PROJEKKTOR - simply mighty
- [core] general issues with jQuery older than V1.6.x
- [core] leaving fullscreen on "done" doesn´t make the player stuck in a loop anymore
- [core] always get some poster to display in case of invalid or incomplete quality-toggle setups
- [core] several Android related issues fixed
- [code] added volume knob for vertical volume sliders
- [core] general scrubbing issues after dynamic change of platforms
- [core] quality toggled audio covers
- [plugin:controlbar] loop button behavior
- [core] OSMF model: fixed problems with not or not properly promoted load progress information
- [core] new possibilities to bypass hardware acceleration during flash fallback
- [core] error messages can now also be customized on item level
- [core] HLS on Android still sucks - added a workaround anyway
- [core] general IE issues
- [core] proper display of error messages in case no proper platform support has been found on client side.
- [core] issues with quality-toggle-enabled poster images
- [model:OSMF] added DVR support
- [plugin:controlbar] added "go live" button
- [plugin:controlbar] scrubber tooltip know shows relative time on DVR
- [core] proper restore of user quality prefs for dynamic streams
- [core] removed improper request for undefined poster images
- [StrobeMediaPlayer] fixed cross domain issues
- [core] fixed iframe fullscreen bug - sorry folks
- [core] added OSMF player model
- [core] "streamType" can now be specified separately for each alternate media entry of a playlist item (allows mixing e.g. of RTMP, HTTP for one single playlist item)
- [core] made mJpeg multipart streams available for clients with VLC Web Plugin
- [core] fixed jQuery 1.4 issues
- [core] now even Firefox accepts to leave fullscreen once "done" is being triggered
- [core] made OSMF player model default
- [core] missing or broken plugins are now reported via an alert()
- [core] set default duration for images to one second
- [core] models can now overwrite existing ones - allows alternate ones without rebuild of the player-script
- [core] general HLS audio issues
- [core] load progress indicator for HLS audio
- [core] improved debugging for custom listeners and plugins (try-catch-log on "debug: true")
- [core] race condition issue introduced with V1.2.35 while on HTML5 playback
- [core] wildcarded "streamType"s now work properly
- [core] native audio (live) stream is now properly inherited form AUDIO not from VIDEO model
- [core] "leaveFullscreen" config option. On "true" player tries to leave fullscreen once "complete"ed.
- [plugin:controlbar] new template tags "min_abs" and "secs_abs" making it possible to get visually rid of the next higher divisor (e.g. "185 minutes" instead of "2 hours and 25 minutes")
- [core] several AUDIO related issues fixed - especially HLS and .m3u related ones
- [core] minor Android issues fixed
- [core] an item session doesn´t fire any events or updates after "error" anymore
- [plugin:controlbar] added scrubber tooltip showing time-index depending on cursor position - pls update your theme
- [core] volume toggling issues on audio playback via flash
- [core] fixed compatibility issues with jQuery < 1.6.1
- [core] on quality-toggle while watching pseudo-streams time offset parameter is now properly appended
- [core] enabled VLC Web Plugin support by default
- [core] maed silly ".setPlayhead()" also available as ".setSeek()"
- [theme] added subtitle-button set
- [core] new config option "cookieDomain"
- [core] new config option "cookiePath"
- [core] fixed false positive native-support detections
- [core] fixed image model seeking issue
- [theme] changed directory-/name- scheme from /theme/style.css to /theme//
- [core] added VLC Web Plugin Support - experimental - to unlock set config.platforms = ['browser', 'android', 'ios', 'vlc', 'native', 'flash']
- [plugin:controlbar] improved volume- and mute/unmute handling
- [core] prevent hopping time-index on seek in pseudo-streams
- [core] fixed pseudo-stream-on-fash-fallback issues
- [core] improved cookie handling
- [core] fixed item id config
- [core] .getItem() was totally messed up
- [core] argument values for .setPlayhead() are now internaly rounded to 2 decimal places
- [core] improved platform detection incl. full version check
- [core] IE8 issue due to a left console.log statement
- [core] new event "seek"
- [core] even more interesting fullscreen issues fixed
- [core] fixed cross-domain iframe issues - detection is now more accurate and will check for "allowFullscreen" attribute(s)
- [core] "seeking" and "seeked" are no longer player "state"s. Both are now properties of the new "seek"-event.
- [core] fullscreen issues in case dimensions are set via config options
- [core] .getConfig() now returns proper plugin cfg data
- [core] config option "ratio" - "16/9" by default
- [core] .setSize() now automatically sets "height" by "ratio"
- [core] .getMediaDimensions() now returns proper data
- [core] general liquid layout fixes
- [core] config option "_minWidth" depreciated
- [core] config option "_minHeight" depreciated
- [core] .setResize() depreciated
- [core] "pause" event not longer triggered on start of media while on flash fallback
- [core] "seeked" and "seeking" event are now properly triggered.
- [flash component] stripped useless code, several performance relevant fixes.
- [core] minor performance tweaks
- [core] disabling platforms works properly again
- [flash component] fixed general scaling issues
- [core] added plugin-"click-to-play" support
- [core] fixed poster scaling issues
- [plugin:controlbar] fixed scrubber-flickering on seeking
- [plugin:controlbar] fixed scrubber-tooltip positioning issues
- [plugin:controlbar] added a scrubber-knob option
- [core] fixed poster quality toggling on "unbalanced" playlists where one or more format(s) provide more quality alternatives than the selected one.
