- Configuration
- Applications
- Adding Applications
- Retrieving Applications
- Updating Applications
- Deleting Application
- Adding User Application Access
- Retrieving User Application Access
- Removing User Application Access
- Adding User Group Application Access
- Retrieving User Group Application Access
- Removing User Group Application Access
- Exporting Application Audit Templates
- Importing Application Audit Templates
- Releases
- Microservices
- Scans
- Vulnerabilities
- Open Source Components
- Users
- Attributes
- Troubleshooting
To access the Fortify On Demand API you need to create an authentication token. This module allows the creation and persistence of this token so that it does not need to be passed with each command. To create the token, set your API Uri endpoint and the GrantType and Scope you will be using to access Fortify on Demand as in the following:
Set-FODConfig -ApiUri https://api.ams.fortify.com -GrantType UsernamePassword -Scope api-tenant
The value for ApiUri
will depend on which region you are using Fortify on Demand in. The current values are:
Data Center | API Root Uri |
US | https://api.ams.fortify.com |
EMEA | https://api.emea.fortify.com |
APAC | https://api.apac.fortify.com |
FedRAMP | https://api.fed.fortify.com |
Fortify on Demand supports two authentication types or GrantType
: username/password authentication (GrantType UsernamePassword
and client credentials (GrantType ClientCredentials
You can then retrieve an authentication token using the following:
After which you will be prompted to login with your Fortify On Demand credentials. The values you enter depend on which
you are using. For username/password authentication enter your tenantId\username
values in the
"username" field and your password
value in the password field. For client credentials authentication you
should enter an API Key and API Secret that has been created in the Fortify On Demand portal at Administration -> Settings -> API
Please note, the token is not permanent - Fortify on Demand will "timeout" the token after a period of inactivity,
after which you will need to re-create it with Get-FODToken
. However, you can also store a PowerShell Credential
object which can be automatically used to generate the token. To do this you can carry out the following:
$Credential = Get-Credential
Set-FODConfig -Credential $Credential
The configuration is encrypted and stored on disk for use in subsequent commands.
To retrieve the current configuration execute the following:
There following configuration settings are available/visible:
- A proxy server configuration to useApiUri
- The API endpoint of the Fortify On Demand server you are usingGrantType
- The type of authentication being usedScope
- The API scope of accessCredential
- A PowerShell Credential objectToken
- An authentication token retrieved usingGet-FODToken
- Renew the authentication token automatically if it has expiredForceToken
- Force the authentication token to be re-generated on every API callForceVerbose
- Force Verbose output for all commands and subcommands
Each of these options can be set via Set-FODConfig
, for example Set-FODConfig -ForceVerbose
to force
verbose output in commands and sub-commands. Please note that for RenewToken
and ForceToken
the FOD
API credentials need to be stored using the Credential
To create a new application, you need to create a FODApplicationObject
and FODAttributeObjects
for any
attributes you want to set for the application. Note: some attributes are mandatory and values will need to be provided -
you can check which attributes are mandatory using Get-FODAttributes -Filter 'isRequired:True'
An example of creating attributes and a new application is shown in the following:
# Create any AttributeObjects first - some might be mandatory
$attributes = @(
New-FODAttributeObject -Id 22 -Value "2751"
New-FODAttributeObject -Id 1388 -Value "some value"
# Create the ApplicationObject
$appObject = New-FODApplicationObject -Name "apitest1" -Description "its description" `
-Type "Web_Thick_Client" -BusinessCriticality "Low" `
-ReleaseName 1.0 -ReleaseDescription "its description" -SDLCStatus "Development" `
-OwnerId 9444 -Attributes $attributes
# Add the new Application
$appResponse = Add-FODApplication -Application $appObject
if ($appResponse) {
Write-Host "Created application with id:" $appResponse.applicationId
$applicationId = $appResponse.applicationId
In the above, you will need to know the id of the user who is the owner of the application. You can find out a user's
id by running Get-FODUsers -Filter 'userName:xxx'
where xxx is the username of the user to find the id for.
