The following examples are run with the native Julia arrays for demo purposes. Substituting LinearIndices((np,))
by distribute_with_mpi(LinearIndices((np,)))
will convert them to distributed drivers. To learn how to run the examples with MPI, see the Usage section.
Hello, world!
using PartitionedArrays
+np = 4
+ranks = LinearIndices((np,))
+map(ranks) do rank
+ println("Hello, world! I am proc $rank of $np.")
Hello, world! I am proc 1 of 4.
+Hello, world! I am proc 2 of 4.
+Hello, world! I am proc 3 of 4.
+Hello, world! I am proc 4 of 4.
Collective communication
The first rank generates an array of random integers in 1:30
and scatters it over all ranks. Each rank counts the number of even items in its part. Finally, the partial sums are reduced in the first rank.
The first rank generates the data to send.
using PartitionedArrays
+np = 4
+load = 3
+n = load*np
+ranks = LinearIndices((np,))
+a_snd = map(ranks) do rank
+ if rank == 1
+ a = rand(1:30,n)
+ [ a[(1:load).+(i-1)*load] for i in 1:np ]
+ else
+ [ Int[] ]
+ end
4-element Vector{Vector{Vector{Int64}}}:
+ [[7, 22, 1], [26, 1, 8], [18, 30, 22], [15, 16, 30]]
+ [[]]
+ [[]]
+ [[]]
Note that only the first entry contains meaningful data in previous output.
a_rcv = scatter(a_snd,source=1)
4-element Vector{Vector{Int64}}:
+ [7, 22, 1]
+ [26, 1, 8]
+ [18, 30, 22]
+ [15, 16, 30]
After the scatter, all the parts have received their chunk. Now, we can count in parallel.
b_snd = map(ai->count(isodd,ai),a_rcv)
4-element Vector{Int64}:
+ 2
+ 1
+ 0
+ 1
Finally we reduce the partial sums.
b_rcv = reduction(+,b_snd,init=0,destination=1)
4-element Vector{Int64}:
+ 4
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
Only the destination rank will receive the correct result.
Point-to-point communication
Each rank generates some message (in this case an integer 10 times the current rank id). Each rank sends this data to the next rank. The last one sends it to the first, closing the circle. After repeating this exchange a number of times equal to the number of ranks, we check that we ended up with the original message.
First, each rank generates the ids of the neighbor to send data to.
using PartitionedArrays
+np = 3
+ranks = LinearIndices((np,))
+neigs_snd = map(ranks) do rank
+ if rank != np
+ [rank + 1]
+ else
+ [1]
+ end
3-element Vector{Vector{Int64}}:
+ [2]
+ [3]
+ [1]
Now, generate the data we want to send
data_snd = map(ranks) do rank
+ [10*rank]
3-element Vector{Vector{Int64}}:
+ [10]
+ [20]
+ [30]
Prepare, the point-to-point communication graph
graph = ExchangeGraph(neigs_snd)
ExchangeGraph{Vector{Vector{Int64}}} with 3 nodes
Do the first exchange, and wait for the result to arrive
data_rcv = exchange(data_snd,graph) |> fetch
3-element Vector{Vector{Int64}}:
+ [30]
+ [10]
+ [20]
Do the second exchange and wait for the result to arrive
+exchange!(data_rcv,data_snd,graph) |> fetch
3-element Vector{Vector{Int64}}:
+ [20]
+ [30]
+ [10]
Do the last exchange
+exchange!(data_rcv,data_snd,graph) |> fetch
3-element Vector{Vector{Int64}}:
+ [10]
+ [20]
+ [30]
Check that we got the initial message
map(ranks,data_rcv) do rank,data_rcv
+ @assert data_rcv == [10*rank]
Distributed sparse linear solve
Solve the following linear system by distributing it over several parts.
\[\begin{pmatrix} +1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ +-1 & 2 & -1 & 0 & 0 \\ +0 & -1 & 2 & -1 & 0 \\ +0 & 0 & -1 & 2 & -1 \\ +0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 +\end{pmatrix} +\begin{pmatrix} +u₁ \\ +u₂ \\ +u₃ \\ +u₄ \\ +u₅ +\end{pmatrix} += +\begin{pmatrix} + 1 \\ + 0 \\ + 0 \\ + 0 \\ +-1 +\end{pmatrix}\]
First generate the row partition
using PartitionedArrays
+using IterativeSolvers
+using LinearAlgebra
+np = 3
+n = 5
+ranks = LinearIndices((np,))
+row_partition = uniform_partition(ranks,n)
3-element Vector{PartitionedArrays.LocalIndicesWithConstantBlockSize{1}}:
+ [1]
+ [2, 3]
+ [4, 5]
Compute the rhs vector
IV = map(row_partition) do row_indices
+ I,V = Int[], Float64[]
+ for global_row in local_to_global(row_indices)
+ if global_row == 1
+ v = 1.0
+ elseif global_row == n
+ v = -1.0
+ else
+ continue
+ end
+ push!(I,global_row)
+ push!(V,v)
+ end
+ I,V
+II,VV = tuple_of_arrays(IV)
+b = pvector(II,VV,row_partition) |> fetch
5-element PVector partitioned into 3 parts of type Vector{Float64}
Compute the system matrix
IJV = map(row_partition) do row_indices
+ I,J,V = Int[], Int[], Float64[]
+ for global_row in local_to_global(row_indices)
+ if global_row in (1,n)
+ push!(I,global_row)
+ push!(J,global_row)
+ push!(V,1.0)
+ else
+ push!(I,global_row)
+ push!(J,global_row-1)
+ push!(V,-1.0)
+ push!(I,global_row)
+ push!(J,global_row)
+ push!(V,2.0)
+ push!(I,global_row)
+ push!(J,global_row+1)
+ push!(V,-1.0)
+ end
+ end
+ I,J,V
+I,J,V = tuple_of_arrays(IJV)
+col_partition = row_partition
+A = psparse(I,J,V,row_partition,col_partition) |> fetch
5×5 PSparseMatrix partitioned into 3 parts of type SplitMatrix{SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64}, Float64}
Generate an initial guess that fulfills the boundary conditions. Solve and check the result
x = similar(b,axes(A,2))
+x .= b
+r = A*x - b
Imagine, that we want to create the system several times (e.g., in a nonlinear solver). We can use the key-word argument reuse
to enable efficient re-construction of the matrix/vector.
b,cacheb = pvector(II,VV,row_partition,reuse=true) |> fetch
+A,cacheA= psparse(I,J,V,row_partition,col_partition,reuse=true) |> fetch;
Now modify the values. For example:
V = map(i->2*i,V)
3-element Vector{Vector{Float64}}:
+ [2.0]
+ [-2.0, 4.0, -2.0, -2.0, 4.0, -2.0]
+ [-2.0, 4.0, -2.0, 2.0]
VV = map(i->2*i,VV)
3-element Vector{Vector{Float64}}:
+ [2.0]
+ []
+ [-2.0]
Update the matrix and the vector accordingly:
pvector!(b,VV,cacheb) |> wait
+psparse!(A,V,cacheA) |> wait
The solution should be the same as before in this case.
r = A*x - b
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