Here is a sample configuration for old fluentd v0.12. It works with fluentd v1 too but not recommended for it.
<match pattern>
@type s3
aws_key_id YOUR_AWS_KEY_ID
s3_region ap-northeast-1
path logs/
s3_object_key_format %{path}%{time_slice}_%{index}.%{file_extension}
buffer_path /var/log/fluent/s3
time_slice_format %Y%m%d-%H
time_slice_wait 10m
format json
If you want to embed tag in path
/ s3_object_key_format
, you need to use fluent-plugin-forest
The following explanations are about the differences with v1. Other parameters are same with v1, see Configuration: Output for them.
@format json
include_time_key true
time_key log_time # default is time
This parameter is for v0.12. Use <format>
and <inject>
for v1.
path prefix of the files to buffer logs.
This parameter is for v0.12. Use <buffer>
's path
in v1.
Format of the time used as the file name. Default is '%Y%m%d'. Use '%Y%m%d%H' to split files hourly.
This parameter is for v0.12. Use buffer placeholder for path
/ s3_object_key_format
in v1.
The time to wait old logs. Default is 10 minutes. Specify larger value if old logs may reach.
This parameter is for v0.12. Use <buffer>
's timekey_wait
in v1.