To get (retrieve) an individual application, use the following:
# Get the new Application created above
Get-FODApplication -Id $applicationId
You can also get (retrieve) the id of an application using FOD-GetApplicationId
and use it in a pipeline as in the
# Get the application with name "test"
Get-FODApplicationId -ApplicationName "test" | Get-FODApplication
To get (retrieve) one or more applications, use the following:
# Get any applications with "test" or "demo" in their name
Get-FODApplications -Paging -Filters "applicationName:test|demo"
To get (retrieve) one or more applications added or modified in the last 7 days, use the following:
# Get any applications added or modified in the last 7 days
Get-FODApplications -Since (Get-Date).AddDays(-7)
To update an existing application, you will first need to create an FODApplicationObject
with any updated values,
you will also need to supply any AttributeObjects
(if they are mandatory). An example is shown in the following:
# Create update AttributeObjects first - mandatory attributes will still need to be sent
$updateAttributes = @(
New-FODAttributeObject -Id 22 -Value "2751"
New-FODAttributeObject -Id 1388 -Value "some other value"
# Create the update ApplicationObject
$appUpdateObject = New-FODApplicationObject -Name "apitest1-new" -Description "its updated description" `
-BusinessCriticality "Medium" -EmailList "[email protected]" -Attributes $updateAttributes
# Update the Application
Update-FODApplication -Id $applicationId -Application $appUpdateObject
To delete (remove) an application, use the following:
Write-Host "Deleting application with id: $applicationId"
Remove-FODApplication -Id $applicationId
To give a user access to an application, use the following:
# Give the user with id 1000 access to application with id 100
Add-FODUserApplicationAccess -UserId 1000 -ApplicationId 100
To retrieve what users have access to an application, use the following:
# Get the application access details of user group id 1000
Get-FODUserGroupApplicationAccess -Id 1000
To remove a user's access to an application, use the following:
# Remove the user group with id 1000 from application 100
Remove-FODUserGroupApplicationAccess -UserGroupId 1000 -ApplicationId 100
To give a user group access to an application, use the following:
# Give the user group with id 1000 access to application with id 100
Add-FODUserGroupApplicationAccess -UserGroupId 1000 -ApplicationId 100
To retrieve what user groups have access to an application, use the following:
# Get the application access details of user group id 1000
Get-FODUserGroupApplicationAccess -Id 1000
To remove a user's access to an application, use the following:
# Remove the user with id 1000 from application 100
Remove-FODUserApplicationAccess -UserId 1000 -ApplicationId 100
Application Audit Templates apply filters at a per-application level that either suppress or change the severity of issues across all current and future scans. Once you have configured filters for a specific application you can export them as a template that could be imported and applied to other similar applications.
To export an Application Audit Template, you can use the following:
# Export the template for application id 1000, saving it in the file 'aat-standard.json'
Export-FODApplicationAuditTemplates -Id 1000 -ScanType All -FilePath aat-standard.json
You can export the templates for specific scan types, e.g. Static, Dynamic, Mobile or Open Source or more likely 'All' of the templates as in the above example.
Once you have exported an Application Audit Template, you can import it into another application using the following:
# Import the template saved in the file 'aat-standard.json' into application if 1000
Import-FODApplicationAuditTemplates -Id 1000 -FilePath aat-standard.json
Note that importing a template will override any filters that have already been applied to an application.
To create a release, you need to create an FODReleaseObject
and then call Add-FODRelease
as shown in the following:
# Create the ReleaseObject
$relObject = New-FODReleaseObject -Name "1.0" -Description "its description" -ApplicationId $applicationId `
-SDLCStatus 'Development'
# Add the new release
$relResponse = Add-FODRelease -Release $relObject
if ($relResponse) {
Write-Host "Created release with id:" $relResponse.releaseId
$releaseId = $relResponse.releaseId
To get (retrieve) an individual release, use the following:
# Get the new Release created above
Get-FODRelease -Id $releaseId
You can also get (retrieve) the id of a release using FOD-GetReleaseId
and use it in a pipeline as in the
# Get the release "1.0" of application with name "test"
Get-FODReleaseId -ApplicationName "test" -ReleaseName "1.0" | Get-FODRelease
To get (retrieve) one or more releases, use the following:
# Get any releases that are in 'Production' and have not 'Passed'
Get-FODReleases -Paging -Filters 'sdlcStatusType:Production+isPassed:False'
To get (retrieve) one or more releases added or modified in the last 7 days, use the following:
# Get any releases added or modified in the last 7 days
Get-FODReleases -Since (Get-Date).AddDays(-7)
To update an existing release, you will first need to create an FODReleaseObject
with any updated values. An example
is shown in the following:
# Create the update ReleaseObject
$relUpdateObject = New-FODReleaseObject -Name "1.0.1" -Description "updated description" `
-SDLCStatus 'QA' -OwnerId 9444
# Update the release
Update-FODRelease -Id $releaseId -Release $relUpdateObject
Note: the API requires that the OwnerId is specified on an update operation.
