Fleur Kelpin Dec 16, 2020
fields <- tibble(line = readLines("day16-fields.txt")) %>%
into = c("field", "from1", "to1", "from2", "to2"),
"([^:]*): ([0-9]+)-([0-9]+) or ([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)",
convert = T
## # A tibble: 20 x 5
## field from1 to1 from2 to2
## <chr> <int> <int> <int> <int>
## 1 departure location 33 430 456 967
## 2 departure station 42 864 875 957
## 3 departure platform 42 805 821 968
## 4 departure track 34 74 93 967
## 5 departure date 40 399 417 955
## 6 departure time 30 774 797 950
## 7 arrival location 50 487 507 954
## 8 arrival station 34 693 718 956
## 9 arrival platform 42 729 751 959
## 10 arrival track 28 340 349 968
## 11 class 49 524 543 951
## 12 duration 40 372 397 951
## 13 price 48 922 939 951
## 14 route 33 642 666 960
## 15 row 39 238 255 973
## 16 seat 48 148 161 973
## 17 train 50 604 630 971
## 18 type 29 299 316 952
## 19 wagon 45 898 921 966
## 20 zone 34 188 212 959
your_ticket <-
nearby_tickets <- tibble(values = readLines("day16-nearby.txt"))
## # A tibble: 245 x 1
## values
## <chr>
## 1 122,945,480,667,824,475,800,224,297,602,673,513,641,524,835,981,54,184,60,721
## 2 692,125,595,331,803,765,721,249,729,162,226,523,821,137,297,588,296,299,720,…
## 3 851,112,324,163,805,544,563,372,590,228,264,590,290,491,799,677,881,573,584,…
## 4 318,471,224,717,144,113,521,320,280,234,522,833,515,514,543,630,128,221,279,…
## 5 466,234,233,845,296,757,675,841,113,135,464,732,220,575,769,693,231,187,548,…
## 6 179,471,485,215,287,334,848,153,546,473,238,675,487,56,595,484,279,366,692,8…
## 7 532,422,215,370,552,577,171,757,58,686,169,830,849,52,422,128,218,630,424,419
## 8 113,466,896,241,98,552,339,561,55,564,279,757,514,825,124,842,464,668,222,358
## 9 547,888,333,370,221,20,834,100,555,339,721,860,557,477,430,635,230,467,290,8…
## 10 599,166,826,588,831,129,188,669,74,820,640,876,669,825,231,163,280,282,64,474
## # … with 235 more rows
Start by determining which tickets are completely invalid; these are tickets that contain values which aren’t valid for any field. Ignore your ticket for now.
Adding together all of the invalid values produces your ticket scanning error rate.
Consider the validity of the nearby tickets you scanned. What is your ticket scanning error rate?
valid_value <- function(value) {
fields %>%
rowwise() %>%
filter(between(value, from1, to1) | between(value, from2, to2)) %>%
nrow() > 0
ticket_scanning_error_rate <- function(values) {
invalid <- tibble(value = values) %>%
separate_rows(value, sep = ",", convert = T) %>%
rowwise() %>%
if (nrow(invalid) == 0) NA else sum(invalid$value)
part1 <- nearby_tickets %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(error = ticket_scanning_error_rate(values))
sum(part1$error, na.rm = TRUE)
## [1] 26026
Now that you’ve identified which tickets contain invalid values, discard those tickets entirely. Use the remaining valid tickets to determine which field is which.
valid_tickets <- part1 %>%
filter(is.na(error)) %>%
c(.$values, your_ticket)
Using the valid ranges for each field, determine what order the fields appear on the tickets. The order is consistent between all tickets: if seat is the third field, it is the third field on every ticket, including your ticket.
valid_values <- valid_tickets %>%
map(function(value) {
str_split(value, ",")
}) %>%
unlist() %>%
as.integer() %>%
matrix(nrow = length(valid_tickets), byrow = T)
We’re drowning in numbers here, let’s try and summarize them in a usable way.
# index_options[[i]] is true if this field can be column with index i in the
# valid_values list
index_options <- function(from1, to1, from2, to2) {
valid_values %>%
map_lgl(~ between(., from1, to1) | between(., from2, to2)) %>%
matrix(nrow = length(valid_tickets), byrow = F) %>%
colSums() %>%
map_lgl(~ . == length(valid_tickets))
Matrix x[i,j]
indicates if field i
can have index j
on the ticket.
x <- fields %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(index_options = list(index_options(from1, to1, from2, to2)))
x <- matrix(unlist(x$index_options), ncol = nrow(fields), byrow = T)
Now if a row has only one TRUE value, we’ve found its index on the ticket. Fill in the index, and set the row and column to false, cause we know that other fields must match other indices. Rinse and repeat.
fields$index <- NA_integer_
while (any(x)) {
row <- rowSums(x) %>%
map_lgl(~ . == 1) %>%
row <- row[[1]]
col <- which(x[row, ])
col <- col[[1]]
fields$index[row] <- col
x[row, ] <- F
x[, col] <- F
Once you work out which field is which, look for the six fields on your ticket that start with the word departure. What do you get if you multiply those six values together?
options(digits = 22)
fields %>%
filter(str_detect(field, "departure")) %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(value = as.integer(unlist(str_split(your_ticket, ","))[[index]])) %>%
ungroup() %>%
## # A tibble: 1 x 1
## `prod(value)`
## <dbl>
## 1 1305243193339
fields %>%
## # A tibble: 20 x 6
## field from1 to1 from2 to2 index
## <chr> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
## 1 zone 34 188 212 959 1
## 2 departure location 33 430 456 967 2
## 3 arrival track 28 340 349 968 3
## 4 departure station 42 864 875 957 4
## 5 price 48 922 939 951 5
## 6 arrival location 50 487 507 954 6
## 7 departure track 34 74 93 967 7
## 8 route 33 642 666 960 8
## 9 departure date 40 399 417 955 9
## 10 train 50 604 630 971 10
## 11 departure platform 42 805 821 968 11
## 12 class 49 524 543 951 12
## 13 arrival platform 42 729 751 959 13
## 14 row 39 238 255 973 14
## 15 seat 48 148 161 973 15
## 16 wagon 45 898 921 966 16
## 17 arrival station 34 693 718 956 17
## 18 type 29 299 316 952 18
## 19 duration 40 372 397 951 19
## 20 departure time 30 774 797 950 20