command usage. Use /lang list or /lang change ", "msgstr": "" }, "chest_command": { @@ -532,21 +575,21 @@ "msgstr": "" }, "unavailable": { - "msgid": "§cLack of authority", + "msgid": "§c You do not have permission to do that.", "msgstr": "" }, "chest_help": { "msgid": [ - "§cInvalid command.", - "§aChest protection command usage:.", - " §bchest lock - locks the chest", - " §bchest info - displays information about the nearest chest", - " §bchest unlock - unlocks the chest", - " §bchest protect - toggles chest protection", - " §bchest add - add a member to the chest", - " §bchest remove - remove a member of a chest", - " §bchest all - displays a list of chest members", - " §bchest list -displays a list of chest", + "§c Invalid command.", + "§a Chest protection command usage:", + " §bchest lock - Locks the chest", + " §bchest info - Displays information about the nearest chest", + " §bchest unlock - Unlocks the chest", + " §bchest protect - Toggles chest protection", + " §bchest add - Adds a member to the chest", + " §bchest remove - Removes a member from the chest", + " §bchest all - Displays a list of chest members", + " §bchest list - Displays a list of chests", " §b_______________________________________", " §bAuthor: Koukun - License AGPL-3.0", " §bYoutubeURL - https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn" @@ -554,51 +597,51 @@ "msgstr": "" }, "MaxChestLimitReached": { - "msgid": "§cThe installation limit of {protectChest} has already been reached", + "msgid": "§c The installation limit of {protectChest} has been reached.", "msgstr": "" }, "chestLocksCount": { - "msgid": "§aYou are currently protecting {protectChest} chests", + "msgid": "§a You are currently protecting {protectChest} chests.", "msgstr": "" }, "ChestlistCom": { - "msgid": "§aYou have protected {playerChests} chests:", + "msgid": "§a You have protected {playerChests} chests:", "msgstr": "" }, "chestlocation": { - "msgid": "§e- Location: {key}", + "msgid": "§e - Location: {key}", "msgstr": "" }, "nearby_chest_info": { - "msgid": "§a---- Nearby Chest Info ----", + "msgid": "§a ---- Nearby Chest Info ----", "msgstr": "" }, "coordinate_x": { - "msgid": "§bX: §e", + "msgid": "§b X: §e", "msgstr": "" }, "coordinate_y": { - "msgid": "§bY: §e", + "msgid": "§b Y: §e", "msgstr": "" }, "coordinate_z": { - "msgid": "§bZ: §e", + "msgid": "§b Z: §e", "msgstr": "" }, "protected": { - "msgid": "§aProtected", + "msgid": "§a Protected", "msgstr": "" }, "owner": { - "msgid": "§bOwner: §e", + "msgid": "§b Owner: §e", "msgstr": "" }, "members": { - "msgid": "§bMembers: §e", + "msgid": "§b Members: §e", "msgstr": "" }, "large_chest": { - "msgid": "§bLarge Chest: §e", + "msgid": "§b Large Chest: §e", "msgstr": "" }, "yes": { @@ -610,31 +653,31 @@ "msgstr": "" }, "not_protected": { - "msgid": "§cNot Protected", + "msgid": "§c Not Protected", "msgstr": "" }, "notFound_chest": { - "msgid": "§cCan't find chest", + "msgid": "§c Cannot find chest.", "msgstr": "" }, "chestProtectRemove": { - "msgid": "§a Chest protection removed", + "msgid": "§a Chest protection removed.", "msgstr": "" }, "AlreadyProChest": { - "msgid": "§a This chest is already protected", + "msgid": "§a This chest is already protected.", "msgstr": "" }, "chest_lookstate": { - "msgid": "§a chest protected {lcokstate}", + "msgid": "§a Chest protection: {lcokstate}", "msgstr": "" }, "chest_removeData": { - "msgid": "§aAll chest protection data has been reset.", + "msgid": "§a All chest protection data has been reset.", "msgstr": "" }, "isLookChest": { - "msgid": "§cThis chest is locked", + "msgid": "§c This chest is locked.", "msgstr": "" }, "isProChest": { @@ -642,55 +685,55 @@ "msgstr": "" }, "ProChestBreak": { - "msgid": "§a Protected chest has been destroyed. Protected data also deleted.", + "msgid": "§a Protected chest destroyed. Protection data also deleted.", "msgstr": "" }, "lockChange": { - "msgid": "§a Protection state of chest is changed to {lock}", + "msgid": "§a Chest protection state changed to: {lock}", "msgstr": "" }, "NotChest": { - "msgid": "§cYou are not authorized to operate this chest.", + "msgid": "§c You are not authorized to access this chest.", "msgstr": "" }, "AddM": { - "msgid": "§a{member} Added as a member location:{chestLocation}", + "msgid": "§a {member} added as a member at location: {chestLocation}", "msgstr": "" }, "addYouM": { - "msgid": "§aThis{playerName}has added you to the following chests{chestLocation}", + "msgid": "§a {playerName} has added you to the following chests: {chestLocation}", "msgstr": "" }, "RemoveYouM": { - "msgid": "§aThis{playerName}has removed you from members in the following chests{chestLocation}", + "msgid": "§a {playerName} has removed you from the following chests: {chestLocation}", "msgstr": "" }, "MAlreday": { - "msgid": "§c{member} is already a member. ", + "msgid": "§c {member} is already a member.", "msgstr": "" }, "RemoveM": { - "msgid": "§a{member} has Removed from members", + "msgid": "§a {member} has been removed from members.", "msgstr": "" }, "NotM": { - "msgid": "§cis not a member", + "msgid": "§c Not a member.", "msgstr": "" }, "allM": { - "msgid": "§a member: ", + "msgid": "§a Members: ", "msgstr": "" }, "NotFoundM": { - "msgid": "§c No members", + "msgid": "§c No members.", "msgstr": "" }, "ExplosionWarning": { - "msgid": "§c Can you please not blow that up?", + "msgid": "§c Please do not explode that.", "msgstr": "" }, "cannotPlaceItem": { - "msgid": "§c It is forbidden to place pistons in this area", + "msgid": "§c You are not allowed to place pistons in this area.", "msgstr": "" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/en_US.ts b/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/en_US.ts index 40e9e20..66f53f5 100644 --- a/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/en_US.ts +++ b/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/en_US.ts @@ -1,170 +1,190 @@ export const translations = { - "loreDoce": { - msgid: "Change the name/lore of the item.", + "command.about": { + msgid: "§a== About ChestLockAddon ==\n\nChestLockAddon is a useful utility addon for Minecraft version 1.21.22 that provides chest protection and more.\n\n§b== Main Features ==\n• Chest Protection: Protect your chests from other players.\n• Multilingual Support: Change the language setting with the lang command.\n• Teleport Request: Send a teleport request to another player with the tpa command.\n• And more: More useful commands will be added in the future.\n\n§b== Links ==\n• GitHub: https://github.com/gamelist1990/ChestLockAddon\n• YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn\n• Discord: https://discord.gg/GJyqBm7Pyd\n\n§c== Notes ==\nThis addon is under development and may contain unexpected bugs. If you find any bugs, please report them on GitHub or Discord.\n\n§a== Message from the Developer ==\nWe welcome your feedback to make ChestLockAddon a better addon.", msgstr: "" }, - "changeLore": { - msgid: "Item Change Lore", + "command.Undone": { + msgid: "§f>>§aReverted to one previous change", msgstr: "" }, - "ChangeName": { - msgid: "Item Change Name", + "aboutCom": { + msgid: "View an overview of this add-on", msgstr: "" }, - "ClearLore": { - msgid: "Item Clear Lore", + "command.NothingToUndo": { + msgid: "§f>>§cThere were no changes that could be reverted.", msgstr: "" }, - "Newlore": { + "ServerVersion": { + msgid: "§bThis ChestLockAddon is running version {version}", + msgstr: "" + }, + "command.loreDocs": { + msgid: "§2Change the item's name/lore (Place the item in the first slot of your hotbar)", + msgstr: "" + }, + "command.Changelore": { + msgid: "§0Change Item Lore", + msgstr: "" + }, + "command.ChangeName": { + msgid: "§0Change Item Name", + msgstr: "" + }, + "command.ClearLore": { + msgid: "§0Clear Item Lore", + msgstr: "" + }, + "command.NewLore": { msgid: "Enter new lore:", msgstr: "" }, - "Newname": { + "command.NewName": { msgid: "Enter new name:", msgstr: "" }, - "Usagelore": { - msgid: "Usage: {prefix}lore -set or {prefix}lore -remove or {prefix}lore -rename or {prefix}lore -clearlore", + "command.UsageLore": { + msgid: "§3Usage: {prefix}lore -set \"\" or {prefix}lore -remove \"\" or {prefix}lore -rename \"\" or {prefix}lore -command.ClearLore", msgstr: "" }, - "ADDLore": { - msgid: "Added lore, please check", + "command.AddLore": { + msgid: "§aLore added, please check.", msgstr: "" }, - "TakeItem": { - msgid: "Please take the item.", + "command.takeItem": { + msgid: "§cPlease hold the item.", msgstr: "" }, - "LoreNotFound": { - msgid: "Lore not found", + "command.NotFoundLore": { + msgid: "§cLore not found.", msgstr: "" }, - "RemoveLore": { - msgid: "Lore has been deleted. Please check.", + "command.RemoveLore": { + msgid: "§aLore deleted. Please check.", msgstr: "" }, - "ChangeNames": { - msgid: "Renamed the item", + "command.ChangeNames": { + msgid: "§aItem renamed.", msgstr: "" }, - "uilore": { - msgid: "Custom Item Name/Lore", + "ui.MainLoreButton": { + msgid: "§0Custom Item Name/Lore", msgstr: "" }, - "FirstPointSet": { - msgid: ">> First point set.", + "command.FirstPointSet": { + msgid: "§f>>§a First point set.", msgstr: "" }, "editCom": { - msgid: "WorldEdit Command", + msgid: "WorldEdit Commands", msgstr: "" }, "loreCom": { msgid: "Change Item Lore", msgstr: "" }, - "SecondPointSet": { - msgid: ">> Second point set.", + "command.SecondPointSet": { + msgid: "§f>>§6 Second point set.", msgstr: "" }, - "SelectionCompleted": { - msgid: ">> Selection completed.", + "command.SelectionCompleted": { + msgid: "§f>>§a Selection completed.", msgstr: "" }, - "PointSet": { - msgid: ">> Point set.", + "command.PointSet": { + msgid: "§f>> §aPoint set.", msgstr: "" }, - "WallsCreated": { - msgid: ">> Walls created.", + "command.WallsCreated": { + msgid: "§f>>§a Walls created.", msgstr: "" }, - "InvalidBlockId": { - msgid: ">> Invalid block ID.", + "command.InvalidBlockId": { + msgid: "§f>>§c Invalid block ID.", msgstr: "" }, - "OutlineCreated": { - msgid: ">> Outline created.", + "command.OutlineCreated": { + msgid: "§f>>§a Outline created.", msgstr: "" }, "FilledCircleCreated": { - msgid: ">> Filled circle created.", + msgid: "§f>>§a Filled circle created.", msgstr: "" }, "RangeSet": { - msgid: ">> Range set with the specified block ({blockId}).", + msgid: "§f>>§a Range set with the specified block ({blockId}).", msgstr: "" }, "RangeCleared": { - msgid: ">> Range cleared.", + msgid: "§f>>§a Range cleared.", msgstr: "" }, "WallsToolSelected": { - msgid: ">> Walls tool selected. (Block ID: {blockId})", + msgid: "§f>>§a Walls tool selected. (Block ID: {blockId})", msgstr: "" }, "OutlineToolSelected": { - msgid: ">> Outline tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", + msgid: "§f>>§a Outline tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", msgstr: "" }, "FilledCircleToolSelected": { - msgid: ">> Filled circle tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", + msgid: "§f>>§a Filled circle tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", msgstr: "" }, "ToolExited": { - msgid: ">> Tool exited.", + msgid: "§f>>§a Tool exited.", msgstr: "" }, "ToolOptions": { - msgid: ">> Tool options: -wall , -outline , -filledCircle , -exit", + msgid: "§f>> §3Tool options: -wall , -outline , -filledCircle , -exit", msgstr: "" }, "StartRangeSelection2": { - msgid: ">> Range selection started. Please break two blocks.", + msgid: "§f>>§a Range selection started. Please break two blocks.", msgstr: "" }, "StartRangeSelection": { - msgid: ">> Range selection started. Hold a wooden hoe and break a block.", + msgid: "§f>>§a Range selection started. Hold a wooden hoe and break a block.", msgstr: "" }, "InvalidCommandUsage": { - msgid: ">> Invalid command usage: /{prefix}edit -set | /{prefix}edit -clear | /{prefix}edit tool | /{prefix}edit start", + msgid: "§f>>§3 Invalid command usage: /{prefix}edit -set | /{prefix}edit -clear | /{prefix}edit tool | /{prefix}edit start", msgstr: "" }, "PlayerNotFound": { - msgid: "§cPlayerNotFound!! Make sure you're really there", + msgid: "§cPlayer not found! Make sure you're in a valid location.", msgstr: "" }, "TheFirestBlock": { - msgid: "§a1 The first block has been recorded. Destroy the block again.", + msgid: "§a1. First block recorded. Destroy the block again.", msgstr: "" }, "TheSecond": { - msgid: "§a2 second block has been recorded. Warp gate has been set.", + msgid: "§a2. Second block recorded. Warp gate has been set.", msgstr: "" }, "WarpUsage": { - msgid: "§c usage: warpgate -create ", msgstr: "" }, "AlreadyWarp": { - msgid: "§cA warp gate of that name already exists.", + msgid: "§c A warp gate with that name already exists.", msgstr: "" }, "CreateGate": { - msgid: "§aCreate a warp gate {gatename} \n §aNext, destroy the two blocks to specify the extent of the gate.", + msgid: "§a Creating warp gate: {gatename} \n §a Next, destroy two blocks to define the gate's boundaries.", msgstr: "" }, "NotWarp": { - msgid: "§cThe gate with the specified name does not exist", + msgid: "§c The specified warp gate does not exist.", msgstr: "" }, "deleteWarp": { - msgid: "§a gate removed: {gatename}", + msgid: "§a Gate removed: {gatename}", msgstr: "" }, "NotWarpSetting": { - msgid: "§cNo warp gate is set.", + msgid: "§c No warp gate is set.", msgstr: "" }, "listGate": { @@ -172,39 +192,39 @@ export const translations = { msgstr: "" }, "warpgateCom": { - msgid: "Warp gate can be set", + msgid: "Set Warp Gate", msgstr: "" }, "UsageGate": { - msgid: "§c invalid subcommand usage {prefix}warpgate <-create/delete/list> [name] |\n§c create command Only -create [name] [x,y,z]", + msgid: "§c Invalid subcommand usage: {prefix}warpgate <-create/delete/list> [name] |\n§c Create command only: -create [name] [x,y,z]", msgstr: "" }, "TPGATE": { - msgid: "§a Teleported to warp gate {gate}.", + msgid: "§a Teleported to warp gate: {gate}.", msgstr: "" }, "Joincommand": { - msgid: "Displays a message when joining a world", + msgid: "Displays a message when joining a world.", msgstr: "" }, "Joinenabled": { - msgid: "§aEnabled messages when joining worlds", + msgid: "§a Enabled join messages.", msgstr: "" }, "Joindisabled": { - msgid: "§cDisabled messages when joining worlds.", + msgid: "§c Disabled join messages.", msgstr: "" }, "Invalid": { - msgid: "§cInvalid argument.", + msgid: "§c Invalid argument.", msgstr: "" }, "UsageJoin": { - msgid: "§cUsage is join <-ture/-false/-settings>", + msgid: "§c Usage: join <-true/-false/-settings>", msgstr: "" }, "welcome": { - msgid: "§7 Welcome! My Server", + msgid: "§7 Welcome to My Server!", msgstr: "" }, "Rulejoin": { @@ -212,319 +232,319 @@ export const translations = { msgstr: "" }, "RulesNumber": { - msgid: "§bNumber of Rules", + msgid: "§b Number of Rules:", msgstr: "" }, "RulesEnter": { - msgid: "§0Enter the number of rules", + msgid: "§0 Enter the number of rules:", msgstr: "" }, "RuleSettings": { - msgid: "§6Rule Settings", + msgid: "§6 Rule Settings", msgstr: "" }, "Rules": { - msgid: "§bRule {i}", + msgid: "§b Rule {i}:", msgstr: "" }, "RuleEnter2": { - msgid: "§0Enter rule {i}", + msgid: "§0 Enter rule {i}:", msgstr: "" }, "RuleUpdate": { - msgid: "§aRules updated!", + msgid: "§a Rules updated!", msgstr: "" }, "joinSettings": { - msgid: "§6Join Log Settings", + msgid: "§6 Join Log Settings", msgstr: "" }, "TpaRequesMenu": { - msgid: "§2Welcome to tpa MenuCurrent requests:{requestList} people", + msgid: "§2 Welcome to the TPA Menu! Current requests: {requestList} people", msgstr: "" }, "SendTpa": { - msgid: "§0Send a TPARequest", + msgid: "§0 Send a TPA Request", msgstr: "" }, "ShowTpaRequests": { - msgid: "§0Confirm TP request addressed to me", + msgid: "§0 Confirm TP requests addressed to me", msgstr: "" }, "NoTpaRequests": { - msgid: "§cNo TP request has been sent to you", + msgid: "§c You have no TP requests.", msgstr: "" }, "SelectTpaRequest": { - msgid: "§2TPRequest has arrived, please select the player you accept", + msgid: "§2 You have received a TPA request. Please select the player you want to accept.", msgstr: "" }, "SendTpaSelect": { - msgid: "§2Select the player to whom you would like to send a request", + msgid: "§2 Select the player you want to send a request to:", msgstr: "" }, "uihelp": { - msgid: "§0HelpMenu", + msgid: "§0 Help Menu", msgstr: "" }, "uichest": { - msgid: "§0ChestMenu(BETA)", + msgid: "§0 Chest Menu (BETA)", msgstr: "" }, "uilang": { - msgid: "§0LangMenu", + msgid: "§0 Language Menu", msgstr: "" }, "uijpch": { - msgid: "§0jpchMenu(BETA)", + msgid: "§0 JPCH Menu (BETA)", msgstr: "" }, "uitpa": { - msgid: "§0Tpa Menu(BETA)", + msgid: "§0 TPA Menu (BETA)", msgstr: "" }, "closeChat": { - msgid: "§a==Close The Chat Panel==", + msgid: "§a == Close The Chat Panel ==", msgstr: "" }, "Tpcommand": { - msgid: "You can send a request and TP it", + msgid: "Send a request and teleport.", msgstr: "" }, "tpaRequestSent": { - msgid: "§aTPA request sent to {playerName}", + msgid: "§a TPA request sent to§b {playerName}.", msgstr: "" }, "tpaRequestAlreadySent": { - msgid: "§cThe cTPA request has already been sent to {playerName}!", + msgid: "§c You have already sent a TPA request to§6 {playerName}!", msgstr: "" }, "tpaRequestReceived": { - msgid: "§2Received a TPA request from {playerName}.", + msgid: "§2 Received a TPA request from §b{playerName}.", msgstr: "" }, "noPendingTpaRequests": { - msgid: "§3You have no pending TPA requests.", + msgid: "§3 You have no pending TPA requests.", msgstr: "" }, "invalidTpaRequest": { - msgid: "§cInvalid TPA request", + msgid: "§c Invalid TPA request.", msgstr: "" }, "requesterNotFound": { - msgid: "§cRequester not found", + msgid: "§c Requester not found.", msgstr: "" }, "teleportedToPlayer": { - msgid: "§aTeleported to {playerName}", + msgid: "§a Teleported to §b{playerName}.", msgstr: "" }, "tpaRequestAccepted": { - msgid: "§a{playerName} has accepted your TPA request", + msgid: "§a §b{playerName} §ahas accepted your TPA request.", msgstr: "" }, "tpaRequestAcceptes": { - msgid: "§aTPA request from {playerName} accepted!", + msgid: "§a TPA request from §b{playerName}§a accepted!", msgstr: "" }, "cannotTpaToSelf": { - msgid: "§cYou cannot send a TPA request to yourself", + msgid: "§c You cannot send a TPA request to yourself.", msgstr: "" }, "invalidTpaCommandUsage": { - msgid: "§3Invalid usage. Use tpa -r to send a request, or tpa -a to accept", + msgid: "§3 Invalid usage. Use {prefix}tpa -r to send a request, or {prefix}tpa -a to accept.", msgstr: "" }, "tpaRequestTimedOut": { - msgid: "§3TPA request from {playerName} has timed out", + msgid: "§3 TPA request from §6{playerName}§3 has timed out.", msgstr: "" }, "jpchCom": { - msgid: "§2Functions like LunaChat", + msgid: "§2 Functions like LunaChat.", msgstr: "" }, "jpenable": { - msgid: "§aEnable Function", + msgid: "§a Function enabled.", msgstr: "" }, "jpdisable": { - msgid: "§cDisable function", + msgid: "§c Function disabled.", msgstr: "" }, "AccesItemUI": { - msgid: "itemUI command (accesses Chest Lock UI)", + msgid: "Item UI Command (Accesses Chest Lock UI)", msgstr: "" }, "FullInv": { - msgid: "§cYour inventory is full and items cannot be granted", + msgid: "§c Your inventory is full. Items cannot be granted.", msgstr: "" }, "AlreadyInv": { - msgid: "§cUIitem already exists in your inventory", + msgid: "§c That UI item already exists in your inventory.", msgstr: "" }, "AddInv": { - msgid: "§aYou have added an item to your inventory! (please check)", + msgid: "§a Item added to your inventory! (Please check)", msgstr: "" }, "Displayplayerinformation": { - msgid: "List command (displays player information)", + msgid: "List command (Displays player information)", msgstr: "" }, "commands.list.usage": { - msgid: "§aUsage: list show Or list all", + msgid: "§a Usage: {prefix}list show or {prefix}list all", msgstr: "" }, "commands.list.playerInfo": { - msgid: "§6==== Player Info =====\n §2Name: §f{TragetName},\n §2ID: §f{TargetID},\n §2Location: §f({TargetX}, {TargetY}, {TargetZ}),\n §2Health: §f{health},\n §2Game Mode:§f {GameMode},\n §2Ping: {ping}\n §6===========", + msgid: "§6 ==== Player Info =====\n §2Name: §f{TragetName},\n §2ID: §f{TargetID},\n §2Location: §f({TargetX}, {TargetY}, {TargetZ}),\n §2Health: §f{health},\n §2Game Mode:§f {GameMode},\n §2Ping: {ping}\n §6 ===========", msgstr: "" }, "commands.list.playerNotFound": { - msgid: "§cPlayer not found: {tragetplayer}", + msgid: "§c Player not found: §6{tragetplayer}", msgstr: "" }, "jpch_command_description": { - msgid: "jpch command (experimental feature)", + msgid: "JPCH command (Experimental feature)", msgstr: "" }, "ui_command_description": { - msgid: "ui command (this command displays a GUI with ActionForm)", + msgid: "UI command (This command displays a GUI with ActionForm)", msgstr: "" }, "ChooseCom": { - msgid: "§2Select the command:", + msgid: "§2 Select a command:", msgstr: "" }, "ChestCom": { - msgid: "§2Select the chest:", + msgid: "§2 Select a chest:", msgstr: "" }, "Chestinfo": { - msgid: "§0See nearby chests", + msgid: "§0 See nearby chests", msgstr: "" }, "Chestlock": { - msgid: "§0lock system", + msgid: "§0 Lock System", msgstr: "" }, "ChestMember": { - msgid: "§0Member system", + msgid: "§0 Member System", msgstr: "" }, "back": { - msgid: "§2back", + msgid: "§2 Back", msgstr: "" }, "lockinfo": { - msgid: "§2Select the type of lock:", + msgid: "§2 Select the lock type:", msgstr: "" }, "locking": { - msgid: "§alocking!", + msgid: "§a Locking!", msgstr: "" }, "unlocking": { - msgid: "§cunlocking!", + msgid: "§c Unlocking!", msgstr: "" }, "ProtectChest": { - msgid: "§0Protection Chest Status", + msgid: "§0 Chest Protection Status", msgstr: "" }, "MemberChoose": { - msgid: "§2Choose your member's:", + msgid: "§2 Choose your members:", msgstr: "" }, "MemberAdd": { - msgid: "§0Member Add", + msgid: "§0 Add Member", msgstr: "" }, "MemberRemove": { - msgid: "§0Member Remove", + msgid: "§0 Remove Member", msgstr: "" }, "Memberall": { - msgid: "§0Member list", + msgid: "§0 Member List", msgstr: "" }, "AddMemberSelect": { - msgid: "§2Select the member you wish to add:", + msgid: "§2 Select the member you want to add:", msgstr: "" }, "RemoveMemberSelect": { - msgid: "§2Select the member you wish to Remove:", + msgid: "§2 Select the member you want to remove:", msgstr: "" }, "SelectLang": { - msgid: "§2Select an operation from the language menu:", + msgid: "§2 Select an operation from the language menu:", msgstr: "" }, "langList": { - msgid: "§0lang List", + msgid: "§0 Language List", msgstr: "" }, "langChange": { - msgid: "§0lang Change", + msgid: "§0 Change Language", msgstr: "" }, "langChange1": { - msgid: "§2Please select the language you wish to change:", + msgid: "§2 Please select the language you want to change to:", msgstr: "" }, "FromError": { - msgid: "§cAn error occurred while displaying the form:", + msgid: "§c An error occurred while displaying the form:", msgstr: "" }, "desabledCom": { - msgid: "§cUnregistered or disabled command", + msgid: "§c Unregistered or disabled command.", msgstr: "" }, "desableComSuggest": { - msgid: "§6Invalid command. Is it possibly the {possibleCommands} command? If so, answer {prefix}yes", + msgid: "§6 Invalid command. Did you mean: {possibleCommands}? If so, answer {prefix}yes", msgstr: "" }, "AllowTagCom": { - msgid: "§cOnly players with an authorized tag can use it", + msgid: "§c Only players with an authorized tag can use this command.", msgstr: "" }, "invalidCom": { - msgid: "§6invalid command. Please make sure it is correct Commands used:{commandName}", + msgid: "§6 Invalid command. Please make sure it is correct. Commands used: {commandName}", msgstr: "" }, "Developer commands": { - msgid: "dev command (this command provides developers and administrators with the ability to reset and verify dynamic properties)", + msgid: "Dev command (This command allows developers and administrators to reset and verify dynamic properties)", msgstr: "" }, "available_commands": { - msgid: "§6Current available commands", + msgid: "§6 Currently available commands:", msgstr: "" }, "help_command_description": { - msgid: "help command (this command displays help as you can see)", + msgid: "Help command (This command displays help information)", msgstr: "" }, "lang_removeData": { - msgid: "Language data deletion complete", + msgid: "Language data deletion complete.", msgstr: "" }, "lang_docs": { - msgid: "lang command (this command switches the language)", + msgid: "Lang command (This command switches the language)", msgstr: "" }, "lang_list": { - msgid: "§aAvailable Languages:\n", + msgid: "§a Available Languages:\n", msgstr: "" }, "lang_change": { - msgid: "§aLanguage changed to", + msgid: "§a Language changed to: {language}", msgstr: "" }, "lang_failed": { - msgid: "§cFailed to change language to", + msgid: "§c Failed to change language to: {language}", msgstr: "" }, "lang_invalid": { - msgid: "§cInvalid command usage. Use lang list or lang change ", + msgid: "§c Invalid command usage. Use /lang list or /lang change ", msgstr: "" }, "chest_command": { @@ -532,59 +552,59 @@ export const translations = { msgstr: "" }, "unavailable": { - msgid: "§cLack of authority", + msgid: "§c You do not have permission to do that.", msgstr: "" }, "chest_help": { - msgid: "§cInvalid command.\n§aChest protection command usage:.\n §bchest lock - locks the chest\n §bchest info - displays information about the nearest chest\n §bchest unlock - unlocks the chest\n §bchest protect - toggles chest protection\n §bchest add - add a member to the chest\n §bchest remove - remove a member of a chest\n §bchest all - displays a list of chest members\n §bchest list -displays a list of chest\n §b_______________________________________\n §bAuthor: Koukun - License AGPL-3.0\n §bYoutubeURL - https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn", + msgid: "§c Invalid command.\n§a Chest protection command usage:\n §bchest lock - Locks the chest\n §bchest info - Displays information about the nearest chest\n §bchest unlock - Unlocks the chest\n §bchest protect - Toggles chest protection\n §bchest add - Adds a member to the chest\n §bchest remove - Removes a member from the chest\n §bchest all - Displays a list of chest members\n §bchest list - Displays a list of chests\n §b_______________________________________\n §bAuthor: Koukun - License AGPL-3.0\n §bYoutubeURL - https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn", msgstr: "" }, "MaxChestLimitReached": { - msgid: "§cThe installation limit of {protectChest} has already been reached", + msgid: "§c The installation limit of {protectChest} has been reached.", msgstr: "" }, "chestLocksCount": { - msgid: "§aYou are currently protecting {protectChest} chests", + msgid: "§a You are currently protecting {protectChest} chests.", msgstr: "" }, "ChestlistCom": { - msgid: "§aYou have protected {playerChests} chests:", + msgid: "§a You have protected {playerChests} chests:", msgstr: "" }, "chestlocation": { - msgid: "§e- Location: {key}", + msgid: "§e - Location: {key}", msgstr: "" }, "nearby_chest_info": { - msgid: "§a---- Nearby Chest Info ----", + msgid: "§a ---- Nearby Chest Info ----", msgstr: "" }, "coordinate_x": { - msgid: "§bX: §e", + msgid: "§b X: §e", msgstr: "" }, "coordinate_y": { - msgid: "§bY: §e", + msgid: "§b Y: §e", msgstr: "" }, "coordinate_z": { - msgid: "§bZ: §e", + msgid: "§b Z: §e", msgstr: "" }, "protected": { - msgid: "§aProtected", + msgid: "§a Protected", msgstr: "" }, "owner": { - msgid: "§bOwner: §e", + msgid: "§b Owner: §e", msgstr: "" }, "members": { - msgid: "§bMembers: §e", + msgid: "§b Members: §e", msgstr: "" }, "large_chest": { - msgid: "§bLarge Chest: §e", + msgid: "§b Large Chest: §e", msgstr: "" }, "yes": { @@ -596,31 +616,31 @@ export const translations = { msgstr: "" }, "not_protected": { - msgid: "§cNot Protected", + msgid: "§c Not Protected", msgstr: "" }, "notFound_chest": { - msgid: "§cCan't find chest", + msgid: "§c Cannot find chest.", msgstr: "" }, "chestProtectRemove": { - msgid: "§a Chest protection removed", + msgid: "§a Chest protection removed.", msgstr: "" }, "AlreadyProChest": { - msgid: "§a This chest is already protected", + msgid: "§a This chest is already protected.", msgstr: "" }, "chest_lookstate": { - msgid: "§a chest protected {lcokstate}", + msgid: "§a Chest protection: {lcokstate}", msgstr: "" }, "chest_removeData": { - msgid: "§aAll chest protection data has been reset.", + msgid: "§a All chest protection data has been reset.", msgstr: "" }, "isLookChest": { - msgid: "§cThis chest is locked", + msgid: "§c This chest is locked.", msgstr: "" }, "isProChest": { @@ -628,55 +648,55 @@ export const translations = { msgstr: "" }, "ProChestBreak": { - msgid: "§a Protected chest has been destroyed. Protected data also deleted.", + msgid: "§a Protected chest destroyed. Protection data also deleted.", msgstr: "" }, "lockChange": { - msgid: "§a Protection state of chest is changed to {lock}", + msgid: "§a Chest protection state changed to: {lock}", msgstr: "" }, "NotChest": { - msgid: "§cYou are not authorized to operate this chest.", + msgid: "§c You are not authorized to access this chest.", msgstr: "" }, "AddM": { - msgid: "§a{member} Added as a member location:{chestLocation}", + msgid: "§a {member} added as a member at location: {chestLocation}", msgstr: "" }, "addYouM": { - msgid: "§aThis{playerName}has added you to the following chests{chestLocation}", + msgid: "§a {playerName} has added you to the following chests: {chestLocation}", msgstr: "" }, "RemoveYouM": { - msgid: "§aThis{playerName}has removed you from members in the following chests{chestLocation}", + msgid: "§a {playerName} has removed you from the following chests: {chestLocation}", msgstr: "" }, "MAlreday": { - msgid: "§c{member} is already a member. ", + msgid: "§c {member} is already a member.", msgstr: "" }, "RemoveM": { - msgid: "§a{member} has Removed from members", + msgid: "§a {member} has been removed from members.", msgstr: "" }, "NotM": { - msgid: "§cis not a member", + msgid: "§c Not a member.", msgstr: "" }, "allM": { - msgid: "§a member: ", + msgid: "§a Members: ", msgstr: "" }, "NotFoundM": { - msgid: "§c No members", + msgid: "§c No members.", msgstr: "" }, "ExplosionWarning": { - msgid: "§c Can you please not blow that up?", + msgid: "§c Please do not explode that.", msgstr: "" }, "cannotPlaceItem": { - msgid: "§c It is forbidden to place pistons in this area", + msgid: "§c You are not allowed to place pistons in this area.", msgstr: "" }, }; diff --git a/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/fi_FI.json b/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/fi_FI.json index 7dabce6..1c7ab72 100644 --- a/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/fi_FI.json +++ b/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/fi_FI.json @@ -1,170 +1,213 @@ { - "loreDoce": { - "msgid": "Change the name/lore of the item.", + "command.about": { + "msgid": [ + "§a== About ChestLockAddon ==", + "", + "ChestLockAddon is a useful utility addon for Minecraft version 1.21.22 that provides chest protection and more.", + "", + "§b== Main Features ==", + "• Chest Protection: Protect your chests from other players.", + "• Multilingual Support: Change the language setting with the lang command.", + "• Teleport Request: Send a teleport request to another player with the tpa command.", + "• And more: More useful commands will be added in the future.", + "", + "§b== Links ==", + "• GitHub: https://github.com/gamelist1990/ChestLockAddon", + "• YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn", + "• Discord: https://discord.gg/GJyqBm7Pyd", + "", + "§c== Notes ==", + "This addon is under development and may contain unexpected bugs. If you find any bugs, please report them on GitHub or Discord.", + "", + "§a== Message from the Developer ==", + "We welcome your feedback to make ChestLockAddon a better addon." + ], + "msgstr": "" + }, + "command.Undone": { + "msgid": "§f>>§aReverted to one previous change", + "msgstr": "" + }, + "aboutCom": { + "msgid": "View an overview of this add-on", + "msgstr": "" + }, + "command.NothingToUndo": { + "msgid": "§f>>§cThere were no changes that could be reverted.", + "msgstr": "" + }, + "ServerVersion": { + "msgid": [ + "§bThis ChestLockAddon is running version {version}" + ], + "msgstr": "" + }, + "command.loreDocs": { + "msgid": "§2Change the item's name/lore (Place the item in the first slot of your hotbar)", "msgstr": "" }, - "changeLore": { - "msgid": "Item Change Lore", + "command.Changelore": { + "msgid": "§0Change Item Lore", "msgstr": "" }, - "ChangeName": { - "msgid": "Item Change Name", + "command.ChangeName": { + "msgid": "§0Change Item Name", "msgstr": "" }, - "ClearLore": { - "msgid": "Item Clear Lore", + "command.ClearLore": { + "msgid": "§0Clear Item Lore", "msgstr": "" }, - "Newlore": { + "command.NewLore": { "msgid": "Enter new lore:", "msgstr": "" }, - "Newname": { + "command.NewName": { "msgid": "Enter new name:", "msgstr": "" }, - "Usagelore": { - "msgid": "Usage: {prefix}lore -set or {prefix}lore -remove or {prefix}lore -rename or {prefix}lore -clearlore", + "command.UsageLore": { + "msgid": "§3Usage: {prefix}lore -set \"\" or {prefix}lore -remove \"\" or {prefix}lore -rename \"\" or {prefix}lore -command.ClearLore", "msgstr": "" }, - "ADDLore": { - "msgid": "Added lore, please check", + "command.AddLore": { + "msgid": "§aLore added, please check.", "msgstr": "" }, - "TakeItem": { - "msgid": "Please take the item.", + "command.takeItem": { + "msgid": "§cPlease hold the item.", "msgstr": "" }, - "LoreNotFound": { - "msgid": "Lore not found", + "command.NotFoundLore": { + "msgid": "§cLore not found.", "msgstr": "" }, - "RemoveLore": { - "msgid": "Lore has been deleted. Please check.", + "command.RemoveLore": { + "msgid": "§aLore deleted. Please check.", "msgstr": "" }, - "ChangeNames": { - "msgid": "Renamed the item", + "command.ChangeNames": { + "msgid": "§aItem renamed.", "msgstr": "" }, - "uilore": { - "msgid": "Custom Item Name/Lore", + "ui.MainLoreButton": { + "msgid": "§0Custom Item Name/Lore", "msgstr": "" }, - "FirstPointSet": { - "msgid": ">> First point set.", + "command.FirstPointSet": { + "msgid": "§f>>§a First point set.", "msgstr": "" }, "editCom": { - "msgid": "WorldEdit Command", + "msgid": "WorldEdit Commands", "msgstr": "" }, "loreCom": { "msgid": "Change Item Lore", "msgstr": "" }, - "SecondPointSet": { - "msgid": ">> Second point set.", + "command.SecondPointSet": { + "msgid": "§f>>§6 Second point set.", "msgstr": "" }, - "SelectionCompleted": { - "msgid": ">> Selection completed.", + "command.SelectionCompleted": { + "msgid": "§f>>§a Selection completed.", "msgstr": "" }, - "PointSet": { - "msgid": ">> Point set.", + "command.PointSet": { + "msgid": "§f>> §aPoint set.", "msgstr": "" }, - "WallsCreated": { - "msgid": ">> Walls created.", + "command.WallsCreated": { + "msgid": "§f>>§a Walls created.", "msgstr": "" }, - "InvalidBlockId": { - "msgid": ">> Invalid block ID.", + "command.InvalidBlockId": { + "msgid": "§f>>§c Invalid block ID.", "msgstr": "" }, - "OutlineCreated": { - "msgid": ">> Outline created.", + "command.OutlineCreated": { + "msgid": "§f>>§a Outline created.", "msgstr": "" }, "FilledCircleCreated": { - "msgid": ">> Filled circle created.", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Filled circle created.", "msgstr": "" }, "RangeSet": { - "msgid": ">> Range set with the specified block ({blockId}).", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Range set with the specified block ({blockId}).", "msgstr": "" }, "RangeCleared": { - "msgid": ">> Range cleared.", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Range cleared.", "msgstr": "" }, "WallsToolSelected": { - "msgid": ">> Walls tool selected. (Block ID: {blockId})", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Walls tool selected. (Block ID: {blockId})", "msgstr": "" }, "OutlineToolSelected": { - "msgid": ">> Outline tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Outline tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", "msgstr": "" }, "FilledCircleToolSelected": { - "msgid": ">> Filled circle tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Filled circle tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", "msgstr": "" }, "ToolExited": { - "msgid": ">> Tool exited.", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Tool exited.", "msgstr": "" }, "ToolOptions": { - "msgid": ">> Tool options: -wall , -outline , -filledCircle , -exit", + "msgid": "§f>> §3Tool options: -wall , -outline , -filledCircle , -exit", "msgstr": "" }, "StartRangeSelection2": { - "msgid": ">> Range selection started. Please break two blocks.", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Range selection started. Please break two blocks.", "msgstr": "" }, "StartRangeSelection": { - "msgid": ">> Range selection started. Hold a wooden hoe and break a block.", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Range selection started. Hold a wooden hoe and break a block.", "msgstr": "" }, "InvalidCommandUsage": { - "msgid": ">> Invalid command usage: /{prefix}edit -set | /{prefix}edit -clear | /{prefix}edit tool | /{prefix}edit start", + "msgid": "§f>>§3 Invalid command usage: /{prefix}edit -set | /{prefix}edit -clear | /{prefix}edit tool | /{prefix}edit start", "msgstr": "" }, "PlayerNotFound": { - "msgid": "§cPlayerNotFound!! Make sure you're really there", + "msgid": "§cPlayer not found! Make sure you're in a valid location.", "msgstr": "§cPelaajaa ei löydy!! Varmista, että olet oikeasti paikalla" }, "TheFirestBlock": { - "msgid": "§a1 The first block has been recorded. Destroy the block again.", + "msgid": "§a1. First block recorded. Destroy the block again.", "msgstr": "" }, "TheSecond": { - "msgid": "§a2 second block has been recorded. Warp gate has been set.", + "msgid": "§a2. Second block recorded. Warp gate has been set.", "msgstr": "" }, "WarpUsage": { - "msgid": "§c usage: warpgate -create ", "msgstr": "" }, "AlreadyWarp": { - "msgid": "§cA warp gate of that name already exists.", + "msgid": "§c A warp gate with that name already exists.", "msgstr": "" }, "CreateGate": { - "msgid": "§aCreate a warp gate {gatename} \n §aNext, destroy the two blocks to specify the extent of the gate.", + "msgid": "§a Creating warp gate: {gatename} \n §a Next, destroy two blocks to define the gate's boundaries.", "msgstr": "" }, "NotWarp": { - "msgid": "§cThe gate with the specified name does not exist", + "msgid": "§c The specified warp gate does not exist.", "msgstr": "" }, "deleteWarp": { - "msgid": "§a gate removed: {gatename}", + "msgid": "§a Gate removed: {gatename}", "msgstr": "" }, "NotWarpSetting": { - "msgid": "§cNo warp gate is set.", + "msgid": "§c No warp gate is set.", "msgstr": "" }, "listGate": { @@ -172,39 +215,39 @@ "msgstr": "" }, "warpgateCom": { - "msgid": "Warp gate can be set", + "msgid": "Set Warp Gate", "msgstr": "" }, "UsageGate": { - "msgid": "§c invalid subcommand usage {prefix}warpgate <-create/delete/list> [name] |\n§c create command Only -create [name] [x,y,z]", + "msgid": "§c Invalid subcommand usage: {prefix}warpgate <-create/delete/list> [name] |\n§c Create command only: -create [name] [x,y,z]", "msgstr": "" }, "TPGATE": { - "msgid": "§a Teleported to warp gate {gate}.", + "msgid": "§a Teleported to warp gate: {gate}.", "msgstr": "" }, "Joincommand": { - "msgid": "Displays a message when joining a world", + "msgid": "Displays a message when joining a world.", "msgstr": "" }, "Joinenabled": { - "msgid": "§aEnabled messages when joining worlds", + "msgid": "§a Enabled join messages.", "msgstr": "" }, "Joindisabled": { - "msgid": "§cDisabled messages when joining worlds.", + "msgid": "§c Disabled join messages.", "msgstr": "" }, "Invalid": { - "msgid": "§cInvalid argument.", + "msgid": "§c Invalid argument.", "msgstr": "" }, "UsageJoin": { - "msgid": "§cUsage is join <-ture/-false/-settings>", + "msgid": "§c Usage: join <-true/-false/-settings>", "msgstr": "" }, "welcome": { - "msgid": "§7 Welcome! My Server", + "msgid": "§7 Welcome to My Server!", "msgstr": "" }, "Rulejoin": { @@ -212,319 +255,319 @@ "msgstr": "" }, "RulesNumber": { - "msgid": "§bNumber of Rules", + "msgid": "§b Number of Rules:", "msgstr": "" }, "RulesEnter": { - "msgid": "§0Enter the number of rules", + "msgid": "§0 Enter the number of rules:", "msgstr": "" }, "RuleSettings": { - "msgid": "§6Rule Settings", + "msgid": "§6 Rule Settings", "msgstr": "" }, "Rules": { - "msgid": "§bRule {i}", + "msgid": "§b Rule {i}:", "msgstr": "" }, "RuleEnter2": { - "msgid": "§0Enter rule {i}", + "msgid": "§0 Enter rule {i}:", "msgstr": "" }, "RuleUpdate": { - "msgid": "§aRules updated!", + "msgid": "§a Rules updated!", "msgstr": "" }, "joinSettings": { - "msgid": "§6Join Log Settings", + "msgid": "§6 Join Log Settings", "msgstr": "" }, "TpaRequesMenu": { - "msgid": "§2Welcome to tpa MenuCurrent requests:{requestList} people", + "msgid": "§2 Welcome to the TPA Menu! Current requests: {requestList} people", "msgstr": "" }, "SendTpa": { - "msgid": "§0Send a TPARequest", + "msgid": "§0 Send a TPA Request", "msgstr": "" }, "ShowTpaRequests": { - "msgid": "§0Confirm TP request addressed to me", + "msgid": "§0 Confirm TP requests addressed to me", "msgstr": "" }, "NoTpaRequests": { - "msgid": "§cNo TP request has been sent to you", + "msgid": "§c You have no TP requests.", "msgstr": "" }, "SelectTpaRequest": { - "msgid": "§2TPRequest has arrived, please select the player you accept", + "msgid": "§2 You have received a TPA request. Please select the player you want to accept.", "msgstr": "" }, "SendTpaSelect": { - "msgid": "§2Select the player to whom you would like to send a request", + "msgid": "§2 Select the player you want to send a request to:", "msgstr": "" }, "uihelp": { - "msgid": "§0HelpMenu", + "msgid": "§0 Help Menu", "msgstr": "" }, "uichest": { - "msgid": "§0ChestMenu(BETA)", + "msgid": "§0 Chest Menu (BETA)", "msgstr": "" }, "uilang": { - "msgid": "§0LangMenu", + "msgid": "§0 Language Menu", "msgstr": "" }, "uijpch": { - "msgid": "§0jpchMenu(BETA)", + "msgid": "§0 JPCH Menu (BETA)", "msgstr": "" }, "uitpa": { - "msgid": "§0Tpa Menu(BETA)", + "msgid": "§0 TPA Menu (BETA)", "msgstr": "" }, "closeChat": { - "msgid": "§a==Close The Chat Panel==", + "msgid": "§a == Close The Chat Panel ==", "msgstr": "" }, "Tpcommand": { - "msgid": "You can send a request and TP it", + "msgid": "Send a request and teleport.", "msgstr": "" }, "tpaRequestSent": { - "msgid": "§aTPA request sent to {playerName}", + "msgid": "§a TPA request sent to§b {playerName}.", "msgstr": "" }, "tpaRequestAlreadySent": { - "msgid": "§cThe cTPA request has already been sent to {playerName}!", + "msgid": "§c You have already sent a TPA request to§6 {playerName}!", "msgstr": "" }, "tpaRequestReceived": { - "msgid": "§2Received a TPA request from {playerName}.", + "msgid": "§2 Received a TPA request from §b{playerName}.", "msgstr": "" }, "noPendingTpaRequests": { - "msgid": "§3You have no pending TPA requests.", + "msgid": "§3 You have no pending TPA requests.", "msgstr": "" }, "invalidTpaRequest": { - "msgid": "§cInvalid TPA request", + "msgid": "§c Invalid TPA request.", "msgstr": "" }, "requesterNotFound": { - "msgid": "§cRequester not found", + "msgid": "§c Requester not found.", "msgstr": "" }, "teleportedToPlayer": { - "msgid": "§aTeleported to {playerName}", + "msgid": "§a Teleported to §b{playerName}.", "msgstr": "" }, "tpaRequestAccepted": { - "msgid": "§a{playerName} has accepted your TPA request", + "msgid": "§a §b{playerName} §ahas accepted your TPA request.", "msgstr": "" }, "tpaRequestAcceptes": { - "msgid": "§aTPA request from {playerName} accepted!", + "msgid": "§a TPA request from §b{playerName}§a accepted!", "msgstr": "" }, "cannotTpaToSelf": { - "msgid": "§cYou cannot send a TPA request to yourself", + "msgid": "§c You cannot send a TPA request to yourself.", "msgstr": "" }, "invalidTpaCommandUsage": { - "msgid": "§3Invalid usage. Use tpa -r to send a request, or tpa -a to accept", + "msgid": "§3 Invalid usage. Use {prefix}tpa -r to send a request, or {prefix}tpa -a to accept.", "msgstr": "" }, "tpaRequestTimedOut": { - "msgid": "§3TPA request from {playerName} has timed out", + "msgid": "§3 TPA request from §6{playerName}§3 has timed out.", "msgstr": "" }, "jpchCom": { - "msgid": "§2Functions like LunaChat", + "msgid": "§2 Functions like LunaChat.", "msgstr": "" }, "jpenable": { - "msgid": "§aEnable Function", + "msgid": "§a Function enabled.", "msgstr": "" }, "jpdisable": { - "msgid": "§cDisable function", + "msgid": "§c Function disabled.", "msgstr": "" }, "AccesItemUI": { - "msgid": "itemUI command (accesses Chest Lock UI)", + "msgid": "Item UI Command (Accesses Chest Lock UI)", "msgstr": "" }, "FullInv": { - "msgid": "§cYour inventory is full and items cannot be granted", + "msgid": "§c Your inventory is full. Items cannot be granted.", "msgstr": "" }, "AlreadyInv": { - "msgid": "§cUIitem already exists in your inventory", + "msgid": "§c That UI item already exists in your inventory.", "msgstr": "" }, "AddInv": { - "msgid": "§aYou have added an item to your inventory! (please check)", + "msgid": "§a Item added to your inventory! (Please check)", "msgstr": "" }, "Displayplayerinformation": { - "msgid": "List command (displays player information)", + "msgid": "List command (Displays player information)", "msgstr": "" }, "commands.list.usage": { - "msgid": "§aUsage: list show Or list all", + "msgid": "§a Usage: {prefix}list show or {prefix}list all", "msgstr": "" }, "commands.list.playerInfo": { - "msgid": "§6==== Player Info =====\n §2Name: §f{TragetName},\n §2ID: §f{TargetID},\n §2Location: §f({TargetX}, {TargetY}, {TargetZ}),\n §2Health: §f{health},\n §2Game Mode:§f {GameMode},\n §2Ping: {ping}\n §6===========", + "msgid": "§6 ==== Player Info =====\n §2Name: §f{TragetName},\n §2ID: §f{TargetID},\n §2Location: §f({TargetX}, {TargetY}, {TargetZ}),\n §2Health: §f{health},\n §2Game Mode:§f {GameMode},\n §2Ping: {ping}\n §6 ===========", "msgstr": "" }, "commands.list.playerNotFound": { - "msgid": "§cPlayer not found: {tragetplayer}", + "msgid": "§c Player not found: §6{tragetplayer}", "msgstr": "" }, "jpch_command_description": { - "msgid": "jpch command (experimental feature)", + "msgid": "JPCH command (Experimental feature)", "msgstr": "" }, "ui_command_description": { - "msgid": "ui command (this command displays a GUI with ActionForm)", + "msgid": "UI command (This command displays a GUI with ActionForm)", "msgstr": "" }, "ChooseCom": { - "msgid": "§2Select the command:", + "msgid": "§2 Select a command:", "msgstr": "" }, "ChestCom": { - "msgid": "§2Select the chest:", + "msgid": "§2 Select a chest:", "msgstr": "" }, "Chestinfo": { - "msgid": "§0See nearby chests", + "msgid": "§0 See nearby chests", "msgstr": "" }, "Chestlock": { - "msgid": "§0lock system", + "msgid": "§0 Lock System", "msgstr": "" }, "ChestMember": { - "msgid": "§0Member system", + "msgid": "§0 Member System", "msgstr": "" }, "back": { - "msgid": "§2back", + "msgid": "§2 Back", "msgstr": "" }, "lockinfo": { - "msgid": "§2Select the type of lock:", + "msgid": "§2 Select the lock type:", "msgstr": "" }, "locking": { - "msgid": "§alocking!", + "msgid": "§a Locking!", "msgstr": "" }, "unlocking": { - "msgid": "§cunlocking!", + "msgid": "§c Unlocking!", "msgstr": "" }, "ProtectChest": { - "msgid": "§0Protection Chest Status", + "msgid": "§0 Chest Protection Status", "msgstr": "" }, "MemberChoose": { - "msgid": "§2Choose your member's:", + "msgid": "§2 Choose your members:", "msgstr": "" }, "MemberAdd": { - "msgid": "§0Member Add", + "msgid": "§0 Add Member", "msgstr": "" }, "MemberRemove": { - "msgid": "§0Member Remove", + "msgid": "§0 Remove Member", "msgstr": "" }, "Memberall": { - "msgid": "§0Member list", + "msgid": "§0 Member List", "msgstr": "" }, "AddMemberSelect": { - "msgid": "§2Select the member you wish to add:", + "msgid": "§2 Select the member you want to add:", "msgstr": "" }, "RemoveMemberSelect": { - "msgid": "§2Select the member you wish to Remove:", + "msgid": "§2 Select the member you want to remove:", "msgstr": "" }, "SelectLang": { - "msgid": "§2Select an operation from the language menu:", + "msgid": "§2 Select an operation from the language menu:", "msgstr": "" }, "langList": { - "msgid": "§0lang List", + "msgid": "§0 Language List", "msgstr": "" }, "langChange": { - "msgid": "§0lang Change", + "msgid": "§0 Change Language", "msgstr": "" }, "langChange1": { - "msgid": "§2Please select the language you wish to change:", + "msgid": "§2 Please select the language you want to change to:", "msgstr": "" }, "FromError": { - "msgid": "§cAn error occurred while displaying the form:", + "msgid": "§c An error occurred while displaying the form:", "msgstr": "" }, "desabledCom": { - "msgid": "§cUnregistered or disabled command", + "msgid": "§c Unregistered or disabled command.", "msgstr": "§cRekisteröimätön tai poistettu komento" }, "desableComSuggest": { - "msgid": "§6Invalid command. Is it possibly the {possibleCommands} command? If so, answer {prefix}yes", + "msgid": "§6 Invalid command. Did you mean: {possibleCommands}? If so, answer {prefix}yes", "msgstr": "§6Virheellinen komento. Onko se mahdollisesti {possibleCommands} komento? Jos on, vastaa {prefix}kyllä" }, "AllowTagCom": { - "msgid": "§cOnly players with an authorized tag can use it", + "msgid": "§c Only players with an authorized tag can use this command.", "msgstr": "§cVain pelaajat, joilla on valtuutettu tagi, voivat käyttää sitä" }, "invalidCom": { - "msgid": "§6invalid command. Please make sure it is correct Commands used:{commandName}", + "msgid": "§6 Invalid command. Please make sure it is correct. Commands used: {commandName}", "msgstr": "§6Virheellinen komento. Varmista, että se on oikein. Käytetyt komennot: {commandName}" }, "Developer commands": { - "msgid": "dev command (this command provides developers and administrators with the ability to reset and verify dynamic properties)", + "msgid": "Dev command (This command allows developers and administrators to reset and verify dynamic properties)", "msgstr": "Kehittäjien komennot!!" }, "available_commands": { - "msgid": "§6Current available commands", + "msgid": "§6 Currently available commands:", "msgstr": "Tällä hetkellä käytettävissä olevat komennot" }, "help_command_description": { - "msgid": "help command (this command displays help as you can see)", + "msgid": "Help command (This command displays help information)", "msgstr": "apukomento" }, "lang_removeData": { - "msgid": "Language data deletion complete", + "msgid": "Language data deletion complete.", "msgstr": "Kielitietojen poisto on valmis" }, "lang_docs": { - "msgid": "lang command (this command switches the language)", + "msgid": "Lang command (This command switches the language)", "msgstr": "lang-komento" }, "lang_list": { - "msgid": "§aAvailable Languages:\n", + "msgid": "§a Available Languages:\n", "msgstr": "§aKäytettävissä olevat kielet:\n" }, "lang_change": { - "msgid": "§aLanguage changed to", + "msgid": "§a Language changed to: {language}", "msgstr": "§aKieli vaihdettu kieleen" }, "lang_failed": { - "msgid": "§cFailed to change language to", + "msgid": "§c Failed to change language to: {language}", "msgstr": "§cKielen vaihto kieleen epäonnistui" }, "lang_invalid": { - "msgid": "§cInvalid command usage. Use lang list or lang change ", + "msgid": "§c Invalid command usage. Use /lang list or /lang change ", "msgstr": "§cVirheellinen komennon käyttö. Käytä lang list tai lang change " }, "chest_command": { @@ -532,21 +575,21 @@ "msgstr": "Arkku-komento" }, "unavailable": { - "msgid": "§cLack of authority", + "msgid": "§c You do not have permission to do that.", "msgstr": "§cEi ole valtuuksia" }, "chest_help": { "msgid": [ - "§cInvalid command.", - "§aChest protection command usage:.", - " §bchest lock - locks the chest", - " §bchest info - displays information about the nearest chest", - " §bchest unlock - unlocks the chest", - " §bchest protect - toggles chest protection", - " §bchest add - add a member to the chest", - " §bchest remove - remove a member of a chest", - " §bchest all - displays a list of chest members", - " §bchest list -displays a list of chest", + "§c Invalid command.", + "§a Chest protection command usage:", + " §bchest lock - Locks the chest", + " §bchest info - Displays information about the nearest chest", + " §bchest unlock - Unlocks the chest", + " §bchest protect - Toggles chest protection", + " §bchest add - Adds a member to the chest", + " §bchest remove - Removes a member from the chest", + " §bchest all - Displays a list of chest members", + " §bchest list - Displays a list of chests", " §b_______________________________________", " §bAuthor: Koukun - License AGPL-3.0", " §bYoutubeURL - https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn" @@ -554,51 +597,51 @@ "msgstr": "§cVirheellinen komento.\n§aArkun suojauksen komennon käyttö:.\n §bchest lock - lukitsee arkun\n §bchest info - näyttää tiedot lähimmästä arkusta\n §bchest unlock - avaa arkun\n §bchest protect - kytkee arkun suojauksen päälle tai pois\n §bchest add - lisää jäsenen arkkuun\n §bchest remove - poistaa jäsenen arkusta\n §bchest all - näyttää listan arkun jäsenistä\n §bchest list -näyttää listan arkuista\n §b_______________________________________\n §bTekijä: Koukun - Lisenssi AGPL-3.0 \n §bYoutubeURL - https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn" }, "MaxChestLimitReached": { - "msgid": "§cThe installation limit of {protectChest} has already been reached", + "msgid": "§c The installation limit of {protectChest} has been reached.", "msgstr": "§c{protectChest} asennusraja on jo saavutettu" }, "chestLocksCount": { - "msgid": "§aYou are currently protecting {protectChest} chests", + "msgid": "§a You are currently protecting {protectChest} chests.", "msgstr": "§aSuojaat tällä hetkellä {protectChest} arkkua" }, "ChestlistCom": { - "msgid": "§aYou have protected {playerChests} chests:", + "msgid": "§a You have protected {playerChests} chests:", "msgstr": "§aOlet suojannut {playerChests} arkkua:" }, "chestlocation": { - "msgid": "§e- Location: {key}", + "msgid": "§e - Location: {key}", "msgstr": "§e- Sijainti: {key}" }, "nearby_chest_info": { - "msgid": "§a---- Nearby Chest Info ----", + "msgid": "§a ---- Nearby Chest Info ----", "msgstr": "§a---- Lähellä olevan arkun tiedot ----" }, "coordinate_x": { - "msgid": "§bX: §e", + "msgid": "§b X: §e", "msgstr": "§bX: §e" }, "coordinate_y": { - "msgid": "§bY: §e", + "msgid": "§b Y: §e", "msgstr": "§bY: §e" }, "coordinate_z": { - "msgid": "§bZ: §e", + "msgid": "§b Z: §e", "msgstr": "§bZ: §e" }, "protected": { - "msgid": "§aProtected", + "msgid": "§a Protected", "msgstr": "§aSuojattu" }, "owner": { - "msgid": "§bOwner: §e", + "msgid": "§b Owner: §e", "msgstr": "§bOmistaja: §e" }, "members": { - "msgid": "§bMembers: §e", + "msgid": "§b Members: §e", "msgstr": "§bJäsenet: §e" }, "large_chest": { - "msgid": "§bLarge Chest: §e", + "msgid": "§b Large Chest: §e", "msgstr": "§bIso arkku: §e" }, "yes": { @@ -610,31 +653,31 @@ "msgstr": "Ei" }, "not_protected": { - "msgid": "§cNot Protected", + "msgid": "§c Not Protected", "msgstr": "§cEi suojattu" }, "notFound_chest": { - "msgid": "§cCan't find chest", + "msgid": "§c Cannot find chest.", "msgstr": "§cArkkua ei löydy" }, "chestProtectRemove": { - "msgid": "§a Chest protection removed", + "msgid": "§a Chest protection removed.", "msgstr": "§a Arkun suojaus poistettu" }, "AlreadyProChest": { - "msgid": "§a This chest is already protected", + "msgid": "§a This chest is already protected.", "msgstr": "§a Tämä arkku on jo suojattu" }, "chest_lookstate": { - "msgid": "§a chest protected {lcokstate}", + "msgid": "§a Chest protection: {lcokstate}", "msgstr": "§a arkku suojattu {lcokstate}" }, "chest_removeData": { - "msgid": "§aAll chest protection data has been reset.", + "msgid": "§a All chest protection data has been reset.", "msgstr": "§aKaikki arkun suojaus tiedot on nollattu." }, "isLookChest": { - "msgid": "§cThis chest is locked", + "msgid": "§c This chest is locked.", "msgstr": "§cTämä arkku on lukittu" }, "isProChest": { @@ -642,55 +685,55 @@ "msgstr": "§c Tämä arkku on suojattu!" }, "ProChestBreak": { - "msgid": "§a Protected chest has been destroyed. Protected data also deleted.", + "msgid": "§a Protected chest destroyed. Protection data also deleted.", "msgstr": "§a Suojattu arkku on tuhottu. Suojatut tiedot on myös poistettu." }, "lockChange": { - "msgid": "§a Protection state of chest is changed to {lock}", + "msgid": "§a Chest protection state changed to: {lock}", "msgstr": "§a Arkkujen suojaustila on vaihdettu tilaan" }, "NotChest": { - "msgid": "§cYou are not authorized to operate this chest.", + "msgid": "§c You are not authorized to access this chest.", "msgstr": "§cSinulla ei ole oikeuksia käyttää tätä arkkua." }, "AddM": { - "msgid": "§a{member} Added as a member location:{chestLocation}", + "msgid": "§a {member} added as a member at location: {chestLocation}", "msgstr": "§a Lisätty jäseneksi." }, "addYouM": { - "msgid": "§aThis{playerName}has added you to the following chests{chestLocation}", + "msgid": "§a {playerName} has added you to the following chests: {chestLocation}", "msgstr": "§aTämä {playerName} on lisännyt sinut seuraaviin arkuihin {chestLocation}" }, "RemoveYouM": { - "msgid": "§aThis{playerName}has removed you from members in the following chests{chestLocation}", + "msgid": "§a {playerName} has removed you from the following chests: {chestLocation}", "msgstr": "§aTämä {playerName} on poistanut sinut jäsenistä seuraavista arkuista {chestLocation}" }, "MAlreday": { - "msgid": "§c{member} is already a member. ", + "msgid": "§c {member} is already a member.", "msgstr": "§con jo jäsen." }, "RemoveM": { - "msgid": "§a{member} has Removed from members", + "msgid": "§a {member} has been removed from members.", "msgstr": "§aPoistettu jäsenistä" }, "NotM": { - "msgid": "§cis not a member", + "msgid": "§c Not a member.", "msgstr": "§cei ole jäsen" }, "allM": { - "msgid": "§a member: ", + "msgid": "§a Members: ", "msgstr": "§a jäsen: " }, "NotFoundM": { - "msgid": "§c No members", + "msgid": "§c No members.", "msgstr": "§c Ei jäseniä" }, "ExplosionWarning": { - "msgid": "§c Can you please not blow that up?", + "msgid": "§c Please do not explode that.", "msgstr": "§c Voisitko olla räjäyttämättä sitä?" }, "cannotPlaceItem": { - "msgid": "§c It is forbidden to place pistons in this area", + "msgid": "§c You are not allowed to place pistons in this area.", "msgstr": "§c Mäntäjen asettaminen tälle alueelle on kielletty" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/fi_FI.ts b/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/fi_FI.ts index c63246c..479c249 100644 --- a/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/fi_FI.ts +++ b/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/fi_FI.ts @@ -1,170 +1,190 @@ export const translations = { - "loreDoce": { - msgid: "Change the name/lore of the item.", + "command.about": { + msgid: "§a== About ChestLockAddon ==\n\nChestLockAddon is a useful utility addon for Minecraft version 1.21.22 that provides chest protection and more.\n\n§b== Main Features ==\n• Chest Protection: Protect your chests from other players.\n• Multilingual Support: Change the language setting with the lang command.\n• Teleport Request: Send a teleport request to another player with the tpa command.\n• And more: More useful commands will be added in the future.\n\n§b== Links ==\n• GitHub: https://github.com/gamelist1990/ChestLockAddon\n• YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn\n• Discord: https://discord.gg/GJyqBm7Pyd\n\n§c== Notes ==\nThis addon is under development and may contain unexpected bugs. If you find any bugs, please report them on GitHub or Discord.\n\n§a== Message from the Developer ==\nWe welcome your feedback to make ChestLockAddon a better addon.", msgstr: "" }, - "changeLore": { - msgid: "Item Change Lore", + "command.Undone": { + msgid: "§f>>§aReverted to one previous change", msgstr: "" }, - "ChangeName": { - msgid: "Item Change Name", + "aboutCom": { + msgid: "View an overview of this add-on", msgstr: "" }, - "ClearLore": { - msgid: "Item Clear Lore", + "command.NothingToUndo": { + msgid: "§f>>§cThere were no changes that could be reverted.", msgstr: "" }, - "Newlore": { + "ServerVersion": { + msgid: "§bThis ChestLockAddon is running version {version}", + msgstr: "" + }, + "command.loreDocs": { + msgid: "§2Change the item's name/lore (Place the item in the first slot of your hotbar)", + msgstr: "" + }, + "command.Changelore": { + msgid: "§0Change Item Lore", + msgstr: "" + }, + "command.ChangeName": { + msgid: "§0Change Item Name", + msgstr: "" + }, + "command.ClearLore": { + msgid: "§0Clear Item Lore", + msgstr: "" + }, + "command.NewLore": { msgid: "Enter new lore:", msgstr: "" }, - "Newname": { + "command.NewName": { msgid: "Enter new name:", msgstr: "" }, - "Usagelore": { - msgid: "Usage: {prefix}lore -set or {prefix}lore -remove or {prefix}lore -rename or {prefix}lore -clearlore", + "command.UsageLore": { + msgid: "§3Usage: {prefix}lore -set \"\" or {prefix}lore -remove \"\" or {prefix}lore -rename \"\" or {prefix}lore -command.ClearLore", msgstr: "" }, - "ADDLore": { - msgid: "Added lore, please check", + "command.AddLore": { + msgid: "§aLore added, please check.", msgstr: "" }, - "TakeItem": { - msgid: "Please take the item.", + "command.takeItem": { + msgid: "§cPlease hold the item.", msgstr: "" }, - "LoreNotFound": { - msgid: "Lore not found", + "command.NotFoundLore": { + msgid: "§cLore not found.", msgstr: "" }, - "RemoveLore": { - msgid: "Lore has been deleted. Please check.", + "command.RemoveLore": { + msgid: "§aLore deleted. Please check.", msgstr: "" }, - "ChangeNames": { - msgid: "Renamed the item", + "command.ChangeNames": { + msgid: "§aItem renamed.", msgstr: "" }, - "uilore": { - msgid: "Custom Item Name/Lore", + "ui.MainLoreButton": { + msgid: "§0Custom Item Name/Lore", msgstr: "" }, - "FirstPointSet": { - msgid: ">> First point set.", + "command.FirstPointSet": { + msgid: "§f>>§a First point set.", msgstr: "" }, "editCom": { - msgid: "WorldEdit Command", + msgid: "WorldEdit Commands", msgstr: "" }, "loreCom": { msgid: "Change Item Lore", msgstr: "" }, - "SecondPointSet": { - msgid: ">> Second point set.", + "command.SecondPointSet": { + msgid: "§f>>§6 Second point set.", msgstr: "" }, - "SelectionCompleted": { - msgid: ">> Selection completed.", + "command.SelectionCompleted": { + msgid: "§f>>§a Selection completed.", msgstr: "" }, - "PointSet": { - msgid: ">> Point set.", + "command.PointSet": { + msgid: "§f>> §aPoint set.", msgstr: "" }, - "WallsCreated": { - msgid: ">> Walls created.", + "command.WallsCreated": { + msgid: "§f>>§a Walls created.", msgstr: "" }, - "InvalidBlockId": { - msgid: ">> Invalid block ID.", + "command.InvalidBlockId": { + msgid: "§f>>§c Invalid block ID.", msgstr: "" }, - "OutlineCreated": { - msgid: ">> Outline created.", + "command.OutlineCreated": { + msgid: "§f>>§a Outline created.", msgstr: "" }, "FilledCircleCreated": { - msgid: ">> Filled circle created.", + msgid: "§f>>§a Filled circle created.", msgstr: "" }, "RangeSet": { - msgid: ">> Range set with the specified block ({blockId}).", + msgid: "§f>>§a Range set with the specified block ({blockId}).", msgstr: "" }, "RangeCleared": { - msgid: ">> Range cleared.", + msgid: "§f>>§a Range cleared.", msgstr: "" }, "WallsToolSelected": { - msgid: ">> Walls tool selected. (Block ID: {blockId})", + msgid: "§f>>§a Walls tool selected. (Block ID: {blockId})", msgstr: "" }, "OutlineToolSelected": { - msgid: ">> Outline tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", + msgid: "§f>>§a Outline tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", msgstr: "" }, "FilledCircleToolSelected": { - msgid: ">> Filled circle tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", + msgid: "§f>>§a Filled circle tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", msgstr: "" }, "ToolExited": { - msgid: ">> Tool exited.", + msgid: "§f>>§a Tool exited.", msgstr: "" }, "ToolOptions": { - msgid: ">> Tool options: -wall , -outline , -filledCircle , -exit", + msgid: "§f>> §3Tool options: -wall , -outline , -filledCircle , -exit", msgstr: "" }, "StartRangeSelection2": { - msgid: ">> Range selection started. Please break two blocks.", + msgid: "§f>>§a Range selection started. Please break two blocks.", msgstr: "" }, "StartRangeSelection": { - msgid: ">> Range selection started. Hold a wooden hoe and break a block.", + msgid: "§f>>§a Range selection started. Hold a wooden hoe and break a block.", msgstr: "" }, "InvalidCommandUsage": { - msgid: ">> Invalid command usage: /{prefix}edit -set | /{prefix}edit -clear | /{prefix}edit tool | /{prefix}edit start", + msgid: "§f>>§3 Invalid command usage: /{prefix}edit -set | /{prefix}edit -clear | /{prefix}edit tool | /{prefix}edit start", msgstr: "" }, "PlayerNotFound": { - msgid: "§cPlayerNotFound!! Make sure you're really there", + msgid: "§cPlayer not found! Make sure you're in a valid location.", msgstr: "§cPelaajaa ei löydy!! Varmista, että olet oikeasti paikalla" }, "TheFirestBlock": { - msgid: "§a1 The first block has been recorded. Destroy the block again.", + msgid: "§a1. First block recorded. Destroy the block again.", msgstr: "" }, "TheSecond": { - msgid: "§a2 second block has been recorded. Warp gate has been set.", + msgid: "§a2. Second block recorded. Warp gate has been set.", msgstr: "" }, "WarpUsage": { - msgid: "§c usage: warpgate -create ", msgstr: "" }, "AlreadyWarp": { - msgid: "§cA warp gate of that name already exists.", + msgid: "§c A warp gate with that name already exists.", msgstr: "" }, "CreateGate": { - msgid: "§aCreate a warp gate {gatename} \n §aNext, destroy the two blocks to specify the extent of the gate.", + msgid: "§a Creating warp gate: {gatename} \n §a Next, destroy two blocks to define the gate's boundaries.", msgstr: "" }, "NotWarp": { - msgid: "§cThe gate with the specified name does not exist", + msgid: "§c The specified warp gate does not exist.", msgstr: "" }, "deleteWarp": { - msgid: "§a gate removed: {gatename}", + msgid: "§a Gate removed: {gatename}", msgstr: "" }, "NotWarpSetting": { - msgid: "§cNo warp gate is set.", + msgid: "§c No warp gate is set.", msgstr: "" }, "listGate": { @@ -172,39 +192,39 @@ export const translations = { msgstr: "" }, "warpgateCom": { - msgid: "Warp gate can be set", + msgid: "Set Warp Gate", msgstr: "" }, "UsageGate": { - msgid: "§c invalid subcommand usage {prefix}warpgate <-create/delete/list> [name] |\n§c create command Only -create [name] [x,y,z]", + msgid: "§c Invalid subcommand usage: {prefix}warpgate <-create/delete/list> [name] |\n§c Create command only: -create [name] [x,y,z]", msgstr: "" }, "TPGATE": { - msgid: "§a Teleported to warp gate {gate}.", + msgid: "§a Teleported to warp gate: {gate}.", msgstr: "" }, "Joincommand": { - msgid: "Displays a message when joining a world", + msgid: "Displays a message when joining a world.", msgstr: "" }, "Joinenabled": { - msgid: "§aEnabled messages when joining worlds", + msgid: "§a Enabled join messages.", msgstr: "" }, "Joindisabled": { - msgid: "§cDisabled messages when joining worlds.", + msgid: "§c Disabled join messages.", msgstr: "" }, "Invalid": { - msgid: "§cInvalid argument.", + msgid: "§c Invalid argument.", msgstr: "" }, "UsageJoin": { - msgid: "§cUsage is join <-ture/-false/-settings>", + msgid: "§c Usage: join <-true/-false/-settings>", msgstr: "" }, "welcome": { - msgid: "§7 Welcome! My Server", + msgid: "§7 Welcome to My Server!", msgstr: "" }, "Rulejoin": { @@ -212,319 +232,319 @@ export const translations = { msgstr: "" }, "RulesNumber": { - msgid: "§bNumber of Rules", + msgid: "§b Number of Rules:", msgstr: "" }, "RulesEnter": { - msgid: "§0Enter the number of rules", + msgid: "§0 Enter the number of rules:", msgstr: "" }, "RuleSettings": { - msgid: "§6Rule Settings", + msgid: "§6 Rule Settings", msgstr: "" }, "Rules": { - msgid: "§bRule {i}", + msgid: "§b Rule {i}:", msgstr: "" }, "RuleEnter2": { - msgid: "§0Enter rule {i}", + msgid: "§0 Enter rule {i}:", msgstr: "" }, "RuleUpdate": { - msgid: "§aRules updated!", + msgid: "§a Rules updated!", msgstr: "" }, "joinSettings": { - msgid: "§6Join Log Settings", + msgid: "§6 Join Log Settings", msgstr: "" }, "TpaRequesMenu": { - msgid: "§2Welcome to tpa MenuCurrent requests:{requestList} people", + msgid: "§2 Welcome to the TPA Menu! Current requests: {requestList} people", msgstr: "" }, "SendTpa": { - msgid: "§0Send a TPARequest", + msgid: "§0 Send a TPA Request", msgstr: "" }, "ShowTpaRequests": { - msgid: "§0Confirm TP request addressed to me", + msgid: "§0 Confirm TP requests addressed to me", msgstr: "" }, "NoTpaRequests": { - msgid: "§cNo TP request has been sent to you", + msgid: "§c You have no TP requests.", msgstr: "" }, "SelectTpaRequest": { - msgid: "§2TPRequest has arrived, please select the player you accept", + msgid: "§2 You have received a TPA request. Please select the player you want to accept.", msgstr: "" }, "SendTpaSelect": { - msgid: "§2Select the player to whom you would like to send a request", + msgid: "§2 Select the player you want to send a request to:", msgstr: "" }, "uihelp": { - msgid: "§0HelpMenu", + msgid: "§0 Help Menu", msgstr: "" }, "uichest": { - msgid: "§0ChestMenu(BETA)", + msgid: "§0 Chest Menu (BETA)", msgstr: "" }, "uilang": { - msgid: "§0LangMenu", + msgid: "§0 Language Menu", msgstr: "" }, "uijpch": { - msgid: "§0jpchMenu(BETA)", + msgid: "§0 JPCH Menu (BETA)", msgstr: "" }, "uitpa": { - msgid: "§0Tpa Menu(BETA)", + msgid: "§0 TPA Menu (BETA)", msgstr: "" }, "closeChat": { - msgid: "§a==Close The Chat Panel==", + msgid: "§a == Close The Chat Panel ==", msgstr: "" }, "Tpcommand": { - msgid: "You can send a request and TP it", + msgid: "Send a request and teleport.", msgstr: "" }, "tpaRequestSent": { - msgid: "§aTPA request sent to {playerName}", + msgid: "§a TPA request sent to§b {playerName}.", msgstr: "" }, "tpaRequestAlreadySent": { - msgid: "§cThe cTPA request has already been sent to {playerName}!", + msgid: "§c You have already sent a TPA request to§6 {playerName}!", msgstr: "" }, "tpaRequestReceived": { - msgid: "§2Received a TPA request from {playerName}.", + msgid: "§2 Received a TPA request from §b{playerName}.", msgstr: "" }, "noPendingTpaRequests": { - msgid: "§3You have no pending TPA requests.", + msgid: "§3 You have no pending TPA requests.", msgstr: "" }, "invalidTpaRequest": { - msgid: "§cInvalid TPA request", + msgid: "§c Invalid TPA request.", msgstr: "" }, "requesterNotFound": { - msgid: "§cRequester not found", + msgid: "§c Requester not found.", msgstr: "" }, "teleportedToPlayer": { - msgid: "§aTeleported to {playerName}", + msgid: "§a Teleported to §b{playerName}.", msgstr: "" }, "tpaRequestAccepted": { - msgid: "§a{playerName} has accepted your TPA request", + msgid: "§a §b{playerName} §ahas accepted your TPA request.", msgstr: "" }, "tpaRequestAcceptes": { - msgid: "§aTPA request from {playerName} accepted!", + msgid: "§a TPA request from §b{playerName}§a accepted!", msgstr: "" }, "cannotTpaToSelf": { - msgid: "§cYou cannot send a TPA request to yourself", + msgid: "§c You cannot send a TPA request to yourself.", msgstr: "" }, "invalidTpaCommandUsage": { - msgid: "§3Invalid usage. Use tpa -r to send a request, or tpa -a to accept", + msgid: "§3 Invalid usage. Use {prefix}tpa -r to send a request, or {prefix}tpa -a to accept.", msgstr: "" }, "tpaRequestTimedOut": { - msgid: "§3TPA request from {playerName} has timed out", + msgid: "§3 TPA request from §6{playerName}§3 has timed out.", msgstr: "" }, "jpchCom": { - msgid: "§2Functions like LunaChat", + msgid: "§2 Functions like LunaChat.", msgstr: "" }, "jpenable": { - msgid: "§aEnable Function", + msgid: "§a Function enabled.", msgstr: "" }, "jpdisable": { - msgid: "§cDisable function", + msgid: "§c Function disabled.", msgstr: "" }, "AccesItemUI": { - msgid: "itemUI command (accesses Chest Lock UI)", + msgid: "Item UI Command (Accesses Chest Lock UI)", msgstr: "" }, "FullInv": { - msgid: "§cYour inventory is full and items cannot be granted", + msgid: "§c Your inventory is full. Items cannot be granted.", msgstr: "" }, "AlreadyInv": { - msgid: "§cUIitem already exists in your inventory", + msgid: "§c That UI item already exists in your inventory.", msgstr: "" }, "AddInv": { - msgid: "§aYou have added an item to your inventory! (please check)", + msgid: "§a Item added to your inventory! (Please check)", msgstr: "" }, "Displayplayerinformation": { - msgid: "List command (displays player information)", + msgid: "List command (Displays player information)", msgstr: "" }, "commands.list.usage": { - msgid: "§aUsage: list show Or list all", + msgid: "§a Usage: {prefix}list show or {prefix}list all", msgstr: "" }, "commands.list.playerInfo": { - msgid: "§6==== Player Info =====\n §2Name: §f{TragetName},\n §2ID: §f{TargetID},\n §2Location: §f({TargetX}, {TargetY}, {TargetZ}),\n §2Health: §f{health},\n §2Game Mode:§f {GameMode},\n §2Ping: {ping}\n §6===========", + msgid: "§6 ==== Player Info =====\n §2Name: §f{TragetName},\n §2ID: §f{TargetID},\n §2Location: §f({TargetX}, {TargetY}, {TargetZ}),\n §2Health: §f{health},\n §2Game Mode:§f {GameMode},\n §2Ping: {ping}\n §6 ===========", msgstr: "" }, "commands.list.playerNotFound": { - msgid: "§cPlayer not found: {tragetplayer}", + msgid: "§c Player not found: §6{tragetplayer}", msgstr: "" }, "jpch_command_description": { - msgid: "jpch command (experimental feature)", + msgid: "JPCH command (Experimental feature)", msgstr: "" }, "ui_command_description": { - msgid: "ui command (this command displays a GUI with ActionForm)", + msgid: "UI command (This command displays a GUI with ActionForm)", msgstr: "" }, "ChooseCom": { - msgid: "§2Select the command:", + msgid: "§2 Select a command:", msgstr: "" }, "ChestCom": { - msgid: "§2Select the chest:", + msgid: "§2 Select a chest:", msgstr: "" }, "Chestinfo": { - msgid: "§0See nearby chests", + msgid: "§0 See nearby chests", msgstr: "" }, "Chestlock": { - msgid: "§0lock system", + msgid: "§0 Lock System", msgstr: "" }, "ChestMember": { - msgid: "§0Member system", + msgid: "§0 Member System", msgstr: "" }, "back": { - msgid: "§2back", + msgid: "§2 Back", msgstr: "" }, "lockinfo": { - msgid: "§2Select the type of lock:", + msgid: "§2 Select the lock type:", msgstr: "" }, "locking": { - msgid: "§alocking!", + msgid: "§a Locking!", msgstr: "" }, "unlocking": { - msgid: "§cunlocking!", + msgid: "§c Unlocking!", msgstr: "" }, "ProtectChest": { - msgid: "§0Protection Chest Status", + msgid: "§0 Chest Protection Status", msgstr: "" }, "MemberChoose": { - msgid: "§2Choose your member's:", + msgid: "§2 Choose your members:", msgstr: "" }, "MemberAdd": { - msgid: "§0Member Add", + msgid: "§0 Add Member", msgstr: "" }, "MemberRemove": { - msgid: "§0Member Remove", + msgid: "§0 Remove Member", msgstr: "" }, "Memberall": { - msgid: "§0Member list", + msgid: "§0 Member List", msgstr: "" }, "AddMemberSelect": { - msgid: "§2Select the member you wish to add:", + msgid: "§2 Select the member you want to add:", msgstr: "" }, "RemoveMemberSelect": { - msgid: "§2Select the member you wish to Remove:", + msgid: "§2 Select the member you want to remove:", msgstr: "" }, "SelectLang": { - msgid: "§2Select an operation from the language menu:", + msgid: "§2 Select an operation from the language menu:", msgstr: "" }, "langList": { - msgid: "§0lang List", + msgid: "§0 Language List", msgstr: "" }, "langChange": { - msgid: "§0lang Change", + msgid: "§0 Change Language", msgstr: "" }, "langChange1": { - msgid: "§2Please select the language you wish to change:", + msgid: "§2 Please select the language you want to change to:", msgstr: "" }, "FromError": { - msgid: "§cAn error occurred while displaying the form:", + msgid: "§c An error occurred while displaying the form:", msgstr: "" }, "desabledCom": { - msgid: "§cUnregistered or disabled command", + msgid: "§c Unregistered or disabled command.", msgstr: "§cRekisteröimätön tai poistettu komento" }, "desableComSuggest": { - msgid: "§6Invalid command. Is it possibly the {possibleCommands} command? If so, answer {prefix}yes", + msgid: "§6 Invalid command. Did you mean: {possibleCommands}? If so, answer {prefix}yes", msgstr: "§6Virheellinen komento. Onko se mahdollisesti {possibleCommands} komento? Jos on, vastaa {prefix}kyllä" }, "AllowTagCom": { - msgid: "§cOnly players with an authorized tag can use it", + msgid: "§c Only players with an authorized tag can use this command.", msgstr: "§cVain pelaajat, joilla on valtuutettu tagi, voivat käyttää sitä" }, "invalidCom": { - msgid: "§6invalid command. Please make sure it is correct Commands used:{commandName}", + msgid: "§6 Invalid command. Please make sure it is correct. Commands used: {commandName}", msgstr: "§6Virheellinen komento. Varmista, että se on oikein. Käytetyt komennot: {commandName}" }, "Developer commands": { - msgid: "dev command (this command provides developers and administrators with the ability to reset and verify dynamic properties)", + msgid: "Dev command (This command allows developers and administrators to reset and verify dynamic properties)", msgstr: "Kehittäjien komennot!!" }, "available_commands": { - msgid: "§6Current available commands", + msgid: "§6 Currently available commands:", msgstr: "Tällä hetkellä käytettävissä olevat komennot" }, "help_command_description": { - msgid: "help command (this command displays help as you can see)", + msgid: "Help command (This command displays help information)", msgstr: "apukomento" }, "lang_removeData": { - msgid: "Language data deletion complete", + msgid: "Language data deletion complete.", msgstr: "Kielitietojen poisto on valmis" }, "lang_docs": { - msgid: "lang command (this command switches the language)", + msgid: "Lang command (This command switches the language)", msgstr: "lang-komento" }, "lang_list": { - msgid: "§aAvailable Languages:\n", + msgid: "§a Available Languages:\n", msgstr: "§aKäytettävissä olevat kielet:\n" }, "lang_change": { - msgid: "§aLanguage changed to", + msgid: "§a Language changed to: {language}", msgstr: "§aKieli vaihdettu kieleen" }, "lang_failed": { - msgid: "§cFailed to change language to", + msgid: "§c Failed to change language to: {language}", msgstr: "§cKielen vaihto kieleen epäonnistui" }, "lang_invalid": { - msgid: "§cInvalid command usage. Use lang list or lang change ", + msgid: "§c Invalid command usage. Use /lang list or /lang change ", msgstr: "§cVirheellinen komennon käyttö. Käytä lang list tai lang change " }, "chest_command": { @@ -532,59 +552,59 @@ export const translations = { msgstr: "Arkku-komento" }, "unavailable": { - msgid: "§cLack of authority", + msgid: "§c You do not have permission to do that.", msgstr: "§cEi ole valtuuksia" }, "chest_help": { - msgid: "§cInvalid command.\n§aChest protection command usage:.\n §bchest lock - locks the chest\n §bchest info - displays information about the nearest chest\n §bchest unlock - unlocks the chest\n §bchest protect - toggles chest protection\n §bchest add - add a member to the chest\n §bchest remove - remove a member of a chest\n §bchest all - displays a list of chest members\n §bchest list -displays a list of chest\n §b_______________________________________\n §bAuthor: Koukun - License AGPL-3.0\n §bYoutubeURL - https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn", + msgid: "§c Invalid command.\n§a Chest protection command usage:\n §bchest lock - Locks the chest\n §bchest info - Displays information about the nearest chest\n §bchest unlock - Unlocks the chest\n §bchest protect - Toggles chest protection\n §bchest add - Adds a member to the chest\n §bchest remove - Removes a member from the chest\n §bchest all - Displays a list of chest members\n §bchest list - Displays a list of chests\n §b_______________________________________\n §bAuthor: Koukun - License AGPL-3.0\n §bYoutubeURL - https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn", msgstr: "§cVirheellinen komento.\n§aArkun suojauksen komennon käyttö:.\n §bchest lock - lukitsee arkun\n §bchest info - näyttää tiedot lähimmästä arkusta\n §bchest unlock - avaa arkun\n §bchest protect - kytkee arkun suojauksen päälle tai pois\n §bchest add - lisää jäsenen arkkuun\n §bchest remove - poistaa jäsenen arkusta\n §bchest all - näyttää listan arkun jäsenistä\n §bchest list -näyttää listan arkuista\n §b_______________________________________\n §bTekijä: Koukun - Lisenssi AGPL-3.0 \n §bYoutubeURL - https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn" }, "MaxChestLimitReached": { - msgid: "§cThe installation limit of {protectChest} has already been reached", + msgid: "§c The installation limit of {protectChest} has been reached.", msgstr: "§c{protectChest} asennusraja on jo saavutettu" }, "chestLocksCount": { - msgid: "§aYou are currently protecting {protectChest} chests", + msgid: "§a You are currently protecting {protectChest} chests.", msgstr: "§aSuojaat tällä hetkellä {protectChest} arkkua" }, "ChestlistCom": { - msgid: "§aYou have protected {playerChests} chests:", + msgid: "§a You have protected {playerChests} chests:", msgstr: "§aOlet suojannut {playerChests} arkkua:" }, "chestlocation": { - msgid: "§e- Location: {key}", + msgid: "§e - Location: {key}", msgstr: "§e- Sijainti: {key}" }, "nearby_chest_info": { - msgid: "§a---- Nearby Chest Info ----", + msgid: "§a ---- Nearby Chest Info ----", msgstr: "§a---- Lähellä olevan arkun tiedot ----" }, "coordinate_x": { - msgid: "§bX: §e", + msgid: "§b X: §e", msgstr: "§bX: §e" }, "coordinate_y": { - msgid: "§bY: §e", + msgid: "§b Y: §e", msgstr: "§bY: §e" }, "coordinate_z": { - msgid: "§bZ: §e", + msgid: "§b Z: §e", msgstr: "§bZ: §e" }, "protected": { - msgid: "§aProtected", + msgid: "§a Protected", msgstr: "§aSuojattu" }, "owner": { - msgid: "§bOwner: §e", + msgid: "§b Owner: §e", msgstr: "§bOmistaja: §e" }, "members": { - msgid: "§bMembers: §e", + msgid: "§b Members: §e", msgstr: "§bJäsenet: §e" }, "large_chest": { - msgid: "§bLarge Chest: §e", + msgid: "§b Large Chest: §e", msgstr: "§bIso arkku: §e" }, "yes": { @@ -596,31 +616,31 @@ export const translations = { msgstr: "Ei" }, "not_protected": { - msgid: "§cNot Protected", + msgid: "§c Not Protected", msgstr: "§cEi suojattu" }, "notFound_chest": { - msgid: "§cCan't find chest", + msgid: "§c Cannot find chest.", msgstr: "§cArkkua ei löydy" }, "chestProtectRemove": { - msgid: "§a Chest protection removed", + msgid: "§a Chest protection removed.", msgstr: "§a Arkun suojaus poistettu" }, "AlreadyProChest": { - msgid: "§a This chest is already protected", + msgid: "§a This chest is already protected.", msgstr: "§a Tämä arkku on jo suojattu" }, "chest_lookstate": { - msgid: "§a chest protected {lcokstate}", + msgid: "§a Chest protection: {lcokstate}", msgstr: "§a arkku suojattu {lcokstate}" }, "chest_removeData": { - msgid: "§aAll chest protection data has been reset.", + msgid: "§a All chest protection data has been reset.", msgstr: "§aKaikki arkun suojaus tiedot on nollattu." }, "isLookChest": { - msgid: "§cThis chest is locked", + msgid: "§c This chest is locked.", msgstr: "§cTämä arkku on lukittu" }, "isProChest": { @@ -628,55 +648,55 @@ export const translations = { msgstr: "§c Tämä arkku on suojattu!" }, "ProChestBreak": { - msgid: "§a Protected chest has been destroyed. Protected data also deleted.", + msgid: "§a Protected chest destroyed. Protection data also deleted.", msgstr: "§a Suojattu arkku on tuhottu. Suojatut tiedot on myös poistettu." }, "lockChange": { - msgid: "§a Protection state of chest is changed to {lock}", + msgid: "§a Chest protection state changed to: {lock}", msgstr: "§a Arkkujen suojaustila on vaihdettu tilaan" }, "NotChest": { - msgid: "§cYou are not authorized to operate this chest.", + msgid: "§c You are not authorized to access this chest.", msgstr: "§cSinulla ei ole oikeuksia käyttää tätä arkkua." }, "AddM": { - msgid: "§a{member} Added as a member location:{chestLocation}", + msgid: "§a {member} added as a member at location: {chestLocation}", msgstr: "§a Lisätty jäseneksi." }, "addYouM": { - msgid: "§aThis{playerName}has added you to the following chests{chestLocation}", + msgid: "§a {playerName} has added you to the following chests: {chestLocation}", msgstr: "§aTämä {playerName} on lisännyt sinut seuraaviin arkuihin {chestLocation}" }, "RemoveYouM": { - msgid: "§aThis{playerName}has removed you from members in the following chests{chestLocation}", + msgid: "§a {playerName} has removed you from the following chests: {chestLocation}", msgstr: "§aTämä {playerName} on poistanut sinut jäsenistä seuraavista arkuista {chestLocation}" }, "MAlreday": { - msgid: "§c{member} is already a member. ", + msgid: "§c {member} is already a member.", msgstr: "§con jo jäsen." }, "RemoveM": { - msgid: "§a{member} has Removed from members", + msgid: "§a {member} has been removed from members.", msgstr: "§aPoistettu jäsenistä" }, "NotM": { - msgid: "§cis not a member", + msgid: "§c Not a member.", msgstr: "§cei ole jäsen" }, "allM": { - msgid: "§a member: ", + msgid: "§a Members: ", msgstr: "§a jäsen: " }, "NotFoundM": { - msgid: "§c No members", + msgid: "§c No members.", msgstr: "§c Ei jäseniä" }, "ExplosionWarning": { - msgid: "§c Can you please not blow that up?", + msgid: "§c Please do not explode that.", msgstr: "§c Voisitko olla räjäyttämättä sitä?" }, "cannotPlaceItem": { - msgid: "§c It is forbidden to place pistons in this area", + msgid: "§c You are not allowed to place pistons in this area.", msgstr: "§c Mäntäjen asettaminen tälle alueelle on kielletty" }, }; diff --git a/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/ja_JP.json b/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/ja_JP.json index 528d3cd..48f89c1 100644 --- a/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/ja_JP.json +++ b/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/ja_JP.json @@ -1,170 +1,235 @@ { - "loreDoce": { - "msgid": "Change the name/lore of the item.", + "command.about": { + "msgid": [ + "§a== About ChestLockAddon ==", + "", + "ChestLockAddon is a useful utility addon for Minecraft version 1.21.22 that provides chest protection and more.", + "", + "§b== Main Features ==", + "• Chest Protection: Protect your chests from other players.", + "• Multilingual Support: Change the language setting with the lang command.", + "• Teleport Request: Send a teleport request to another player with the tpa command.", + "• And more: More useful commands will be added in the future.", + "", + "§b== Links ==", + "• GitHub: https://github.com/gamelist1990/ChestLockAddon", + "• YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn", + "• Discord: https://discord.gg/GJyqBm7Pyd", + "", + "§c== Notes ==", + "This addon is under development and may contain unexpected bugs. If you find any bugs, please report them on GitHub or Discord.", + "", + "§a== Message from the Developer ==", + "We welcome your feedback to make ChestLockAddon a better addon." + ], + "msgstr": [ + "§a== ChestLockAddon について ==", + "", + "ChestLockAddonは、Minecraftのバージョン1.21.22に対応した、チェスト保護機能などを提供する便利なユーティリティアドオンです。", + "", + "§b== 主な機能 ==", + "• チェスト保護: あなたのチェストを他のプレイヤーから保護します。", + "• 多言語対応: lang コマンドで言語設定を変更できます。", + "• PS4/5向けUI: ui コマンドでPS4/5向けUIを開けます。", + "• テレポートリクエスト: tpa コマンドで他のプレイヤーにテレポートリクエストを送れます。", + "• その他: 今後も便利なコマンドが追加される予定です。", + "", + "§b== リンク ==", + "• GitHub: https://github.com/gamelist1990/ChestLockAddon", + "• YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn", + "• Discord: https://discord.gg/GJyqBm7Pyd", + "", + "§c== 注意点 ==", + "アドオンは開発中のため、予期せぬバグが発生する可能性があります。