- Upgrade Flurry Android SDK version to 14.4.0
- Upgrade Flurry iOS SDK version to 12.4.0
- Support Timed event logging APIs with the 2nd key
- Upgrade Flurry Android SDK version to 14.2.0
- Upgrade Flurry Android SDK version to 14.1.0
- Upgrade Flurry iOS SDK version to 12.2.0
- Support GPP Consents APIs
- Upgrade Flurry Android SDK version to 14.0.0
- Migrate to comply with JDK 11 and Gradle 7
- Upgrade target SDK to Android 13 (API level 33)
- Fix iOS CocoaPods build failures
- Upgrade Flurry iOS SDK version to 12.1.1
- Fix iOS CocoaPods build failures
- Upgrade Flurry Android SDK version to 13.3.0
- Upgrade Flurry iOS SDK version to 12.0.0
- Support initializing Flurry Push from the Dart for Android
- Fix Flurry Push Unhandled Exception: type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'String' in type cast
- Fix example codes printing "Instance of" instead of values
- Support Sound null safety
- Improve Effective Dart: Style
- Update secure links, and installation instructions in README
- Improve codes static analysis, and format libraries codes
- Provide example for sample instead of testing
- Fix dartdoc links, typo
- Upgrade Flurry Android SDK version to 13.1.0
- Upgrade Flurry iOS SDK version to 11.4.0
- Support Agent setters API
- Support Standard Event API
- Support Publisher Segmentation API
- Create flutter-flurry-sdk package