A quickly hacked tool to reorganise shotwell's photo directory structure.
This tool reads the shotwell photo photo organiser database and restructures the photos into folders based on events defined in shotwell. This is just a quick and dirty tool to work around a missing feature in shotwell itself, which only allows to organise photos by their exposure date.
Beware of bugs in the code, I have not tested it throroughly. It just worked well enough to reorganise my personal photo database. So please, backup everything before running it. If you find any bugs, let me know.
The script looks for the shotwell database at ~/.local/share/shotwell/data/photo.db. If you use multiple databases or your system stores the database somewhere else, you can use a command line parameter to set it. Assuming it is in the standard location, you just need to pass the destination directory of the freshly organised photo library. The call is then roughly
python organise-shotwell-database.py /path/to/new/photo/library
The other command line parameters are quite self-explanatory