- SIP2-231: AJ Field (Title) Issue in Successful Renewals
- SIP2-232: AH Field (Due Date) Issue in Unsuccessful Renewals
- SIP2-240: SIP2 providing values in USD rather than ZAR
- SIP2-195: FolioResourceProvider is submitting expired access tokens to FOLIO
- SIP2-173: SIP2: extend checkin response with Patron identifier (AA)
- SIP2-202: Vert.x 4.5.7 fixing netty form POST OOM CVE-2024-29025
- SIP2-200: Enhance WebClient TLS Configuration for Secure Connections to OKAPI
- SIP2-205: Issue with edge-sip2
- SIP2-208: \r missing from error response message
- SIP2-209: EdgeSip2IT for "mvn verify"
- SIP2-89: Implement patron PIN field instead of patron password field
- SIP2-212: wrong patron information response (64)
- SIP2-214: Disable host veryfing in FIPS mode
- SIP2-216: FeePaidHandlerTests test ends with FAILURE. Issue with locale
- SIP2-150: Add port with IP address CIDR as option for tenant identification in configuration
- SIP2-219: Add support for COP currency type
- SIP2-221: edge-sip2 returns "valid patron password" field in 64 message even with password validation turned off
- SIP2-223: SIP2: Invalid checkin response message when using reject on item status feature (SIP2-186)
- SIP2-222: SIP2 login issue - active session with an invalid password
- SIP2-225: SIP2: Invalid item information response (18) when item identifier is not found.
- SIP2-224: Clean up the login with cache code
- SIP2-226: Invalid Response for Patron Information due to holdItems array with null entry
- SIP2-233: Release: Ramsons - edge-sip2
- SIP2-222: SIP2 login issue - active session with an invalid password
- SIP2-219: Add support for COP CurrencyType
- SIP2-214: Disable host veryfing in FIPS mode
- SIP2-205: edge-sip2 release issue, main process exit with error in description
- SIP2-200: Enhance WebClient TLS Configuration for Secure Connections to OKAPI
- SIP2-201: Enhance SIP2 Endpoint Security with TLS and FIPS-140-2 Compliant Cryptography
- SIP2-202: Vert.x 4.5.7 fixing netty form POST OOM CVE-2024-29025
- SIP2-195: FolioResourceProvider is submitting expired access tokens to FOLIO
- SIP2-155: SIP2: extend the Patron Information Response on fee fields
- SIP2-177: Patron Status Command always returns all statuses as 'Y'
- SIP2-175: SIP2: No fine items summary returned in Patron Information response (63)
- SIP2-169: Checkin response gives wrong values for items in transit (CT &CV)
- SIP2-174: SIP2: extend Patron information Response with valid patron password (CQ)
- SIP2-180: SIP2: Patron Information Response respond with fractional amount in BV field
- SIP2-160: SIP2: extend the Fee Paid to enable to pay fee items
- SIP2-181: Patron Information Response fee item summary responds with closed fees
- SIP2-182: Sip2 Needed User permissions not listed
- SIP2-188: SIP2: different BV amounts in Patron Information Response (64) and Patron Status Response (24)
- SIP2-194: edgs-sip2 Quesnelia 2024 R1 - Vertex update
- SIP2-192: Load configuration on login request
- SIP2-186: SIP2: Reject checkins on dedicated items statuses
- SIP2-121: SIP2: Renew response
- SIP2-94: Non SIP2 protocol error occurs when faced with exceptional situations
- SIP2-143: Update feesfines interface version to 18.0
- SIP2-27: SIP2: Renew All response
- SIP2-134: Add /admin/health to edge-sip2
- SIP2-144: SIP2: Fee Paid
- SIP2-147: SIP2: Renew response missing title identifier.
- SIP2-15: SIP2: Patron Status Response
- SIP2-148: Update circulation interface to 14.0
- SIP2-145: SIP2: extend the Checkin command response
- SIP2-146: Fee Paid response has invalid checksum
- SIP2-149: SIP2: extend the Patron Information Response
- SIP2-153: Update to Java 17 edge-sip2
- SIP2-154: patronPasswordVerificationRequired is always TRUE
- SIP2-156: Item Information Response - incorrect BT-element appears in fixed-length element
- SIP2-132: Implement refresh token rotation
- SIP2-152: SIP2: Extend Patron Information summary field on fee items elements
- SIP2-155: SIP2: extend the Patron Information Response on fee fields
- SIP2-161: Item Information Response - invalid
- SIP2-151: SIP2: summary fields for Patron Information
- SIP2-123: SIP2: Item Information Response
- SIP2-125: Logging improvement
- SIP2-128: Logging improvement - Configuration
- SIP2-136: "finding and loading template" exception in transactionDate lib.ftl on missing "99 SC Status"
- SIP2-138: Align the module with API breaking change
- SIP2-116: Upgrade Users interface to 16.0
- SIP2-130: Update dependencies for Nolana (MODINNREACH-322)
- SIP2-115: Always populate the "title identifier" field for checked out response
- SIP2-106: Adapt module to title level requests (TLR)
- SIP2-110: Update dependencies (CVE-2020-25649)
- SIP2-110: Update Vert.x from 3.9.2 to 4.2.5
- SIP2-107: Support circulation interface v13
- SIP2-102: Kiwi R3 2021 - Log4j edge- modules 2.17.0 upgrade
- SIP2-100: Update log4j for log4shell vulnerability
- SIP2-96: Update feesfines interface version to 17.0
- SIP2-95: add support for empty no block due date
- SIP2-92: Update circulation interface dependency
- SIP2-91: Update circulation interface dependency
- SIP2-78: Add multi-tenant support
- SIP2-90: ACS command causes 502 Bad Gateway errors in logs
- SIP2-86: Upgrade edge-sip2 to use Java 11
- FOLIO-2706: Update dev documentation for FQDNs of reference environments
- SIP2-83: Allow checkout when externalUserId is provided and password is not required
- SIP2-80: Fix security vulnerability reported in checkstyle < 8.29
- SIP2-84: Add 7.0 as acceptable login interface version
- SIP2-82: Upgrade RMB to v30.0.2 and release it.
- SIP2-43: Document SIP2 implementation
- SIP2-79: Migrate to new major version of item-storage, inventory, circulation
- Allow patrons to authenticate using FOLIO userName (SIP2-73)
- Initial release contains support for the following SIP commands:
- Checkout
- Checkin
- SC Status
- Request ACS Resend
- Login
- Patron Information
- End Patron Session