API backend for the SPI client side "scheduler-api" application.
- node version 8.11.x or later
- npm version 6.4.x or later
- Execute command "npm ci" from console/terminal to install module dependencies
- Execute command "npm run builld" to build production files. Production files will be installed in root folder ".build"
- Test build by executing command "npm run server" to launch the server on port 9443.
If you are on Windows, do this first to install python, msbuild, etc:
npm i -g windows-build-tools
Development instance can be started by executing command "npm start" or "npm run dev".
GET "/" - Returns API version and meta data
ACCESS: Public
{ success: boolean, data: { version: number data: string } }
POST "/auth/login" - User JWT authentication
ACCESS: Public
username: string password: string
{ success: boolean, data: { username: string uuid: string firstname: string lastname: string email: string token: string (JWT Authentication Token) } }
GET "/api/appointment" - Returns all schedule date for the date range specified.
ACCESS: Authentication token required
apptStartTimestampUTC: string apptEndTimestampUTC: string
[ success: boolean, data: [ { username: string (Only shows the username for the logged in user, otherwise blank) startTimestampUTC: string endTimestampUTC: string comment: string (same as username - only shows comments for logged in user) } ... ] }
POST "/api/appointment" - Adds user/paitient appointment for specified date and time.
ACCESS: Authentication token required
username: string startTimestampUTC: string ** Calendar start date timestamp endTimestampUTC: string ** Calendar end date timestamp apptStartTimestampUTC: string ** Appointment start timestamp apptEndTimestampUTC: string ** Appointment start timestamp comment: string
[ success: boolean, data: [ { username: string (Only shows the username for the logged in user, otherwise blank) startTimestampUTC: string endTimestampUTC: string comment: string (same as username - only shows comments for logged in user) } ... ] }