Releases: felixbur/nkululeko
fixed svm c value setting
Setting the c value in the ini file was not handled
bug fix
fixed bug that caused
xgboost.core.XGBoostError: [16:53:22] ../src/data/ Check failed: labels_.Size() == num_row_ (324 vs. 223) : Size of labels must equal to number of rows.
when running the hello world example twice,
caused by a missing new feature extraction when new test speakers were selected but the old features sets were reused.
Can happen when split_strategy = speaker_split
and should be prevented automatically by setting
['FEATS']['needs_feature_extraction'] = 'True'
added openXBOW
Numerous bug fixes and support for openXBOW bag-of-audio-words features
tested with two usecases
First version hopefully consistent tested with classification and regression experiments combining 3 classifiers with 3 features sets
trill features and data statistic plots
0.8.0 Merge branch 'main' of into main
Added plotting options
Added plotting options and other functionality
Continous for classification
Added support to bin continous data for classification
added mlp
bug fixes for 0.4.0
bug fixes for 0.4.0
global config
added a global configuration object