- [core] it´s now possible to set up different poster images for each quality-setting (in analogy to media source quality arrays)
- [plugin:controlbar] proper view reset on .setStop()
- [plugin:display] mouse cursor now automatically turns "pointer" on IDLE state
- [core] fixed "autoplay" behavior on .reset() and .setFile()
- [plugin:controlbar] volume controls are now properly set "inactive" on mobile devices
- [plugin:display] mouse cursor now properly turns "none" after timeout in case click invoced play but mouse hasn´t moved afterwards
- [core] new API method ".setGotoCuePoint
- [core] the player container now gets an additional class matching the player´s state
- [plugin:controlbar] added scrubber-position tooltip
- [plugin:controlbar] its now possible to have vertical volume sliders wihout further hacking
- [plugin:controlbar] volume of zero is no longer stored in cookie to avoid silent players accross sessions
- [core] fixed event unbinding for plugin objects on .reset()
- [core] new API method ".getFrame()"
- [core] new API method ".setFrame()"
- [core] new config parameter "thereCanBeOnlyOne", default "true"
- [core] on pages with multiple player instances, players with "thereCanBeOnlyOne" set to "true" will auto-stop all other players once they change to none IDLE state
- [core] .addListener() & .removeListener() now support namespaces
- [core] improved seek accuracy for native video
- [core] .removePlugin() is now .removePlugins() as it always accepted an array of plugins only
- [core] fixed poster rescaling
- [core] performance tweeks
- [core] streamType "httpAudio" is now properly recognized by the native playback model
- [core] fixed a very annoying fullscreen issue
- [core] credentials are now always enabled on AJAX calls
- [core] if player toggles DONE after being in fullscreen mode player containers with unset dimensions do not disappear any longer
- [core] injecting new items to non IDLE players doesn´t force IDLE any longer
- [core] fixed plugin version check routine
- [plugin:display] clicking on testcards now works properly on items with "disallowSkip" set true
- [plugin:contextmenu] proper iframe breaking on URL clicks where applicable.
- [core] CSS transitions are now disabled on mobile devices (performance issues)
- [core] .setVolume() properly discards invalid values
- [plugin:controlbar] click target for quality-button fixed
- [core] DOM elements applied by plugins are now properly unbound
- [core] .reset() did not unbind projekktor related events from document.window
- [plugin:display] startbutton and buffer-indicator now unregister properly on .reset() or .destroy()
- [core] config option "controls" is now TRUE by default
- [core] fixed logic issue in plugin interface
- [core] fixed continuous playback issues on mobile devices
- [plugin:display] startbutton and buffer-indicator now unregister properly on .reset() or .destroy()
- [core] compatibility-check for plugins via verion numbers
- [core] some JWPlayer-model issues fixed
- [core] issue with inter-plugin-communication fixed
- [core] minor performance issues fixed
- [core] using native audio shifted poster image down by one pixel
- [theme] IE7 issues fixed
- [core] mounted
- [theme] Added quality toggle button.
- [plugin:controlbar] fixed quality toggle logic mess
- [flash component] fixed minor image scaling issues
- [core] Fixed a plugin-interface-bug causing to mess up acitvation/de-activation of applied DOM containers
- [core] Fixed general volume-handling issues in IE7-9
- [core] D´oh, stupid bug caused player to crash instantly in IE.
- [core] dynamic css-classes are now properly set and reset - thanks again to "bhweb"
- [core] paused players now update time after seeking
- [plugin:controlbar] controls are now properly set "inactive" on mouse-over and player fires "done"
- [core] new API method "getSource". Returns the exact video URL of the active media about to be played or playing
- [core] new API method "getPlatform". Returns the platform/environment the active media, e.g. "native", "flash", "ios", "vlc" ...
- [core] new item config-option "cat" - free text for categorizing video items. use at will.
- [core] prevent key event promotion for "playpause" via -key in order to avoid scrolling
- [core] "fullscreen" event is now properly propagated over playlisted items
- [core] player collapsed on "completed" ... thx to bhweb for pointing this one out
- [core] "full viewport" now also works for IE7 when player is wrapped by a container with "position" CSS-directive ("hasLayout bug")
- [plugin:controlbar] muting IDLE players now works properly
- [plugin:controlbar] volume is now properly restored from in a cookie
- [core] configured "keys"-callbacks now also recieve the original event as second argument
- [core] removed hard-coded "max-width: 100%;" from playercontainer
- [core] prevent IE7 under some conditions to crash on return from fullscreen
- [plugin:controlbar] fixed "showOnIdle" behavior
- [plugin:display] mouse cursor now hides after 3 seconds of mouseover.
- [core] fixed HLS playback issues on iDevices
- [core] fixed misinterpreted "steamType" parameter
- [plugin:controlbar] removed all hardcoded animations from script. use CSS transitions instead.
- [core] minor config-issue fixed
- [core] general minor plugin interface issues fixed.
- [core] Fixes "return to IDLE state" issues
- [core] Fixed non starting video on FF for Android
- [core] config parametes are now properly set in case of "false" or "null" values.
- [plugin:controlbar] if no quality setup exists existing quality-toggle-buttons are now properly turned inactive
- [core] Argh! Removed some debug-stuff.
- [core] added CORS capabilities for async. loaded playlists and plugin data
- [core] plugins are now allowed to extend the API
- [core] added "syncCuePoints"-method to allow dynamic injection of cuepoints into initialized and running players
- [core] new player events: "firstquartile", "midpoint", "thirdquartile"
- [core] new player event: "mousedown" - triggered when... ah, come on.
- [core] new player event: "blur" - triggered once player looses focus
- [core] new player event: "focus" - triggered once player receives focus
- [core] new config option "forceFullViewport" to bypass native media fullscreen on iPad and similar
- [core] new config option "keys" for keyboard-control customization
- [core] fixed random seek capabilities where available
- [core] when leaving native fullscreen the scroll-position is now properly restored
- [core] while seeking a flash pseudo stream the position indicator was set to maximum for a glimpse
- [core] quality settings are stored in a cookie. Changing the quality-setup after a client already launched with the old setup caused quality-toggling and pseudo-streaming to break.
