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Select-style dropdown box with a filterable options list.


import { Selection } from '@folio/stripes/components';

// the dataOptions prop takes an array of objects with 'label' and 'value' keys
const countriesOptions = [
  { value: 'AU', label: 'Australia' },
  { value: 'CN', label: 'China' },
  { value: 'DK', label: 'Denmark' },
  { value: 'MX', label: 'Mexico' },
  { value: 'SE', label: 'Sweden' },
  { value: 'US', label: 'United States' },
  { value: 'UK', label: 'United Kingdom' },
  // ...obviously there are more....

// later in your JSX....
  placeholder="Select country"

Formatting options

The formatter prop can be used to pass through a functional component that will be used to render the content of each of the options in the list as well as the selected value. The <OptionSegment> component allows control over the search highlighting of the string. The formatter should be prepared to accept an option (item from dataOptions) and the entered searchTerm. If no term is entered, '' is passed. In this contrived example, both value and option strings are rendered in each option.

import { Selection, OptionSegment } from '@folio/stripes/components';

const options = [
  { value: '', label: 'None' },
  { value: 'AU', label: 'Austrailia' },
  { value: 'US', label: 'United States' },
  { value: 'UK', label: 'United Kingdom' },

// formatter set up as an arrow function within a class - best to define outside of the render() function.

customFormatter = ({ option, searchTerm }) => {
  return (
    < key={option.value}>
      <OptionSegment searchTerm={searchTerm !== '' ? option.value : ''}>{option.value}</OptionSegment>
      <OptionSegment searchTerm={searchTerm}>{option.label}</OptionSegment>

// ...within the render function...
    placeholder="Select country"


Name type description default required
asyncFilter bool Set to true if your onFilter function makes a request for updated dataOptions rather than filter the dataOptions directly on the front-end. false false
dataOptions array of objects Array of objects with label and value keys. The labels are visible to the users in the options list, the values are not.
id string Sets the id html attribute on the control
inputRef object/func Reference object/function for accessing the contro button DOM element. ref false
label string If provided, will render a <label> tag with an htmlFor attribute directed at the provided id prop.
emptyMessage string Message to display filtering leaves the options list empty 'No matching options'
loading bool if true, loadingMessage will be displayed to indicate that options are loading false
loadingMessage string Message to display that options list is loading 'Loading options...'
listMaxHeight string Sets a style attribute on options list, setting a max-height. list will scroll if the options list is too long to fit. '174px'
formatter function Used to customize the formatting of options. The <OptionSegment> component enables control over filter highlighting. Formatter results are rendered within a flexbox <div>. DefaultOptionFormatter
optionAlignment string One of start, end, outside, center. Determines the alignment of OptionSegments and block elements that appear within the formatter.
value string Sets the value for the control. Not necessary if using redux-form.
onChange function Callback function that will receive the control's current value and the onChange event object. fn(e, value) Not necessary if using redux-form, but it will still work if callback from a change is needed.
onFilter function Callback function used for custom data filtering false
useValidStyle bool if true, "success" styles will be applied to control if it contains a valid value onBlur (using redux-form validation.) false
autoFocus bool If this prop is true, control will automatically focus on mount
popper object Used to adjust placement of options list overlay via underlying Popper component. See <Popper> props false
usePortal bool If true, option list will render to the div[#OverlayContainer] element in the FOLIO UI. Given the container of this component, usePortal may not be required. See portals documentation for guidance.


Like other form controls in stripes-components, <Selection> abides by standard conventions for labeling props if alternatives to label (visible label with the control) are required... aria-label and aria-labelledby are useful for this. See Accessiblity for developers documentation for more details about which to choose.

Option grouping

This adds group headings to the list and will indent child options. dataOptions can simply supply an options key rather than a value key that contains a list of child dataOptions. Grouped and non-grouped options can be specified simultaneously.

dataOptions = {[
  { label: 'top-level foo', value: 'foo first value' },
  { label: 'group label', options:
      {label: 'grouped one' foo', value: 'grouped1'},
      {label: 'grouped two' foo', value: 'grouped1'},
      {label: 'grouped three' foo', value: 'grouped1'},
  { label: 'top-level after group', value: 'foo last value' },

See storybook for complete usage example.

Async Filtering

Default functionality of <Selection> is client-side filtering of options, but it can set up to perform filtering via a request which would simply update the provided dataOptions list. Just provide the asyncFilter boolean prop and implement something similar to the following example for your onFilter function.

const [data, setData] = useState(hugeOptionsList);
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);

const handleFilter = async (filter) => {
  setLoading(true);           // So that the component can render a loading spinner while the user waits...
  setData([]);                // empty data so that none will render...
  const newData = await ...   // perform request here...
  setData(newData);           // supply the new dataOptions
  setLoading(false);          // turn off the loading spinner...

  label="Async select"

Usage in React Final Form

Redux form will provide input and meta props to the component when it is used with a redux-form <Field> component. The component's value and validation are supplied through these.

<Field name="SelectionCountry" label="Country" id="countrySelect" placeholder="Select country" component={Selection} dataOptions={countriesOptions}/>