バグを発見した場合は、GitHubやDiscordで報告してください。", + "", + "§a== 開発者からのメッセージ ==", + "ChestLockAddonをより良いアドオンにするために、皆様からのフィードバックをお待ちしております。" + ] + }, + "command.Undone": { + "msgid": "§f>>§aReverted to one previous change", + "msgstr": "§f>>§a一つ前の変更に戻しました!" + }, + "aboutCom": { + "msgid": "View an overview of this add-on", + "msgstr": "このアドオンの概要を表示します" + }, + "command.NothingToUndo": { + "msgid": "§f>>§cThere were no changes that could be reverted.", + "msgstr": "§f>>§c戻せる変更が見つかりませんでした" + }, + "ServerVersion": { + "msgid": [ + "§bThis ChestLockAddon is running version {version}" + ], + "msgstr": "§b現時点のChestLockアドオンのバージョンは{version}です" + }, + "command.loreDocs": { + "msgid": "§2Change the item's name/lore (Place the item in the first slot of your hotbar)", "msgstr": "§2アイテムの名前/説明を変更します。(ホットバーの一番左に変えたいアイテムを置いてください)" }, - "changeLore": { - "msgid": "Item Change Lore", + "command.Changelore": { + "msgid": "§0Change Item Lore", "msgstr": "§0アイテムの説明変更" }, - "ChangeName": { - "msgid": "Item Change Name", + "command.ChangeName": { + "msgid": "§0Change Item Name", "msgstr": "§0アイテム名変更" }, - "ClearLore": { - "msgid": "Item Clear Lore", + "command.ClearLore": { + "msgid": "§0Clear Item Lore", "msgstr": "§0アイテムの説明をクリア" }, - "Newlore": { + "command.NewLore": { "msgid": "Enter new lore:", "msgstr": "新しい説明を入力してください:" }, - "Newname": { + "command.NewName": { "msgid": "Enter new name:", "msgstr": "新しい名前を入力してください:" }, - "Usagelore": { - "msgid": "Usage: {prefix}lore -set or {prefix}lore -remove or {prefix}lore -rename or {prefix}lore -clearlore", - "msgstr": "§3使用方法: {prefix}lore -set <説明の内容> または {prefix}lore -remove <説明の内容> または {prefix}lore -rename <新しい名前> または {prefix}lore -clearlore" + "command.UsageLore": { + "msgid": "§3Usage: {prefix}lore -set \"\" or {prefix}lore -remove \"\" or {prefix}lore -rename \"\" or {prefix}lore -command.ClearLore", + "msgstr": "§3使用方法: {prefix}lore -set <説明の内容> または {prefix}lore -remove <説明の内容> または {prefix}lore -rename <新しい名前> または {prefix}lore -command.ClearLore" }, - "ADDLore": { - "msgid": "Added lore, please check", + "command.AddLore": { + "msgid": "§aLore added, please check.", "msgstr": "§a説明を追加しました。確認してください。" }, - "TakeItem": { - "msgid": "Please take the item.", + "command.takeItem": { + "msgid": "§cPlease hold the item.", "msgstr": "§cアイテムを手に持ってください。" }, - "LoreNotFound": { - "msgid": "Lore not found", + "command.NotFoundLore": { + "msgid": "§cLore not found.", "msgstr": "§c説明が見つかりません" }, - "RemoveLore": { - "msgid": "Lore has been deleted. Please check.", + "command.RemoveLore": { + "msgid": "§aLore deleted. Please check.", "msgstr": "§a説明を削除しました。確認してください。" }, - "ChangeNames": { - "msgid": "Renamed the item", + "command.ChangeNames": { + "msgid": "§aItem renamed.", "msgstr": "§aアイテムの名前を変更しました" }, - "uilore": { - "msgid": "Custom Item Name/Lore", + "ui.MainLoreButton": { + "msgid": "§0Custom Item Name/Lore", "msgstr": "§0カスタムアイテム名/説明" }, - "FirstPointSet": { - "msgid": ">> First point set.", + "command.FirstPointSet": { + "msgid": "§f>>§a First point set.", "msgstr": "§7>>§a 最初の地点を設定しました。" }, "editCom": { - "msgid": "WorldEdit Command", + "msgid": "WorldEdit Commands", "msgstr": "ワールドエディットコマンド" }, "loreCom": { "msgid": "Change Item Lore", "msgstr": "アイテムの説明を変更" }, - "SecondPointSet": { - "msgid": ">> Second point set.", - "msgstr": "§7>>§6 2つ目の地点を設定しました。" + "command.SecondPointSet": { + "msgid": "§f>>§6 Second point set.", + "msgstr": "§f>>§6二回目の範囲を設定しました" }, - "SelectionCompleted": { - "msgid": ">> Selection completed.", + "command.SelectionCompleted": { + "msgid": "§f>>§a Selection completed.", "msgstr": "§7>>§a 範囲選択が完了しました。" }, - "PointSet": { - "msgid": ">> Point set.", + "command.PointSet": { + "msgid": "§f>> §aPoint set.", "msgstr": "§7>>§a 地点を設定しました。" }, - "WallsCreated": { - "msgid": ">> Walls created.", + "command.WallsCreated": { + "msgid": "§f>>§a Walls created.", "msgstr": "§7>>§a 壁を作成しました。" }, - "InvalidBlockId": { - "msgid": ">> Invalid block ID.", + "command.InvalidBlockId": { + "msgid": "§f>>§c Invalid block ID.", "msgstr": "§7>>§c 無効なブロックIDです。" }, - "OutlineCreated": { - "msgid": ">> Outline created.", + "command.OutlineCreated": { + "msgid": "§f>>§a Outline created.", "msgstr": "§7>>§a アウトラインを作成しました。" }, "FilledCircleCreated": { - "msgid": ">> Filled circle created.", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Filled circle created.", "msgstr": "§7>>§a 中を埋めた円を作成しました。" }, "RangeSet": { - "msgid": ">> Range set with the specified block ({blockId}).", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Range set with the specified block ({blockId}).", "msgstr": "§7>>§a 指定したブロック({blockId})で範囲内が設定されました。" }, "RangeCleared": { - "msgid": ">> Range cleared.", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Range cleared.", "msgstr": "§7>>§a 範囲内がクリアされました。" }, "WallsToolSelected": { - "msgid": ">> Walls tool selected. (Block ID: {blockId})", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Walls tool selected. (Block ID: {blockId})", "msgstr": "§7>>§a walls ツールを選択しました。 (ブロックID: {blockId})" }, "OutlineToolSelected": { - "msgid": ">> Outline tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Outline tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", "msgstr": "§7>>§a outline ツールを選択しました。 (半径: {radius}, ブロックID: {blockId})" }, "FilledCircleToolSelected": { - "msgid": ">> Filled circle tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Filled circle tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", "msgstr": "§f>>§a filledCircle ツールを選択しました。 (半径: {radius}, ブロックID: {blockId})" }, "ToolExited": { - "msgid": ">> Tool exited.", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Tool exited.", "msgstr": "§f>>§a ツールを終了しました。" }, "ToolOptions": { - "msgid": ">> Tool options: -wall , -outline , -filledCircle , -exit", + "msgid": "§f>> §3Tool options: -wall , -outline , -filledCircle , -exit", "msgstr": "§f>>§3 ツールオプション: -wall <ブロックID>, -outline <半径> <ブロックID>, -filledCircle <半径> <ブロックID>, -exit" }, "StartRangeSelection2": { - "msgid": ">> Range selection started. Please break two blocks.", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Range selection started. Please break two blocks.", "msgstr": "§f>>§a 範囲選択を開始しました。ブロックを2つ破壊してください。" }, "StartRangeSelection": { - "msgid": ">> Range selection started. Hold a wooden hoe and break a block.", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Range selection started. Hold a wooden hoe and break a block.", "msgstr": "§f>>§a 範囲選択を開始しました。木のクワを持ちブロックを破壊してください" }, "InvalidCommandUsage": { - "msgid": ">> Invalid command usage: /{prefix}edit -set | /{prefix}edit -clear | /{prefix}edit tool | /{prefix}edit start", + "msgid": "§f>>§3 Invalid command usage: /{prefix}edit -set | /{prefix}edit -clear | /{prefix}edit tool | /{prefix}edit start", "msgstr": "§f>>§3 コマンドの使用方法: {prefix}edit -set <ブロックID> | {prefix}edit -clear | {prefix}edit tool <オプション> | {prefix}edit start" }, "PlayerNotFound": { - "msgid": "§cPlayerNotFound!! Make sure you're really there", + "msgid": "§cPlayer not found! Make sure you're in a valid location.", "msgstr": "§cこのプレイヤーが見つかりません!!" }, "TheFirestBlock": { - "msgid": "§a1 The first block has been recorded. Destroy the block again.", + "msgid": "§a1. First block recorded. Destroy the block again.", "msgstr": "§a1 最初のブロックが記録されました。次のブロックを選択してください." }, "TheSecond": { - "msgid": "§a2 second block has been recorded. Warp gate has been set.", + "msgid": "§a2. Second block recorded. Warp gate has been set.", "msgstr": "§a2二個目のブロックが記録に成功したため。ワープゲートの設定が完了しました" }, "WarpUsage": { - "msgid": "§c usage: warpgate -create ", "msgstr": "§c使用方法は: warpgate -create だよ" }, "AlreadyWarp": { - "msgid": "§cA warp gate of that name already exists.", + "msgid": "§c A warp gate with that name already exists.", "msgstr": "§cその名前のワープゲートは既に存在しています。" }, "CreateGate": { - "msgid": "§aCreate a warp gate {gatename} \n §aNext, destroy the two blocks to specify the extent of the gate.", + "msgid": "§a Creating warp gate: {gatename} \n §a Next, destroy two blocks to define the gate's boundaries.", "msgstr": "§aワープゲートを{gatename}で作成します \n §次に、ゲートの範囲を指定するために2つのブロックを壊して下さい" }, "NotWarp": { - "msgid": "§cThe gate with the specified name does not exist", + "msgid": "§c The specified warp gate does not exist.", "msgstr": "§c指定された名前のゲートは存在しません。" }, "deleteWarp": { - "msgid": "§a gate removed: {gatename}", + "msgid": "§a Gate removed: {gatename}", "msgstr": "§aゲートの削除に成功しました: {gatename}。" }, "NotWarpSetting": { - "msgid": "§cNo warp gate is set.", + "msgid": "§c No warp gate is set.", "msgstr": "§cワープゲートが設定されていません" }, "listGate": { @@ -172,39 +237,39 @@ "msgstr": "§aワープゲートのリスト:\n" }, "warpgateCom": { - "msgid": "Warp gate can be set", + "msgid": "Set Warp Gate", "msgstr": "ワープゲートを作る事ができます" }, "UsageGate": { - "msgid": "§c invalid subcommand usage {prefix}warpgate <-create/delete/list> [name] |\n§c create command Only -create [name] [x,y,z]", + "msgid": "§c Invalid subcommand usage: {prefix}warpgate <-create/delete/list> [name] |\n§c Create command only: -create [name] [x,y,z]", "msgstr": "§c 無効なサブコマンドです使い方は {prefix}warpgate <-create/delete/list> [name] |\n§c ただ-create引数の時はこのようにしてください -create [name] [x,y,z]." }, "TPGATE": { - "msgid": "§a Teleported to warp gate {gate}.", + "msgid": "§a Teleported to warp gate: {gate}.", "msgstr": "§a ワープゲート{gate}にテレポートしました" }, "Joincommand": { - "msgid": "Displays a message when joining a world", + "msgid": "Displays a message when joining a world.", "msgstr": "プレイヤー参加時にメッセージを出します" }, "Joinenabled": { - "msgid": "§aEnabled messages when joining worlds", + "msgid": "§a Enabled join messages.", "msgstr": "§aワールドに参加メッセージを有効にしました" }, "Joindisabled": { - "msgid": "§cDisabled messages when joining worlds.", + "msgid": "§c Disabled join messages.", "msgstr": "§cワールド参加メッセージを無効にしました." }, "Invalid": { - "msgid": "§cInvalid argument.", + "msgid": "§c Invalid argument.", "msgstr": "§c不明な値です" }, "UsageJoin": { - "msgid": "§cUsage is join <-ture/-false/-settings>", + "msgid": "§c Usage: join <-true/-false/-settings>", "msgstr": "§c使用法はjoin <-true/-false/-settings> です" }, "welcome": { - "msgid": "§7 Welcome! My Server", + "msgid": "§7 Welcome to My Server!", "msgstr": "§a==ようこそ!!ゆっくりしていってね==" }, "Rulejoin": { @@ -212,319 +277,319 @@ "msgstr": "このサーバーのルール!" }, "RulesNumber": { - "msgid": "§bNumber of Rules", + "msgid": "§b Number of Rules:", "msgstr": "§bルールの数を入力(4ぐらいがオススメ)" }, "RulesEnter": { - "msgid": "§0Enter the number of rules", + "msgid": "§0 Enter the number of rules:", "msgstr": "§0ここに入力!!" }, "RuleSettings": { - "msgid": "§6Rule Settings", + "msgid": "§6 Rule Settings", "msgstr": "ルール設定" }, "Rules": { - "msgid": "§bRule {i}", + "msgid": "§b Rule {i}:", "msgstr": "§bルール {i}" }, "RuleEnter2": { - "msgid": "§0Enter rule {i}", + "msgid": "§0 Enter rule {i}:", "msgstr": "§0ルールの内容を入力 {i}" }, "RuleUpdate": { - "msgid": "§aRules updated!", + "msgid": "§a Rules updated!", "msgstr": "§aルールを更新しました" }, "joinSettings": { - "msgid": "§6Join Log Settings", + "msgid": "§6 Join Log Settings", "msgstr": "参加ログ設定!" }, "TpaRequesMenu": { - "msgid": "§2Welcome to tpa MenuCurrent requests:{requestList} people", + "msgid": "§2 Welcome to the TPA Menu! Current requests: {requestList} people", "msgstr": "§2tpaメニューへようこそ現在のリクエスト人数は:{requestList}人" }, "SendTpa": { - "msgid": "§0Send a TPARequest", + "msgid": "§0 Send a TPA Request", "msgstr": "§0TPリクエストを送る" }, "ShowTpaRequests": { - "msgid": "§0Confirm TP request addressed to me", + "msgid": "§0 Confirm TP requests addressed to me", "msgstr": "§0自分宛のTPリクエストを確認" }, "NoTpaRequests": { - "msgid": "§cNo TP request has been sent to you", + "msgid": "§c You have no TP requests.", "msgstr": "§c自分宛にTPリクエストは届いていませんでした" }, "SelectTpaRequest": { - "msgid": "§2TPRequest has arrived, please select the player you accept", + "msgid": "§2 You have received a TPA request. Please select the player you want to accept.", "msgstr": "§2TPリクエストを受け取りました。受け入れるプレイヤーを選択してください" }, "SendTpaSelect": { - "msgid": "§2Select the player to whom you would like to send a request", + "msgid": "§2 Select the player you want to send a request to:", "msgstr": "§2TPリクエストを送信したいプレイヤーを選択してください" }, "uihelp": { - "msgid": "§0HelpMenu", + "msgid": "§0 Help Menu", "msgstr": "§0ヘルプメニュー!" }, "uichest": { - "msgid": "§0ChestMenu(BETA)", + "msgid": "§0 Chest Menu (BETA)", "msgstr": "§0チェストロックメニュー(BETA)" }, "uilang": { - "msgid": "§0LangMenu", + "msgid": "§0 Language Menu", "msgstr": "§0言語メニュー" }, "uijpch": { - "msgid": "§0jpchMenu(BETA)", + "msgid": "§0 JPCH Menu (BETA)", "msgstr": "§0JPCHメニュー(BETA)" }, "uitpa": { - "msgid": "§0Tpa Menu(BETA)", + "msgid": "§0 TPA Menu (BETA)", "msgstr": "§0TPリクエストメニュー(BETA)" }, "closeChat": { - "msgid": "§a==Close The Chat Panel==", + "msgid": "§a == Close The Chat Panel ==", "msgstr": "§a==チャット欄を閉じて下さい==" }, "Tpcommand": { - "msgid": "You can send a request and TP it", + "msgid": "Send a request and teleport.", "msgstr": "このコマンドではリクエストを送信してTPすることができます" }, "tpaRequestSent": { - "msgid": "§aTPA request sent to {playerName}", + "msgid": "§a TPA request sent to§b {playerName}.", "msgstr": "§b{playerName}§aにTPAリクエストを送信しました【受け入れの制限時間は一分間です】" }, "tpaRequestAlreadySent": { - "msgid": "§cThe cTPA request has already been sent to {playerName}!", + "msgid": "§c You have already sent a TPA request to§6 {playerName}!", "msgstr": "§cTPA リクエストは既に{playerName}宛てに送信されています!" }, "tpaRequestReceived": { - "msgid": "§2Received a TPA request from {playerName}.", + "msgid": "§2 Received a TPA request from §b{playerName}.", "msgstr": "§b【{playerName}】§aからTPAリクエストを受け取りました" }, "noPendingTpaRequests": { - "msgid": "§3You have no pending TPA requests.", + "msgid": "§3 You have no pending TPA requests.", "msgstr": "§3保留中の TPA リクエストはありません" }, "invalidTpaRequest": { - "msgid": "§cInvalid TPA request", + "msgid": "§c Invalid TPA request.", "msgstr": "§c無効な TPA リクエストです(期限切れ)" }, "requesterNotFound": { - "msgid": "§cRequester not found", + "msgid": "§c Requester not found.", "msgstr": "§cリクエストした人が見つかりません" }, "teleportedToPlayer": { - "msgid": "§aTeleported to {playerName}", + "msgid": "§a Teleported to §b{playerName}.", "msgstr": "§b{playerName}§aにテレポートしました" }, "tpaRequestAccepted": { - "msgid": "§a{playerName} has accepted your TPA request", + "msgid": "§a §b{playerName} §ahas accepted your TPA request.", "msgstr": "§b{playerName}§aがあなたのTPAリクエストを受け入れました" }, "tpaRequestAcceptes": { - "msgid": "§aTPA request from {playerName} accepted!", + "msgid": "§a TPA request from §b{playerName}§a accepted!", "msgstr": "§b{playerName}§aからのTPAリクエストを受け入れました!" }, "cannotTpaToSelf": { - "msgid": "§cYou cannot send a TPA request to yourself", + "msgid": "§c You cannot send a TPA request to yourself.", "msgstr": "§cTPA リクエストを自分自身に送信することはできません" }, "invalidTpaCommandUsage": { - "msgid": "§3Invalid usage. Use tpa -r to send a request, or tpa -a to accept", + "msgid": "§3 Invalid usage. Use {prefix}tpa -r to send a request, or {prefix}tpa -a to accept.", "msgstr": "§3無効な使用法です tpa -r を使用してリクエストを送信するか、 tpa -a を使用して受け入れる事ができます" }, "tpaRequestTimedOut": { - "msgid": "§3TPA request from {playerName} has timed out", + "msgid": "§3 TPA request from §6{playerName}§3 has timed out.", "msgstr": "§b{playerName}§6に送ったTPAリクエストがタイムアウトしました!" }, "jpchCom": { - "msgid": "§2Functions like LunaChat", + "msgid": "§2 Functions like LunaChat.", "msgstr": "§2LunaChatと似たようなやつ(実験機能)" }, "jpenable": { - "msgid": "§aEnable Function", + "msgid": "§a Function enabled.", "msgstr": "§a有効化" }, "jpdisable": { - "msgid": "§cDisable function", + "msgid": "§c Function disabled.", "msgstr": "§c無効化" }, "AccesItemUI": { - "msgid": "itemUI command (accesses Chest Lock UI)", + "msgid": "Item UI Command (Accesses Chest Lock UI)", "msgstr": "itemUI コマンド (Chest Lock UI にアクセスします)" }, "FullInv": { - "msgid": "§cYour inventory is full and items cannot be granted", + "msgid": "§c Your inventory is full. Items cannot be granted.", "msgstr": "§cインベントリがいっぱいのためアイテムを付与できません" }, "AlreadyInv": { - "msgid": "§cUIitem already exists in your inventory", + "msgid": "§c That UI item already exists in your inventory.", "msgstr": "§cUIitem は既にインベントリに存在します" }, "AddInv": { - "msgid": "§aYou have added an item to your inventory! (please check)", + "msgid": "§a Item added to your inventory! (Please check)", "msgstr": "§aインベントリにアイテムが追加されました。 (チェックしてください)" }, "Displayplayerinformation": { - "msgid": "List command (displays player information)", + "msgid": "List command (Displays player information)", "msgstr": "Listコマンド(プレイヤー情報を表示)" }, "commands.list.usage": { - "msgid": "§aUsage: list show Or list all", + "msgid": "§a Usage: {prefix}list show or {prefix}list all", "msgstr": "§a使用法: list show または list all" }, "commands.list.playerInfo": { - "msgid": "§6==== Player Info =====\n §2Name: §f{TragetName},\n §2ID: §f{TargetID},\n §2Location: §f({TargetX}, {TargetY}, {TargetZ}),\n §2Health: §f{health},\n §2Game Mode:§f {GameMode},\n §2Ping: {ping}\n §6===========", - "msgstr": "§6==== プレイヤー情報 =====\n §2名前: §f{TargetName},\n §2ID: §f{TargetID},\n §2場所: §f({TargetX}, {TargetY} 、{TargetZ})、\n §2ヘルス: §f{ヘルス}、\n §2ゲームモード:§f {GameMode}、\n §2Ping: {ping}\n §6===========" + "msgid": "§6 ==== Player Info =====\n §2Name: §f{TragetName},\n §2ID: §f{TargetID},\n §2Location: §f({TargetX}, {TargetY}, {TargetZ}),\n §2Health: §f{health},\n §2Game Mode:§f {GameMode},\n §2Ping: {ping}\n §6 ===========", + "msgstr": "§6==== プレイヤー情報 =====\n §2名前: §f{TargetName},\n §2ID: §f{TargetID},\n §2場所: §f({TargetX}, {TargetY} 、{TargetZ})、\n §2ヘルス: §f{health}、\n §2ゲームモード:§f {GameMode}、\n §2Ping:§f {ping}\n §6===========" }, "commands.list.playerNotFound": { - "msgid": "§cPlayer not found: {tragetplayer}", + "msgid": "§c Player not found: §6{tragetplayer}", "msgstr": "§cプレーヤーが見つかりません: {tragetplayer}" }, "jpch_command_description": { - "msgid": "jpch command (experimental feature)", + "msgid": "JPCH command (Experimental feature)", "msgstr": "LunaChat風のローマ字から日本語に変換する機能です(実験的)" }, "ui_command_description": { - "msgid": "ui command (this command displays a GUI with ActionForm)", + "msgid": "UI command (This command displays a GUI with ActionForm)", "msgstr": "UIを表示します(Switch/PS4/5用)" }, "ChooseCom": { - "msgid": "§2Select the command:", + "msgid": "§2 Select a command:", "msgstr": "§2使用したいコマンドを選択してね:" }, "ChestCom": { - "msgid": "§2Select the chest:", + "msgid": "§2 Select a chest:", "msgstr": "§2使用したい内容を選択:" }, "Chestinfo": { - "msgid": "§0See nearby chests", + "msgid": "§0 See nearby chests", "msgstr": "§0近くのチェストの情報を見る" }, "Chestlock": { - "msgid": "§0lock system", + "msgid": "§0 Lock System", "msgstr": "§0ロック機能系" }, "ChestMember": { - "msgid": "§0Member system", + "msgid": "§0 Member System", "msgstr": "§0メンバー操作系" }, "back": { - "msgid": "§2back", + "msgid": "§2 Back", "msgstr": "§2戻る" }, "lockinfo": { - "msgid": "§2Select the type of lock:", + "msgid": "§2 Select the lock type:", "msgstr": "§2ロックの種類を選択してください:" }, "locking": { - "msgid": "§alocking!", + "msgid": "§a Locking!", "msgstr": "§aロック!" }, "unlocking": { - "msgid": "§cunlocking!", + "msgid": "§c Unlocking!", "msgstr": "§cロック解除!" }, "ProtectChest": { - "msgid": "§0Protection Chest Status", + "msgid": "§0 Chest Protection Status", "msgstr": "§0保護チェストのステータス" }, "MemberChoose": { - "msgid": "§2Choose your member's:", + "msgid": "§2 Choose your members:", "msgstr": "§2操作するボタンを選択してください:" }, "MemberAdd": { - "msgid": "§0Member Add", + "msgid": "§0 Add Member", "msgstr": "§0メンバーを追加" }, "MemberRemove": { - "msgid": "§0Member Remove", + "msgid": "§0 Remove Member", "msgstr": "§0メンバーを削除" }, "Memberall": { - "msgid": "§0Member list", + "msgid": "§0 Member List", "msgstr": "§0メンバーリスト" }, "AddMemberSelect": { - "msgid": "§2Select the member you wish to add:", + "msgid": "§2 Select the member you want to add:", "msgstr": "§2追加したいメンバーを選択してください:" }, "RemoveMemberSelect": { - "msgid": "§2Select the member you wish to Remove:", + "msgid": "§2 Select the member you want to remove:", "msgstr": "§2削除したいメンバーを選択してください:" }, "SelectLang": { - "msgid": "§2Select an operation from the language menu:", + "msgid": "§2 Select an operation from the language menu:", "msgstr": "§2言語メニューから操作を選択してください:" }, "langList": { - "msgid": "§0lang List", + "msgid": "§0 Language List", "msgstr": "§0言語対応リスト" }, "langChange": { - "msgid": "§0lang Change", + "msgid": "§0 Change Language", "msgstr": "§0言語変更" }, "langChange1": { - "msgid": "§2Please select the language you wish to change:", + "msgid": "§2 Please select the language you want to change to:", "msgstr": "§2変更したい言語を選択してください:" }, "FromError": { - "msgid": "§cAn error occurred while displaying the form:", + "msgid": "§c An error occurred while displaying the form:", "msgstr": "§cフォームの表示中にエラーが発生しました" }, "desabledCom": { - "msgid": "§cUnregistered or disabled command", + "msgid": "§c Unregistered or disabled command.", "msgstr": "§c無効なコマンド" }, "desableComSuggest": { - "msgid": "§6Invalid command. Is it possibly the {possibleCommands} command? If so, answer {prefix}yes", + "msgid": "§6 Invalid command. Did you mean: {possibleCommands}? If so, answer {prefix}yes", "msgstr": "§6無効なコマンドです。もしかして {possibleCommands} コマンドでしょうか?そうであれば、[{prefix}yes]と答えてください" }, "AllowTagCom": { - "msgid": "§cOnly players with an authorized tag can use it", + "msgid": "§c Only players with an authorized tag can use this command.", "msgstr": "§c許可されたタグを持つプレイヤーのみが使用できます" }, "invalidCom": { - "msgid": "§6invalid command. Please make sure it is correct Commands used:{commandName}", + "msgid": "§6 Invalid command. Please make sure it is correct. Commands used: {commandName}", "msgstr": "§6無効なコマンドです。正しいことを確認してください。使用されたコマンド:{commandName}" }, "Developer commands": { - "msgid": "dev command (this command provides developers and administrators with the ability to reset and verify dynamic properties)", + "msgid": "Dev command (This command allows developers and administrators to reset and verify dynamic properties)", "msgstr": "デベロッパー専用コマンド(tag OPが必要)" }, "available_commands": { - "msgid": "§6Current available commands", + "msgid": "§6 Currently available commands:", "msgstr": "§6現在使用可能なコマンド" }, "help_command_description": { - "msgid": "help command (this command displays help as you can see)", + "msgid": "Help command (This command displays help information)", "msgstr": "helpコマンド(登録されたコマンドを表示します)" }, "lang_removeData": { - "msgid": "Language data deletion complete", + "msgid": "Language data deletion complete.", "msgstr": "言語データの削除が完了しました" }, "lang_docs": { - "msgid": "lang command (this command switches the language)", + "msgid": "Lang command (This command switches the language)", "msgstr": "Lang コマンド(言語を変更できます)" }, "lang_list": { - "msgid": "§aAvailable Languages:\n", + "msgid": "§a Available Languages:\n", "msgstr": "§a使用可能な言語:\n" }, "lang_change": { - "msgid": "§aLanguage changed to", + "msgid": "§a Language changed to: {language}", "msgstr": "§a言語が変更されました" }, "lang_failed": { - "msgid": "§cFailed to change language to", + "msgid": "§c Failed to change language to: {language}", "msgstr": "§c言語を変更できませんでした" }, "lang_invalid": { - "msgid": "§cInvalid command usage. Use lang list or lang change ", + "msgid": "§c Invalid command usage. Use /lang list or /lang change ", "msgstr": "§c無効なコマンドの使用法です。\nlang list または lang change を使用してね" }, "chest_command": { @@ -532,21 +597,21 @@ "msgstr": "チェストを保護するコマンド(BETA版)" }, "unavailable": { - "msgid": "§cLack of authority", + "msgid": "§c You do not have permission to do that.", "msgstr": "§cこのコマンドを使用する権限がありません" }, "chest_help": { "msgid": [ - "§cInvalid command.", - "§aChest protection command usage:.", - " §bchest lock - locks the chest", - " §bchest info - displays information about the nearest chest", - " §bchest unlock - unlocks the chest", - " §bchest protect - toggles chest protection", - " §bchest add - add a member to the chest", - " §bchest remove - remove a member of a chest", - " §bchest all - displays a list of chest members", - " §bchest list -displays a list of chest", + "§c Invalid command.", + "§a Chest protection command usage:", + " §bchest lock - Locks the chest", + " §bchest info - Displays information about the nearest chest", + " §bchest unlock - Unlocks the chest", + " §bchest protect - Toggles chest protection", + " §bchest add - Adds a member to the chest", + " §bchest remove - Removes a member from the chest", + " §bchest all - Displays a list of chest members", + " §bchest list - Displays a list of chests", " §b_______________________________________", " §bAuthor: Koukun - License AGPL-3.0", " §bYoutubeURL - https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn" @@ -568,51 +633,51 @@ ] }, "MaxChestLimitReached": { - "msgid": "§cThe installation limit of {protectChest} has already been reached", + "msgid": "§c The installation limit of {protectChest} has been reached.", "msgstr": "§c既に設置上限である{protectChest}に達しています" }, "chestLocksCount": { - "msgid": "§aYou are currently protecting {protectChest} chests", + "msgid": "§a You are currently protecting {protectChest} chests.", "msgstr": "§a現在{protectChest}個のチェストが保護されています。" }, "ChestlistCom": { - "msgid": "§aYou have protected {playerChests} chests:", + "msgid": "§a You have protected {playerChests} chests:", "msgstr": "§aあなたは現在{playerChests}個のチェストを保護しています。" }, "chestlocation": { - "msgid": "§e- Location: {key}", + "msgid": "§e - Location: {key}", "msgstr": "§e- 座標: {key}" }, "nearby_chest_info": { - "msgid": "§a---- Nearby Chest Info ----", + "msgid": "§a ---- Nearby Chest Info ----", "msgstr": "§a---- 近くのチェスト情報 ----" }, "coordinate_x": { - "msgid": "§bX: §e", + "msgid": "§b X: §e", "msgstr": "" }, "coordinate_y": { - "msgid": "§bY: §e", + "msgid": "§b Y: §e", "msgstr": "" }, "coordinate_z": { - "msgid": "§bZ: §e", + "msgid": "§b Z: §e", "msgstr": "" }, "protected": { - "msgid": "§aProtected", + "msgid": "§a Protected", "msgstr": "§a保護されています" }, "owner": { - "msgid": "§bOwner: §e", + "msgid": "§b Owner: §e", "msgstr": "§b所有者: §e" }, "members": { - "msgid": "§bMembers: §e", + "msgid": "§b Members: §e", "msgstr": "§bメンバー: §e" }, "large_chest": { - "msgid": "§bLarge Chest: §e", + "msgid": "§b Large Chest: §e", "msgstr": "§bラージチェスト: §e" }, "yes": { @@ -624,31 +689,31 @@ "msgstr": "§cいいえ" }, "not_protected": { - "msgid": "§cNot Protected", + "msgid": "§c Not Protected", "msgstr": "§c保護されていません" }, "notFound_chest": { - "msgid": "§cCan't find chest", + "msgid": "§c Cannot find chest.", "msgstr": "§cチェストが見つかりませんでした" }, "chestProtectRemove": { - "msgid": "§a Chest protection removed", + "msgid": "§a Chest protection removed.", "msgstr": "§aチェストの保護を解除しました" }, "AlreadyProChest": { - "msgid": "§a This chest is already protected", + "msgid": "§a This chest is already protected.", "msgstr": "§a このチェストは既に保護されています。" }, "chest_lookstate": { - "msgid": "§a chest protected {lcokstate}", + "msgid": "§a Chest protection: {lcokstate}", "msgstr": "§aチェストを保護しました{lcokstate}" }, "chest_removeData": { - "msgid": "§aAll chest protection data has been reset.", + "msgid": "§a All chest protection data has been reset.", "msgstr": "§a全てのチェスト保護データをリセットしました" }, "isLookChest": { - "msgid": "§cThis chest is locked", + "msgid": "§c This chest is locked.", "msgstr": "§cこのチェストはロックされています" }, "isProChest": { @@ -656,55 +721,55 @@ "msgstr": "§cこのチェストは保護されています" }, "ProChestBreak": { - "msgid": "§a Protected chest has been destroyed. Protected data also deleted.", + "msgid": "§a Protected chest destroyed. Protection data also deleted.", "msgstr": "§a保護されたチェストを破壊しました。保護データも削除されました。" }, "lockChange": { - "msgid": "§a Protection state of chest is changed to {lock}", + "msgid": "§a Chest protection state changed to: {lock}", "msgstr": "§aチェストの保護状態を変更しました" }, "NotChest": { - "msgid": "§cYou are not authorized to operate this chest.", + "msgid": "§c You are not authorized to access this chest.", "msgstr": "§cこのチェストを操作する権限がありません" }, "AddM": { - "msgid": "§a{member} Added as a member location:{chestLocation}", + "msgid": "§a {member} added as a member at location: {chestLocation}", "msgstr": "§aをメンバーに追加しました。" }, "addYouM": { - "msgid": "§aThis{playerName}has added you to the following chests{chestLocation}", + "msgid": "§a {playerName} has added you to the following chests: {chestLocation}", "msgstr": "§a{playerName}があなたを以下のチェストのメンバーに追加しました:\n{chestLocation}のチェスト" }, "RemoveYouM": { - "msgid": "§aThis{playerName}has removed you from members in the following chests{chestLocation}", + "msgid": "§a {playerName} has removed you from the following chests: {chestLocation}", "msgstr": "§a{playerName}があなたを以下のチェストのメンバーから削除しました:\n{chestLocation}のチェスト" }, "MAlreday": { - "msgid": "§c{member} is already a member. ", + "msgid": "§c {member} is already a member.", "msgstr": "§cは既にメンバーです" }, "RemoveM": { - "msgid": "§a{member} has Removed from members", + "msgid": "§a {member} has been removed from members.", "msgstr": "§aをメンバーから削除しました" }, "NotM": { - "msgid": "§cis not a member", + "msgid": "§c Not a member.", "msgstr": "§cはメンバーではありません" }, "allM": { - "msgid": "§a member: ", + "msgid": "§a Members: ", "msgstr": "§aメンバー: " }, "NotFoundM": { - "msgid": "§c No members", + "msgid": "§c No members.", "msgstr": "§c メンバーがいません" }, "ExplosionWarning": { - "msgid": "§c Can you please not blow that up?", + "msgid": "§c Please do not explode that.", "msgstr": "§c このチェストは無敵です" }, "cannotPlaceItem": { - "msgid": "§c It is forbidden to place pistons in this area", + "msgid": "§c You are not allowed to place pistons in this area.", "msgstr": "§c このエリアにこのアイテムを置く事は禁止されています" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/ja_JP.ts b/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/ja_JP.ts index 55b2cfb..9f4accd 100644 --- a/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/ja_JP.ts +++ b/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/ja_JP.ts @@ -1,170 +1,190 @@ export const translations = { - "loreDoce": { - msgid: "Change the name/lore of the item.", + "command.about": { + msgid: "§a== About ChestLockAddon ==\n\nChestLockAddon is a useful utility addon for Minecraft version 1.21.22 that provides chest protection and more.\n\n§b== Main Features ==\n• Chest Protection: Protect your chests from other players.\n• Multilingual Support: Change the language setting with the lang command.\n• Teleport Request: Send a teleport request to another player with the tpa command.\n• And more: More useful commands will be added in the future.\n\n§b== Links ==\n• GitHub: https://github.com/gamelist1990/ChestLockAddon\n• YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn\n• Discord: https://discord.gg/GJyqBm7Pyd\n\n§c== Notes ==\nThis addon is under development and may contain unexpected bugs. If you find any bugs, please report them on GitHub or Discord.\n\n§a== Message from the Developer ==\nWe welcome your feedback to make ChestLockAddon a better addon.", + msgstr: "§a== ChestLockAddon について ==\n\nChestLockAddonは、Minecraftのバージョン1.21.22に対応した、チェスト保護機能などを提供する便利なユーティリティアドオンです。\n\n§b== 主な機能 ==\n• チェスト保護: あなたのチェストを他のプレイヤーから保護します。\n• 多言語対応: lang コマンドで言語設定を変更できます。\n• PS4/5向けUI: ui コマンドでPS4/5向けUIを開けます。\n• テレポートリクエスト: tpa コマンドで他のプレイヤーにテレポートリクエストを送れます。\n• その他: 今後も便利なコマンドが追加される予定です。\n\n§b== リンク ==\n• GitHub: https://github.com/gamelist1990/ChestLockAddon\n• YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn\n• Discord: https://discord.gg/GJyqBm7Pyd\n\n§c== 注意点 ==\nアドオンは開発中のため、予期せぬバグが発生する可能性があります。バグを発見した場合は、GitHubやDiscordで報告してください。\n\n§a== 開発者からのメッセージ ==\nChestLockAddonをより良いアドオンにするために、皆様からのフィードバックをお待ちしております。" + }, + "command.Undone": { + msgid: "§f>>§aReverted to one previous change", + msgstr: "§f>>§a一つ前の変更に戻しました!" + }, + "aboutCom": { + msgid: "View an overview of this add-on", + msgstr: "このアドオンの概要を表示します" + }, + "command.NothingToUndo": { + msgid: "§f>>§cThere were no changes that could be reverted.", + msgstr: "§f>>§c戻せる変更が見つかりませんでした" + }, + "ServerVersion": { + msgid: "§bThis ChestLockAddon is running version {version}", + msgstr: "§b現時点のChestLockアドオンのバージョンは{version}です" + }, + "command.loreDocs": { + msgid: "§2Change the item's name/lore (Place the item in the first slot of your hotbar)", msgstr: "§2アイテムの名前/説明を変更します。(ホットバーの一番左に変えたいアイテムを置いてください)" }, - "changeLore": { - msgid: "Item Change Lore", + "command.Changelore": { + msgid: "§0Change Item Lore", msgstr: "§0アイテムの説明変更" }, - "ChangeName": { - msgid: "Item Change Name", + "command.ChangeName": { + msgid: "§0Change Item Name", msgstr: "§0アイテム名変更" }, - "ClearLore": { - msgid: "Item Clear Lore", + "command.ClearLore": { + msgid: "§0Clear Item Lore", msgstr: "§0アイテムの説明をクリア" }, - "Newlore": { + "command.NewLore": { msgid: "Enter new lore:", msgstr: "新しい説明を入力してください:" }, - "Newname": { + "command.NewName": { msgid: "Enter new name:", msgstr: "新しい名前を入力してください:" }, - "Usagelore": { - msgid: "Usage: {prefix}lore -set or {prefix}lore -remove or {prefix}lore -rename or {prefix}lore -clearlore", - msgstr: "§3使用方法: {prefix}lore -set <説明の内容> または {prefix}lore -remove <説明の内容> または {prefix}lore -rename <新しい名前> または {prefix}lore -clearlore" + "command.UsageLore": { + msgid: "§3Usage: {prefix}lore -set \"\" or {prefix}lore -remove \"\" or {prefix}lore -rename \"\" or {prefix}lore -command.ClearLore", + msgstr: "§3使用方法: {prefix}lore -set <説明の内容> または {prefix}lore -remove <説明の内容> または {prefix}lore -rename <新しい名前> または {prefix}lore -command.ClearLore" }, - "ADDLore": { - msgid: "Added lore, please check", + "command.AddLore": { + msgid: "§aLore added, please check.", msgstr: "§a説明を追加しました。確認してください。" }, - "TakeItem": { - msgid: "Please take the item.", + "command.takeItem": { + msgid: "§cPlease hold the item.", msgstr: "§cアイテムを手に持ってください。" }, - "LoreNotFound": { - msgid: "Lore not found", + "command.NotFoundLore": { + msgid: "§cLore not found.", msgstr: "§c説明が見つかりません" }, - "RemoveLore": { - msgid: "Lore has been deleted. Please check.", + "command.RemoveLore": { + msgid: "§aLore deleted. Please check.", msgstr: "§a説明を削除しました。確認してください。" }, - "ChangeNames": { - msgid: "Renamed the item", + "command.ChangeNames": { + msgid: "§aItem renamed.", msgstr: "§aアイテムの名前を変更しました" }, - "uilore": { - msgid: "Custom Item Name/Lore", + "ui.MainLoreButton": { + msgid: "§0Custom Item Name/Lore", msgstr: "§0カスタムアイテム名/説明" }, - "FirstPointSet": { - msgid: ">> First point set.", + "command.FirstPointSet": { + msgid: "§f>>§a First point set.", msgstr: "§7>>§a 最初の地点を設定しました。" }, "editCom": { - msgid: "WorldEdit Command", + msgid: "WorldEdit Commands", msgstr: "ワールドエディットコマンド" }, "loreCom": { msgid: "Change Item Lore", msgstr: "アイテムの説明を変更" }, - "SecondPointSet": { - msgid: ">> Second point set.", - msgstr: "§7>>§6 2つ目の地点を設定しました。" + "command.SecondPointSet": { + msgid: "§f>>§6 Second point set.", + msgstr: "§f>>§6二回目の範囲を設定しました" }, - "SelectionCompleted": { - msgid: ">> Selection completed.", + "command.SelectionCompleted": { + msgid: "§f>>§a Selection completed.", msgstr: "§7>>§a 範囲選択が完了しました。" }, - "PointSet": { - msgid: ">> Point set.", + "command.PointSet": { + msgid: "§f>> §aPoint set.", msgstr: "§7>>§a 地点を設定しました。" }, - "WallsCreated": { - msgid: ">> Walls created.", + "command.WallsCreated": { + msgid: "§f>>§a Walls created.", msgstr: "§7>>§a 壁を作成しました。" }, - "InvalidBlockId": { - msgid: ">> Invalid block ID.", + "command.InvalidBlockId": { + msgid: "§f>>§c Invalid block ID.", msgstr: "§7>>§c 無効なブロックIDです。" }, - "OutlineCreated": { - msgid: ">> Outline created.", + "command.OutlineCreated": { + msgid: "§f>>§a Outline created.", msgstr: "§7>>§a アウトラインを作成しました。" }, "FilledCircleCreated": { - msgid: ">> Filled circle created.", + msgid: "§f>>§a Filled circle created.", msgstr: "§7>>§a 中を埋めた円を作成しました。" }, "RangeSet": { - msgid: ">> Range set with the specified block ({blockId}).", + msgid: "§f>>§a Range set with the specified block ({blockId}).", msgstr: "§7>>§a 指定したブロック({blockId})で範囲内が設定されました。" }, "RangeCleared": { - msgid: ">> Range cleared.", + msgid: "§f>>§a Range cleared.", msgstr: "§7>>§a 範囲内がクリアされました。" }, "WallsToolSelected": { - msgid: ">> Walls tool selected. (Block ID: {blockId})", + msgid: "§f>>§a Walls tool selected. (Block ID: {blockId})", msgstr: "§7>>§a walls ツールを選択しました。 (ブロックID: {blockId})" }, "OutlineToolSelected": { - msgid: ">> Outline tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", + msgid: "§f>>§a Outline tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", msgstr: "§7>>§a outline ツールを選択しました。 (半径: {radius}, ブロックID: {blockId})" }, "FilledCircleToolSelected": { - msgid: ">> Filled circle tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", + msgid: "§f>>§a Filled circle tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", msgstr: "§f>>§a filledCircle ツールを選択しました。 (半径: {radius}, ブロックID: {blockId})" }, "ToolExited": { - msgid: ">> Tool exited.", + msgid: "§f>>§a Tool exited.", msgstr: "§f>>§a ツールを終了しました。" }, "ToolOptions": { - msgid: ">> Tool options: -wall , -outline , -filledCircle , -exit", + msgid: "§f>> §3Tool options: -wall , -outline , -filledCircle , -exit", msgstr: "§f>>§3 ツールオプション: -wall <ブロックID>, -outline <半径> <ブロックID>, -filledCircle <半径> <ブロックID>, -exit" }, "StartRangeSelection2": { - msgid: ">> Range selection started. Please break two blocks.", + msgid: "§f>>§a Range selection started. Please break two blocks.", msgstr: "§f>>§a 範囲選択を開始しました。ブロックを2つ破壊してください。" }, "StartRangeSelection": { - msgid: ">> Range selection started. Hold a wooden hoe and break a block.", + msgid: "§f>>§a Range selection started. Hold a wooden hoe and break a block.", msgstr: "§f>>§a 範囲選択を開始しました。木のクワを持ちブロックを破壊してください" }, "InvalidCommandUsage": { - msgid: ">> Invalid command usage: /{prefix}edit -set | /{prefix}edit -clear | /{prefix}edit tool | /{prefix}edit start", + msgid: "§f>>§3 Invalid command usage: /{prefix}edit -set | /{prefix}edit -clear | /{prefix}edit tool | /{prefix}edit start", msgstr: "§f>>§3 コマンドの使用方法: {prefix}edit -set <ブロックID> | {prefix}edit -clear | {prefix}edit tool <オプション> | {prefix}edit start" }, "PlayerNotFound": { - msgid: "§cPlayerNotFound!! Make sure you're really there", + msgid: "§cPlayer not found! Make sure you're in a valid location.", msgstr: "§cこのプレイヤーが見つかりません!!" }, "TheFirestBlock": { - msgid: "§a1 The first block has been recorded. Destroy the block again.", + msgid: "§a1. First block recorded. Destroy the block again.", msgstr: "§a1 最初のブロックが記録されました。次のブロックを選択してください." }, "TheSecond": { - msgid: "§a2 second block has been recorded. Warp gate has been set.", + msgid: "§a2. Second block recorded. Warp gate has been set.", msgstr: "§a2二個目のブロックが記録に成功したため。