In this example, use Framework Spark Java as webhook
- Add the library fptai-chatbot-sdk-java.jar at folder /libs
- Add dependency for Framework and to use in SDK
- Send message to chat bot engine
Read more at src/test/java/fptai.chatbot.sdk.example.AppTest- Initialize BotManager
BotManager bmn = new BotManager(bot_token);
- Description of the parameter bot_token here
- Build the message
- Text message
- The content parameter is the message content: For example: "Hi"
- Payload message
bmn.buildPayLoadMessage(step_name, attributes)
- Parameters:
- step_name: The step will be move to (In the process of processing bot). For example: "NextStep"
- attributes: A payload to assign variables on the bot
- Parameters:
- Text message
- Send message
bmn.buildPayLoadMessage(step_name, attributes).sendMessage(sender_id)
- Parameters:
- sender_id: The id of user who will receive the message
- Parameters:
- Initialize BotManager
- Build webhook to get response
Read more at src/main/java/fptai.chatbot.sdk.example.App- Create the GET method API to confirm webhook configuration on bot
get("/receive-response", (request, response) -> { return "0df2e72e-cef8-11e9-bb65-2a2ae2dbcce4"; });
- Create the POST method API to get response from the bot
post("/receive-response", (request, response) -> { return "Sucess" })
- Configure the webhook for the bot to let the bot send feedback about the newly created webhook
- Link: is the API address created in the previous step (Must be a public address, you can use ngrok to public API and use the public address to configure)
- Secret Key: is the key to verify between bot and webhook(The return value of the GET method created above)
- Get response
String bot_response = request.body();
- Parse response
BotResponse bot_res_obj = BotManager.parseResponse(bot_response);
- Parse response