A Rex wrapper module for WP_CLI (Wordpress Command Line Interface)
Include it in your project meta.yaml
git: https://github.com/fccn/rcaap-rex-wp_cli-module.git
branch: main
please do a rexify --resolve-deps
after adding it
You can execute it directly from the command line (please mind to firstly include use Rex::Module::CMS::WP_CLI;
in your Rexfile):
rex -H $host Module:CMS:WP_CLI:setup
You can use it without parameters - it will use configured CMDB settings
use Rex::Module::CMS::WP_CLI;
use Rex::Module::CMS::WP_CLI::Core;
task "prepare", sub {
my $WP_CONF = get (cmdb "wp_config");
# Set default base_dir
set wp_cli => base_dir => "/var/www/website.com";
Rex::CMS::WP_CLI::Core::install({conf => $WP_CONF);
Or, you can use it as a library in your project
use Rex::Module::CMS::WP_CLI;
use Rex::Module::CMS::WP_CLI::Core;
task "prepare", sub {
# Set default base_dir
set wp_cli => base_dir => "/var/www/website.com";
Rex::CMS::WP_CLI::Core::install({conf => {
'WP_HOME' => 'http://www.acessolivre.pt',
'WP_SITEURL' => 'http://www.website.com',
'DB_NAME' => 'db_name'}, params => '--allow-root'});
In order to use this module with a WP_CLI container, you need to configure your CMDB file and add an entry like:
Rex::Module::CMS::WP_CLI::command: 'docker-compose -f /[DIR]/[docker-compose.yml] --project-directory /[DIR] run --rm [wpcli]'
Having: [DIR] as the directory where you have your working directory and or docker-compose.yml [wpcli] as your container name