ワープゲートの設定が完了しました" }, "WarpUsage": { - msgid: "§c usage: warpgate -create ", msgstr: "§c使用方法は: warpgate -create だよ" }, "AlreadyWarp": { - msgid: "§cA warp gate of that name already exists.", + msgid: "§c A warp gate with that name already exists.", msgstr: "§cその名前のワープゲートは既に存在しています。" }, "CreateGate": { - msgid: "§aCreate a warp gate {gatename} \n §aNext, destroy the two blocks to specify the extent of the gate.", + msgid: "§a Creating warp gate: {gatename} \n §a Next, destroy two blocks to define the gate's boundaries.", msgstr: "§aワープゲートを{gatename}で作成します \n §次に、ゲートの範囲を指定するために2つのブロックを壊して下さい" }, "NotWarp": { - msgid: "§cThe gate with the specified name does not exist", + msgid: "§c The specified warp gate does not exist.", msgstr: "§c指定された名前のゲートは存在しません。" }, "deleteWarp": { - msgid: "§a gate removed: {gatename}", + msgid: "§a Gate removed: {gatename}", msgstr: "§aゲートの削除に成功しました: {gatename}。" }, "NotWarpSetting": { - msgid: "§cNo warp gate is set.", + msgid: "§c No warp gate is set.", msgstr: "§cワープゲートが設定されていません" }, "listGate": { @@ -172,39 +192,39 @@ export const translations = { msgstr: "§aワープゲートのリスト:\n" }, "warpgateCom": { - msgid: "Warp gate can be set", + msgid: "Set Warp Gate", msgstr: "ワープゲートを作る事ができます" }, "UsageGate": { - msgid: "§c invalid subcommand usage {prefix}warpgate <-create/delete/list> [name] |\n§c create command Only -create [name] [x,y,z]", + msgid: "§c Invalid subcommand usage: {prefix}warpgate <-create/delete/list> [name] |\n§c Create command only: -create [name] [x,y,z]", msgstr: "§c 無効なサブコマンドです使い方は {prefix}warpgate <-create/delete/list> [name] |\n§c ただ-create引数の時はこのようにしてください -create [name] [x,y,z]." }, "TPGATE": { - msgid: "§a Teleported to warp gate {gate}.", + msgid: "§a Teleported to warp gate: {gate}.", msgstr: "§a ワープゲート{gate}にテレポートしました" }, "Joincommand": { - msgid: "Displays a message when joining a world", + msgid: "Displays a message when joining a world.", msgstr: "プレイヤー参加時にメッセージを出します" }, "Joinenabled": { - msgid: "§aEnabled messages when joining worlds", + msgid: "§a Enabled join messages.", msgstr: "§aワールドに参加メッセージを有効にしました" }, "Joindisabled": { - msgid: "§cDisabled messages when joining worlds.", + msgid: "§c Disabled join messages.", msgstr: "§cワールド参加メッセージを無効にしました." }, "Invalid": { - msgid: "§cInvalid argument.", + msgid: "§c Invalid argument.", msgstr: "§c不明な値です" }, "UsageJoin": { - msgid: "§cUsage is join <-ture/-false/-settings>", + msgid: "§c Usage: join <-true/-false/-settings>", msgstr: "§c使用法はjoin <-true/-false/-settings> です" }, "welcome": { - msgid: "§7 Welcome! My Server", + msgid: "§7 Welcome to My Server!", msgstr: "§a==ようこそ!!ゆっくりしていってね==" }, "Rulejoin": { @@ -212,319 +232,319 @@ export const translations = { msgstr: "このサーバーのルール!" }, "RulesNumber": { - msgid: "§bNumber of Rules", + msgid: "§b Number of Rules:", msgstr: "§bルールの数を入力(4ぐらいがオススメ)" }, "RulesEnter": { - msgid: "§0Enter the number of rules", + msgid: "§0 Enter the number of rules:", msgstr: "§0ここに入力!!" }, "RuleSettings": { - msgid: "§6Rule Settings", + msgid: "§6 Rule Settings", msgstr: "ルール設定" }, "Rules": { - msgid: "§bRule {i}", + msgid: "§b Rule {i}:", msgstr: "§bルール {i}" }, "RuleEnter2": { - msgid: "§0Enter rule {i}", + msgid: "§0 Enter rule {i}:", msgstr: "§0ルールの内容を入力 {i}" }, "RuleUpdate": { - msgid: "§aRules updated!", + msgid: "§a Rules updated!", msgstr: "§aルールを更新しました" }, "joinSettings": { - msgid: "§6Join Log Settings", + msgid: "§6 Join Log Settings", msgstr: "参加ログ設定!" }, "TpaRequesMenu": { - msgid: "§2Welcome to tpa MenuCurrent requests:{requestList} people", + msgid: "§2 Welcome to the TPA Menu! Current requests: {requestList} people", msgstr: "§2tpaメニューへようこそ現在のリクエスト人数は:{requestList}人" }, "SendTpa": { - msgid: "§0Send a TPARequest", + msgid: "§0 Send a TPA Request", msgstr: "§0TPリクエストを送る" }, "ShowTpaRequests": { - msgid: "§0Confirm TP request addressed to me", + msgid: "§0 Confirm TP requests addressed to me", msgstr: "§0自分宛のTPリクエストを確認" }, "NoTpaRequests": { - msgid: "§cNo TP request has been sent to you", + msgid: "§c You have no TP requests.", msgstr: "§c自分宛にTPリクエストは届いていませんでした" }, "SelectTpaRequest": { - msgid: "§2TPRequest has arrived, please select the player you accept", + msgid: "§2 You have received a TPA request. Please select the player you want to accept.", msgstr: "§2TPリクエストを受け取りました。受け入れるプレイヤーを選択してください" }, "SendTpaSelect": { - msgid: "§2Select the player to whom you would like to send a request", + msgid: "§2 Select the player you want to send a request to:", msgstr: "§2TPリクエストを送信したいプレイヤーを選択してください" }, "uihelp": { - msgid: "§0HelpMenu", + msgid: "§0 Help Menu", msgstr: "§0ヘルプメニュー!" }, "uichest": { - msgid: "§0ChestMenu(BETA)", + msgid: "§0 Chest Menu (BETA)", msgstr: "§0チェストロックメニュー(BETA)" }, "uilang": { - msgid: "§0LangMenu", + msgid: "§0 Language Menu", msgstr: "§0言語メニュー" }, "uijpch": { - msgid: "§0jpchMenu(BETA)", + msgid: "§0 JPCH Menu (BETA)", msgstr: "§0JPCHメニュー(BETA)" }, "uitpa": { - msgid: "§0Tpa Menu(BETA)", + msgid: "§0 TPA Menu (BETA)", msgstr: "§0TPリクエストメニュー(BETA)" }, "closeChat": { - msgid: "§a==Close The Chat Panel==", + msgid: "§a == Close The Chat Panel ==", msgstr: "§a==チャット欄を閉じて下さい==" }, "Tpcommand": { - msgid: "You can send a request and TP it", + msgid: "Send a request and teleport.", msgstr: "このコマンドではリクエストを送信してTPすることができます" }, "tpaRequestSent": { - msgid: "§aTPA request sent to {playerName}", + msgid: "§a TPA request sent to§b {playerName}.", msgstr: "§b{playerName}§aにTPAリクエストを送信しました【受け入れの制限時間は一分間です】" }, "tpaRequestAlreadySent": { - msgid: "§cThe cTPA request has already been sent to {playerName}!", + msgid: "§c You have already sent a TPA request to§6 {playerName}!", msgstr: "§cTPA リクエストは既に{playerName}宛てに送信されています!" }, "tpaRequestReceived": { - msgid: "§2Received a TPA request from {playerName}.", + msgid: "§2 Received a TPA request from §b{playerName}.", msgstr: "§b【{playerName}】§aからTPAリクエストを受け取りました" }, "noPendingTpaRequests": { - msgid: "§3You have no pending TPA requests.", + msgid: "§3 You have no pending TPA requests.", msgstr: "§3保留中の TPA リクエストはありません" }, "invalidTpaRequest": { - msgid: "§cInvalid TPA request", + msgid: "§c Invalid TPA request.", msgstr: "§c無効な TPA リクエストです(期限切れ)" }, "requesterNotFound": { - msgid: "§cRequester not found", + msgid: "§c Requester not found.", msgstr: "§cリクエストした人が見つかりません" }, "teleportedToPlayer": { - msgid: "§aTeleported to {playerName}", + msgid: "§a Teleported to §b{playerName}.", msgstr: "§b{playerName}§aにテレポートしました" }, "tpaRequestAccepted": { - msgid: "§a{playerName} has accepted your TPA request", + msgid: "§a §b{playerName} §ahas accepted your TPA request.", msgstr: "§b{playerName}§aがあなたのTPAリクエストを受け入れました" }, "tpaRequestAcceptes": { - msgid: "§aTPA request from {playerName} accepted!", + msgid: "§a TPA request from §b{playerName}§a accepted!", msgstr: "§b{playerName}§aからのTPAリクエストを受け入れました!" }, "cannotTpaToSelf": { - msgid: "§cYou cannot send a TPA request to yourself", + msgid: "§c You cannot send a TPA request to yourself.", msgstr: "§cTPA リクエストを自分自身に送信することはできません" }, "invalidTpaCommandUsage": { - msgid: "§3Invalid usage. Use tpa -r to send a request, or tpa -a to accept", + msgid: "§3 Invalid usage. Use {prefix}tpa -r to send a request, or {prefix}tpa -a to accept.", msgstr: "§3無効な使用法です tpa -r を使用してリクエストを送信するか、 tpa -a を使用して受け入れる事ができます" }, "tpaRequestTimedOut": { - msgid: "§3TPA request from {playerName} has timed out", + msgid: "§3 TPA request from §6{playerName}§3 has timed out.", msgstr: "§b{playerName}§6に送ったTPAリクエストがタイムアウトしました!" }, "jpchCom": { - msgid: "§2Functions like LunaChat", + msgid: "§2 Functions like LunaChat.", msgstr: "§2LunaChatと似たようなやつ(実験機能)" }, "jpenable": { - msgid: "§aEnable Function", + msgid: "§a Function enabled.", msgstr: "§a有効化" }, "jpdisable": { - msgid: "§cDisable function", + msgid: "§c Function disabled.", msgstr: "§c無効化" }, "AccesItemUI": { - msgid: "itemUI command (accesses Chest Lock UI)", + msgid: "Item UI Command (Accesses Chest Lock UI)", msgstr: "itemUI コマンド (Chest Lock UI にアクセスします)" }, "FullInv": { - msgid: "§cYour inventory is full and items cannot be granted", + msgid: "§c Your inventory is full. Items cannot be granted.", msgstr: "§cインベントリがいっぱいのためアイテムを付与できません" }, "AlreadyInv": { - msgid: "§cUIitem already exists in your inventory", + msgid: "§c That UI item already exists in your inventory.", msgstr: "§cUIitem は既にインベントリに存在します" }, "AddInv": { - msgid: "§aYou have added an item to your inventory! (please check)", + msgid: "§a Item added to your inventory! (Please check)", msgstr: "§aインベントリにアイテムが追加されました。 (チェックしてください)" }, "Displayplayerinformation": { - msgid: "List command (displays player information)", + msgid: "List command (Displays player information)", msgstr: "Listコマンド(プレイヤー情報を表示)" }, "commands.list.usage": { - msgid: "§aUsage: list show Or list all", + msgid: "§a Usage: {prefix}list show or {prefix}list all", msgstr: "§a使用法: list show または list all" }, "commands.list.playerInfo": { - msgid: "§6==== Player Info =====\n §2Name: §f{TragetName},\n §2ID: §f{TargetID},\n §2Location: §f({TargetX}, {TargetY}, {TargetZ}),\n §2Health: §f{health},\n §2Game Mode:§f {GameMode},\n §2Ping: {ping}\n §6===========", - msgstr: "§6==== プレイヤー情報 =====\n §2名前: §f{TargetName},\n §2ID: §f{TargetID},\n §2場所: §f({TargetX}, {TargetY} 、{TargetZ})、\n §2ヘルス: §f{ヘルス}、\n §2ゲームモード:§f {GameMode}、\n §2Ping: {ping}\n §6===========" + msgid: "§6 ==== Player Info =====\n §2Name: §f{TragetName},\n §2ID: §f{TargetID},\n §2Location: §f({TargetX}, {TargetY}, {TargetZ}),\n §2Health: §f{health},\n §2Game Mode:§f {GameMode},\n §2Ping: {ping}\n §6 ===========", + msgstr: "§6==== プレイヤー情報 =====\n §2名前: §f{TargetName},\n §2ID: §f{TargetID},\n §2場所: §f({TargetX}, {TargetY} 、{TargetZ})、\n §2ヘルス: §f{health}、\n §2ゲームモード:§f {GameMode}、\n §2Ping:§f {ping}\n §6===========" }, "commands.list.playerNotFound": { - msgid: "§cPlayer not found: {tragetplayer}", + msgid: "§c Player not found: §6{tragetplayer}", msgstr: "§cプレーヤーが見つかりません: {tragetplayer}" }, "jpch_command_description": { - msgid: "jpch command (experimental feature)", + msgid: "JPCH command (Experimental feature)", msgstr: "LunaChat風のローマ字から日本語に変換する機能です(実験的)" }, "ui_command_description": { - msgid: "ui command (this command displays a GUI with ActionForm)", + msgid: "UI command (This command displays a GUI with ActionForm)", msgstr: "UIを表示します(Switch/PS4/5用)" }, "ChooseCom": { - msgid: "§2Select the command:", + msgid: "§2 Select a command:", msgstr: "§2使用したいコマンドを選択してね:" }, "ChestCom": { - msgid: "§2Select the chest:", + msgid: "§2 Select a chest:", msgstr: "§2使用したい内容を選択:" }, "Chestinfo": { - msgid: "§0See nearby chests", + msgid: "§0 See nearby chests", msgstr: "§0近くのチェストの情報を見る" }, "Chestlock": { - msgid: "§0lock system", + msgid: "§0 Lock System", msgstr: "§0ロック機能系" }, "ChestMember": { - msgid: "§0Member system", + msgid: "§0 Member System", msgstr: "§0メンバー操作系" }, "back": { - msgid: "§2back", + msgid: "§2 Back", msgstr: "§2戻る" }, "lockinfo": { - msgid: "§2Select the type of lock:", + msgid: "§2 Select the lock type:", msgstr: "§2ロックの種類を選択してください:" }, "locking": { - msgid: "§alocking!", + msgid: "§a Locking!", msgstr: "§aロック!" }, "unlocking": { - msgid: "§cunlocking!", + msgid: "§c Unlocking!", msgstr: "§cロック解除!" }, "ProtectChest": { - msgid: "§0Protection Chest Status", + msgid: "§0 Chest Protection Status", msgstr: "§0保護チェストのステータス" }, "MemberChoose": { - msgid: "§2Choose your member's:", + msgid: "§2 Choose your members:", msgstr: "§2操作するボタンを選択してください:" }, "MemberAdd": { - msgid: "§0Member Add", + msgid: "§0 Add Member", msgstr: "§0メンバーを追加" }, "MemberRemove": { - msgid: "§0Member Remove", + msgid: "§0 Remove Member", msgstr: "§0メンバーを削除" }, "Memberall": { - msgid: "§0Member list", + msgid: "§0 Member List", msgstr: "§0メンバーリスト" }, "AddMemberSelect": { - msgid: "§2Select the member you wish to add:", + msgid: "§2 Select the member you want to add:", msgstr: "§2追加したいメンバーを選択してください:" }, "RemoveMemberSelect": { - msgid: "§2Select the member you wish to Remove:", + msgid: "§2 Select the member you want to remove:", msgstr: "§2削除したいメンバーを選択してください:" }, "SelectLang": { - msgid: "§2Select an operation from the language menu:", + msgid: "§2 Select an operation from the language menu:", msgstr: "§2言語メニューから操作を選択してください:" }, "langList": { - msgid: "§0lang List", + msgid: "§0 Language List", msgstr: "§0言語対応リスト" }, "langChange": { - msgid: "§0lang Change", + msgid: "§0 Change Language", msgstr: "§0言語変更" }, "langChange1": { - msgid: "§2Please select the language you wish to change:", + msgid: "§2 Please select the language you want to change to:", msgstr: "§2変更したい言語を選択してください:" }, "FromError": { - msgid: "§cAn error occurred while displaying the form:", + msgid: "§c An error occurred while displaying the form:", msgstr: "§cフォームの表示中にエラーが発生しました" }, "desabledCom": { - msgid: "§cUnregistered or disabled command", + msgid: "§c Unregistered or disabled command.", msgstr: "§c無効なコマンド" }, "desableComSuggest": { - msgid: "§6Invalid command. Is it possibly the {possibleCommands} command? If so, answer {prefix}yes", + msgid: "§6 Invalid command. Did you mean: {possibleCommands}? If so, answer {prefix}yes", msgstr: "§6無効なコマンドです。もしかして {possibleCommands} コマンドでしょうか?そうであれば、[{prefix}yes]と答えてください" }, "AllowTagCom": { - msgid: "§cOnly players with an authorized tag can use it", + msgid: "§c Only players with an authorized tag can use this command.", msgstr: "§c許可されたタグを持つプレイヤーのみが使用できます" }, "invalidCom": { - msgid: "§6invalid command. Please make sure it is correct Commands used:{commandName}", + msgid: "§6 Invalid command. Please make sure it is correct. Commands used: {commandName}", msgstr: "§6無効なコマンドです。正しいことを確認してください。使用されたコマンド:{commandName}" }, "Developer commands": { - msgid: "dev command (this command provides developers and administrators with the ability to reset and verify dynamic properties)", + msgid: "Dev command (This command allows developers and administrators to reset and verify dynamic properties)", msgstr: "デベロッパー専用コマンド(tag OPが必要)" }, "available_commands": { - msgid: "§6Current available commands", + msgid: "§6 Currently available commands:", msgstr: "§6現在使用可能なコマンド" }, "help_command_description": { - msgid: "help command (this command displays help as you can see)", + msgid: "Help command (This command displays help information)", msgstr: "helpコマンド(登録されたコマンドを表示します)" }, "lang_removeData": { - msgid: "Language data deletion complete", + msgid: "Language data deletion complete.", msgstr: "言語データの削除が完了しました" }, "lang_docs": { - msgid: "lang command (this command switches the language)", + msgid: "Lang command (This command switches the language)", msgstr: "Lang コマンド(言語を変更できます)" }, "lang_list": { - msgid: "§aAvailable Languages:\n", + msgid: "§a Available Languages:\n", msgstr: "§a使用可能な言語:\n" }, "lang_change": { - msgid: "§aLanguage changed to", + msgid: "§a Language changed to: {language}", msgstr: "§a言語が変更されました" }, "lang_failed": { - msgid: "§cFailed to change language to", + msgid: "§c Failed to change language to: {language}", msgstr: "§c言語を変更できませんでした" }, "lang_invalid": { - msgid: "§cInvalid command usage. Use lang list or lang change ", + msgid: "§c Invalid command usage. Use /lang list or /lang change ", msgstr: "§c無効なコマンドの使用法です。\nlang list または lang change を使用してね" }, "chest_command": { @@ -532,59 +552,59 @@ export const translations = { msgstr: "チェストを保護するコマンド(BETA版)" }, "unavailable": { - msgid: "§cLack of authority", + msgid: "§c You do not have permission to do that.", msgstr: "§cこのコマンドを使用する権限がありません" }, "chest_help": { - msgid: "§cInvalid command.\n§aChest protection command usage:.\n §bchest lock - locks the chest\n §bchest info - displays information about the nearest chest\n §bchest unlock - unlocks the chest\n §bchest protect - toggles chest protection\n §bchest add - add a member to the chest\n §bchest remove - remove a member of a chest\n §bchest all - displays a list of chest members\n §bchest list -displays a list of chest\n §b_______________________________________\n §bAuthor: Koukun - License AGPL-3.0\n §bYoutubeURL - https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn", + msgid: "§c Invalid command.\n§a Chest protection command usage:\n §bchest lock - Locks the chest\n §bchest info - Displays information about the nearest chest\n §bchest unlock - Unlocks the chest\n §bchest protect - Toggles chest protection\n §bchest add - Adds a member to the chest\n §bchest remove - Removes a member from the chest\n §bchest all - Displays a list of chest members\n §bchest list - Displays a list of chests\n §b_______________________________________\n §bAuthor: Koukun - License AGPL-3.0\n §bYoutubeURL - https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn", msgstr: "§c無効なコマンドです。\n§aチェスト保護コマンドの使用方法:\n §bchest lock - チェストをロックします\n §bchest info - 近くのチェストの情報を表示します\n §bchest unlock - チェストのロックを解除します\n §bchest protect - チェストの保護状態を切り替えます\n §bchest add - チェストのメンバーを追加します\n §bchest remove - チェストのメンバーを削除します\n §bchest all - チェストのメンバー一覧を表示します\n §bchest list - 現在保護しているチェストのリストを表示します\n §b_______________________________________\n §b作者: こう君 - License AGPL-3.0\n §bYoutubeURL - https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn" }, "MaxChestLimitReached": { - msgid: "§cThe installation limit of {protectChest} has already been reached", + msgid: "§c The installation limit of {protectChest} has been reached.", msgstr: "§c既に設置上限である{protectChest}に達しています" }, "chestLocksCount": { - msgid: "§aYou are currently protecting {protectChest} chests", + msgid: "§a You are currently protecting {protectChest} chests.", msgstr: "§a現在{protectChest}個のチェストが保護されています。" }, "ChestlistCom": { - msgid: "§aYou have protected {playerChests} chests:", + msgid: "§a You have protected {playerChests} chests:", msgstr: "§aあなたは現在{playerChests}個のチェストを保護しています。" }, "chestlocation": { - msgid: "§e- Location: {key}", + msgid: "§e - Location: {key}", msgstr: "§e- 座標: {key}" }, "nearby_chest_info": { - msgid: "§a---- Nearby Chest Info ----", + msgid: "§a ---- Nearby Chest Info ----", msgstr: "§a---- 近くのチェスト情報 ----" }, "coordinate_x": { - msgid: "§bX: §e", + msgid: "§b X: §e", msgstr: "" }, "coordinate_y": { - msgid: "§bY: §e", + msgid: "§b Y: §e", msgstr: "" }, "coordinate_z": { - msgid: "§bZ: §e", + msgid: "§b Z: §e", msgstr: "" }, "protected": { - msgid: "§aProtected", + msgid: "§a Protected", msgstr: "§a保護されています" }, "owner": { - msgid: "§bOwner: §e", + msgid: "§b Owner: §e", msgstr: "§b所有者: §e" }, "members": { - msgid: "§bMembers: §e", + msgid: "§b Members: §e", msgstr: "§bメンバー: §e" }, "large_chest": { - msgid: "§bLarge Chest: §e", + msgid: "§b Large Chest: §e", msgstr: "§bラージチェスト: §e" }, "yes": { @@ -596,31 +616,31 @@ export const translations = { msgstr: "§cいいえ" }, "not_protected": { - msgid: "§cNot Protected", + msgid: "§c Not Protected", msgstr: "§c保護されていません" }, "notFound_chest": { - msgid: "§cCan't find chest", + msgid: "§c Cannot find chest.", msgstr: "§cチェストが見つかりませんでした" }, "chestProtectRemove": { - msgid: "§a Chest protection removed", + msgid: "§a Chest protection removed.", msgstr: "§aチェストの保護を解除しました" }, "AlreadyProChest": { - msgid: "§a This chest is already protected", + msgid: "§a This chest is already protected.", msgstr: "§a このチェストは既に保護されています。" }, "chest_lookstate": { - msgid: "§a chest protected {lcokstate}", + msgid: "§a Chest protection: {lcokstate}", msgstr: "§aチェストを保護しました{lcokstate}" }, "chest_removeData": { - msgid: "§aAll chest protection data has been reset.", + msgid: "§a All chest protection data has been reset.", msgstr: "§a全てのチェスト保護データをリセットしました" }, "isLookChest": { - msgid: "§cThis chest is locked", + msgid: "§c This chest is locked.", msgstr: "§cこのチェストはロックされています" }, "isProChest": { @@ -628,55 +648,55 @@ export const translations = { msgstr: "§cこのチェストは保護されています" }, "ProChestBreak": { - msgid: "§a Protected chest has been destroyed. Protected data also deleted.", + msgid: "§a Protected chest destroyed. Protection data also deleted.", msgstr: "§a保護されたチェストを破壊しました。保護データも削除されました。" }, "lockChange": { - msgid: "§a Protection state of chest is changed to {lock}", + msgid: "§a Chest protection state changed to: {lock}", msgstr: "§aチェストの保護状態を変更しました" }, "NotChest": { - msgid: "§cYou are not authorized to operate this chest.", + msgid: "§c You are not authorized to access this chest.", msgstr: "§cこのチェストを操作する権限がありません" }, "AddM": { - msgid: "§a{member} Added as a member location:{chestLocation}", + msgid: "§a {member} added as a member at location: {chestLocation}", msgstr: "§aをメンバーに追加しました。" }, "addYouM": { - msgid: "§aThis{playerName}has added you to the following chests{chestLocation}", + msgid: "§a {playerName} has added you to the following chests: {chestLocation}", msgstr: "§a{playerName}があなたを以下のチェストのメンバーに追加しました:\n{chestLocation}のチェスト" }, "RemoveYouM": { - msgid: "§aThis{playerName}has removed you from members in the following chests{chestLocation}", + msgid: "§a {playerName} has removed you from the following chests: {chestLocation}", msgstr: "§a{playerName}があなたを以下のチェストのメンバーから削除しました:\n{chestLocation}のチェスト" }, "MAlreday": { - msgid: "§c{member} is already a member. ", + msgid: "§c {member} is already a member.", msgstr: "§cは既にメンバーです" }, "RemoveM": { - msgid: "§a{member} has Removed from members", + msgid: "§a {member} has been removed from members.", msgstr: "§aをメンバーから削除しました" }, "NotM": { - msgid: "§cis not a member", + msgid: "§c Not a member.", msgstr: "§cはメンバーではありません" }, "allM": { - msgid: "§a member: ", + msgid: "§a Members: ", msgstr: "§aメンバー: " }, "NotFoundM": { - msgid: "§c No members", + msgid: "§c No members.", msgstr: "§c メンバーがいません" }, "ExplosionWarning": { - msgid: "§c Can you please not blow that up?", + msgid: "§c Please do not explode that.", msgstr: "§c このチェストは無敵です" }, "cannotPlaceItem": { - msgid: "§c It is forbidden to place pistons in this area", + msgid: "§c You are not allowed to place pistons in this area.", msgstr: "§c このエリアにこのアイテムを置く事は禁止されています" }, }; diff --git a/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/ko_KR.json b/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/ko_KR.json index 74d4f90..adfe041 100644 --- a/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/ko_KR.json +++ b/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/ko_KR.json @@ -1,170 +1,213 @@ { - "loreDoce": { - "msgid": "Change the name/lore of the item.", + "command.about": { + "msgid": [ + "§a== About ChestLockAddon ==", + "", + "ChestLockAddon is a useful utility addon for Minecraft version 1.21.22 that provides chest protection and more.", + "", + "§b== Main Features ==", + "• Chest Protection: Protect your chests from other players.", + "• Multilingual Support: Change the language setting with the lang command.", + "• Teleport Request: Send a teleport request to another player with the tpa command.", + "• And more: More useful commands will be added in the future.", + "", + "§b== Links ==", + "• GitHub: https://github.com/gamelist1990/ChestLockAddon", + "• YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn", + "• Discord: https://discord.gg/GJyqBm7Pyd", + "", + "§c== Notes ==", + "This addon is under development and may contain unexpected bugs. If you find any bugs, please report them on GitHub or Discord.", + "", + "§a== Message from the Developer ==", + "We welcome your feedback to make ChestLockAddon a better addon." + ], + "msgstr": "" + }, + "command.Undone": { + "msgid": "§f>>§aReverted to one previous change", + "msgstr": "" + }, + "aboutCom": { + "msgid": "View an overview of this add-on", + "msgstr": "" + }, + "command.NothingToUndo": { + "msgid": "§f>>§cThere were no changes that could be reverted.", + "msgstr": "" + }, + "ServerVersion": { + "msgid": [ + "§bThis ChestLockAddon is running version {version}" + ], + "msgstr": "" + }, + "command.loreDocs": { + "msgid": "§2Change the item's name/lore (Place the item in the first slot of your hotbar)", "msgstr": "" }, - "changeLore": { - "msgid": "Item Change Lore", + "command.Changelore": { + "msgid": "§0Change Item Lore", "msgstr": "" }, - "ChangeName": { - "msgid": "Item Change Name", + "command.ChangeName": { + "msgid": "§0Change Item Name", "msgstr": "" }, - "ClearLore": { - "msgid": "Item Clear Lore", + "command.ClearLore": { + "msgid": "§0Clear Item Lore", "msgstr": "" }, - "Newlore": { + "command.NewLore": { "msgid": "Enter new lore:", "msgstr": "" }, - "Newname": { + "command.NewName": { "msgid": "Enter new name:", "msgstr": "" }, - "Usagelore": { - "msgid": "Usage: {prefix}lore -set or {prefix}lore -remove or {prefix}lore -rename or {prefix}lore -clearlore", + "command.UsageLore": { + "msgid": "§3Usage: {prefix}lore -set \"\" or {prefix}lore -remove \"\" or {prefix}lore -rename \"\" or {prefix}lore -command.ClearLore", "msgstr": "" }, - "ADDLore": { - "msgid": "Added lore, please check", + "command.AddLore": { + "msgid": "§aLore added, please check.", "msgstr": "" }, - "TakeItem": { - "msgid": "Please take the item.", + "command.takeItem": { + "msgid": "§cPlease hold the item.", "msgstr": "" }, - "LoreNotFound": { - "msgid": "Lore not found", + "command.NotFoundLore": { + "msgid": "§cLore not found.", "msgstr": "" }, - "RemoveLore": { - "msgid": "Lore has been deleted. Please check.", + "command.RemoveLore": { + "msgid": "§aLore deleted. Please check.", "msgstr": "" }, - "ChangeNames": { - "msgid": "Renamed the item", + "command.ChangeNames": { + "msgid": "§aItem renamed.", "msgstr": "" }, - "uilore": { - "msgid": "Custom Item Name/Lore", + "ui.MainLoreButton": { + "msgid": "§0Custom Item Name/Lore", "msgstr": "" }, - "FirstPointSet": { - "msgid": ">> First point set.", + "command.FirstPointSet": { + "msgid": "§f>>§a First point set.", "msgstr": "" }, "editCom": { - "msgid": "WorldEdit Command", + "msgid": "WorldEdit Commands", "msgstr": "" }, "loreCom": { "msgid": "Change Item Lore", "msgstr": "" }, - "SecondPointSet": { - "msgid": ">> Second point set.", + "command.SecondPointSet": { + "msgid": "§f>>§6 Second point set.", "msgstr": "" }, - "SelectionCompleted": { - "msgid": ">> Selection completed.", + "command.SelectionCompleted": { + "msgid": "§f>>§a Selection completed.", "msgstr": "" }, - "PointSet": { - "msgid": ">> Point set.", + "command.PointSet": { + "msgid": "§f>> §aPoint set.", "msgstr": "" }, - "WallsCreated": { - "msgid": ">> Walls created.", + "command.WallsCreated": { + "msgid": "§f>>§a Walls created.", "msgstr": "" }, - "InvalidBlockId": { - "msgid": ">> Invalid block ID.", + "command.InvalidBlockId": { + "msgid": "§f>>§c Invalid block ID.", "msgstr": "" }, - "OutlineCreated": { - "msgid": ">> Outline created.", + "command.OutlineCreated": { + "msgid": "§f>>§a Outline created.", "msgstr": "" }, "FilledCircleCreated": { - "msgid": ">> Filled circle created.", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Filled circle created.", "msgstr": "" }, "RangeSet": { - "msgid": ">> Range set with the specified block ({blockId}).", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Range set with the specified block ({blockId}).", "msgstr": "" }, "RangeCleared": { - "msgid": ">> Range cleared.", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Range cleared.", "msgstr": "" }, "WallsToolSelected": { - "msgid": ">> Walls tool selected. (Block ID: {blockId})", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Walls tool selected. (Block ID: {blockId})", "msgstr": "" }, "OutlineToolSelected": { - "msgid": ">> Outline tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Outline tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", "msgstr": "" }, "FilledCircleToolSelected": { - "msgid": ">> Filled circle tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Filled circle tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", "msgstr": "" }, "ToolExited": { - "msgid": ">> Tool exited.", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Tool exited.", "msgstr": "" }, "ToolOptions": { - "msgid": ">> Tool options: -wall , -outline , -filledCircle , -exit", + "msgid": "§f>> §3Tool options: -wall , -outline , -filledCircle , -exit", "msgstr": "" }, "StartRangeSelection2": { - "msgid": ">> Range selection started. Please break two blocks.", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Range selection started. Please break two blocks.", "msgstr": "" }, "StartRangeSelection": { - "msgid": ">> Range selection started. Hold a wooden hoe and break a block.", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Range selection started. Hold a wooden hoe and break a block.", "msgstr": "" }, "InvalidCommandUsage": { - "msgid": ">> Invalid command usage: /{prefix}edit -set | /{prefix}edit -clear | /{prefix}edit tool | /{prefix}edit start", + "msgid": "§f>>§3 Invalid command usage: /{prefix}edit -set | /{prefix}edit -clear | /{prefix}edit tool | /{prefix}edit start", "msgstr": "" }, "PlayerNotFound": { - "msgid": "§cPlayerNotFound!! Make sure you're really there", + "msgid": "§cPlayer not found! Make sure you're in a valid location.", "msgstr": "§c플레이어를 찾을 수 없습니다!! 당신이 정말로 거기 있는지 확인하세요" }, "TheFirestBlock": { - "msgid": "§a1 The first block has been recorded. Destroy the block again.", + "msgid": "§a1. First block recorded. Destroy the block again.", "msgstr": "" }, "TheSecond": { - "msgid": "§a2 second block has been recorded. Warp gate has been set.", + "msgid": "§a2. Second block recorded. Warp gate has been set.", "msgstr": "" }, "WarpUsage": { - "msgid": "§c usage: warpgate -create ", "msgstr": "" }, "AlreadyWarp": { - "msgid": "§cA warp gate of that name already exists.", + "msgid": "§c A warp gate with that name already exists.", "msgstr": "" }, "CreateGate": { - "msgid": "§aCreate a warp gate {gatename} \n §aNext, destroy the two blocks to specify the extent of the gate.", + "msgid": "§a Creating warp gate: {gatename} \n §a Next, destroy two blocks to define the gate's boundaries.", "msgstr": "" }, "NotWarp": { - "msgid": "§cThe gate with the specified name does not exist", + "msgid": "§c The specified warp gate does not exist.", "msgstr": "" }, "deleteWarp": { - "msgid": "§a gate removed: {gatename}", + "msgid": "§a Gate removed: {gatename}", "msgstr": "" }, "NotWarpSetting": { - "msgid": "§cNo warp gate is set.", + "msgid": "§c No warp gate is set.", "msgstr": "" }, "listGate": { @@ -172,39 +215,39 @@ "msgstr": "" }, "warpgateCom": { - "msgid": "Warp gate can be set", + "msgid": "Set Warp Gate", "msgstr": "" }, "UsageGate": { - "msgid": "§c invalid subcommand usage {prefix}warpgate <-create/delete/list> [name] |\n§c create command Only -create [name] [x,y,z]", + "msgid": "§c Invalid subcommand usage: {prefix}warpgate <-create/delete/list> [name] |\n§c Create command only: -create [name] [x,y,z]", "msgstr": "" }, "TPGATE": { - "msgid": "§a Teleported to warp gate {gate}.", + "msgid": "§a Teleported to warp gate: {gate}.", "msgstr": "" }, "Joincommand": { - "msgid": "Displays a message when joining a world", + "msgid": "Displays a message when joining a world.", "msgstr": "" }, "Joinenabled": { - "msgid": "§aEnabled messages when joining worlds", + "msgid": "§a Enabled join messages.", "msgstr": "" }, "Joindisabled": { - "msgid": "§cDisabled messages when joining worlds.", + "msgid": "§c Disabled join messages.", "msgstr": "" }, "Invalid": { - "msgid": "§cInvalid argument.", + "msgid": "§c Invalid argument.", "msgstr": "" }, "UsageJoin": { - "msgid": "§cUsage is join <-ture/-false/-settings>", + "msgid": "§c Usage: join <-true/-false/-settings>", "msgstr": "" }, "welcome": { - "msgid": "§7 Welcome! My Server", + "msgid": "§7 Welcome to My Server!", "msgstr": "" }, "Rulejoin": { @@ -212,319 +255,319 @@ "msgstr": "" }, "RulesNumber": { - "msgid": "§bNumber of Rules", + "msgid": "§b Number of Rules:", "msgstr": "" }, "RulesEnter": { - "msgid": "§0Enter the number of rules", + "msgid": "§0 Enter the number of rules:", "msgstr": "" }, "RuleSettings": { - "msgid": "§6Rule Settings", + "msgid": "§6 Rule Settings", "msgstr": "" }, "Rules": { - "msgid": "§bRule {i}", + "msgid": "§b Rule {i}:", "msgstr": "" }, "RuleEnter2": { - "msgid": "§0Enter rule {i}", + "msgid": "§0 Enter rule {i}:", "msgstr": "" }, "RuleUpdate": { - "msgid": "§aRules updated!", + "msgid": "§a Rules updated!", "msgstr": "" }, "joinSettings": { - "msgid": "§6Join Log Settings", + "msgid": "§6 Join Log Settings", "msgstr": "" }, "TpaRequesMenu": { - "msgid": "§2Welcome to tpa MenuCurrent requests:{requestList} people", + "msgid": "§2 Welcome to the TPA Menu! Current requests: {requestList} people", "msgstr": "" }, "SendTpa": { - "msgid": "§0Send a TPARequest", + "msgid": "§0 Send a TPA Request", "msgstr": "" }, "ShowTpaRequests": { - "msgid": "§0Confirm TP request addressed to me", + "msgid": "§0 Confirm TP requests addressed to me", "msgstr": "" }, "NoTpaRequests": { - "msgid": "§cNo TP request has been sent to you", + "msgid": "§c You have no TP requests.", "msgstr": "" }, "SelectTpaRequest": { - "msgid": "§2TPRequest has arrived, please select the player you accept", + "msgid": "§2 You have received a TPA request. Please select the player you want to accept.", "msgstr": "" }, "SendTpaSelect": { - "msgid": "§2Select the player to whom you would like to send a request", + "msgid": "§2 Select the player you want to send a request to:", "msgstr": "" }, "uihelp": { - "msgid": "§0HelpMenu", + "msgid": "§0 Help Menu", "msgstr": "" }, "uichest": { - "msgid": "§0ChestMenu(BETA)", + "msgid": "§0 Chest Menu (BETA)", "msgstr": "" }, "uilang": { - "msgid": "§0LangMenu", + "msgid": "§0 Language Menu", "msgstr": "" }, "uijpch": { - "msgid": "§0jpchMenu(BETA)", + "msgid": "§0 JPCH Menu (BETA)", "msgstr": "" }, "uitpa": { - "msgid": "§0Tpa Menu(BETA)", + "msgid": "§0 TPA Menu (BETA)", "msgstr": "" }, "closeChat": { - "msgid": "§a==Close The Chat Panel==", + "msgid": "§a == Close The Chat Panel ==", "msgstr": "" }, "Tpcommand": { - "msgid": "You can send a request and TP it", + "msgid": "Send a request and teleport.", "msgstr": "" }, "tpaRequestSent": { - "msgid": "§aTPA request sent to {playerName}", + "msgid": "§a TPA request sent to§b {playerName}.", "msgstr": "" }, "tpaRequestAlreadySent": { - "msgid": "§cThe cTPA request has already been sent to {playerName}!", + "msgid": "§c You have already sent a TPA request to§6 {playerName}!", "msgstr": "" }, "tpaRequestReceived": { - "msgid": "§2Received a TPA request from {playerName}.", + "msgid": "§2 Received a TPA request from §b{playerName}.", "msgstr": "" }, "noPendingTpaRequests": { - "msgid": "§3You have no pending TPA requests.", + "msgid": "§3 You have no pending TPA requests.", "msgstr": "" }, "invalidTpaRequest": { - "msgid": "§cInvalid TPA request", + "msgid": "§c Invalid TPA request.", "msgstr": "" }, "requesterNotFound": { - "msgid": "§cRequester not found", + "msgid": "§c Requester not found.", "msgstr": "" }, "teleportedToPlayer": { - "msgid": "§aTeleported to {playerName}", + "msgid": "§a Teleported to §b{playerName}.", "msgstr": "" }, "tpaRequestAccepted": { - "msgid": "§a{playerName} has accepted your TPA request", + "msgid": "§a §b{playerName} §ahas accepted your TPA request.", "msgstr": "" }, "tpaRequestAcceptes": { - "msgid": "§aTPA request from {playerName} accepted!", + "msgid": "§a TPA request from §b{playerName}§a accepted!", "msgstr": "" }, "cannotTpaToSelf": { - "msgid": "§cYou cannot send a TPA request to yourself", + "msgid": "§c You cannot send a TPA request to yourself.", "msgstr": "" }, "invalidTpaCommandUsage": { - "msgid": "§3Invalid usage. Use tpa -r to send a request, or tpa -a to accept", + "msgid": "§3 Invalid usage. Use {prefix}tpa -r to send a request, or {prefix}tpa -a to accept.", "msgstr": "" }, "tpaRequestTimedOut": { - "msgid": "§3TPA request from {playerName} has timed out", + "msgid": "§3 TPA request from §6{playerName}§3 has timed out.", "msgstr": "" }, "jpchCom": { - "msgid": "§2Functions like LunaChat", + "msgid": "§2 Functions like LunaChat.", "msgstr": "" }, "jpenable": { - "msgid": "§aEnable Function", + "msgid": "§a Function enabled.", "msgstr": "" }, "jpdisable": { - "msgid": "§cDisable function", + "msgid": "§c Function disabled.", "msgstr": "" }, "AccesItemUI": { - "msgid": "itemUI command (accesses Chest Lock UI)", + "msgid": "Item UI Command (Accesses Chest Lock UI)", "msgstr": "" }, "FullInv": { - "msgid": "§cYour inventory is full and items cannot be granted", + "msgid": "§c Your inventory is full. Items cannot be granted.", "msgstr": "" }, "AlreadyInv": { - "msgid": "§cUIitem already exists in your inventory", + "msgid": "§c That UI item already exists in your inventory.", "msgstr": "" }, "AddInv": { - "msgid": "§aYou have added an item to your inventory! (please check)", + "msgid": "§a Item added to your inventory! (Please check)", "msgstr": "" }, "Displayplayerinformation": { - "msgid": "List command (displays player information)", + "msgid": "List command (Displays player information)", "msgstr": "" }, "commands.list.usage": { - "msgid": "§aUsage: list show Or list all", + "msgid": "§a Usage: {prefix}list show or {prefix}list all", "msgstr": "" }, "commands.list.playerInfo": { - "msgid": "§6==== Player Info =====\n §2Name: §f{TragetName},\n §2ID: §f{TargetID},\n §2Location: §f({TargetX}, {TargetY}, {TargetZ}),\n §2Health: §f{health},\n §2Game Mode:§f {GameMode},\n §2Ping: {ping}\n §6===========", + "msgid": "§6 ==== Player Info =====\n §2Name: §f{TragetName},\n §2ID: §f{TargetID},\n §2Location: §f({TargetX}, {TargetY}, {TargetZ}),\n §2Health: §f{health},\n §2Game Mode:§f {GameMode},\n §2Ping: {ping}\n §6 ===========", "msgstr": "" }, "commands.list.playerNotFound": { - "msgid": "§cPlayer not found: {tragetplayer}", + "msgid": "§c Player not found: §6{tragetplayer}", "msgstr": "" }, "jpch_command_description": { - "msgid": "jpch command (experimental feature)", + "msgid": "JPCH command (Experimental feature)", "msgstr": "" }, "ui_command_description": { - "msgid": "ui command (this command displays a GUI with ActionForm)", + "msgid": "UI command (This command displays a GUI with ActionForm)", "msgstr": "" }, "ChooseCom": { - "msgid": "§2Select the command:", + "msgid": "§2 Select a command:", "msgstr": "" }, "ChestCom": { - "msgid": "§2Select the chest:", + "msgid": "§2 Select a chest:", "msgstr": "" }, "Chestinfo": { - "msgid": "§0See nearby chests", + "msgid": "§0 See nearby chests", "msgstr": "" }, "Chestlock": { - "msgid": "§0lock system", + "msgid": "§0 Lock System", "msgstr": "" }, "ChestMember": { - "msgid": "§0Member system", + "msgid": "§0 Member System", "msgstr": "" }, "back": { - "msgid": "§2back", + "msgid": "§2 Back", "msgstr": "" }, "lockinfo": { - "msgid": "§2Select the type of lock:", + "msgid": "§2 Select the lock type:", "msgstr": "" }, "locking": { - "msgid": "§alocking!", + "msgid": "§a Locking!", "msgstr": "" }, "unlocking": { - "msgid": "§cunlocking!", + "msgid": "§c Unlocking!", "msgstr": "" }, "ProtectChest": { - "msgid": "§0Protection Chest Status", + "msgid": "§0 Chest Protection Status", "msgstr": "" }, "MemberChoose": { - "msgid": "§2Choose your member's:", + "msgid": "§2 Choose your members:", "msgstr": "" }, "MemberAdd": { - "msgid": "§0Member Add", + "msgid": "§0 Add Member", "msgstr": "" }, "MemberRemove": { - "msgid": "§0Member Remove", + "msgid": "§0 Remove Member", "msgstr": "" }, "Memberall": { - "msgid": "§0Member list", + "msgid": "§0 Member List", "msgstr": "" }, "AddMemberSelect": { - "msgid": "§2Select the member you wish to add:", + "msgid": "§2 Select the member you want to add:", "msgstr": "" }, "RemoveMemberSelect": { - "msgid": "§2Select the member you wish to Remove:", + "msgid": "§2 Select the member you want to remove:", "msgstr": "" }, "SelectLang": { - "msgid": "§2Select an operation from the language menu:", + "msgid": "§2 Select an operation from the language menu:", "msgstr": "" }, "langList": { - "msgid": "§0lang List", + "msgid": "§0 Language List", "msgstr": "" }, "langChange": { - "msgid": "§0lang Change", + "msgid": "§0 Change Language", "msgstr": "" }, "langChange1": { - "msgid": "§2Please select the language you wish to change:", + "msgid": "§2 Please select the language you want to change to:", "msgstr": "" }, "FromError": { - "msgid": "§cAn error occurred while displaying the form:", + "msgid": "§c An error occurred while displaying the form:", "msgstr": "" }, "desabledCom": { - "msgid": "§cUnregistered or disabled command", + "msgid": "§c Unregistered or disabled command.", "msgstr": "§c등록되지 않았거나 비활성화된 명령어입니다" }, "desableComSuggest": { - "msgid": "§6Invalid command. Is it possibly the {possibleCommands} command? If so, answer {prefix}yes", + "msgid": "§6 Invalid command. Did you mean: {possibleCommands}? If so, answer {prefix}yes", "msgstr": "§6잘못된 명령어입니다. {possibleCommands} 명령어가 맞나요? 맞다면 {prefix}yes 라고 답해주세요" }, "AllowTagCom": { - "msgid": "§cOnly players with an authorized tag can use it", + "msgid": "§c Only players with an authorized tag can use this command.", "msgstr": "§c권한이 있는 태그를 가진 플레이어만 사용할 수 있습니다" }, "invalidCom": { - "msgid": "§6invalid command. Please make sure it is correct Commands used:{commandName}", + "msgid": "§6 Invalid command. Please make sure it is correct. Commands used: {commandName}", "msgstr": "§6잘못된 명령어입니다. 명령어가 올바른지 확인해주세요. 