To delete (remove) a release, use the following:
Remove-FODRelease -Id $releaseId
You can create Applications that consist of Microservices by using New-FODMicroserviceObject
and additional
parameters to New-FODApplicationObject
as in the following:
$microservices = @(
New-FODMicroserviceObject -Name "Microservice 1"
New-FODMicroserviceObject -Name "Microservice 2"
$appObject = New-FODApplicationObject -Name "Microservice App" -Description "its description" `
-Type "Web_Thick_Client" -BusinessCriticality "Low" -HasMicroservices $True `
-ReleaseName "1.0" -ReleaseDescription "its description" -SDLCStatus "Development" `
-MicroServices $microservices -ReleaseMicroserviceName "Microservice 1" `
-OwnerId $ownerId -Attributes $attributes
$appResponse = Add-FODApplication -Application $appObject
$appId = $appResponse.applicationId
You can retrieve the details of Microservices (including their ids) by using Get-FODMicroservices
as in the following:
$msObject = Get-FODMicroservices -ApplicationId $applicationId | Where-Object {$_.name -eq 'Microservice 2'}
$msId = $msObject.id
The Add-FODApplication
operation above will only create a release for the specific Microservice that is specified.
To create releases for additional Microservices you can use the following:
# Retrieve the details of the Microservice we wish to create a release for
$msObject = Get-FODMicroservices -ApplicationId $applicationId | Where-Object {$_.name -eq 'Microservice 2'}
# Create the ReleaseObject for the release to add to microservice
$relObject = New-FODReleaseObject -Name "1.0" -Description "its description" -ApplicationId $applicationId `
-SDLCStatus 'Development' -Microservice $msObject
$relResponse = Add-FODRelease -Release $relObject
You can create a new Microservice in an application using the following:
$msResponse = Add-FODMicroservice -ApplicationId $applicationId -Name "Microservice 3"
Please note there is a limit on the number of Microservices which can be added to an Application. Please check the product documentation for details of the current limit.
You can update the name of an existing Microservice using the following:
Update-FODMicroservice -ApplicationId $applicationId -Id $msResponse.id -Name "Microservice 3 Updated"
You can remove a Microservice from an Application using the following:
Remove-FODMicroservice -ApplicationId $applicationId -Id $msResponse.id
To retrieve scans you can use:
# Get all of the scans for application id 1000 through Paging, latest completed first
Get-FODScans -Filters "applicationId:1000" -Paging -OrderBy 'startedDateTime' -OrderByDirection 'DESC'
To retrieve scans for an application you can use:
# Get all of the scans for application id 1000 through Paging
Get-FODApplicationScans -ApplicationId 1000 -Paging
To retrieve scans for a release you can use:
# Get all of the scans for release id 1000 through Paging
Get-FODReleaseScans -ReleaseId 1000 -Paging
To retrieve a specific scan for a release you can use:
# Get the scans with id 1234 for release id 1000 through Paging
Get-FODReleaseScan -ReleaseId 1000 -ScanId 1234
To get (retrieve) scans that were started in the last 2 hours, use the following:
# Get any scans run in the last 2 days
Get-FODScans -Since (Get-Date).AddHours(-2)
To retrieve the summary for a scan you can use:
# Get the scan summary for scan with id 1000
Get-ScanSummary -ScanId 1000
You can import on-premise static scans (from Fortify SCA)
using the Import-FODStaticScan
as in the following:
# Import an FPR scan file into release with id 1000
Import-FODStaticScan -ReleaseId 1000 -ScanFile C:\Temp\scans\scanResults.fpr
Rather than referencing the "ReleaseId" you can also refer to the application and release by name as in the following:
# Import an FPR scan file into release "1.0" of application myapp
Import-FODStaticScan -ApplicationName "myapp" -ReleaseName "1.0" -ScanFile C:\Temp\scans\scanResults.fpr
You can import on-premise dynamic scans (from Fortify WebInspect)
using the Import-FODDynamicScan
as in the following:
# Import an FPR scan file into release with id 1000
Import-FODDynamicScan -ReleaseId 1000 -ScanFile C:\Temp\scans\scanResults.fpr
Rather than referencing the "ReleaseId" you can also refer to the application and release by name as in the following:
# Import an FPR scan file into release "1.0" of application myapp
Import-FODDynamicScan -ApplicationName "myapp" -ReleaseName "1.0" -ScanFile C:\Temp\scans\scanResults.fpr
To start a Fortify on Demand static scan, a Zip file with the source and dependencies (as described in the
documentation should have been created and a static scan configured.
