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How to run multithreading with k4MarlinWrapper (Gaudi)


  • Reading LCIO events with LcioEvent()
  • Writing LCIO events with LcioEventOutput()
  • Running MarlinProcessorWrappers with no converters
  • Using whiteboard as ExtSvc (no k4DataSvc or EventDataSvc)

Not supported

  • Using EDM converters EDM4hep2LcioTool and Lcio2EDM4hepTool()
  • Reading EDM4hep events with PodioInput()
  • Writing EDM4hep events with PodioOutput()
  • Writing EDM4hep events with MarlinProcessorWrapper of type LCIOOutputProcessor
  • Running non-thread algorithms/processors in parallel

Running Gaudi with multithreading support

Gaudi uses Intel TBB under the hood for multithreading.

Gaudi exposes two main levels of parallelism:

  • Inter-event parallelism: running multiple events in parallel
  • Intra-event parallelism: running multiple algorithms in parallel, within an event

The two levels of parallelims can be combined: events can run in parallel, and algorithms within the events can run in parallel.

How to run with inter-event parallelism

The following components are used to achieve parallelism:

from Configurables import (HiveWhiteBoard, HiveSlimEventLoopMgr, AvalancheSchedulerSvc)

These 3 components need to be configued to adapt the level of parallelism to the sequence, algorithms and hardware to be used.

  • Event Data Service: HiveWhiteBoard
    • EventSlots: Number of events that may run in parallel, each with its own EventStore
    • This is the Event Data Service, which needs the number of EventSlots
  • Event Loop Manager: HiveSlimEventLoopMgr
    • Event Loop Manager with parallelism support
  • Thread Scheduling config: AvalancheSchedulerSvc
    • Scheduler to indicate the number of threads to use
    • In needs the total number of threads to use: this determines how many events and algorithms can be in flight (run in parallel)
    • Default value is -1 which indicate TBB to take over the machine with what it decides to be the optimal configuration

All these components can be set as follows in the options file:

evtslots = 4
threads = 4

whiteboard = HiveWhiteBoard("EventDataSvc", EventSlots=evtslots)
slimeventloopmgr = HiveSlimEventLoopMgr(SchedulerName="AvalancheSchedulerSvc", OutputLevel=DEBUG)
scheduler = AvalancheSchedulerSvc(ThreadPoolSize=threads, OutputLevel=WARNING)

from Configurables import ApplicationMgr
ApplicationMgr( TopAlg = [seq],
                EvtSel = 'NONE',
                EvtMax = 10,
                ExtSvc = [whiteboard],

To only run events in parallel, with no parallelism between the algorithms within each event, the cardinality of the algorithms must be set:

  • Given a list of algorithms, set the cardinality of all to be 1
  • Create a GaudiSequencer with all the algorithms as Members
  • Set the GaudiSequencer sequential property to true
  • Pass the created GaudiSequencer to the Application Manager in the TopAlg: TopAlg = [seq]
from Configurables import MarlinProcessorWrapper
from Configurables import (GaudiSequencer)

cardinality = 1

alg1 = MarlinProcessorWrapper("alg1")
alg2 = MarlinProcessorWrapper("alg2")
alg3 = MarlinProcessorWrapper("alg3")
alg4 = MarlinProcessorWrapper("alg4")

algList = []


for algo in algList:
    algo.Cardinality = cardinality
    algo.OutputLevel = DEBUG

seq = GaudiSequencer(

from Configurables import ApplicationMgr
ApplicationMgr( TopAlg = [seq],
                EvtSel = 'NONE',
                EvtMax = 10,
                ExtSvc = [whiteboard],

Running example

A multi-threaded CLIC Reconstruction can be run in multi-threaded mode, for LCIO input and output. After successful compilation, from the build location:

# Check available tests
ctest -N

# Run multi-threaded clicReconstruction test
ctest -R clicRec_lcio_mt