- [core] fixed type by fileextension detection
- [core] fixed issues while removing specific groups of cuepoints
- [core] setting "disalowSkip" as player global made player not initialize
- [core] general jQuery 1.8.x compatibility issues
- [core] general IE8 issues
- [core] minor general fixes
- [core] several major GoogleTV fixes
- [core] improved "selfDestruct / destroy" mechanism
- [core] the general plugin-event handler has been removed in favour if an event specic handler (plugins_Handler)
- [core] player container doesn´t prevent further propagation of keyboard events any longer
- [core] dropped internal "leftclick", "rightclick" and "middleclick" events. Use "mousedown" instead and check button with "event.which".
- [plugin:display] logo overlay functionality moved to a separated plugin (called... guess! correct: "logo")
Sorry folks, just a quicky. More fixes coming soon.
- [core] mime type prefixes ("x-") are now ignored.
- [core] in case of player errors flash detection intervals are now properly cleared
- [core] proper namespace prefix set for plugins
- [core] removed "Invalid or inconsistent quality setup ..." error. In case your quality setup isn´t correct it will now simply be ignored.
- [core] .setPlayhead() crashed IDLE players
- [core] cookies sometimes were set to NULL
- [core] quality-settings are now properly remembered, applied and promoted.
- [core] cuepoints were not properly reset in players with playlists. caused them to fail on replay.
- [plugin:controlbar] cuepoint-blips are now properly removed on COMPLETED
- {core] config option "keys" => set default keyboard commands as you like
- [core] ".getCssPrefix()" became ".getNS()" (get namespace)
- [core] config option 'cssClassPrefix' became 'ns' (namespace)
- [core] fixed issues where set cue-points where not properly unlocked in case media was completely pre-cached
- [core] error message "no media scheduled" is now properly shown instead of "sorry, your browser can not ..."
- [core] .getMediaType() always returned "video/mp4"
- [core] prevent promotion of "mousemove" event in case of hovered fading elements
- [plugin:controlbar] fixed general fading issues
- [core] several performance enhancements (thx Lena)
- [plugin:controlbar] on mobile devides controls didn´t fade away if "fade" is enabled
- [core] hitting "c" if debug is enabled dumps the current config object to console
- [core] hitting "p" if debug is enabled dumps the current schedule / playlist object to console
- [core] fixed a critical bug which caused .canPlay() to return "false" in case no platform has been specified.
- [core] multiple "plugin_" configs on player- and item- level are now properly merged
- [plugin:controlbar] controlbar no longer fades out on scrubbing while in "static" mode
- [plugin:display] new config option "designMode"
- [core] player level config options were not properly inherited to plugins
- [core] .setVolume() method ignored values of type number => fixed
- [core] .setPlayhead() method ignored values of type number => fixed
- [plugin:controlbar] controlbar DOM is now properly refreshed on volume-chnage in Chrome
- [core] new API method .getPlayerVer()
- [core] fixed issues while changing the quality of players in IDLE state
- [core] percenatge width and hight of the initial player container are now kept after init
- [core] X-domain iFrames are now properly detected in Chrome
- [core] fixed issues with iframed player on browsers with lack of true html fullscreen mode
- [core] fixed Flash detection on Android devices
- [core] disabling specific platforms by setting "enablePlatform" to false now works properly
- [core] disabling "nive" platform no longer disables Android and iOS native playback
- [core] setting "disallowSkip" on player level prevented the player from bein initialized
- [plugin:controlbar] fullscreen-button is now properly disabled in case of X-domain issues
- [core] entering debug-mode gives an initial feedback to console
- [core] HDS streaming support for Android >2
- [core] fixed stuttering on audio-playback via flash
- [core] fixed scaling issues if controlbar is set to be permanently visible
- [core] fixed synching issues while toggling fullscreen
- [core] fixed iOS issues when HDS and HLS streams are provided in combination
- [core] fixed general pseudo-streaming issues while on Flash
- [core] fixed general config inheritance issues with theme-packs
- [plugin:controlbar] position- and load- indicators move a little smoother now
- [core] IE9 playlist issues
- [core] .gePlaylist() and .getItem() properly return an empty array in case of an empty playlist
- [core] .getItemCount() now properly returns zero for empty playlists.
- [core] playhead position is noe properly restored in case a "streamable" video format is being played and quality/source was changed dynamically
- [core] cue points where not applied in case "autoplay" was "true"
- [core] fixed cuepoint-callback-flooding if a precision higher 0 is used (floating point)
- [core] if config.className is undefined the player no longer gets the class "null"
- [core] improved flexibility on handling iframed players with prepended html content in conjunction with fullscreen
- [core] fixed native ogg/audio hickup
- [plugin:controlbar] "seek" was triggered twice if the srubber was clicked
- [core] .setSize() now respects "%" and "px"
- [core] ficed cuepoint "flooding"
- [plugin:display] fixed error handling for non-existent logo-files.
- [core] fixed general Firefox 3.6 issues - volumeslider, flash fallback
- [core] fixed minor Android 2.x issues - "stop" once finished
- [core] fixed IE9.0.x issue with non-starting native video
- [core] fixed IE9.0.x issue with proper pseudo-stream detection
- [core] fixed IE8 issue with messed up volume / seek setting
- [core] fixed Chrome 12.x issue not firing the timeupdate event while seeking in a paused video
- [core] fixed position reset issues with jarisplayer being scrubbed during "pause" state on AUDIO playback
- [core] config option "enablePlatform" is now properly recognized
- [core] cover images on audioplayback are no longer marked as "selected" after "play" gets hit in FF
- [plugin:controlbar] improved cuePoint-blip precision
- [plugin:controlbar] "showCuePoints" set to false is now properly detected (and default)
- [core] added pseudo streaming support for native H.264 video playback
- [core] added "durationChange" event
- [core] a cuePoint now observes itself if it´s set for an already preloaded region of the media file. If so "isAvailable" will return "true".
- [core] new cuePoint method: "isAvailable"
- [plugin:controlbar] new config parameter "showCuePoints"
- [plugin:controlbar] set cuepoints are now optionally displayed on top of the scubber bar.