This configuration is carried out using Static Scan Setup
when you select Start Scan -> Static
the Fortify on Demand portal. Once you "Save" this configuration you will see both a "Release ID" and
"Build Server Integration (BSI) Token" field. Either of these can be used to start a static scan using the API,
however the BSI Token mechanism is being deprecated in 2020 and so using the "Release Id" is the recommended method.
To start a scan using the "Build Server Integration (BSI) Token" use the following:
# Copy the BSI Token from the portal between the quotes
$BsiToken = "..."
# Starts a static scan using the BSI Token $BsiToken and the Zip file "C:\Temp\upload\fod.zip"
$response = Start-FODStaticScan -BSIToken $BsiToken -ZipFile C:\Temp\upload\fod.zip `
-RemediationScanPreference NonRemediationScanOnly -EntitlementPreference SubscriptionOnly `
-InProgressScanPreference Queue -Notes "some notes" -Raw
Write-Host "Started static scan id: $response.scanId"
To start a scan using the "Release Id" value, use the following:
# Copy the ReleaseId from the portal between the quotes
$ReleaseId = "..."
# Starts a static scan using the ReleaseId value and the Zip file "C:\Temp\upload\fod.zip"
$response = Start-FODStaticScan -ReleaseId $ReleaseId -ZipFile C:\Temp\upload\fod.zip `
-RemediationScanPreference NonRemediationScanOnly -EntitlementPreference SubscriptionOnly `
-InProgressScanPreference Queue -Notes "some notes" -Raw
Write-Host "Started static scan id: $response.scanId"
After the Zip file has been uploaded the scan will be queued and executed in Fortify on Demand. To find the status of
the scan you can use the Get-FODScanSummary
function as in the following:
# Get the summary of the scan from the $response object created in the previous step
Get-FODScanSummary -ScanId $response.scanId | Select-Object -Property analysisStatusType
The analysisStatusType
will be the current status visible in the Fortify on Demand portal, e.g. Queued, In_Progress,
Completed and so on.
To start a Fortify on Demand dynamic scan you need to first configure the details of the scan to be carried out using the portal. Once you have "saved" the scan configuration in the portal you can check it can be retrieved using the following command:
Get-FODDynamicScanSetup -ReleaseId $ReleaseId
where $ReleaseId
is the unique id for the releases in Fortify on Demand (You can also retrieve this id using GetReleaseId
To start a dynamic scan using the "Release Id" value, use the following:
# Copy the ReleaseId from the portal between the quotes
$ReleaseId = "..."
# Starts a previously configured dynamic scan
$response = Start-FODDynamicScan -ReleaseId $ReleaseId -EntitlementPreference SingleScan
Write-Host "Started dynamic scan id: $response.scanId"
To find the status of the scan you can use the Get-FODScanSummary
function as in the following:
# Get the summary of the scan from the $response object created in the previous step
Get-FODScanSummary -ScanId $response.scanId | Select-Object -Property analysisStatusType
The analysisStatusType
will be the current status visible in the Fortify on Demand portal, e.g. Queued, In_Progress,
Completed and so on.
