The FoD upload utility allows for uploading a zip file containing source code (and dependencies) to be scanned by Fortify on Demand. FoD users can manually package their source code in a zip file, taking into account the requirements listed in the FoD documentation, or they can utilize ScanCentral Client to package source code and dependencies automatically as illustrated by the following commands:
scancentral package -bt mvn -o
Package source code and dependencies (if any) into a file named package.zipjava -jar FoDUpload.jar -portalurl <portalUrl> -apiurl <apiUrl> -tenantCode <tentant> -releaseId <releaseId> -z -uc <user> <password>
Upload to FoD in order to be scanned
Note that this example utilizes ScanCentral Client only for packaging source code; we don't utilize any other ScanCentral functionality, and this command does not require a ScanCentral environment to be installed. In order to use these commands, you will need to have both ScanCentral Client and the FoD Upload utility installed:
- ScanCentral Client can be downloaded from
- FoD upload utility is hosted at