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Plant Detection Image Processing Steps

Gabriel Burnworth edited this page Feb 12, 2017 · 2 revisions

Original image

Import an image with plants and weeds on a soil background. soil_image


Blur image to simplify and reduce noise. blurred

Select green regions

Select only the green regions based on the green color range input. masked2
(Color regions shown are from the original unprocessed image.)


Erode and dilate boundaries of selected areas to reduce noise and combine parts of the same plant. morphed2
(Color regions shown are from the original unprocessed image.)


Mark each plant's center with a circle the size of the plant and show the selected plant's boundary. coordinates_found
(Background shown is the original unprocessed image.)

Coordinate conversion

If coordinate conversion is performed, convert locations of plants to coordinates and compare against the locations of known plants. Known plants are shown with green circles, the identified plant that matches the known plant is shown with a blue circle, and other plants are shown with a red circle. The coordinate grid is overlain with the center of the image and the UTM. marked
(Background shown is the original unprocessed image.)

For details on the calibration required for coordinate conversion, see Camera Coordinate Calibration Overview.

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