- [core] .selfDestuct() caused issues in IE7-9
- [core] 404-error testcard now functions properly - even in i*-Devices
- [plugin:controlbar] fixed some strange rendering issues regarding the volume knob in webkit
- [core] cleaned up console.log debugging. config.debug now is true/false only
- its now possible to send any custom "update" from models to the controller. Will result in a regular event promotion.
- [config] dropped config option "enableFlashFallback"
- [config] dropped config option "enableNativePlayback"
- [config] renamed config option "platformPrority" to "platforms"
- [config] "flashStreamType" became "streamType", default is "file"
- [config] "FlashStreamServer" became "streamServer", default is an empty string
- added platform "browser" to "platforms"
- CSS classes added to the player by using the "className" config-option are now prefixed with "cssClassPrefix" (default is "pp")
- [core] the "mousemove" event is now properly promoted in case of flash fallback in Firefox on MacOsX (controlbar appears on mousemove)
- [core] propert behavior on empty schedules in Firefox
- [core] proper RTMP playback on browsers featuring "Flash" and "native H.264" (model-clash)
- [core] .getCanPlayNatively('*') now returns all formats the player supports natively
- [core] the player gets a CSS class according to "streamType" and "cssClassPrexi", e.g. "ppfile" or "pprtmp"
- [core] cuePoint support => trigger custom functions depending on the player´s timeindex
- [core] pressing "d" while mouse hovers the player enableds debugging (console.log)
Maintenance release, no new features. General cleanup. Project related stuff. Sorry about that.
maintenance release, no new features.
- removed "overflow: hidden" which was automatically applied to the the player container.
- fixed white background in IE6, IE7 while on flash fallback sigh
- Youtube Flash API issues with automatically skipped vids.
- "canPlay" accuracy
- [plugin:controlbar] new control elements for quality-toggling
- no controls in safari if projekktor is mounted on a
- proper support of "mouseenter", "mouseleave" and "mousemove" events on iPad and other thouch devices
- [plugin:display] click callbacks can now be external functions but name corresponding config options changed: ondisplayclick, ondisplaydblclick, ondisplay_playing and onlogoclick are now ... displayClick, displayDblClick, displayPlayingClick, logoClick
- [plugin:display] removed all hardcoded CS directives and moved them to the theme.css
- [core] JS error which caused IE6-8 to lock up the player since V1.0.10
- [core] fixed reinit of flash component while exiting true fullscreen in FF
- [plugin:display] Logo now appears on iPad -
- [plugin:controlbar] fixed behavior if "disableFade" is true - controls now properly stay permanently
- [core] it is now possible to provide multiple qualities of a single video file. player selects "best choice" depending on player dimensions and device.
- [core] Apple HLS support for iDevices
- [core] API function "setPlaybackQuality" no supports all media types (was "youtube" only)
- [core] Fallback to jarisplayer playing an audio playlist seems broken in (
- [core] Custom user agent string in IE9 breaks flash fallback (
- [core] hotfixed "missing quality settings"-error
- [core] in safari the controlbar didn´t come up while on flash fallback
- [plugin:controlbar] fadeable controls stay properly hidden during item init
Minor rewrites and performance improvements.
maintenance release, no new features.
- [core] State "Completed" isn´t triggered on Android
- [core] in IE9 flash is used instead of native video in case file extension is mp4s
- [core] audio playback doesn´t start if flash or component is wrapped into an invisible container
minor maintenance
- [plugin:display] fixed "loop" button toggle
- [core] coverimage was removed if first playback started with native .
- [core] fixed false negative result of ".canplaynatively()"
- [core] the browser´s context-menu (leftclick) can now be selectively unlocked by assigning the "context" class to any element
- [core] added some keyboard shortcuts
- [plugin:display] removed setFullscreen on doubleclick - doesn´t work for native fullscreen
- [plugin:display] changed DOM order of display, startbutton, buffering icon, logo layer
- [core] fixed playlist issues on iOS 5.0.x
okay, let´s see if we can make it up to V2.0 today ...
- [core] improved "getCanPlay" accuracy
- [core] Strange behavior of iframed players in native fullscreen fixed
- [core] Firefox 10 fullscreen issues
- [core] Strange behavior of iframed players in native fullscreen fixed
- [core] fixed this annoying resumeing-video-thingy while on flash-fallback in Firefox.
- [core] skipping in playlists caused strange effects when changing from flash to native or vice versa. fixed that
- [core] testcards informing about missing browser -plugins or -capabilities now properly react on click.
- [core] fixed sync-bug causing issues on instant-ready player-models
- [core] several bugs in image model
- [core] on iMess-devices the player now shows the native control elements if "autoplay" failed
- [plugin:controlbar] "fixedVolume" now properly reverses if next item is unlocked
- [core] mouse- and key-event-listeners now get the original event-object as 1st argument
- [plugin:controlbar] dropped support for fullscreen-layout-switching - use css classes instead
- [core:config] "imageScaling" and "videoScaling" can now be "none" - will cause the media to be centered within the player but not changed in size.
- [core] new API method "setLoop"
- [core] new API method "setDebug"
- [core] new API method "getCanPlay"
- [core:config] new option "skipTestcard" allows to autoskip tescards informing about missing browser -plugins or -capabilities
- [core] new config option "ignoreAttributes" which will cause the player to ignore all behavior relevant
- [core] providing a media´s "type" is now optional - player will try to get it from file-extensions then.