사용된 명령어: {commandName}" }, "Developer commands": { - "msgid": "dev command (this command provides developers and administrators with the ability to reset and verify dynamic properties)", + "msgid": "Dev command (This command allows developers and administrators to reset and verify dynamic properties)", "msgstr": "개발자 명령어!!" }, "available_commands": { - "msgid": "§6Current available commands", + "msgid": "§6 Currently available commands:", "msgstr": "현재 사용 가능한 명령어" }, "help_command_description": { - "msgid": "help command (this command displays help as you can see)", + "msgid": "Help command (This command displays help information)", "msgstr": "도움말 명령어" }, "lang_removeData": { - "msgid": "Language data deletion complete", + "msgid": "Language data deletion complete.", "msgstr": "언어 데이터 삭제 완료" }, "lang_docs": { - "msgid": "lang command (this command switches the language)", + "msgid": "Lang command (This command switches the language)", "msgstr": "lang 명령어" }, "lang_list": { - "msgid": "§aAvailable Languages:\n", + "msgid": "§a Available Languages:\n", "msgstr": "§a사용 가능한 언어:\n" }, "lang_change": { - "msgid": "§aLanguage changed to", + "msgid": "§a Language changed to: {language}", "msgstr": "§a언어가 다음으로 변경되었습니다" }, "lang_failed": { - "msgid": "§cFailed to change language to", + "msgid": "§c Failed to change language to: {language}", "msgstr": "§c언어 변경 실패" }, "lang_invalid": { - "msgid": "§cInvalid command usage. Use lang list or lang change ", + "msgid": "§c Invalid command usage. Use /lang list or /lang change ", "msgstr": "§c잘못된 명령어 사용법입니다. lang list 또는 lang change <언어 코드>를 사용하세요" }, "chest_command": { @@ -532,21 +575,21 @@ "msgstr": "상자 명령어" }, "unavailable": { - "msgid": "§cLack of authority", + "msgid": "§c You do not have permission to do that.", "msgstr": "§c권한 부족" }, "chest_help": { "msgid": [ - "§cInvalid command.", - "§aChest protection command usage:.", - " §bchest lock - locks the chest", - " §bchest info - displays information about the nearest chest", - " §bchest unlock - unlocks the chest", - " §bchest protect - toggles chest protection", - " §bchest add - add a member to the chest", - " §bchest remove - remove a member of a chest", - " §bchest all - displays a list of chest members", - " §bchest list -displays a list of chest", + "§c Invalid command.", + "§a Chest protection command usage:", + " §bchest lock - Locks the chest", + " §bchest info - Displays information about the nearest chest", + " §bchest unlock - Unlocks the chest", + " §bchest protect - Toggles chest protection", + " §bchest add - Adds a member to the chest", + " §bchest remove - Removes a member from the chest", + " §bchest all - Displays a list of chest members", + " §bchest list - Displays a list of chests", " §b_______________________________________", " §bAuthor: Koukun - License AGPL-3.0", " §bYoutubeURL - https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn" @@ -568,51 +611,51 @@ ] }, "MaxChestLimitReached": { - "msgid": "§cThe installation limit of {protectChest} has already been reached", + "msgid": "§c The installation limit of {protectChest} has been reached.", "msgstr": "§c{protectChest} 설치 제한에 도달했습니다" }, "chestLocksCount": { - "msgid": "§aYou are currently protecting {protectChest} chests", + "msgid": "§a You are currently protecting {protectChest} chests.", "msgstr": "§a현재 {protectChest}개의 상자를 보호하고 있습니다" }, "ChestlistCom": { - "msgid": "§aYou have protected {playerChests} chests:", + "msgid": "§a You have protected {playerChests} chests:", "msgstr": "§a{playerChests}개의 상자를 보호하고 있습니다:" }, "chestlocation": { - "msgid": "§e- Location: {key}", + "msgid": "§e - Location: {key}", "msgstr": "§e- 위치: {key}" }, "nearby_chest_info": { - "msgid": "§a---- Nearby Chest Info ----", + "msgid": "§a ---- Nearby Chest Info ----", "msgstr": "§a---- 근처 상자 정보 ----" }, "coordinate_x": { - "msgid": "§bX: §e", + "msgid": "§b X: §e", "msgstr": "§bX: §e" }, "coordinate_y": { - "msgid": "§bY: §e", + "msgid": "§b Y: §e", "msgstr": "§bY: §e" }, "coordinate_z": { - "msgid": "§bZ: §e", + "msgid": "§b Z: §e", "msgstr": "§bZ: §e" }, "protected": { - "msgid": "§aProtected", + "msgid": "§a Protected", "msgstr": "§a보호됨" }, "owner": { - "msgid": "§bOwner: §e", + "msgid": "§b Owner: §e", "msgstr": "§b소유자: §e" }, "members": { - "msgid": "§bMembers: §e", + "msgid": "§b Members: §e", "msgstr": "§b멤버: §e" }, "large_chest": { - "msgid": "§bLarge Chest: §e", + "msgid": "§b Large Chest: §e", "msgstr": "§b대형 상자: §e" }, "yes": { @@ -624,31 +667,31 @@ "msgstr": "아니오" }, "not_protected": { - "msgid": "§cNot Protected", + "msgid": "§c Not Protected", "msgstr": "§c보호되지 않음" }, "notFound_chest": { - "msgid": "§cCan't find chest", + "msgid": "§c Cannot find chest.", "msgstr": "§c상자를 찾을 수 없습니다" }, "chestProtectRemove": { - "msgid": "§a Chest protection removed", + "msgid": "§a Chest protection removed.", "msgstr": "§a 상자 보호가 제거되었습니다" }, "AlreadyProChest": { - "msgid": "§a This chest is already protected", + "msgid": "§a This chest is already protected.", "msgstr": "§a 이 상자는 이미 보호되고 있습니다" }, "chest_lookstate": { - "msgid": "§a chest protected {lcokstate}", + "msgid": "§a Chest protection: {lcokstate}", "msgstr": "§a 상자 보호됨 {lcokstate}" }, "chest_removeData": { - "msgid": "§aAll chest protection data has been reset.", + "msgid": "§a All chest protection data has been reset.", "msgstr": "§a모든 상자 보호 데이터가 초기화되었습니다." }, "isLookChest": { - "msgid": "§cThis chest is locked", + "msgid": "§c This chest is locked.", "msgstr": "§c이 상자는 잠겨 있습니다" }, "isProChest": { @@ -656,55 +699,55 @@ "msgstr": "§c 이 상자는 보호되어 있습니다!" }, "ProChestBreak": { - "msgid": "§a Protected chest has been destroyed. Protected data also deleted.", + "msgid": "§a Protected chest destroyed. Protection data also deleted.", "msgstr": "§a 보호된 상자가 파괴되었습니다. 보호된 데이터도 삭제되었습니다." }, "lockChange": { - "msgid": "§a Protection state of chest is changed to {lock}", + "msgid": "§a Chest protection state changed to: {lock}", "msgstr": "§a 상자의 보호 상태가 다음으로 변경되었습니다" }, "NotChest": { - "msgid": "§cYou are not authorized to operate this chest.", + "msgid": "§c You are not authorized to access this chest.", "msgstr": "§c이 상자를 조작할 권한이 없습니다." }, "AddM": { - "msgid": "§a{member} Added as a member location:{chestLocation}", + "msgid": "§a {member} added as a member at location: {chestLocation}", "msgstr": "§a 멤버로 추가되었습니다." }, "addYouM": { - "msgid": "§aThis{playerName}has added you to the following chests{chestLocation}", + "msgid": "§a {playerName} has added you to the following chests: {chestLocation}", "msgstr": "§a{playerName}님이 당신을 다음 상자에 추가했습니다: {chestLocation}" }, "RemoveYouM": { - "msgid": "§aThis{playerName}has removed you from members in the following chests{chestLocation}", + "msgid": "§a {playerName} has removed you from the following chests: {chestLocation}", "msgstr": "§a{playerName}님이 당신을 다음 상자의 멤버에서 제거했습니다: {chestLocation}" }, "MAlreday": { - "msgid": "§c{member} is already a member. ", + "msgid": "§c {member} is already a member.", "msgstr": "§c이미 멤버입니다." }, "RemoveM": { - "msgid": "§a{member} has Removed from members", + "msgid": "§a {member} has been removed from members.", "msgstr": "§a멤버에서 제거됨" }, "NotM": { - "msgid": "§cis not a member", + "msgid": "§c Not a member.", "msgstr": "§c멤버가 아닙니다" }, "allM": { - "msgid": "§a member: ", + "msgid": "§a Members: ", "msgstr": "§a 멤버: " }, "NotFoundM": { - "msgid": "§c No members", + "msgid": "§c No members.", "msgstr": "§c 멤버 없음" }, "ExplosionWarning": { - "msgid": "§c Can you please not blow that up?", + "msgid": "§c Please do not explode that.", "msgstr": "§c 폭파하지 말아주세요" }, "cannotPlaceItem": { - "msgid": "§c It is forbidden to place pistons in this area", + "msgid": "§c You are not allowed to place pistons in this area.", "msgstr": "§c 이 지역에 피스톤을 설치할 수 없습니다" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/ko_KR.ts b/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/ko_KR.ts index b7bd847..3ba78fb 100644 --- a/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/ko_KR.ts +++ b/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/ko_KR.ts @@ -1,170 +1,190 @@ export const translations = { - "loreDoce": { - msgid: "Change the name/lore of the item.", + "command.about": { + msgid: "§a== About ChestLockAddon ==\n\nChestLockAddon is a useful utility addon for Minecraft version 1.21.22 that provides chest protection and more.\n\n§b== Main Features ==\n• Chest Protection: Protect your chests from other players.\n• Multilingual Support: Change the language setting with the lang command.\n• Teleport Request: Send a teleport request to another player with the tpa command.\n• And more: More useful commands will be added in the future.\n\n§b== Links ==\n• GitHub: https://github.com/gamelist1990/ChestLockAddon\n• YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn\n• Discord: https://discord.gg/GJyqBm7Pyd\n\n§c== Notes ==\nThis addon is under development and may contain unexpected bugs. If you find any bugs, please report them on GitHub or Discord.\n\n§a== Message from the Developer ==\nWe welcome your feedback to make ChestLockAddon a better addon.", msgstr: "" }, - "changeLore": { - msgid: "Item Change Lore", + "command.Undone": { + msgid: "§f>>§aReverted to one previous change", msgstr: "" }, - "ChangeName": { - msgid: "Item Change Name", + "aboutCom": { + msgid: "View an overview of this add-on", msgstr: "" }, - "ClearLore": { - msgid: "Item Clear Lore", + "command.NothingToUndo": { + msgid: "§f>>§cThere were no changes that could be reverted.", msgstr: "" }, - "Newlore": { + "ServerVersion": { + msgid: "§bThis ChestLockAddon is running version {version}", + msgstr: "" + }, + "command.loreDocs": { + msgid: "§2Change the item's name/lore (Place the item in the first slot of your hotbar)", + msgstr: "" + }, + "command.Changelore": { + msgid: "§0Change Item Lore", + msgstr: "" + }, + "command.ChangeName": { + msgid: "§0Change Item Name", + msgstr: "" + }, + "command.ClearLore": { + msgid: "§0Clear Item Lore", + msgstr: "" + }, + "command.NewLore": { msgid: "Enter new lore:", msgstr: "" }, - "Newname": { + "command.NewName": { msgid: "Enter new name:", msgstr: "" }, - "Usagelore": { - msgid: "Usage: {prefix}lore -set or {prefix}lore -remove or {prefix}lore -rename or {prefix}lore -clearlore", + "command.UsageLore": { + msgid: "§3Usage: {prefix}lore -set \"\" or {prefix}lore -remove \"\" or {prefix}lore -rename \"\" or {prefix}lore -command.ClearLore", msgstr: "" }, - "ADDLore": { - msgid: "Added lore, please check", + "command.AddLore": { + msgid: "§aLore added, please check.", msgstr: "" }, - "TakeItem": { - msgid: "Please take the item.", + "command.takeItem": { + msgid: "§cPlease hold the item.", msgstr: "" }, - "LoreNotFound": { - msgid: "Lore not found", + "command.NotFoundLore": { + msgid: "§cLore not found.", msgstr: "" }, - "RemoveLore": { - msgid: "Lore has been deleted. Please check.", + "command.RemoveLore": { + msgid: "§aLore deleted. Please check.", msgstr: "" }, - "ChangeNames": { - msgid: "Renamed the item", + "command.ChangeNames": { + msgid: "§aItem renamed.", msgstr: "" }, - "uilore": { - msgid: "Custom Item Name/Lore", + "ui.MainLoreButton": { + msgid: "§0Custom Item Name/Lore", msgstr: "" }, - "FirstPointSet": { - msgid: ">> First point set.", + "command.FirstPointSet": { + msgid: "§f>>§a First point set.", msgstr: "" }, "editCom": { - msgid: "WorldEdit Command", + msgid: "WorldEdit Commands", msgstr: "" }, "loreCom": { msgid: "Change Item Lore", msgstr: "" }, - "SecondPointSet": { - msgid: ">> Second point set.", + "command.SecondPointSet": { + msgid: "§f>>§6 Second point set.", msgstr: "" }, - "SelectionCompleted": { - msgid: ">> Selection completed.", + "command.SelectionCompleted": { + msgid: "§f>>§a Selection completed.", msgstr: "" }, - "PointSet": { - msgid: ">> Point set.", + "command.PointSet": { + msgid: "§f>> §aPoint set.", msgstr: "" }, - "WallsCreated": { - msgid: ">> Walls created.", + "command.WallsCreated": { + msgid: "§f>>§a Walls created.", msgstr: "" }, - "InvalidBlockId": { - msgid: ">> Invalid block ID.", + "command.InvalidBlockId": { + msgid: "§f>>§c Invalid block ID.", msgstr: "" }, - "OutlineCreated": { - msgid: ">> Outline created.", + "command.OutlineCreated": { + msgid: "§f>>§a Outline created.", msgstr: "" }, "FilledCircleCreated": { - msgid: ">> Filled circle created.", + msgid: "§f>>§a Filled circle created.", msgstr: "" }, "RangeSet": { - msgid: ">> Range set with the specified block ({blockId}).", + msgid: "§f>>§a Range set with the specified block ({blockId}).", msgstr: "" }, "RangeCleared": { - msgid: ">> Range cleared.", + msgid: "§f>>§a Range cleared.", msgstr: "" }, "WallsToolSelected": { - msgid: ">> Walls tool selected. (Block ID: {blockId})", + msgid: "§f>>§a Walls tool selected. (Block ID: {blockId})", msgstr: "" }, "OutlineToolSelected": { - msgid: ">> Outline tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", + msgid: "§f>>§a Outline tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", msgstr: "" }, "FilledCircleToolSelected": { - msgid: ">> Filled circle tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", + msgid: "§f>>§a Filled circle tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", msgstr: "" }, "ToolExited": { - msgid: ">> Tool exited.", + msgid: "§f>>§a Tool exited.", msgstr: "" }, "ToolOptions": { - msgid: ">> Tool options: -wall , -outline , -filledCircle , -exit", + msgid: "§f>> §3Tool options: -wall , -outline , -filledCircle , -exit", msgstr: "" }, "StartRangeSelection2": { - msgid: ">> Range selection started. Please break two blocks.", + msgid: "§f>>§a Range selection started. Please break two blocks.", msgstr: "" }, "StartRangeSelection": { - msgid: ">> Range selection started. Hold a wooden hoe and break a block.", + msgid: "§f>>§a Range selection started. Hold a wooden hoe and break a block.", msgstr: "" }, "InvalidCommandUsage": { - msgid: ">> Invalid command usage: /{prefix}edit -set | /{prefix}edit -clear | /{prefix}edit tool | /{prefix}edit start", + msgid: "§f>>§3 Invalid command usage: /{prefix}edit -set | /{prefix}edit -clear | /{prefix}edit tool | /{prefix}edit start", msgstr: "" }, "PlayerNotFound": { - msgid: "§cPlayerNotFound!! Make sure you're really there", + msgid: "§cPlayer not found! Make sure you're in a valid location.", msgstr: "§c플레이어를 찾을 수 없습니다!! 당신이 정말로 거기 있는지 확인하세요" }, "TheFirestBlock": { - msgid: "§a1 The first block has been recorded. Destroy the block again.", + msgid: "§a1. First block recorded. Destroy the block again.", msgstr: "" }, "TheSecond": { - msgid: "§a2 second block has been recorded. Warp gate has been set.", + msgid: "§a2. Second block recorded. Warp gate has been set.", msgstr: "" }, "WarpUsage": { - msgid: "§c usage: warpgate -create ", msgstr: "" }, "AlreadyWarp": { - msgid: "§cA warp gate of that name already exists.", + msgid: "§c A warp gate with that name already exists.", msgstr: "" }, "CreateGate": { - msgid: "§aCreate a warp gate {gatename} \n §aNext, destroy the two blocks to specify the extent of the gate.", + msgid: "§a Creating warp gate: {gatename} \n §a Next, destroy two blocks to define the gate's boundaries.", msgstr: "" }, "NotWarp": { - msgid: "§cThe gate with the specified name does not exist", + msgid: "§c The specified warp gate does not exist.", msgstr: "" }, "deleteWarp": { - msgid: "§a gate removed: {gatename}", + msgid: "§a Gate removed: {gatename}", msgstr: "" }, "NotWarpSetting": { - msgid: "§cNo warp gate is set.", + msgid: "§c No warp gate is set.", msgstr: "" }, "listGate": { @@ -172,39 +192,39 @@ export const translations = { msgstr: "" }, "warpgateCom": { - msgid: "Warp gate can be set", + msgid: "Set Warp Gate", msgstr: "" }, "UsageGate": { - msgid: "§c invalid subcommand usage {prefix}warpgate <-create/delete/list> [name] |\n§c create command Only -create [name] [x,y,z]", + msgid: "§c Invalid subcommand usage: {prefix}warpgate <-create/delete/list> [name] |\n§c Create command only: -create [name] [x,y,z]", msgstr: "" }, "TPGATE": { - msgid: "§a Teleported to warp gate {gate}.", + msgid: "§a Teleported to warp gate: {gate}.", msgstr: "" }, "Joincommand": { - msgid: "Displays a message when joining a world", + msgid: "Displays a message when joining a world.", msgstr: "" }, "Joinenabled": { - msgid: "§aEnabled messages when joining worlds", + msgid: "§a Enabled join messages.", msgstr: "" }, "Joindisabled": { - msgid: "§cDisabled messages when joining worlds.", + msgid: "§c Disabled join messages.", msgstr: "" }, "Invalid": { - msgid: "§cInvalid argument.", + msgid: "§c Invalid argument.", msgstr: "" }, "UsageJoin": { - msgid: "§cUsage is join <-ture/-false/-settings>", + msgid: "§c Usage: join <-true/-false/-settings>", msgstr: "" }, "welcome": { - msgid: "§7 Welcome! My Server", + msgid: "§7 Welcome to My Server!", msgstr: "" }, "Rulejoin": { @@ -212,319 +232,319 @@ export const translations = { msgstr: "" }, "RulesNumber": { - msgid: "§bNumber of Rules", + msgid: "§b Number of Rules:", msgstr: "" }, "RulesEnter": { - msgid: "§0Enter the number of rules", + msgid: "§0 Enter the number of rules:", msgstr: "" }, "RuleSettings": { - msgid: "§6Rule Settings", + msgid: "§6 Rule Settings", msgstr: "" }, "Rules": { - msgid: "§bRule {i}", + msgid: "§b Rule {i}:", msgstr: "" }, "RuleEnter2": { - msgid: "§0Enter rule {i}", + msgid: "§0 Enter rule {i}:", msgstr: "" }, "RuleUpdate": { - msgid: "§aRules updated!", + msgid: "§a Rules updated!", msgstr: "" }, "joinSettings": { - msgid: "§6Join Log Settings", + msgid: "§6 Join Log Settings", msgstr: "" }, "TpaRequesMenu": { - msgid: "§2Welcome to tpa MenuCurrent requests:{requestList} people", + msgid: "§2 Welcome to the TPA Menu! Current requests: {requestList} people", msgstr: "" }, "SendTpa": { - msgid: "§0Send a TPARequest", + msgid: "§0 Send a TPA Request", msgstr: "" }, "ShowTpaRequests": { - msgid: "§0Confirm TP request addressed to me", + msgid: "§0 Confirm TP requests addressed to me", msgstr: "" }, "NoTpaRequests": { - msgid: "§cNo TP request has been sent to you", + msgid: "§c You have no TP requests.", msgstr: "" }, "SelectTpaRequest": { - msgid: "§2TPRequest has arrived, please select the player you accept", + msgid: "§2 You have received a TPA request. Please select the player you want to accept.", msgstr: "" }, "SendTpaSelect": { - msgid: "§2Select the player to whom you would like to send a request", + msgid: "§2 Select the player you want to send a request to:", msgstr: "" }, "uihelp": { - msgid: "§0HelpMenu", + msgid: "§0 Help Menu", msgstr: "" }, "uichest": { - msgid: "§0ChestMenu(BETA)", + msgid: "§0 Chest Menu (BETA)", msgstr: "" }, "uilang": { - msgid: "§0LangMenu", + msgid: "§0 Language Menu", msgstr: "" }, "uijpch": { - msgid: "§0jpchMenu(BETA)", + msgid: "§0 JPCH Menu (BETA)", msgstr: "" }, "uitpa": { - msgid: "§0Tpa Menu(BETA)", + msgid: "§0 TPA Menu (BETA)", msgstr: "" }, "closeChat": { - msgid: "§a==Close The Chat Panel==", + msgid: "§a == Close The Chat Panel ==", msgstr: "" }, "Tpcommand": { - msgid: "You can send a request and TP it", + msgid: "Send a request and teleport.", msgstr: "" }, "tpaRequestSent": { - msgid: "§aTPA request sent to {playerName}", + msgid: "§a TPA request sent to§b {playerName}.", msgstr: "" }, "tpaRequestAlreadySent": { - msgid: "§cThe cTPA request has already been sent to {playerName}!", + msgid: "§c You have already sent a TPA request to§6 {playerName}!", msgstr: "" }, "tpaRequestReceived": { - msgid: "§2Received a TPA request from {playerName}.", + msgid: "§2 Received a TPA request from §b{playerName}.", msgstr: "" }, "noPendingTpaRequests": { - msgid: "§3You have no pending TPA requests.", + msgid: "§3 You have no pending TPA requests.", msgstr: "" }, "invalidTpaRequest": { - msgid: "§cInvalid TPA request", + msgid: "§c Invalid TPA request.", msgstr: "" }, "requesterNotFound": { - msgid: "§cRequester not found", + msgid: "§c Requester not found.", msgstr: "" }, "teleportedToPlayer": { - msgid: "§aTeleported to {playerName}", + msgid: "§a Teleported to §b{playerName}.", msgstr: "" }, "tpaRequestAccepted": { - msgid: "§a{playerName} has accepted your TPA request", + msgid: "§a §b{playerName} §ahas accepted your TPA request.", msgstr: "" }, "tpaRequestAcceptes": { - msgid: "§aTPA request from {playerName} accepted!", + msgid: "§a TPA request from §b{playerName}§a accepted!", msgstr: "" }, "cannotTpaToSelf": { - msgid: "§cYou cannot send a TPA request to yourself", + msgid: "§c You cannot send a TPA request to yourself.", msgstr: "" }, "invalidTpaCommandUsage": { - msgid: "§3Invalid usage. Use tpa -r to send a request, or tpa -a to accept", + msgid: "§3 Invalid usage. Use {prefix}tpa -r to send a request, or {prefix}tpa -a to accept.", msgstr: "" }, "tpaRequestTimedOut": { - msgid: "§3TPA request from {playerName} has timed out", + msgid: "§3 TPA request from §6{playerName}§3 has timed out.", msgstr: "" }, "jpchCom": { - msgid: "§2Functions like LunaChat", + msgid: "§2 Functions like LunaChat.", msgstr: "" }, "jpenable": { - msgid: "§aEnable Function", + msgid: "§a Function enabled.", msgstr: "" }, "jpdisable": { - msgid: "§cDisable function", + msgid: "§c Function disabled.", msgstr: "" }, "AccesItemUI": { - msgid: "itemUI command (accesses Chest Lock UI)", + msgid: "Item UI Command (Accesses Chest Lock UI)", msgstr: "" }, "FullInv": { - msgid: "§cYour inventory is full and items cannot be granted", + msgid: "§c Your inventory is full. Items cannot be granted.", msgstr: "" }, "AlreadyInv": { - msgid: "§cUIitem already exists in your inventory", + msgid: "§c That UI item already exists in your inventory.", msgstr: "" }, "AddInv": { - msgid: "§aYou have added an item to your inventory! (please check)", + msgid: "§a Item added to your inventory! (Please check)", msgstr: "" }, "Displayplayerinformation": { - msgid: "List command (displays player information)", + msgid: "List command (Displays player information)", msgstr: "" }, "commands.list.usage": { - msgid: "§aUsage: list show Or list all", + msgid: "§a Usage: {prefix}list show or {prefix}list all", msgstr: "" }, "commands.list.playerInfo": { - msgid: "§6==== Player Info =====\n §2Name: §f{TragetName},\n §2ID: §f{TargetID},\n §2Location: §f({TargetX}, {TargetY}, {TargetZ}),\n §2Health: §f{health},\n §2Game Mode:§f {GameMode},\n §2Ping: {ping}\n §6===========", + msgid: "§6 ==== Player Info =====\n §2Name: §f{TragetName},\n §2ID: §f{TargetID},\n §2Location: §f({TargetX}, {TargetY}, {TargetZ}),\n §2Health: §f{health},\n §2Game Mode:§f {GameMode},\n §2Ping: {ping}\n §6 ===========", msgstr: "" }, "commands.list.playerNotFound": { - msgid: "§cPlayer not found: {tragetplayer}", + msgid: "§c Player not found: §6{tragetplayer}", msgstr: "" }, "jpch_command_description": { - msgid: "jpch command (experimental feature)", + msgid: "JPCH command (Experimental feature)", msgstr: "" }, "ui_command_description": { - msgid: "ui command (this command displays a GUI with ActionForm)", + msgid: "UI command (This command displays a GUI with ActionForm)", msgstr: "" }, "ChooseCom": { - msgid: "§2Select the command:", + msgid: "§2 Select a command:", msgstr: "" }, "ChestCom": { - msgid: "§2Select the chest:", + msgid: "§2 Select a chest:", msgstr: "" }, "Chestinfo": { - msgid: "§0See nearby chests", + msgid: "§0 See nearby chests", msgstr: "" }, "Chestlock": { - msgid: "§0lock system", + msgid: "§0 Lock System", msgstr: "" }, "ChestMember": { - msgid: "§0Member system", + msgid: "§0 Member System", msgstr: "" }, "back": { - msgid: "§2back", + msgid: "§2 Back", msgstr: "" }, "lockinfo": { - msgid: "§2Select the type of lock:", + msgid: "§2 Select the lock type:", msgstr: "" }, "locking": { - msgid: "§alocking!", + msgid: "§a Locking!", msgstr: "" }, "unlocking": { - msgid: "§cunlocking!", + msgid: "§c Unlocking!", msgstr: "" }, "ProtectChest": { - msgid: "§0Protection Chest Status", + msgid: "§0 Chest Protection Status", msgstr: "" }, "MemberChoose": { - msgid: "§2Choose your member's:", + msgid: "§2 Choose your members:", msgstr: "" }, "MemberAdd": { - msgid: "§0Member Add", + msgid: "§0 Add Member", msgstr: "" }, "MemberRemove": { - msgid: "§0Member Remove", + msgid: "§0 Remove Member", msgstr: "" }, "Memberall": { - msgid: "§0Member list", + msgid: "§0 Member List", msgstr: "" }, "AddMemberSelect": { - msgid: "§2Select the member you wish to add:", + msgid: "§2 Select the member you want to add:", msgstr: "" }, "RemoveMemberSelect": { - msgid: "§2Select the member you wish to Remove:", + msgid: "§2 Select the member you want to remove:", msgstr: "" }, "SelectLang": { - msgid: "§2Select an operation from the language menu:", + msgid: "§2 Select an operation from the language menu:", msgstr: "" }, "langList": { - msgid: "§0lang List", + msgid: "§0 Language List", msgstr: "" }, "langChange": { - msgid: "§0lang Change", + msgid: "§0 Change Language", msgstr: "" }, "langChange1": { - msgid: "§2Please select the language you wish to change:", + msgid: "§2 Please select the language you want to change to:", msgstr: "" }, "FromError": { - msgid: "§cAn error occurred while displaying the form:", + msgid: "§c An error occurred while displaying the form:", msgstr: "" }, "desabledCom": { - msgid: "§cUnregistered or disabled command", + msgid: "§c Unregistered or disabled command.", msgstr: "§c등록되지 않았거나 비활성화된 명령어입니다" }, "desableComSuggest": { - msgid: "§6Invalid command. Is it possibly the {possibleCommands} command? If so, answer {prefix}yes", + msgid: "§6 Invalid command. Did you mean: {possibleCommands}? If so, answer {prefix}yes", msgstr: "§6잘못된 명령어입니다. {possibleCommands} 명령어가 맞나요? 맞다면 {prefix}yes 라고 답해주세요" }, "AllowTagCom": { - msgid: "§cOnly players with an authorized tag can use it", + msgid: "§c Only players with an authorized tag can use this command.", msgstr: "§c권한이 있는 태그를 가진 플레이어만 사용할 수 있습니다" }, "invalidCom": { - msgid: "§6invalid command. Please make sure it is correct Commands used:{commandName}", + msgid: "§6 Invalid command. Please make sure it is correct. Commands used: {commandName}", msgstr: "§6잘못된 명령어입니다. 명령어가 올바른지 확인해주세요. 사용된 명령어: {commandName}" }, "Developer commands": { - msgid: "dev command (this command provides developers and administrators with the ability to reset and verify dynamic properties)", + msgid: "Dev command (This command allows developers and administrators to reset and verify dynamic properties)", msgstr: "개발자 명령어!!" }, "available_commands": { - msgid: "§6Current available commands", + msgid: "§6 Currently available commands:", msgstr: "현재 사용 가능한 명령어" }, "help_command_description": { - msgid: "help command (this command displays help as you can see)", + msgid: "Help command (This command displays help information)", msgstr: "도움말 명령어" }, "lang_removeData": { - msgid: "Language data deletion complete", + msgid: "Language data deletion complete.", msgstr: "언어 데이터 삭제 완료" }, "lang_docs": { - msgid: "lang command (this command switches the language)", + msgid: "Lang command (This command switches the language)", msgstr: "lang 명령어" }, "lang_list": { - msgid: "§aAvailable Languages:\n", + msgid: "§a Available Languages:\n", msgstr: "§a사용 가능한 언어:\n" }, "lang_change": { - msgid: "§aLanguage changed to", + msgid: "§a Language changed to: {language}", msgstr: "§a언어가 다음으로 변경되었습니다" }, "lang_failed": { - msgid: "§cFailed to change language to", + msgid: "§c Failed to change language to: {language}", msgstr: "§c언어 변경 실패" }, "lang_invalid": { - msgid: "§cInvalid command usage. Use lang list or lang change ", + msgid: "§c Invalid command usage. Use /lang list or /lang change ", msgstr: "§c잘못된 명령어 사용법입니다. lang list 또는 lang change <언어 코드>를 사용하세요" }, "chest_command": { @@ -532,59 +552,59 @@ export const translations = { msgstr: "상자 명령어" }, "unavailable": { - msgid: "§cLack of authority", + msgid: "§c You do not have permission to do that.", msgstr: "§c권한 부족" }, "chest_help": { - msgid: "§cInvalid command.\n§aChest protection command usage:.\n §bchest lock - locks the chest\n §bchest info - displays information about the nearest chest\n §bchest unlock - unlocks the chest\n §bchest protect - toggles chest protection\n §bchest add - add a member to the chest\n §bchest remove - remove a member of a chest\n §bchest all - displays a list of chest members\n §bchest list -displays a list of chest\n §b_______________________________________\n §bAuthor: Koukun - License AGPL-3.0\n §bYoutubeURL - https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn", + msgid: "§c Invalid command.\n§a Chest protection command usage:\n §bchest lock - Locks the chest\n §bchest info - Displays information about the nearest chest\n §bchest unlock - Unlocks the chest\n §bchest protect - Toggles chest protection\n §bchest add - Adds a member to the chest\n §bchest remove - Removes a member from the chest\n §bchest all - Displays a list of chest members\n §bchest list - Displays a list of chests\n §b_______________________________________\n §bAuthor: Koukun - License AGPL-3.0\n §bYoutubeURL - https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn", msgstr: "§c잘못된 명령어입니다.\n§a상자 보호 명령어 사용법:.\n §bchest lock - 상자 잠금\n §bchest info - 가장 가까운 상자 정보 표시\n §bchest unlock - 상자 잠금 해제\n §bchest protect - 상자 보호 토글\n §bchest add - 상자에 멤버 추가\n §bchest remove - 상자의 멤버 제거\n §bchest all - 상자 멤버 목록 표시\n §bchest list - 상자 목록 표시\n §b_______________________________________\n §b제작자: Koukun - 라이선스 AGPL-3.0\n §b유튜브 URL - https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn" }, "MaxChestLimitReached": { - msgid: "§cThe installation limit of {protectChest} has already been reached", + msgid: "§c The installation limit of {protectChest} has been reached.", msgstr: "§c{protectChest} 설치 제한에 도달했습니다" }, "chestLocksCount": { - msgid: "§aYou are currently protecting {protectChest} chests", + msgid: "§a You are currently protecting {protectChest} chests.", msgstr: "§a현재 {protectChest}개의 상자를 보호하고 있습니다" }, "ChestlistCom": { - msgid: "§aYou have protected {playerChests} chests:", + msgid: "§a You have protected {playerChests} chests:", msgstr: "§a{playerChests}개의 상자를 보호하고 있습니다:" }, "chestlocation": { - msgid: "§e- Location: {key}", + msgid: "§e - Location: {key}", msgstr: "§e- 위치: {key}" }, "nearby_chest_info": { - msgid: "§a---- Nearby Chest Info ----", + msgid: "§a ---- Nearby Chest Info ----", msgstr: "§a---- 근처 상자 정보 ----" }, "coordinate_x": { - msgid: "§bX: §e", + msgid: "§b X: §e", msgstr: "§bX: §e" }, "coordinate_y": { - msgid: "§bY: §e", + msgid: "§b Y: §e", msgstr: "§bY: §e" }, "coordinate_z": { - msgid: "§bZ: §e", + msgid: "§b Z: §e", msgstr: "§bZ: §e" }, "protected": { - msgid: "§aProtected", + msgid: "§a Protected", msgstr: "§a보호됨" }, "owner": { - msgid: "§bOwner: §e", + msgid: "§b Owner: §e", msgstr: "§b소유자: §e" }, "members": { - msgid: "§bMembers: §e", + msgid: "§b Members: §e", msgstr: "§b멤버: §e" }, "large_chest": { - msgid: "§bLarge Chest: §e", + msgid: "§b Large Chest: §e", msgstr: "§b대형 상자: §e" }, "yes": { @@ -596,31 +616,31 @@ export const translations = { msgstr: "아니오" }, "not_protected": { - msgid: "§cNot Protected", + msgid: "§c Not Protected", msgstr: "§c보호되지 않음" }, "notFound_chest": { - msgid: "§cCan't find chest", + msgid: "§c Cannot find chest.", msgstr: "§c상자를 찾을 수 없습니다" }, "chestProtectRemove": { - msgid: "§a Chest protection removed", + msgid: "§a Chest protection removed.", msgstr: "§a 상자 보호가 제거되었습니다" }, "AlreadyProChest": { - msgid: "§a This chest is already protected", + msgid: "§a This chest is already protected.", msgstr: "§a 이 상자는 이미 보호되고 있습니다" }, "chest_lookstate": { - msgid: "§a chest protected {lcokstate}", + msgid: "§a Chest protection: {lcokstate}", msgstr: "§a 상자 보호됨 {lcokstate}" }, "chest_removeData": { - msgid: "§aAll chest protection data has been reset.", + msgid: "§a All chest protection data has been reset.", msgstr: "§a모든 상자 보호 데이터가 초기화되었습니다." }, "isLookChest": { - msgid: "§cThis chest is locked", + msgid: "§c This chest is locked.", msgstr: "§c이 상자는 잠겨 있습니다" }, "isProChest": { @@ -628,55 +648,55 @@ export const translations = { msgstr: "§c 이 상자는 보호되어 있습니다!" }, "ProChestBreak": { - msgid: "§a Protected chest has been destroyed. Protected data also deleted.", + msgid: "§a Protected chest destroyed. Protection data also deleted.", msgstr: "§a 보호된 상자가 파괴되었습니다. 보호된 데이터도 삭제되었습니다." }, "lockChange": { - msgid: "§a Protection state of chest is changed to {lock}", + msgid: "§a Chest protection state changed to: {lock}", msgstr: "§a 상자의 보호 상태가 다음으로 변경되었습니다" }, "NotChest": { - msgid: "§cYou are not authorized to operate this chest.", + msgid: "§c You are not authorized to access this chest.", msgstr: "§c이 상자를 조작할 권한이 없습니다." }, "AddM": { - msgid: "§a{member} Added as a member location:{chestLocation}", + msgid: "§a {member} added as a member at location: {chestLocation}", msgstr: "§a 멤버로 추가되었습니다." }, "addYouM": { - msgid: "§aThis{playerName}has added you to the following chests{chestLocation}", + msgid: "§a {playerName} has added you to the following chests: {chestLocation}", msgstr: "§a{playerName}님이 당신을 다음 상자에 추가했습니다: {chestLocation}" }, "RemoveYouM": { - msgid: "§aThis{playerName}has removed you from members in the following chests{chestLocation}", + msgid: "§a {playerName} has removed you from the following chests: {chestLocation}", msgstr: "§a{playerName}님이 당신을 다음 상자의 멤버에서 제거했습니다: {chestLocation}" }, "MAlreday": { - msgid: "§c{member} is already a member. ", + msgid: "§c {member} is already a member.", msgstr: "§c이미 멤버입니다." }, "RemoveM": { - msgid: "§a{member} has Removed from members", + msgid: "§a {member} has been removed from members.", msgstr: "§a멤버에서 제거됨" }, "NotM": { - msgid: "§cis not a member", + msgid: "§c Not a member.", msgstr: "§c멤버가 아닙니다" }, "allM": { - msgid: "§a member: ", + msgid: "§a Members: ", msgstr: "§a 멤버: " }, "NotFoundM": { - msgid: "§c No members", + msgid: "§c No members.", msgstr: "§c 멤버 없음" }, "ExplosionWarning": { - msgid: "§c Can you please not blow that up?", + msgid: "§c Please do not explode that.", msgstr: "§c 폭파하지 말아주세요" }, "cannotPlaceItem": { - msgid: "§c It is forbidden to place pistons in this area", + msgid: "§c You are not allowed to place pistons in this area.", msgstr: "§c 이 지역에 피스톤을 설치할 수 없습니다" }, }; diff --git a/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/ru_RU.json b/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/ru_RU.json index 4e4eccf..e397091 100644 --- a/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/ru_RU.json +++ b/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/ru_RU.json @@ -1,170 +1,213 @@ { - "loreDoce": { - "msgid": "Change the name/lore of the item.", + "command.about": { + "msgid": [ + "§a== About ChestLockAddon ==", + "", + "ChestLockAddon is a useful utility addon for Minecraft version 1.21.22 that provides chest protection and more.", + "", + "§b== Main Features ==", + "• Chest Protection: Protect your chests from other players.", + "• Multilingual Support: Change the language setting with the lang command.", + "• Teleport Request: Send a teleport request to another player with the tpa command.", + "• And more: More useful commands will be added in the future.", + "", + "§b== Links ==", + "• GitHub: https://github.com/gamelist1990/ChestLockAddon", + "• YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn", + "• Discord: https://discord.gg/GJyqBm7Pyd", + "", + "§c== Notes ==", + "This addon is under development and may contain unexpected bugs. If you find any bugs, please report them on GitHub or Discord.", + "", + "§a== Message from the Developer ==", + "We welcome your feedback to make ChestLockAddon a better addon." + ], + "msgstr": "" + }, + "command.Undone": { + "msgid": "§f>>§aReverted to one previous change", + "msgstr": "" + }, + "aboutCom": { + "msgid": "View an overview of this add-on", + "msgstr": "" + }, + "command.NothingToUndo": { + "msgid": "§f>>§cThere were no changes that could be reverted.", + "msgstr": "" + }, + "ServerVersion": { + "msgid": [ + "§bThis ChestLockAddon is running version {version}" + ], + "msgstr": "" + }, + "command.loreDocs": { + "msgid": "§2Change the item's name/lore (Place the item in the first slot of your hotbar)", "msgstr": "" }, - "changeLore": { - "msgid": "Item Change Lore", + "command.Changelore": { + "msgid": "§0Change Item Lore", "msgstr": "" }, - "ChangeName": { - "msgid": "Item Change Name", + "command.ChangeName": { + "msgid": "§0Change Item Name", "msgstr": "" }, - "ClearLore": { - "msgid": "Item Clear Lore", + "command.ClearLore": { + "msgid": "§0Clear Item Lore", "msgstr": "" }, - "Newlore": { + "command.NewLore": { "msgid": "Enter new lore:", "msgstr": "" }, - "Newname": { + "command.NewName": { "msgid": "Enter new name:", "msgstr": "" }, - "Usagelore": { - "msgid": "Usage: {prefix}lore -set or {prefix}lore -remove or {prefix}lore -rename or {prefix}lore -clearlore", + "command.UsageLore": { + "msgid": "§3Usage: {prefix}lore -set \"\" or {prefix}lore -remove \"\" or {prefix}lore -rename \"\" or {prefix}lore -command.ClearLore", "msgstr": "" }, - "ADDLore": { - "msgid": "Added lore, please check", + "command.AddLore": { + "msgid": "§aLore added, please check.", "msgstr": "" }, - "TakeItem": { - "msgid": "Please take the item.", + "command.takeItem": { + "msgid": "§cPlease hold the item.", "msgstr": "" }, - "LoreNotFound": { - "msgid": "Lore not found", + "command.NotFoundLore": { + "msgid": "§cLore not found.", "msgstr": "" }, - "RemoveLore": { - "msgid": "Lore has been deleted. Please check.", + "command.RemoveLore": { + "msgid": "§aLore deleted. Please check.", "msgstr": "" }, - "ChangeNames": { - "msgid": "Renamed the item", + "command.ChangeNames": { + "msgid": "§aItem renamed.", "msgstr": "" }, - "uilore": { - "msgid": "Custom Item Name/Lore", + "ui.MainLoreButton": { + "msgid": "§0Custom Item Name/Lore", "msgstr": "" }, - "FirstPointSet": { - "msgid": ">> First point set.", + "command.FirstPointSet": { + "msgid": "§f>>§a First point set.", "msgstr": "" }, "editCom": { - "msgid": "WorldEdit Command", + "msgid": "WorldEdit Commands", "msgstr": "" }, "loreCom": { "msgid": "Change Item Lore", "msgstr": "" }, - "SecondPointSet": { - "msgid": ">> Second point set.", + "command.SecondPointSet": { + "msgid": "§f>>§6 Second point set.", "msgstr": "" }, - "SelectionCompleted": { - "msgid": ">> Selection completed.", + "command.SelectionCompleted": { + "msgid": "§f>>§a Selection completed.", "msgstr": "" }, - "PointSet": { - "msgid": ">> Point set.", + "command.PointSet": { + "msgid": "§f>> §aPoint set.", "msgstr": "" }, - "WallsCreated": { - "msgid": ">> Walls created.", + "command.WallsCreated": { + "msgid": "§f>>§a Walls created.", "msgstr": "" }, - "InvalidBlockId": { - "msgid": ">> Invalid block ID.", + "command.InvalidBlockId": { + "msgid": "§f>>§c Invalid block ID.", "msgstr": "" }, - "OutlineCreated": { - "msgid": ">> Outline created.", + "command.OutlineCreated": { + "msgid": "§f>>§a Outline created.", "msgstr": "" }, "FilledCircleCreated": { - "msgid": ">> Filled circle created.", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Filled circle created.", "msgstr": "" }, "RangeSet": { - "msgid": ">> Range set with the specified block ({blockId}).", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Range set with the specified block ({blockId}).", "msgstr": "" }, "RangeCleared": { - "msgid": ">> Range cleared.", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Range cleared.", "msgstr": "" }, "WallsToolSelected": { - "msgid": ">> Walls tool selected. (Block ID: {blockId})", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Walls tool selected. (Block ID: {blockId})", "msgstr": "" }, "OutlineToolSelected": { - "msgid": ">> Outline tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Outline tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", "msgstr": "" }, "FilledCircleToolSelected": { - "msgid": ">> Filled circle tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Filled circle tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", "msgstr": "" }, "ToolExited": { - "msgid": ">> Tool exited.", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Tool exited.", "msgstr": "" }, "ToolOptions": { - "msgid": ">> Tool options: -wall , -outline , -filledCircle , -exit", + "msgid": "§f>> §3Tool options: -wall , -outline , -filledCircle , -exit", "msgstr": "" }, "StartRangeSelection2": { - "msgid": ">> Range selection started. Please break two blocks.", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Range selection started. Please break two blocks.", "msgstr": "" }, "StartRangeSelection": { - "msgid": ">> Range selection started. Hold a wooden hoe and break a block.", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Range selection started. Hold a wooden hoe and break a block.", "msgstr": "" }, "InvalidCommandUsage": { - "msgid": ">> Invalid command usage: /{prefix}edit -set | /{prefix}edit -clear | /{prefix}edit tool | /{prefix}edit start", + "msgid": "§f>>§3 Invalid command usage: /{prefix}edit -set | /{prefix}edit -clear | /{prefix}edit tool | /{prefix}edit start", "msgstr": "" }, "PlayerNotFound": { - "msgid": "§cPlayerNotFound!! Make sure you're really there", + "msgid": "§cPlayer not found! Make sure you're in a valid location.", "msgstr": "§cИгрок не найден!! Убедитесь, что вы действительно там" }, "TheFirestBlock": { - "msgid": "§a1 The first block has been recorded. Destroy the block again.", + "msgid": "§a1. First block recorded. Destroy the block again.", "msgstr": "" }, "TheSecond": { - "msgid": "§a2 second block has been recorded. Warp gate has been set.", + "msgid": "§a2. Second block recorded. Warp gate has been set.", "msgstr": "" }, "WarpUsage": { - "msgid": "§c usage: warpgate -create ", "msgstr": "" }, "AlreadyWarp": { - "msgid": "§cA warp gate of that name already exists.", + "msgid": "§c A warp gate with that name already exists.", "msgstr": "" }, "CreateGate": { - "msgid": "§aCreate a warp gate {gatename} \n §aNext, destroy the two blocks to specify the extent of the gate.", + "msgid": "§a Creating warp gate: {gatename} \n §a Next, destroy two blocks to define the gate's boundaries.", "msgstr": "" }, "NotWarp": { - "msgid": "§cThe gate with the specified name does not exist", + "msgid": "§c The specified warp gate does not exist.", "msgstr": "" }, "deleteWarp": { - "msgid": "§a gate removed: {gatename}", + "msgid": "§a Gate removed: {gatename}", "msgstr": "" }, "NotWarpSetting": { - "msgid": "§cNo warp gate is set.", + "msgid": "§c No warp gate is set.", "msgstr": "" }, "listGate": { @@ -172,39 +215,39 @@ "msgstr": "" }, "warpgateCom": { - "msgid": "Warp gate can be set", + "msgid": "Set Warp Gate", "msgstr": "" }, "UsageGate": { - "msgid": "§c invalid subcommand usage {prefix}warpgate <-create/delete/list> [name] |\n§c create command Only -create [name] [x,y,z]", + "msgid": "§c Invalid subcommand usage: {prefix}warpgate <-create/delete/list> [name] |\n§c Create command only: -create [name] [x,y,z]", "msgstr": "" }, "TPGATE": { - "msgid": "§a Teleported to warp gate {gate}.", + "msgid": "§a Teleported to warp gate: {gate}.", "msgstr": "" }, "Joincommand": { - "msgid": "Displays a message when joining a world", + "msgid": "Displays a message when joining a world.", "msgstr": "" }, "Joinenabled": { - "msgid": "§aEnabled messages when joining worlds", + "msgid": "§a Enabled join messages.", "msgstr": "" }, "Joindisabled": { - "msgid": "§cDisabled messages when joining worlds.", + "msgid": "§c Disabled join messages.", "msgstr": "" }, "Invalid": { - "msgid": "§cInvalid argument.", + "msgid": "§c Invalid argument.", "msgstr": "" }, "UsageJoin": { - "msgid": "§cUsage is join <-ture/-false/-settings>", + "msgid": "§c Usage: join <-true/-false/-settings>", "msgstr": "" }, "welcome": { - "msgid": "§7 Welcome! My Server", + "msgid": "§7 Welcome to My Server!", "msgstr": "" }, "Rulejoin": { @@ -212,319 +255,319 @@ "msgstr": "" }, "RulesNumber": { - "msgid": "§bNumber of Rules", + "msgid": "§b Number of Rules:", "msgstr": "" }, "RulesEnter": { - "msgid": "§0Enter the number of rules", + "msgid": "§0 Enter the number of rules:", "msgstr": "" }, "RuleSettings": { - "msgid": "§6Rule Settings", + "msgid": "§6 Rule Settings", "msgstr": "" }, "Rules": { - "msgid": "§bRule {i}", + "msgid": "§b Rule {i}:", "msgstr": "" }, "RuleEnter2": { - "msgid": "§0Enter rule {i}", + "msgid": "§0 Enter rule {i}:", "msgstr": "" }, "RuleUpdate": { - "msgid": "§aRules updated!", + "msgid": "§a Rules updated!", "msgstr": "" }, "joinSettings": { - "msgid": "§6Join Log Settings", + "msgid": "§6 Join Log Settings", "msgstr": "" }, "TpaRequesMenu": { - "msgid": "§2Welcome to tpa MenuCurrent requests:{requestList} people", + "msgid": "§2 Welcome to the TPA Menu! Current requests: {requestList} people", "msgstr": "" }, "SendTpa": { - "msgid": "§0Send a TPARequest", + "msgid": "§0 Send a TPA Request", "msgstr": "" }, "ShowTpaRequests": { - "msgid": "§0Confirm TP