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Nissar Chababy edited this page Jul 10, 2017 · 2 revisions

The repository is delivered with two different scripts: funceble and tool.

The first is the main script and the second one is a kind of helper which help you install funceble with the default value you want.


Usage: ./funceble [ -a|--all ] [ -ex|--execution ] [ --help ] [ -h ] [ -ip ] [ -q|--quiet ] [ -n|--noFiles ] [ -p|--percentage ] [ -nl|--noLogs ] [ -nu|--noUnified ] [ --split ] [ -t|--timeout ]

       {[ -d ]} || {[ -f listOfDomainInAFile ]}

  --all                      -a              Output all information on screen (Must be before -d or -f)
  --domain                   -d              Domain to analyze
  --file                     -f              File with a list of domains
  --execution                -ex             Show the execution time (Must be before -d or -f)
  --help                                     Print this screen
                             -ip             Change the ip to print in host file (Must be before -d or -f)
  --host                     -h              Activate the generation of host (Must be before -d or -f)
  --quiet                    -q              Activate quiet mode (Must be before -d or -f)
  --percentage               -p              Show the percentage of the results (Must be before -d or -f)
  --noFiles                  -n              Deactivate the production of output files (Must be before -d or -f)
  --noLogs                   -nl             Deactivate the production of logs files in case we encounter some errors (Must be before -d or -f)
  --noUnified                -nu             Deactivate the production of result.txt as unified result under the output directory (Must be before -d or -f)
  --split                                    Split output files (Must be before -d or -f)
  --timeout                  -t              Seconds before timeout (Must be before -d or -f)


Usage: ./tool [ -d ] [ -h ]

       {[ -i ]} || {[ -p ]} || {[ -u ]}

  --debug                    -d              Activate the debug mode with the installation (Must be before -u or -i)
  --help                                     Print this screen
  --installation             -i              Execute the installation script
  --production               -p              Prepare the repository for production
  --update                   -u              Update the script
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