- [core] new event "syncing"
- [core] new event "starting"
- [core] massively improved playlist experience on iMess devices
- [core] added "alt" text to player poster
- [core] new API function "setPlaybackQuality" (experimental, for now Youtube only)
- [core] new event "qualityChange" (experimental, for now Youtube only)
- [core] new config-option "playbackQuality" .... eeeexperimental
- [plugin:controlbar] visual video scrubbing / draggable scrubber
- [core] cleaned up .setFile - please refer
- [plugin:controlbar] the default controlbar layout now features
- - update your theme
- [plugin:controlbar] the controlbar now fades almost instantly once the mousecursor left the player (not on Mobile)
- [core] better
- [core] error callback if jsonp callback fails
- [core] prevent stopping of an IDLE player
- [core] prevent "buffer" state flood while on flash fallback
- [core] fixed IE issues in case config.width or config.height where NaN
- [core] fixed fullscreen toggling for iframed players in FF8+FF9
- [core] if set to "loop" the player stays in fullscreen once re-playing the playlist
- [core] fixed ignorance of applied custom "realParser" functions
- [core] fixed handling of treed playlists (loading playlist from within a playlist)
- [core] fixed discarded "click" event(s) if mouse is over player-DOM during instantiation
- [core] youtube-videos do not longer restart from position ZERO in Firefox on fullscreen-toggle
- [core] fixed audio/youtube model
- [core] fixed cookie issues with personalised parameters based on strings
- [plugin:controlbar] fixed layout of default controlbar in order to avoid overlapping titles and achieve proper button-"stacking"
- [plugin:display] logo is now properly disabled on load-error
- [default theme] better "stacking" of control buttons
- [default theme] fixed title string overlapping with control elements
- [core] new API method "setCuePoint"
- [core] new API method "getCuePoints"
- [core] new API method "removeCuePoint"
- [core] enabled true fullscreen mode where applicable
- [core] "addlistener" now properly returns "this"
- [core] fixed video-scaling in flash component
- [core] internal time / position pointer rounding issues
- [core] fixed dynamic setting of config parameters with type of "string"
- [core] toSeconds now allows hundredths
- [core] when entering fullviewport, player now also sets margin and padding to zero
- [core] made plugin names case insensitive
- [core] improved plugin config scheme
One more maintenance release.
- [core] fixes stuttering flash playback in Opera and Safari
- [core] double clicking IDLE players doesn´t force fullscreen anymore
- [core] on seek in a paused Youtube video the scrubber now updates instantly
- [core] fixed "user disabled embedding" issue for Youtube videos
- [core] refixed "start playback" behavior on i*-Devices
- [core] fixed visible "buffering"-icon on i*-Divces which are unable to autoplay follow-up items
- [core] volume is now properly stored in cookie (where available)
- [plugin:display] logo is now properly disabled in case it´s not required
- [plugin:controlbar] fixed hiding of controlbar if player is "DONE"
- [plugin:controlbar] fixed mute/unmute buttons on players with initially visible controlbars
- [core] volume change now works properly for IDLE audio players.
- [core] opera issues while on flash fallback.
- [core] fixed cross-model "start" event issue.
- [core] fixed issues while using the player in responsive layouts.
- [core] fixed display click behavior - overlapping plugins like "embedd" now work properly
- [core] fixed some issues while using .reset() in fullscreen mode
- [core] moved "cDump" into plugin (configdump)
- [core] new API function .setSize() allows to resize the player during runtime
- [core] new config parameter "className" => allows to set a specific CSS class for each item in playlist which is applied to the whole player during playback of the respecitve item
- [plugin interface] .getConfig() now supports a second parameter setting a default value
- [plugin: configdump] F12 opens an improved "cDump" dialog.
- [plugin: controlbar] added "fadeDelay" config parameter. Default is 2500 (milliseconds) - controls how long the controlbar is visible before fading away.
- [plugin: controlbar] added "showOnStart" config parameter. Default is false. If true the controlbar shows up right on start of the video.
lost in space
- [core] added "unmute" event
- [core] added "mute" event
- [core] added "resume" event
- [core] hitting F12 while mouse hovers a player brings up debug information (cDump)
- [core] fixed issues with not properly detached media objects on runtime manipulations of the playlist (setItem)
- [core] fixed "awakening" state trigger on autoplay items
- [core] fixed cookie expiry and path
- [core] fixed image model issues (proper interval reset)
- [core] fixed placeholders in default testcard texts
- [core] resetting the player now properly triggers onReady function (where set)
- [plugin:controlbar] fixed volume slider issues while in fullscreen
- [plugin:controlbar] fixed general slider issues while in fullscreen and in "design" mode
- [plugin:controlbar] fixed controlbar fade behaviour
- [core] dropped "flashVars" player-config parameter
- [core] moved "embeddFlash" method from model to controller.
Slowly but surely this projekkt moves towards V1 - when you see it you´ll sh*it bricks.
- [core] model-detection-accuracy
- [core] dropped the "allowplaybackfrom" thingy
- [core] dropped the "get-fileid-from-url-hash-while-in-iframe-mode" thingy
- [plugin:display] fixed click ion testcard behavior
- [core] improved media type selector (logic, cleanup, performance)
- [core] dropped "dynamicTypeExtensions"
- [plugin:controlbar] optionally toggling mute button fix
- [core] some &#%$§!#D flash detection issues (thanx for reporting this, doctor001)
- "leftclick", "rightclick" & "middleclick" event
- disabled contextmenu on player (evil but doesn´t work in all browsers anyway, so what)
- [core] fixed "file type via extension-detection"
- {core] general android 2.x.x fixes
- [plugin:controlbar] fixed "enableFullscreen" behaviour
- [core] "controls" "false" issue hotfixed (before someone else noticed it)
- [core] new config parameter "addplugins"
- [core] using "projekktor" with a jQuery selector now returns matched instances instead of re-instantiating them
- [core] added "theme package loader"
- [core] added API function openURL
- [core] player automatically leaves fullscreenmode when "done" event is fired
- [plugin:display] actions on click and dblclick are customizable
- [core] removed the mysterious "designMode"
- [core] out sourced config-set to allow handling of preset packages
- [core] config option "defaultPoster" obsolete
- [core] config option "flashVideoModel" obsolete
- [core] config option "flashAudioModel" obsolete
- [core] "useYTIframeAPI" is now FALSE per default
- [plugin:display] "buffericon", "start" and "logo" are now shown/hidden via "active" "inactives" classes
- [core] Opera "networkState" issues
- [core] parser issues on XML playlists
- [core] general jQuery 1.6 issues
- [core] some general and jQuery 1.6 related jsonp issues
- [core] "removeListener" issues
- [core] "resize" event issues on pages with multiple player instances
- [core] progress bar is now properly set on flash fallback with instant ready (cached) media
- [core] added workaround for "click on transparent div" bug of IE6-9
- [core] fixed "selfDestruct" method
- [core] fixed scaling issues (fill)
- [plugin: share] fixed minor issues with embed code
I am dreaming of v0.9.x but, well ...
