This is respository for SPFx workshop code samples
A sample demonstrated TypeScript, Reactjs and WebPack combination. use this sample to showcase:
- TypeScript setup and compile
- Reactjs virtual DOM
- Reactjs Props
- Reactjs State
- Reactjs Event Handler
- Reactjs component life cycle methods
- Reactjs component rendering
- How to use WebPack to bundle files using different loader.
A set of SPFx solution to showcase SPFx Web part development.
- simple helloworld demo
- OOTB property pane control
- PropertyPaneText
- custom property pane control ASyncDropdown
- Data access using factory pattern
- use pnp js
- Single App Part
- Publish a dynamic property
- Consume a dynamic property
- create a SPFx web part using no javascript framework
A set of SPFx solutions to showcase SPFx extensions.
- showcase page placeholder
- showcase commandset
- showcase field customizer
this sample showcase artifact provisioning
this sample showcase the Team SPFx
showcase the gulp and webpack customization
- gulp task to deploy .sppkg to app catalog directly
- webpack to load markdown file.
showcase Azure CDN deployment
regular MS Graph API demo
domain isolation demo
this sample showcase the custom API
showcase the custom API