request addressed to me", + "msgid": "§0 Confirm TP requests addressed to me", "msgstr": "" }, "NoTpaRequests": { - "msgid": "§cNo TP request has been sent to you", + "msgid": "§c You have no TP requests.", "msgstr": "" }, "SelectTpaRequest": { - "msgid": "§2TPRequest has arrived, please select the player you accept", + "msgid": "§2 You have received a TPA request. Please select the player you want to accept.", "msgstr": "" }, "SendTpaSelect": { - "msgid": "§2Select the player to whom you would like to send a request", + "msgid": "§2 Select the player you want to send a request to:", "msgstr": "" }, "uihelp": { - "msgid": "§0HelpMenu", + "msgid": "§0 Help Menu", "msgstr": "" }, "uichest": { - "msgid": "§0ChestMenu(BETA)", + "msgid": "§0 Chest Menu (BETA)", "msgstr": "" }, "uilang": { - "msgid": "§0LangMenu", + "msgid": "§0 Language Menu", "msgstr": "" }, "uijpch": { - "msgid": "§0jpchMenu(BETA)", + "msgid": "§0 JPCH Menu (BETA)", "msgstr": "" }, "uitpa": { - "msgid": "§0Tpa Menu(BETA)", + "msgid": "§0 TPA Menu (BETA)", "msgstr": "" }, "closeChat": { - "msgid": "§a==Close The Chat Panel==", + "msgid": "§a == Close The Chat Panel ==", "msgstr": "" }, "Tpcommand": { - "msgid": "You can send a request and TP it", + "msgid": "Send a request and teleport.", "msgstr": "" }, "tpaRequestSent": { - "msgid": "§aTPA request sent to {playerName}", + "msgid": "§a TPA request sent to§b {playerName}.", "msgstr": "" }, "tpaRequestAlreadySent": { - "msgid": "§cThe cTPA request has already been sent to {playerName}!", + "msgid": "§c You have already sent a TPA request to§6 {playerName}!", "msgstr": "" }, "tpaRequestReceived": { - "msgid": "§2Received a TPA request from {playerName}.", + "msgid": "§2 Received a TPA request from §b{playerName}.", "msgstr": "" }, "noPendingTpaRequests": { - "msgid": "§3You have no pending TPA requests.", + "msgid": "§3 You have no pending TPA requests.", "msgstr": "" }, "invalidTpaRequest": { - "msgid": "§cInvalid TPA request", + "msgid": "§c Invalid TPA request.", "msgstr": "" }, "requesterNotFound": { - "msgid": "§cRequester not found", + "msgid": "§c Requester not found.", "msgstr": "" }, "teleportedToPlayer": { - "msgid": "§aTeleported to {playerName}", + "msgid": "§a Teleported to §b{playerName}.", "msgstr": "" }, "tpaRequestAccepted": { - "msgid": "§a{playerName} has accepted your TPA request", + "msgid": "§a §b{playerName} §ahas accepted your TPA request.", "msgstr": "" }, "tpaRequestAcceptes": { - "msgid": "§aTPA request from {playerName} accepted!", + "msgid": "§a TPA request from §b{playerName}§a accepted!", "msgstr": "" }, "cannotTpaToSelf": { - "msgid": "§cYou cannot send a TPA request to yourself", + "msgid": "§c You cannot send a TPA request to yourself.", "msgstr": "" }, "invalidTpaCommandUsage": { - "msgid": "§3Invalid usage. Use tpa -r to send a request, or tpa -a to accept", + "msgid": "§3 Invalid usage. Use {prefix}tpa -r to send a request, or {prefix}tpa -a to accept.", "msgstr": "" }, "tpaRequestTimedOut": { - "msgid": "§3TPA request from {playerName} has timed out", + "msgid": "§3 TPA request from §6{playerName}§3 has timed out.", "msgstr": "" }, "jpchCom": { - "msgid": "§2Functions like LunaChat", + "msgid": "§2 Functions like LunaChat.", "msgstr": "" }, "jpenable": { - "msgid": "§aEnable Function", + "msgid": "§a Function enabled.", "msgstr": "" }, "jpdisable": { - "msgid": "§cDisable function", + "msgid": "§c Function disabled.", "msgstr": "" }, "AccesItemUI": { - "msgid": "itemUI command (accesses Chest Lock UI)", + "msgid": "Item UI Command (Accesses Chest Lock UI)", "msgstr": "" }, "FullInv": { - "msgid": "§cYour inventory is full and items cannot be granted", + "msgid": "§c Your inventory is full. Items cannot be granted.", "msgstr": "" }, "AlreadyInv": { - "msgid": "§cUIitem already exists in your inventory", + "msgid": "§c That UI item already exists in your inventory.", "msgstr": "" }, "AddInv": { - "msgid": "§aYou have added an item to your inventory! (please check)", + "msgid": "§a Item added to your inventory! (Please check)", "msgstr": "" }, "Displayplayerinformation": { - "msgid": "List command (displays player information)", + "msgid": "List command (Displays player information)", "msgstr": "" }, "commands.list.usage": { - "msgid": "§aUsage: list show Or list all", + "msgid": "§a Usage: {prefix}list show or {prefix}list all", "msgstr": "" }, "commands.list.playerInfo": { - "msgid": "§6==== Player Info =====\n §2Name: §f{TragetName},\n §2ID: §f{TargetID},\n §2Location: §f({TargetX}, {TargetY}, {TargetZ}),\n §2Health: §f{health},\n §2Game Mode:§f {GameMode},\n §2Ping: {ping}\n §6===========", + "msgid": "§6 ==== Player Info =====\n §2Name: §f{TragetName},\n §2ID: §f{TargetID},\n §2Location: §f({TargetX}, {TargetY}, {TargetZ}),\n §2Health: §f{health},\n §2Game Mode:§f {GameMode},\n §2Ping: {ping}\n §6 ===========", "msgstr": "" }, "commands.list.playerNotFound": { - "msgid": "§cPlayer not found: {tragetplayer}", + "msgid": "§c Player not found: §6{tragetplayer}", "msgstr": "" }, "jpch_command_description": { - "msgid": "jpch command (experimental feature)", + "msgid": "JPCH command (Experimental feature)", "msgstr": "" }, "ui_command_description": { - "msgid": "ui command (this command displays a GUI with ActionForm)", + "msgid": "UI command (This command displays a GUI with ActionForm)", "msgstr": "" }, "ChooseCom": { - "msgid": "§2Select the command:", + "msgid": "§2 Select a command:", "msgstr": "" }, "ChestCom": { - "msgid": "§2Select the chest:", + "msgid": "§2 Select a chest:", "msgstr": "" }, "Chestinfo": { - "msgid": "§0See nearby chests", + "msgid": "§0 See nearby chests", "msgstr": "" }, "Chestlock": { - "msgid": "§0lock system", + "msgid": "§0 Lock System", "msgstr": "" }, "ChestMember": { - "msgid": "§0Member system", + "msgid": "§0 Member System", "msgstr": "" }, "back": { - "msgid": "§2back", + "msgid": "§2 Back", "msgstr": "" }, "lockinfo": { - "msgid": "§2Select the type of lock:", + "msgid": "§2 Select the lock type:", "msgstr": "" }, "locking": { - "msgid": "§alocking!", + "msgid": "§a Locking!", "msgstr": "" }, "unlocking": { - "msgid": "§cunlocking!", + "msgid": "§c Unlocking!", "msgstr": "" }, "ProtectChest": { - "msgid": "§0Protection Chest Status", + "msgid": "§0 Chest Protection Status", "msgstr": "" }, "MemberChoose": { - "msgid": "§2Choose your member's:", + "msgid": "§2 Choose your members:", "msgstr": "" }, "MemberAdd": { - "msgid": "§0Member Add", + "msgid": "§0 Add Member", "msgstr": "" }, "MemberRemove": { - "msgid": "§0Member Remove", + "msgid": "§0 Remove Member", "msgstr": "" }, "Memberall": { - "msgid": "§0Member list", + "msgid": "§0 Member List", "msgstr": "" }, "AddMemberSelect": { - "msgid": "§2Select the member you wish to add:", + "msgid": "§2 Select the member you want to add:", "msgstr": "" }, "RemoveMemberSelect": { - "msgid": "§2Select the member you wish to Remove:", + "msgid": "§2 Select the member you want to remove:", "msgstr": "" }, "SelectLang": { - "msgid": "§2Select an operation from the language menu:", + "msgid": "§2 Select an operation from the language menu:", "msgstr": "" }, "langList": { - "msgid": "§0lang List", + "msgid": "§0 Language List", "msgstr": "" }, "langChange": { - "msgid": "§0lang Change", + "msgid": "§0 Change Language", "msgstr": "" }, "langChange1": { - "msgid": "§2Please select the language you wish to change:", + "msgid": "§2 Please select the language you want to change to:", "msgstr": "" }, "FromError": { - "msgid": "§cAn error occurred while displaying the form:", + "msgid": "§c An error occurred while displaying the form:", "msgstr": "" }, "desabledCom": { - "msgid": "§cUnregistered or disabled command", + "msgid": "§c Unregistered or disabled command.", "msgstr": "§cНезарегистрированная или отключенная команда" }, "desableComSuggest": { - "msgid": "§6Invalid command. Is it possibly the {possibleCommands} command? If so, answer {prefix}yes", + "msgid": "§6 Invalid command. Did you mean: {possibleCommands}? If so, answer {prefix}yes", "msgstr": "§6Неверная команда. Возможно, это команда {possibleCommands}? Если да, ответьте {prefix}да" }, "AllowTagCom": { - "msgid": "§cOnly players with an authorized tag can use it", + "msgid": "§c Only players with an authorized tag can use this command.", "msgstr": "§cТолько игроки с авторизованным тегом могут использовать это" }, "invalidCom": { - "msgid": "§6invalid command. Please make sure it is correct Commands used:{commandName}", + "msgid": "§6 Invalid command. Please make sure it is correct. Commands used: {commandName}", "msgstr": "§6Неверная команда. Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что она правильная. Использованные команды: {commandName}" }, "Developer commands": { - "msgid": "dev command (this command provides developers and administrators with the ability to reset and verify dynamic properties)", + "msgid": "Dev command (This command allows developers and administrators to reset and verify dynamic properties)", "msgstr": "Команды разработчика!!" }, "available_commands": { - "msgid": "§6Current available commands", + "msgid": "§6 Currently available commands:", "msgstr": "Текущие доступные команды" }, "help_command_description": { - "msgid": "help command (this command displays help as you can see)", + "msgid": "Help command (This command displays help information)", "msgstr": "Команда помощи" }, "lang_removeData": { - "msgid": "Language data deletion complete", + "msgid": "Language data deletion complete.", "msgstr": "Удаление языковых данных завершено" }, "lang_docs": { - "msgid": "lang command (this command switches the language)", + "msgid": "Lang command (This command switches the language)", "msgstr": "Команда lang" }, "lang_list": { - "msgid": "§aAvailable Languages:\n", + "msgid": "§a Available Languages:\n", "msgstr": "§aДоступные языки:\n" }, "lang_change": { - "msgid": "§aLanguage changed to", + "msgid": "§a Language changed to: {language}", "msgstr": "§aЯзык изменен на" }, "lang_failed": { - "msgid": "§cFailed to change language to", + "msgid": "§c Failed to change language to: {language}", "msgstr": "§cНе удалось изменить язык на" }, "lang_invalid": { - "msgid": "§cInvalid command usage. Use lang list or lang change ", + "msgid": "§c Invalid command usage. Use /lang list or /lang change ", "msgstr": "§cНеверное использование команды. Используйте lang list или lang change <языковой_код>" }, "chest_command": { @@ -532,21 +575,21 @@ "msgstr": "Команда сундука" }, "unavailable": { - "msgid": "§cLack of authority", + "msgid": "§c You do not have permission to do that.", "msgstr": "§cНедостаточно прав" }, "chest_help": { "msgid": [ - "§cInvalid command.", - "§aChest protection command usage:.", - " §bchest lock - locks the chest", - " §bchest info - displays information about the nearest chest", - " §bchest unlock - unlocks the chest", - " §bchest protect - toggles chest protection", - " §bchest add - add a member to the chest", - " §bchest remove - remove a member of a chest", - " §bchest all - displays a list of chest members", - " §bchest list -displays a list of chest", + "§c Invalid command.", + "§a Chest protection command usage:", + " §bchest lock - Locks the chest", + " §bchest info - Displays information about the nearest chest", + " §bchest unlock - Unlocks the chest", + " §bchest protect - Toggles chest protection", + " §bchest add - Adds a member to the chest", + " §bchest remove - Removes a member from the chest", + " §bchest all - Displays a list of chest members", + " §bchest list - Displays a list of chests", " §b_______________________________________", " §bAuthor: Koukun - License AGPL-3.0", " §bYoutubeURL - https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn" @@ -568,51 +611,51 @@ ] }, "MaxChestLimitReached": { - "msgid": "§cThe installation limit of {protectChest} has already been reached", + "msgid": "§c The installation limit of {protectChest} has been reached.", "msgstr": "§cДостигнут предел установки {protectChest}" }, "chestLocksCount": { - "msgid": "§aYou are currently protecting {protectChest} chests", + "msgid": "§a You are currently protecting {protectChest} chests.", "msgstr": "§aВ настоящее время вы защищаете {protectChest} сундуков" }, "ChestlistCom": { - "msgid": "§aYou have protected {playerChests} chests:", + "msgid": "§a You have protected {playerChests} chests:", "msgstr": "§aВы защитили {playerChests} сундуков:" }, "chestlocation": { - "msgid": "§e- Location: {key}", + "msgid": "§e - Location: {key}", "msgstr": "§e- Местоположение: {key}" }, "nearby_chest_info": { - "msgid": "§a---- Nearby Chest Info ----", + "msgid": "§a ---- Nearby Chest Info ----", "msgstr": "§a---- Информация о ближайшем сундуке ----" }, "coordinate_x": { - "msgid": "§bX: §e", + "msgid": "§b X: §e", "msgstr": "§bX: §e" }, "coordinate_y": { - "msgid": "§bY: §e", + "msgid": "§b Y: §e", "msgstr": "§bY: §e" }, "coordinate_z": { - "msgid": "§bZ: §e", + "msgid": "§b Z: §e", "msgstr": "§bZ: §e" }, "protected": { - "msgid": "§aProtected", + "msgid": "§a Protected", "msgstr": "§aЗащищено" }, "owner": { - "msgid": "§bOwner: §e", + "msgid": "§b Owner: §e", "msgstr": "§bВладелец: §e" }, "members": { - "msgid": "§bMembers: §e", + "msgid": "§b Members: §e", "msgstr": "§bУчастники: §e" }, "large_chest": { - "msgid": "§bLarge Chest: §e", + "msgid": "§b Large Chest: §e", "msgstr": "§bБольшой сундук: §e" }, "yes": { @@ -624,31 +667,31 @@ "msgstr": "Нет" }, "not_protected": { - "msgid": "§cNot Protected", + "msgid": "§c Not Protected", "msgstr": "§cНе защищено" }, "notFound_chest": { - "msgid": "§cCan't find chest", + "msgid": "§c Cannot find chest.", "msgstr": "§cНе удалось найти сундук" }, "chestProtectRemove": { - "msgid": "§a Chest protection removed", + "msgid": "§a Chest protection removed.", "msgstr": "§a Защита сундука снята" }, "AlreadyProChest": { - "msgid": "§a This chest is already protected", + "msgid": "§a This chest is already protected.", "msgstr": "§a Этот сундук уже защищен" }, "chest_lookstate": { - "msgid": "§a chest protected {lcokstate}", + "msgid": "§a Chest protection: {lcokstate}", "msgstr": "§a сундук защищен {lcokstate}" }, "chest_removeData": { - "msgid": "§aAll chest protection data has been reset.", + "msgid": "§a All chest protection data has been reset.", "msgstr": "§aВсе данные защиты сундука были сброшены." }, "isLookChest": { - "msgid": "§cThis chest is locked", + "msgid": "§c This chest is locked.", "msgstr": "§cЭтот сундук заблокирован" }, "isProChest": { @@ -656,55 +699,55 @@ "msgstr": "§c Этот сундук защищен!" }, "ProChestBreak": { - "msgid": "§a Protected chest has been destroyed. Protected data also deleted.", + "msgid": "§a Protected chest destroyed. Protection data also deleted.", "msgstr": "§a Защищенный сундук был уничтожен. Защищенные данные также удалены." }, "lockChange": { - "msgid": "§a Protection state of chest is changed to {lock}", + "msgid": "§a Chest protection state changed to: {lock}", "msgstr": "§a Состояние защиты сундука изменено на" }, "NotChest": { - "msgid": "§cYou are not authorized to operate this chest.", + "msgid": "§c You are not authorized to access this chest.", "msgstr": "§cУ вас нет прав на использование этого сундука." }, "AddM": { - "msgid": "§a{member} Added as a member location:{chestLocation}", + "msgid": "§a {member} added as a member at location: {chestLocation}", "msgstr": "§a Добавлен как участник." }, "addYouM": { - "msgid": "§aThis{playerName}has added you to the following chests{chestLocation}", + "msgid": "§a {playerName} has added you to the following chests: {chestLocation}", "msgstr": "§a{playerName} добавил вас к следующим сундукам {chestLocation}" }, "RemoveYouM": { - "msgid": "§aThis{playerName}has removed you from members in the following chests{chestLocation}", + "msgid": "§a {playerName} has removed you from the following chests: {chestLocation}", "msgstr": "§a{playerName} удалил вас из участников следующих сундуков {chestLocation}" }, "MAlreday": { - "msgid": "§c{member} is already a member. ", + "msgid": "§c {member} is already a member.", "msgstr": "§cуже является участником." }, "RemoveM": { - "msgid": "§a{member} has Removed from members", + "msgid": "§a {member} has been removed from members.", "msgstr": "§aУдален из участников" }, "NotM": { - "msgid": "§cis not a member", + "msgid": "§c Not a member.", "msgstr": "§cне является участником" }, "allM": { - "msgid": "§a member: ", + "msgid": "§a Members: ", "msgstr": "§a участник: " }, "NotFoundM": { - "msgid": "§c No members", + "msgid": "§c No members.", "msgstr": "§c Нет участников" }, "ExplosionWarning": { - "msgid": "§c Can you please not blow that up?", + "msgid": "§c Please do not explode that.", "msgstr": "§c Не могли бы вы не взрывать это?" }, "cannotPlaceItem": { - "msgid": "§c It is forbidden to place pistons in this area", + "msgid": "§c You are not allowed to place pistons in this area.", "msgstr": "§c Запрещено размещать поршни в этой области" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/ru_RU.ts b/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/ru_RU.ts index 6b5015b..8698022 100644 --- a/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/ru_RU.ts +++ b/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/ru_RU.ts @@ -1,170 +1,190 @@ export const translations = { - "loreDoce": { - msgid: "Change the name/lore of the item.", + "command.about": { + msgid: "§a== About ChestLockAddon ==\n\nChestLockAddon is a useful utility addon for Minecraft version 1.21.22 that provides chest protection and more.\n\n§b== Main Features ==\n• Chest Protection: Protect your chests from other players.\n• Multilingual Support: Change the language setting with the lang command.\n• Teleport Request: Send a teleport request to another player with the tpa command.\n• And more: More useful commands will be added in the future.\n\n§b== Links ==\n• GitHub: https://github.com/gamelist1990/ChestLockAddon\n• YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn\n• Discord: https://discord.gg/GJyqBm7Pyd\n\n§c== Notes ==\nThis addon is under development and may contain unexpected bugs. If you find any bugs, please report them on GitHub or Discord.\n\n§a== Message from the Developer ==\nWe welcome your feedback to make ChestLockAddon a better addon.", msgstr: "" }, - "changeLore": { - msgid: "Item Change Lore", + "command.Undone": { + msgid: "§f>>§aReverted to one previous change", msgstr: "" }, - "ChangeName": { - msgid: "Item Change Name", + "aboutCom": { + msgid: "View an overview of this add-on", msgstr: "" }, - "ClearLore": { - msgid: "Item Clear Lore", + "command.NothingToUndo": { + msgid: "§f>>§cThere were no changes that could be reverted.", msgstr: "" }, - "Newlore": { + "ServerVersion": { + msgid: "§bThis ChestLockAddon is running version {version}", + msgstr: "" + }, + "command.loreDocs": { + msgid: "§2Change the item's name/lore (Place the item in the first slot of your hotbar)", + msgstr: "" + }, + "command.Changelore": { + msgid: "§0Change Item Lore", + msgstr: "" + }, + "command.ChangeName": { + msgid: "§0Change Item Name", + msgstr: "" + }, + "command.ClearLore": { + msgid: "§0Clear Item Lore", + msgstr: "" + }, + "command.NewLore": { msgid: "Enter new lore:", msgstr: "" }, - "Newname": { + "command.NewName": { msgid: "Enter new name:", msgstr: "" }, - "Usagelore": { - msgid: "Usage: {prefix}lore -set or {prefix}lore -remove or {prefix}lore -rename or {prefix}lore -clearlore", + "command.UsageLore": { + msgid: "§3Usage: {prefix}lore -set \"\" or {prefix}lore -remove \"\" or {prefix}lore -rename \"\" or {prefix}lore -command.ClearLore", msgstr: "" }, - "ADDLore": { - msgid: "Added lore, please check", + "command.AddLore": { + msgid: "§aLore added, please check.", msgstr: "" }, - "TakeItem": { - msgid: "Please take the item.", + "command.takeItem": { + msgid: "§cPlease hold the item.", msgstr: "" }, - "LoreNotFound": { - msgid: "Lore not found", + "command.NotFoundLore": { + msgid: "§cLore not found.", msgstr: "" }, - "RemoveLore": { - msgid: "Lore has been deleted. Please check.", + "command.RemoveLore": { + msgid: "§aLore deleted. Please check.", msgstr: "" }, - "ChangeNames": { - msgid: "Renamed the item", + "command.ChangeNames": { + msgid: "§aItem renamed.", msgstr: "" }, - "uilore": { - msgid: "Custom Item Name/Lore", + "ui.MainLoreButton": { + msgid: "§0Custom Item Name/Lore", msgstr: "" }, - "FirstPointSet": { - msgid: ">> First point set.", + "command.FirstPointSet": { + msgid: "§f>>§a First point set.", msgstr: "" }, "editCom": { - msgid: "WorldEdit Command", + msgid: "WorldEdit Commands", msgstr: "" }, "loreCom": { msgid: "Change Item Lore", msgstr: "" }, - "SecondPointSet": { - msgid: ">> Second point set.", + "command.SecondPointSet": { + msgid: "§f>>§6 Second point set.", msgstr: "" }, - "SelectionCompleted": { - msgid: ">> Selection completed.", + "command.SelectionCompleted": { + msgid: "§f>>§a Selection completed.", msgstr: "" }, - "PointSet": { - msgid: ">> Point set.", + "command.PointSet": { + msgid: "§f>> §aPoint set.", msgstr: "" }, - "WallsCreated": { - msgid: ">> Walls created.", + "command.WallsCreated": { + msgid: "§f>>§a Walls created.", msgstr: "" }, - "InvalidBlockId": { - msgid: ">> Invalid block ID.", + "command.InvalidBlockId": { + msgid: "§f>>§c Invalid block ID.", msgstr: "" }, - "OutlineCreated": { - msgid: ">> Outline created.", + "command.OutlineCreated": { + msgid: "§f>>§a Outline created.", msgstr: "" }, "FilledCircleCreated": { - msgid: ">> Filled circle created.", + msgid: "§f>>§a Filled circle created.", msgstr: "" }, "RangeSet": { - msgid: ">> Range set with the specified block ({blockId}).", + msgid: "§f>>§a Range set with the specified block ({blockId}).", msgstr: "" }, "RangeCleared": { - msgid: ">> Range cleared.", + msgid: "§f>>§a Range cleared.", msgstr: "" }, "WallsToolSelected": { - msgid: ">> Walls tool selected. (Block ID: {blockId})", + msgid: "§f>>§a Walls tool selected. (Block ID: {blockId})", msgstr: "" }, "OutlineToolSelected": { - msgid: ">> Outline tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", + msgid: "§f>>§a Outline tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", msgstr: "" }, "FilledCircleToolSelected": { - msgid: ">> Filled circle tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", + msgid: "§f>>§a Filled circle tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", msgstr: "" }, "ToolExited": { - msgid: ">> Tool exited.", + msgid: "§f>>§a Tool exited.", msgstr: "" }, "ToolOptions": { - msgid: ">> Tool options: -wall , -outline , -filledCircle , -exit", + msgid: "§f>> §3Tool options: -wall , -outline , -filledCircle , -exit", msgstr: "" }, "StartRangeSelection2": { - msgid: ">> Range selection started. Please break two blocks.", + msgid: "§f>>§a Range selection started. Please break two blocks.", msgstr: "" }, "StartRangeSelection": { - msgid: ">> Range selection started. Hold a wooden hoe and break a block.", + msgid: "§f>>§a Range selection started. Hold a wooden hoe and break a block.", msgstr: "" }, "InvalidCommandUsage": { - msgid: ">> Invalid command usage: /{prefix}edit -set | /{prefix}edit -clear | /{prefix}edit tool | /{prefix}edit start", + msgid: "§f>>§3 Invalid command usage: /{prefix}edit -set | /{prefix}edit -clear | /{prefix}edit tool | /{prefix}edit start", msgstr: "" }, "PlayerNotFound": { - msgid: "§cPlayerNotFound!! Make sure you're really there", + msgid: "§cPlayer not found! Make sure you're in a valid location.", msgstr: "§cИгрок не найден!! Убедитесь, что вы действительно там" }, "TheFirestBlock": { - msgid: "§a1 The first block has been recorded. Destroy the block again.", + msgid: "§a1. First block recorded. Destroy the block again.", msgstr: "" }, "TheSecond": { - msgid: "§a2 second block has been recorded. Warp gate has been set.", + msgid: "§a2. Second block recorded. Warp gate has been set.", msgstr: "" }, "WarpUsage": { - msgid: "§c usage: warpgate -create ", msgstr: "" }, "AlreadyWarp": { - msgid: "§cA warp gate of that name already exists.", + msgid: "§c A warp gate with that name already exists.", msgstr: "" }, "CreateGate": { - msgid: "§aCreate a warp gate {gatename} \n §aNext, destroy the two blocks to specify the extent of the gate.", + msgid: "§a Creating warp gate: {gatename} \n §a Next, destroy two blocks to define the gate's boundaries.", msgstr: "" }, "NotWarp": { - msgid: "§cThe gate with the specified name does not exist", + msgid: "§c The specified warp gate does not exist.", msgstr: "" }, "deleteWarp": { - msgid: "§a gate removed: {gatename}", + msgid: "§a Gate removed: {gatename}", msgstr: "" }, "NotWarpSetting": { - msgid: "§cNo warp gate is set.", + msgid: "§c No warp gate is set.", msgstr: "" }, "listGate": { @@ -172,39 +192,39 @@ export const translations = { msgstr: "" }, "warpgateCom": { - msgid: "Warp gate can be set", + msgid: "Set Warp Gate", msgstr: "" }, "UsageGate": { - msgid: "§c invalid subcommand usage {prefix}warpgate <-create/delete/list> [name] |\n§c create command Only -create [name] [x,y,z]", + msgid: "§c Invalid subcommand usage: {prefix}warpgate <-create/delete/list> [name] |\n§c Create command only: -create [name] [x,y,z]", msgstr: "" }, "TPGATE": { - msgid: "§a Teleported to warp gate {gate}.", + msgid: "§a Teleported to warp gate: {gate}.", msgstr: "" }, "Joincommand": { - msgid: "Displays a message when joining a world", + msgid: "Displays a message when joining a world.", msgstr: "" }, "Joinenabled": { - msgid: "§aEnabled messages when joining worlds", + msgid: "§a Enabled join messages.", msgstr: "" }, "Joindisabled": { - msgid: "§cDisabled messages when joining worlds.", + msgid: "§c Disabled join messages.", msgstr: "" }, "Invalid": { - msgid: "§cInvalid argument.", + msgid: "§c Invalid argument.", msgstr: "" }, "UsageJoin": { - msgid: "§cUsage is join <-ture/-false/-settings>", + msgid: "§c Usage: join <-true/-false/-settings>", msgstr: "" }, "welcome": { - msgid: "§7 Welcome! My Server", + msgid: "§7 Welcome to My Server!", msgstr: "" }, "Rulejoin": { @@ -212,319 +232,319 @@ export const translations = { msgstr: "" }, "RulesNumber": { - msgid: "§bNumber of Rules", + msgid: "§b Number of Rules:", msgstr: "" }, "RulesEnter": { - msgid: "§0Enter the number of rules", + msgid: "§0 Enter the number of rules:", msgstr: "" }, "RuleSettings": { - msgid: "§6Rule Settings", + msgid: "§6 Rule Settings", msgstr: "" }, "Rules": { - msgid: "§bRule {i}", + msgid: "§b Rule {i}:", msgstr: "" }, "RuleEnter2": { - msgid: "§0Enter rule {i}", + msgid: "§0 Enter rule {i}:", msgstr: "" }, "RuleUpdate": { - msgid: "§aRules updated!", + msgid: "§a Rules updated!", msgstr: "" }, "joinSettings": { - msgid: "§6Join Log Settings", + msgid: "§6 Join Log Settings", msgstr: "" }, "TpaRequesMenu": { - msgid: "§2Welcome to tpa MenuCurrent requests:{requestList} people", + msgid: "§2 Welcome to the TPA Menu! Current requests: {requestList} people", msgstr: "" }, "SendTpa": { - msgid: "§0Send a TPARequest", + msgid: "§0 Send a TPA Request", msgstr: "" }, "ShowTpaRequests": { - msgid: "§0Confirm TP request addressed to me", + msgid: "§0 Confirm TP requests addressed to me", msgstr: "" }, "NoTpaRequests": { - msgid: "§cNo TP request has been sent to you", + msgid: "§c You have no TP requests.", msgstr: "" }, "SelectTpaRequest": { - msgid: "§2TPRequest has arrived, please select the player you accept", + msgid: "§2 You have received a TPA request. Please select the player you want to accept.", msgstr: "" }, "SendTpaSelect": { - msgid: "§2Select the player to whom you would like to send a request", + msgid: "§2 Select the player you want to send a request to:", msgstr: "" }, "uihelp": { - msgid: "§0HelpMenu", + msgid: "§0 Help Menu", msgstr: "" }, "uichest": { - msgid: "§0ChestMenu(BETA)", + msgid: "§0 Chest Menu (BETA)", msgstr: "" }, "uilang": { - msgid: "§0LangMenu", + msgid: "§0 Language Menu", msgstr: "" }, "uijpch": { - msgid: "§0jpchMenu(BETA)", + msgid: "§0 JPCH Menu (BETA)", msgstr: "" }, "uitpa": { - msgid: "§0Tpa Menu(BETA)", + msgid: "§0 TPA Menu (BETA)", msgstr: "" }, "closeChat": { - msgid: "§a==Close The Chat Panel==", + msgid: "§a == Close The Chat Panel ==", msgstr: "" }, "Tpcommand": { - msgid: "You can send a request and TP it", + msgid: "Send a request and teleport.", msgstr: "" }, "tpaRequestSent": { - msgid: "§aTPA request sent to {playerName}", + msgid: "§a TPA request sent to§b {playerName}.", msgstr: "" }, "tpaRequestAlreadySent": { - msgid: "§cThe cTPA request has already been sent to {playerName}!", + msgid: "§c You have already sent a TPA request to§6 {playerName}!", msgstr: "" }, "tpaRequestReceived": { - msgid: "§2Received a TPA request from {playerName}.", + msgid: "§2 Received a TPA request from §b{playerName}.", msgstr: "" }, "noPendingTpaRequests": { - msgid: "§3You have no pending TPA requests.", + msgid: "§3 You have no pending TPA requests.", msgstr: "" }, "invalidTpaRequest": { - msgid: "§cInvalid TPA request", + msgid: "§c Invalid TPA request.", msgstr: "" }, "requesterNotFound": { - msgid: "§cRequester not found", + msgid: "§c Requester not found.", msgstr: "" }, "teleportedToPlayer": { - msgid: "§aTeleported to {playerName}", + msgid: "§a Teleported to §b{playerName}.", msgstr: "" }, "tpaRequestAccepted": { - msgid: "§a{playerName} has accepted your TPA request", + msgid: "§a §b{playerName} §ahas accepted your TPA request.", msgstr: "" }, "tpaRequestAcceptes": { - msgid: "§aTPA request from {playerName} accepted!", + msgid: "§a TPA request from §b{playerName}§a accepted!", msgstr: "" }, "cannotTpaToSelf": { - msgid: "§cYou cannot send a TPA request to yourself", + msgid: "§c You cannot send a TPA request to yourself.", msgstr: "" }, "invalidTpaCommandUsage": { - msgid: "§3Invalid usage. Use tpa -r to send a request, or tpa -a to accept", + msgid: "§3 Invalid usage. Use {prefix}tpa -r to send a request, or {prefix}tpa -a to accept.", msgstr: "" }, "tpaRequestTimedOut": { - msgid: "§3TPA request from {playerName} has timed out", + msgid: "§3 TPA request from §6{playerName}§3 has timed out.", msgstr: "" }, "jpchCom": { - msgid: "§2Functions like LunaChat", + msgid: "§2 Functions like LunaChat.", msgstr: "" }, "jpenable": { - msgid: "§aEnable Function", + msgid: "§a Function enabled.", msgstr: "" }, "jpdisable": { - msgid: "§cDisable function", + msgid: "§c Function disabled.", msgstr: "" }, "AccesItemUI": { - msgid: "itemUI command (accesses Chest Lock UI)", + msgid: "Item UI Command (Accesses Chest Lock UI)", msgstr: "" }, "FullInv": { - msgid: "§cYour inventory is full and items cannot be granted", + msgid: "§c Your inventory is full. Items cannot be granted.", msgstr: "" }, "AlreadyInv": { - msgid: "§cUIitem already exists in your inventory", + msgid: "§c That UI item already exists in your inventory.", msgstr: "" }, "AddInv": { - msgid: "§aYou have added an item to your inventory! (please check)", + msgid: "§a Item added to your inventory! (Please check)", msgstr: "" }, "Displayplayerinformation": { - msgid: "List command (displays player information)", + msgid: "List command (Displays player information)", msgstr: "" }, "commands.list.usage": { - msgid: "§aUsage: list show Or list all", + msgid: "§a Usage: {prefix}list show or {prefix}list all", msgstr: "" }, "commands.list.playerInfo": { - msgid: "§6==== Player Info =====\n §2Name: §f{TragetName},\n §2ID: §f{TargetID},\n §2Location: §f({TargetX}, {TargetY}, {TargetZ}),\n §2Health: §f{health},\n §2Game Mode:§f {GameMode},\n §2Ping: {ping}\n §6===========", + msgid: "§6 ==== Player Info =====\n §2Name: §f{TragetName},\n §2ID: §f{TargetID},\n §2Location: §f({TargetX}, {TargetY}, {TargetZ}),\n §2Health: §f{health},\n §2Game Mode:§f {GameMode},\n §2Ping: {ping}\n §6 ===========", msgstr: "" }, "commands.list.playerNotFound": { - msgid: "§cPlayer not found: {tragetplayer}", + msgid: "§c Player not found: §6{tragetplayer}", msgstr: "" }, "jpch_command_description": { - msgid: "jpch command (experimental feature)", + msgid: "JPCH command (Experimental feature)", msgstr: "" }, "ui_command_description": { - msgid: "ui command (this command displays a GUI with ActionForm)", + msgid: "UI command (This command displays a GUI with ActionForm)", msgstr: "" }, "ChooseCom": { - msgid: "§2Select the command:", + msgid: "§2 Select a command:", msgstr: "" }, "ChestCom": { - msgid: "§2Select the chest:", + msgid: "§2 Select a chest:", msgstr: "" }, "Chestinfo": { - msgid: "§0See nearby chests", + msgid: "§0 See nearby chests", msgstr: "" }, "Chestlock": { - msgid: "§0lock system", + msgid: "§0 Lock System", msgstr: "" }, "ChestMember": { - msgid: "§0Member system", + msgid: "§0 Member System", msgstr: "" }, "back": { - msgid: "§2back", + msgid: "§2 Back", msgstr: "" }, "lockinfo": { - msgid: "§2Select the type of lock:", + msgid: "§2 Select the lock type:", msgstr: "" }, "locking": { - msgid: "§alocking!", + msgid: "§a Locking!", msgstr: "" }, "unlocking": { - msgid: "§cunlocking!", + msgid: "§c Unlocking!", msgstr: "" }, "ProtectChest": { - msgid: "§0Protection Chest Status", + msgid: "§0 Chest Protection Status", msgstr: "" }, "MemberChoose": { - msgid: "§2Choose your member's:", + msgid: "§2 Choose your members:", msgstr: "" }, "MemberAdd": { - msgid: "§0Member Add", + msgid: "§0 Add Member", msgstr: "" }, "MemberRemove": { - msgid: "§0Member Remove", + msgid: "§0 Remove Member", msgstr: "" }, "Memberall": { - msgid: "§0Member list", + msgid: "§0 Member List", msgstr: "" }, "AddMemberSelect": { - msgid: "§2Select the member you wish to add:", + msgid: "§2 Select the member you want to add:", msgstr: "" }, "RemoveMemberSelect": { - msgid: "§2Select the member you wish to Remove:", + msgid: "§2 Select the member you want to remove:", msgstr: "" }, "SelectLang": { - msgid: "§2Select an operation from the language menu:", + msgid: "§2 Select an operation from the language menu:", msgstr: "" }, "langList": { - msgid: "§0lang List", + msgid: "§0 Language List", msgstr: "" }, "langChange": { - msgid: "§0lang Change", + msgid: "§0 Change Language", msgstr: "" }, "langChange1": { - msgid: "§2Please select the language you wish to change:", + msgid: "§2 Please select the language you want to change to:", msgstr: "" }, "FromError": { - msgid: "§cAn error occurred while displaying the form:", + msgid: "§c An error occurred while displaying the form:", msgstr: "" }, "desabledCom": { - msgid: "§cUnregistered or disabled command", + msgid: "§c Unregistered or disabled command.", msgstr: "§cНезарегистрированная или отключенная команда" }, "desableComSuggest": { - msgid: "§6Invalid command. Is it possibly the {possibleCommands} command? If so, answer {prefix}yes", + msgid: "§6 Invalid command. Did you mean: {possibleCommands}? If so, answer {prefix}yes", msgstr: "§6Неверная команда. Возможно, это команда {possibleCommands}? Если да, ответьте {prefix}да" }, "AllowTagCom": { - msgid: "§cOnly players with an authorized tag can use it", + msgid: "§c Only players with an authorized tag can use this command.", msgstr: "§cТолько игроки с авторизованным тегом могут использовать это" }, "invalidCom": { - msgid: "§6invalid command. Please make sure it is correct Commands used:{commandName}", + msgid: "§6 Invalid command. Please make sure it is correct. Commands used: {commandName}", msgstr: "§6Неверная команда. Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что она правильная. Использованные команды: {commandName}" }, "Developer commands": { - msgid: "dev command (this command provides developers and administrators with the ability to reset and verify dynamic properties)", + msgid: "Dev command (This command allows developers and administrators to reset and verify dynamic properties)", msgstr: "Команды разработчика!!" }, "available_commands": { - msgid: "§6Current available commands", + msgid: "§6 Currently available commands:", msgstr: "Текущие доступные команды" }, "help_command_description": { - msgid: "help command (this command displays help as you can see)", + msgid: "Help command (This command displays help information)", msgstr: "Команда помощи" }, "lang_removeData": { - msgid: "Language data deletion complete", + msgid: "Language data deletion complete.", msgstr: "Удаление языковых данных завершено" }, "lang_docs": { - msgid: "lang command (this command switches the language)", + msgid: "Lang command (This command switches the language)", msgstr: "Команда lang" }, "lang_list": { - msgid: "§aAvailable Languages:\n", + msgid: "§a Available Languages:\n", msgstr: "§aДоступные языки:\n" }, "lang_change": { - msgid: "§aLanguage changed to", + msgid: "§a Language changed to: {language}", msgstr: "§aЯзык изменен на" }, "lang_failed": { - msgid: "§cFailed to change language to", + msgid: "§c Failed to change language to: {language}", msgstr: "§cНе удалось изменить язык на" }, "lang_invalid": { - msgid: "§cInvalid command usage. Use lang list or lang change ", + msgid: "§c Invalid command usage. Use /lang list or /lang change ", msgstr: "§cНеверное использование команды. Используйте lang list или lang change <языковой_код>" }, "chest_command": { @@ -532,59 +552,59 @@ export const translations = { msgstr: "Команда сундука" }, "unavailable": { - msgid: "§cLack of authority", + msgid: "§c You do not have permission to do that.", msgstr: "§cНедостаточно прав" }, "chest_help": { - msgid: "§cInvalid command.\n§aChest protection command usage:.\n §bchest lock - locks the chest\n §bchest info - displays information about the nearest chest\n §bchest unlock - unlocks the chest\n §bchest protect - toggles chest protection\n §bchest add - add a member to the chest\n §bchest remove - remove a member of a chest\n §bchest all - displays a list of chest members\n §bchest list -displays a list of chest\n §b_______________________________________\n §bAuthor: Koukun - License AGPL-3.0\n §bYoutubeURL - https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn", + msgid: "§c Invalid command.\n§a Chest protection command usage:\n §bchest lock - Locks the chest\n §bchest info - Displays information about the nearest chest\n §bchest unlock - Unlocks the chest\n §bchest protect - Toggles chest protection\n §bchest add - Adds a member to the chest\n §bchest remove - Removes a member from the chest\n §bchest all - Displays a list of chest members\n §bchest list - Displays a list of chests\n §b_______________________________________\n §bAuthor: Koukun - License AGPL-3.0\n §bYoutubeURL - https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn", msgstr: "§cНеверная команда.\n§aИспользование команды защиты сундука:.