The following sections describe how to run scans locally, for example on a developer workstation or on a central build system that has Fortify Static Code Analyzer installed.
The following commands illustrate the most basic way for performing a Fortify SCA scan, without utilizing any build integration.
sourceanalyzer -b EightBall -clean
Clean the EightBall build modelsourceanalyzer -b EightBall src/**/*
Translate all source files with a known file extension located in the src directory tree.sourceanalyzer -b EightBall -scan -f EightBall.fpr
Scan the previously translated source files and output potential vulnerabilities to EightBall.fpr
Note that this sample doesn't have any dependencies; for most projects you would also need to pass the
-cp <list of dependency jars>
option when translating the source code. Please see the Fortify Static
Code Analyzer User Guide for details on available command line options.
The resulting EightBall.fpr file can be uploaded to Fortify Software Security Center (SSC), or opened using
Fortify Audit Workbench using the following command: auditworkbench EightBall.fpr
Build integrations provide various advantages, especially during the translation phase. For example, the Maven build integration allows for automatically resolving dependencies, and allows for differentiating between production and test code.
In order to use the Maven build integration, you will first need to intall the Fortify Maven Plugin; see the Fortify Static Code Analyzer User Guide for details. Once the plugin has been installed, the following sections describe various approaches for using the Maven build integration.
Clean the build model; the build id is automatically generated based on artifact id and versionmvn<version>:translate
Translate the source code, using standard Maven mechanisms for locating source code and resolving dependenciesmvn<version>:scan
Scan the previously translated source files and output potential vulnerabilities to an FPR file located in thetarget/fortify
sourceanalyzer -b EightBall -clean
Clean the EightBall build modelsourceanalyzer -b EightBall mvn package
Have sourceanalyzer invoke Maven for you to perform the translationsourceanalyzer -b EightBall -scan -f EightBall.fpr
Scan the previously translated source files and output potential vulnerabilities to EightBall.fpr