- [core] added "removePlugin" public API method
- [core] playlist content type is now properly "guessed"
- [core] added "volume fade" option for smooth transitions - works best with FlAsH sigh
- [core] added "useYTIframeAPI" config option to either use Youtube´s old Flash- or the new iFrame-HTML5 API player - default is TRUE
- [core] added audio/m4a type
- [core] made Youtube error messages i18n-able
- [core] "reset" method now propertly reinitializes the player including all plugins
- [core] fixed image- and HTML- player models (freaky experimental stuff)
- [core] fixed Youtube iFrame API issues with multiple Projekktor instances (API bugs howevere are still there)
- [core] fixed error listener of Youtube iFrame model
I hate the smell of bugs in the morning.
- [core] non included plugins are properly ignored now and will not cause the player to get stuck any longer
- [core] added JSON-P support for cross-site playlist hosting
- [core] "error" event wasn´t properly promoted in certain situations
- [core] "file not found" error caused "setTimeout" loop within native media model
- [core] fixed JWPlayer model
- [core] cookies are now properly set in Chrome
- [core] fixed performance issues on native audio playback
- [core] fixed Safari 5.x Mac OSX issues (video didn´t start on native playback)
- [plugin:controlbar] fixed toggling of unmute/mute icons
- [plugin:display] fixed logo IMG dummy issue
I can see the light ...
- added "x-webkit-airplay=allow" for native media
- [core] "onReady" callback wasn´t triggered in case of async. loaded playlists.
- [core] fixed max volume toggle on player resume while playing audio via flash.
- [plugin:display] fixed "instant buffer icon" for youtube videos
Some fundamental changes before we go up to V0.9.x
- [core] default keyboard commands: enter/esc=fullscreen, right & left arrow=prev / next, space=playpause
- [core] error messages / testcards can now be set to display some relevant data (e.g. src-URL)
- [core] new config option "minHeight"
- [core] new config option "minWidth"
- [core] new API method cDump() - opens (toggles) a popup containing data relevant for debugging
- [core] added (experiemental) player autoscaling
- [core] setStop(true) sets playlist pointer back to the very first item, setStop() let it stay where it is.
- [core] it is now possible to create players without a "display". neither posters nor covers or video are visible then but the audio can be heard (if any). all events and updates are regularily fired anyhow.
- [core] added new media type "audio/youtube" to create audio players filled with youtube videos
- [core] Projekktor now supports the new YOUTUBE iframe API for even fewer Flash
- [core] added proper error / testcard display for Youtube videos.
- [plugin:controlbar] it is now (officially) possible to provide a different controlbar layout for fullscreen mode
- [plugin:controlbar] added vmax-button (maximum volume)
- [core] it is now possible to set and get volume while player is in IDLE state (e.g. in poster mode)
- [core] fixed IE9 issue causing ignored and
- [core] flash fallback components now works properly with relative media URLs
- [core] failed hash detection on iframed players doesn´t block the player any longer
- [core] server data loaded from within a plugin is no longer parsed by "customParser"
- [core] fixed strange DOM effects on [ESC]-keypress while not in fullscreen mode
- [core] fixed .setVolume: volume < 0 or volume > 1 is now properly blocked
- [core] fixed image / video rescaling issues caused by rounding errors
- [core] media loadProgress, playProgress, position & duration now properly reset on "setStop"
- [core] fixed itemcount on "scheduled" event
- [core] fixed "ended" event flood on audio skip while on flash fallback
- [core] event:"scheduleModfied" is not fired during initialisation process anymore (event flood)
- [core] made sure that xxxFLASH model is choosed if flashStreamType is RTMP and browser supports MP4
- [core] fixed index issue on playlists not starting with key "0"
- [core] player state STOPPED is now properly promoted on NEXT and PREVIOUS command also
- [core] fixed keypress handling
- [core] fixed seldom double audio on native video playback
- [core] fixed Opera V11.x native support detection issues
- [core] fixed Opera V11.x progress update issues
- [core] fixed "endedListener" bug on native playback which broke playlists
- [core] fixed poster scaling if player is IDLE and player is resized
- [core] fixed native video scaling on window resize
- [core] fixed strange flickering effect during
- [core] fixed some Youtube API timing issues
- [plugin:controlbar] fixed inproper mute/unmute volume restore if user clicks on volume slider
- [plugin:controlbar] fixed volume slider behavior (precision)
- [plugin:controlbar] fixed "unmute" behavior
- [plugin:controlbar] scrubber now properly resets on IDLE state
- [core] media display relevant functionaities have been moved into one single plugin (display)
- [core] removed the bloated XML2Json parser function.
- [core] config option "enableTestcard" is now "false" by default
- [core] minor mico optimizations
- [plugin:controlbar] removed all hardcoded "display: none;" and "display: block;" directives. Classes "inactive" & "active" are applied instead in order to provide higher styling flexibility
- [plugin:startbutton] obsolete => handled by plugin:display
- [plugin:bufferingicon] obsolete => handled by plugin:display
- [core] added public "selfDestruct" method. revereses all DOM manipulations made by the player.
- [core] plugins are now allowed to fire custom events.
- [core] Volume value is now stored in Clientcookie.
