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272 lines (182 loc) · 14.6 KB

File metadata and controls

272 lines (182 loc) · 14.6 KB

6.0.0 - Unreleased

5.9.0 - Released - (Ramson R2 2024)

The primary focus of this release was to update dependencies, and api doc for POSTing invoice documents

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  • MODINVOSTO-189 - Update libraries of dependant acq modules to the latest versions
  • MODINVOSTO-186 - API doc for POSTing invoice documents has missing required metadata


  • Bump raml from 35.2.0 to 35.3.0
  • Added folio-module-descriptor-validator version 1.0.0

5.8.0 - Released - (Quesnelia R1 2024)

The primary focus of this release was to update dependencies, and write SQL migration script to fill invoices with fiscalYearId

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  • MODINVOSTO-177 - Verify is java based migration for fiscalYearId possible and implement solution for it
  • MODINVOSTO-175 - Upgrade RAML Module Builder
  • MODINVOSTO-171 - Update RMB and vertx to the latest version


  • Bump raml from 35.0.1 to 35.2.0
  • Bump vertx from 4.3.4 to 4.5.4

5.7.0 - Released - (Poppy R2 2023)

The primary focus of this release was to update DTO schema and upgrade to java 17

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Bug fixes

  • MODORDSTOR-343 - Duplicated PO lines have the same numbers related to newly created duplicated order


  • Bump java version from 11 to 17

5.6.0 - Released - Released (Orchid R1 2023)

The primary focus of this release was to improvement logging

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5.5.0 - Released

The primary focus of this release was to update RMB dependency and remove deprecated migration service

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5.4.0 - Released (Morning Glory R2 2022)

The primary focus of this release was to improve performance and update RMB dependency

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5.3.0 - Released

The primary focus of this release was to fox log4j security issue

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5.2.0 - Released

The primary focus of this release was to perform migration scripts according to schema changes

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  • MODINVOSTO-122 - Migration script for Fund code in the fund distribution
  • MODINVOSTO-120 - Cannot set voucher "Starting number" or reset sequence
  • MODINVOSTO-119 - Cancel invoice: Update voucher and transaction schema with new fields
  • MODINVOSTO-73 - poNumbers cross-module migration

5.1.0 - Released

The primary focus of this release was to update RMB version up to v33.0.0, various schema fields updated as well

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Bug Fixes

  • MODINVOSTO-115 - Example API JSON, "invoice_line_collection.sample", has invalid field

5.0.0 - Released

The primary focus of this release was to add some additional fields in voucher schema, upgrade invoice totals, upgrade RMB and adding support pair of "refNumber" and "refNumberType" in Invoice line should be an array

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  • MODINVOSTO-106 - Add fields "enclosureNeeded" and "accountNo" into voucher schema
  • MODINVOSTO-105 - Delete document while deleting invoice
  • MODINVOSTO-100 - mod-invoice-storage: Update RMB
  • MODINVOSTO-97 - Write migration script for lock total value
  • MODINVOSTO-96 - Update invoice totals fields
  • MODINVOSTO-92 - Add field "accountNo" for supporting vendors that have more than one account
  • MODINVOSTO-89 - Capture date paid in invoice schema
  • MODINVOSTO-81 - Support pair of "refNumber" and "refNumberType" in Invoice line should be an array
  • MODINVOSTO-75 - Migration script for removing invoice number from the invoice line number

4.1.2 - Released

The primary focus of this release was to fix Adding certain prefix and suffixes prevents user from being able to save

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Bug Fixes

  • MODORDSTOR-197 - Adding certain prefix and suffixes prevents user from being able to save

4.1.1 - Released

The primary focus of this release was to fix RMB and logging issues

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Bug Fixes

4.1.0 - Released

The primary focus of this release was to migrate to JDK 11 with new RMB, update fund distribution schema

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4.0.1 - Released

This is a bugfix release and contains fixes for full text index creation. Also module was migrated on RMB 30.1.0

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Bug Fixes

  • MODINVOSTO-72 - Add invoice_line.description fullTextIndex
  • MODINVOSTO-69 - Migration script populate "fundDistribution.code" into old voucher lines

4.0.0 - Released

The focus of this release was implementing cascade deletion and create view for search and filtering

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  • MODINVOSTO-67 - Final verification migration scripts before release Q2 2020
  • MODINVOSTO-66 - mod-invoice-storage: Update to RMB v30.0.1
  • MODINVOSTO-58 - Invoicing schema changes
  • MODINVOSTO-57 - Implementing cascade deletion for batch-voucher and batch-voucher-exports APIs

Bug Fixes

  • MODINVOSTO-68 - Migration scripts for breaking-changes in invoice app schemas are missed

3.1.1 - Released

Fix data migration script for batch groups

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Bug Fixes

  • MODINVOSTO-61 - Data migration script fails due to FK constraint

3.1.0 - Released

The focus of this release was to introduce Batch Voucher Exports CRUD APIs

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3.0.0 - Released

The focus of this release was to improve invoices and vouchers processing

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2.0.0 - Released

The primary focus of this release was to allow cross table index queries and provide the APIs for managing invoice attachments.

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  • MODINVOICE-77 - Invoice and invoiceLine schema updates (breaking changes)
  • MODINVOSTO-35 - Cleanup acquisition-units-assignments APIs/views/etc. (breaking changes)
  • MODINVOSTO-34 - Implement API for invoice attachments (links/documents)
  • MODINVOSTO-31 - Voucher/voucher line cross table index queries
  • MODINVOSTO-28 - Invoice/invoice line cross table index queries

Bug Fixes

  • MODINVOSTO-38 - MOD-INVOICE-STORAGE fails after several runs of API tests

1.0.0 - Released

The primary focus of this release was to provide initial version of the API for managing invoices, invoice lines, voucher, voucher lines and acquisitions unit assignments.


Bug Fixes