The Json payload can be used to create an OAC instance (with the related DBCS already UP and Running)
psm analytics create-service -c OAC.json
Field | Description | Example Values |
Edition | OAC Edition | EE |
vmPublicKeyText | OAC SSH Public Key | ssh-rsa PUBLIC SSH KEY |
enableNotification | Enable/Disable Notifications | true/false |
notificationEmail | OAC Notification Email | |
serviceVersion | OAC Service Version | 12.2 |
isBYOL | IS CUSTOMER BYOL (Bring Your Own License from on-premises) | true/false |
adminUserName | OAC Administrator Username | Admin |
adminUserPassword | OAC Administrator Password | MyPWD123 |
analyticsStorageUser | Analytics Storage User | [email protected] |
analyticsStoragePassword | Analytics Storage Password | MyPWD123 |
shape | Compute Shape | oc1m |
createAnalyticsStorageContainer | Create a new Analytics Storage Container | true/false |
totalAnalyticsStorage | Total space (in GB) allocated in the newly created Analytics Storage | 280.0 |
profile_essbase | Include Essbase | true/false |
profile_bi | Include Answers/Dashboards | true/false |
profile_dv_forced | Include Data Visualization | true/false |
dbcsPDBName | Database Cloud Service PDB name to be used to store OAC schemas | PDB1 |
dbcsUserName | Database Cloud Service Username (with DBA capabilities) | SYS |
dbcsPassword | Database Cloud Service Password | MyPWD123 |
dbcsName | Database Cloud Service Instance Name | dbcs1 |
idcs_enabled | Is Identity Cloud Service enables | true/false |
analyticsStorageContainerURL | Analytics Storage URL to be used | https://INSTANCE_NAME .AREA /STORAGE_NAME |
publicStorageEnabled | Is public storage enables | true/false |
usableAnalyticsStorage | Quota of used Analytics Storage | 180 |
serviceLevel | Service Level | PAAS |
meteringFrequency | Metering | HOURLY/MONTHLY |
subscriptionId | Subscription Id | 111111 |
serviceName | OAC Service Name | OAC |