- [core] new API method "getCanPlayNatively"
- [core] new API method "reset"
- [core] new config option "enableTestcard"
- [plugin:buffericon] added possibility to make a transparent PNG-sprite an indicator-animation
- [core] removed hard coded "cursor: pointer" css values
- [core] removed hard coded "position: absolute" css values
- [core] removed all plugins from being applied by default (!important)
- [core] removed setDefaultStyle function (was a nice try)
- [core] removed JQUERY 1.4.2 REQUIRED warning
- [core] using the "getFromUrl"-method doesn´t trigger "scheduleLoading"-event any longer when used from within plugins
- [core] fixed image scaling in chrome and opera
- [core] fixed crash if plugins-array has length of zero
- [core] fixed iterator issues on instantiation
- [plugin:controlbar] unmuting now restores original volume and not to full throttle any longer
a version numbered "0/8/15" sucks anyway:
- [core] "no media scheduled" properly displayed in case async. loaded playlist is properly formatted but of zero length.
- [core] automatic type detection fixed in "sandbox" mode
- [plugin:share] "facebook"- and "twitter"- buttons are now properly hidden in case setup is messed up
- [plugin:share] it´s now possible to set shareable links for each item individually
this ought to be the last release before V0.9.x ...
- [core] "loop" config parameter now works properly in conjunction playlists
- [core] improved command-queue performance
- [core] minor visual issues fixed
- [core] fixed projekktor() iterator issues
- [core:youtube] poster and title are fetched from YT API in case none is set in config
just an other maintenance release ...
- [core] iPad start button now displays properly
- [core] "setPlayPause" now enqueues properly
- [core] "playbutton" does not appear while switching between scheduled media items any longer
- [core] "playlist"-Event removed
- [core] "scheduleLoading" event - Triggered in case of AJAX class fetching external playlist data from server.
- [core] "scheduleModified" event - Fired whenever an item is been added or removed from schedule.
- [core] "scheduled" event - The scheduling process has finished and the player is ready for action.
- [core] "configModified" - Fired if player configuration has been altered as the result of a prior AJAX call
just a maintenance release
- [core] "setItem", 'index' argument is now properly detected
- [core] "autoplay" config option now works properly
- [core] controlbar is now disabled on "autoplay" eq. TRUE and "controls" eq. FALSE - as intended
- [core] player now properly "stops" if set to "autoplay" and all scheduled videos played back once.
- [core] fixed "play/pause" toggle issues while on jaris flash-fallback in Opera and IE
- [core] fixed volume change issues while on jaris flash-fallback in Opera and IE
- [core] youtube playback performance increased (fixed update timer issues)
- [core] "cued" event on youtube playback is now properly handled
- [core] fixed general IE9 issues - keep fingers crossed
- [core] full-viewport-toggle on flashfallback fixed - listeners are now properly re-applied
- [core] disabled fullscreen option on x-site iframe embeds in order to avoid JS security errors
- [core] added internal command queue. catches API calls during asynchronous operations. in older version they where discarded.
- added "setDefaultCss" method to make new plugins compatible to older themes.
- buffering icon now shows up during plugin-(re)initialization
- buffering icon now shows instantly on "youtube" videos in order to overlay the original one
- fixed SOURCE-child-tag issues in IE
- fixed wrong error codes
- made reelLoader singleton in order to make it available for plugin-developers
- changed playlist formatting
- [core] its now possible to apply the player to ANY block-styled DOM element - requires "file" to be set through config-option then.
- [core] all file-source-strings are now parsed for {}-tags allowing to apply dynamic item configurations to the file URL.
- [core] video and image rescaling on window.resize
- [core] during load of xml or json playlists the player is now locked until loading procedure has finished
- [core] fixed general XML parsing issues
- [core] fixed InTerNeTexPloRer XML response header issues
- [core] fixed dynamicTypeExtension issues
- [core] fixed issues on empty "setFile"-calls
- [core] RTMP and HTTP pseudo streamed files are now properly seekable
- [core] fixed "width" & "height" handling
- [core] proper detection of "
- [core] fixed youtube-model - time is now displayed properly even on two youtube videos in a row
- [plugin: controls] controls do not show up on any longer if config.controls = false
- added jQuery(function($)... where necessary in order to feature "compatibility" mode
- [core] all setters now return "this" in order to allow method cascading
- [plugin: tracker] removed from lib - is now optional
- [plugin: iframeoverlays] removed from lib - is now optional
- [core] added config option 'cover' which allows to set a background image for audio which can be different to 'poster'
- [core] fixed issues with "getItemn" and "getPlaylist"
- [plugin: social] fixed behavior on non embeddable/shareable players
- [core] youtube videos now play properly on ipad, iphone and ipod devices
- [core] basic i* playlist support
- [core] Javascript API
- [core: flash fallback] RTMP support (flash only)
- [core: falsh fallback] FLV-pseudo streaming (flash only)
- [core] XML playlist support
- [core] playlist/reel parsing through custom "reelParser" function
- [core] added "continuous" config option to allow toggling of auto playback for playlisted conent
- [core] added "stop" method to bring player back to IDLE (with poster display) at any point.
- [core] ipad, iphone and ipod issues fixed
- [core] buffering issues fixed
- dozens of cross browser issues fixed...
- [general] changed instantiation through projekktor() function.
- [core] removed "spawn" option
- [core] merged MP3 and MP4 flash fallback component into one single player
- [core] moved plugin config-options to sperated namespaces for each plugin
- [core] made some config options not changeable through item-configurations
- [core] made "social" plugin activated by default
- [core] double click on display turns player to fullscreen
- [plugin: logo] config options "logoPosition" allows to set the logo to top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right
- [core] file extension->extension detection fixed
- [plugin: controlbar] no hide on fullscreen toggle fixed
- [youtube model] fixed set volume on start playback
- [core] merging of player- & media- config is now allowed for selected options only in order to avoid veeeery strange effects
- [core] added dynamic video scaling for native video playback
- [core: config option: allowPlaybackFrom] added possibility to prevent content to be loaded from external domains
- [core] added keyboard support
- [core] on new items player now waits for all plugins to reinitialize (e.g. after async operations)
- [plugin: controlbar] added possibility to customize time formatting -
- [plugin: controlbar] (config: toggleMute) added possibility to make mute/maxvol icon optionally invisible accordingly to current player state
- [plugin: controlbar] made controlbar optionally dragable
- [plugin: +social] added social plugin - as base for social features. currently providing an embed and twitter feature.
