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File metadata and controls

114 lines (89 loc) · 4.04 KB

Sbt plugin to upload app version to elastic beanstalk. This is very much a work in progress

Set up


The plugin uses the aws sdk's DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain to read credentials from environment variables, or ~/.aws/credentials. If you have the aws cli set up with permissions to the eb application and s3 bucket, you should be good to go.


Though s3 is 'regionless', items are stored in a region. For some reason, elastic beanstalk applications can not access sources stored in s3 buckets outside their regions. There is no way (that I know of) to move an s3 bucket to a different region so be sure when it's created, it's in the same region as the application.


Install the plugin direct from source by adding the following to project/plugins.sbt:

lazy val ebPlugin = uri("git://")

The following need to be set in build.sbt:


ebS3BucketName := "bucket-to-store-app-version"

ebAppBundleSource := (stage in Docker).value // Source to bundle up

//Defaults to eu-west-1
ebRegion := "region"

ebDescription := "version description"

//Defaults to application name
ebAppName := "My First Elastic Beanstalk Application"

//Default to application version
ebVersion := "version"

Potential issue

Archiving files can cause them to loose unix excutable permissions. The following should probably be added to build.sbt to fix it:

// Add `chmod` before RUN to fix executable permissions lost on zip
dockerCommands <<= (dockerCommands, dockerEntrypoint) map { (com, ent) =>
  com.flatMap {
    case e : ExecCmd if e.cmd == "ENTRYPOINT" =>
      val chmodCommand = Seq("chmod", "+x") ++ ent
      Seq(ExecCmd("RUN", chmodCommand: _*), e)
    case e => Seq(e)

see for more details.


sbt ebCreateVersion will zip the application source, upload it to the specified s3 bucket, and create a new version for the elastic beanstalk application. It can then be deployed using the AWS console or CLI.


  • Make auto plugin
  • Use version for sbt-git if active
  • Allow seperate settings for extensions

Description from sbt-git

The idea is to have this built in as part of the auto-plugin but for now the following manual settings will work. Add the sbt-git plugin in plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-git" % "0.8.5")

in build.sbt add the following:

// set version for git sha

// Sets the eb version to the git sha with timestamp
ebVersion := {
  def timestamp(time: Long): String = {
    // no delimiter between date & time in order to not break rpm versioning rules
    val sdf = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("YYYYMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z'")
    sdf.format(new Date(time))

  (timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()) + "-" + version.value).take(100)

// Set eb description to the git head commit message
ebDescription := {
  val subject = {
    val prefix = if (git.gitUncommittedChanges.value) { + " - ")
    } else { None }

    prefix.getOrElse("") + logMessageTask.value


lazy val logMessageTask = taskKey[String]("extracting the head log message")

logMessageTask := {
  val runner = git.runner.value
  val dir = baseDirectory.value
  val gitArgs = Seq("log", "-1", """--pretty=%s""")
  runner(gitArgs: _*)(dir, com.typesafe.sbt.git.NullLogger)


Currently any extensions and the file must be added to the source bundle. If using sbt-native-pacakger to docker, they can be placed directly in a docker directory and will be picked up in docker:stage. Otherwise they need to be added in build.sbt. Hopefully this can be handled by the plugin someday.


Project inspired by and