- Don’t use Lambda to move data! API Gateway can help
- Serverless Pitfalls: Issues With Running a Startup on AWS Lambda
- Best Practices for AWS Lambda Container Reuse
- How to temporarily disable an AWS Lambda function using AWS CLI without removing the function
- I’m afraid you’re thinking about AWS Lambda cold starts all wrong
- Understanding Container Reuse in AWS Lambda
- Predictable start-up times with Provisioned Concurrency
- Provisioned Concurrency: What it is and how to use it with the Serverless Framework
- Finding AWS Lambda Cold Start Durations
- 10 most common mistakes using kubernetes
- 10 Anti-Patterns for Kubernetes Deployments
- DigitalOcean eBook: Kubernetes for Full-Stack Developers
- kubectl Cheat Sheet
- Kubernetes Workers Autoscaling based on RabbitMQ queue size
- Kubernetes Patterns - Declarative Deployments
- Kubernetes rolling updates, rollbacks and multi-environments
- Rate-limiting for your Kubernetes applications with NGINX ingress
- Rate Limiting with the HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress Controller
- Building a headless service in Kubernetes
- How to deploy application on Kubernetes with Helm
- Kubernetes: Merge Multiple YAML Files Into One
- Kubernetes: Change base YAML config for different environments prod/test using Kustomize
- Deployments vs StatefulSets vs DaemonSets
- Essential Kubernetes Resources Deployment, Pod Disruption Budget, Horizontal Pod Autoscaler, NetworkPolicy
- Understanding resource limits in kubernetes: cpu time
- How we learned to improve Kubernetes CronJobs at Scale. Part 1, Part 2