[core] fixed "poster flickering" on player initialization
[core] fixed "poster flickering" on audio playback
[core] fixed general image scaling issues with IE
[core] fixed "disallowSkip" behavior
[core] fixed random stuck on end of native playback
[core] fixed full viewport behavior if player is wrapped into a relative positioned container
[core] fixed Firefox´ "flash resize workaround" play/pause issue
[core] progress- and time- indicators now update properly on scrubbing while player is paused
[core] no poster on single audio fixed -
[flash video] fixed video scaling issue
[plugin: controlbar] fixed volume knob behavior
[plugin: controlbar] improved scrubber accuracy
[plugin: controlbar] improved volume knob drag&drop behavior
[plugin: controlbar] (config: controlsTemplate)
- [core] general code and API cleanup
- [core] moved all plugin relevant configuration to the respective one
- [plugin: controlbar] (config: controlsTemplateFilter) depreciated
- [plugin: controlbar] (config: timeDelimiter) custom time delimiter removed (fixed to "|" for early themes)
- [plugin: controlbar] improved templating concept
- fixed flash detection bug
- fixed iPhone issues
- [core] added general iPad markup syntax compatibility fix
- [core] added iPad support for single files
- [core] added error-testcard if flash is required but user´s Flash version is below 9
- [core] added plugin-preloading mechanism
- [core] added new content type "text/html" which allows to display iframed HTML content
- [plugin: iframeoverlays] new plugin which allows video overlays via iframes catching player events.
- [core] fixed IE display click behavior
- [core] fixed minor memory leaks
- [plugin: logo] scaling issue fixed
- [plugin: bufferingicon] fixed flash issue (spinning wheel of death I)
- [core] added (experimental) RSS support
- [core] added i*-mobile support for single (non playlisted) files
- [core] Projekktor now also catches up elements.
- [core] Setting "PROJEKKTOR_CONFIG['spawn'] to "false" disables auto -instantiation/-replacement.
- [core] added JSON_service for the server.php example as fallback for older PHP installations.
- [plugin: controlbar] made texts (timedisplay, title) unselectable
- [core] Individually scripted video container projekktorization now works properly
- [core] fixed "loop" behavior on autoplay=TRUE
- [core] fixed config merging in case of item-configs through playlists
- [core] fixed scrubbing issues in safari and chrome
- [plugin: controlbar] fixed "play/pause"-toggle issue while "autoplay" is TRUE
- [plugin: controlbar] fixed title display
- [plugin: controlbar] fixed IE issues
- [core] standard playerelements (startbutton, bufferingicon, poster) are now encapsulated into plugins
- [core] additional browsertype detection to identify mobile browsers implemented
- [core] changed "full viewport" handling as preparation for further onscreen manipulations
- [core] changed config-logic for plugins and altered existing ones accordingly
[core] playlist items now get a unqiue IDs which are valid for the whole playbac sessiobn
[core] playlist items of type "text/json" will load a new playlist as specified and reset the player which enables the possibility to build trees of x-linked playlists
[config option] "controlsDisableFade": enable/disable fading of overlayed control elements
[config option] "start": sets an offset in seconds to start playback from,
[config option] "defaultPoster" - sets a default poster in case none is provided by tag attributes or item configuration
[config option] "bypassFlashFFFix" - enables / disables a strange flash-reinit loop required for FF due to a rendering "bug"
[config option] "enableNativePlayback" - enable/disable native players to force flash fallback
[plugin controlbar] prev/next is now disabled if first or respectively last item is played back
[API function] getPlaylist
[API function] getItemId
[API function] getItemTrackId
[API function] addListener
[API function] getTimeLeft
[API function] play
[API function] pause
[API function] playpause
- fixed issues on missing or invalid poster-URL in IE & Opera
- fixed poster/cover scaling on audio playback
- fixed play/pause- & display- click issues on missing poster attribute
- fixed poster positioning
- fixed stuck on empty "poster" attribute,
- fixed crash on provided codec parameter,
- display "cursor" is set to "pointer" while player shows just the poster
- poster now resizes on player resize
- Playlist entries are now verified and applied to models directly after playlist is loaded from server (and not "on demand" any longer)
- improved display click & doubleclick handling
lost in space
- Fixed general load-progress bar issues
- Improved "seek" accuracy
- Fixed filetype detection issues
- made big "play" invisible on autoplay
- "enableFlashFallback" config option allows to enable/disable automatic flash fallback (default: true),
- "controlsTemplateFilter" config option allows assignment of custom string rewrite functions for time- & title strings.
- improved file type detection and fallback decision stuff,
- removed flashVar parameters for MP4 Flash fallback component,
- set default Flash fallback component«s stage quality to HIGH and enabled video smoothing,
- IE7, IE8 issues,
- fixed opera fallback issues
- fixed testcard«s "click display to continue" bug
- Added WEBM support
- Added experimental native audio support (flash fallback pending)
- Core: dynamic IE7, IE8 HTML5 fix, makes the xmlns="" workaround obsolete
- Controlbar Plugin: Volume slider is now clickable (and the knob still draggable)
- Flash video component: added "time" and "loaded" attribute,
- removed automatic CSS inclusion (too much fuzz and user complaints - e.g.
- "Totally Looks Like..." Theme overhauled
- Workaround for Firefox flash resize bug simplified
- fixed some strange buffer-icon behavior
- fixed multi-instance issues on flash-fallback
- fixed FLV issue,
- fixed poster issue,
- fixed IE youtube issue,
- fixed, added and altered that much, you shouldn«t use 0.6.1 anymore
- initial release - it works
free the princess of agentia! +++