\n §bchest lock - заблокировать сундук\n §bchest info - показать информацию о ближайшем сундуке\n §bchest unlock - разблокировать сундук\n §bchest protect - переключить защиту сундука\n §bchest add - добавить участника в сундук\n §bchest remove - удалить участника из сундука\n §bchest all - показать список участников сундука\n §bchest list - показать список сундуков\n §b_______________________________________\n §bАвтор: Koukun - Лицензия AGPL-3.0\n §bYoutubeURL - https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn" }, "MaxChestLimitReached": { - msgid: "§cThe installation limit of {protectChest} has already been reached", + msgid: "§c The installation limit of {protectChest} has been reached.", msgstr: "§cДостигнут предел установки {protectChest}" }, "chestLocksCount": { - msgid: "§aYou are currently protecting {protectChest} chests", + msgid: "§a You are currently protecting {protectChest} chests.", msgstr: "§aВ настоящее время вы защищаете {protectChest} сундуков" }, "ChestlistCom": { - msgid: "§aYou have protected {playerChests} chests:", + msgid: "§a You have protected {playerChests} chests:", msgstr: "§aВы защитили {playerChests} сундуков:" }, "chestlocation": { - msgid: "§e- Location: {key}", + msgid: "§e - Location: {key}", msgstr: "§e- Местоположение: {key}" }, "nearby_chest_info": { - msgid: "§a---- Nearby Chest Info ----", + msgid: "§a ---- Nearby Chest Info ----", msgstr: "§a---- Информация о ближайшем сундуке ----" }, "coordinate_x": { - msgid: "§bX: §e", + msgid: "§b X: §e", msgstr: "§bX: §e" }, "coordinate_y": { - msgid: "§bY: §e", + msgid: "§b Y: §e", msgstr: "§bY: §e" }, "coordinate_z": { - msgid: "§bZ: §e", + msgid: "§b Z: §e", msgstr: "§bZ: §e" }, "protected": { - msgid: "§aProtected", + msgid: "§a Protected", msgstr: "§aЗащищено" }, "owner": { - msgid: "§bOwner: §e", + msgid: "§b Owner: §e", msgstr: "§bВладелец: §e" }, "members": { - msgid: "§bMembers: §e", + msgid: "§b Members: §e", msgstr: "§bУчастники: §e" }, "large_chest": { - msgid: "§bLarge Chest: §e", + msgid: "§b Large Chest: §e", msgstr: "§bБольшой сундук: §e" }, "yes": { @@ -596,31 +616,31 @@ export const translations = { msgstr: "Нет" }, "not_protected": { - msgid: "§cNot Protected", + msgid: "§c Not Protected", msgstr: "§cНе защищено" }, "notFound_chest": { - msgid: "§cCan't find chest", + msgid: "§c Cannot find chest.", msgstr: "§cНе удалось найти сундук" }, "chestProtectRemove": { - msgid: "§a Chest protection removed", + msgid: "§a Chest protection removed.", msgstr: "§a Защита сундука снята" }, "AlreadyProChest": { - msgid: "§a This chest is already protected", + msgid: "§a This chest is already protected.", msgstr: "§a Этот сундук уже защищен" }, "chest_lookstate": { - msgid: "§a chest protected {lcokstate}", + msgid: "§a Chest protection: {lcokstate}", msgstr: "§a сундук защищен {lcokstate}" }, "chest_removeData": { - msgid: "§aAll chest protection data has been reset.", + msgid: "§a All chest protection data has been reset.", msgstr: "§aВсе данные защиты сундука были сброшены." }, "isLookChest": { - msgid: "§cThis chest is locked", + msgid: "§c This chest is locked.", msgstr: "§cЭтот сундук заблокирован" }, "isProChest": { @@ -628,55 +648,55 @@ export const translations = { msgstr: "§c Этот сундук защищен!" }, "ProChestBreak": { - msgid: "§a Protected chest has been destroyed. Protected data also deleted.", + msgid: "§a Protected chest destroyed. Protection data also deleted.", msgstr: "§a Защищенный сундук был уничтожен. Защищенные данные также удалены." }, "lockChange": { - msgid: "§a Protection state of chest is changed to {lock}", + msgid: "§a Chest protection state changed to: {lock}", msgstr: "§a Состояние защиты сундука изменено на" }, "NotChest": { - msgid: "§cYou are not authorized to operate this chest.", + msgid: "§c You are not authorized to access this chest.", msgstr: "§cУ вас нет прав на использование этого сундука." }, "AddM": { - msgid: "§a{member} Added as a member location:{chestLocation}", + msgid: "§a {member} added as a member at location: {chestLocation}", msgstr: "§a Добавлен как участник." }, "addYouM": { - msgid: "§aThis{playerName}has added you to the following chests{chestLocation}", + msgid: "§a {playerName} has added you to the following chests: {chestLocation}", msgstr: "§a{playerName} добавил вас к следующим сундукам {chestLocation}" }, "RemoveYouM": { - msgid: "§aThis{playerName}has removed you from members in the following chests{chestLocation}", + msgid: "§a {playerName} has removed you from the following chests: {chestLocation}", msgstr: "§a{playerName} удалил вас из участников следующих сундуков {chestLocation}" }, "MAlreday": { - msgid: "§c{member} is already a member. ", + msgid: "§c {member} is already a member.", msgstr: "§cуже является участником." }, "RemoveM": { - msgid: "§a{member} has Removed from members", + msgid: "§a {member} has been removed from members.", msgstr: "§aУдален из участников" }, "NotM": { - msgid: "§cis not a member", + msgid: "§c Not a member.", msgstr: "§cне является участником" }, "allM": { - msgid: "§a member: ", + msgid: "§a Members: ", msgstr: "§a участник: " }, "NotFoundM": { - msgid: "§c No members", + msgid: "§c No members.", msgstr: "§c Нет участников" }, "ExplosionWarning": { - msgid: "§c Can you please not blow that up?", + msgid: "§c Please do not explode that.", msgstr: "§c Не могли бы вы не взрывать это?" }, "cannotPlaceItem": { - msgid: "§c It is forbidden to place pistons in this area", + msgid: "§c You are not allowed to place pistons in this area.", msgstr: "§c Запрещено размещать поршни в этой области" }, }; diff --git a/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/zh_CN.json b/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/zh_CN.json index 106b2c1..dcc8715 100644 --- a/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/zh_CN.json +++ b/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/zh_CN.json @@ -1,170 +1,213 @@ { - "loreDoce": { - "msgid": "Change the name/lore of the item.", + "command.about": { + "msgid": [ + "§a== About ChestLockAddon ==", + "", + "ChestLockAddon is a useful utility addon for Minecraft version 1.21.22 that provides chest protection and more.", + "", + "§b== Main Features ==", + "• Chest Protection: Protect your chests from other players.", + "• Multilingual Support: Change the language setting with the lang command.", + "• Teleport Request: Send a teleport request to another player with the tpa command.", + "• And more: More useful commands will be added in the future.", + "", + "§b== Links ==", + "• GitHub: https://github.com/gamelist1990/ChestLockAddon", + "• YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn", + "• Discord: https://discord.gg/GJyqBm7Pyd", + "", + "§c== Notes ==", + "This addon is under development and may contain unexpected bugs. If you find any bugs, please report them on GitHub or Discord.", + "", + "§a== Message from the Developer ==", + "We welcome your feedback to make ChestLockAddon a better addon." + ], + "msgstr": "" + }, + "command.Undone": { + "msgid": "§f>>§aReverted to one previous change", + "msgstr": "" + }, + "aboutCom": { + "msgid": "View an overview of this add-on", + "msgstr": "" + }, + "command.NothingToUndo": { + "msgid": "§f>>§cThere were no changes that could be reverted.", + "msgstr": "" + }, + "ServerVersion": { + "msgid": [ + "§bThis ChestLockAddon is running version {version}" + ], + "msgstr": "" + }, + "command.loreDocs": { + "msgid": "§2Change the item's name/lore (Place the item in the first slot of your hotbar)", "msgstr": "" }, - "changeLore": { - "msgid": "Item Change Lore", + "command.Changelore": { + "msgid": "§0Change Item Lore", "msgstr": "" }, - "ChangeName": { - "msgid": "Item Change Name", + "command.ChangeName": { + "msgid": "§0Change Item Name", "msgstr": "" }, - "ClearLore": { - "msgid": "Item Clear Lore", + "command.ClearLore": { + "msgid": "§0Clear Item Lore", "msgstr": "" }, - "Newlore": { + "command.NewLore": { "msgid": "Enter new lore:", "msgstr": "" }, - "Newname": { + "command.NewName": { "msgid": "Enter new name:", "msgstr": "" }, - "Usagelore": { - "msgid": "Usage: {prefix}lore -set or {prefix}lore -remove or {prefix}lore -rename or {prefix}lore -clearlore", + "command.UsageLore": { + "msgid": "§3Usage: {prefix}lore -set \"\" or {prefix}lore -remove \"\" or {prefix}lore -rename \"\" or {prefix}lore -command.ClearLore", "msgstr": "" }, - "ADDLore": { - "msgid": "Added lore, please check", + "command.AddLore": { + "msgid": "§aLore added, please check.", "msgstr": "" }, - "TakeItem": { - "msgid": "Please take the item.", + "command.takeItem": { + "msgid": "§cPlease hold the item.", "msgstr": "" }, - "LoreNotFound": { - "msgid": "Lore not found", + "command.NotFoundLore": { + "msgid": "§cLore not found.", "msgstr": "" }, - "RemoveLore": { - "msgid": "Lore has been deleted. Please check.", + "command.RemoveLore": { + "msgid": "§aLore deleted. Please check.", "msgstr": "" }, - "ChangeNames": { - "msgid": "Renamed the item", + "command.ChangeNames": { + "msgid": "§aItem renamed.", "msgstr": "" }, - "uilore": { - "msgid": "Custom Item Name/Lore", + "ui.MainLoreButton": { + "msgid": "§0Custom Item Name/Lore", "msgstr": "" }, - "FirstPointSet": { - "msgid": ">> First point set.", + "command.FirstPointSet": { + "msgid": "§f>>§a First point set.", "msgstr": "" }, "editCom": { - "msgid": "WorldEdit Command", + "msgid": "WorldEdit Commands", "msgstr": "" }, "loreCom": { "msgid": "Change Item Lore", "msgstr": "" }, - "SecondPointSet": { - "msgid": ">> Second point set.", + "command.SecondPointSet": { + "msgid": "§f>>§6 Second point set.", "msgstr": "" }, - "SelectionCompleted": { - "msgid": ">> Selection completed.", + "command.SelectionCompleted": { + "msgid": "§f>>§a Selection completed.", "msgstr": "" }, - "PointSet": { - "msgid": ">> Point set.", + "command.PointSet": { + "msgid": "§f>> §aPoint set.", "msgstr": "" }, - "WallsCreated": { - "msgid": ">> Walls created.", + "command.WallsCreated": { + "msgid": "§f>>§a Walls created.", "msgstr": "" }, - "InvalidBlockId": { - "msgid": ">> Invalid block ID.", + "command.InvalidBlockId": { + "msgid": "§f>>§c Invalid block ID.", "msgstr": "" }, - "OutlineCreated": { - "msgid": ">> Outline created.", + "command.OutlineCreated": { + "msgid": "§f>>§a Outline created.", "msgstr": "" }, "FilledCircleCreated": { - "msgid": ">> Filled circle created.", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Filled circle created.", "msgstr": "" }, "RangeSet": { - "msgid": ">> Range set with the specified block ({blockId}).", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Range set with the specified block ({blockId}).", "msgstr": "" }, "RangeCleared": { - "msgid": ">> Range cleared.", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Range cleared.", "msgstr": "" }, "WallsToolSelected": { - "msgid": ">> Walls tool selected. (Block ID: {blockId})", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Walls tool selected. (Block ID: {blockId})", "msgstr": "" }, "OutlineToolSelected": { - "msgid": ">> Outline tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Outline tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", "msgstr": "" }, "FilledCircleToolSelected": { - "msgid": ">> Filled circle tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Filled circle tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", "msgstr": "" }, "ToolExited": { - "msgid": ">> Tool exited.", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Tool exited.", "msgstr": "" }, "ToolOptions": { - "msgid": ">> Tool options: -wall , -outline , -filledCircle , -exit", + "msgid": "§f>> §3Tool options: -wall , -outline , -filledCircle , -exit", "msgstr": "" }, "StartRangeSelection2": { - "msgid": ">> Range selection started. Please break two blocks.", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Range selection started. Please break two blocks.", "msgstr": "" }, "StartRangeSelection": { - "msgid": ">> Range selection started. Hold a wooden hoe and break a block.", + "msgid": "§f>>§a Range selection started. Hold a wooden hoe and break a block.", "msgstr": "" }, "InvalidCommandUsage": { - "msgid": ">> Invalid command usage: /{prefix}edit -set | /{prefix}edit -clear | /{prefix}edit tool | /{prefix}edit start", + "msgid": "§f>>§3 Invalid command usage: /{prefix}edit -set | /{prefix}edit -clear | /{prefix}edit tool | /{prefix}edit start", "msgstr": "" }, "PlayerNotFound": { - "msgid": "§cPlayerNotFound!! Make sure you're really there", + "msgid": "§cPlayer not found! Make sure you're in a valid location.", "msgstr": "§c找不到玩家!!请确保你真的在那里" }, "TheFirestBlock": { - "msgid": "§a1 The first block has been recorded. Destroy the block again.", + "msgid": "§a1. First block recorded. Destroy the block again.", "msgstr": "" }, "TheSecond": { - "msgid": "§a2 second block has been recorded. Warp gate has been set.", + "msgid": "§a2. Second block recorded. Warp gate has been set.", "msgstr": "" }, "WarpUsage": { - "msgid": "§c usage: warpgate -create ", "msgstr": "" }, "AlreadyWarp": { - "msgid": "§cA warp gate of that name already exists.", + "msgid": "§c A warp gate with that name already exists.", "msgstr": "" }, "CreateGate": { - "msgid": "§aCreate a warp gate {gatename} \n §aNext, destroy the two blocks to specify the extent of the gate.", + "msgid": "§a Creating warp gate: {gatename} \n §a Next, destroy two blocks to define the gate's boundaries.", "msgstr": "" }, "NotWarp": { - "msgid": "§cThe gate with the specified name does not exist", + "msgid": "§c The specified warp gate does not exist.", "msgstr": "" }, "deleteWarp": { - "msgid": "§a gate removed: {gatename}", + "msgid": "§a Gate removed: {gatename}", "msgstr": "" }, "NotWarpSetting": { - "msgid": "§cNo warp gate is set.", + "msgid": "§c No warp gate is set.", "msgstr": "" }, "listGate": { @@ -172,39 +215,39 @@ "msgstr": "" }, "warpgateCom": { - "msgid": "Warp gate can be set", + "msgid": "Set Warp Gate", "msgstr": "" }, "UsageGate": { - "msgid": "§c invalid subcommand usage {prefix}warpgate <-create/delete/list> [name] |\n§c create command Only -create [name] [x,y,z]", + "msgid": "§c Invalid subcommand usage: {prefix}warpgate <-create/delete/list> [name] |\n§c Create command only: -create [name] [x,y,z]", "msgstr": "" }, "TPGATE": { - "msgid": "§a Teleported to warp gate {gate}.", + "msgid": "§a Teleported to warp gate: {gate}.", "msgstr": "" }, "Joincommand": { - "msgid": "Displays a message when joining a world", + "msgid": "Displays a message when joining a world.", "msgstr": "" }, "Joinenabled": { - "msgid": "§aEnabled messages when joining worlds", + "msgid": "§a Enabled join messages.", "msgstr": "" }, "Joindisabled": { - "msgid": "§cDisabled messages when joining worlds.", + "msgid": "§c Disabled join messages.", "msgstr": "" }, "Invalid": { - "msgid": "§cInvalid argument.", + "msgid": "§c Invalid argument.", "msgstr": "" }, "UsageJoin": { - "msgid": "§cUsage is join <-ture/-false/-settings>", + "msgid": "§c Usage: join <-true/-false/-settings>", "msgstr": "" }, "welcome": { - "msgid": "§7 Welcome! My Server", + "msgid": "§7 Welcome to My Server!", "msgstr": "" }, "Rulejoin": { @@ -212,319 +255,319 @@ "msgstr": "" }, "RulesNumber": { - "msgid": "§bNumber of Rules", + "msgid": "§b Number of Rules:", "msgstr": "" }, "RulesEnter": { - "msgid": "§0Enter the number of rules", + "msgid": "§0 Enter the number of rules:", "msgstr": "" }, "RuleSettings": { - "msgid": "§6Rule Settings", + "msgid": "§6 Rule Settings", "msgstr": "" }, "Rules": { - "msgid": "§bRule {i}", + "msgid": "§b Rule {i}:", "msgstr": "" }, "RuleEnter2": { - "msgid": "§0Enter rule {i}", + "msgid": "§0 Enter rule {i}:", "msgstr": "" }, "RuleUpdate": { - "msgid": "§aRules updated!", + "msgid": "§a Rules updated!", "msgstr": "" }, "joinSettings": { - "msgid": "§6Join Log Settings", + "msgid": "§6 Join Log Settings", "msgstr": "" }, "TpaRequesMenu": { - "msgid": "§2Welcome to tpa MenuCurrent requests:{requestList} people", + "msgid": "§2 Welcome to the TPA Menu! Current requests: {requestList} people", "msgstr": "" }, "SendTpa": { - "msgid": "§0Send a TPARequest", + "msgid": "§0 Send a TPA Request", "msgstr": "" }, "ShowTpaRequests": { - "msgid": "§0Confirm TP request addressed to me", + "msgid": "§0 Confirm TP requests addressed to me", "msgstr": "" }, "NoTpaRequests": { - "msgid": "§cNo TP request has been sent to you", + "msgid": "§c You have no TP requests.", "msgstr": "" }, "SelectTpaRequest": { - "msgid": "§2TPRequest has arrived, please select the player you accept", + "msgid": "§2 You have received a TPA request. Please select the player you want to accept.", "msgstr": "" }, "SendTpaSelect": { - "msgid": "§2Select the player to whom you would like to send a request", + "msgid": "§2 Select the player you want to send a request to:", "msgstr": "" }, "uihelp": { - "msgid": "§0HelpMenu", + "msgid": "§0 Help Menu", "msgstr": "" }, "uichest": { - "msgid": "§0ChestMenu(BETA)", + "msgid": "§0 Chest Menu (BETA)", "msgstr": "" }, "uilang": { - "msgid": "§0LangMenu", + "msgid": "§0 Language Menu", "msgstr": "" }, "uijpch": { - "msgid": "§0jpchMenu(BETA)", + "msgid": "§0 JPCH Menu (BETA)", "msgstr": "" }, "uitpa": { - "msgid": "§0Tpa Menu(BETA)", + "msgid": "§0 TPA Menu (BETA)", "msgstr": "" }, "closeChat": { - "msgid": "§a==Close The Chat Panel==", + "msgid": "§a == Close The Chat Panel ==", "msgstr": "" }, "Tpcommand": { - "msgid": "You can send a request and TP it", + "msgid": "Send a request and teleport.", "msgstr": "" }, "tpaRequestSent": { - "msgid": "§aTPA request sent to {playerName}", + "msgid": "§a TPA request sent to§b {playerName}.", "msgstr": "" }, "tpaRequestAlreadySent": { - "msgid": "§cThe cTPA request has already been sent to {playerName}!", + "msgid": "§c You have already sent a TPA request to§6 {playerName}!", "msgstr": "" }, "tpaRequestReceived": { - "msgid": "§2Received a TPA request from {playerName}.", + "msgid": "§2 Received a TPA request from §b{playerName}.", "msgstr": "" }, "noPendingTpaRequests": { - "msgid": "§3You have no pending TPA requests.", + "msgid": "§3 You have no pending TPA requests.", "msgstr": "" }, "invalidTpaRequest": { - "msgid": "§cInvalid TPA request", + "msgid": "§c Invalid TPA request.", "msgstr": "" }, "requesterNotFound": { - "msgid": "§cRequester not found", + "msgid": "§c Requester not found.", "msgstr": "" }, "teleportedToPlayer": { - "msgid": "§aTeleported to {playerName}", + "msgid": "§a Teleported to §b{playerName}.", "msgstr": "" }, "tpaRequestAccepted": { - "msgid": "§a{playerName} has accepted your TPA request", + "msgid": "§a §b{playerName} §ahas accepted your TPA request.", "msgstr": "" }, "tpaRequestAcceptes": { - "msgid": "§aTPA request from {playerName} accepted!", + "msgid": "§a TPA request from §b{playerName}§a accepted!", "msgstr": "" }, "cannotTpaToSelf": { - "msgid": "§cYou cannot send a TPA request to yourself", + "msgid": "§c You cannot send a TPA request to yourself.", "msgstr": "" }, "invalidTpaCommandUsage": { - "msgid": "§3Invalid usage. Use tpa -r to send a request, or tpa -a to accept", + "msgid": "§3 Invalid usage. Use {prefix}tpa -r to send a request, or {prefix}tpa -a to accept.", "msgstr": "" }, "tpaRequestTimedOut": { - "msgid": "§3TPA request from {playerName} has timed out", + "msgid": "§3 TPA request from §6{playerName}§3 has timed out.", "msgstr": "" }, "jpchCom": { - "msgid": "§2Functions like LunaChat", + "msgid": "§2 Functions like LunaChat.", "msgstr": "" }, "jpenable": { - "msgid": "§aEnable Function", + "msgid": "§a Function enabled.", "msgstr": "" }, "jpdisable": { - "msgid": "§cDisable function", + "msgid": "§c Function disabled.", "msgstr": "" }, "AccesItemUI": { - "msgid": "itemUI command (accesses Chest Lock UI)", + "msgid": "Item UI Command (Accesses Chest Lock UI)", "msgstr": "" }, "FullInv": { - "msgid": "§cYour inventory is full and items cannot be granted", + "msgid": "§c Your inventory is full. Items cannot be granted.", "msgstr": "" }, "AlreadyInv": { - "msgid": "§cUIitem already exists in your inventory", + "msgid": "§c That UI item already exists in your inventory.", "msgstr": "" }, "AddInv": { - "msgid": "§aYou have added an item to your inventory! (please check)", + "msgid": "§a Item added to your inventory! (Please check)", "msgstr": "" }, "Displayplayerinformation": { - "msgid": "List command (displays player information)", + "msgid": "List command (Displays player information)", "msgstr": "" }, "commands.list.usage": { - "msgid": "§aUsage: list show Or list all", + "msgid": "§a Usage: {prefix}list show or {prefix}list all", "msgstr": "" }, "commands.list.playerInfo": { - "msgid": "§6==== Player Info =====\n §2Name: §f{TragetName},\n §2ID: §f{TargetID},\n §2Location: §f({TargetX}, {TargetY}, {TargetZ}),\n §2Health: §f{health},\n §2Game Mode:§f {GameMode},\n §2Ping: {ping}\n §6===========", + "msgid": "§6 ==== Player Info =====\n §2Name: §f{TragetName},\n §2ID: §f{TargetID},\n §2Location: §f({TargetX}, {TargetY}, {TargetZ}),\n §2Health: §f{health},\n §2Game Mode:§f {GameMode},\n §2Ping: {ping}\n §6 ===========", "msgstr": "" }, "commands.list.playerNotFound": { - "msgid": "§cPlayer not found: {tragetplayer}", + "msgid": "§c Player not found: §6{tragetplayer}", "msgstr": "" }, "jpch_command_description": { - "msgid": "jpch command (experimental feature)", + "msgid": "JPCH command (Experimental feature)", "msgstr": "" }, "ui_command_description": { - "msgid": "ui command (this command displays a GUI with ActionForm)", + "msgid": "UI command (This command displays a GUI with ActionForm)", "msgstr": "" }, "ChooseCom": { - "msgid": "§2Select the command:", + "msgid": "§2 Select a command:", "msgstr": "" }, "ChestCom": { - "msgid": "§2Select the chest:", + "msgid": "§2 Select a chest:", "msgstr": "" }, "Chestinfo": { - "msgid": "§0See nearby chests", + "msgid": "§0 See nearby chests", "msgstr": "" }, "Chestlock": { - "msgid": "§0lock system", + "msgid": "§0 Lock System", "msgstr": "" }, "ChestMember": { - "msgid": "§0Member system", + "msgid": "§0 Member System", "msgstr": "" }, "back": { - "msgid": "§2back", + "msgid": "§2 Back", "msgstr": "" }, "lockinfo": { - "msgid": "§2Select the type of lock:", + "msgid": "§2 Select the lock type:", "msgstr": "" }, "locking": { - "msgid": "§alocking!", + "msgid": "§a Locking!", "msgstr": "" }, "unlocking": { - "msgid": "§cunlocking!", + "msgid": "§c Unlocking!", "msgstr": "" }, "ProtectChest": { - "msgid": "§0Protection Chest Status", + "msgid": "§0 Chest Protection Status", "msgstr": "" }, "MemberChoose": { - "msgid": "§2Choose your member's:", + "msgid": "§2 Choose your members:", "msgstr": "" }, "MemberAdd": { - "msgid": "§0Member Add", + "msgid": "§0 Add Member", "msgstr": "" }, "MemberRemove": { - "msgid": "§0Member Remove", + "msgid": "§0 Remove Member", "msgstr": "" }, "Memberall": { - "msgid": "§0Member list", + "msgid": "§0 Member List", "msgstr": "" }, "AddMemberSelect": { - "msgid": "§2Select the member you wish to add:", + "msgid": "§2 Select the member you want to add:", "msgstr": "" }, "RemoveMemberSelect": { - "msgid": "§2Select the member you wish to Remove:", + "msgid": "§2 Select the member you want to remove:", "msgstr": "" }, "SelectLang": { - "msgid": "§2Select an operation from the language menu:", + "msgid": "§2 Select an operation from the language menu:", "msgstr": "" }, "langList": { - "msgid": "§0lang List", + "msgid": "§0 Language List", "msgstr": "" }, "langChange": { - "msgid": "§0lang Change", + "msgid": "§0 Change Language", "msgstr": "" }, "langChange1": { - "msgid": "§2Please select the language you wish to change:", + "msgid": "§2 Please select the language you want to change to:", "msgstr": "" }, "FromError": { - "msgid": "§cAn error occurred while displaying the form:", + "msgid": "§c An error occurred while displaying the form:", "msgstr": "" }, "desabledCom": { - "msgid": "§cUnregistered or disabled command", + "msgid": "§c Unregistered or disabled command.", "msgstr": "§c未注册或已禁用命令" }, "desableComSuggest": { - "msgid": "§6Invalid command. Is it possibly the {possibleCommands} command? If so, answer {prefix}yes", + "msgid": "§6 Invalid command. Did you mean: {possibleCommands}? If so, answer {prefix}yes", "msgstr": "§6无效的命令。可能是 {possibleCommands} 命令吗?如果是,请回答 {prefix}yes" }, "AllowTagCom": { - "msgid": "§cOnly players with an authorized tag can use it", + "msgid": "§c Only players with an authorized tag can use this command.", "msgstr": "§c只有拥有授权标签的玩家才能使用" }, "invalidCom": { - "msgid": "§6invalid command. Please make sure it is correct Commands used:{commandName}", + "msgid": "§6 Invalid command. Please make sure it is correct. Commands used: {commandName}", "msgstr": "§6无效的命令。请确保它是正确的。使用的命令:{commandName}" }, "Developer commands": { - "msgid": "dev command (this command provides developers and administrators with the ability to reset and verify dynamic properties)", + "msgid": "Dev command (This command allows developers and administrators to reset and verify dynamic properties)", "msgstr": "开发者命令!!" }, "available_commands": { - "msgid": "§6Current available commands", + "msgid": "§6 Currently available commands:", "msgstr": "当前可用命令" }, "help_command_description": { - "msgid": "help command (this command displays help as you can see)", + "msgid": "Help command (This command displays help information)", "msgstr": "帮助命令" }, "lang_removeData": { - "msgid": "Language data deletion complete", + "msgid": "Language data deletion complete.", "msgstr": "语言数据删除完成" }, "lang_docs": { - "msgid": "lang command (this command switches the language)", + "msgid": "Lang command (This command switches the language)", "msgstr": "lang 命令" }, "lang_list": { - "msgid": "§aAvailable Languages:\n", + "msgid": "§a Available Languages:\n", "msgstr": "§a可用语言:\n" }, "lang_change": { - "msgid": "§aLanguage changed to", + "msgid": "§a Language changed to: {language}", "msgstr": "§a语言已更改为" }, "lang_failed": { - "msgid": "§cFailed to change language to", + "msgid": "§c Failed to change language to: {language}", "msgstr": "§c无法更改语言为" }, "lang_invalid": { - "msgid": "§cInvalid command usage. Use lang list or lang change ", + "msgid": "§c Invalid command usage. Use /lang list or /lang change ", "msgstr": "§c无效的命令用法。请使用 lang list 或 lang change <语言代码>" }, "chest_command": { @@ -532,21 +575,21 @@ "msgstr": "箱子命令" }, "unavailable": { - "msgid": "§cLack of authority", + "msgid": "§c You do not have permission to do that.", "msgstr": "§c权限不足" }, "chest_help": { "msgid": [ - "§cInvalid command.", - "§aChest protection command usage:.", - " §bchest lock - locks the chest", - " §bchest info - displays information about the nearest chest", - " §bchest unlock - unlocks the chest", - " §bchest protect - toggles chest protection", - " §bchest add - add a member to the chest", - " §bchest remove - remove a member of a chest", - " §bchest all - displays a list of chest members", - " §bchest list -displays a list of chest", + "§c Invalid command.", + "§a Chest protection command usage:", + " §bchest lock - Locks the chest", + " §bchest info - Displays information about the nearest chest", + " §bchest unlock - Unlocks the chest", + " §bchest protect - Toggles chest protection", + " §bchest add - Adds a member to the chest", + " §bchest remove - Removes a member from the chest", + " §bchest all - Displays a list of chest members", + " §bchest list - Displays a list of chests", " §b_______________________________________", " §bAuthor: Koukun - License AGPL-3.0", " §bYoutubeURL - https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn" @@ -568,51 +611,51 @@ ] }, "MaxChestLimitReached": { - "msgid": "§cThe installation limit of {protectChest} has already been reached", + "msgid": "§c The installation limit of {protectChest} has been reached.", "msgstr": "§c{protectChest} 的安装限制已达到" }, "chestLocksCount": { - "msgid": "§aYou are currently protecting {protectChest} chests", + "msgid": "§a You are currently protecting {protectChest} chests.", "msgstr": "§a你目前正在保护 {protectChest} 个箱子" }, "ChestlistCom": { - "msgid": "§aYou have protected {playerChests} chests:", + "msgid": "§a You have protected {playerChests} chests:", "msgstr": "§a你已保护了 {playerChests} 个箱子:" }, "chestlocation": { - "msgid": "§e- Location: {key}", + "msgid": "§e - Location: {key}", "msgstr": "§e- 位置:{key}" }, "nearby_chest_info": { - "msgid": "§a---- Nearby Chest Info ----", + "msgid": "§a ---- Nearby Chest Info ----", "msgstr": "§a---- 附近箱子信息 ----" }, "coordinate_x": { - "msgid": "§bX: §e", + "msgid": "§b X: §e", "msgstr": "§bX: §e" }, "coordinate_y": { - "msgid": "§bY: §e", + "msgid": "§b Y: §e", "msgstr": "§bY: §e" }, "coordinate_z": { - "msgid": "§bZ: §e", + "msgid": "§b Z: §e", "msgstr": "§bZ: §e" }, "protected": { - "msgid": "§aProtected", + "msgid": "§a Protected", "msgstr": "§a已保护" }, "owner": { - "msgid": "§bOwner: §e", + "msgid": "§b Owner: §e", "msgstr": "§b拥有者:§e" }, "members": { - "msgid": "§bMembers: §e", + "msgid": "§b Members: §e", "msgstr": "§b成员:§e" }, "large_chest": { - "msgid": "§bLarge Chest: §e", + "msgid": "§b Large Chest: §e", "msgstr": "§b大箱子:§e" }, "yes": { @@ -624,31 +667,31 @@ "msgstr": "否" }, "not_protected": { - "msgid": "§cNot Protected", + "msgid": "§c Not Protected", "msgstr": "§c未受保护" }, "notFound_chest": { - "msgid": "§cCan't find chest", + "msgid": "§c Cannot find chest.", "msgstr": "§c找不到箱子" }, "chestProtectRemove": { - "msgid": "§a Chest protection removed", + "msgid": "§a Chest protection removed.", "msgstr": "§a 箱子保护已移除" }, "AlreadyProChest": { - "msgid": "§a This chest is already protected", + "msgid": "§a This chest is already protected.", "msgstr": "§a 此箱子已被保护" }, "chest_lookstate": { - "msgid": "§a chest protected {lcokstate}", + "msgid": "§a Chest protection: {lcokstate}", "msgstr": "§a 箱子已保护" }, "chest_removeData": { - "msgid": "§aAll chest protection data has been reset.", + "msgid": "§a All chest protection data has been reset.", "msgstr": "§a所有箱子保护数据都已重置。" }, "isLookChest": { - "msgid": "§cThis chest is locked", + "msgid": "§c This chest is locked.", "msgstr": "§c此箱子已锁定" }, "isProChest": { @@ -656,55 +699,55 @@ "msgstr": "§c 此箱子已受保护!" }, "ProChestBreak": { - "msgid": "§a Protected chest has been destroyed. Protected data also deleted.", + "msgid": "§a Protected chest destroyed. Protection data also deleted.", "msgstr": "§a 受保护的箱子已被破坏。受保护的数据也被删除。" }, "lockChange": { - "msgid": "§a Protection state of chest is changed to {lock}", + "msgid": "§a Chest protection state changed to: {lock}", "msgstr": "§a 箱子的保护状态已更改为" }, "NotChest": { - "msgid": "§cYou are not authorized to operate this chest.", + "msgid": "§c You are not authorized to access this chest.", "msgstr": "§c你没有权限操作此箱子。" }, "AddM": { - "msgid": "§a{member} Added as a member location:{chestLocation}", + "msgid": "§a {member} added as a member at location: {chestLocation}", "msgstr": "§a 已添加为成员。" }, "addYouM": { - "msgid": "§aThis{playerName}has added you to the following chests{chestLocation}", + "msgid": "§a {playerName} has added you to the following chests: {chestLocation}", "msgstr": "§a{playerName} 已将您添加到以下箱子:{chestLocation}" }, "RemoveYouM": { - "msgid": "§aThis{playerName}has removed you from members in the following chests{chestLocation}", + "msgid": "§a {playerName} has removed you from the following chests: {chestLocation}", "msgstr": "§a{playerName} 已将您从以下箱子的成员中移除:{chestLocation}" }, "MAlreday": { - "msgid": "§c{member} is already a member. ", + "msgid": "§c {member} is already a member.", "msgstr": "§c已经是成员。" }, "RemoveM": { - "msgid": "§a{member} has Removed from members", + "msgid": "§a {member} has been removed from members.", "msgstr": "§a已从成员中移除" }, "NotM": { - "msgid": "§cis not a member", + "msgid": "§c Not a member.", "msgstr": "§c不是成员" }, "allM": { - "msgid": "§a member: ", + "msgid": "§a Members: ", "msgstr": "§a 成员:" }, "NotFoundM": { - "msgid": "§c No members", + "msgid": "§c No members.", "msgstr": "§c 没有成员" }, "ExplosionWarning": { - "msgid": "§c Can you please not blow that up?", + "msgid": "§c Please do not explode that.", "msgstr": "§c 可以请你不要炸掉它吗?" }, "cannotPlaceItem": { - "msgid": "§c It is forbidden to place pistons in this area", + "msgid": "§c You are not allowed to place pistons in this area.", "msgstr": "§c 禁止在此区域放置活塞" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/zh_CN.ts b/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/zh_CN.ts index 09c6dd5..a5cd4bc 100644 --- a/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/zh_CN.ts +++ b/devFolder/src/command/langs/list/zh_CN.ts @@ -1,170 +1,190 @@ export const translations = { - "loreDoce": { - msgid: "Change the name/lore of the item.", + "command.about": { + msgid: "§a== About ChestLockAddon ==\n\nChestLockAddon is a useful utility addon for Minecraft version 1.21.22 that provides chest protection and more.\n\n§b== Main Features ==\n• Chest Protection: Protect your chests from other players.\n• Multilingual Support: Change the language setting with the lang command.\n• Teleport Request: Send a teleport request to another player with the tpa command.\n• And more: More useful commands will be added in the future.\n\n§b== Links ==\n• GitHub: https://github.com/gamelist1990/ChestLockAddon\n• YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn\n• Discord: https://discord.gg/GJyqBm7Pyd\n\n§c== Notes ==\nThis addon is under development and may contain unexpected bugs. If you find any bugs, please report them on GitHub or Discord.\n\n§a== Message from the Developer ==\nWe welcome your feedback to make ChestLockAddon a better addon.", msgstr: "" }, - "changeLore": { - msgid: "Item Change Lore", + "command.Undone": { + msgid: "§f>>§aReverted to one previous change", msgstr: "" }, - "ChangeName": { - msgid: "Item Change Name", + "aboutCom": { + msgid: "View an overview of this add-on", msgstr: "" }, - "ClearLore": { - msgid: "Item Clear Lore", + "command.NothingToUndo": { + msgid: "§f>>§cThere were no changes that could be reverted.", msgstr: "" }, - "Newlore": { + "ServerVersion": { + msgid: "§bThis ChestLockAddon is running version {version}", + msgstr: "" + }, + "command.loreDocs": { + msgid: "§2Change the item's name/lore (Place the item in the first slot of your hotbar)", + msgstr: "" + }, + "command.Changelore": { + msgid: "§0Change Item Lore", + msgstr: "" + }, + "command.ChangeName": { + msgid: "§0Change Item Name", + msgstr: "" + }, + "command.ClearLore": { + msgid: "§0Clear Item Lore", + msgstr: "" + }, + "command.NewLore": { msgid: "Enter new lore:", msgstr: "" }, - "Newname": { + "command.NewName": { msgid: "Enter new name:", msgstr: "" }, - "Usagelore": { - msgid: "Usage: {prefix}lore -set or {prefix}lore -remove or {prefix}lore -rename or {prefix}lore -clearlore", + "command.UsageLore": { + msgid: "§3Usage: {prefix}lore -set \"\" or {prefix}lore -remove \"\" or {prefix}lore -rename \"\" or {prefix}lore -command.ClearLore", msgstr: "" }, - "ADDLore": { - msgid: "Added lore, please check", + "command.AddLore": { + msgid: "§aLore added, please check.", msgstr: "" }, - "TakeItem": { - msgid: "Please take the item.", + "command.takeItem": { + msgid: "§cPlease hold the item.", msgstr: "" }, - "LoreNotFound": { - msgid: "Lore not found", + "command.NotFoundLore": { + msgid: "§cLore not found.", msgstr: "" }, - "RemoveLore": { - msgid: "Lore has been deleted. Please check.", + "command.RemoveLore": { + msgid: "§aLore deleted. Please check.", msgstr: "" }, - "ChangeNames": { - msgid: "Renamed the item", + "command.ChangeNames": { + msgid: "§aItem renamed.", msgstr: "" }, - "uilore": { - msgid: "Custom Item Name/Lore", + "ui.MainLoreButton": { + msgid: "§0Custom Item Name/Lore", msgstr: "" }, - "FirstPointSet": { - msgid: ">> First point set.", + "command.FirstPointSet": { + msgid: "§f>>§a First point set.", msgstr: "" }, "editCom": { - msgid: "WorldEdit Command", + msgid: "WorldEdit Commands", msgstr: "" }, "loreCom": { msgid: "Change Item Lore", msgstr: "" }, - "SecondPointSet": { - msgid: ">> Second point set.", + "command.SecondPointSet": { + msgid: "§f>>§6 Second point set.", msgstr: "" }, - "SelectionCompleted": { - msgid: ">> Selection completed.", + "command.SelectionCompleted": { + msgid: "§f>>§a Selection completed.", msgstr: "" }, - "PointSet": { - msgid: ">> Point set.", + "command.PointSet": { + msgid: "§f>> §aPoint set.", msgstr: "" }, - "WallsCreated": { - msgid: ">> Walls created.", + "command.WallsCreated": { + msgid: "§f>>§a Walls created.", msgstr: "" }, - "InvalidBlockId": { - msgid: ">> Invalid block ID.", + "command.InvalidBlockId": { + msgid: "§f>>§c Invalid block ID.", msgstr: "" }, - "OutlineCreated": { - msgid: ">> Outline created.", + "command.OutlineCreated": { + msgid: "§f>>§a Outline created.", msgstr: "" }, "FilledCircleCreated": { - msgid: ">> Filled circle created.", + msgid: "§f>>§a Filled circle created.", msgstr: "" }, "RangeSet": { - msgid: ">> Range set with the specified block ({blockId}).", + msgid: "§f>>§a Range set with the specified block ({blockId}).", msgstr: "" }, "RangeCleared": { - msgid: ">> Range cleared.", + msgid: "§f>>§a Range cleared.", msgstr: "" }, "WallsToolSelected": { - msgid: ">> Walls tool selected. (Block ID: {blockId})", + msgid: "§f>>§a Walls tool selected. (Block ID: {blockId})", msgstr: "" }, "OutlineToolSelected": { - msgid: ">> Outline tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", + msgid: "§f>>§a Outline tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", msgstr: "" }, "FilledCircleToolSelected": { - msgid: ">> Filled circle tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", + msgid: "§f>>§a Filled circle tool selected. (Radius: {radius}, Block ID: {blockId})", msgstr: "" }, "ToolExited": { - msgid: ">> Tool exited.", + msgid: "§f>>§a Tool exited.", msgstr: "" }, "ToolOptions": { - msgid: ">> Tool options: -wall , -outline , -filledCircle , -exit", + msgid: "§f>> §3Tool options: -wall , -outline , -filledCircle , -exit", msgstr: "" }, "StartRangeSelection2": { - msgid: ">> Range selection started. Please break two blocks.", + msgid: "§f>>§a Range selection started. Please break two blocks.", msgstr: "" }, "StartRangeSelection": { - msgid: ">> Range selection started. Hold a wooden hoe and break a block.", + msgid: "§f>>§a Range selection started. Hold a wooden hoe and break a block.", msgstr: "" }, "InvalidCommandUsage": { - msgid: ">> Invalid command usage: /{prefix}edit -set | /{prefix}edit -clear | /{prefix}edit tool | /{prefix}edit start", + msgid: "§f>>§3 Invalid command usage: /{prefix}edit -set | /{prefix}edit -clear | /{prefix}edit tool | /{prefix}edit start", msgstr: "" }, "PlayerNotFound": { - msgid: "§cPlayerNotFound!! Make sure you're really there", + msgid: "§cPlayer not found! Make sure you're in a valid location.", msgstr: "§c找不到玩家!!请确保你真的在那里" }, "TheFirestBlock": { - msgid: "§a1 The first block has been recorded. Destroy the block again.", + msgid: "§a1. First block recorded. Destroy the block again.", msgstr: "" }, "TheSecond": { - msgid: "§a2 second block has been recorded. Warp gate has been set.", + msgid: "§a2. Second block recorded. Warp gate has been set.", msgstr: "" }, "WarpUsage": { - msgid: "§c usage: warpgate -create ", msgstr: "" }, "AlreadyWarp": { - msgid: "§cA warp gate of that name already exists.", + msgid: "§c A warp gate with that name already exists.", msgstr: "" }, "CreateGate": { - msgid: "§aCreate a warp gate {gatename} \n §aNext, destroy the two blocks to specify the extent of the gate.", + msgid: "§a Creating warp gate: {gatename} \n §a Next, destroy two blocks to define the gate's boundaries.", msgstr: "" }, "NotWarp": { - msgid: "§cThe gate with the specified name does not exist", + msgid: "§c The specified warp gate does not exist.", msgstr: "" }, "deleteWarp": { - msgid: "§a gate removed: {gatename}", + msgid: "§a Gate removed: {gatename}", msgstr: "" }, "NotWarpSetting": { - msgid: "§cNo warp gate is set.", + msgid: "§c No warp gate is set.", msgstr: "" }, "listGate": { @@ -172,39 +192,39 @@ export const translations = { msgstr: "" }, "warpgateCom": { - msgid: "Warp gate can be set", + msgid: "Set Warp Gate", msgstr: "" }, "UsageGate": { - msgid: "§c invalid subcommand usage {prefix}warpgate <-create/delete/list> [name] |\n§c create command Only -create [name] [x,y,z]", + msgid: "§c Invalid subcommand usage: {prefix}warpgate <-create/delete/list> [name] |\n§c Create command only: -create [name] [x,y,z]", msgstr: "" }, "TPGATE": { - msgid: "§a Teleported to warp gate {gate}.", + msgid: "§a Teleported to warp gate: {gate}.", msgstr: "" }, "Joincommand": { - msgid: "Displays a message when joining a world", + msgid: "Displays a message when joining a world.", msgstr: "" }, "Joinenabled": { - msgid: "§aEnabled messages when joining worlds", + msgid: "§a Enabled join messages.", msgstr: "" }, "Joindisabled": { - msgid: "§cDisabled messages when joining worlds.", + msgid: "§c Disabled join messages.", msgstr: "" }, "Invalid": { - msgid: "§cInvalid argument.", + msgid: "§c Invalid argument.", msgstr: "" }, "UsageJoin": { - msgid: "§cUsage is join <-ture/-false/-settings>", + msgid: "§c Usage: join <-true/-false/-settings>", msgstr: "" }, "welcome": { - msgid: "§7 Welcome! My Server", + msgid: "§7 Welcome to My Server!", msgstr: "" }, "Rulejoin": { @@ -212,319 +232,319 @@ export const translations = { msgstr: "" }, "RulesNumber": { - msgid: "§bNumber of Rules", + msgid: "§b Number of Rules:", msgstr: "" }, "RulesEnter": { - msgid: "§0Enter the number of rules", + msgid: "§0 Enter the number of rules:", msgstr: "" }, "RuleSettings": { - msgid: "§6Rule Settings", + msgid: "§6 Rule Settings", msgstr: "" }, "Rules": { - msgid: "§bRule {i}", + msgid: "§b Rule {i}:", msgstr: "" }, "RuleEnter2": { - msgid: "§0Enter rule {i}", + msgid: "§0 Enter rule {i}:", msgstr: "" }, "RuleUpdate": { - msgid: "§aRules updated!", + msgid: "§a Rules updated!", msgstr: "" }, "joinSettings": { - msgid: "§6Join Log Settings", + msgid: "§6 Join Log Settings", msgstr: "" }, "TpaRequesMenu": { - msgid: "§2Welcome to tpa MenuCurrent requests:{requestList} people", + msgid: "§2 Welcome to the TPA Menu! Current requests: {requestList} people", msgstr: "" }, "SendTpa": { - msgid: "§0Send a TPARequest", + msgid: "§0 Send a TPA Request", msgstr: "" }, "ShowTpaRequests": { - msgid: "§0Confirm TP request addressed to me", + msgid: "§0 Confirm TP requests addressed to me", msgstr: "" }, "NoTpaRequests": { - msgid: "§cNo TP request has been sent to you", + msgid: "§c You have no TP requests.", msgstr: "" }, "SelectTpaRequest": { - msgid: "§2TPRequest has arrived, please select the player you accept", + msgid: "§2 You have received a TPA request. Please select the player you want to accept.", msgstr: "" }, "SendTpaSelect": { - msgid: "§2Select the player to whom you would like to send a request", + msgid: "§2 Select the player you want to send a request to:", msgstr: "" }, "uihelp": { - msgid: "§0HelpMenu", + msgid: "§0 Help Menu", msgstr: "" }, "uichest": { - msgid: "§0ChestMenu(BETA)", + msgid: "§0 Chest Menu (BETA)", msgstr: "" }, "uilang": { - msgid: "§0LangMenu", + msgid: "§0 Language Menu", msgstr: "" }, "uijpch": { - msgid: "§0jpchMenu(BETA)", + msgid: "§0 JPCH Menu (BETA)", msgstr: "" }, "uitpa": { - msgid: "§0Tpa Menu(BETA)", + msgid: "§0 TPA Menu (BETA)", msgstr: "" }, "closeChat": { - msgid: "§a==Close The Chat Panel==", + msgid: "§a == Close The Chat Panel ==", msgstr: "" }, "Tpcommand": { - msgid: "You can send a request and TP it", + msgid: "Send a request and teleport.", msgstr: "" }, "tpaRequestSent": { - msgid: "§aTPA request sent to {playerName}", + msgid: "§a TPA request sent to§b {playerName}.", msgstr: "" }, "tpaRequestAlreadySent": { - msgid: "§cThe cTPA request has already been sent to {playerName}!", + msgid: "§c You have already sent a TPA request to§6 {playerName}!", msgstr: "" }, "tpaRequestReceived": { - msgid: "§2Received a TPA request from {playerName}.", + msgid: "§2 Received a TPA request from §b{playerName}.", msgstr: "" }, "noPendingTpaRequests": { - msgid: "§3You have no pending TPA requests.", + msgid: "§3 You have no pending TPA requests.", msgstr: "" }, "invalidTpaRequest": { - msgid: "§cInvalid TPA request", + msgid: "§c Invalid TPA request.", msgstr: "" }, "requesterNotFound": { - msgid: "§cRequester not found", + msgid: "§c Requester not found.", msgstr: "" }, "teleportedToPlayer": { - msgid: "§aTeleported to {playerName}", + msgid: "§a Teleported to §b{playerName}.", msgstr: "" }, "tpaRequestAccepted": { - msgid: "§a{playerName} has accepted your TPA request", + msgid: "§a §b{playerName} §ahas accepted your TPA request.", msgstr: "" }, "tpaRequestAcceptes": { - msgid: "§aTPA request from {playerName} accepted!", + msgid: "§a TPA request from §b{playerName}§a accepted!", msgstr: "" }, "cannotTpaToSelf": { - msgid: "§cYou cannot send a TPA request to yourself", + msgid: "§c You cannot send a TPA request to yourself.", msgstr: "" }, "invalidTpaCommandUsage": { - msgid: "§3Invalid usage. Use tpa -r to send a request, or tpa -a to accept", + msgid: "§3 Invalid usage. Use {prefix}tpa -r to send a request, or {prefix}tpa -a to accept.", msgstr: "" }, "tpaRequestTimedOut": { - msgid: "§3TPA request from {playerName} has timed out", + msgid: "§3 TPA request from §6{playerName}§3 has timed out.", msgstr: "" }, "jpchCom": { - msgid: "§2Functions like LunaChat", + msgid: "§2 Functions like LunaChat.", msgstr: "" }, "jpenable": { - msgid: "§aEnable Function", + msgid: "§a Function enabled.", msgstr: "" }, "jpdisable": { - msgid: "§cDisable function", + msgid: "§c Function disabled.", msgstr: "" }, "AccesItemUI": { - msgid: "itemUI command (accesses Chest Lock UI)", + msgid: "Item UI Command (Accesses Chest Lock UI)", msgstr: "" }, "FullInv": { - msgid: "§cYour inventory is full and items cannot be granted", + msgid: "§c Your inventory is full. Items cannot be granted.", msgstr: "" }, "AlreadyInv": { - msgid: "§cUIitem already exists in your inventory", + msgid: "§c That UI item already exists in your inventory.", msgstr: "" }, "AddInv": { - msgid: "§aYou have added an item to your inventory! (please check)", + msgid: "§a Item added to your inventory! (Please check)", msgstr: "" }, "Displayplayerinformation": { - msgid: "List command (displays player information)", + msgid: "List command (Displays player information)", msgstr: "" }, "commands.list.usage": { - msgid: "§aUsage: list show Or list all", + msgid: "§a Usage: {prefix}list show or {prefix}list all", msgstr: "" }, "commands.list.playerInfo": { - msgid: "§6==== Player Info =====\n §2Name: §f{TragetName},\n §2ID: §f{TargetID},\n §2Location: §f({TargetX}, {TargetY}, {TargetZ}),\n §2Health: §f{health},\n §2Game Mode:§f {GameMode},\n §2Ping: {ping}\n §6===========", + msgid: "§6 ==== Player Info =====\n §2Name: §f{TragetName},\n §2ID: §f{TargetID},\n §2Location: §f({TargetX}, {TargetY}, {TargetZ}),\n §2Health: §f{health},\n §2Game Mode:§f {GameMode},\n §2Ping: {ping}\n §6 ===========", msgstr: "" }, "commands.list.playerNotFound": { - msgid: "§cPlayer not found: {tragetplayer}", + msgid: "§c Player not found: §6{tragetplayer}", msgstr: "" }, "jpch_command_description": { - msgid: "jpch command (experimental feature)", + msgid: "JPCH command (Experimental feature)", msgstr: "" }, "ui_command_description": { - msgid: "ui command (this command displays a GUI with ActionForm)", + msgid: "UI command (This command displays a GUI with ActionForm)", msgstr: "" }, "ChooseCom": { - msgid: "§2Select the command:", + msgid: "§2 Select a command:", msgstr: "" }, "ChestCom": { - msgid: "§2Select the chest:", + msgid: "§2 Select a chest:", msgstr: "" }, "Chestinfo": { - msgid: "§0See nearby chests", + msgid: "§0 See nearby chests", msgstr: "" }, "Chestlock": { - msgid: "§0lock system", + msgid: "§0 Lock System", msgstr: "" }, "ChestMember": { - msgid: "§0Member system", + msgid: "§0 Member System", msgstr: "" }, "back": { - msgid: "§2back", + msgid: "§2 Back", msgstr: "" }, "lockinfo": { - msgid: "§2Select the type of lock:", + msgid: "§2 Select the lock type:", msgstr: "" }, "locking": { - msgid: "§alocking!", + msgid: "§a Locking!", msgstr: "" }, "unlocking": { - msgid: "§cunlocking!", + msgid: "§c Unlocking!", msgstr: "" }, "ProtectChest": { - msgid: "§0Protection Chest Status", + msgid: "§0 Chest Protection Status", msgstr: "" }, "MemberChoose": { - msgid: "§2Choose your member's:", + msgid: "§2 Choose your members:", msgstr: "" }, "MemberAdd": { - msgid: "§0Member Add", + msgid: "§0 Add Member", msgstr: "" }, "MemberRemove": { - msgid: "§0Member Remove", + msgid: "§0 Remove Member", msgstr: "" }, "Memberall": { - msgid: "§0Member list", + msgid: "§0 Member List", msgstr: "" }, "AddMemberSelect": { - msgid: "§2Select the member you wish to add:", + msgid: "§2 Select the member you want to add:", msgstr: "" }, "RemoveMemberSelect": { - msgid: "§2Select the member you wish to Remove:", + msgid: "§2 Select the member you want to remove:", msgstr: "" }, "SelectLang": { - msgid: "§2Select an operation from the language menu:", + msgid: "§2 Select an operation from the language menu:", msgstr: "" }, "langList": { - msgid: "§0lang List", + msgid: "§0 Language List", msgstr: "" }, "langChange": { - msgid: "§0lang Change", + msgid: "§0 Change Language", msgstr: "" }, "langChange1": { - msgid: "§2Please select the language you wish to change:", + msgid: "§2 Please select the language you want to change to:", msgstr: "" }, "FromError": { - msgid: "§cAn error occurred while displaying the form:", + msgid: "§c An error occurred while displaying the form:", msgstr: "" }, "desabledCom": { - msgid: "§cUnregistered or disabled command", + msgid: "§c Unregistered or disabled command.", msgstr: "§c未注册或已禁用命令" }, "desableComSuggest": { - msgid: "§6Invalid command. Is it possibly the {possibleCommands} command? If so, answer {prefix}yes", + msgid: "§6 Invalid command. Did you mean: {possibleCommands}? If so, answer {prefix}yes", msgstr: "§6无效的命令。