The Start-FODDynamicScan
function will automatically find an appropriate "entitlement", if no entitlements are
available you can optionally purchase a new entitlement using the -PurchaseEntitlement
You can retrieve vulnerabilities for a specific release using the following:
# Get all of the vulnerabilities for release id 1000 through Paging
Get-FODVulnerabilities -Release Id 1000 -Paging
Rather than referencing the "ReleaseId" you can also refer to the application and release by name as in the following:
# Get all of the vulnerabilities for release "1.0" of application "myapp"
Get-FODVulnerabilities -ApplicationName "myapp" -ReleaseName "1.0" -Paging
You can also use "filters" to retrieve different severities, categories and types of vulnerabilities, for example:
# Get all vulnerabilities with "critical" or "high" severity for release id 1000
Get-FODVulnerabilities -Release Id 1000 -Paging -Filters "severityString:Critical|High"
You can retrieve all of the open source components found using Sonatype or BlackDuck using the following:
# Get all the open source components through Paging found using Sonatype
Get-FODOpenSourceComponents -Paging -OpenSourceScanType Sonatype
Depending on the data in your tenant, this call might take some time. An example of how to filter the output based on application, licenses or component is included in the example script open-source-components.ps1.
To create a user, you need to create an FODUserObject
and then call Add-FODUser
as shown in the following:
# Create the ReleaseObject
$userObject = New-FODUserObject -Username "user1" -FirstName "Test" -LastName "User" `
-Email "[email protected]" -PhoneNumber "0123456789" -RoleId 0
# Add the new user
$usrResponse = Add-FODUser -User $usrObject
if ($usrResponse) {
Write-Host "Created user with id:" $usrResponse.userId
$userId = $usrResponse.userId
Note: there is no function to retrieve the RoleId - to find the RoleId for a specific role, e.g. "Security Lead"
execute Get-FODUser
on a user who you know has the role and examine the roleId
field in the response.
To get (retrieve) an individual user, use the following:
# Get the new user created above
Get-FODUser -Id $userId
You can also get (retrieve) the id of a user using FOD-GetUserId
and use it in a pipeline as in the
# Get the user "testuser1"
Get-FODUserId -UserName "testuser1" | Get-FODUser
To get (retrieve) one or more users, use the following:
# Get any users that have the role 'Security Lead'
Get-FODUsers -Paging -Filters 'roleName:Security Lead'
To update an existing user, you will first need to create an FODUserObject
with any updated values. An example
is shown in the following:
# Create the update UserObject
$usrUpdateObject = New-FODUserObject -Email "[email protected]" -PhoneNumber "01234777666" `
-Password 'password' -MustChange
# Update the user
Update-FODUser -Id $userId -User $usrUpdateObject
To delete (remove) a user, use the following:
Remove-FODRelease -Id $userId
To get (retrieve) one or more attributes, use the following:
# Get all atributes
# Get a specific attribute called 'Regions'
Get-FODAttributes -Filter 'name:Regions'
If this is the first time you have installed a module from PSGallery, you might receive a message similar to the following:
Untrusted repository
You are installing the modules from an untrusted repository. If you trust this repository, change its
InstallationPolicy value by running the Set-PSRepository cmdlet. Are you sure you want to install the modules from
[Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "N"): Y
Select Y
to install the module this time or you can use Set-PSRepository
The Get-FODToken
function requires a PowerShell Credential
object which will normally be created by prompting
the user for Fortify on Demand login details. However, if you are creating a script you might want to create
this Credential
object programmatically. This can be achieved by the following:
$Credential = Get-Credential
Set-FODConfig -ApiUri $FODPortalUri ... -Credential $Credential
will request a username and password which will be either your tenantId\username
and password
values or an API Key and API Secret that has been created in the Fortify On Demand portal at
Administration -> Settings -> API
The configuration file is stored in %HOME_DRIVE%%HOME_PATH%\AppData\Local\Temp
, e.g. C:\Users\demo\AppData\Local\Temp
as %USERNAME%-hostname-PS4FOD.xml
. You can delete this file and re-create it using Set-FODConfig
if necessary.
If you are not receiving the output you expect you can turn on verbose output using the ForceVerbose
as in the following:
Set-FODConfig -ForceVerbose $true
Then when you execute a command you should see details of all the API calls that are being made.