This library is to Tokenize your current API Restful very easy. It makes your API more secure.
How this library works :
- It will create table
- Insert the token data into it
- Validate user request with table
- Laravel 6, 7, or 8
- PHP 7.4 or 8.x
Run this command on your root project
composer require fherryfherry/laravel-api-token
Run the migration bellow
php artisan migrate
After installation is done, then run bellow command to export configuration file :
php artisan vendor:publish --provider=FherryFherry\LaravelApiToken\LaravelSimpleApiTokenServiceProvider
return [
"expiry_unit"=> "day", // day, hour, minute
"expiry_duration" => 3, // expiry duration by unit
"token_length"=> 128, // how long token is
// VALIDATION LEVEL ============================================ //
// Level 1 = Validate by token only (default) //
// Level 2 = Validate by token and ip address //
// Level 3 = Validate by token, ip address and user agent //
// //
// Please be careful with validation 2 and 3 because ip address //
// can suddenly change. Usually this because user providers //
// ============================================================= //
"validation_level"=> 1,
"basic_auth_user" => env("BASIC_AUTH_USER"), // user to request token
"basic_auth_pass" => env("BASIC_AUTH_PASS") // password to request token
Open the .env
file, and paste these bellow on the bottom of file
You could change its value.
You should create your own Login API. Then after the login is succeeded you could call this helper. For the first, add these bellow to top of the class
use FherryFherry\LaravelApiToken\Helper\LaravelSimpleApiToken;
Then in your login method would be like these
public function postLogin(Request $request) {
// ...
if(Auth::attempt($request->except("_token"))) {
// Then after that call this helper
LaravelSimpleApiToken::saveLoginData($request, $user->id, $user->name);
// Or if you have a role
LaravelSimpleApiToken::saveLoginData($request, $user->id, $user->name, $user->role);
// ...
Give this endpoint to your frontend engineer. (I assume you use artisan serve, instead adjust the base domain)
Add header parameter with Basic Authorization.
How to use Basic Authorization you could refer this document.
This API will produce like these bellow :
"status": 1,
"message": "success",
"data": {
"expired_at": "2013-05-05T16:34:42+00:00",
"access_token": "bG9yZW0gaXBzdW0=",
"refresh_token": "bG9yZW0gaXBzdW0="
Frontend engineer should save the expired_at
This API is to extend the expired time of access_token
without request token again. But you will get new access_token
The difference with Request Token is you don't need to hit the Login API again.
Frontend engineer need to add a Header Parameter with Bearer Authorization
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
This API will produce like these bellow :
"status": 1,
"message": "success",
"data": {
"expired_at": "2013-05-05T16:34:42+00:00",
"access_token": "bG9yZW0gaXBzdW0=",
"refresh_token": "bG9yZW0gaXBzdW0="
Frontend engineer should save the expired_at
value. For next header authorization.
To prevent any user hit your API Without token, so you have to add laravel_api_token
middleware to your API Route.
Open your API route location (I assume you use routes/api.php)
Route::middleware(['api','laravel_api_token'])->group(function() {
// place your all api routes here
// ...
Frontend engineer need to add a Header Parameter with Bearer Authorization
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
If you would like to get the current user ID, you only need to call this helper
$currentUserID = LaravelSimpleApiToken::getUserId();
If you would like to get the current user name, you only need to call this helper
$currentUserName = LaravelSimpleApiToken::getUserName();
If you would like to get the current user role, you only need to call this helper
$currentUserRole = LaravelSimpleApiToken::getUserRole();
For whatever reason sometime you want to see all available column values of current token, you could call this helper
$tokenData = LaravelSimpleApiToken::getTokenData();
If the user is logging out, you have to call this helper into your logout method at the bottom line is fine. So the frontend is should call the request token API again.
Hi thanks for using my open source project, you could support me via : or via
If you found any security issue please contact me at ferdevelop15[at]