RNIDBG An ARM64 emulator written in Rust, based on the secondary development of unidbg.。Join us now! Build Me Make sure your Rust version is 1.79+, otherwise upgrade! If Linux, make sure that libfmt/boost is available in your environment (dynarmic backend). DEVELOPER DEBUGGING COMPILE TIME VARIABLES 变量名 说明 默认值 PRINT_SYSCALL_LOG print syscall log 0 SHOW_INIT_FUNC_CALL print init_function calls 0 SHOW_MODULES_INSERT_LOG print module loading log 0 PRINT_SVC_REGISTER print service registration log 0 PRINT_JNI_CALLS print jni call log 0 DYNARMIC_DEBUG print dynarmic logs 0 EMU_LOG print emulator logs 0 PRINT_MMAP_LOG print virtual mmap logs 0 RUN TIME VARIABLE IN COMPUTING VARIABLE NAME CLARIFICATION DEFAULT VALUE DYNARMIC_JIT_SIZE Code Cache Size (MB) 64 TODO Add support for debugging Add support for more syscall Beautiful JNI implementation (unsafe block) Implement most system libraries as virtual modules Thanks Rust unidbg dynarmic Dobby