可能是 {possibleCommands} 命令吗?如果是,请回答 {prefix}yes" }, "AllowTagCom": { - msgid: "§cOnly players with an authorized tag can use it", + msgid: "§c Only players with an authorized tag can use this command.", msgstr: "§c只有拥有授权标签的玩家才能使用" }, "invalidCom": { - msgid: "§6invalid command. Please make sure it is correct Commands used:{commandName}", + msgid: "§6 Invalid command. Please make sure it is correct. Commands used: {commandName}", msgstr: "§6无效的命令。请确保它是正确的。使用的命令:{commandName}" }, "Developer commands": { - msgid: "dev command (this command provides developers and administrators with the ability to reset and verify dynamic properties)", + msgid: "Dev command (This command allows developers and administrators to reset and verify dynamic properties)", msgstr: "开发者命令!!" }, "available_commands": { - msgid: "§6Current available commands", + msgid: "§6 Currently available commands:", msgstr: "当前可用命令" }, "help_command_description": { - msgid: "help command (this command displays help as you can see)", + msgid: "Help command (This command displays help information)", msgstr: "帮助命令" }, "lang_removeData": { - msgid: "Language data deletion complete", + msgid: "Language data deletion complete.", msgstr: "语言数据删除完成" }, "lang_docs": { - msgid: "lang command (this command switches the language)", + msgid: "Lang command (This command switches the language)", msgstr: "lang 命令" }, "lang_list": { - msgid: "§aAvailable Languages:\n", + msgid: "§a Available Languages:\n", msgstr: "§a可用语言:\n" }, "lang_change": { - msgid: "§aLanguage changed to", + msgid: "§a Language changed to: {language}", msgstr: "§a语言已更改为" }, "lang_failed": { - msgid: "§cFailed to change language to", + msgid: "§c Failed to change language to: {language}", msgstr: "§c无法更改语言为" }, "lang_invalid": { - msgid: "§cInvalid command usage. Use lang list or lang change ", + msgid: "§c Invalid command usage. Use /lang list or /lang change ", msgstr: "§c无效的命令用法。请使用 lang list 或 lang change <语言代码>" }, "chest_command": { @@ -532,59 +552,59 @@ export const translations = { msgstr: "箱子命令" }, "unavailable": { - msgid: "§cLack of authority", + msgid: "§c You do not have permission to do that.", msgstr: "§c权限不足" }, "chest_help": { - msgid: "§cInvalid command.\n§aChest protection command usage:.\n §bchest lock - locks the chest\n §bchest info - displays information about the nearest chest\n §bchest unlock - unlocks the chest\n §bchest protect - toggles chest protection\n §bchest add - add a member to the chest\n §bchest remove - remove a member of a chest\n §bchest all - displays a list of chest members\n §bchest list -displays a list of chest\n §b_______________________________________\n §bAuthor: Koukun - License AGPL-3.0\n §bYoutubeURL - https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn", + msgid: "§c Invalid command.\n§a Chest protection command usage:\n §bchest lock - Locks the chest\n §bchest info - Displays information about the nearest chest\n §bchest unlock - Unlocks the chest\n §bchest protect - Toggles chest protection\n §bchest add - Adds a member to the chest\n §bchest remove - Removes a member from the chest\n §bchest all - Displays a list of chest members\n §bchest list - Displays a list of chests\n §b_______________________________________\n §bAuthor: Koukun - License AGPL-3.0\n §bYoutubeURL - https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn", msgstr: "§c无效的命令。\n§a箱子保护命令使用方式:\n §bchest lock - 锁定箱子\n §bchest info - 显示最近的箱子信息\n §bchest unlock - 解锁箱子\n §bchest protect - 切换箱子保护\n §bchest add - 添加箱子的成员\n §bchest remove - 移除箱子的成员\n §bchest all - 显示箱子的成员列表\n §bchest list - 显示箱子列表\n §b_______________________________________\n §b作者:Koukun - 许可证 AGPL-3.0\n §bYoutubeURL - https://www.youtube.com/@PEXkoukunn" }, "MaxChestLimitReached": { - msgid: "§cThe installation limit of {protectChest} has already been reached", + msgid: "§c The installation limit of {protectChest} has been reached.", msgstr: "§c{protectChest} 的安装限制已达到" }, "chestLocksCount": { - msgid: "§aYou are currently protecting {protectChest} chests", + msgid: "§a You are currently protecting {protectChest} chests.", msgstr: "§a你目前正在保护 {protectChest} 个箱子" }, "ChestlistCom": { - msgid: "§aYou have protected {playerChests} chests:", + msgid: "§a You have protected {playerChests} chests:", msgstr: "§a你已保护了 {playerChests} 个箱子:" }, "chestlocation": { - msgid: "§e- Location: {key}", + msgid: "§e - Location: {key}", msgstr: "§e- 位置:{key}" }, "nearby_chest_info": { - msgid: "§a---- Nearby Chest Info ----", + msgid: "§a ---- Nearby Chest Info ----", msgstr: "§a---- 附近箱子信息 ----" }, "coordinate_x": { - msgid: "§bX: §e", + msgid: "§b X: §e", msgstr: "§bX: §e" }, "coordinate_y": { - msgid: "§bY: §e", + msgid: "§b Y: §e", msgstr: "§bY: §e" }, "coordinate_z": { - msgid: "§bZ: §e", + msgid: "§b Z: §e", msgstr: "§bZ: §e" }, "protected": { - msgid: "§aProtected", + msgid: "§a Protected", msgstr: "§a已保护" }, "owner": { - msgid: "§bOwner: §e", + msgid: "§b Owner: §e", msgstr: "§b拥有者:§e" }, "members": { - msgid: "§bMembers: §e", + msgid: "§b Members: §e", msgstr: "§b成员:§e" }, "large_chest": { - msgid: "§bLarge Chest: §e", + msgid: "§b Large Chest: §e", msgstr: "§b大箱子:§e" }, "yes": { @@ -596,31 +616,31 @@ export const translations = { msgstr: "否" }, "not_protected": { - msgid: "§cNot Protected", + msgid: "§c Not Protected", msgstr: "§c未受保护" }, "notFound_chest": { - msgid: "§cCan't find chest", + msgid: "§c Cannot find chest.", msgstr: "§c找不到箱子" }, "chestProtectRemove": { - msgid: "§a Chest protection removed", + msgid: "§a Chest protection removed.", msgstr: "§a 箱子保护已移除" }, "AlreadyProChest": { - msgid: "§a This chest is already protected", + msgid: "§a This chest is already protected.", msgstr: "§a 此箱子已被保护" }, "chest_lookstate": { - msgid: "§a chest protected {lcokstate}", + msgid: "§a Chest protection: {lcokstate}", msgstr: "§a 箱子已保护" }, "chest_removeData": { - msgid: "§aAll chest protection data has been reset.", + msgid: "§a All chest protection data has been reset.", msgstr: "§a所有箱子保护数据都已重置。" }, "isLookChest": { - msgid: "§cThis chest is locked", + msgid: "§c This chest is locked.", msgstr: "§c此箱子已锁定" }, "isProChest": { @@ -628,55 +648,55 @@ export const translations = { msgstr: "§c 此箱子已受保护!" }, "ProChestBreak": { - msgid: "§a Protected chest has been destroyed. Protected data also deleted.", + msgid: "§a Protected chest destroyed. Protection data also deleted.", msgstr: "§a 受保护的箱子已被破坏。受保护的数据也被删除。" }, "lockChange": { - msgid: "§a Protection state of chest is changed to {lock}", + msgid: "§a Chest protection state changed to: {lock}", msgstr: "§a 箱子的保护状态已更改为" }, "NotChest": { - msgid: "§cYou are not authorized to operate this chest.", + msgid: "§c You are not authorized to access this chest.", msgstr: "§c你没有权限操作此箱子。" }, "AddM": { - msgid: "§a{member} Added as a member location:{chestLocation}", + msgid: "§a {member} added as a member at location: {chestLocation}", msgstr: "§a 已添加为成员。" }, "addYouM": { - msgid: "§aThis{playerName}has added you to the following chests{chestLocation}", + msgid: "§a {playerName} has added you to the following chests: {chestLocation}", msgstr: "§a{playerName} 已将您添加到以下箱子:{chestLocation}" }, "RemoveYouM": { - msgid: "§aThis{playerName}has removed you from members in the following chests{chestLocation}", + msgid: "§a {playerName} has removed you from the following chests: {chestLocation}", msgstr: "§a{playerName} 已将您从以下箱子的成员中移除:{chestLocation}" }, "MAlreday": { - msgid: "§c{member} is already a member. ", + msgid: "§c {member} is already a member.", msgstr: "§c已经是成员。" }, "RemoveM": { - msgid: "§a{member} has Removed from members", + msgid: "§a {member} has been removed from members.", msgstr: "§a已从成员中移除" }, "NotM": { - msgid: "§cis not a member", + msgid: "§c Not a member.", msgstr: "§c不是成员" }, "allM": { - msgid: "§a member: ", + msgid: "§a Members: ", msgstr: "§a 成员:" }, "NotFoundM": { - msgid: "§c No members", + msgid: "§c No members.", msgstr: "§c 没有成员" }, "ExplosionWarning": { - msgid: "§c Can you please not blow that up?", + msgid: "§c Please do not explode that.", msgstr: "§c 可以请你不要炸掉它吗?" }, "cannotPlaceItem": { - msgid: "§c It is forbidden to place pistons in this area", + msgid: "§c You are not allowed to place pistons in this area.", msgstr: "§c 禁止在此区域放置活塞" }, }; diff --git a/devFolder/src/command/plugin/edit.ts b/devFolder/src/command/plugin/edit.ts index 2db9790..5a99e0a 100644 --- a/devFolder/src/command/plugin/edit.ts +++ b/devFolder/src/command/plugin/edit.ts @@ -7,12 +7,12 @@ import { translate } from '../langs/list/LanguageManager'; // 翻訳機能を追 const playerData: { [playerName: string]: { pos1: any, pos2: any, selecting: boolean, commandArgs: string[] } } = {}; // プレイヤーごとのツール設定を格納する変数 -const playerDataTool: { [playerName: string]: { tool: string, blockId: string, outlineRadius?: number,smoothRadius?:number, filledCircleRadius?: number } } = {}; +const playerDataTool: { [playerName: string]: { tool: string, blockId: string, outlineRadius?: number, smoothRadius?: number, filledCircleRadius?: number } } = {}; // ブロック破壊イベントリスナー world.beforeEvents.playerBreakBlock.subscribe(event => { const player = event.player; - + // プレイヤーが範囲選択中かどうかを確認 if (playerData[player.name]?.selecting) { // プレイヤーが持っているアイテム @@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ function handleBlockBreakForSelection(player: Player, blockLocation: any): void // 1点目と2点目を設定 if (!selection.pos1) { selection.pos1 = blockLocation; - player.sendMessage(translate(player, "FirstPointSet")); // 翻訳キーを使用 + player.sendMessage(translate(player, "command.FirstPointSet")); // 翻訳キーを使用 } else if (!selection.pos2) { selection.pos2 = blockLocation; - player.sendMessage(translate(player, "SecondPointSet")); // 翻訳キーを使用 - player.sendMessage(translate(player, "SelectionCompleted")); // 翻訳キーを使用 + player.sendMessage(translate(player, "command.SecondPointSet")); // 翻訳キーを使用 + player.sendMessage(translate(player, "command.SelectionCompleted")); // 翻訳キーを使用 selection.selecting = false; // 範囲選択終了 // 範囲選択完了後に、コマンドで指定された処理を実行 @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ function handleBlockBreakForSingleSelection(player: Player, blockLocation: any): // 点を設定 selection.pos1 = blockLocation; - player.sendMessage(translate(player, "PointSet")); // 翻訳キーを使用 + player.sendMessage(translate(player, "command.PointSet")); // 翻訳キーを使用 selection.selecting = false; // 範囲選択終了 // 範囲選択完了後に、コマンドで指定された処理を実行 @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ function fillBlocks(pos1: any, pos2: any, blockId: string) { const minX = Math.max(Math.min(pos1.x, pos2.x)); const maxX = Math.min(Math.max(pos1.x, pos2.x)); - const minY = Math.max(Math.min(pos1.y, pos2.y)); + const minY = Math.max(Math.min(pos1.y, pos2.y)); const maxY = Math.min(Math.max(pos1.y, pos2.y)); const minZ = Math.max(Math.min(pos1.z, pos2.z)); const maxZ = Math.min(Math.max(pos1.z, pos2.z)); @@ -116,16 +116,114 @@ function fillBlocks(pos1: any, pos2: any, blockId: string) { if (currentCommandIndex < commands.length) { const command = commands[currentCommandIndex]; world.getDimension('overworld').runCommand(command); - // console.warn(`Executed command: ${command}`); + // console.warn(`Executed command: ${command}`); currentCommandIndex++; } }, 1); // 1tick ごとに実行 } +// Undo 機能に必要なデータ構造 +interface EditAction { + type: 'fill' | 'clear' | 'walls' | 'outline' | 'filledCircle' | 'smooth'; + pos1: any; + pos2: any; + blockId?: string; // fill, walls, outline, filledCircle, smooth に必要 + radius?: number; // outline, filledCircle, smooth に必要 + originalBlocks: BlockData[]; // 変更前のブロックデータを保存 +} + +interface BlockData { + x: number; + y: number; + z: number; + blockId: string; +} + +const undoStack: { [playerName: string]: EditAction[] } = {}; // プレイヤーごとの undo スタック + +// ブロックの情報を取得する関数 +function getBlockData(location: any): BlockData { + const block = world.getDimension('overworld').getBlock(location); + // block が undefined の場合の処理を追加 + if (!block) { + throw new Error("Block not found at location: " + JSON.stringify(location)); + } + return { + x: location.x, + y: location.y, + z: location.z, + blockId: block.typeId, + }; +} + +// ブロックの情報を設定する関数 +function setBlockData(blockData: BlockData): void { + fillBlocks({ x: blockData.x, y: blockData.y, z: blockData.z }, { x: blockData.x, y: blockData.y, z: blockData.z }, blockData.blockId); +} + +// fillBlocks, createWalls, createOutline, createFilledCircle, smoothArea を修正して undo データを保存 +function fillBlocksWithUndo(pos1: any, pos2: any, blockId: string, player: Player) { + const originalBlocks: BlockData[] = []; + + const minX = Math.max(Math.min(pos1.x, pos2.x)); + const maxX = Math.min(Math.max(pos1.x, pos2.x)); + const minY = Math.max(Math.min(pos1.y, pos2.y)); + const maxY = Math.min(Math.max(pos1.y, pos2.y)); + const minZ = Math.max(Math.min(pos1.z, pos2.z)); + const maxZ = Math.min(Math.max(pos1.z, pos2.z)); + + // fillBlocks のループ処理の前に originalBlocks に変更前のブロックデータを保存 + for (let x = minX; x <= maxX; x++) { + for (let y = minY; y <= maxY; y++) { + for (let z = minZ; z <= maxZ; z++) { + originalBlocks.push(getBlockData({ x, y, z })); + } + } + } + + // fillBlocks の元のループ処理 + const chunkSize = 30; + let commands: string[] = []; // 実行するコマンドを格納する配列 + for (let x = minX; x <= maxX; x += chunkSize) { + for (let y = minY; y <= maxY; y += chunkSize) { + for (let z = minZ; z <= maxZ; z += chunkSize) { + const endX = calculateEndCoordinate(x, maxX, chunkSize); + const endY = calculateEndCoordinate(y, maxY, chunkSize); + const endZ = calculateEndCoordinate(z, maxZ, chunkSize); + const command = `/fill ${Math.floor(x)} ${Math.floor(y)} ${Math.floor(z)} ${Math.floor(endX)} ${Math.floor(endY)} ${Math.floor(endZ)} ${blockId} replace`; + commands.push(command); + } + } + } + + let currentCommandIndex = 0; // 現在実行するコマンドのインデックス + + system.runInterval(() => { + if (currentCommandIndex < commands.length) { + const command = commands[currentCommandIndex]; + world.getDimension('overworld').runCommand(command); + currentCommandIndex++; + } + }, 1); // 1tick ごとに実行 + + // undoStack にアクションを追加 + if (!undoStack[player.name]) { + undoStack[player.name] = []; + } + undoStack[player.name].push({ + type: 'fill', + pos1, + pos2, + blockId, + originalBlocks, + }); +} + +function createWallsWithUndo(pos1: any, pos2: any, blockId: string, player: Player) { + const originalBlocks: BlockData[] = []; -function createWalls(pos1: any, pos2: any, blockId: string) { const minX = Math.min(pos1.x, pos2.x); const maxX = Math.max(pos1.x, pos2.x); const minY = Math.min(pos1.y, pos2.y); @@ -133,9 +231,22 @@ function createWalls(pos1: any, pos2: any, blockId: string) { const minZ = Math.min(pos1.z, pos2.z); const maxZ = Math.max(pos1.z, pos2.z); - // 指定された2点の間にベルリンの壁を作成 (上面と底面を除く) + // createWalls のループ処理の前に originalBlocks に変更前のブロックデータを保存 for (let x = minX; x <= maxX; x++) { - for (let y = minY + 1; y <= maxY; y++) { // 底面を除外するために minY + 1 から開始 + for (let y = minY + 1; y <= maxY; y++) { + originalBlocks.push(getBlockData({ x, y, z: minZ })); + originalBlocks.push(getBlockData({ x, y, z: maxZ })); + if (x === minX || x === maxX) { + for (let z = minZ + 1; z <= maxZ - 1; z++) { + originalBlocks.push(getBlockData({ x, y, z })); + } + } + } + } + + // createWalls の元のループ処理 + for (let x = minX; x <= maxX; x++) { + for (let y = minY + 1; y <= maxY; y++) { fillBlocks({ x, y, z: minZ }, { x, y, z: minZ }, blockId); // 前面 fillBlocks({ x, y, z: maxZ }, { x, y, z: maxZ }, blockId); // 後面 if (x === minX || x === maxX) { @@ -143,10 +254,24 @@ function createWalls(pos1: any, pos2: any, blockId: string) { } } } + + // undoStack にアクションを追加 + if (!undoStack[player.name]) { + undoStack[player.name] = []; + } + undoStack[player.name].push({ + type: 'walls', + pos1, + pos2, + blockId, + originalBlocks, + }); } -// outline ツールの実装 (fillBlocks を使用) -function createOutline(center: any, radius: number, blockId: string) { + +function createOutlineWithUndo(center: any, radius: number, blockId: string, player: Player) { + const originalBlocks: BlockData[] = []; + const minX = center.x - radius; const maxX = center.x + radius; const minY = center.y - radius; @@ -154,6 +279,24 @@ function createOutline(center: any, radius: number, blockId: string) { const minZ = center.z - radius; const maxZ = center.z + radius; + + for (let x = minX; x <= maxX; x++) { + for (let y = minY; y <= maxY; y++) { + for (let z = minZ; z <= maxZ; z++) { + const distance = Math.sqrt( + Math.pow(x - center.x, 2) + + Math.pow(y - center.y, 2) + + Math.pow(z - center.z, 2) + ); + + if (distance >= radius - 0.5 && distance <= radius + 0.5) { + originalBlocks.push(getBlockData({ x, y, z })); + } + } + } + } + + // createOutline の元のループ処理 for (let x = minX; x <= maxX; x++) { for (let y = minY; y <= maxY; y++) { for (let z = minZ; z <= maxZ; z++) { @@ -168,10 +311,25 @@ function createOutline(center: any, radius: number, blockId: string) { } } } + + + if (!undoStack[player.name]) { + undoStack[player.name] = []; + } + undoStack[player.name].push({ + type: 'outline', + pos1: center, // pos1 を center に設定 + pos2: null, // pos2 は使用しないので null に設定 + blockId, + radius, + originalBlocks, + }); } -// filledCircle ツールの実装 (fillBlocks を使用) -function createFilledCircle(center: any, radius: number, blockId: string) { + +function createFilledCircleWithUndo(center: any, radius: number, blockId: string, player: Player) { + const originalBlocks: BlockData[] = []; + const minX = center.x - radius; const maxX = center.x + radius; const minY = center.y - radius; @@ -179,6 +337,24 @@ function createFilledCircle(center: any, radius: number, blockId: string) { const minZ = center.z - radius; const maxZ = center.z + radius; + // createFilledCircle のループ処理の前に originalBlocks に変更前のブロックデータを保存 + for (let x = minX; x <= maxX; x++) { + for (let z = minZ; z <= maxZ; z++) { + for (let y = minY; y <= maxY; y++) { + const distance = Math.sqrt( + Math.pow(x - center.x, 2) + + Math.pow(y - center.y, 2) + + Math.pow(z - center.z, 2) + ); + + if (distance <= radius) { + originalBlocks.push(getBlockData({ x, y, z })); + } + } + } + } + + // createFilledCircle の元のループ処理 for (let x = minX; x <= maxX; x++) { for (let z = minZ; z <= maxZ; z++) { for (let y = minY; y <= maxY; y++) { @@ -194,15 +370,41 @@ function createFilledCircle(center: any, radius: number, blockId: string) { } } } + + // undoStack にアクションを追加 + if (!undoStack[player.name]) { + undoStack[player.name] = []; + } + undoStack[player.name].push({ + type: 'filledCircle', + pos1: center, // pos1 を center に設定 + pos2: null, // pos2 は使用しないので null に設定 + blockId, + radius, + originalBlocks, + }); } -function smoothArea(center: any, radius: number, blockId: string): void { + +function smoothAreaWithUndo(center: any, radius: number, blockId: string, player: Player): void { + const originalBlocks: BlockData[] = []; + const minX = Math.floor(center.x - radius); const maxX = Math.floor(center.x + radius); const minZ = Math.floor(center.z - radius); const maxZ = Math.floor(center.z + radius); const y = Math.floor(center.y); + // smoothArea のループ処理の前に originalBlocks に変更前のブロックデータを保存 + for (let x = minX; x <= maxX; x++) { + for (let z = minZ; z <= maxZ; z++) { + for (let currentY = y - radius; currentY <= y + radius; currentY++) { + originalBlocks.push(getBlockData({ x, y: currentY, z })); + } + } + } + + // smoothArea の元のループ処理 for (let x = minX; x <= maxX; x++) { for (let z = minZ; z <= maxZ; z++) { // 指定の高さまでブロックで埋める @@ -215,12 +417,20 @@ function smoothArea(center: any, radius: number, blockId: string): void { } } } -} - - - - + // undoStack にアクションを追加 + if (!undoStack[player.name]) { + undoStack[player.name] = []; + } + undoStack[player.name].push({ + type: 'smooth', + pos1: center, // pos1 を center に設定 + pos2: null, // pos2 は使用しないので null に設定 + blockId, + radius, + originalBlocks, + }); +} // 範囲選択完了後に実行するコマンドを処理 function executeCommandAfterSelection(player: Player) { @@ -240,45 +450,45 @@ function executeCommandAfterSelection(player: Player) { if (tool === 'walls') { if (isValidBlockId(blockId)) { - createWalls(data.pos1, data.pos2, blockId); - player.sendMessage(translate(player, "WallsCreated")); // 翻訳キーを使用 - system.runTimeout(() => { - runCommand(player.name,'edit',['-start']); - },20); + createWallsWithUndo(data.pos1, data.pos2, blockId, player); + player.sendMessage(translate(player, "command.WallsCreated")); // 翻訳キーを使用 + system.runTimeout(() => { + runCommand(player.name, 'edit', ['-start']); + }, 20); } else { - player.sendMessage(translate(player, "InvalidBlockId")); // 翻訳キーを使用 + player.sendMessage(translate(player, "command.InvalidBlockId")); // 翻訳キーを使用 } } else if (tool === 'outline') { if (isValidBlockId(blockId)) { - const radius = toolData.outlineRadius || 5; - createOutline(data.pos1, radius, blockId); - player.sendMessage(translate(player, "OutlineCreated")); // 翻訳キーを使用 - system.runTimeout(() => { - runCommand(player.name,'edit',['-start']); - },20); + const radius = toolData.outlineRadius || 5; + createOutlineWithUndo(data.pos1, radius, blockId, player); + player.sendMessage(translate(player, "command.OutlineCreated")); // 翻訳キーを使用 + system.runTimeout(() => { + runCommand(player.name, 'edit', ['-start']); + }, 20); } else { - player.sendMessage(translate(player, "InvalidBlockId")); // 翻訳キーを使用 + player.sendMessage(translate(player, "command.InvalidBlockId")); // 翻訳キーを使用 } } else if (tool === 'filledCircle') { if (isValidBlockId(blockId)) { // filledCircleRadius が設定されている場合はそれを使用、そうでなければデフォルト値 5 を使用 const radius = toolData.filledCircleRadius || 5; // playerDataTool から半径を取得 - createFilledCircle(data.pos1, radius, blockId); + createFilledCircleWithUndo(data.pos1, radius, blockId, player); player.sendMessage(translate(player, "FilledCircleCreated")); // 翻訳キーを使用 - runCommand(player.name,'edit',['-start']); + runCommand(player.name, 'edit', ['-start']); } else { - player.sendMessage(translate(player, "InvalidBlockId")); // 翻訳キーを使用 + player.sendMessage(translate(player, "command.InvalidBlockId")); // 翻訳キーを使用 } } else if (tool === 'smooth') { if (isValidBlockId(blockId)) { const radius = toolData.smoothRadius || 5; - smoothArea(data.pos1, radius, blockId); + smoothAreaWithUndo(data.pos1, radius, blockId, player); player.sendMessage(translate(player, "smoothCreate")); // 翻訳キーを使用 system.runTimeout(() => { runCommand(player.name, 'edit', ['-start']); }, 20); } else { - player.sendMessage(translate(player, "InvalidBlockId")); // 翻訳キーを使用 + player.sendMessage(translate(player, "command.InvalidBlockId")); // 翻訳キーを使用 } } @@ -290,10 +500,10 @@ function executeCommandAfterSelection(player: Player) { const blockId = args[1]; if (isValidBlockId(blockId)) { - fillBlocks(data.pos1, data.pos2, blockId); + fillBlocksWithUndo(data.pos1, data.pos2, blockId, player); player.sendMessage(translate(player, "RangeSet", { blockId: blockId })); // 翻訳キーを使用、データを渡す } else { - player.sendMessage(translate(player, "InvalidBlockId")); // 翻訳キーを使用 + player.sendMessage(translate(player, "command.InvalidBlockId")); // 翻訳キーを使用 } // -set を使用した場合はプレイヤーデータを削除 @@ -301,12 +511,83 @@ function executeCommandAfterSelection(player: Player) { } else if (args[0] === '-clear') { // -clear の処理 + const originalBlocks: BlockData[] = []; + const minX = Math.min(data.pos1.x, data.pos2.x); + const maxX = Math.max(data.pos1.x, data.pos2.x); + const minY = Math.min(data.pos1.y, data.pos2.y); + const maxY = Math.max(data.pos1.y, data.pos2.y); + const minZ = Math.min(data.pos1.z, data.pos2.z); + const maxZ = Math.max(data.pos1.z, data.pos2.z); + + for (let x = minX; x <= maxX; x++) { + for (let y = minY; y <= maxY; y++) { + for (let z = minZ; z <= maxZ; z++) { + originalBlocks.push(getBlockData({ x, y, z })); + } + } + } + fillBlocks(data.pos1, data.pos2, "minecraft:air"); + + // undoStack にアクションを追加 + if (!undoStack[player.name]) { + undoStack[player.name] = []; + } + undoStack[player.name].push({ + type: 'clear', + pos1: data.pos1, + pos2: data.pos2, + originalBlocks, + }); + player.sendMessage(translate(player, "RangeCleared")); // 翻訳キーを使用 // -clear を使用した場合はプレイヤーデータを削除 delete playerData[player.name]; + } else if (args[0] === '-walls' && args.length === 2) { // walls コマンドを追加 + const blockId = args[1]; + if (isValidBlockId(blockId)) { + data.commandArgs = args; + data.selecting = true; + player.sendMessage(translate(player, "StartRangeSelection2")); + } else { + player.sendMessage(translate(player, "command.InvalidBlockId")); + } + } else if (args[0] === '-outline' && args.length === 3 && !isNaN(parseInt(args[1]))) { // outline コマンドを追加 + const radius = parseInt(args[1]); + const blockId = args[2]; + if (isValidBlockId(blockId)) { + playerDataTool[player.name] = { tool: 'outline', blockId, outlineRadius: radius }; + data.commandArgs = args; + data.selecting = true; + player.sendMessage(translate(player, "StartRangeSelection")); + } else { + player.sendMessage(translate(player, "command.InvalidBlockId")); + } + } else if (args[0] === '-filledCircle' && args.length === 3 && !isNaN(parseInt(args[1]))) { // filledCircle コマンドを追加 + const radius = parseInt(args[1]); + const blockId = args[2]; + if (isValidBlockId(blockId)) { + playerDataTool[player.name] = { tool: 'filledCircle', blockId, filledCircleRadius: radius }; + data.commandArgs = args; + data.selecting = true; + player.sendMessage(translate(player, "StartRangeSelection")); + } else { + player.sendMessage(translate(player, "command.InvalidBlockId")); + } + } else if (args[0] === '-smooth' && args.length === 3 && !isNaN(parseInt(args[1]))) { // smooth コマンドを追加 + const radius = parseInt(args[1]); + const blockId = args[2]; + if (isValidBlockId(blockId)) { + playerDataTool[player.name] = { tool: 'smooth', blockId, smoothRadius: radius }; + data.commandArgs = args; + data.selecting = true; + player.sendMessage(translate(player, "StartRangeSelection")); + } else { + player.sendMessage(translate(player, "command.InvalidBlockId")); + } + } else { // 不正な引数の場合はエラーメッセージを表示 player.sendMessage(translate(player, "InvalidCommandUsage", { prefix: `${prefix}` })); // 翻訳キーを使用、データを渡す @@ -316,6 +597,7 @@ function executeCommandAfterSelection(player: Player) { }, 20); } + // コマンド登録 registerCommand({ name: 'edit', @@ -337,9 +619,9 @@ registerCommand({ const blockId = args[2]; if (isValidBlockId(blockId)) { playerDataTool[player.name] = { tool: 'walls', blockId }; - player.sendMessage(translate(player, "WallsToolSelected", {blockId: `${blockId}` })); // 翻訳キーを使用、データを渡す + player.sendMessage(translate(player, "WallsToolSelected", { blockId: `${blockId}` })); // 翻訳キーを使用、データを渡す } else { - player.sendMessage(translate(player, "InvalidBlockId")); // 翻訳キーを使用 + player.sendMessage(translate(player, "command.InvalidBlockId")); // 翻訳キーを使用 } } else if (args[1] === '-outline' && args.length === 4 && !isNaN(parseInt(args[2]))) { // outline ツールで半径とブロックIDを指定 @@ -349,7 +631,7 @@ registerCommand({ playerDataTool[player.name] = { tool: 'outline', blockId, outlineRadius: radius }; // playerDataTool に半径を保存 player.sendMessage(translate(player, "OutlineToolSelected", { radius: `${radius}`, blockId: `${blockId}` })); // 翻訳キーを使用、データを渡す } else { - player.sendMessage(translate(player, "InvalidBlockId")); // 翻訳キーを使用 + player.sendMessage(translate(player, "command.InvalidBlockId")); // 翻訳キーを使用 } } else if (args[1] === '-filledCircle' && args.length === 4 && !isNaN(parseInt(args[2]))) { // filledCircle ツールで半径とブロックIDを指定 @@ -359,7 +641,7 @@ registerCommand({ playerDataTool[player.name] = { tool: 'filledCircle', blockId, filledCircleRadius: radius }; // playerDataTool に半径を保存 player.sendMessage(translate(player, "FilledCircleToolSelected", { radius: `${radius}`, blockId: `${blockId}` })); // 翻訳キーを使用、データを渡す } else { - player.sendMessage(translate(player, "InvalidBlockId")); // 翻訳キーを使用 + player.sendMessage(translate(player, "command.InvalidBlockId")); // 翻訳キーを使用 } } else if (args[1] === '-smooth' && args.length === 4 && !isNaN(parseInt(args[2]))) { // outline ツールで半径とブロックIDを指定 @@ -369,7 +651,7 @@ registerCommand({ playerDataTool[player.name] = { tool: 'smooth', blockId, smoothRadius: radius }; // playerDataTool に半径を保存 player.sendMessage(translate(player, "OutlineToolSelected", { radius: `${radius}`, blockId: `${blockId}` })); // 翻訳キーを使用、データを渡す } else { - player.sendMessage(translate(player, "InvalidBlockId")); // 翻訳キーを使用 + player.sendMessage(translate(player, "command.InvalidBlockId")); // 翻訳キーを使用 } } else if (args[1] === '-exit') { // ツールを終了 @@ -379,7 +661,7 @@ registerCommand({ player.sendMessage(translate(player, "ToolOptions")); // 翻訳キーを使用 } - } else if (args[0] === '-set' && args.length === 2) { + } else if (args[0] === '-set' && args.length === 2) { // -set コマンド // 範囲選択を開始 data.commandArgs = args; // コマンド引数を保存 @@ -397,9 +679,24 @@ registerCommand({ data.selecting = true; player.sendMessage(translate(player, "StartRangeSelection")); // 翻訳キーを使用 + } else if (args[0] === '-undo') { + // -undo コマンドの処理 + if (undoStack[player.name] && undoStack[player.name].length > 0) { + const lastAction = undoStack[player.name].pop()!; + + if (lastAction.type === 'fill' || lastAction.type === 'clear' || lastAction.type === 'walls' || lastAction.type === 'outline' || lastAction.type === 'filledCircle' || lastAction.type === 'smooth') { + lastAction.originalBlocks.forEach(blockData => { + setBlockData(blockData); + }); + player.sendMessage(translate(player, "command.Undone")); // 翻訳キーを使用 + } + } else { + player.sendMessage(translate(player, "command.NothingToUndo")); // 翻訳キーを使用 + } + } else { // 不正な引数の場合はエラーメッセージを表示 player.sendMessage(translate(player, "InvalidCommandUsage", { prefix: `${prefix}` })); // 翻訳キーを使用、データを渡す } }, -}); \ No newline at end of file +}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/devFolder/src/command/plugin/import.ts b/devFolder/src/command/plugin/import.ts index d9f50f9..788fbf7 100644 --- a/devFolder/src/command/plugin/import.ts +++ b/devFolder/src/command/plugin/import.ts @@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ import './jpch'; import './warpgate'; import './edit'; import './lore'; +import './packet'; diff --git a/devFolder/src/command/plugin/jpch.ts b/devFolder/src/command/plugin/jpch.ts index 7f37bc6..dcfd0d9 100644 --- a/devFolder/src/command/plugin/jpch.ts +++ b/devFolder/src/command/plugin/jpch.ts @@ -305,6 +305,7 @@ const dictionaryData: DictionaryEntry[] = [ { kanji: '囲む', hiragana: 'かこむ' }, { kanji: '囲ん', hiragana: 'かこん' }, { kanji: '囲んで', hiragana: 'かこんで' }, + { kanji: '化け物', hiragana: 'ばけもの' }, ]; const dictionary: { [key: string]: string[] } = {}; diff --git a/devFolder/src/command/plugin/lore.ts b/devFolder/src/command/plugin/lore.ts index 8b18783..efc15d1 100644 --- a/devFolder/src/command/plugin/lore.ts +++ b/devFolder/src/command/plugin/lore.ts @@ -6,14 +6,14 @@ import { translate } from '../langs/list/LanguageManager'; /** * アイテムの名前を変更する関数 * @param item アイテム - * @param newName 新しい名前 + * @param command.NewName 新しい名前 * @param player プレイヤー * @param targetSlot クローン先のスロット */ -function renameItem(item: any, newName: string, player: Player, targetSlot: number) { +function renameItem(item: any, NewName: string, player: Player, targetSlot: number) { system.runTimeout(() => { if (item) { - item.nameTag = newName; + item.nameTag = NewName; const inventoryComponent = player.getComponent('minecraft:inventory') as EntityInventoryComponent; if (inventoryComponent && inventoryComponent.container) { const container = inventoryComponent.container; @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ function renameItem(item: any, newName: string, player: Player, targetSlot: numb * @param player プレイヤー * @param targetSlot クローン先のスロット */ -function removeLore(item: any, player: Player, targetSlot: number) { +function RemoveLore(item: any, player: Player, targetSlot: number) { system.runTimeout(() => { if (item) { item.setLore([]); @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ function removeLore(item: any, player: Player, targetSlot: number) { * @param player プレイヤー * @param targetSlot クローン先のスロット */ -function addLore(item: any, loreText: string, player: Player, targetSlot: number) { +function AddLore(item: any, loreText: string, player: Player, targetSlot: number) { system.runTimeout(() => { if (item) { const currentLore = item.getLore() || []; @@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ function removeSpecificLore(item: any, loreText: string, player: Player, targetS system.runTimeout(() => { if (item) { const currentLore = item.getLore() || []; - const newLore = currentLore.filter((line: string) => line !== loreText); - item.setLore(newLore); + const NewLore = currentLore.filter((line: string) => line !== loreText); + item.setLore(NewLore); const inventoryComponent = player.getComponent('minecraft:inventory') as EntityInventoryComponent; if (inventoryComponent && inventoryComponent.container) { const container = inventoryComponent.container; @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ registerCommand({ executor: (player: Player, args: string[]) => { // 引数が提供されていない場合のチェックを追加 if (!args || args.length < 2) { - player.sendMessage(translate(player, "Usagelore", { prefix: `${prefix}` })); + player.sendMessage(translate(player, "command.UsageLore", { prefix: `${prefix}` })); return; } @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ registerCommand({ } if (!heldItem) { - player.sendMessage(translate(player, "TakeItem")); + player.sendMessage(translate(player, "command.takeItem")); return; } @@ -124,26 +124,26 @@ registerCommand({ if (subCommand === '-set') { const loreText = args.slice(1).join(' '); - addLore(heldItem, loreText, player, targetSlot); - player.sendMessage(translate(player, "ADDLore")); + AddLore(heldItem, loreText, player, targetSlot); + player.sendMessage(translate(player, "command.AddLore")); } else if (subCommand === '-remove') { const loreText = args.slice(1).join(' '); removeSpecificLore(heldItem, loreText, player, targetSlot); const currentLore = heldItem.getLore() || []; if (currentLore.length === heldItem.getLore()?.length) { - player.sendMessage(translate(player, "NotFoundLore")); + player.sendMessage(translate(player, "command.NotFoundLore")); } else { - player.sendMessage(translate(player, "RemoveLore")); + player.sendMessage(translate(player, "command.RemoveLore")); } } else if (subCommand === '-rename') { - const newName = args.slice(1).join(' '); - renameItem(heldItem, newName, player, targetSlot); - player.sendMessage(translate(player, "ChangeNames")); - } else if (subCommand === '-clearlore') { - removeLore(heldItem, player, targetSlot); - player.sendMessage(translate(player, "RemoveLore")); + const NewName = args.slice(1).join(' '); + renameItem(heldItem, NewName, player, targetSlot); + player.sendMessage(translate(player, "command.ChangeNames")); + } else if (subCommand === '-command.ClearLore') { + RemoveLore(heldItem, player, targetSlot); + player.sendMessage(translate(player, "command.RemoveLore")); } else { - player.sendMessage(translate(player, "Usagelore", { prefix: `${prefix}` })); + player.sendMessage(translate(player, "command.UsageLore", { prefix: `${prefix}` })); } }, }); diff --git a/devFolder/src/command/plugin/packet.ts b/devFolder/src/command/plugin/packet.ts index 97bca8e..d3860e0 100644 --- a/devFolder/src/command/plugin/packet.ts +++ b/devFolder/src/command/plugin/packet.ts @@ -573,6 +573,20 @@ function unfreezePlayer(player: Player) { } } + +function freezePlayer(player: Player) { + const data = playerData[player.id]; + if (data && data.isFrozen) { + data.isFrozen = true; + console.warn(`プレイヤー ${player.name} (ID: ${player.id}) をfreezeさせました`); + + data.positionHistory = [player.location]; + data.lastTime = Date.now(); + data.lastTeleportTime = 0; + } +} + + // ---------------------------------- // --- コマンド登録 --- // ---------------------------------- @@ -599,8 +613,16 @@ registerCommand({ } else { player.sendMessage(`プレイヤー ${args[1]} が見つかりません`); } + } else if (args[0] === 'freeze' && args.length === 2) { + const targetPlayer = world.getPlayers().find((p) => p.name === args[1]); + if (targetPlayer) { + freezePlayer(targetPlayer); + player.sendMessage(`プレイヤー ${targetPlayer.name} をフリーズさせました`); + } else { + player.sendMessage(`プレイヤー ${args[1]} が見つかりません`); + } } else { - player.sendMessage('無効な引数です。on, off, または unfreeze Playername を指定してください'); + player.sendMessage('無効な引数です。on, off, または unfreeze Playername,freeze Playernameを指定してください'); } }, }); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/devFolder/src/command/utility/list.ts b/devFolder/src/command/utility/list.ts index 1bfc243..9e0e041 100644 --- a/devFolder/src/command/utility/list.ts +++ b/devFolder/src/command/utility/list.ts @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ import { world, Player, EntityHealthComponent } from '@minecraft/server'; import { c } from '../../Modules/Util'; -import { registerCommand, isPlayer, verifier } from '../../Modules/Handler'; +import { registerCommand, isPlayer, verifier, prefix } from '../../Modules/Handler'; import { getGamemode, getPing } from '../../Modules/Util'; import { translate } from '../langs/list/LanguageManager'; @@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ registerCommand({ } else if (args[0] === 'all') { sendAllPlayersInfoToChat(player); } else { - player.sendMessage(translate(player, 'commands.list.usage')); + player.sendMessage(translate(player, 'commands.list.usage', { prefix: `${prefix}` })); } } else { - player.sendMessage(translate(player, 'commands.list.usage')); + player.sendMessage(translate(player, 'commands.list.usage', { prefix: `${prefix}` })); } }, }); diff --git a/devFolder/src/command/utility/tpa.ts b/devFolder/src/command/utility/tpa.ts index cfe25a5..d8033f7 100644 --- a/devFolder/src/command/utility/tpa.ts +++ b/devFolder/src/command/utility/tpa.ts @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ import { c } from '../../Modules/Util'; -import { registerCommand, verifier } from '../../Modules/Handler'; +import { prefix, registerCommand, verifier } from '../../Modules/Handler'; import { Player, world, system } from '@minecraft/server'; import { translate } from '../langs/list/LanguageManager'; @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ registerCommand({ } else if (args[0] === '-a' && args.length === 2) { acceptTpaRequest(player, args[1]); } else { - player.sendMessage(translate(player, 'invalidTpaCommandUsage')); + player.sendMessage(translate(player, 'invalidTpaCommandUsage', { prefix: `${prefix}` })); } }, }); diff --git a/image/EN,image.png b/image/EN,image.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6e6569c Binary files /dev/null and b/image/EN,image.png differ diff --git a/image/image.png b/image/image.png index be1d444..96b59be 100644 Binary files a/image/image.png and b/image/image.png differ