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Role codes

Andrew Morrison edited this page Oct 9, 2020 · 2 revisions

The following codes can be added in role attribute of elements such as editor, persName, or orgName in TEI records intended for inclusion in the Fihrist union catalogue.

The middle column indicates whether a person tagged with each role should be regarded as related to a logical work, as opposed to an individual copy of the work or a manuscript as an object. Some are clear-cut, for example, authors (aut) are always work-related and former owners (fmo) are always non-work-related. [YASMIN: MAYBE ADD AN EXPLANATION A LESS OBVIOUS EXAMPLE?]. You can use any role codes in any contexts within a TEI record, but whether they are work-related affects how these roles are displayed on person pages on the Fihrist web site.

If multiple roles apply, then add them as a space-separated list (e.g. role="abr trl" for someone who both abridged and translated the work being described.)

Code Logical Work Related? Description
abr Y Abridger
ann N Annotator
ant Y Bibliographic antecedent - for example the author of a work on which another work is based as commentary, translation, etc
art N Artist
asn N Associated name - for example a person named on a seal but where it is unclear whether or not they were a former owner of the manuscript [fmo]
att Y Attributed author
aut Y Author
bnd N Binder
cataloguer N Cataloguer (not a MARC code)
cmm Y Commentator
col Y Collector
com Y Compiler
continuator Y Continuator (not a MARC code)
crr N Corrector
ctb Y Contributor
dpc N Depicted -depicted in a work of art (use [subject] for persons described in a text)
drt N Director
dte N Dedicatee
dtm N Data manager - used for programmers etc who have made changes to TEI files
edt Y Editor
fmo N Former owner
glossator Y Glossator (not a MARC code)
nrt Y Narrator
oth N Other - a general catch-all
own N Current owner. See also [fmo] for former owner
pat N Patron
ppm N Papermaker
rcp Y Addressee or recipient. E.g. someone to whom a letter is addressed.
reviser N Reviser (not a MARC code) - possibly should use [crr] corrector
scr N Scribe
spn N Sponsor
subject Y Subject (not a MARC code) i.e. described in text as opposed to depicted in artwork [dpc]
super-commentator Y Super-commentator (not a MARC code)
super-glossator Y Super-glossator (not a MARC code)
trc N Transcriber
trl Y Translator

This list is mostly taken from MARC relator codes, with a few additions for Fihrist. Please discuss any suggestions for additions on the Fihrist mailing list.